Come up with a name for a son born in early July. How to name a girl or boy born in July, a list of suitable names


What should be the name of the baby who was born in the middle of summer?

The name for a boy largely determines his future fate, speaks of the character and main features of a person, attracts good luck and positive in his life. Therefore, choosing a name for a boy in July is not an easy and very responsible step for his parents.
When choosing a name for a boy, take into account various factors: for example, the preferences of grandparents and other relatives, as well as the season when the child was born, etc. It is believed that it is impossible to name a child by the name of one of the relatives, so that he does not inherit someone else's difficult fate. Also, you should not associate the son's name with any political date, popular public figures or historical figures, because. history is changeable, and the name will remain with a person for life. The name of the child should become a kind of amulet that will save, bring good luck and success in life. In addition, the male name should sound beautiful and at the same time be in harmony with the patronymic and surname, because the son, unlike the daughter, will carry it until the end of his life.

The name of the boy in July is influenced by the season

The nature of boys born in the summer is most often soft and supple. And if for girls such a characteristic is considered natural, then boys need additional “help” of their name in order to feel more confident. Therefore, summer male names should contain additional notes of rigidity, masculinity, and strength.

How to name a boy born in July according to the calendar

Many parents prefer the church calendar and call the child a name in honor of one of the saints, who will become his guardian angel. It is believed that in addition to his patronage, the saint will give the baby part of his strength.
According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, name days are the day of remembrance of the saint whose name a person bears. It's good if the birthday coincides with the name day. But often the day of the angel is the closest day of the saint after the birthday of the child. In this case, the guardian angel gives the child not only his name, but also protection. According to the calendar, the choice is quite large. One of the names suits a boy born in July: Gleb, Leonty, Gury, Julian, Terenty, Arseny, Vasily, Galaktion, Tikhon, Artem, German, Svyatoslav, Yakov, Ivan, Anton, David, Peter, Denis, George, Samson , Sergey, Sofron, Demyan, Nikodim, Kuzma, Anatoly, Konstantin, Philip, Efim, Andrey, Athanasius, Procopius, Fedor, Pankrat, Kirill, Mikhail, Stefan, Vladimir, Pavel, Emelyan.

Fashion names

If parents follow fashionable names, then recently the most popular are male names: Alexander, Yaroslav, Dmitry, Maxim, Timofey, Daniel, Mikhail, Andrey, Denis, Ivan, Artem, Oles, Matvey.

Boys born in July are characterized by such traits as kindness, responsiveness, shyness.

They tend to take everything to heart, are very impressionable, often worry even for minor reasons. July kids, even if they try not to show their feelings to others, a storm of emotions boils in their souls.

Boys like that don't like to act rash and the decisions they make are thoughtful and balanced in an adult way. Kids are quite conservative and any changes are not for them. They prefer old and familiar activities, and it is very difficult for them to switch to another type of activity.

July crumbs will not bully other children and incite conflict. On the contrary, they try their best to avoid unpleasant moments. It is easier for them to admit they are wrong, even if they are sure of the opposite, in order to avoid the negative that has arisen. However, this does not mean that they do not know how to achieve their goals, they just do not like to go ahead.

However, kids find such ways and methods to do what they think is right and not offend anyone. This makes them very charismatic and purposeful.

Such crumbs are very homely, they prefer comfort and coziness. And their tendency to deep feelings leads to the fact that they find support and support in the family.

Boys born in July are very romantic, but they do not like to show their feelings, they prefer the role of a secret admirer.

There are many collectors among these kids. This quiet hobby is very to their liking and often remains with them for life. Risky activities, as well as gambling, are contrary to their nature.

How to call: happy Orthodox male names

For babies born in July, you should not choose melodic soft names. It is better to dwell on the firm and strong-willed, as it will give the crumbs the missing rigidity. Such boys are not characterized by particularly negative character traits, however, it will not hurt to add decisiveness to them, self-confidence. Take a look at the following names:

  • Peter from Greek. "stone";
  • Gleb from scand. "beloved of the gods";
  • A novel from Greek "strong";
  • Artem from Greek. "healthy";
  • Denis from Greek. "dedicated to Dionysus";
  • Stepan from Greek. "crown";
  • Fedor from Greek. "God's gift";
  • Boris from glory. "glorious in the fight."

Also important is the sign of the zodiac crumbs. If the baby was born before July 22, then he is Cancer, and if from July 23, then Leo. A Cancer boy is characterized by a developed imagination, romance, and sensitivity. He is a very caring and tactful child. However, such qualities as timidity and lack of independence may also appear. Such babies should be given courageous and firm names. Simple Russians are best, for example, these:

Lion babies are great optimists, generous and generous, radiate warmth and kindness. Nevertheless, they can be a little self-confident, they like to be in the center of attention and arouse universal admiration, they do not want to obey. Sonorous and serious names are suitable for them, namely:

  • Valery from lat. "vigorous, strong";
  • Vladislav from glory. "possessing glory";
  • Ivan from Heb. "the grace of God";
  • Vladimir from glory. "owning the world";
  • Cyril from pers. "Sun".

How to choose according to the church Orthodox calendar (saints)?

At present, the tradition of naming babies according to the holy calendar is no less common than before. Parents believe that the baby, named after the saint, will be able to adopt spirituality and purity of thoughts from him, and that the baby will have additional protection.

If the variety of names in the Orthodox calendar on the date of birth of the child is large, then you can choose any one you like. If the choice is small, and parents do not like them, then you can look at the next days. The Church does not recommend looking back.

date Name Meaning patron saint
1 Leonty lion mch. Leonty of Tripoli
Hypatius high mch. Hypatius of Tripoli
Nicanor seeing victory Martyr Nikanor (Morozkin)
Basil royal ssmch. Vasily (Smirnov)
Alexander defender of the people ssmch. Alexander (Krutitsky)
Sergey venerable ssmch. Sergius (Krotkov)
Victor winner St. Viktor (Ostrovidov)
2 Zosima vital mch. Zosima Apolloniades
Paisios children's Rev. Paisius the Great
Ivan grace of God Rev. John the Hermit
Varlaam God's Son Rev. Varlaam Pinezhsky
3 Methodius ordered ssmch. Methodius of Patara
Gleb favorite of the gods Prince Gleb Vladimirsky
Andrey courageous Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky
Dmitriy pertaining to Demeter ssmch. Dimitry Salaminsky
Athanasius immortal mch. Athanasius of Salamis
Levkiy white St. Leucius of Alexandria
Nicholas victorious people Righteous Nicholas Cabasilas
4 Julian from the genus Julius mch. Julian of Tarsus
Terenty rubbing Tertius, Apostle from 70
Julius curly Presbyter Julius Myrmidon
Ivan grace of God ssmch. John (Budrin)
George farmer Rev. George (Lavrov)
Alexei defender ssmch. Alexy (Skvortsov)
Paul small ssmch. Pavel (Uspensky)
Nicholas victorious people ssmch. Nikolai (Rozanov)
And she pigeon Martyr Jonah (Sankov)
Nikita winner mch. Nikita (Sukharev)
Maksim greatest Rev. Maxim Grek
5 Yevsey pious ssmch. Eusebius of Samosata
Gregory awake St. Gregory
Fedor God's gift ssmch. Theodore (Smirnov)
Gabriel divine warrior ssmch. Gabriel (Arkhangelsk)
6 Mitrofan revealed by mother St. Mitrofan
Peter stone ssmch. Peter (Smorodintsev)
Alexei defender ssmch. Alexy (Vvedensky)
Alexander defender of the people ssmch. Alexander (Miropolsky)
Hermann consanguineous St. Hermann
Artem healthy Holy Righteous Artemy Verkolsky
7 Jacob stammerer Righteous youth Jacob Menuzhsky
Ivan grace of God Righteous lad John Menyuzhsky
Anton acquisition in return Rev. Anthony Dymsky
8 Peter stone Holy Blessed Prince Peter of Murom
Basil royal ssmch. Vasily (Protopopov)
Nikon winning Rev. Nikon (Belyaev)
9 David Darling Rev. David of Thessalonica
Ivan grace of God St. John of Goth
Denis dedicated to Dionysus St. Dionysius
Tikhon happiness Rev. Tikhon Lukhovsky
Nile river in egypt Rev. Neil Stolobensky
George farmer ssmch. George (Stepanyuk)
10 George farmer Rev. George Iversky
Martin like Mars Rev. Martin Turovsky
Serapion Dedicated to Serapis Rev. Serapion Kozheezersky
Alexander defender of the people ssmch. Alexander (Sidorov)
Vladimir owning the world ssmch. Vladimir (Sergeev)
Peter stone ssmch. Peter (Ostroumov)
11 Cyrus Sun mch. Cyrus of Alexandria
Ivan grace of God mch. John of Alexandria
Sergey venerable Rev. Sergius of Valaam
Hermann consanguineous Rev. Herman of Valaam
Paul small Rev. Paul the Corinthian
Basil royal ssmch. Vasily (Sitnikov)
Gregory awake ssmch. Gregory (Samarin)
12 Peter stone Apostle Peter
Paul small Apostle Paul
Gregory awake St. Gregory (Kallidos)
Paisios children's Rev. Paisiy Svyatogorets
13 Peter stone Apostle Peter
Andrey courageous Apostle Andrew the First-Called
Jacob stammerer Apostle James Zebedee
Ivan grace of God Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian
Philip fond of horses Philip, Apostle of the 12
Thomas twin Apostle Thomas
Matvey God's gift Apostle Matthew
Simon hearing Simon the Zealot, Apostle of the 12
Timothy worshiping God ssmch. Timothy (Peter and Paul)
14 Kuzma decoration mch. Cosmas of Rome
Damian conqueror mch. Damian of Rome
Alexei defender ssmch. Alexy (Drozdov)
Arkady from Arcadia ssmch. Arkady (Garyaev)
Peter stone Rev. Peter of Constantinople
15 Photius light St. Photius
16 Mark fading mch. Mark
Alexander defender of the people Rev. Alexander of Constantinople
Anatoly Oriental St. Anatoly
Basil royal St. Basil
Konstantin constant Prince Konstantin Yaroslavsky
Ivan grace of God Rev. John of Yarengsky
Arseniy courageous St. Arseniy
Tikhon happiness Rev. Tikhon Sokolovsky
Nikon winning Rev. Nikon Sokolovsky
And she pigeon mch. Jonah of Lipsius
Nicodemus victorious people Rev. Nicodemus Kozheezersky
Anton acquisition in return ssmch. Anthony (Bystrov)
Sylvester forest ssmch. Sylvester (Olshevsky)
17 Andrey courageous Andrey Rublev
Simen hearing Rev. Simeon the Stylite
Nicholas victorious people Emperor Nicholas II (Romanov)
Alexei defender Tsarevich Alexy (Romanov)
Fedot God-given mch. Theodotus of Rome
Savva wine ssmch. Savva (Trlaich)
Dmitriy pertaining to Demeter ssmch. Dimitri (Kazan)
Yefim complacent Rev. Euthymius of Suzdal
Fedor God's gift ssmch. Theodore
18 Sergey venerable Rev. Sergius of Radonezh
Athanasius Immortal Rev. Athanasius of Athos
Gennady noble ssmch. Gennady (Zdorovtsev)
19 Valentine strong ssmch. Valentine the Roman
Innocent innocent mch. Innocent of Athens
Basil royal mch. Basil the Athenian
Anton acquisition in return mch. Anthony of Rome
Yefim complacent Martyr Euthymius (Lubovichev)
Fedor God's gift ssmch. Theodore (Bogoyavlensky)
20 Thomas twin Rev. Thomas Malein
Hermann consanguineous mch. Germanus of Dyrrhachia
Gerasim venerable Rev. Gerasim Boldinsky
Paul small ssmch. Pavel (Chernyshev)
21 Alexander defender of the people ssmch. Alexander Popov)
Fedor God's gift ssmch. Theodore (Raspolov)
Nicholas victorious people ssmch. Nikolai (Bryantsev)
22 Kirill Sun ssmch. Kirill
Alexander defender of the people mch. Alexander of Egypt
Fedor God's gift St. Theodore of Edessa
Konstantin constant ssmch. Konstantin (Lebedev)
23 Leonty lion mch. Leonty Nikopolsky
Daniel judge of God mch. Daniel Nikopolsky
Anton acquisition in return mch. Anthony Nikopolsky
Alexander defender of the people mch. Alexander Nikopolsky
Basil royal ssmch. Vasily (Pobedonostsev)
Peter stone ssmch. Peter (Zefirov)
Stepan crown ssmch. Stefan (Lukanin)
George farmer ssmch. George (Begma)
Nestor returned home ssmch. Nestor (Gudzovsky)
24 Hilarion quiet, happy ssmch. Hilarion (Trinity)
25 Michael who is like God Rev. Mikhail Malein
Ivan grace of God Rev. John the Holy Mountain
Gabriel divine warrior Rev. Gabriel Svyatogorets
Fedor God's gift mch. Theodore Varyag
Arseniy courageous Rev. Arseniy
Simon hearing ssmch. Simon Volomsky
26 Gabriel divine warrior Archangel Gabriel
Stepan crown Rev. Stefan Savvait
Julian from the genus Julius St. Julian of Cenomania
Serapion dedicated to Serapis mch. Serapion
27 Stepan crown Rev. Stefan Makhrishchsky
Nicodemus victorious people Rev. Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer
Ivan grace of God mch. John of Merv
Konstantin constant ssmch. Konstantin (Bogoyavlensky)
Nicholas victorious people ssmch. Nikolai (Poretsky)
28 Vladimir owning the world Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir
Peter stone ssmch. Peter (Trinity)
29 Paul small mch. Paul of Caesarea
Jacob stammerer ssmch. Jacob (Maskaev)
Peter stone ssmch. Peter (Gavrilov)
Ivan grace of God ssmch. John (Mozhirin)
Fedor God's gift Martyr Theodore (Nikitin)
30 Leonid like a lion Rev. Leonid Ustnedumsky
Lazarus god helper Hieromonk Lazar of Galicia
31 Emelyan owned by Emilius mch. Emilian Dorostolsky
Ivan grace of God Rev. John the Long-suffering

Thus, the choice of parents is very large and often you can get confused. However It is important to remember that the baby acquires a name for the rest of his life. Therefore, one should not chase fashion trends and give the baby a too original name. It is also worth choosing in combination with the surname and patronymic, because if, for example, the patronymic is “Vasilyevich”, then the name “Apollo” will look rather ridiculous.

Every parent wants to reward their baby with a beautiful and sonorous name that will give him excellent qualities. Many believe that the word that a child will be named will determine his future fate: victories and even failures. If your baby was born in a hot summer, it's just great - because from the very beginning of his existence, he is surrounded by warmth and gentle sun. How to name a boy born in July so that he becomes the happiest man on Earth?

Summer is a great time to be born

It has been noticed that children born in the warm months, as a rule, differ from others in their flexibility in relationships with people, but it is difficult to call them fighters. However, they are endowed with the gift of leading the people, attracting attention with their sharp mind and quick wits. And if you want a real tireless fighter with life circumstances to grow up in your family, choose names with more consonant sounds. Psychologists say that this will give a person a sense of self-confidence. "Summer" children are very energetic, radiate inner warmth and infect with their optimism.

There is a choice!

The baby was born, and you do not know what name will suit him? What is the name of a boy born in July? The best options that suit a summer and “sunny” baby born at the beginning of the month are:

  • Artem, Anton, Anatoly, Andrey, Arseniy, Alexey.
  • Svyatoslav, Rostislav, Vyacheslav, Izyaslav.
  • Leonid, Leonty, Sofron, Semyon.

But such names are suitable for absolutely all boys born in July:

  • Alexander, Mark, Philip, Cyril, Maxim.
  • Stepan, Roman, Ivan, Innokenty, Galaktion, Konstantin.
  • Demid, Sofron, Nicodemus, Thomas, Tikhon, Kuzma.
  • Vladimir, Gury, Vasily, Emelyan, Denis, German, Terenty, Yevsey, Yakov.

The name of a boy born in July reflects him and tells about contradictions in character: he is brave, shy, and kind, but he hardly forgives insults, he is ready for communication, but sometimes he prefers complete loneliness.

The main advantage is deep emotionality

Birthdays of the summer month of July are very emotional people, their inner world is full of feelings and experiences. They are receptive to everything that happens, constantly analyze the world and people. These natures change their mood very quickly: just now they were laughing, as they are already sad and crying. Internal contradictions are what defines their whole life. They are romantic and open to new relationships, adore their friends and are endlessly attached to the family. But when they fall in love, the whole world ceases to exist for them! How to name a boy born in July so that he is less vulnerable and sensual? Such names are suitable: Jean, Gleb, Ruslan, Arthur, David, George, Grigory. The fact is that summer babies are very often endowed with feminine energy and softness, and such names will help the boy become more courageous and decisive.

How to raise a baby

Parents who have a “July” baby should know some secrets that can help find the key to his heart. Such boys absolutely cannot stand pressure, they are very upset if they are not listened to and their opinions are not taken into account. Become a real friend for the child, let him feel that his deep feelings are important to you. However, if you ignore his feelings, the boy may have all sorts of complexes. Teach your child to do some interesting hobby, but in any case do not force! It will be great if the child can share his secrets and experiences with you.

Due to their sharp mind and ingenuity, the "July" boys are prone to the exact sciences, they love to do crafts with their own hands. Therefore, try to captivate them with the most interesting toys or games of intelligence.

We attract good luck

Many parents believe that a name can bring good luck to their child's life. Indeed, even our ancestors thought that it was possible to make a child a “darling” of fate at the very beginning of life, naming him with a special name. Here's how to name a boy born in July and provide him with a decent life:

  • Nikita.
  • Boris.
  • Athanasius.
  • Evgrafiy.
  • Alexander.

Dear parents, when choosing names for boys in July, remember that these are special children who come into this world in order to give us warmth and love, warming our hearts like a hot sun.

Quite often, modern parents, in anticipation of a boy, begin to sort out a lot of names, not knowing which of the listed ones is best to stop at. Choosing a name is indeed not an easy task. After all, as you know, the name itself largely determines the fate of a person.

Naturally, each parent begins to choose a name for the baby at an early stage of pregnancy. As a rule, several names are chosen, of which later the parents stop at the one they like the most. At first, when the period is still small and the parents probably do not know what gender the baby will be born. Among the options, both female and male names are considered. Later, when ultrasound diagnostics is able to clearly determine the sex of the baby, the list of names is halved, and either female or male names remain in it.

Those parents who expect a son to appear in July are advised to pay attention to such names as Artem, Ivan, Yuri. Peter, Sergey, Vasily, Valentin, Maxim, Roman, German, Svyatoslav. Among the old names, it is preferable to focus on the names Demyan, Nicodemus, Demid or Sofron.

As a rule, the choice of a name is carried out, not only based on the preference of the family and the advice of close relatives. But also focusing on the zodiac sign under which the baby should be born. According to the astrological calendar, July babies are born either under the constellation of Cancer or under the constellation of Leo.

According to the horoscope, if a child is born until July 22 then it will be quiet and peaceful cancer, and after 22 - then he will grow up as a purposeful, self-confident, powerful, proud and rather stubborn person.

According to astrologers, the best names for cancer boys will be names like Vyacheslav, Denis, Ilya, Andrey. Maxim, Timofey, Grigory, Dmitry, Arseny, Vyacheslav or Stanislav.

If your baby lion, then pay attention to such names as Alexander, Artem, Anton, Ilya, Anatoly, Ivan, Kirill, Peter or Nikolai.

In any case, when choosing a name for a child, do not forget to listen to your heart, you should not dwell on any name if you do not like it, but everyone strongly recommends choosing it. It is also undesirable to name a child in honor of one of the family members, especially if this person is no longer among the living or he has an unhappy life, according to psychics, there is a risk that the child can repeat the fate of this person. Look through the list of names, refer to the relevant literature - this will help you make the right choice.

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