"The President of France shook my hand and said I played well." Joking is his profession "The President of France shook my hand and said that I played well"


"The President of France shook my hand and said I played well." The story of the funniest sports prankster in the world - Frenchman Remy Gaillard

Frenchman Rémy Gaillard was a failed football player and worked as a shoe salesman. Now he is the funniest prankster in the world of sports.

Frenchman Rémy Gaillard was a failed football player and worked as a shoe salesman. Now he is the funniest prankster in the world of sports.

Just running out onto the field during a match, running away from the stewards and the police, it's so boring. Frenchman Rémi Gaillard took this "art" to a whole new level.

It was in 2002 at the final of the French Cup "Bastia" - "Lorient", when Remy Gaillard came up with such an incredible trick that he became famous throughout France.

Lorient won the final 1-0 and look what happened when the players went to the stands to receive the Cup.

Rémy Gaillard, wearing a Lorient shirt, wormed his way into the row of players and received the Cup along with the rest. Nobody noticed him. French President Jacques Chirac even shook his hand and told him: "You played well!"

Remy didn't stop there. He ran onto the field and continued to celebrate with the cup along with the winners. Even the players did not recognize him, not to mention the security guards. “And this despite the fact that I was wearing an old Lorient shirt, without a number, surname and even without a sponsor,” Gaillard boasted. His embrace is the captain of the team. He even gave an interview to one television channel on the edge, in which he said: "I'm ready for the French national team, coach, you see me, I'm free!"

He fooled the journalists and even the fans. After the celebrations, he signed a few autographs...

“It was dumb when I approached the president,” Gaillard recalls. There are so many guards around him. I knew that if something went wrong, I would be in big trouble. But I relaxed as soon as Chirac extended his hand to me.


This trick made Remy incredibly famous. But this did not prevent him from repeating the trick at the French volleyball match. He managed to go to the site with the team and sing the Marseillaise loudly into the camera.

I must say that Remy was almost the only volleyball player who sang the anthem. And no one was embarrassed that Remy was much shorter than his "teammates". The shirt was different too. But just before the start of the game, he was still figured out.


And here is an earlier prank by Remy Gaillard - he still managed to penetrate the tennis court and amuse the audience.


But running out to sporting events has become increasingly difficult. Dai is boring to do the same thing. Therefore, Gaillard began to have fun on the streets of the city. This is one of his most popular video sketches - Decathlon.


And here Gaillard plays the role of the Romanian gymnast Dorinela Komivotsi, who performs gymnastic stunts in transport and at the station.

football tricks

Of course, to do this, you need serious sports training. Rémi Gaillard was really into sports and played in an amateur football team in a small town near Montpellier. Remy did not achieve success in football. But he knows an incredible amount of football tricks.

He became so famous that he was even invited to compete in football tricks with Ronaldo.

Now Rémy Gaillard is one of the most popular comedians in France. His YouTube channel is in the top 20 most viewed in France. But before he started doing pranks, he was an ordinary loser. He did not turn out to be a professional football player; Remy worked in a shoe store.

“And then they cut me off. I have a lot of free time. And I began to do what I like most of all - to come up with practical jokes.

And he continues to play tricks on the inhabitants of Montpellier with sports pranks.


Formula 1



Tour de France

But Remy gained the greatest fame in the world for his unsportsmanlike pranks. His favorite subject is scaring people in animal costumes. The most viewed video on Gaillard's channel is "Kangaroo" with 65 million views.





A reasonable question is how Gaillard comes up with all this. “Remy, be honest, do you use?” the Frenchman was once asked in an interview. "What do you! Never tried drugs. And I don't drink alcohol. Before pranks, I only drink a carton of orange juice. For courage.

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The magician threw me a link here to a video by Remi Gaillard in which he catches some dude in an underground garage and tries to explain to him that he brought his drugs, as a result, the dude quickly flees. Actually, this is Remy himself, a rather well-known dude on the Internet, who wets all sorts of tear-off, but at the same time wildly provocative, actions in his native Montpellier and puts it all on yatupa. Everything would be fine if this comrade did not attract random passers-by as victims, because some of his pranks are very, very nasty, and in the vastness of our native Russia, I think such a comrade would have broken a jug long ago, or at best would have broken that thread. But the French people are calm, after all, Europeans after all, so Remy Gaillard continues to anger and provoke ordinary people with his impudent jokes, either arranging an American landing in Normandy, or copying Rocky, or raiding the zoo.

Although, nevertheless, judging by the sewn-altered mug, he periodically gets nuts, and not weakly. Actually, Remi Gaillard became famous when, at the 2002 French Championship, he climbed onto the field at the moment the French champions were celebrating their victory (their name had long since sunk into oblivion, but his trick remained in the minds), and, speaking like a kind of uninvited guest at a wedding, where everyone considers him a relative on the other side, was able to get into all the photos and frames from the championship, standing next to the team captains, holding the cup together with the players, lying around the field, so even at the awarding of medals Chirac himself shook hand to him and thanked him for a good game. And at the same time, no one was able to blurt out a completely left-handed comb, so Remy Gaillard even managed to give out a certain number of autographs for fans for this business, signing his slogan that accompanies every Remy Gaillard video - “C'est en faisant n'importe quoi qu'on devient n'importe qui" which can be translated as "doing ridiculous things, you yourself become ridiculous". But the funniest thing was that his uniform was different from the uniforms of the players, representing the already abolished form of the team.

Actually below is a selection of his videos in which he comes off as best he can. I did not begin to cite his bully antics, but I post the most funny ones in my opinion. By the way, it’s not entirely clear to me why Remy Gaillard didn’t sit for some time, because his tricks against the police, IMHO, draw almost an attack on a person in the line of duty.

Some time ago, on his blog, Bocharik posted just a link to a sort of mix of Remy Gaillard's antics, so I'll start with this medley of idiotic antics.

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This compilation tells about the sporting successes of Remi Gaillard

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This is exactly the video that threw off me mag-tut Remi Gaillard ala mafia asks a passer-by that supposedly he brought him his goods, in fact, where are the money?

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In this video, Remi Gaillard and his associates arrange a Grand Prix race through the streets of his native Montpellier

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This trick is quite controversial because it looks more like an anarchist mayhem from Remi Gaillard, and it's strange that the Spaniards did not call the dude the cops

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A funny video where Remy Gaillard depicts a hockey player constantly crashing into all the glass partitions. Most of all, the videos pleased the two Papuans at the very end.

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This is just one of the classic antics of Remy Gaillard, where he stalks or trolls, I don’t even know how to correctly, some kind of Mister Univers bodybuilding contest, which, fortunately for him, turn out to be very soft guys.

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Funny video about organ transplant

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Another classic example of Rémy Gaillard's activity, where he brings up the theme of the return of Rocky, walking on the very edge, not far from reliable and strong cradles.

Rémi Gaillard is a French comedian and prankster who gained incredible popularity thanks to short videos on the popular YouTube video service in which Rémi plays pranks and jokes on the most incredible scale. So, at the very beginning of his career, he simply joked with passers-by and random oncoming people, but over time he took it seriously: for example, in one of the episodes he introduced himself as a player of the Lorient football club, entered the field, took part in a group photos of the club after winning the Coupe de France, raised the coveted cup over his head and even shook hands with French President Jacques Chirac. Subsequently, Gaillard often switched to a football theme; for example, in one of the videos he dared to challenge - and defeat - the famous Brazilian Ronaldo (Ronaldo) in a match for the best shot. To date, Rémy Gaillard is ranked 17th in the list of comedians on the YouTube service.

Remy Gaillard was born on February 7, 1975 in Montpellier, France (Montpellier, France). From the very beginning, life did not bode well for Remy: he did not particularly like school and spent more time with friends on the street. He even managed to lose his job at a shoe store when he stole a pair of Nikes. Left with almost no money, however, he was not upset: on the contrary, armed with a camera and a list of ideas for jokes, he went outside. In his first jokes, Gaillard often dressed up in animal costumes and frightened passers-by with his behavior, but over time his sense of humor began to change, and in new videos he was more likely to challenge social norms and foundations. So, for example, he appeared on the street in a toy car from the computer game "Mario Kart".

He was most popular for more global jokes, during which he penetrated various sporting events and took part, introducing himself as a player. After successfully penetrating the field during the final match of the French Cup, Remy made several more appearances at important events: for example, he tried to play for one of the teams in the final of the French Cup in volleyball, and also made an attempt to play in one of the matches of the tennis tournament. Interestingly, each time Remy managed to sneak into the field and stay there for several minutes before the security guards took him outside.

Despite the fact that most of Rémy Gaillard's jokes are somehow related to sports, he often appeared on the streets of French cities dressed as superheroes or villains. For example, in one of the videos, he appeared on the streets dressed as Batman.

In total, his videos have been viewed over 1.4 billion times, with his most popular "Mario Kart" having over 60 million views. Remy released his first feature film "N" importe qui" in March 2014. He also appeared in the hit documentary "The Antics Roadshow" produced by Banksy.

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