Causes of the Cold War briefly. USE


The Cold War is the historical period from 1946 to 1991, which was marked by the confrontation between two major superpowers - the USSR and the USA, which took shape after the end of World War II in 1945. The rivalry between the two strongest states of the planet at that time gradually acquired a fierce character of confrontation in all spheres - economic, social, political and ideological. Both states created military-political associations (NATO and the Warsaw Pact), accelerated the creation of nuclear and conventional weapons, and also constantly took covert or overt participation in almost all local military conflicts on the planet.

Main causes of confrontation

  • The desire of the United States to secure world leadership and create a world based on American values, taking advantage of the temporary weakness of potential opponents (European states, like the USSR, lay in ruins after the war, and other countries at that time could not even close compete with the strengthened overseas "empire" )
  • Different ideological programs of the USA and the USSR (Capitalism and Socialism). The authority of the Soviet Union after the defeat of Nazi Germany was unusually high. Including in the states of Western Europe. Fearing the spread of communist ideology and mass support for it, the United States began to actively oppose the USSR.

The position of the parties at the beginning of the conflict

The United States initially had a colossal economic head start over its eastern adversary, thanks to which, in many respects, they got the opportunity to become a superpower. The USSR defeated the strongest European army, but paid for it with millions of lives and thousands of destroyed cities and villages. No one knew how long it would take to restore the economy destroyed by the fascist invasion. The territory of the United States, unlike the USSR, did not suffer at all, and the losses against the background of the losses of the Soviet army looked insignificant, since it was the Soviet Union that took the strongest blow from the fascist core of all of Europe, fighting alone against Germany and its allies from 1941 to 1944.

The United States, on the other hand, participated in the war in the European theater of operations for less than a year - from June 1944 to May 1945. After the war, the United States became a creditor to the Western European states, effectively formalizing their economic dependence on America. The Yankees proposed the Marshall Plan to Western Europe, an economic aid program that 16 states had signed by 1948. For 4 years, the United States had to transfer 17 billion to Europe. dollars.

Less than a year after the victory over fascism, the British and Americans began to look anxiously at the East and look for some kind of threat there. Already in the spring of 1946, Winston Churchill delivers his famous Fullton speech, which is usually associated with the beginning of the Cold War. Active anti-communist rhetoric begins in the West. By the end of the 1940s, all communists were removed from the governments of Western European states. This was one of the conditions under which the United States provided financial assistance to European countries.

The USSR was not included in the financial aid program for obvious reasons - it was already seen as an enemy. The countries of Eastern Europe, which were under the control of the communists, fearing the growth of US influence and economic dependence, also did not accept the Marshall Plan. Thus, the USSR and its allies were forced to restore the destroyed economy solely on their own, and this was done much faster than expected in the West. The USSR not only quickly restored infrastructure, industry and destroyed cities, but also quickly eliminated the US nuclear monopoly by creating nuclear weapons, thereby depriving the Americans of the opportunity to strike with impunity.

Creation of military-political blocs of NATO and the Warsaw Pact

In the spring of 1949, the United States initiated the creation of a NATO military bloc (Organization of the North Atlantic Alliance), citing the need to "fight the Soviet threat." The union initially included the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Iceland, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, as well as the USA and Canada. American military bases began to appear in Europe, the number of armed forces of European armies began to increase, and the number of military equipment and combat aircraft increased.

The USSR reacted in 1955 with the creation of the Warsaw Treaty Organization (OVD), in the same way creating the unified armed forces of the Eastern European states, as they did in the West. The ATS included Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia. In response to the buildup of military forces by the Western military bloc, the strengthening of the armies of the socialist states also began.

Symbols of NATO and the Warsaw Pact

Local military conflicts

Two military-political blocs launched a large-scale confrontation with each other all over the planet. A direct military clash was feared on both sides, since its outcome was unpredictable. However, there was a constant struggle in various parts of the globe for spheres of influence and control over non-aligned countries. Here are just a few of the most striking examples of military conflicts in which the USSR and the USA indirectly or directly participated.

1. Korean War (1950-1953)
After World War II, Korea was divided into two states - in the South, pro-American forces were in power, and in the north, the DPRK (People's Democratic Republic of Korea) was formed, in which the Communists were in power. In 1950, a war broke out between the two Koreas - “socialist” and “capitalist”, in which, of course, the USSR supported North Korea, and the United States supported South Korea. Soviet pilots and military specialists, as well as detachments of Chinese "volunteers", unofficially fought on the side of the DPRK. The United States provided direct military assistance to South Korea, intervening openly in the conflict, which ended with the signing of peace and the preservation of the status quo in 1953.

2. Vietnam War (1957-1975)
In fact, the scenario of the beginning of the confrontation was the same - Vietnam after 1954 was divided into two parts. In North Vietnam, the Communists were in power, and in South Vietnam, political forces oriented towards the United States. Each side sought to unify Vietnam. Since 1965, the United States has provided open military assistance to the South Vietnamese regime. Regular American troops, along with the army of South Vietnam, participated in hostilities against North Vietnamese troops. Covert assistance to North Vietnam with weapons, equipment and military specialists was provided by the USSR and China. The war ended with the victory of the North Vietnamese communists in 1975.

3. Arab-Israeli wars
In a series of wars in the Middle East between the Arab states and Israel, the Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc supported the Arabs, and the US and NATO supported the Israelis. Soviet military specialists trained the troops of the Arab states, which were armed with tanks and planes that came from the USSR, and the soldiers of the Arab armies used Soviet equipment and equipment. The Israelis used American military equipment and followed the instructions of US advisers.

4. Afghan war (1979-1989)
The USSR sent troops into Afghanistan in 1979 to support a political regime that was oriented toward Moscow. Large formations of the Afghan Mujahideen fought against the Soviet troops and the government army of Afghanistan, who enjoyed the support of the United States and NATO, and accordingly armed themselves with them. Soviet troops left Afghanistan in 1989, the war continued after their departure.

All of the above is only a small part of the military conflicts in which the superpowers participated, covertly or almost overtly fighting each other in local wars.

1 - American soldiers in position during the Korean War
2-Soviet tank in the service of the Syrian army
3-American helicopter in the sky over Vietnam
4-Column of Soviet troops in Afghanistan

Why did the USSR and the USA never enter into a direct military conflict?

As mentioned above, the outcome of the military conflict between the two large military blocs was completely unpredictable, but the main deterrent was the presence of nuclear missile weapons in huge quantities both in the United States and in the Soviet Union. Over the years of confrontation, the parties have accumulated such a number of nuclear charges that would be enough to repeatedly destroy all life on Earth.

Thus, a direct military conflict between the USSR and the USA would inevitably mean an exchange of nuclear missile strikes, during which there would be no winners - everyone would be losers, and the very possibility of life on the planet would be called into question. Nobody wanted such an outcome, so the parties avoided an open military clash with each other in every possible way, but nevertheless periodically tried each other's strength in local conflicts, helping any state covertly or directly participating in hostilities.

So, with the beginning of the nuclear age, local conflicts and information wars have become almost the only ways to expand their influence and control over other states. This situation persists to this day. The possibilities of the collapse and liquidation of such major geopolitical players as modern China and Russia lie only in the sphere of attempts to undermine the state from within by means of information wars, the purpose of which is a coup d'etat with subsequent destructive actions of puppet governments. There are constant attempts on the part of the West to find weaknesses in Russia and other uncontrolled states, to provoke ethnic, religious, political conflicts, etc.

End of the Cold War

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. There was only one superpower left on planet Earth - the United States, which tried to rebuild the whole world on the basis of American liberal values. Within the framework of globalization, an attempt is being made to impose on all mankind a certain universal model of social structure along the lines of the United States and Western Europe. However, this has not yet been possible. There is active resistance in all parts of the globe against the imposition of American values, which are unacceptable to many peoples. The story goes on, the struggle continues ... Think about the future and the past, try to understand and comprehend the world around, develop and do not stand still. Passive waiting and burning through life is essentially a regression in your development. As the Russian philosopher V. Belinsky said - who does not go forward, he goes back, there is no standing position ...

Best regards, mind-point administration

Introduction. 2

1. Causes of the Cold War. 3

2. "Cold War": beginning, development. 6

2.1 Beginning of the Cold War.. 6

2.2 Climax of the Cold War.. 8

3. Consequences, results and lessons of the cold war. eleven

3.1 Political, economic and ideological consequences of the cold war.. 11

3.2 Outcomes of the Cold War and whether its outcome was predetermined.. 14

Conclusion. 17

Literature. 19


Not only history, but also the attitude towards it, knows sharp turns that mark the qualitative stages of the political, social, and moral development of human society. With a fair degree of reliability, we can say that when civilization steps over power beliefs, everyone will agree that the Cold War - one of the saddest chapters of the 20th century - was the product of primarily human imperfections and ideological prejudices. She might not have been. It would not exist if the actions of people and the actions of states corresponded to their words and declarations.

However, the cold war has descended on mankind. The question arises: why did yesterday's military allies suddenly turn into enemies who are cramped on the same planet? What prompted them to exaggerate the old mistakes and add many new ones to them? This did not fit with common sense, not to mention the allied duty and elementary concepts of decency.

The Cold War did not break out suddenly. She was born in the crucible of the "hot war" and left a very noticeable imprint on the course of the latter. Very many in the United States and England perceived interaction with the USSR in the fight against aggressors as forced, contrary to their attachments and interests, and secretly, and some people clearly dreamed that the battles, which London and Washington had been watching for a long time, would exhaust the forces of Germany as well. and the Soviet Union.

Many did not just dream, but worked out strategies and tactics behind tightly closed doors with the expectation of gaining a “decisive advantage” in the final direct war, when the time came to take stock, and to actively use this advantage against the USSR.

G. Hopkins, an adviser to F. Roosevelt, wrote in 1945 that some people across the ocean "really wanted our (American armies), having passed through Germany, to start a war with Russia after the defeat of Germany." And who knows how things would have turned out in reality if the cards had not been confused by the unfinished war with Japan and the need for help from the Red Army, in order, as it was then calculated, to “save up to a million American lives.”

The relevance of the study is that the Cold War was a sharp confrontation between the two systems on the world stage. It became particularly acute in the late 1940s and 1960s. There was a time when the sharpness subsided somewhat, and then intensified again. The Cold War covered all spheres of international relations: political, economic, military and ideological.

At present, in connection with the deployment of the US anti-missile system and the negative attitude of representatives of a number of countries, including Russia, to this, since the missiles will be located near Russian borders, this topic is becoming especially acute.

Purpose of the work: to consider the "cold war" in Russia, its causes and origins, development.

1. Causes of the Cold War

The prologue of the "cold war" can be attributed even to the final stage of the Second World War. In our opinion, the decision of the leadership of the United States and Britain not to inform the USSR about the work on the creation of atomic weapons played an important role in its origin. To this we can add Churchill's desire to open a second front not in France, but in the Balkans and move not from West to East, but from south to north, in order to block the path of the Red Army. Then, in 1945, there were plans to push the Soviet troops from the center of Europe to the pre-war borders. And finally, in 1946, a speech in Fulton.

In Soviet historiography, it was generally accepted that the Cold War was unleashed by the United States and its allies, and the USSR was forced to take retaliatory, most often adequate, measures. But at the very end of the 1980s and into the 1990s, other approaches emerged in the coverage of the Cold War. Some authors began to argue that it is generally impossible to determine its chronological framework and establish who started it. Others call both sides, the US and the USSR, responsible for the emergence of the Cold War. Some accuse the Soviet Union of foreign policy mistakes that led, if not to a direct unleashing, then to the expansion, aggravation and long-term continuation of the confrontation between the two powers.

The very term "cold war" was coined in 1947 by the US Secretary of State. They began to designate the state of political, economic, ideological and other confrontation between states and systems. One Washington government document of that time states that the "cold war" is a "real war" in which the stake is "the survival of the free world."

What were the causes of the Cold War?

The economic reasons for the change in US policy was that the US had grown immeasurably rich during the war years. With the end of the war, they were threatened by an overproduction crisis. At the same time, the economies of European countries were destroyed, their markets were open to American goods, but there was nothing to pay for these goods. The United States was afraid to invest in the economies of these countries, since the influence of leftist forces was strong there and the environment for investment was unstable.

In the United States, a plan was developed, called the Marshall. European countries were offered assistance to restore the destroyed economy. Loans were given to buy American goods. The proceeds were not exported, but invested in the construction of enterprises in these countries.

The Marshall Plan was accepted by 16 states of Western Europe. The political condition for the assistance was the removal of communists from governments. In 1947, the communists were withdrawn from the governments of Western European countries. Assistance was also offered to Eastern European countries. Poland and Czechoslovakia began negotiations, but under pressure from the USSR, they refused to help. At the same time, the United States tore up the Soviet-American agreement on loans and passed a law prohibiting exports to the USSR.

The ideological basis of the Cold War was the Truman Doctrine, put forward by the President of the United States in 1947. According to this doctrine, the conflict between Western democracy and communism is irreconcilable. The tasks of the United States are the fight against communism throughout the world, "the containment of communism", "the throwing back of communism into the borders of the USSR." American responsibility was proclaimed for the events taking place all over the world, all these events were viewed through the prism of confrontation between communism and Western democracy, the USSR and the USA.

When talking about the origins of the Cold War, many historians believe it is illogical to try to completely whitewash one side and place all the blame on the other. By now, American and British historians have long accepted partial responsibility for what happened after 1945.

In order to understand the origin and essence of the Cold War, let us turn to the events in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Since June 1941, the Soviet Union fought Nazi Germany in heavy combat. Roosevelt called the Russian front "the biggest support."

The great battle on the Volga, according to the biographer of Roosevelt and his assistant Robert Sherwood, "changed the whole picture of the war and the prospects for the near future." As a result of one battle, Russia became one of the great world powers. The victory of the Russian troops on the Kursk Bulge dispelled all doubts in Washington and London about the outcome of the war. The collapse of Nazi Germany was now only a matter of time.

Accordingly, in the corridors of power in London and Washington, the question arose of whether the anti-Hitler coalition had exhausted itself, was it not time to blow the anti-communist rally?

Thus, already during the course of the war, plans were being considered in some circles in the United States and England, having passed through Germany, to start a war with Russia.

It is widely known that Germany negotiated a separate peace with the Western powers at the end of the war. In Western literature, the Wolf case is often described as the first operation of the Cold War. It can be noted that the “Wolf-Dallas affair” was the largest operation against F. Roosevelt and his course, launched during the life of the president and designed to disrupt the implementation of the Yalta agreements.

Truman succeeded Roosevelt. At a meeting at the White House on April 23, 1945, he questioned the usefulness of any agreements with Moscow. “It needs to be broken now or never…” he said. This refers to Soviet-American cooperation. So Truman's actions crossed out the years of Roosevelt's work, when the foundations of mutual understanding with Soviet leaders were laid.

On April 20, 1945, at a meeting with the American president, in an unacceptable form, he demanded that the USSR change its foreign policy in a spirit pleasing to the United States. Less than a month later, without any explanation, deliveries to the USSR under Lend-Lease were stopped. In September, the United States set unacceptable conditions for the Soviet Union to receive the previously promised loan. As Professor J. Geddis wrote in one of his works, the USSR was demanded that “in exchange for an American loan, it should change its system of government and abandon its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe.”

Thus, contrary to sober thinking, the concept of permissiveness, based on the monopoly possession of atomic weapons, has taken the leading place in politics and strategy.

2. "Cold War": the beginning, development

2.1 Start of the Cold War

So, at the final stage of the war, the rivalry between the two tendencies in the politics of the United States and Britain sharply escalated.

During the Cold War, the use of force or the threat of force became the rule. The desire to establish its dominance, to dictate on the part of the United States began to manifest itself long ago. After the Second World War, the United States used all means to achieve its goal - from negotiations at conferences, in the United Nations to political, economic and even military pressure in Latin America, in Western Europe, and then in the Near, Middle and Far East. The main ideological cover for their foreign policy doctrine was the struggle against communism. Characteristic in this respect were the slogans: "rejection of communism", "politics on the edge of a knife", "balancing on the brink of war".

From document NSS 68, declassified in 1975 and approved in April 1950 by President Truman, it is clear that the United States then decided to build relations with the USSR only on the basis of constant crisis confrontation. One of the main goals in this direction was to achieve US military superiority over the USSR. The goal of American foreign policy was to "accelerate the decay of the Soviet system."

Already in November 1947, the United States began to put into effect a whole system of restrictive and prohibitive measures in the areas of finance and trade, which marked the beginning of the economic war of the West against the East.

During 1948 there was a progressive advancement of mutual claims in the economic, financial, transport and other spheres. But the Soviet Union took a more accommodating position.

American intelligence reported that the USSR was not preparing for war and was not conducting mobilization measures. At the same time, the Americans understood the loss of their operational and strategic position in the center of Europe.

This is evidenced by an entry in the diary of influential US politician William Leahy on June 30, 1948: “The American military situation in Berlin is hopeless, since there are no sufficient forces anywhere and there is no information that the USSR is experiencing inconvenience due to internal weakness. It would be in the US interests to withdraw from Berlin. However, soon the Soviet side agreed to lift the blockade.

Such is the outline of the events that threatened to lead mankind to a third world war in 1948.

2.2 Climax of the Cold War

The years 1949-1950 were the culmination of the Cold War, marked by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty on April 4, 1949, whose "openly aggressive character" was tirelessly exposed by the USSR, the war in Korea and the rearmament of Germany.

1949 was an "extremely dangerous" year, since the USSR no longer doubted that the Americans would remain in Europe for a long time. But it also brought satisfaction to the Soviet leaders: the successful test of the first Soviet atomic bomb in September 1949 and the victory of the Chinese Communists.

The strategic military plans of that time reflected the national interests and capabilities of the country, the realities of that time. Thus, the national defense plan for 1947 set the following tasks for the Armed Forces:

ü To ensure a reliable repulse of aggression and the integrity of the borders in the west and east, established by international treaties after the Second World War.

ü To be ready to repulse an enemy air attack, including with the use of atomic weapons.

ü The Navy must repulse possible aggression from the maritime sectors and provide support for the actions of the ground forces for this purpose.

Soviet foreign policy decisions during the period of the Cold War's emergence were mainly of a reciprocal nature and were determined by the logic of struggle, not the logic of cooperation.

In contrast to its policy pursued in other regions of the world, in the Far East of the USSR, since 1945, it acted with extreme caution. The entry of the Red Army into the war with Japan in August 1945 allowed him to restore in this region the positions lost in 1905 by the tsarist empire. On August 15, 1945, Chiang Kai-shek agreed to the Soviet presence in Port Arthur, Dairen and Manchuria. With Soviet support, Manchuria became an autonomous communist state headed by Gao Gang, who apparently had close ties to Stalin. At the end of 1945, the latter called on the Chinese Communists to find a common language with Chiang Kai-shek. This position has been confirmed several times over the years.

The fact that, starting from the summer of 1947, the political and military situation changed in favor of the Chinese Communists did not generally change the reserved attitude of the Soviet leadership towards the Chinese Communists, who were not invited to the meeting dedicated to the founding of the Comintern.

The enthusiasm of the USSR about the "Chinese brothers in arms" manifested itself only after the final victory of Mao Zedong. On November 23, 1949, the USSR established diplomatic relations with Beijing. One of the main factors in the agreement was the general hostility towards the US. That this was the case was openly confirmed a few weeks later, when the Security Council refused to expel Nationalist China from the UN, the USSR withdrew from all its bodies (until August 1950).

It was thanks to the absence of the USSR that the Security Council was able on June 27, 1950 to adopt a resolution on the introduction of American wax into Korea, where the North Koreans had crossed the 38th parallel two days earlier.

According to some modern versions, Stalin pushed North Korea to this step, who did not believe in the possibility of retaliatory actions by the United States after they “abandoned” Chiang Kai-shek and wanted to compete with Mao in the Far East. Nevertheless, when China, in turn, entered the war on the side of North Korea, the USSR, having come across a firm position from the United States, tried to maintain the local nature of the conflict.

To a greater extent than the conflict in Korea, the "headache" of Soviet foreign policy in the early 1950s was the question of the integration of the FRG into the Western political system and its rearmament. On October 23, 1950, the foreign ministers of the Eastern European camp, who gathered in Prague, proposed signing a peace treaty with Germany, providing for its demilitarization and the withdrawal of all foreign troops from it. In December, the Western countries agreed to a meeting, but demanded that it discuss all the problems on which the confrontation between the West and the East took place.

In September 1951, the US Congress passed the Mutual Security Act, which granted the right to finance emigrant anti-Soviet and counter-revolutionary organizations. On its basis, significant funds were allocated for the recruitment of persons living in the Soviet Union and other countries of Eastern Europe, and payment for their subversive activities.

Speaking of the "cold war" one cannot but touch upon the topic of conflicts that can escalate into a nuclear war. Historical analyzes of the causes and course of crises during the Cold War leave much to be desired.

So far, there are three well-documented cases in which American policy has taken a course for war. In each of them, Washington knowingly risked nuclear war: during the Korean War; in the conflict over the Chinese islands of Kuemoi and Matsu; in the Cuban crisis.

The Caribbean crisis of 1962 convincingly testified that the nuclear missile arsenals of both powers were not only sufficient, but also excessive for mutual destruction, that a further quantitative increase in nuclear potential could not give advantages to either country.

Thus, already in the early 60s, it became obvious that even in the conditions of the Cold War, only compromises, mutual concessions, understanding of each other's interests and the global interests of all mankind, diplomatic negotiations, the exchange of truthful information, the adoption of emergency rescue measures against the emergence of the immediate threat of nuclear war are in our time effective means of conflict resolution. This is the main lesson of the Caribbean crisis.

Being a product of the psychology of the Cold War, it clearly showed the vital need to discard the categories of the old thinking and adopt a new way of thinking, adequate to the threats of the nuclear missile age, global interdependence, the interests of survival and universal security. The Caribbean crisis ended, as you know, in a compromise, the USSR removed Soviet ballistic missiles and Il-28 medium-range bombers from Cuba. In response, the United States gave guarantees of non-interference in the affairs of Cuba and removed the Jupiter missiles from Turkey, and then from Great Britain and Italy. However, militaristic thinking was far from outlived, continuing to dominate politics.

In September 1970, the London International Institute for Strategic Studies announced that the USSR was approaching nuclear parity with the United States. On February 25, 1971, Americans heard President Nixon say on the radio: "Today, neither the United States nor the Soviet Union has a clear nuclear advantage."

In October of the same year, preparing for the Soviet-American summit, he said at a press conference: “If there is a new war, if there is a war between superpowers, then no one will win. That is why the moment has come to resolve our differences, to resolve them taking into account our differences of opinion, recognizing that they are still very deep, recognizing, however, that at the moment there is no alternative to negotiations.

Thus, the recognition of the realities of the nuclear age led in the early 1970s to a revision of policy, to a turn from the Cold War to detente, to cooperation between states with different social systems.

3. Consequences, results and lessons of the cold war

3.1 Political, economic and ideological consequences of the Cold War

The United States constantly sought to preempt the USSR and be the initiators both in politics and in the economy and, especially, in military affairs. First, they rushed to use their advantage, which consisted in the possession of an atomic bomb, then in the development of new types of military equipment and weapons, thereby pushing the Soviet Union to prompt adequate action. Their main goal was to weaken the USSR, to break it up, to tear its allies away from it. By drawing the USSR into the arms race, the United States thus forced it to strengthen the army at the expense of funds intended for internal development, for improving the well-being of the people.

In recent years, some historians have accused the Soviet Union of adopting and implementing measures that allegedly helped the United States pursue its policy of confrontation, to intensify the Cold War. However, the facts say otherwise. The United States, together with the Western allies, began to carry out its special line from Germany. In the spring of 1947, at a session of the Ministerial Council, representatives of the United States, Britain and France announced their rejection of the decisions previously agreed with the Soviet Union. With their unilateral actions, they put the eastern zone of occupation in a difficult situation and consolidated the split of Germany. By carrying out a currency reform in the three western zones in June 1948, the three powers actually provoked the Berlin crisis, forcing the Soviet occupation authorities to protect the eastern zone from currency fraud and protect its economy and monetary system. For these purposes, a system of checking citizens arriving from West Germany was introduced and the movement of any transport was prohibited in case of refusal to check. The Western occupation authorities forbade the population of the western part of the city from accepting any aid from East Germany and organized the supply of West Berlin by air, while at the same time intensifying anti-Soviet propaganda. Later, such an informed person as J. F. Dulles spoke about the use of the Berlin crisis by Western propaganda.

In line with the Cold War, the Western powers carried out such foreign policy actions as the split of Germany into two states, the creation of a Western military alliance and the signing of the North Atlantic Pact, which was already mentioned above.

This was followed by the creation of military blocs and alliances in different parts of the world under the pretext of ensuring mutual security.

In September 1951, the USA, Australia and New Zealand create a military-political union (ANZUS).

On May 26, 1952, representatives of the USA, England and France, on the one hand, and the FRG, on the other, sign in Bonn a document on the participation of West Germany in the European Defense Community (EOC), and on May 27, the FRG, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg conclude an agreement in Paris on the creation of this bloc.

In September 1954, in Manila, the United States, England, France, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines and Thailand sign the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (SEATO).

In October 1954, the Paris Agreements were signed on the remilitarization of the FRG and its inclusion in the Western Union and NATO. They come into force in May 1955.

In February 1955, a Turkish-Iraqi military alliance (the Baghdad Pact) was created.

The actions of the US and its allies demanded retaliatory measures. On May 14, 1955, a collective defensive alliance of socialist states was formalized - the Warsaw Pact Organization. This was a response to the creation of the NATO military bloc and the inclusion of the FRG in it. The Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance was signed by Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Romania, the USSR and Czechoslovakia. It was exclusively defensive in nature and was not directed against anyone. Its task was to protect the socialist gains and the peaceful labor of the peoples of the countries participating in the treaty.

In the event of the creation of a system of collective security in Europe, the Warsaw Pact was to lose its force from the date of entry into force of the all-European treaty.

To make it difficult for the Soviet Union to resolve issues of post-war development, the United States imposed a ban on economic ties and trade with the USSR and the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe. The delivery to these countries of even previously ordered and already finished equipment, vehicles and various materials was interrupted. A list of items prohibited for export to the USSR and other countries of the socialist camp was specially adopted. This created certain difficulties for the USSR, but also caused serious damage to the industrial enterprises of the West.

In September 1951, the American government annulled the trade agreement that had existed since 1937 with the USSR. Adopted at the beginning of January 1952, the second list of goods prohibited for export to the socialist countries was so wide that it included goods from almost all branches of industry.

3.2 Outcomes of the Cold War and whether its outcome was predetermined

What was the Cold War for us, what are its results and lessons from the point of view of the changes that have taken place in the world?

It is hardly legitimate to characterize the Cold War in unilateral terms, either as another conflict in human history or as a lasting peace. J. Gaddis adhered to this point of view. Apparently, this historical phenomenon carried the features of both.

In this regard, I agree with Academician G. Arbatov, who believes that the antagonisms and instability generated by the Second World War carried the same possibility of a military conflict as those that developed after the First World War.

In any case, both the Berlin Crisis of 1953 and, especially, the Caribbean Missile Crisis of October 1962 could well have culminated in a third world war. A general military conflict did not arise only due to the "dissuasive" role of nuclear weapons.

Political scientists and ideologists around the world have tried many times to clearly define the concept of the Cold War and identify its most characteristic features. From the position of today, in conditions when the Cold War has become a thing of the past, it is quite obvious that it was primarily a political course of the confronting parties, pursued from a position of strength on a peculiar ideological basis.

In the economy and trade, this manifested itself in blocs and discriminatory measures against each other. In propaganda activities - in the formation of the "image of the enemy." The goal of such a policy in the West was to contain the spread of communism, to protect the "free world" from it. In the East, the goal of such a policy was also seen in the protection of peoples, but from the "pernicious influence of the decaying Western world."

Now it is futile to look for the fault of any one of the parties as the main cause of the Cold War. Quite obviously, there was a general "blindness", in which instead of political dialogue, preference was given to confrontation between the leading states of the world - the USSR and the USA.

The transition to confrontation happened imperceptibly quickly. Another circumstance of exceptional importance was the fact that nuclear weapons appeared on the world stage.

The Cold War, as a whole complex of phenomena, had a huge impact on the general growth of tension in the world, on the increase in the number, scale and bitterness of local conflicts. There is no doubt that without the established climate of the Cold War, many crises in various regions of the planet would certainly have been able to be extinguished by the concerted efforts of the world community.

Speaking about the peculiarities of the Cold War, it should be said that in our country for a long time everything that was connected with nuclear weapons was anathematized. Supposedly for moral reasons. Again, the question arises of what prevented the development of an armed conflict, when the world was literally on the verge of war?

It is, in my opinion, the fear of total annihilation, which has sobered up politicians, reoriented public opinion, and made us remember eternal moral values.

The fear of mutual destruction has led to the fact that international politics has ceased to be exclusively "the art of diplomats and soldiers." New subjects actively joined in it - scientists, transnational corporations, mass media, public organizations and movements, individuals. They all brought their own interests, beliefs, and goals to it, including those based solely on moral considerations.

So who won this war?

Now, after the passage of time, which put everything in its place, it became clear that the winner was humanity as a whole, since the main result of the Caribbean crisis, as well as the Cold War as a whole, was an unprecedented strengthening of the moral factor in world politics.

Most researchers note the exceptional role of ideology in the Cold War.

In this case, the words spoken by General de Gaulle are true: “since the birth of the world, the banner of ideology has, it seems, covered nothing but human ambitions.” A country that proclaimed itself the bearer of universal moral values ​​unceremoniously discarded morality when it came to its own interests or the ability to win even one point in the political struggle with the enemy.

The question is legitimate: if the policy of the West in post-war history was based not on momentary state interests, but solely on the principles proclaimed in international law, in democratic constitutions, and finally in biblical commandments, if the demands of morality were addressed primarily to themselves, - would there be an arms race and local wars? There is no answer to this question yet, since humanity has not yet accumulated the experience of a policy based on moral principles.

At present, the "triumph" of the United States, won by them in the short term, now seems to the Americans to be something completely different, maybe even a defeat in the long term.

As for the other side, having suffered a defeat in the short term, the Soviet Union, or rather, its heirs, by no means deprived themselves of chances in the long term. Reforms and changes in Russia give her a unique opportunity to answer the questions facing civilization as a whole. The chance that Russia gave to the world today, having saved it from an exhausting arms race and a class approach, it seems to me, can be qualified as a moral achievement. And in this regard, I agree with the authors of the article “Were there any winners in the Cold War” B. Martynov.

This circumstance is also noted by many foreign politicians.

I believe that its outcome was predetermined, since a military balance had developed in the world and in the event of a nuclear threat there would have been no survivors.


The Cold War, quite naturally, became a kind of fusion of the traditional, forceful confrontation not only between two military blocs, but also between two ideological concepts. Moreover, the struggle around moral values ​​was of a secondary, auxiliary nature. A new conflict was avoided only thanks to the presence of nuclear weapons.

Fear of mutually assured destruction, on the one hand, has become a catalyst for moral progress in the world (the problem of human rights, ecology), and on the other hand, the cause of the economic and political collapse of the society of so-called real socialism (the unbearable burden of the arms race).

As history shows, not a single socio-economic model, no matter how economically effective it is, has a historical perspective, if it is not based on any firm moral postulates, if the meaning of its existence is not oriented towards the achievement of universal humanistic ideals.

The triumph of moral values ​​in politics and in the life of society can become the common victory of mankind as a result of the Cold War. Russia's contribution to achieving this goal determined its position in the world in the long term.

The end of the Cold War should not, however, lull the peoples and governments of the two great states, as well as the entire population. The main task of all healthy, realistically thinking forces of society is to prevent a second return to it. This is also relevant in our time, because, as noted, a confrontation is possible due to the deployment of a missile defense system, as well as in connection with the conflicts that have recently arisen between Russia and Georgia, Russia and Estonia, the former Soviet republics.

Refusal of confrontation of thinking, cooperation, mutual consideration of interests and security - such is the general line in relations between countries and peoples living in the nuclear missile era.

The years of the Cold War give grounds for the conclusion that, in opposing communism and revolutionary movements, the United States first of all fought against the Soviet Union, as the country that represented the greatest obstacle in realizing their main goal - establishing their dominance over the world.


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9. Martynov B. Were there any winners in the cold war? // Free thought. - 1996. - No. 12. - S. 3 - 11.

10. The latest history of the Fatherland. XX century. T. 2: Textbook for university students / Ed. , . - M.: VLADOS, 1999. - 448 p.

11., Elmanov international relations and foreign policy of Russia (1648 - 2000): Textbook for universities / Ed. . - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - 344 p.

12., Tyazhelnikova of Soviet history. / Ed. . - M.: Higher school, 1999. - 414 p.

13. Pages of the history of Soviet society: Facts, problems, people / Under the general. ed. ; Comp. and others - M .: Politizdat, 1989. - 447 p.

14. Fedorov S. From the history of the Cold War // Obozrevatel. - 2000. - No. 1. - S. 51 - 57.

15. Khorkov A. Lessons of the Cold War // Free Thought. - 1995. - No. 12. - S. 67 - 81.

Pages of the history of Soviet society. - M., 1989. - S. 347.

And other history of international relations and foreign policy of Russia. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - S. 295.

And other history of international relations and foreign policy of Russia. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - S. 296.

Pronin G. Truman "spared" the USSR // Military-Political Journal. - 1996. - No. 3. - P. 77.

Pages of the history of Soviet society. - M., 1989. - S. 365.

And other history of international relations and foreign policy of Russia. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - S. 298.

And other history of international relations and foreign policy of Russia. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - S. 299.

Martynov B. Were there any winners in the cold war // Svobodnaya mysl'. - 1996. - No. 12. - P. 7.

What became the largest and most violent conflict in the history of mankind, a confrontation arose between the countries of the communist camp on the one hand and the Western capitalist countries on the other, between the two superpowers of that time - the USSR and the USA. The Cold War can be briefly described as a rivalry for dominance in the new post-war world.

The main cause of the Cold War was the insoluble ideological contradictions between the two models of society - socialist and capitalist. The West feared the strengthening of the USSR. The absence of a common enemy among the victorious countries, as well as the ambitions of political leaders, also played a role.

Historians distinguish the following stages of the Cold War:

  • March 5, 1946 - 1953: The Cold War began with Churchill's speech in the spring of 1946 in Fulton, which proposed the idea of ​​creating an alliance of Anglo-Saxon countries to fight communism. The goal of the United States was an economic victory over the USSR, as well as the achievement of military superiority. In fact, the Cold War began earlier, but by the spring of 1946, due to the USSR's refusal to withdraw troops from Iran, the situation seriously escalated.
  • 1953-1962: During this period of the Cold War, the world was on the brink of nuclear conflict. Despite some improvement in relations between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Khrushchev Thaw, it was at this stage that the events in the GDR and Poland, the anti-communist uprising in Hungary, and the Suez Crisis took place. International tension increased after the development and successful testing of the USSR in 1957 of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

    However, the threat of nuclear war receded, as the Soviet Union now had the opportunity to retaliate against US cities. This period of relations between the superpowers ended with the Berlin and Caribbean crises of 1961 and 1962. respectively. It was possible to resolve the Caribbean crisis only during personal negotiations between the heads of state - Khrushchev and Kennedy. As a result of the negotiations, agreements on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons were signed.

  • 1962-1979: The period was marked by an arms race that undermined the economies of rival countries. The development and production of new types of weapons required incredible resources. Despite the tension in relations between the USSR and the USA, agreements on the limitation of strategic arms were signed. The development of the Soyuz-Apollo joint space program has begun. However, by the beginning of the 80s, the USSR began to lose in the arms race.
  • 1979-1987: Relations between the USSR and the USA deteriorated again after the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan. In 1983 the United States deployed ballistic missiles at bases in Italy, Denmark, England, Germany, and Belgium. An anti-space defense system was being developed. The USSR reacted to the actions of the West by withdrawing from the Geneva talks. During this period, the missile attack warning system was in constant combat readiness.
  • 1987-1991: the coming to power in the USSR in 1985 led not only to global changes within the country, but also to radical changes in foreign policy, called "new political thinking". Ill-conceived reforms finally undermined the economy of the Soviet Union, which led to the actual defeat of the country in the Cold War.

The end of the Cold War was caused by the weakness of the Soviet economy, its inability to support the arms race any longer, as well as the pro-Soviet communist regimes. Anti-war speeches in different parts of the world also played a certain role. The results of the Cold War were depressing for the USSR. The reunification of Germany in 1990 became a symbol of the West's victory.

After the USSR was defeated in the Cold War, a unipolar model of the world was formed with the US as the dominant superpower. However, these are not the only consequences of the Cold War. The rapid development of science and technology, primarily military, began. So, the Internet was originally created as a communications system for the US military.

There have been many documentaries and feature films about the Cold War period. One of them, which tells in detail about the events of those years, is "Heroes and Victims of the Cold War."

As you remember, the site decided to start a series of articles that we devoted to fairly deep and serious topics. Last time we considered the question of why the USSR collapsed, this time we want to consider a no less serious, and from a historical and analytical point of view, a very interesting episode called the Cold War. Many representatives of the younger generation have heard about this, and someone even witnessed these events and remembers all the tense moments of this conflict. Now many people use this concept as a common noun, in a situation of a “bad world”, but, nevertheless, today, in the political aspect, the Cold War is again relevant, but this is a topic for a separate article. Today we will briefly consider the Cold War of the period of relations between the USSR and the USA.

What is a cold war

The Cold War is a period of time when there was a confrontation between the two superpowers, and as you understand it was between the USSR and the USA. This concept was used because both countries were not engaged in a gun war. And in all other, mostly peaceful ways. It seems that diplomatic relations were maintained between the countries, and sometimes the peaks of confrontation subsided, meanwhile, a quiet struggle was constantly waged, in all spheres and directions.

The years of the Cold War are considered from 1946 to 1991. The beginning of the Cold War fell on the end of World War II, and the end - on the collapse of the USSR. The essence of the Cold War was to establish the world domination of one of the countries and defeat the other.

Causes of the Cold War

After the end of the Second World War, when both superpowers considered themselves victorious in this war, they wanted to build the world conjuncture at their own discretion. Each of them wanted to dominate the world, while one and the other countries had diametrically opposed systems of government and ideology. Subsequently, such a confrontation will become part of the ideology of the two countries, in the Soviet Union they wanted to destroy America and establish communism throughout the world, and the United States wanted to "save" the world from the USSR.

If we analyze everything that happened, then we can say with confidence that this is an artificial conflict, since any ideology must have its enemy, and both the USA for the USSR and the USSR for America were ideal options as an enemy. Moreover, the Soviet people hated the mythical enemies of the Americans, although the inhabitants of America themselves were normally perceived, exactly like the Americans - they were afraid of the mythical "Russians" who do not sleep, but think how to conquer and attack America, although they had nothing against the inhabitants of the union themselves . Therefore, it is safe to say that the Cold War is a conflict of leaders and ideologies, inflated because of their own ambitions.

Cold War politics

First of all, both countries tried to enlist the support of other countries in their course. The US supported all the countries of Western Europe, while the USSR supported the countries of Asia and Latin America. In fact, during the Cold War, the world was divided into two confrontational camps. Moreover, there were only a few neutral countries.

Most of all, the aggravation of the political situation was caused by the conflicts of the Cold War, in particular, we will single out only two of them: the Berlin and Caribbean crises. It was they who became the catalyst for the deterioration of the situation, and the world was actually on the verge of a nuclear war, which, fortunately, was prevented and defuse the situation.

The constant race, and in everything, was also part of the Cold War. First of all, there was an arms race, both countries developed various types of weapons: new military equipment, weapons (mostly of mass destruction), missiles, spy equipment, etc. There was also a propaganda race on television and in other sources, fierce propaganda against the enemy was constantly carried out. The race was not only in the military sphere, but also in science, culture and sports. Each country sought to overtake the other.

Both countries constantly watched each other, and spies and intelligence agents were present on both sides.

But, probably, to a greater extent, the Cold War took place on foreign territory. When the situation accumulated, both countries installed long-range missiles in countries neighboring the enemy, for the United States it was Turkey and the countries of Western Europe, while for the USSR it was the countries of Latin America.

Results of the Cold War

Many often wonder who won the Cold War? Maybe. America won the Cold War, since this war ended with the fall of its enemy, and the main reason for the end of the Cold War was the collapse of the USSR, not the fact that it was not the work of American intelligence services.

If we talk about the results, then none of the countries (USA and Russia) have learned any useful lessons, except for those that the enemy does not sleep and is always ready.

If there had been no Cold War, then the entire enormous potential of the two countries could have been used for peaceful purposes: space exploration, new technologies, etc. It is possible that mobile phones, the Internet, etc. would have appeared 20 years earlier, scientists, instead of developing weapons, would have been solving various world mysteries, of which there are a huge number.

Historical literature has long been dominated by the notion that the Cold War is "a hostile political course that the governments of the Western powers began to pursue against the USSR and other socialist countries after the end of the war." This definition not only reduced all the events of the Cold War exclusively to foreign policy, but also, as it were, placed the Soviet Union in a deliberately defensive position. Today it is already quite clear that the USSR was not only a participant in this "battle of the giants", was no less responsible for the confrontation "on the verge" of a nuclear explosion, but in a number of cases went on the offensive, delivering preemptive strikes. Another important fact is that in practice The Cold War was much broader than the foreign policy sphere. Aggressive foreign policy had to have and had appropriate support in the internal political course - in the militarization of the economy, in the conduct of an ideological war, the most significant role in which was played by the formation of the "image of the enemy" by both sides. An atmosphere of suspicion and spy mania became an integral part of public life: in the United States, since 1953, a "witch hunt" - the anti-communist activity of the Senate McCarthy Commission - began to unfold, and in the USSR - a struggle against cosmopolitanism and "obsequious worship of the West." Therefore, we can say that the Cold War became a form of existence in the post-war world, the essence of which was the ideological confrontation between the pro-Soviet and pro-American blocs. All other spheres - foreign policy, military-technological, cultural - were in strict dependence on the degree of confrontation.

The Cold War continued until the collapse of the Soviet Union and the radical change in the geopolitical situation in the early 1990s. It is customary to single out two main stages of the "cold war" - before and after the Caribbean crisis of 1962. If before the Caribbean crisis the leadership of the USSR and the USA considered the transition to open hostilities ("hot war") as a reality, then after 1962 a common understanding of the impossibility of resolving contradictions with the help of military force.

Causes and origins of the Cold War

The ideological confrontation, muted on both sides during the war, did not disappear, the contradictions between the two systems - capitalist and socialist - persisted and became stronger, the more countries were drawn into the orbit of Soviet influence. The open rejection of a different socio-economic system was aggravated by a completely new nuclear factor, which gradually came to the fore. Even during the Second World War, the United States became the owner of the secret of nuclear weapons. The US nuclear monopoly continued until 1949, which irritated the Stalinist leadership. It was these objective reasons that created the background against which the appearance of specific reasons that led to the beginning of the "cold war" did not take long to appear.

The biggest controversy is the question of who started the Cold War - the Soviet Union or the United States. Proponents of opposing points of view bring more and more evidence of their correctness, but the dispute in this case, apparently, is not resolved by the number of arguments "for" and "against". It is important to understand the main thing: both countries were aimed at strengthening their influence, sought to maximize its scope and, until the Cuban Missile Crisis, believed that this end justified any means, even the use of weapons of mass destruction. There are many facts both from the Soviet side and from the side of the former coalition allies, testifying to the strengthening of mutual disagreements. So, in 1945, the head of the Sovinformburo A. Lozovsky informed V.M. Molotov about the "campaign to discredit the Red Army" organized in the United States and Great Britain, that "every fact of the indiscipline of the Red Army soldiers in the occupied countries is exaggerated and angrily commented on in a thousand ways." The Soviet ideological machine, initially set up for counter-propaganda, gradually moved on to forming the image of a new enemy. Stalin spoke of "the aggressive aspirations of imperialism" on February 9, 1946, in a speech to the voters. This change of mood in the Soviet leadership was caught by US Chargé d'Affaires ad interim D. Kennan, who on February 26, 1946 sent to Washington a secret document that went down in history under the name "Kennan's long telegram." The document noted that the Soviet government, "being immune to the logic of reason [...], is very sensitive to the logic of force." So gradually both sides "exchanged blows", "warmed up" before the decisive battle.

The key event from which historians count the Cold War was W. Churchill's speech. After it, the last hopes of even the appearance of allied relations collapsed and an open confrontation began. March 5, 1946, speaking at the American Fulton College in the presence of US President G. Truman, W. Churchill said: "I do not believe that Soviet Russia wants war. She wants the fruits of war and the unlimited spread of her strength and her doctrines" . W. Churchill pointed out two main dangers threatening the modern world: the danger of a monopoly on nuclear weapons by a communist or neo-fascist state and the danger of tyranny. By tyranny, W. Churchill understood such a system in which "state power is exercised indefinitely either by dictators or narrow oligarchies acting through the mediation of a privileged party and political police ..." and in which civil liberties are significantly limited. The combination of these two factors made, according to W. Churchill, necessary the creation of a "fraternal association of English-speaking peoples" to coordinate actions primarily in the military field. The former Prime Minister of Great Britain justified the relevance of such an association by a significant expansion of the sphere of Soviet influence, thanks to which the "iron curtain descended on the continent", the growth of the influence of communist parties in Europe, far exceeding their numbers, the danger of creating a pro-communist Germany, the emergence of communist fifth columns around the world, acting on instructions from a single center. In conclusion, Churchill drew a conclusion that determined global world politics for many decades: "We cannot afford to rely on a slight superiority in strength, thereby creating a temptation to test our strength."

Churchill's speech, hitting Stalin's table, caused an outburst of indignation. On March 13, the day after the publication of the speech in Izvestia, Stalin gave an interview to a Pravda correspondent in which he remarked "that, in fact, Mr. Churchill is now in the position of warmongers." He and his friends, Stalin said, "strikingly resemble Hitler and his friends in this respect." Thus, the return shot was fired, the Cold War began.

The ideas of the retired British prime minister were developed and detailed in February 1947 in President G. Truman's message to the US Congress and were called the "Truman Doctrine". "The Truman Doctrine" contained specific measures that were supposed to at least prevent the expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence and the spread of communist ideology ( "doctrine of containment of socialism"), and under favorable circumstances, return the USSR to its former borders ( "the doctrine of the rejection of socialism"). Both the immediate and long-term tasks required concentration of military, economic and ideological efforts: European countries were asked to provide large-scale economic assistance, to form a military-political alliance under the leadership of the United States and to place a network of US military bases near the Soviet borders, to support opposition movements in Eastern Europe.

The economic component of the "Truman Doctrine" was elaborated in detail in the plan of US Secretary of State J. Marshall in the same 1947. At the initial stage, V.M. Molotov. However, the provision of economic assistance to the United States was associated with certain political concessions from Moscow, which was absolutely unacceptable for the leadership of the USSR. After the demand for the Soviet government to retain freedom in spending the allocated funds and independently determine economic policy was rejected by the West, the USSR refused to participate in the "Marshall Plan" and put direct pressure on Poland and Czechoslovakia, where the plan aroused interest. The United States provided colossal economic assistance to Europe ravaged by the war - for 1948-1951. European countries received a total of $12.4 billion in investment. The logic of ambitious behavior aggravated the already heavy economic burden of the Soviet Union, which was forced to invest heavily in the countries of people's democracy in the name of its ideological interests. By mid-1947, Europe had finally formed two types of foreign policy orientation: pro-Soviet and pro-American.

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