- Causes of capriciousness. Everyday causes of bad mood

Didn't you have a very good day? Is something going wrong in your life?! Are you tired and overwhelmed?! With everyone there are moments that unsettle us and we lose interest in everything. The feeling of apathy gradually worsens our mood, increasing nervousness, anxiety and emotional instability. Naturally, one cannot remain in this state for a long time. You can change the situation by raising your mood. This must be done as quickly as possible. And today in the article we will talk about all the ways to improve mood.

26 ways to cheer yourself up at home or at work

There are 26 most effective ways to cheer yourself up. They should be used not only on bad days, but also on good ones, in order to prevent such situations.
  1. Listen to loud music. Music is one of the best ways to cheer yourself up, whether it's danceable or not. It is desirable that she be with words, and you can sing along with her (which also matters). You can listen to music both in headphones (at work) and at home on ordinary speakers, but turn them on to the maximum.

  2. Dance. As if continuing the previous paragraph - we advise you to dance to the music. It doesn't matter if you know how to do it or not. The main thing is to move actively and do it with pleasure. Yes, unfortunately, you can’t do this at work, but at home it’s a great place. In addition, you can dance (although, probably, you even need to) at a disco in a club where there are a lot of people and it will be much more pleasant and more fun to move to the beat of the music.

  3. Smile to spite everything. No matter how bad it is for you, learn to smile and not lose the smile on your face. Treat problems and troubles more simply and with irony. For example, for another failure, say: “But I will gain experience for the future!”. Smiling will help you pay less negative attention to the situation.

  4. Put things in order. When we are in a bad mood, a lot of things annoy us. First of all, this is a mess and things that are not in their places. Therefore, start by putting things in order at your workplace or at home. When everything is neatly folded and in the right place, it will feel like a stone will fall from your soul, and you will be able to breathe deeply. The mood will at least not worsen.

  5. Take care of household chores. If you are at home, it is home chores that help relieve stress - cleaning the apartment, cooking, washing bed linen and clothes, and the like. Firstly, these are physical exercises that distract from bad thoughts, and secondly, you have to be distracted from a sore subject, thinking about other things (products, volumes, household tasks, etc.). Thus, you are not only distracted from problems, but also doing useful things, which cannot but rejoice.

  6. Set yourself up for a successful alignment of events. Mentally try to say to yourself that everything will be fine and wonderful for you. Go to any meeting or even work with the confidence that only good news awaits you there. From such an attitude, your mood will rise and any problems that have arisen will not be able to upset.

  7. Feel free to talk about the sore. When you are in a bad mood, you should definitely express everything that is sore to a friend or close relative who will understand and support you. You will see for yourself when you speak out - it will immediately become easier on your soul and your mood will stop falling and you will even want to smile.

  8. Go in for sports. Combine a pleasant activity with a useful one. Physical activity significantly improves mood - this has been proven more than once by scientists in many countries. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, go to the gym and work out from the heart there. Of course, you should not load yourself heavily, but you will have to sweat. You can also do exercises at home, however, from the personal experience of journalists on the site, we can say that classes at home are much more sluggish and not as intense (and therefore not as productive) as in the gym.

  9. Play games. Any games (computer, board, card, sports and intellectual) can get a guy or a girl out of a bad mood. They noticeably distract from problems and have a lot of fun, it is preferable to do this in a company.

  10. Watch movies or series. Choose from this year's funniest comedies and quickly organize movie screenings with friends and popcorn. It doesn't matter if you go to the cinema or stay at home to watch. The main thing is that the films were chosen interesting and funny.

  11. Take on a new business. Nothing is more exciting than a new activity. Think about what you always dreamed of doing, however, constantly put off. Create your site? Make a beautiful family budget? Read a book? Learn to knit? Juggle? It doesn't matter what! The main thing is to do something new!

  12. Visit an old friend. You can get a positive charge by visiting an old friend, and not just by calling him by phone or sending a letter by mail or ICQ, but by coming to him. There will be a sea of ​​smiles, new stories and old memories.

  13. Promise yourself that next time you will be prepared for a similar failure. If the problem haunts you, then in order to forget about it, think again and promise with an oath that next time you will be ready to fight back a bad mood, and also take a vow to avoid this. Promises will help you quickly forget about failure and improve your mood faster.

  14. Treat yourself to delicious treats. Be sure to buy for yourself some goodies that you haven’t eaten for a long time - a can of ice cream, a portion of barbecue, a huge pizza, a delicious cake, a kilogram of expensive sweets, a pack of chips. In general, everything that only the soul desires.

  15. Do a good deed. You cannot imagine how a good deed can raise your mood, self-esteem and change your attitude towards yourself. Give alms in large bills. Help an elderly person cross the road or go up to the floor. Transfer some of the accumulated money to the orphanage. Repair the fence in the front garden. Offer to help a neighbor. Try it!

  16. Think of the happiest moment in your life that has ever been or will be. Reminiscing about the past (pleasant ones) or imagining future moments (weddings, buying new clothes, equipment, etc.) also helps very well.

  17. Take a contrast shower. A contrast shower helps to relieve stress - first you should pour hot water, then cold. Repeat the procedure several times. Such a shower relieves emotional instability, and is also very beneficial for health (for both women and men).

  18. Take a walk. Walking in the fresh air raises the tone, improves physical and mental well-being. The environment of people, the noise of cars or the sounds of the forest will also pacify your mood and attitude to problems.

  19. Share the problem in your diary or blog. If you have a personal diary in which you share your emotions, moods and life situations, then this is very good. Try to write in it all the feelings that are now in your soul. Lay it all out. Describe the current situation. Draw your own conclusions. The posted thoughts are much easier to understand and this “procedure” also improves your mood, since you yourself will give yourself the right advice and take a sober look at what is happening.

  20. Make a list of 100 things that make you happy. Often in a bad mood, we do not notice elementary things and people who bring us sincere joy and happiness. But there are a lot of them (husband, wife, mom, dad, dog, delicious ice cream, whatever). Write there all the factors that you can think of that bring at least a little joy. You will be surprised when you make a list of how many good things you have in life.

  21. Look at old photos of your family. Recall good moments from the past will help old photos from your childhood, youth, or even photos taken a few years ago on vacation or at a birthday party.

  22. Shout into your pillow. There is no strength to restrain emotions, then try to take a slightly crazy step - shout loudly into the pillow (so that none of the neighbors hears). Or it can be done somewhere on the field away from people. It helps a lot to relieve stress.

  23. Be constantly busy. If you are constantly passionate about something, then you simply won’t have time to delve into yourself, so the best way to forget about your mood is to immerse yourself in work or a business that literally absorbs you for hours (for example, reading books) .

  24. Call your friends. If it is not possible to talk with a friend (he lives far away or you are now at work and cannot come to him), then just call. Chat about your and his affairs. Tell your problem, listen to his advice. Talk about joint plans (when you meet, where you will go, what you will do, etc.). Find out how he is doing and be sure to listen. Perhaps something good will tell you. After communication, the soul will become very calm and pleasant.

  25. Put all your work away and go to sleep. Remember, we were taught from childhood: “Sleep is the best medicine!”. So it is, sound and healthy sleep is capable of much. Including cheer up (after a long sleep). Work on this day should be postponed if you understand that you cannot control yourself, otherwise you will make mistakes.

  26. Sometimes it's worth crying - this is the best emotional discharge. If a lump comes to your throat, and you understand that you are no longer able to restrain yourself, cry. This is very useful, otherwise the whole “emotional stone” will be deposited in your soul and it will be very difficult to deal with it later.

What not to do when trying to cheer yourself up:

  • Eat a lot. After all, you don’t need a problem with excess weight and diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract ?!

  • Take alcohol, and even more so do not try drugs. They are only able to “disconnect” you from the world for a while, but addiction and a large dose are VERY dangerous to health (up to death).

  • Trying to spoil the mood of others. In a bad mood, you want to ruin everyone's life so that everyone feels this pain. Do not do this!

  • Shut yourself in and not pay any attention to the problem. To create the appearance of a normal state, and in the soul and in the absence of people, literally dying from one's misfortune is not the surest option.

  • No need to plan for revenge. Revenge does not paint a person, but only makes him lower in society.

  • You don't have to do something you'll regret later. Before you do anything, think five times if you would have done it in a good mood!

That's all the tips that can cheer you up in a short time, and some of them you can use both at home and at work. The main thing is not to lose heart and do not lose heart. Everything will be fine!

Emotional mood is an integral part of the life of any person. But often there are days when nothing pleases, negative thoughts overcome. Protracted depressed mood can lead to the development of depression. Therefore, each person should have an idea of ​​​​how to cheer up and get rid of negativity.

Reasons for bad mood

There are many reasons that can spoil the mood. In addition, the same events affect each individual differently. However, among the most common are the following:

  • The opinion of the inner circle. The emotional background of each person is directly dependent on those people who are nearby. And this is not accidental, because it is very important for each of us what relatives and friends think, and if this opinion differs from what we expect to hear, then the mood will be spoiled.
  • A calm and peaceful environment is very important for a person. Any conflict can lead to the fact that the emotional state will worsen.
  • The mood can deteriorate due to the expectation of trouble. A person worries, is in a state of tension, which he cannot cope with. Such manifestations are fraught with deterioration of the emotional background.
  • Financial problems are also often the cause of mental oppression.
  • If our desires diverge from the possibilities, there is disappointment and a decline in the emotional state.
  • Poor sleep can also be the cause of a negative mood. If such a problem in a person's life is not uncommon, then depression is not far away.
  • Monotonous work or the need to do something that you don’t like usually leads to negative emotions and a sense of hopelessness.

Having an idea of ​​what resulted in a negative emotional state, you can find out how to quickly cheer up when it is at zero.

Express methods of correcting the situation

Interested in learning how to cheer yourself up in 5 minutes? Use proven methods that will take a little time.

  • Watch a good comedy movie or TV show.
  • Listen to your favorite upbeat music.
  • Read jokes.
  • Take a contrast shower, wash your hair.
  • Get busy doing good deeds.
  • Just take a walk outside. Communication with nature works wonders.

The most effective ways to cheer up

According to psychologists, the mood of each person is determined by the peculiarities of thinking. You need to look at the world around you with optimism, and simply ignore all the negative aspects. Only the person himself is able to create for himself such conditions under which he will feel happy.

Let's learn how to cheer yourself up when things are bad. Among the most effective ways, it is worth noting the following points:

  1. Conversation. If negative emotions overcome, then you do not need to stay at home alone with bad thoughts, this will only aggravate the situation. You need to talk, talk to someone close to you. This method will definitely help.
  2. Tears help someone get rid of sadness and negativity. You just need to cry.
  3. Every person has a creative beginning. You need to find what works best for you. Draw a picture, compose a poem, prepare a culinary masterpiece - such activities will help shift attention and bring real pleasure.
  4. Change. Anguish in the soul can be relieved by making changes in your appearance. Perhaps you should change your hairstyle, shade your hair a little, experiment with clothes. By the way, this advice is good not only for women, but also for men.
  5. To cheer yourself up, you can go to the gym or swimming pool. Physical activity well "unload" the brain.
  6. Relaxing treatments will also help keep yourself in good shape. Yoga classes are suitable, giving calmness and confidence.
  7. A ten-minute meditation can restore peace of mind.
  8. Putting your house in order is a good way to put your thoughts in order and get rid of a bad emotional state. Try to throw out the rubbish from the house, rearrange the furniture, put things in order.
  9. Music and dancing will help to cheer everyone up. You need to choose a cheerful melody and dance.
  10. Delicious sweets will cheer you up very quickly. Such delicacies contribute to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. It is useful to eat bananas, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, dried fruits, honey. Having pampered yourself with these products, you yourself will not notice how the energy will begin to bubble up.
  11. Smile. Psychologists recommend using the “stretched smile” method in case of a bad emotional mood. You need to stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. Let it be unnatural at first, but then the appropriate signals will begin to enter the brain, and the mood will become noticeably better.
  12. Do good deeds and charity. By helping others, you will be able to prioritize, distract from gloomy thoughts, and feel like a useful and meaningful person.
  13. Playing with pets cannot but charge with positive. Pet a cat that lives at home, play with a dog, and you will quietly cheer yourself up. If there are no pets, then you can go to the forest or park and watch animals and birds in their natural environment. We bet you will make a lot of discoveries!
  14. A contrast shower is a method that works flawlessly. Hot and cold water is a kind of beneficial stress for the body. After the procedure, you will immediately feel refreshed and full of energy.
  15. Expose your face to the sun whenever possible - even in autumn or winter. The fact is that the lack of ultraviolet radiation can have a depressing effect on the human psyche. When warm days come, be sure to get out into nature.

Creating a positive emotional mood is a work that will surely pay off with good health, vigor and mental balance. There are many ways to improve your mood. Everyone can find something suitable for themselves. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then the world around will become brighter and kinder.

It happens that things do not go well in the morning, or for some reason the mood deteriorates at the moment. And there is still plenty of time until evening. Do not waste the rest of the day, so it is better to try to correct the situation. If the case itself cannot be replayed, it is necessary to work with the mood. After all, the essence is not in the causes themselves, but in human perception. if everything is bad or seems so?

Let's figure out the problem

First, you should stop the moment and comprehend the cause of apathy. Maybe you really feel bad, but another thing is when you want to draw attention to yourself, so that someone will take pity and console you. In any case, you need to let yourself know that life is already fleeting. Instead of despondency, it is better to devote time to what is at least pleasant. And how many useful things you can afford if you stop whining. However, if you still decide to yearn, then this should be done at least with taste. For example, it’s good to be sad to the music, especially your favorite. Suddenly inspiration will come, despondency will be replaced by the muse of creativity?

Choosing the right direction

Secondly, you need to wean yourself from a bad mood. Yes it is possible. That's what everyone does. Just every time you get discouraged, force yourself to do something that will drive bad thoughts away. If you take a book and read every time you are in a bad mood, then either sadness will come less and less, or you will become a very well-read person. Feeling angry, you can deal with indignation by physical exercises. It's nice to imagine how fit the body will become. In any case, there is a benefit - this is a fact.


How to cheer yourself up at home when you are alone or quarreled with a loved one? You need to understand that time will pass and everything will definitely work out. When you get lonely, you can call friends or parents. Mental communication provides indispensable support in difficult moments. You can call guests and spend a pleasant evening together. Or go to visit someone close to you. It's good for you, it's good for them. The specific options depend on the situation. However, proven ways to raise still exist. Let's look at them now.

Turn up the music louder by choosing the songs you like

Under your favorite song, you can do a lot of useful things at the same time. Make time for yourself, take care of your appearance. You can apply a mask on your face, close your eyes and turn on pleasant music, and at the end of the procedure, drink a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. By the way, these drinks have a tonic effect, which improves mood.

Draw without thinking

Just take a sheet of paper, a pencil and move your hand. It relaxes, helps to calm the nervous system. And if you use multi-colored pencils or pens, then color therapy will also be connected. Forget about problems, immerse yourself in the process, like a child. Remember your childhood and enjoy the moment.


Dancing is a win-win option for raising your spirits at home or outside.

Give your body freedom to move without thinking about how it looks from the outside - just dance. A charge of positive energy will certainly force out a bad mood and gloomy thoughts. A good solution is to go dancing with friends. It could be a disco or a salsa evening. Skills and abilities do not matter. Your goal is to get a positive charge from the process.


When everything seems to be bad, the first thing that will annoy you is scattered things at home or documents on your desktop. Turn on the music, tune in decisively and start cleaning. At the same time, get rid of the excess, clear the space for new things and positive energy in the house. How to cheer yourself up at work? Music, probably, will not be entirely appropriate, but it will not hurt to sort out a pile of papers and empty the drawers of documents. As a result, observing the order, you will feel that your mood has really improved, it has become much easier on your soul.



The mood of a person is also related to the time of year and weather conditions. How to cheer yourself up in the fall, when it is pouring rain outside the window, and the leaves are sadly falling from the trees? Put on rubber boots, take an umbrella, a thermos of tea and go for a walk. Pay attention to how beautiful nature is at this time of the year, what rich colors, and the air is fresh, humid, spicy. Breathe deeply, focus on your feelings, forget about an unpleasant day or incident. Now it is important to teach yourself to enjoy the moment, the nature around, the sounds of rain. Look how beautiful life is, there is no place for a bad mood in it.

Solarium and healthy products

Often in the autumn-winter period, people are tormented by chronic apathy or even a depressive state. This is due to the fact that sunny days are becoming much less. How to cheer yourself up if you are depressed? You can go to the solarium - this will give a dose of ultraviolet light, which is enough to cheer you up. It is necessary to walk more often in the fresh air, and even better - to jog.

Of the products, dark chocolate is considered a proven remedy for depression. However, citrus fruits have the same property. If at least every other day you drink a glass of orange juice, it will not only cheer you up, but also strengthen the immune system. Increase the content of bananas. It is enough to eat one a day - in addition to vitamins, this will provide the body with a good mood.

Winter fun

In winter, you can perfectly cheer yourself up by skating or skiing, depending on the possibilities. Or maybe sleds? Remember how fun it was to slide down the ice slide as a child. Why would in adulthood the same methods? Go to the skating rink by yourself, with children, friends, relatives. This is a great opportunity to have fun and forget about the severity of pressing problems. Frosty blush and positive you are guaranteed.

Sweet drinks

There is a category of people who "get up on the wrong foot." And so almost every day. The reason for a bad mood or even well-being in the morning is a lack of glucose. The first step is to go to the kitchen. A great way to cheer yourself up in the morning is to drink a cup of fragrant freshly brewed sweet coffee. A glass of fruit juice also helps. The body is immediately filled with a charge of vivacity, and a nutritious breakfast will provide energy for the whole day. Great to start the morning with your favorite product.

Physical exercise

Charging is another proven way to cheer yourself up if everything is bad. It's easiest to do this at home. But at work, if you wish, you can perform a few simple exercises. The blood circulation of the body will improve, the influx of forces will be felt almost instantly. Physical activity increases the level of the hormone of happiness in the blood, so it is worth devoting more time to this beneficial activity. According to statistics, people who visit the gym at least three times a week are more stress-resistant and cheerful. The reason lies in the production of the hormone of happiness during muscle work.


How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad? Look the truth in the eye. There are situations when the cause of a bad mood is melancholy. Then you should figure it out - do you miss the person, the event, the past time? In the first option, you can call or meet with a person. If it so happens that the one you yearn for has died, then remember the most beautiful moments that bind you. The people who left our world would only be glad that you are happy and that you are doing well. Mentally send a ray of light and love to a person, you will immediately feel better. If you are in a quarrel, determine what is more important for you - to prove your case or to be with a person next to you. Depending on this, act. Perhaps there will be no other chance to take the first step.

Sometimes the question of how to cheer yourself up if everything is bad interests a person who is accompanied by a losing streak. In this case, everything should be arranged in order. First you need to find out the reasons for the failures. These are personal mistakes or inability to navigate in the circumstances. Take responsibility, give yourself the attitude that you are the only person influencing the situation. Then you will feel an influx of new forces, and you will certainly be able to cope with the most seemingly unsolvable problems. And, by the way, it is better to remove this word from the lexicon for good. Tell yourself otherwise - there are no problems, there are tasks.


A good way to cheer up a bad mood for your loved one is to allow yourself to eat delicious. Sit back, set aside some time for the process. It is better at this moment to isolate yourself from everything that can distract. Just enjoy the taste of your favorite ice cream or dessert, or maybe a meat dish. There are no comrades for taste and color. There will be no trace of a bad mood. And after a portion of delicious food, it is best to go for a walk. Fresh air, rhythmic breathing will streamline thoughts, a look at the state of affairs can change dramatically.

Rest and improve your mood

If apathy has completely played out, there is no strength to do anything at all, then you need to arrange a rest for yourself. At the same time, you can be distracted by:

  • reading a favorite book, or one for which there was no time;
  • watching a movie, series, TV show;
  • a computer game, but it is important not to get carried away and stay up until the morning;
  • writing your own essay, poetry, prose (for many, apathy leads to enlightenment in creativity, the identification of talents);
  • drawing, especially paints;
  • needlework (often the resulting work has unsurpassed beauty and originality, and all because the soul at that moment experienced deep feelings).

How to cheer yourself up? Photos of funny moments or will help you in this matter. Looking through them, a person will begin to dream about the good, or maybe he will finally mature to take a vacation and go on a trip. New impressions are the best way to cope with despondency. Sometimes just looking at beautiful photos or paintings is a great mood booster, saturating


There are countless ways to rid yourself of a bad mood. To list them all is not enough for ten volumes. Some really work and change perception for the better, others are less effective, but better than nothing. In any case, the main and most correct way is the unwillingness of a person to be in a bad mood. If a life course is taken for good luck, whatever happens, it will be perceived as an experience. Nobody is immune from mistakes. But some of them learn and harden, others lose their strength in the struggle for the right.

Bad moods need to be crossed off your list if you decide to be successful. Now only joy will fill every day you live. Be happy!

The emotional state plays a big role in the life of every person. It is a positive mood that helps us believe in ourselves and achieve success. But sometimes it happens that we feel depressed and gloomy thoughts oppress us. How to get rid of a bad mood? First you need to find out the reason for the sad state and understand what made you sad. After all, very often we are not aware of the reason, but it always exists. Prolonged bad mood can lead to depression, so you need to quickly get yourself out of a state of sadness.

Reasons for bad mood

  • very often our emotional background depends on the people around us. After all, the opinion of others has always been important for a person, and when this opinion does not coincide with your expectations, the mood changes;
  • a calm atmosphere is of great importance for a person, and any conflict is perceived as a violation of the emotional state, therefore, a bad mood;
  • anticipation of trouble that keeps you in suspense. In such a situation, it is difficult to be in high spirits due to excitement, the emotional mood of a person worsens;
  • the cause of a bad mood is often financial problems;
  • when your desires do not coincide with your capabilities, then as a result this leads to disappointment;
  • The most common cause of bad mood is poor sleep. And if episodes of sleep disturbance are not uncommon, then this is the easiest way to get depressed;
  • the reason may also be a monotonous robot or the need to do an unloved and boring thing.

13 ways to boost your mood

Psychologists say that our mood is completely dependent on our thinking. They advise to look positively at the world and ignore all negative factors. After all, only the person himself can create such conditions for himself to feel happy. The famous ancient philosopher Spinoza was of the same opinion, he said: “If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.” But are there other ways to improve your mood?

  1. Talk. If you are sad, never be alone with your thoughts, this will only make your condition worse. Talk to a loved one, talk to him, and he will certainly help to cheer you up.
  2. Cry. Let all resentment and sadness go away with tears.
  3. Walk. A walk in the fresh air will definitely help to cheer you up, it is good if it is a park or a forest. Merging with nature has a positive effect on the psychological state of a person.
  4. Creativity or hobby. It doesn’t matter if a person has creative abilities, the main thing is just to turn off the mind and, for example, draw something, capture an interesting moment in a photo, etc. Doing what you love will also help drive away longing, so you can switch your attention and cheer up .
  5. Change. If you have longing in your soul, try to take care of your appearance, change your hairstyle or hair color, get a manicure, experiment with your image. Take some time for yourself to smile in the mirror later. Moreover, this advice is suitable not only for women, for men, you can also take care of yourself to improve your mood, for example, go to the gym or swimming pool.
  6. Relaxing treatments. Yoga helps many people keep themselves in good shape, thanks to special exercises you will feel calm and relaxed. Meditation helps a lot, which allows a person to return vital energy. You can also go for a massage, it will calm you down and there will be no trace of sadness.
  7. Sport. An energetic jog or physical exercise will cheer you up wonderfully, and you will forget about all the sorrows. After all, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.
  8. Get rid of excess. Order in the house always helps to put things in order. Clean up, throw out all the unnecessary things that have been bothering you for a long time. Thus, you will be distracted, and all the negativity will go away.
  9. Music and dancing. Choose a fun song, listen to it and then you will definitely want to dance, dance and a positive mood will return to you.
  10. Sweet. As you know, thanks to the sweet endorphins are produced in our body - the hormones of happiness. Products that are responsible for the production of endorphins are chocolate, citrus fruits, bananas, kiwi, strawberries, almonds, oatmeal. Treat yourself to something delicious and you'll feel energized.
  11. Smile. Psychologists advise using the “stretched smile” method in case of a bad mood. Stand in front of a mirror and smile at your image. From such a simulated smile, you will have fun and remove sadness, as if by hand.
  12. Watching comedy. Watch a comedy or listen to a funny story to boost your mood. The positive energy of the heroes will definitely be transferred to you.
  13. Charity. If nothing pleases you, then helping others will distract you from gloomy thoughts. You will feel that people need you, you will appreciate every moment of your life. After all, something does not inspire as much as doing good deeds.
The emotional state of a person is a lot of work on oneself. And often we hide our sadness, not realizing that by doing this we only harm ourselves. It is important to eliminate the sad state in time in order to avoid health consequences. Use different ways to improve your mood, experiment and share your experience. And then the world will become brighter and kinder for you.

Watch the video to cheer yourself up.

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