Presentation of what a homeland is a conversation for preschoolers. My homeland-Russia (a conversation on a patriotic theme with children of the senior preparatory group)


Communication conversation with children "What we call Motherland"

Goal and tasks:
promote the manifestation of patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland;
to form a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to their home, city, country;
to consolidate the concepts of symbols of Russia, matryoshka.balalaika.
Activate and expand vocabulary.

Equipment: exhibition "My Motherland" (books, symbols of Russia, souvenirs, etc.), tricolor flags, music. Instruments, CD music.
Educator: Today we must answer the question “What do we call homeland?”
What do you think this word is. Yes, this is the place where you were born, but not only. The word homeland is much more than just a place of birth.
We love our homeland and sing beautiful songs about it. Listen to the song, which is called “Motherland”. What is the name of the country in which we live? ...
Let's remember the symbols of Russia? (Flag, coat of arms, anthem)
The flag is the symbol of the country.
White color - birch, Blue - sky color.
Red stripe - Morning dawn.
What is the name of the color of the flag in one word?
And now listen to the national anthem of Russia. What kind of music is this (in character?) How does it sound? How is it different from other songs? We listened to the anthem. Is this the main song of the country?
Q: Tell me what else is a symbol of Russia. What did poets write poems about, and what did composers write songs about? (Birch) Artists also admire the beauty of the Russian birch. They made many pictures about such a beautiful tree. (Picture display)
How good the birch is, Like a Russian soul!
Reading a poem by Inessa Ageeva BIRCH

White-trunked birch - Symbol of my homeland.
There is no other tree dearer to the Russian heart.

Emerald in spring, And in winter - in silver,
Waving a branch of gold All the kids in September.

Each leaf is like a heart, Admire, look.
At your dear porch, you plant a birch.
Q: And now let's get up in a round dance and sing the song "There was a birch in the field" (physical min.)
Here is such a beautiful round dance song about our birch.
Guess the riddle:
triangular board,
And it has three hairs.
hair thin,
The voice is loud.
The teacher shows the music. tool.
And what is the name of the wooden doll - also a symbol of our country. (Matryoshka)
Conquered the whole of God's world the most Russian souvenir,
And half a meter and the size of a palm, a bright doll - matryoshka.
Q: And what would we live well and calmly in our country - Russia
The native army is the defender of the country,
Arms and courage keeps us from war!
Q: So what do we call Motherland, guys? ………..That's right.
Our little homeland is also a kindergarten, a sanatorium, where you are now resting. This is your home and family: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. This is the city in which we live.
Our city ... .. (St. Petersburg) is the most beautiful and beloved and the capital of Russia is the main city ... ... .. (Moscow)

What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts.
And under the sky blue, blue
Russian flag over the Kremlin.
What do we call motherland?
The house where we live.
And birch trees, along which,
We are walking with my mother.

Tatyana Morozova
Conversation "My Motherland - Russia"

Conversation"My homeland - Russia» .

Goals: Introduce values ​​to older preschool children « Russia» , « motherland» ; to form in children ideas about the Motherland and its symbols;

Introduce the coat of arms and the flag of the country. Consolidate children's knowledge about Russia. To expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about the flora and fauna of their native land;

To educate preschoolers in an emotionally positive attitude towards their own Motherland.

To cultivate feelings of pride, love, responsibility for the native nature, respect for it.

The course of the conversation.

Conversation starts with the melody of a song "Wide is my native land" (music by I. O. Dunaevsky).

Guys, who's to say what motherland? Right, Home is a place where the person was born. What is the name of our motherland, our country?

- Russia.

In the words of the song that we listened to, our country is large, spacious, immense. Look at the map Russia, that's how much territory ours occupies Russia, It is the biggest country in the world. No state has such a large territory and such a long border. Borders Russia pass by land, and by water.

There are many different countries in the world

But there is one country:

From white ice to warm rivers

She spread out.

On the map Russia a lot of blue. These are rivers, seas and lakes. Land is depicted on the map in green, yellow, brown. Our country is very beautiful and rich. The most important city of our country is called Moscow, it is the capital Russia. (Accompany showing illustrations of the city of Moscow)

What we We call home?

The house we live in

And birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

What we We call home?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside.

What we We call home?

Everything that we keep in our hearts

And under the sky blue - blue

Flag Russia over the Kremlin.

Like all countries, Russia has its own flag. Many years, centuries ago, a pole was used instead of a flag, a bunch of grass and a horse's tail were tied to it. Troops were drawn to this flag, and therefore such flags were called banners. Then banners began to be made of fabric, most often red. And under Peter I, such a tricolor flag appeared. Draw the children's attention to the image of the flag. It is also called the tricolor. Each color has its own meaning. White color is a symbol of peace, purity, truth. The blue color symbolizes faith and fidelity. Red - energy, strength, fire and courage. The flag is a symbol of power.

Dynamic pause

Guys, each of you has zaznosvetnye stripes. I propose to lay down our national flag from stripes.

Well done, everyone did it.

Today we will get acquainted with the coat of arms of our country.

(shows picture).

A double-headed golden eagle is depicted on a red shield. This is the symbol of the state.

Look carefully at the wings of an eagle - they look like the sun's rays. Just as the sun penetrates everywhere with its rays, so the state must know everything on its territory. On the chest of the eagle is placed a red shield with the image of a rider - this is St. George the Victorious. He is on a silver horse, a blue cloak flutters behind his shoulders, in his right hand he has a silver spear with which he kills a dragon. The dragon is a symbol of evil. The image of a horseman killing a dragon means victory over evil. George the Victorious was revered as a hero and as a patron saint of warriors, defenders of the Fatherland. His image was often depicted on icons. In ancient times, grandparents used to tell their grandchildren the story of Yegoriy, the princess and the snake, which was very similar to a fairy tale.

In a certain kingdom-state, a great misfortune happened, a fierce dragon-serpent attacked him. He settled in a dark cave on the seashore. He burned the earth with fire, destroyed houses. The inhabitants of that kingdom-state prayed. The serpent demanded that every day he be fed his fill with fresh meat. But the monster was gluttonous and soon no one had any sheep, cows or goats left - the snake ate everything. Then he ordered the serpent to bring a man to him every day to be eaten. They cast lots, and it fell to the king's daughter to go. They brought her to the seashore and left her there. At this time, Yegoriy the Brave was passing by on a good horse. He could not leave the princess in trouble, fought with the serpent and defeated him.

In the right paw of the eagle is a scepter, in the left - orb. (Show). These are symbols of power, government. Scepter, wand - a short stick, decorated with carvings, gold and precious stones. He "indicates" And "shows" what needs to be done to make the state strong and rich.

Coat of arms Russia symbolizes beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil.

So, let's summarize a little.

Flag Russia, coat of arms Russia - what is it?

Flag Russia, coat of arms Russia These are the state symbols of our country.


In our country the mountains are high (Stand on tiptoes, stretch your arms up)

The rivers are deep (Lean down, reach the floor with your hands)

The steppes are wide (spread arms wide)

The forests are big (Show arms girth)

And we are guys like this (thumb sign okay)

And now we will get acquainted with one more character Russia. This is the anthem.

The anthem is the most important music in our country, it is a solemn song about our country, about how much we love it. When the anthem plays Russia, then you need to get up and listen to him standing and silently. This is how we show respect for our country.

The anthem always sounds at solemn events, various competitions.

Let's listen to one verse of the anthem Russia.

(the anthem sounds, everyone listens standing)

Take your seats.

Russia- a mighty and majestic country. Throughout its territory, forests, fields, mountains, plains stretch, many rivers flow, which flow into lakes and seas. Our state is so vast that when night falls in one part of it, day begins in another, snow falls in one part, and the sun shines in another. We live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. And we are with you, citizens Russia - Russians! Russia- It is the biggest country in the world! Thirteen seas and two oceans wash Russia. Mighty rivers carry their waters to the seas and oceans. IN Russia more than a thousand cities, many villages, villages. Our country is rich in oil, gas and timber.

At the conclusion of our conversations I suggest you listen to a poem by N. L. Zabila, which talks about how great our motherland, it is also said in the poem by N. L. Scored:

How big is my land!

How wide are the spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields

Forests, and steppe, and mountains!

My land is spread

From north to south.

When spring is in one region

In another snow and blizzard.

Outcome conversations.

What is the name of our country?

Which city is the capital Russia?

Guys, what symbols of the country did you meet.

What colors does our national flag have and in what order are they arranged?

What is the name of the solemn song of the country.

What is depicted on the state emblem and what does it mean.


  • to consolidate the knowledge of pupils about the state symbols of Russia, about the rights and obligations of young citizens in society;
  • develop oral conversational speech, monitor pronunciation;
  • develop interest in the history of Russia;
  • cultivate a sense of pride in their country.

Equipment: a map of Russia, pictures, cards, photographs of prokopchan heroes, a film about the war, audio recordings of songs.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

What is your mood?

a) Hardware setup. *Names.

b) Phonetic charging *Installation

a _ o _ y _ that to that constitution ra ro ru Russia, Rus

Constitution - ... (basic law)

Our Motherland - ... (Russia)

Add, put spelling marks.

The result of f.z.

II. Lesson topic message.

*Settings for activity.

What do we call motherland?

Student. The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.

Where do you live, …?

Ask … where does he/she live? (Organization of the dialogue)

What city do you study in?

Student. In the city of Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region. (Work on the map)

Home is the place where you live with your parents and friends. Each person has a city or village where he was born, lived and studied. This is his little home. Our common, great homeland consists of many such small corners.

What is the name of our country?

Student. Our Motherland is Russia. The capital of Russia is the city of Moscow (work on the map)

So, the topic of our lesson is “Our Motherland - Russia”

III. Conversation.

1. State symbols, rights and obligations of young citizens.

What do we call motherland?

Student. Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

The constitution says that we must respect the state symbols of the country.

D / and “State symbols”

Student. White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky
The red stripe is a sunny dawn. (About the flag)

Student. Russia has a majestic
Double-headed eagle on the coat of arms
To the west and east
He could look right away. (About the coat of arms)

What else do you know about the constitution?

Student. The Constitution is the basic law of the state, which contains the rights and obligations of citizens.

Guys, and children, as citizens of Russia, what rights do they have?

Children create a stand "Children's Rights"

Now remember what responsibilities students have.

Children create a stand "Duties of schoolchildren"

2. Holidays in Russia.

What do we call motherland?

Student. A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.

D / and “Holidays of Russia”

3. Physical Minute. (Music “My Motherland”)

4. Russia is a multinational state.

Russia is the largest state in the world. All citizens living in Russia are Russians according to the Constitution. More than 180 nationalities live on the territory of our country. And they all make up a single and friendly family. There is a proverb:

When the people are united, they are invincible (choral reading)

Poems (read by children)

Different peoples have been living in Russia for a long time.
One likes the taiga, the other - the steppe expanse.
Each nation has its own language and attire.
One wears a Circassian, the other put on a robe.

D / and “Russia is a multinational state”

5. Heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Many trials have befallen the lot of the Russian people. One of them is the Great Patriotic War.

When did WWII start?

When did the war end?

Name the heroes - prokopchan.

Students. Azarov Evgeny, Dyuzhev Mikhail, Chechenev Mikhail, Shelomtsev Nikolai, Gnedin Viktor, Chernov Grigory, Zonov Panteley, Schulz Mikhail, Maltsev Mikhail, Shishkin Mikhail, Ulanin Dmitry, Buslov Fedor, Selivanov Evgraf, Kolpakov Petr, Chernykh Ivan, Martekhov Vasily.

Poems (read by children)

How many children have their childhood returned
Gave joy and spring
Ordinary army of the Soviet,
The people who won the war.
The bright memory of them is alive,
And we will always remember the dead.
All heroes honor, honor, praise.
We remember the dead standing.

Music, a film about the war, all stand to honor the memory of the dead.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Poem (read by student)

One loves autumn, the other loves spring.
And we all have one Motherland, Russia.

I wish you to grow up as real citizens who know and respect the history of their country, its national characteristics. And so that you are proud of your Motherland - Russia.

Gifts for children (notebooks “I am proud of Russia”)

- *What did we do?

How do you think, how did you talk today, how did you work?

Evaluation of the activities and speech of pupils.


1. E.N. Stepanov “Planning educational work in the classroom”, Moscow, 2002

2. I.V. Koltunenko “Development of speech of deaf schoolchildren”, Moscow, 1980

3. V.A.Stepanov “Our Motherland – Russia”, Smolensk, 2008

    Diagnostic technique includes a set of methods aimed at identifying the peculiarities of children's ideas about their native country and the nature of their attitude towards it, developing in children of older preschool age an interest in past and present events, the desire to do something useful for their region, city, country.

    The methodology includes a set of diagnostic methods: conversation with children, analysis of children's drawings, experimental situation "Choose a book", observation of children's activities in the development center "My Motherland", analysis of children's questions about their native country.

  1. Conversation with children on the topic "My Motherland"

  2. Target- identifying the features of the ideas of older preschoolers about their native country and attitudes towards it.

    Materials: images of coats of arms and flags of different countries. Organization of the diagnostic procedure.

    The discussion is held on:

    What is the name of the city where you live?

    What is the name of the country where you live?

    Choose from the proposed coat of arms, the flag of your country.

    What cities of our country have you been to?

    What cities have you heard about?

    If a friend came from another country, what could you tell him about your country?

    Tell us what you know about the history of your country. (How did people live in it before?) How did you know that?

    What could you do (together with friends, parents) to make your city better?

    Do you think you love your country? Why do you think so?

    If you had a magic wand and could only grant "big* wishes - for the whole country, for the whole city - what three wishes would you make?

    Analysis of children's drawings on the theme "My Motherland"

    Purpose of diagnosis- to clarify children's ideas about their native country, to identify what children of older preschool age invest in understanding the word "Motherland", what feelings it evokes in preschoolers.


    Children are offered the task: "Draw your homeland the way you imagine it." For the purity of the experimental data, a preliminary discussion on this topic is not carried out.

    The analysis of children's work is carried out according to the following criteria: the content of the drawing; ^ its location on the sheet;

    ^ colors used by children in the process of drawing; ^ comments on the drawings and questions that the children had.

    The analysis of drawings is carried out according to their content and parameters common to all drawing diagnostics.

  3. Diagnostic situation "Choose a book"

  4. Purpose of diagnosis- to determine the manifestation of interest in the peculiarities of their country, the desire to learn more about it. Methodology.

    Children are invited to choose from five different in content, but equally attractive in design books, for example:

    My First Animal Book: A non-fiction book for children. - M.: "Rossmen-press", 2004.

    My first book about a man: a popular science edition for children. - M.: "Rossmen-press", 2004.

    My First Art Book: A non-fiction book for children. - M.: "Rossmen-press", 2004.

    My First Technology Book: A Popular Science Edition for Children. - M.: "Rossmen-press", 2004.

    Cities of Russia. Series "History of Russia". - M.: "White City", 2005.


    The experimenter says to the child: "Choose the most interesting book for you out of five, then out of the remaining four, out of three and out of two, and answer why you choose this book."

    The protocol records the position of each book in the sample.

    This technique will allow you to determine which book is most often chosen by children, what is the reason for their choice: attractive appearance, interesting content of the book, the presence of interest in this particular field of knowledge. An analysis of children's choices will make it possible to determine whether children show interest in getting to know the peculiarities of their country.

  5. Monitoring the activities of children in the development center "My Motherland"

  6. IN development centers of senior groups of the kindergarten presented materials on the topic "We live in Russia." These can be: books about the city and the country, albums with photographs of the sights of our country, handicrafts, folk toys, dolls in national costumes, a variety of board games (puzzles, liners, cubes, desktop designers "Our City"), albums for coloring .

    During the observation: ^ how often children turn to the benefits of the development center; ^ what benefits are most interesting for children; ^ Do children seek clarifications, additions to the teacher; ^ whether the materials presented in the center contribute to the emergence of conversations, games on the topics of the native country; ^ how the educator uses the materials of the center in joint activities.

    To study the manifestation of interest of older preschoolers in different aspects of the life of their native country, it is advisable to analyze the questions about the country that children ask in everyday life.

  7. Analysis of children's questions

  8. In the course of diagnostics, it is important to analyze the questions that children of older preschool age ask about history, modernity, O different aspects of life (social, economic, about the environment, about a possible future).

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