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Decision No. M]-93/014 2(2)-146/ 2-146/

The essence of the dispute: Disputes from Nar. penny. zak. - lawsuits of individuals against the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

name of the Russian Federation

Buguruslansky District Court of the Orenburg Region as part of the presiding judge Grek L.S.,

under the secretary Danilyuk M.P.,

with the participation of the plaintiff Kurmaleev. the representative of the defendant of the GU-UPF RF in the Asekeyevsky district of Yuzhevaya,

having considered in open court a civil case on a claim

Kurmaleev to a limited society

the responsibility of "FaRaGa" Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region on establishing the fact of working as an electric welder for a full time, on imposing the obligation to provide the pension fund with information on individual (personalized) accounting with a code of benefits, documents, recalculating accrued insurance premiums, on amending work book and in the book of orders on hiring him from the specialty of a foreman to the specialty of an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, to a state institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Asekeevsky district of the Orenburg region on the inclusion of periods in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension,


Kurmaleev. filed a lawsuit against a limited company

the responsibility of "FaRaGa" Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region (hereinafter referred to as LLC "FaRaGa") to establish the fact of his work for a full day as a foreman during the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, as an electric welder during the period DD.MM.YYYY according to DD.MM.YYYY, on imposing on the defendant the obligation to provide information to the pension fund of individual (personalized) accounting for assigning preferential service for the specified periods, recalculation of accrued insurance premiums by additional payment at additional insurance rates established by law for persons entitled to early appointment of a labor pension in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY and from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, indicating in the application that by the decision of the head of the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region from DD.MM.YYYY he was denied an early labor old-age pension due to the insufficiency of the required length of work experience in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them in accordance with paragraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 28 Federal Law of 17.12.2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” and at work with difficult working conditions (List No. 2) in accordance with paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of this Law, which excluded from his special length of service, the period of work in FaRaGa LLC as a foreman from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, since the type of activity is not documented: construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other objects ; the period of work as an electric welder from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, since this period was not confirmed by the defendant - there are no orders to assign welding equipment, job descriptions, staffing, timesheets, etc. d. individual information for the indicated periods was not submitted preferentially. In connection with these circumstances, he applied to the Asekeyevsky district prosecutor's office, where he was recommended to go to court. In connection with the foregoing, he asks to establish the fact of his work in the indicated positions for a full working day, as well as to make corrections to the information of individual (personalized) accounting, showing his special working conditions, to offset the excluded periods in the length of service.

When preparing the case for trial, the plaintiff Kurmaleev changed the claims and involved in the case as a co-respondent a state institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region (hereinafter referred to as the GU-UPF RF in the Asekeyevsky district).

At the hearing, the plaintiff Kurmaleev finally asked the court to oblige FaRaGa LLC to establish the fact of his work as an electric welder for a full working day during the period DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, to provide the pension fund with information on individual (personalized) accounting from code of benefits, recalculate the accrued insurance premiums for the periods from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY work from the specialty of a foreman to the specialty of an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, submit to the pension fund the staffing table, technical passports for welding equipment, orders for fixing welding equipment, inventory cards, payroll statements, consider him hired as an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, to oblige a state institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region to include the excluded periods in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension, while he refused to establish the fact of his work as a foreman for a full day in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY

By the definition of the Buguruslan District Court dated DD.MM.YYYY, the proceedings on the suit of Kurmaleev. to FaRaGa LLC on establishing the fact of his work as a foreman for a full working day in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY was terminated.

In support of his claim, Kurmaleev explained that in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, he actually worked as an electric and gas welder, and by order and entry in the work book he was listed as a foreman, this happened in agreement with the general director of FaRaGa LLC » Fakhrtdinov R.G. when applying for a job, since he had an engineering education, the director offered him not to spoil the work book, to accept him as a foreman, he agreed. He worked as a manual welding electric and gas welder for a full time at the facilities where he was sent, from time to time he was assigned the duties of a foreman without an order and payment, since they did not have the positions of chief engineer, mechanic, foreman. In the period from DD.MM.YYYY they were doing repairs to the local hospital, at this facility he worked as a welder, but the welding equipment was not assigned to him, they had one old welding transformer, which was left from the state enterprise KhPU, where R.G. Fakhrtdinov had previously . was a director, and there were also small welding machines (inverter) that worked for 3-4 years, went out of order, bought new ones, inventory cards did not start on them. They did not have automatic or semi-automatic welding. During his work from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, everything was the same. When the specified periods are included in the length of service, the periods of work with difficult working conditions will be summed up to the periods of work in the Far North or the area equated to the Far North, where he currently works (northern experience). The position of a manual welding electric and gas welder is subject to inclusion in the length of service according to List No. 2, therefore, the defendant FaRaGa LLC must recalculate the accrued and paid insurance premiums, pay a certain amount so that, according to the individual (personalized) records, the nature of his preferential work can be traced, and also provide the requested pension fund documents, namely: staffing, technical passports for welding equipment, orders for fixing welding equipment, inventory cards, payroll, which will also confirm the preferential nature of his work. Whether these documents were available at FaRaGa LLC, he does not know, but permits for hazardous work have never been issued. At that time, he was indifferent to what position he was hired for, what documents were drawn up, whether he would be entitled to a pension under List No. 2.

The representative of the defendant GU-UPF RF in the Asekeyevsky district of Yuzhev, acting under power of attorney No. from DD.MM.YYYY, did not recognize the claim and explained that according to the list No. 1991 No. 10, the name of the profession "electric welders engaged in cutting and manual welding, on semi-automatic machines, as well as on automatic machines using fluxes containing harmful substances of at least hazard class 3", as well as "electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding, "because the nature of Kurmaleev's work is preferential. namely, the type of welding is not documented, therefore, when calculating the special length of service, he excluded periods of work in the specified position from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY Period of work as a foreman from DD.MM.YYYY to DD .MM.YYYY was also excluded from the calculation, since the type of activity: construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other objects, was not documented by the act of verification, individual information for the specified period was not submitted preferentially, in the Charter of LLC "FaRaGa" assigned a different type of activity. In making corrections to the work book and the book of orders from the specialty of a foreman to the specialty of an electric welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, he does not object, but at the same time, the plaintiff must also submit any written evidence indicating the preferential nature of this position, in their absence, the periods are not included will. The periods of work in the position of foreman and electric welder from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY have already been counted to him in the general insurance experience, as performed during a full working day.

The representative of the defendant Ltd. «FaRaGa» Fakhrtdinov R.T. duly notified of the time and place of the trial, did not appear in court, did not notify the reasons for the failure to appear.

In accordance with Art. 167 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court considers it possible to consider the case in the absence of a representative of FaRaGa LLC.

In the previous court session, the general director Fakhrtdinov R.G. explained that Kurmaleev worked at FaRaGa LLC as a gas and electric welder, in his work book an entry for a job as a foreman was made at his request, he was granted leave as a foreman, in time sheets, payrolls he was also listed as a foreman.

In written responses to the claim Fakhrtdinov R.G. confirmed that Kurmaleev. according to the book of orders, he worked with DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY - foreman, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY - electric welder, documents for the preferential list to the pension fund were not handed over, data on the preferential category of workers at he is gone, time sheets have not been preserved; welding equipment was bought thirty years ago from private traders, there were never numbers and technical passports, welding equipment was not assigned to Kurmaleev, there were never any dangerous work orders.

The court, having listened to the explanations of the plaintiff, the representative of the defendant, having studied the materials of the case, having interrogated the witnesses, comes to the following.

Subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the Law of December 17, 2001 N173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" provides for the appointment of a pension to persons (men) who have reached the age of 55 and have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to them and having an insurance record of at least 25 years, respectively.

For citizens who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to them, a labor pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North.

At the same time, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.

Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are assigned a labor pension with a decrease in the age established by Article 7 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these regions.

When working in areas equated to regions of the Far North, as well as in these areas and regions of the Far North, the provision of the above paragraph applies.

According to subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of article 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173 - Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, an old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by article 7 of this Federal Law, for men upon reaching the age of 55 years, if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years 6 months and have an insurance record of at least 25 years.

In accordance with paragraphs. "b" clause 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2002 N 537 in case of early appointment of an old-age labor pension to workers employed in jobs with difficult working conditions, List N 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 N 10.

By virtue of paragraph 2 of the same article of the law, the Lists of relevant works, industries, professions, positions and specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is assigned, the rules for calculating periods of work and assigning this pension, if necessary, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding, on semi-automatic machines, as well as on automatic machines using fluxes containing harmful substances of at least hazard class 3 (item 23200000 - 19756);

Electric welders for manual welding (item 23200000 - 19906);

Gas cutters (item 23200000-11618).

In accordance with section XXX11 of List No. 2, approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 22, 1956, No. 1173 (as amended on April 16, 1958, October 29, 1959, July 16, 1965, September 23, 1966, December 23, 1967, March 10, 1967) .1969 04/12/1990 09/27/1990), gas welders and their henchmen, electric welders and their henchmen enjoyed the right to preferential pension provision.

At the same time, the name of the position of an electric welder and a gas welder is given without indicating the type of electric and gas welding - manual welding or automatic and semi-automatic welding.

Given the above, periods of work only until 01.01.1992 as an electric welder and gas welder can be counted in the length of service giving the right to early retirement without confirmation of a certain type of welding, after this date only with confirmation of the type of welding.

Clause 5 of the "List of Documents Required for Establishing a Labor Pension and a State Pension Security Pension in accordance with the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" and "On State Pension Security in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund RF dated 27.02.2002 N16 / 19PA, it was established that documents confirming the length of service in the relevant types of work must be attached to the application of a citizen who applied for an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Law of 12/17/2001.

In accordance with the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing labor pensions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N555 of 07/24/2002. the main document confirming the periods of work under an employment contract is a work book of the established form.

In the absence of a work book, as well as in cases where the work book contains incorrect and inaccurate information or there are no records of individual periods of work, written contracts are accepted to confirm the periods of work, drawn up in accordance with the labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relationship arises, labor books of collective farmers, certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies, extracts from orders, personal accounts and payroll statements. Such a document may be a clarifying certificate of the employer on the nature and working conditions of the employee.

From a letter from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated DD.MM.YYYYg. it follows that if, according to the information contained in the work book, from the name of the organization and the structural unit, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the production and work performed, and the name of the profession or position is expressly provided for by the List, it is recommended to count the length of service in the relevant types of work without additional verification, including including full-time permanent employment, given that before the specified date, the work of enterprises in the sectors of the national economy was stable.

The court established that, according to the plaintiff's work book, Kurmaleev was admitted to FaRaGa LLC as a foreman DD.MM.YYYY order No. dd.MM.YYYY; .MM.YYYY from DD.MM.YYYY was accepted into FaRaGa LLC as an electric welder of the 4th category, order No. dated DD.MM.YYYY; dismissed at his own request DD.MM.YYYY, order No. 16/k from DD.MM.YYYY

The submitted orders confirmed that Kurmaleev. was hired as a foreman, dismissed from the specified position. Order No. DD.MM.YYYY to Kurmaleev. (without specifying the position) was granted labor leave; subsequently he was hired as an electric welder, dismissed from the specified position.

Witness FULL NAME8, questioned at the hearing, showed that she, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, worked in OOO FaRaGa as a chief accountant and performed the duties of the personnel department without registration and payment. If Kurmaleev was accepted by order as a foreman, then all monthly documents (orders, acts of work performed, payroll statements, etc.) were drawn up for him as a foreman, who he actually worked for, she does not know, she was not present at the facilities, she only worked with accounting records. In the book of orders, she made entries on the day of dismissal, all orders are written by her hand, she does not know how to write the position correctly in accordance with the rating, since she is a financial worker, not a personnel worker. During the specified period, the Charter of the Company did not change. The foreman had a salary, the welders received piecework from the amount of work performed, and bonuses were also paid. Welding equipment was available, it was purchased, delivered to the warehouse, which was headed by Fakhrtdinov R.G. distributed it myself. Welding machines (inverter) were brought in, they served for 2-3 years and went out of order, new ones were brought in, cards were not kept for them, the head kept technical passports. Warehouse reports (postings) have already been destroyed due to their storage period of not more than five years.

Witness FULL NAME9 explained that in the period from DD.MM.YYYY she worked as a chief accountant in OOO «FaRaGa», and she was entrusted with personnel work. Previously, she did not work in this position, the previous accountant did not hand over the documentation to her, she began to keep all the documentation from scratch on a computer, printed it out on paper. By order of Kurmaleev, with DD.MM.YYYY, he was hired as an electric welder, she does not know how to spell this position correctly. I wrote orders at the direction of the director, the position indicated by the director. The payroll was not large, mainly trading and purchasing activities were carried out: two shops, a cafe, a hotel, as well as plumbing work, construction and installation work. I never saw what the welders did at the facilities, where they were, at what facilities they worked, I never saw them, I didn’t make a time sheet for them, and no one did, the gas-electric welders were subordinate to the director. During the period of its work, welding equipment was reflected on the 12th account "materials". Welding equipment was purchased before she was employed, she did not see the documents for the equipment, to whom it was assigned - she does not know. I have never seen permits for hazardous work, only orders for work performed. They also did not have staffing tables. After her dismissal, she did not hand over the documentation to anyone.

According to paragraph 14 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 11.12. of the year “On the practice of court consideration of cases related to the realization of the rights of citizens to labor pensions” in resolving disputes related to the establishment and payment of an old-age labor pension to citizens earlier than the generally established retirement age, in the interests of citizens and in order to prevent deterioration of the conditions for exercising the right to a pension security, which they counted on before the introduction of the new legal regulation (regardless of whether they have worked out a general or special length of service in whole or in part), the length of service giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension may be calculated taking into account the legislation in force on the period of performance of relevant work and other socially useful activities, which made it possible to count such periods as seniority when assigning pensions on preferential terms (Law of the USSR of July 14, 1956 "On State Pensions", Law of the USSR of May 15, 1990 "On Pension Provision of Citizens in the USSR", Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 N340-I "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation" and by-laws adopted in accordance with them).

Based on the content of this paragraph in the interests of citizens, the court may apply the legislation that was in force for the period of performance of the relevant work and other socially useful activities, in terms of including in the special length of service for the appointment of an early old-age pension periods of work in the positions of an electric welder, gas electric welder without specifying the type of welding, carried out before 01/01/1992.

This provision cannot be applied to Kurmaleev, since he performed work during the period of the List N 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of 01.26.1991 N 10, i.e. e. from 01.09.2009 to 25.10. G.

According to List No. 2 dated January 26, 1991, No. 10 (Section XXXIII "General Professions"), the following enjoy the right to preferential pension provision:

Electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding (position 23200000 - 19756); manual electric welders (position 23200000 - 19906) are different professions. In the work book, Kurmaleev is listed as an accepted electric welder of the 4th category, he asks to be considered accepted as an electric and gas welder, engaged in cutting and manual welding.

In accordance with Article 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, each party must prove the circumstances to which it refers as the basis for its claims and objections. Thus, the plaintiff must prove his employment in the performance of work in the position of an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding or electric welders of manual welding.

The nature of preferential work is not confirmed by witness testimony, but only by any written evidence, such evidence was not presented by the plaintiff, nor was it presented by the defendant FaRaGa LLC, which refers to their absence. That these documents are not available, they were not drawn up, also follows from the testimony of witnesses FULL NAME8, FULL NAME9, who were interrogated at the initiative of Kurmaleev. at the court session. The representative of the defendant Fakhrtdinov R.T. Kurmaleev's claim. did not acknowledge. Certificate No. dated DD.MM.YYYY specifying the special nature of work or working conditions necessary for the early appointment of an old-age labor pension, issued to Kurmaleev for submission to the Pension Fund, General Director Fakhrtdinov R.G. withdrew DD.MM.YYYY of the year as erroneously issued. According to personalized accounting, disputed periods are reflected without a code of benefits. Every year, FaRaGa LLC did not submit lists of insured persons working for it to the GU-UPF of the Russian Federation in the Asekeevsky district, according to positions that give the right to early retirement due to special and harmful working conditions.

Based on the foregoing, the court has no grounds to satisfy the plaintiff's claims, since only on the basis of any written evidence can one conclude about the nature of Kurmaleev's work, whether he worked as an electric welder for manual welding or an electric gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, in addition, the type of welding has not been proven, and without this it is impossible to make changes to the work book and to the book of orders for hiring him as an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding. For the same reason, it is impossible to make changes to the work book and to the book of orders from the specialty of a foreman to the specialty of an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, since all the documentation was carried out on Kurmaleev . like a foreman. Kurmaleev was accepted for this position at his request or with his consent, and the lack of documents for Kurmaleev. as a welder, it was initially predetermined by his admission to another position, especially since no permits for hazardous work were issued. For the same reason, it is impossible to impose on the respondent FaRaGa LLC the obligation to provide the pension fund with information on individual (personalized) accounting with a code of benefits, documents, and make additional accrual of insurance premiums, since all requirements are interconnected. From the testimony of witness FULL NAME9 it follows that she worked as a chief accountant since August 2008, during the period of her work, welding equipment was not purchased, all accounting was kept by her on a computer, before her only on paper, therefore, they were in postings, the shelf life of which expired at the time the plaintiff applied to the court with the requirements. If welding machines failed after 2-3 years, then the director had no interest in keeping technical passports for them. According to the explanations of Fakhrtdinov R.G. he has no documents for welding equipment. According to the latter, there are also no staffing tables, time sheets, which was also confirmed by witness FULL NAME9, not interested in the outcome of the case. Under such circumstances, the court cannot impose on the defendant the obligation to submit documents that are not available, since the decision made is subject to compulsory execution in the event of a voluntary refusal to execute it.

In view of the foregoing, the court finds no grounds to satisfy Kurmaleev's claim on imposing on the GU-UPF of the Russian Federation in the Asekeevsky district the obligation to include Kurmaleeva. excluded periods in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension.

The plaintiff's claims to establish the fact of his work as an electric welder from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY for a full working day are subject to satisfaction, since the specified period has already been credited to him by the GU-UPF RF in the Asekeyevsky district in the total insurance experience, as performed during a full working day.

According to Article 19 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, a labor pension is assigned from the date of applying for the specified pension, but not earlier than from the day the right to the specified pension arises. The plaintiff did not have the right to a pension due to the lack of special experience. As of the date of filing the application with Kurmaleev. experience has not been completed.

The statement of claim of Kurmaleev is partially satisfied.

Recognize Kurmaleev as an electric welder in the limited liability company "FaRaGa" of the Asekeevsky district of the Orenburg region in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY during the full working day.

In satisfaction of the rest of the claims of Kurmaleev to the limited liability company "FaRaGa" of the Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region, to refuse.

To satisfy the claims of Kurmaleev to the state institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Asekeevsky district of the Orenburg region on the inclusion of periods in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension is denied.

The decision can be appealed to the Orenburg Regional Court of Appeal within a month from the date of the court's decision in the final form with filing an appeal through the Buguruslan District Court.

Referee: signature L.S.Grek

Referee: signature L.S.Grek


Buguruslansky District Court (Orenburg Region) (details)

When organizing work with increased danger, the following general requirements should be followed:

1. Make a list of jobs with increased danger. Compiled by the technical manager of the organization, the head of the labor protection service. Approved by the head of the organization.

2. Appoint persons responsible for the preparation and performance of work with increased danger: the responsible manager; the person responsible for the preparation of work; the person responsible for the performance of work. The order on the appointment of responsible persons is approved by the head of the organization.

3. Develop instructions for the safe performance of work with increased danger. It is the person responsible for the safe performance of work with increased danger, approved by the technical manager of the organization.

4. Develop measures for the safe performance of work with increased danger, including measures performed during combined work, when working in a working production environment, near structures, communications, near or at working installations. It is the person responsible for the safe performance of work with increased danger, approved by the technical manager of the organization.

5. Carry out organizational activities. Responsible work manager.

Registration of a work permit for performing work with increased danger.

If necessary, coordination of the work permit with services within the organization.

Coordination of the work permit with organizations - owners of communications in the area of ​​work with increased danger.

Monitoring compliance with the requirements for personnel performing work with increased danger.

Permission to work (after technical (preparatory) measures have been taken).

Targeted coaching of performers.

Supervision and control during work with increased danger.

Registration of breaks, transfers and completion of work with increased danger.

6. Perform technical (preparatory) activities. The person responsible for the preparation of high-risk work.

Technical (preparatory) activities are carried out depending on the type of work performed and are given in the relevant sections of the educational and methodological manual.

7. Determine the means to ensure the safety of workers when performing work with increased danger. Responsible work manager. The means of collective and individual protection (PPE) used in the conduct of work with increased danger are determined for each type of work. Some types of PPE used in high-risk work are given in the relevant sections of the training manual.

1. Hot work

Safety requirements for hot work

Hot work (OR) includes production operations associated with the use of open fire, sparking and heating materials and structures to a temperature that can cause ignition: electric welding, gas welding, gas cutting, kerosene cutting, soldering, mechanical processing of metal with the formation of sparks, etc. .

To conduct all types of OR at temporary sites (except for construction sites and private households), the facility manager must issue an order - a permit in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules (PPB 01-03).

General safety requirements when performing electric welding and gas-flame work

Safety requirements for the performance of electric and gas welding works are set out in the Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection in Electric and Gas Welding Works (POT RM-020-2001).

Places of production of welding and gas-flame works must be provided with fire extinguishing means.

The workplaces of welders in the room during open arc welding must be separated from adjacent workplaces and passages by fireproof screens (screens, shields) with a height of at least 1.8 m.

When welding outdoors, fences should be placed in the case of simultaneous work of several welders close to each other and in areas of heavy traffic.

Welding outdoors during rain and snow must be stopped.

Places for the production of electric welding and gas-flame works on this, as well as on the lower tiers (in the absence of fireproof protective flooring or flooring protected by fireproof material) must be freed from combustible materials within a radius of at least 5 m, and from explosive materials and equipment (gas generators, gas cylinders, etc.) - within a radius of at least 10 m.

In electric welding machines and their power sources, live elements must be covered with protective devices.

When cutting structural elements, measures must be taken against accidental collapse of the cut elements.

An electric welding installation (converter, welding transformer, etc.) must be connected to the power source through a knife switch and fuses or an automatic switch, and if the open circuit voltage is more than 70 V, automatic shutdown of the welding transformer must be used.

Electric welders must have an electrical safety group of at least II.

For arc welding, it is necessary to use insulated flexible cables designed for the maximum electrical load, taking into account the duration of the welding cycle. The connection of welding cables should be made by crimping or soldering, followed by insulation of the joints.

Connection of cables to the welding equipment must be carried out using crimped or soldered cable lugs.

When laying or moving welding wires, care must be taken to prevent damage to their insulation and contact with water, oil, steel ropes and hot pipelines. The distance from welding wires to hot pipelines and cylinders with oxygen must be at least 0.5 m, and with combustible gases - at least 1 m.

Metal parts of electric welding equipment that are not energized, as well as welded products and structures, must be grounded for the entire time of welding, and for a welding transformer, in addition, the grounding bolt of the housing must be connected to the secondary winding terminal, to which the return wire is connected.

Steel tires and structures can be used as a return wire or its elements, if their cross section ensures the safe flow of welding current under heating conditions.

The interconnection of individual elements used as a return wire must be reliable and be carried out with bolts, clamps or welding.

It is forbidden to use metal parts of communications as a return wire: water supply, heat supply, gas pipeline, etc., as well as metal structures of buildings and housings of process equipment.

The fastening of gas-conducting hoses on the nipples of burners of cutters and reducers, as well as at the joints of the hoses, must be carried out with clamps.

It is allowed to tie the sleeves with soft annealed steel (knitting) wire at least in two places along the length of the nipple.

It is not allowed to use petrol cutters when performing gas-flame work in tanks, wells and other closed containers.

Simultaneous production of electric welding and gas-flame works inside the tanks is not allowed.

When performing electric welding and gas-flame work inside containers or cavities of structures, workplaces must be provided with exhaust ventilation.

In cases of welding with the use of liquefied gases (propane, butane, argon and carbon dioxide), exhaust ventilation must have suction from below.

Welding transformer, acetylene generator, liquefied gas cylinders must be placed outside the tanks in which welding is performed.

When performing welding work in poorly ventilated rooms of small volume, in closed containers, wells, etc. it is necessary to use personal protective equipment for the eyes and respiratory organs.

Lighting during the production of welding or gas-flame work inside metal containers should be carried out using lamps installed outside, or hand-held portable lamps with a voltage of not more than 12V.

Preparation and carrying out hot work at explosive and fire-explosive objects.

General requirements

Hot work at existing explosive and fire-explosive facilities (RD 09-364-00) is allowed in exceptional cases when these works cannot be carried out in permanent places specially designated for this purpose.

It is not allowed to place permanent places for hot work in fire and explosion hazardous premises.

Hot work at explosive and explosive objects should be carried out only in the daytime (with the exception of emergency cases).

Preparation and conduct of hot work includes the following activities:

1. Registration of work by an admission order. To carry out all types of hot work in temporary places (except for construction sites and private households), the head of the facility must issue an order - admission.

Work permit - this is a task for the production of hot work, drawn up on a special form of the established form, which determines the place of hot work, the time of their beginning and end, the volume and content of preparatory work, the sequence of their implementation, safety measures during hot work, the procedure for controlling air environment and means of protection of persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work, the composition of the brigade.

Attire - admission is issued, filled out and maintained according to a special procedure. The coordination of the order - admission is carried out in accordance with RD 09-364-00, p.p. 2.6 and 2.7.

2. Development of instructions for the safe conduct of hot work.

The requirements of the instructions for the safe conduct of hot work in the organization must not be lower than those established by the standard instruction.

3. Development of measures for the safe conduct of hot work.

4. Appointment of persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work.

The head of the unit where hot work is carried out appoints persons responsible for their preparation and conduct. The list of persons appointed responsible for the preparation of hot work is approved by the head of the organization.

5. Carrying out preparatory work (technical measures).

6. Permission to work, briefing of performers.

The person responsible for carrying out hot work is allowed to perform hot work after acceptance of the equipment and checking the state of the air environment. Before the start of hot work, the person responsible for their conduct conducts a targeted briefing with the performers on compliance with safety measures.

7. Control over the fulfillment of the requirements for personnel.

Persons who have undergone special training, have a qualification certificate and a fire safety certificate are allowed to carry out hot work. Persons admitted to conduct hot work must once a year pass an examination of knowledge on labor protection and annually undergo a medical examination. Individuals under the age of 18 and students are not allowed to work independently.

8. Control during hot work.

The head of the structural subdivision ensures control over compliance with the requirements of the instructions for the safe conduct of hot work. The air environment is controlled by the person responsible for the preparation of hot work.

9. Observation of the place of production of hot work upon completion.

The shift supervisor checks the place where hot work was carried out and provides supervision over it for 3 hours in order to exclude the possibility of fire.

Preparatory work (technical measures) during hot work

Preparation of the facility for hot work is carried out by the operating personnel of the unit under the guidance of a specially designated responsible person, including when work is performed at the facility by a third-party organization.

Responsible for the implementation of preparatory work can be assigned only to specialists of this facility.

Preparatory work includes all types of work related to the preparation of equipment, communications, structures for hot work.

The procedure for conducting preparatory work is as follows in accordance with RD 09-364-00.

1. A danger zone is determined, the boundaries of which are indicated by warning inscriptions and signs.

2. Places for welding, cutting, heating, etc. marked with chalk, paint or other clearly visible identification marks.

3. Apparatus, machines, tanks, pipelines, on which hot work will be carried out, must be stopped, freed from the products contained in them, disconnected with plugs from operating devices and communications and prepared for hot work (PPB 01-03, clause 16.3 .4).

4. Starting equipment designed to turn on machines and mechanisms must be de-energized, and measures taken to prevent their sudden start.

5. Sites, metal structures, structural elements of buildings located in the hot work area must be cleared of explosive, explosive and fire hazardous substances.

6. Drain funnels, exits from trays connected with sewerage, in which there may be combustible gases and vapors, must be blocked.

7. At the places of hot work, measures must be taken to prevent the spread of sparks. All inspection, technological and other hatches, ventilation, assembly and other openings in the areas of hot work must be closed with non-combustible materials (PPB 01-03, clause 16.3.8).

8. The place of conducting hot work must be provided with the necessary primary fire extinguishing equipment.

9. During the conduct of hot work, periodic monitoring of the state of the air environment in the apparatus, communications, on which the specified work is carried out, and in the danger zone, should be carried out.

It is allowed to start hot work if the presence of explosive and explosive substances in the air does not exceed the permissible concentrations.

In the event of an increase in the content of explosive and flammable substances in the danger zone inside the apparatus or pipeline, hot work must be immediately stopped and resumed only after the causes of gas contamination are identified and eliminated and the normal air environment is restored.

When carrying out hot work, it is prohibited (PPB 01-03, clause 16.3.18):

Start working with faulty equipment;

Perform hot work on freshly painted structures and products;

Use clothes and gloves with traces of oils, fats, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids;

Store clothing, flammable liquids (FLL), flammable liquids (FL) and other combustible materials in welding booths;

Allow students to work independently, as well as employees who do not have a qualification certificate and a fire safety coupon;

Allow contact of electrical wires with cylinders with compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases;

Perform work on devices and communications filled with combustible and toxic substances, as well as under electrical voltage;

At the same time, carry out hot work when installing waterproofing and vapor barrier on the roof, installing panels with combustible and slow-burning insulation, sticking floor coverings and finishing rooms using combustible varnishes, adhesives, mastics and other combustible materials.

Persons responsible for carrying out hot work, their duties

Responsibility for the development and implementation of measures to ensure safety during hot work in the organization rests with the heads of the organization, as well as with persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety.

The following persons organize the conduct of hot work in the organization and are responsible for compliance with safety requirements:

Responsible person approving the work permit for conducting hot work (head of the organization, chief engineer);

Head of the structural unit where hot work is carried out;

The person responsible for the preparation of hot work, the implementation of technical measures, the preparation of equipment and communications (appointed by the head of the unit). The list of persons responsible for the preparation of hot work is approved by the head of the organization. Only specialists of the department where the work will be carried out can be appointed responsible for the implementation of the preparatory work;

The person responsible for carrying out hot work. Appointed by the head of the unit from among the engineering and technical employees of the unit who are not currently engaged in the conduct of the technological process and who know the rules for the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and fire and explosion hazardous objects;

Shift Supervisor;


Responsibilities of persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work (OR):

Head of the organization

Responsible for the development and implementation of security measures in the conduct of the PR;

Approves instructions for the safe conduct of PR in the organization;

Approves the list of persons responsible for the preparation of the PR;

Approves the work permit for the production of OR.

Department head

Develops measures for the safe management of the PR;

Appoints persons responsible for the preparation and production of the PR;

Issues a work permit for the production of OR;

Coordinates with the fire service the work permit;

Checks the completeness of measures to ensure the safety of the OR;

Signs the work permit;

Carries out control over compliance with the requirements of the instructions for the safe maintenance of the OR.

Responsible for the preparation of the PR

Carries out activities to ensure the safety of the OR;

Notifies the head of an adjacent (technologically connected) unit about the time of hot work, about disconnecting communications, etc.;

Leases the location of the PR and the equipment for the production of the PR to the person responsible for the production of the PR;

Signs the work permit;

Carries out control over the state of the air environment in the area of ​​RR production.

Responsible for the production of OR

Accepts the place and equipment for the production of the PR from the person responsible for the preparation of the PR;

Checks the availability of fire extinguishing equipment;

Conducts briefing of performers before their admission to work;

Checks the availability of certificates for the right to conduct an OR and fire safety coupons;

Carries out access to the work of performers, checks the availability of protective equipment, including overalls;

Controls the work of performers;

Controls the state of the air environment at the venue of the OR;

Checks the location of the OR after their completion.

The shift supervisor is obliged to notify the personnel about the conduct of hot work at the facility and ensure the safe conduct of the technological process. Upon completion of hot work, check the place where they were carried out and ensure that it is monitored for 3 hours in order to exclude the possibility of fire.

2. Work at height

General provisions

Work at height is classified as work with increased danger and is included in the list of professions and types of work that are subject to increased requirements for compliance with safety rules in the course of work.

Work at height includes work in which the employee is at a distance of less than 2 m from unprotected differences in height of 1.3 m or more. If it is not possible to install fencing, work must be carried out using a safety belt and a safety rope.

Works performed at a height of more than 5 m from the ground, ceiling or working platform, on which work is carried out directly from structures or equipment during their installation or repair, belong to the category of climbing work.

The main hazardous production factor when working at height is the location of the workplace at a considerable height relative to the ground (floor) and the associated possibility of a worker falling.

Safety requirements when working at height are set out in GOSTs and Intersectoral rules for labor protection when working at height POT RM-012-2000. The Rules establish a unified procedure for organizing and carrying out all types of work at height, climbing work in order to ensure the safety of workers performing these works and persons located in the area where these works are performed.

The Rules set out safety requirements for the place of work at height, safety requirements for work using lifting mechanisms and devices, small-scale mechanization and hand tools, requirements for personal protective equipment and their use, safety requirements for certain types of work at height, requirements to professional selection and testing of knowledge on labor protection, as well as the responsibility of officials for violation of the Rules.

When working at height in construction, during electrical work, along with the Rules, the relevant industry regulatory documentation applies.

On the basis of the Rules, taking into account specific conditions, enterprise standards, regulations and instructions for labor protection when working at height are developed.

Preparation and execution of work

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An order to assign equipment to employees is a document that helps to bring the organization's activities in line with labor protection requirements.

High-risk work performed in the interests of the employer requires the execution of a number of documents. The safety regulations are clear on this.

Each employer determines for himself who will be responsible for the safety of equipment at the enterprise: he or one of the employees. Naturally, many prefer the second option, as this increases the responsibility of the work performed, employees perform their duties, guided by existing standards.

An important circumstance: the operated equipment must assume a category of work of increased danger.

For example, a lathe, a welding machine, an excavator (considered mining equipment), a car belong to this list, as they are high-risk equipment.

In addition to the order to assign the equipment to the employee, an act of acceptance and transfer of this equipment will be required for full-fledged work. Without it, the order will not have legal force.

As you know, any official document becomes "heavier" with links to supporting documents. When formulating the main part of the order, one can refer to Articles 21 and 238 of the Labor Code. They regulate the interaction between the employer and the employee in the transfer of responsibility for the safety of equipment.

Also, in a detailed analysis of the original legislative acts, one should not lose sight of the "Safety Rules for Working with Tools and Devices", which were approved by Order No. 42 of the Ministry of Energy.

They say that each equipment must have its own inventory number (for cars, their own license plate is used). A sign (inscription) with a list of those employees who have the right to interact with them must also be fixed at the operated facility.

The same plate indicates the only financially responsible person who is responsible for the serviceability of the machine, tool or other potentially dangerous equipment.

The same “Safety Rules” (clause 2.1.3) describe the need for a brief extract from the labor protection instruction or a safety memo that is needed for each type of equipment installed at the enterprise. This statement must be made available to employees.

It must be in a conspicuous place. Nobody canceled these rules, they are useful recommendations for organizations that care about the observance of labor protection standards by their own employees.

As for transport, here you can refer to POT RM-008-99 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection in the operation of industrial vehicles (floor trackless wheeled vehicles)", namely clause 4.2.11, which says that each vehicle needs attached to any driver.

The document consists of several elements:

Introductory part.

main part.

Final part.

Each of them should contain its own layer of information.

The upper introductory piece of the document must contain the name of the organization and its details (address, phone number, etc.). Some companies resort to printing special forms for processing such documents. At the top of such a blank, the contact information of the legal entity is always printed.

In addition, the introduction must indicate the city and date of signing the paper.

The order is numbered. This number subsequently (together with the name and date) should serve as a distinguishing feature of the paper from all others, when its presence is noted in the register of orders of the enterprise.

The "body" of the order begins with motivation: what prompted the leader to form or approve it. It can sound like this: “For the purpose of ensuring road safety” or like this: “To ensure the safety of the handed over tool.” There are hundreds of other formulations. Everything will depend on the specific circumstances and conditions in which the organization operates.

Then there is a list of equipment and persons to whom it is assigned. Indicating the inventory numbers, car license plates and the names and initials of the employees assigned to them. This is often quite a long list.

Only one person can be responsible for safety, and an unlimited number of people can be allowed to work on one machine.

In order to register this in an official paper, they resort to a wording like: “Ivanov I.I. approved for work on a screw-cutting and tool-grinding machine. The order can be issued in any form, as it will be more convenient in specific circumstances. It is important that the wording is not ambiguous and that the formal style of presentation is maintained.

In addition to the basic and necessary data for the order, it may contain information about:

How specifically responsible persons should ensure the safety of equipment: comply with fire safety requirements, use appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment). It can be a whole quote from the instruction on labor protection.

Which document contains information about the maintenance of equipment.

Persons admitted to one of the machines in a single list, with a mention of the fact that they all passed the required tests for labor protection.

For large amounts of data, tables can be used, but a long list is usually sufficient.

The order to assign equipment to employees is completed with the signature of the head.

An order to assign equipment to employees is a document that helps to bring the organization's activities in line with labor protection requirements.


High-risk work performed in the interests of the employer requires the execution of a number of documents. The safety regulations are clear on this.

What kind of equipment can be fixed

Each employer determines for himself who will be responsible for the safety of equipment at the enterprise: he or one of the employees. Naturally, many prefer the second option, as this increases the responsibility of the work performed, employees perform their duties, guided by existing standards.

An important circumstance: the operated equipment must assume a category of work of increased danger.

For example, a lathe, a welding machine, an excavator (considered mining equipment), a car belong to this list, as they are high-risk equipment.

Additional documents

In addition to the order to assign the equipment to the employee, an act of acceptance and transfer of this equipment will be required for full-fledged work. Without it, the order will not have legal force.


As you know, any official document becomes "heavier" with links to supporting documents. When formulating the main part of the order, one can refer to Articles 21 and 238 of the Labor Code. They regulate the interaction between the employer and the employee in the transfer of responsibility for the safety of equipment.

Also, in a detailed analysis of the original legislative acts, one should not lose sight of the “Safety Rules for Working with Tools and Devices”, which were approved by Order No. 42 of the USSR Ministry of Energy on April 30, 1985.

They say that each equipment must have its own inventory number (for cars, their own license plate is used). A sign (inscription) with a list of those employees who have the right to interact with them must also be fixed at the operated facility.

The same plate indicates the only financially responsible person who is responsible for the serviceability of the machine, tool or other potentially dangerous equipment.

The same “Safety Rules” (clause 2.1.3) describe the need for a brief extract from the labor protection instruction or a safety memo that is needed for each type of equipment installed at the enterprise. This statement must be made available to employees. It must be in a conspicuous place. Nobody canceled these rules, they are useful recommendations for organizations that care about the observance of labor protection standards by their own employees.

As for transport, here you can refer to POT RM-008-99 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection in the operation of industrial vehicles (floor trackless wheeled vehicles)", namely clause 4.2.11, which says that each vehicle needs attached to any driver.

Components of an order

The document consists of several elements:

  • Introductory part.
  • main part.
  • Final part.

Each of them should contain its own layer of information.


The upper introductory piece of the document must contain the name of the organization and its details (address, phone number, etc.). Some companies resort to printing special forms for processing such documents. At the top of such a blank, the contact information of the legal entity is always printed.

In addition, the introduction must indicate the city and date of signing the paper.

The order is numbered. This number subsequently (together with the name and date) should serve as a distinguishing feature of the paper from all others, when its presence is noted in the register of orders of the enterprise.

Main part

The "body" of the order begins with motivation: what prompted the leader to form or approve it. It can sound like this: “For the purpose of ensuring road safety” or like this: “To ensure the safety of the handed over tool.” There are hundreds of other formulations. Everything will depend on the specific circumstances and conditions in which the organization operates.

Then there is a list of equipment and persons to whom it is assigned. Indicating the inventory numbers, car license plates and the names and initials of the employees assigned to them. This is often quite a long list.

Important point! Only one person can be responsible for safety, and an unlimited number of people can be allowed to work on one machine.

In order to register this in an official paper, they resort to a wording like: “Ivanov I.I. approved for work on a screw-cutting and tool-grinding machine. The order can be issued in any form, as it will be more convenient in specific circumstances. It is important that the wording is not ambiguous and that the formal style of presentation is maintained.


In addition to the basic and necessary data for the order, it may contain information about:

  • How specifically responsible persons should ensure the safety of equipment: comply with fire safety requirements, use appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment). It can be a whole quote from the instruction on labor protection.
  • Which document contains information about the maintenance of equipment.
  • Persons admitted to one of the machines in a single list, with a mention of the fact that they all passed the required tests for labor protection.

  • For large amounts of data, tables can be used, but a long list is usually sufficient.

The order to assign equipment to employees is completed with the signature of the head.

An order to assign equipment to employees is a document that helps to bring the organization's activities in line with labor protection requirements.

High-risk work performed in the interests of the employer requires the execution of a number of documents. The safety regulations are clear on this.

What kind of equipment can be fixed

Each employer determines for himself who will be responsible for the safety of equipment at the enterprise: he or one of the employees. Naturally, many prefer the second option, as this increases the responsibility of the work performed, employees perform their duties, guided by existing standards.

An important circumstance: the operated equipment must assume a category of work of increased danger.

For example, a lathe, a welding machine, an excavator (considered mining equipment), a car belong to this list, as they are high-risk equipment.

Additional documents

In addition to the order to assign the equipment to the employee, an act of acceptance and transfer of this equipment will be required for full-fledged work. Without it, the order will not have legal force.


As you know, any official document becomes "heavier" with links to supporting documents. When formulating the main part of the order, one can refer to Articles 21 and 238 of the Labor Code. They regulate the interaction between the employer and the employee in the transfer of responsibility for the safety of equipment.

Also, in a detailed analysis of the original legislative acts, one should not lose sight of the “Safety Rules for Working with Tools and Devices”, which were approved by Order No. 42 of the USSR Ministry of Energy on April 30, 1985.

They say that each equipment must have its own inventory number (for cars, their own license plate is used). A sign (inscription) with a list of those employees who have the right to interact with them must also be fixed at the operated facility.

The same plate indicates the only financially responsible person who is responsible for the serviceability of the machine, tool or other potentially dangerous equipment.

The same “Safety Rules” (clause 2.1.3) describe the need for a brief extract from the labor protection instruction or a safety memo that is needed for each type of equipment installed at the enterprise. This statement must be made available to employees. It must be in a conspicuous place. Nobody canceled these rules, they are useful recommendations for organizations that care about the observance of labor protection standards by their own employees.

As for transport, here you can refer to POT RM-008-99 "Intersectoral rules for labor protection in the operation of industrial vehicles (floor trackless wheeled vehicles)", namely clause 4.2.11, which says that each vehicle needs attached to any driver.

Components of an order

The document consists of several elements:

  • Introductory part.
  • main part.
  • Final part.

Each of them should contain its own layer of information.


The upper introductory piece of the document must contain the name of the organization and its details (address, phone number, etc.). Some companies resort to printing special forms for processing such documents. At the top of such a blank, the contact information of the legal entity is always printed.

In addition, the introduction must indicate the city and date of signing the paper.

The order is numbered. This number subsequently (together with the name and date) should serve as a distinguishing feature of the paper from all others, when its presence is noted in the register of orders of the enterprise.

Main part

The "body" of the order begins with motivation: what prompted the leader to form or approve it. It can sound like this: “For the purpose of ensuring road safety” or like this: “To ensure the safety of the handed over tool.” There are hundreds of other formulations. Everything will depend on the specific circumstances and conditions in which the organization operates.

Then there is a list of equipment and persons to whom it is assigned. Indicating the inventory numbers, car license plates and the names and initials of the employees assigned to them. This is often quite a long list.

Important point! Only one person can be responsible for safety, and an unlimited number of people can be allowed to work on one machine.

In order to register this in an official paper, they resort to a wording like: “Ivanov I.I. approved for work on a screw-cutting and tool-grinding machine. The order can be issued in any form, as it will be more convenient in specific circumstances. It is important that the wording is not ambiguous and that the formal style of presentation is maintained.


In addition to the basic and necessary data for the order, it may contain information about:

  • How specifically responsible persons should ensure the safety of equipment: comply with fire safety requirements, use appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment). It can be a whole quote from the instruction on labor protection.
  • Which document contains information about the maintenance of equipment.
  • Persons admitted to one of the machines in a single list, with a mention of the fact that they all passed the required tests for labor protection.

  • For large amounts of data, tables can be used, but a long list is usually sufficient.

The order to assign equipment to employees is completed with the signature of the head.

Related Articles

Do you need to bring the activities of the enterprise in line with the requirements of labor protection? In this article, we will tell you how to develop and correctly put into effect an order to assign equipment to employees.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to assign equipment to employees;
  • how to draw up an order to assign equipment to employees;
  • an example of an order to assign equipment to an employee.

Ensuring safe working conditions in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and legislation in the field of labor protection is the primary responsibility of any employer. One of the mandatory documents regulating the work of persons, especially those whose labor activity is associated with the performance of high-risk work, is an order to assign equipment or a workplace to an employee.

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Encyclopedia of personnel orders from the Kadra System.

Assigning equipment to workers

Labor protection rules stipulate that in order to ensure the safety of the work performed, as well as the good condition and safe operation of machines and equipment, all mechanisms, especially those that work in the category of work with increased danger, must be assigned to certain workers.

Standard or individual provisions on labor protection, which provide for the rules for performing work on a particular equipment, mechanism, or machine, already contain the necessary list of conditions regarding the safe performance of work and the employee's responsibility for their failure to perform.

At the same time, in accordance with clause 2.1.2 of the Safety Rules when working with tools and devices (hereinafter referred to as PBMIP), it is necessary not only to reflect all points regarding the use of equipment, mechanisms and tools in the instructions for labor protection at the enterprise, but also to fix it with an order responsible persons responsible for their good condition and safe operation.

In accordance with the PBMIP, each device must be assigned an inventory number, in cases with cars, the vehicle number and brand are used, and a list of persons who have the right to work with these types of mechanisms, tools, equipment is defined.

In addition, it is necessary to attach a well-read extract from the labor protection instruction for this type of equipment directly at the workplace, which indicates a list of requirements for the safe performance of work, the availability of certain protective equipment.

Order on assigning equipment to employees

Order on assigning equipment to employees is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of office work standards and must contain the following information:

  • the name and data about the enterprise, which are often reflected in the "header" of the letterhead;
  • FULL NAME. and the position of persons responsible for the operation of mechanisms, transport or equipment;
  • name and brand, inventory number of equipment, mechanisms or vehicles;
  • FULL NAME. and the position of the person approving the order;
  • information on familiarization of responsible persons with the order.

An example of an order to assign equipment to an employee

Novorossiysk, st. Lebedenko, 14, 569-85-87

On assigning corporate mobile numbers to specific employees

In view of the production need, in order to ensure the good condition and safe operation of machines and equipment

  • Assign the following equipment and machines to the following responsible persons, according to the attached table:

Equipment fixing order

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Municipal educational institution secondary school 19 of the city of Podolsk, Moscow region. Order on the assignment of equipment to teachers. Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the existing machine tool (f.).

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Sanitary-technical, ventilation systems and. Issue an order for the enterprise, or as they advise the order for the workshop, and you're done - the worker is assigned to the machine. Please share an example of an order to assign equipment to employees. Action plan for peer protection WRC topics WCR. Installer of sanitary systems and installer of ventilation systems.

Decision No. M]-93/014 2(2)-146/ 2-146/

The essence of the dispute: Disputes from Nar. penny. zak. — lawsuits of individuals against the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

name of the Russian Federation

Buguruslansky District Court of the Orenburg Region as part of the presiding judge Grek L.S.,

under the secretary Danilyuk M.P.,

with the participation of the plaintiff Kurmaleev. the representative of the defendant of the GU-UPF RF in the Asekeyevsky district of Yuzhevaya,

having considered in open court a civil case on a claim

Kurmaleev to a limited society

the responsibility of "FaRaGa" Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region on establishing the fact of working as an electric welder for a full time, on imposing the obligation to provide the pension fund with information on individual (personalized) accounting with a code of benefits, documents, recalculating accrued insurance premiums, on amending work book and in the book of orders on hiring him from the specialty of a foreman to the specialty of an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, to a state institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Asekeevsky district of the Orenburg region on the inclusion of periods in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension,

Kurmaleev. filed a lawsuit against a limited company

the responsibility of "FaRaGa" Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region (hereinafter referred to as LLC "FaRaGa") to establish the fact of his work for a full day as a foreman during the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, as an electric welder during the period DD.MM.YYYY according to DD.MM.YYYY, on imposing on the defendant the obligation to provide information to the pension fund of individual (personalized) accounting for assigning preferential service for the specified periods, recalculation of accrued insurance premiums by additional payment at additional insurance rates established by law for persons entitled to early appointment of a labor pension in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY and from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, indicating in the application that by the decision of the head of the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region, from DD.MM.YYYY, he was denied an early retirement pension due to the insufficiency of the required length of work experience in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them in accordance with subparagraph 6, paragraph 1, article 28 Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” and in work with difficult working conditions (List No. 2) in accordance with paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of this Law, which excluded from his special length of service, the period of work in FaRaGa LLC as a foreman from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, since the type of activity is not documented: construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other objects ; the period of work as an electric welder from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, since this period was not confirmed by the defendant - there are no orders to assign welding equipment, job descriptions, staffing, timesheets, etc. d. individual information for the indicated periods was not submitted preferentially. In connection with these circumstances, he applied to the Asekeyevsky district prosecutor's office, where he was recommended to go to court. In connection with the foregoing, he asks to establish the fact of his work in the indicated positions for a full working day, as well as to make corrections to the information of individual (personalized) accounting, showing his special working conditions, to offset the excluded periods in the length of service.

When preparing the case for trial, the plaintiff Kurmaleev changed the claims and involved in the case as a co-respondent a state institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region (hereinafter referred to as the GU-UPF RF in the Asekeyevsky district).

At the hearing, the plaintiff Kurmaleev finally asked the court to oblige FaRaGa LLC to establish the fact of his work as an electric welder for a full working day during the period DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, to provide the pension fund with information on individual (personalized) accounting from code of benefits, recalculate the accrued insurance premiums for the periods from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY work from the specialty of a foreman to the specialty of an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, submit to the pension fund the staffing table, technical passports for welding equipment, orders for fixing welding equipment, inventory cards, payroll statements, consider him hired as an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, to oblige a state institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region to include the excluded periods in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension, while he refused to establish the fact of his work as a foreman for a full day in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY

By the definition of the Buguruslan District Court dated DD.MM.YYYY, the proceedings on the suit of Kurmaleev. to FaRaGa LLC on establishing the fact of his work as a foreman for a full working day in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY was terminated.

In support of his claim, Kurmaleev explained that in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, he actually worked as an electric and gas welder, and by order and entry in the work book he was listed as a foreman, this happened in agreement with the general director of FaRaGa LLC » Fakhrtdinov R.G. when applying for a job, since he had an engineering education, the director offered him not to spoil the work book, to accept him as a foreman, he agreed. He worked as a manual welding electric and gas welder for a full time at the facilities where he was sent, from time to time he was assigned the duties of a foreman without an order and payment, since they did not have the positions of chief engineer, mechanic, foreman. In the period from DD.MM.YYYY they were doing repairs to the local hospital, at this facility he worked as a welder, but the welding equipment was not assigned to him, they had one old welding transformer, which was left from the state enterprise KhPU, where R.G. Fakhrtdinov had previously . was a director, and there were also small welding machines (inverter) that worked for 3-4 years, went out of order, bought new ones, inventory cards did not start on them. They did not have automatic or semi-automatic welding. During his work from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, everything was the same. When the specified periods are included in the length of service, the periods of work with difficult working conditions will be summed up to the periods of work in the Far North or the area equated to the Far North, where he currently works (northern experience). The position of a manual welding electric and gas welder is subject to inclusion in the length of service according to List No. 2, therefore, the defendant FaRaGa LLC must recalculate the accrued and paid insurance premiums, pay a certain amount so that, according to the individual (personalized) records, the nature of his preferential work can be traced, and also provide the requested pension fund documents, namely: staffing, technical passports for welding equipment, orders for fixing welding equipment, inventory cards, payroll, which will also confirm the preferential nature of his work. Whether these documents were available at FaRaGa LLC, he does not know, but permits for hazardous work have never been issued. At that time, he was indifferent to what position he was hired for, what documents were drawn up, whether he would be entitled to a pension under List No. 2.

The representative of the defendant GU-UPF RF in the Asekeyevsky district of Yuzhev, acting under power of attorney No. from DD.MM.YYYY, did not recognize the claim and explained that according to the list No. 1991 No. 10, the name of the profession "electric welders engaged in cutting and manual welding, on semi-automatic machines, as well as on automatic machines using fluxes containing harmful substances of at least hazard class 3", as well as "electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding, "because the nature of Kurmaleev's work is preferential. namely, the type of welding is not documented, therefore, when calculating the special length of service, he excluded periods of work in the specified position from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY Period of work as a foreman from DD.MM.YYYY to DD .MM.YYYY was also excluded from the calculation, since the type of activity: construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other objects was not documented by the act of verification, individual information for the specified period was not submitted preferentially, in the Charter of LLC "FaRaGa" assigned a different type of activity. In making corrections to the work book and the book of orders from the specialty of a foreman to the specialty of an electric welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, he does not object, but at the same time, the plaintiff must also submit any written evidence indicating the preferential nature of this position, in their absence, the periods are not included will. The periods of work in the position of foreman and electric welder from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY have already been counted to him in the general insurance experience, as performed during a full working day.

The representative of the defendant Ltd. «FaRaGa» Fakhrtdinov R.T. duly notified of the time and place of the trial, did not appear in court, did not notify the reasons for the failure to appear.

In accordance with Art. 167 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court considers it possible to consider the case in the absence of a representative of FaRaGa LLC.

In the previous court session, the general director Fakhrtdinov R.G. explained that Kurmaleev worked at FaRaGa LLC as a gas and electric welder, in his work book an entry for a job as a foreman was made at his request, he was granted leave as a foreman, in time sheets, payrolls he was also listed as a foreman.

In written responses to the claim Fakhrtdinov R.G. confirmed that Kurmaleev. according to the book of orders, he worked with DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY - foreman, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY - electric welder, documents for the preferential list to the pension fund were not handed over, data on the preferential category of workers at he is gone, time sheets have not been preserved; welding equipment was bought thirty years ago from private traders, there were never numbers and technical passports, welding equipment was not assigned to Kurmaleev, there were never any dangerous work orders.

The court, having listened to the explanations of the plaintiff, the representative of the defendant, having studied the materials of the case, having interrogated the witnesses, comes to the following.

Subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the Law of December 17, 2001 N173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" provides for the appointment of a pension to persons (men) who have reached the age of 55 and have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in areas equated to them and having an insurance record of at least 25 years, respectively.

For citizens who worked both in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to them, a labor pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North.

At the same time, each calendar year of work in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North is considered nine months of work in the regions of the Far North.

Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months are assigned a labor pension with a decrease in the age established by Article 7 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these regions.

When working in areas equated to regions of the Far North, as well as in these areas and regions of the Far North, the provision of the above paragraph applies.

According to subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of article 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173 - Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, an old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by article 7 of this Federal Law, for men upon reaching the age of 55 years, if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years 6 months and have an insurance record of at least 25 years.

In accordance with paragraphs. "b" clause 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 2002 N 537 in case of early appointment of an old-age labor pension to workers employed in jobs with difficult working conditions, List N 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 N 10.

By virtue of paragraph 2 of the same article of the law, the Lists of relevant works, industries, professions, positions and specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is assigned, the rules for calculating periods of work and assigning this pension, if necessary, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding, on semi-automatic machines, as well as on automatic machines using fluxes containing harmful substances of at least hazard class 3 (position 23200000 - 19756);

Electric welders of manual welding (item 23200000 - 19906);

Gas cutters (item 23200000-11618).

In accordance with section XXX11 of List No. 2, approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 22, 1956, No. 1173 (as amended on April 16, 1958, October 29, 1959, July 16, 1965, September 23, 1966, December 23, 1967, March 10, 1967) .1969 04/12/1990 09/27/1990), gas welders and their henchmen, electric welders and their henchmen enjoyed the right to preferential pension provision.

At the same time, the name of the position of an electric welder and a gas welder is given without indicating the type of electric and gas welding - manual welding or automatic and semi-automatic welding.

Given the above, periods of work only until 01.01.1992 as an electric welder and gas welder can be counted in the length of service giving the right to early retirement without confirmation of a certain type of welding, after this date only with confirmation of the type of welding.

Clause 5 of the "List of Documents Required for Establishing a Labor Pension and State Pension Security in accordance with the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" and "On State Pension Security in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund RF dated 27.02.2002 N16 / 19PA, it was established that documents confirming the length of service in the relevant types of work must be attached to the application of a citizen who applied for an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Law of 12/17/2001.

In accordance with the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing labor pensions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N555 of 07/24/2002. the main document confirming the periods of work under an employment contract is a work book of the established form.

In the absence of a work book, as well as in cases where the work book contains incorrect and inaccurate information or there are no records of individual periods of work, written contracts are accepted to confirm the periods of work, drawn up in accordance with the labor legislation in force on the day the relevant legal relationship arises, labor books of collective farmers, certificates issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies, extracts from orders, personal accounts and payroll statements. Such a document may be a clarifying certificate of the employer on the nature and working conditions of the employee.

From a letter from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated DD.MM.YYYYg. it follows that if, according to the information contained in the work book, from the name of the organization and the structural unit, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the production and work performed, and the name of the profession or position is expressly provided for by the List, it is recommended to count the length of service in the relevant types of work without additional verification, including including full-time permanent employment, given that before the specified date, the work of enterprises in the sectors of the national economy was stable.

The court established that, according to the plaintiff's work book, Kurmaleev was admitted to FaRaGa LLC as a foreman DD.MM.YYYY order No. dd.MM.YYYY; .MM.YYYY from DD.MM.YYYY was accepted into FaRaGa LLC as an electric welder of the 4th category, order No. dated DD.MM.YYYY; dismissed at his own request DD.MM.YYYY, order No. 16/k from DD.MM.YYYY

The submitted orders confirmed that Kurmaleev. was hired as a foreman, dismissed from the specified position. Order No. DD.MM.YYYY to Kurmaleev. (without specifying the position) was granted labor leave; subsequently he was hired as an electric welder, dismissed from the specified position.

Witness FULL NAME8, questioned at the hearing, showed that she, from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, worked in OOO FaRaGa as a chief accountant and performed the duties of the personnel department without registration and payment. If Kurmaleev was accepted by order as a foreman, then all monthly documents (orders, acts of work performed, payroll statements, etc.) were drawn up for him as a foreman, who he actually worked for, she does not know, she was not present at the facilities, she only worked with accounting records. In the book of orders, she made entries on the day of dismissal, all orders are written by her hand, she does not know how to write the position correctly in accordance with the rating, since she is a financial worker, not a personnel worker. During the specified period, the Charter of the Company did not change. The foreman had a salary, the welders received piecework from the amount of work performed, and bonuses were also paid. Welding equipment was available, it was purchased, delivered to the warehouse, which was headed by Fakhrtdinov R.G. distributed it myself. Welding machines (inverter) were brought in, they served for 2-3 years and went out of order, new ones were brought in, cards were not kept for them, the head kept technical passports. Warehouse reports (postings) have already been destroyed due to their storage period of not more than five years.

Witness FULL NAME9 explained that in the period from DD.MM.YYYY she worked as a chief accountant in OOO «FaRaGa», and she was entrusted with personnel work. Previously, she did not work in this position, the previous accountant did not hand over the documentation to her, she began to keep all the documentation from scratch on a computer, printed it out on paper. By order of Kurmaleev, with DD.MM.YYYY, he was hired as an electric welder, she does not know how to spell this position correctly. I wrote orders at the direction of the director, the position indicated by the director. The payroll was not large, mainly trading and purchasing activities were carried out: two shops, a cafe, a hotel, as well as plumbing work, construction and installation work. I never saw what the welders did at the facilities, where they were, at what facilities they worked, I never saw them, I didn’t make a time sheet for them, and no one did, the gas-electric welders were subordinate to the director. During the period of its work, welding equipment was reflected on the 12th account "materials". Welding equipment was purchased before she was employed, she did not see the documents for the equipment, to whom it was assigned - she does not know. I have never seen permits for hazardous work, only orders for work performed. They also did not have staffing tables. After her dismissal, she did not hand over the documentation to anyone.

According to paragraph 14 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 11.12. of the year “On the practice of court consideration of cases related to the realization of the rights of citizens to labor pensions” in resolving disputes related to the establishment and payment of an old-age labor pension to citizens earlier than the generally established retirement age, in the interests of citizens and in order to prevent deterioration of the conditions for exercising the right to a pension security, which they counted on before the introduction of the new legal regulation (regardless of whether they have worked out a general or special length of service in whole or in part), the length of service giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension may be calculated taking into account the legislation in force on the period of performance of relevant work and other socially useful activities, which made it possible to count such periods as seniority when assigning pensions on preferential terms (USSR Law of July 14, 1956 "On State Pensions", USSR Law of May 15, 1990 "On Pension Provision of Citizens in the USSR", Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 N340-I "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation" and by-laws adopted in accordance with them).

Based on the content of this paragraph in the interests of citizens, the court may apply the legislation that was in force for the period of performance of the relevant work and other socially useful activities, in terms of including in the special length of service for the appointment of an early old-age pension periods of work in the positions of an electric welder, gas electric welder without specifying the type of welding, carried out before 01/01/1992.

This provision cannot be applied to Kurmaleev, since he performed work during the period of the List N 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of 01.26.1991 N 10, i.e. e. from 01.09.2009 to 25.10. G.

According to List No. 2 dated January 26, 1991, No. 10 (Section XXXIII "General Professions"), the following enjoy the right to preferential pension provision:

Electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding (position 23200000 - 19756); electric welders of manual welding (position 23200000 - 19906) are different professions. In the work book, Kurmaleev is listed as an accepted electric welder of the 4th category, he asks to be considered accepted as an electric and gas welder, engaged in cutting and manual welding.

In accordance with Article 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, each party must prove the circumstances to which it refers as the basis for its claims and objections. Thus, the plaintiff must prove his employment in the performance of work in the position of an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding or electric welders of manual welding.

The nature of preferential work is not confirmed by witness testimony, but only by any written evidence, such evidence was not presented by the plaintiff, nor was it presented by the defendant FaRaGa LLC, which refers to their absence. That these documents are not available, they were not drawn up, also follows from the testimony of witnesses FULL NAME8, FULL NAME9, who were interrogated at the initiative of Kurmaleev. at the court session. The representative of the defendant Fakhrtdinov R.T. Kurmaleev's claim. did not acknowledge. Certificate No. dated DD.MM.YYYY specifying the special nature of work or working conditions necessary for the early appointment of an old-age labor pension, issued to Kurmaleev for submission to the Pension Fund, General Director Fakhrtdinov R.G. withdrew DD.MM.YYYY of the year as erroneously issued. According to personalized accounting, disputed periods are reflected without a code of benefits. Every year, FaRaGa LLC did not submit lists of insured persons working for it to the GU-UPF of the Russian Federation in the Asekeevsky district, according to positions that give the right to early retirement due to special and harmful working conditions.

Based on the foregoing, the court has no grounds to satisfy the plaintiff's claims, since only on the basis of any written evidence can one conclude about the nature of Kurmaleev's work, whether he worked as an electric welder for manual welding or an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, in addition, the type of welding has not been proven, and without this it is impossible to make changes to the work book and to the book of orders for hiring him as an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding. For the same reason, it is impossible to make changes to the work book and to the book of orders from the specialty of a foreman to the specialty of an electric and gas welder engaged in cutting and manual welding, in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY, since all the documentation was carried out on Kurmaleev . like a foreman. Kurmaleev was accepted for this position at his request or with his consent, and the lack of documents for Kurmaleev. as a welder, it was initially predetermined by his admission to another position, especially since no permits for hazardous work were issued. For the same reason, it is impossible to impose on the respondent FaRaGa LLC the obligation to provide the pension fund with information on individual (personalized) accounting with a code of benefits, documents, and make additional accrual of insurance premiums, since all requirements are interconnected. From the testimony of witness FULL NAME9 it follows that she worked as a chief accountant since August 2008, during the period of her work, welding equipment was not purchased, all accounting was kept by her on a computer, before her only on paper, therefore, they were in postings, the shelf life of which expired at the time the plaintiff applied to the court with the requirements. If welding machines failed after 2-3 years, then the director had no interest in keeping technical passports for them. According to the explanations of Fakhrtdinov R.G. he has no documents for welding equipment. According to the latter, there are also no staffing tables, time sheets, which was also confirmed by witness FULL NAME9, not interested in the outcome of the case. Under such circumstances, the court cannot impose on the defendant the obligation to submit documents that are not available, since the decision made is subject to compulsory execution in the event of a voluntary refusal to execute it.

In view of the foregoing, the court finds no grounds to satisfy Kurmaleev's claim on imposing on the GU-UPF of the Russian Federation in the Asekeevsky district the obligation to include Kurmaleeva. excluded periods in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension.

The plaintiff's claims to establish the fact of his work as an electric welder from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY for a full working day are subject to satisfaction, since the specified period has already been credited to him by the GU-UPF RF in the Asekeyevsky district in the total insurance experience, as performed during a full working day.

According to Article 19 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, a labor pension is assigned from the date of applying for the specified pension, but not earlier than from the day the right to the specified pension arises. The plaintiff did not have the right to a pension due to the lack of special experience. As of the date of filing the application with Kurmaleev. experience has not been completed.

The statement of claim of Kurmaleev is partially satisfied.

Recognize Kurmaleev as an electric welder in the limited liability company "FaRaGa" of the Asekeevsky district of the Orenburg region in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY during the full working day.

In satisfaction of the rest of the claims of Kurmaleev to the limited liability company "FaRaGa" of the Asekeyevsky district of the Orenburg region, to refuse.

To satisfy the claims of Kurmaleev to the state institution - the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Asekeevsky district of the Orenburg region on the inclusion of periods in the length of service for the appointment of an early retirement pension is denied.

The decision can be appealed to the Orenburg Regional Court of Appeal within a month from the date of the court's decision in the final form with filing an appeal through the Buguruslan District Court.

Referee: signature L.S.Grek

Referee: signature L.S.Grek

Buguruslansky District Court (Orenburg Region) (details)

When organizing work with increased danger, the following general requirements should be followed:

1. Make a list of jobs with increased danger. Compiled by the technical manager of the organization, the head of the labor protection service. Approved by the head of the organization.

2. Appoint persons responsible for the preparation and performance of work with increased danger: the responsible manager; the person responsible for the preparation of work; the person responsible for the performance of work. The order on the appointment of responsible persons is approved by the head of the organization.

3. Develop instructions for the safe performance of work with increased danger. It is the person responsible for the safe performance of work with increased danger, approved by the technical manager of the organization.

4. Develop measures for the safe performance of work with increased danger, including measures performed during combined work, when working in a working production environment, near structures, communications, near or at working installations. It is the person responsible for the safe performance of work with increased danger, approved by the technical manager of the organization.

5. Carry out organizational activities. Responsible work manager.

Registration of a work permit for performing work with increased danger.

If necessary, coordination of the work permit with services within the organization.

Coordination of the work permit with organizations - owners of communications in the area of ​​work with increased danger.

Monitoring compliance with the requirements for personnel performing work with increased danger.

Permission to work (after technical (preparatory) measures have been taken).

Targeted coaching of performers.

Supervision and control during work with increased danger.

Registration of breaks, transfers and completion of work with increased danger.

6. Perform technical (preparatory) activities. The person responsible for the preparation of high-risk work.

Technical (preparatory) activities are carried out depending on the type of work performed and are given in the relevant sections of the training manual.

7. Determine the means to ensure the safety of workers when performing work with increased danger. Responsible work manager. The means of collective and individual protection (PPE) used in the conduct of work with increased danger are determined for each type of work. Some types of PPE used in high-risk work are given in the relevant sections of the training manual.

1. Hot work

Safety requirements for hot work

Hot work (OR) includes production operations associated with the use of open fire, sparking and heating materials and structures to a temperature that can cause ignition: electric welding, gas welding, gas cutting, kerosene cutting, soldering, mechanical processing of metal with the formation of sparks, etc. .

To conduct all types of OR at temporary sites (except for construction sites and private households), the facility manager must issue an order - a permit in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules (PPB 01-03).

General safety requirements when performing electric welding and gas-flame work

Safety requirements when performing electric and gas welding works are set out in the Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection in Electric and Gas Welding Works (POT RM-020-2001).

Places of production of welding and gas-flame works must be provided with fire extinguishing means.

The workplaces of welders in the room during open arc welding must be separated from adjacent workplaces and passages by fireproof screens (screens, shields) with a height of at least 1.8 m.

When welding outdoors, fences should be placed in the case of simultaneous work of several welders close to each other and in areas of heavy traffic.

Welding outdoors during rain and snow must be stopped.

Places for the production of electric welding and gas-flame works on this, as well as on the lower tiers (in the absence of fireproof protective flooring or flooring protected by fireproof material) must be freed from combustible materials within a radius of at least 5 m, and from explosive materials and equipment (gas generators, gas cylinders, etc.) - within a radius of at least 10 m.

In electric welding machines and their power sources, live elements must be covered with protective devices.

When cutting structural elements, measures must be taken against accidental collapse of the cut elements.

An electric welding installation (converter, welding transformer, etc.) must be connected to the power source through a knife switch and fuses or an automatic switch, and if the open circuit voltage is more than 70 V, automatic shutdown of the welding transformer must be used.

Electric welders must have an electrical safety group of at least II.

For arc welding, it is necessary to use insulated flexible cables designed for the maximum electrical load, taking into account the duration of the welding cycle. The connection of welding cables should be made by crimping or soldering, followed by insulation of the joints.

Connection of cables to the welding equipment must be carried out using crimped or soldered cable lugs.

When laying or moving welding wires, care must be taken to prevent damage to their insulation and contact with water, oil, steel ropes and hot pipelines. The distance from welding wires to hot pipelines and cylinders with oxygen must be at least 0.5 m, and with combustible gases - at least 1 m.

Metal parts of electric welding equipment that are not energized, as well as welded products and structures, must be grounded for the entire time of welding, and for a welding transformer, in addition, the grounding bolt of the housing must be connected to the secondary winding terminal, to which the return wire is connected.

Steel tires and structures can be used as a return wire or its elements, if their cross section ensures the safe flow of welding current under heating conditions.

The interconnection of individual elements used as a return wire must be reliable and be carried out with bolts, clamps or welding.

It is forbidden to use metal parts of communications as a return wire: water supply, heat supply, gas pipeline, etc., as well as metal structures of buildings and housings of process equipment.

The fastening of gas-conducting hoses on the nipples of burners of cutters and reducers, as well as at the joints of the hoses, must be carried out with clamps.

It is allowed to tie the sleeves with soft annealed steel (knitting) wire at least in two places along the length of the nipple.

It is not allowed to use petrol cutters when performing gas-flame work in tanks, wells and other closed containers.

Simultaneous production of electric welding and gas-flame works inside the tanks is not allowed.

When performing electric welding and gas-flame work inside containers or cavities of structures, workplaces must be provided with exhaust ventilation.

In cases of welding with the use of liquefied gases (propane, butane, argon and carbon dioxide), exhaust ventilation must have suction from below.

Welding transformer, acetylene generator, liquefied gas cylinders must be placed outside the tanks in which welding is performed.

When performing welding work in poorly ventilated rooms of small volume, in closed containers, wells, etc. it is necessary to use personal protective equipment for the eyes and respiratory organs.

Lighting during the production of welding or gas-flame work inside metal containers should be carried out using lamps installed outside, or hand-held portable lamps with a voltage of not more than 12V.

Preparation and carrying out hot work at explosive and fire-explosive objects.

Hot work at existing explosive and fire-explosive facilities (RD 09-364-00) is allowed in exceptional cases when these works cannot be carried out in permanent places specially designated for this purpose.

It is not allowed to place permanent places for hot work in fire and explosion hazardous premises.

Hot work at explosive and explosive objects should be carried out only in the daytime (with the exception of emergency cases).

Preparation and conduct of hot work includes the following activities:

1. Registration of work by an admission order. To carry out all types of hot work in temporary places (except for construction sites and private households), the head of the facility is obliged to issue an order - admission.

A work permit is a task for the performance of hot work, drawn up on a special form of the established form, which determines the place of hot work, the time of their start and end, the volume and content of preparatory work, the sequence of their implementation, safety measures during hot work, the procedure for controlling air environment and means of protection of persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work, the composition of the brigade.

Attire - admission is issued, filled out and maintained according to a special procedure. Coordination of the order - admission is carried out in accordance with RD 09-364-00, p.p. 2.6 and 2.7.

2. Development of instructions for the safe conduct of hot work.

The requirements of the instructions for the safe conduct of hot work in the organization must not be lower than those established by the standard instruction.

3. Development of measures for the safe conduct of hot work.

4. Appointment of persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work.

The head of the unit where hot work is carried out appoints persons responsible for their preparation and conduct. The list of persons appointed responsible for the preparation of hot work is approved by the head of the organization.

5. Carrying out preparatory work (technical measures).

6. Permission to work, briefing of performers.

The person responsible for carrying out hot work is allowed to perform hot work after acceptance of the equipment and checking the state of the air environment. Before the start of hot work, the person responsible for their conduct conducts a targeted briefing with the performers on compliance with safety measures.

7. Control over the fulfillment of the requirements for personnel.

Persons who have undergone special training, have a qualification certificate and a fire safety certificate are allowed to carry out hot work. Persons admitted to conduct hot work must once a year pass an examination of knowledge on labor protection and annually undergo a medical examination. Individuals under the age of 18 and students are not allowed to work independently.

8. Control during hot work.

The head of the structural subdivision ensures control over compliance with the requirements of the instructions for the safe conduct of hot work. The air environment is controlled by the person responsible for the preparation of hot work.

9. Observation of the place of production of hot work upon completion.

The shift supervisor checks the place where hot work was carried out and provides supervision over it for 3 hours in order to exclude the possibility of fire.

Preparatory work (technical measures) during hot work

Preparation of the facility for hot work is carried out by the operating personnel of the unit under the guidance of a specially designated responsible person, including when work is performed at the facility by a third-party organization.

Responsible for the implementation of preparatory work can be assigned only to specialists of this facility.

Preparatory work includes all types of work related to the preparation of equipment, communications, structures for hot work.

The procedure for conducting preparatory work is as follows in accordance with RD 09-364-00.

1. A danger zone is determined, the boundaries of which are indicated by warning inscriptions and signs.

2. Places for welding, cutting, heating, etc. marked with chalk, paint or other clearly visible identification marks.

3. Apparatus, machines, tanks, pipelines, on which hot work will be carried out, must be stopped, freed from the products contained in them, disconnected with plugs from operating devices and communications and prepared for hot work (PPB 01-03, clause 16.3 .4).

4. Starting equipment designed to turn on machines and mechanisms must be de-energized, and measures taken to prevent their sudden start.

5. Sites, metal structures, structural elements of buildings located in the hot work area must be cleared of explosive, explosive and fire hazardous substances.

6. Drain funnels, exits from trays connected with sewerage, in which there may be combustible gases and vapors, must be blocked.

7. At the places of hot work, measures must be taken to prevent the spread of sparks. All inspection, technological and other hatches, ventilation, assembly and other openings in the areas of hot work must be closed with non-combustible materials (PPB 01-03, clause 16.3.8).

8. The place of conducting hot work must be provided with the necessary primary fire extinguishing equipment.

9. During the conduct of hot work, periodic monitoring of the state of the air environment in the apparatus, communications, on which the specified work is carried out, and in the danger zone, should be carried out.

It is allowed to start hot work if the presence of explosive and explosive substances in the air does not exceed the permissible concentrations.

In the event of an increase in the content of explosive and flammable substances in the danger zone inside the apparatus or pipeline, hot work must be immediately stopped and resumed only after the causes of gas contamination are identified and eliminated and the normal air environment is restored.

When carrying out hot work, it is prohibited (PPB 01-03, clause 16.3.18):

Start working with faulty equipment;

Perform hot work on freshly painted structures and products;

Use clothes and gloves with traces of oils, fats, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids;

Store clothing, flammable liquids (FLL), flammable liquids (FL) and other combustible materials in welding booths;

Allow students to work independently, as well as employees who do not have a qualification certificate and a fire safety coupon;

Allow contact of electrical wires with cylinders with compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases;

Perform work on devices and communications filled with combustible and toxic substances, as well as under electrical voltage;

At the same time, carry out hot work when installing waterproofing and vapor barrier on the roof, installing panels with combustible and slow-burning insulation, sticking floor coverings and finishing rooms using combustible varnishes, adhesives, mastics and other combustible materials.

Persons responsible for carrying out hot work, their duties

Responsibility for the development and implementation of measures to ensure safety during hot work in the organization rests with the heads of the organization, as well as with persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety.

The following persons organize the conduct of hot work in the organization and are responsible for compliance with safety requirements:

Responsible person approving the work permit for conducting hot work (head of the organization, chief engineer);

Head of the structural unit where hot work is carried out;

The person responsible for the preparation of hot work, the implementation of technical measures, the preparation of equipment and communications (appointed by the head of the unit). The list of persons responsible for the preparation of hot work is approved by the head of the organization. Only specialists of the department where the work will be carried out can be appointed responsible for the implementation of the preparatory work;

The person responsible for carrying out hot work. Appointed by the head of the unit from among the engineering and technical employees of the unit who are not currently engaged in the conduct of the technological process and who know the rules for the safe conduct of hot work at explosive and fire and explosion hazardous objects;

Responsibilities of persons responsible for the preparation and conduct of hot work (OR):

Responsible for the development and implementation of security measures in the conduct of the PR;

Approves instructions for the safe conduct of PR in the organization;

Approves the list of persons responsible for the preparation of the PR;

Approves the work permit for the production of OR.

Develops measures for the safe management of the PR;

Appoints persons responsible for the preparation and production of the PR;

Issues a work permit for the production of OR;

Coordinates with the fire service the work permit;

Checks the completeness of measures to ensure the safety of the OR;

Carries out control over compliance with the requirements of the instructions for the safe maintenance of the OR.

Responsible for the preparation of the PR

Carries out activities to ensure the safety of the OR;

Notifies the head of an adjacent (technologically connected) unit about the time of hot work, about disconnecting communications, etc.;

Leases the location of the PR and the equipment for the production of the PR to the person responsible for the production of the PR;

Carries out control over the state of the air environment in the area of ​​RR production.

Responsible for the production of OR

Accepts the place and equipment for the production of the PR from the person responsible for the preparation of the PR;

Checks the availability of fire extinguishing equipment;

Conducts briefing of performers before their admission to work;

Checks the availability of certificates for the right to conduct an OR and fire safety coupons;

Carries out access to the work of performers, checks the availability of protective equipment, including overalls;

Controls the work of performers;

Controls the state of the air environment at the venue of the OR;

Checks the location of the OR after their completion.

The shift supervisor is obliged to notify the personnel about the conduct of hot work at the facility and ensure the safe conduct of the technological process. Upon completion of hot work, check the place where they were carried out and ensure that it is monitored for 3 hours in order to exclude the possibility of fire.

2. Work at height

Work at height is classified as work with increased danger and is included in the list of professions and types of work that are subject to increased requirements for compliance with safety rules in the course of work.

Work at height includes work in which the employee is at a distance of less than 2 m from unprotected differences in height of 1.3 m or more. If it is not possible to install fencing, work must be carried out using a safety belt and a safety rope.

Works performed at a height of more than 5 m from the ground, ceiling or working platform, on which work is carried out directly from structures or equipment during their installation or repair, belong to the category of climbing work.

The main hazardous production factor when working at height is the location of the workplace at a considerable height relative to the ground (floor) and the associated possibility of a worker falling.

Safety requirements when working at height are set out in GOSTs and Intersectoral rules for labor protection when working at height POT RM-012-2000. The Rules establish a unified procedure for organizing and carrying out all types of work at height, climbing work in order to ensure the safety of workers performing these works and persons located in the area where these works are performed.

The Rules set out safety requirements for the place of work at height, safety requirements for work using lifting mechanisms and devices, small-scale mechanization and hand tools, requirements for personal protective equipment and their use, safety requirements for certain types of work at height, requirements to professional selection and testing of knowledge on labor protection, as well as the responsibility of officials for violation of the Rules.

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  • There is no specially developed, unified form of order for the appointment of a responsible person (or several). Each organization has the right to independently develop such a form or write it in free form. It should be borne in mind that this order is part of a package of administrative documentation, which, in addition to it, includes a decision on the appointment of responsible persons and a job description containing a full description of the employee's duties, as well as the sanctions that follow for their failure. Under the last document, the employee must put his signature, which will indicate that he is familiar with it and agrees.

    Who appoints the responsible person

    Depending on the situation, either the head of the enterprise or, if the organization is large, the head of the structural unit, can choose a responsible person among the personnel. The order is filled in by a personnel department specialist or secretary. After registration, the order is submitted for signature to the head, or to another person authorized to sign such documents.

    An employee appointed as a responsible person may be responsible for material assets, technical or fire safety, labor protection, work at high-risk facilities, etc.

    In large companies, entire specialized departments are created, whose employees are busy controlling all the internal areas of the enterprise. In small firms, the head of the organization can take full responsibility for himself, but this order is also needed for this.

    Before issuing an order

    Most often, the order implies the assignment of responsibility for labor protection. This is due to the fact that providing personnel with a safe environment in the performance of work duties is one of the first conditions for the legitimate functioning of an enterprise, especially in the manufacturing industry.

    Before drawing up a document imposing such obligations on subordinates, a course of appropriate training should be conducted for them.

    In the future, certificates, certificates, etc. documents confirming the qualifications of employees must be attached to the order on the appointment of responsible persons. It is important to remember that such documents are valid, as a rule, for no more than five years, so from time to time employees will have to send non-recertification, and at the expense of the enterprise.

    If responsibility is assigned to material values, then before the employee signs such an order and assumes all the risks, an inventory of the property must take place, since in the future the person will be responsible for its safety.

    Order cap

    The order on the responsible person has a completely standard structure.

    In the "header" of the document, the full name of the enterprise is written, indicating its organizational and legal form (CJSC, OJSC, LLC, IP). Then the settlement in which this enterprise is located is indicated, as well as the date the order was filled out (day, month, year).

    A little lower you need to write the type of document (in this case, this is an order) and its number according to the internal workflow. Further, the essence of the order is briefly prescribed and for what purposes it was created. Then the word “I order” is written below in the center of the line and a colon is placed.

    body of the order

    The second part of the document contains more detailed information. All employees who are responsible for compliance with certain conditions at work fit in here. In particular, the type of responsibility is indicated, as well as their full surnames, first names and patronymics (first name and patronymic can be entered with initials). Here, in a separate paragraph, it is necessary to indicate the persons who, in the absence of responsible employees at the workplace, will replace them. In the last paragraph, you should indicate a complete list of documents that employees should be guided by in order to fulfill the requirements for monitoring the area of ​​responsibility.

    In conclusion, the order must be signed by the head, as well as the seal of the organization. If the organization has a trade union, then it is required to make its mark.

    After writing the order

    Employees who were given responsibility for any part of the production process by a special order, from the moment it is signed, must conduct briefings with colleagues, bring safety rules, various internal regulations, etc. to the attention of the personnel. Among other things, they are required to keep a special log conducting a briefing, where employees who have passed it must put their signatures. Periodically, they must also monitor the knowledge of employees of the rules on labor protection and safety at work.

    Order on the appointment of a responsible person (sample)

    A responsible person can be appointed by the general director or the head of the structural unit. To appoint a responsible person, administrative documentation is drawn up, which includes decisions, orders, job descriptions indicating the duties of employees and the responsibility they will incur for failure to comply, as well as instructions for certain types of work. Some documents of an administrative nature, according to the Labor Code, require the intervention of trade unions. This applies to those acts that describe the rights and social guarantees of responsible persons.

    Administrative documents should first of all appoint officials who are responsible for:

    — labor protection and safe work at the enterprise;
    — ensuring safety at work;
    — electrical facilities of the organization;
    — safety in operation of objects of increased degree of danger (objects of Gosgortekhnadzor);
    — other actions provided for in industry rules and instructions.

    Most often, managers have to deal with the formation of an order to appoint a person responsible for labor protection. Let's take a look at how to properly execute this order.
    To get started, the employee must be familiarized with the job description. After that, the employee must endorse it. Then the order is issued. The order on the appointment of a person responsible for labor protection has a free form.

    The order structure is as follows:

    - the header indicates (can be abbreviated) the legal form of the enterprise and its name, as well as the type of administrative document (in our case, an order) with columns for indicating the registration number, place and date of compilation;
    - the preamble of the order indicates the reason for compiling the document and links to regulatory documents (for example, articles of the Labor Code);
    - the body of the order should reflect who is responsible for ensuring labor protection at the enterprise and its structural divisions, who will be responsible for compliance with the requirements, who will replace during the absence and, finally, how to be guided in their work.

    The final stage of execution of the order is its sighting by the general director of the enterprise.

    Appoint an employee as a person responsible for ensuring electrical safety, labor protection, etc. not so easy. To begin with, he needs to undergo training to receive a special "crust". And it's pretty cheap. Therefore, for small firms it is better to attract ready-made specialists.

    Order on assigning a workplace to an employee

    In some cases, documentary confirmation of the fact that an employee has fulfilled his labor duties at a specific workplace for a certain period of time can help him defend his rights to benefits, compensation, early retirement, etc. One of the documents that allows an employee to prove the fact that he has performed work at his workplace an order to assign a workplace to an employee can serve. About the cases in which this document may be useful to the employee and what should be taken into account when compiling it, we will discuss below.

    From this article you will learn:

  • what is a workplace and how it is defined by the current legislation;
  • in what cases documentary evidence of assigning a workplace to an employee may be required;
  • which includes an order to assign a workplace and equipment to an employee;
  • What does a sample order for assigning a workplace to an employee look like?
  • What is a workplace

    A workplace is an organizationally indivisible link in the production process, which is serviced by one or more employees and is intended to perform one or more service or production operations, equipped with technological equipment and related equipment. Mutual rights and obligations between the employer and the employee in relation to the workplace are fixed at the level of the employment contract.

    Don't miss: the main article of the month from leading specialists of the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud

    Encyclopedia of personnel orders from the Kadra System.

    At the workplace there are means of production and tools of labor adapted to the performance by an employee of a certain profession of his labor functions. The number of jobs provided for in the organization (at the enterprise) corresponds to the number of employees employed in it, taking into account vacations, shifts and work schedules. The workplace can be located both on the territory of the employer, and outside it - in the territory where the attendance of the employee and the accounting of working hours remain under the control of the employer.

    Being at the workplace, the employee performs work in accordance with the regime and conditions provided for by the regulatory and technical documentation. The concept of "workplace" fixes Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation as "Directly or indirectly controlled by the employer is the place where the employee is located or where he needs to go in connection with the labor function performed by him."

    In what cases may documentary evidence of assigning a workplace to an employee be required

    The performance of labor duties at one's workplace in a number of cases is associated with harmful or difficult working conditions, which are compensated by additional payments in accordance with the ECTS (Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions). The right to a pension in connection with special working conditions for workers of certain categories is confirmed by an entry about the name of the profession made in the work book. That is why accurate information about the workplace, including the name of the workshop, department, site to which the employee is accepted or transferred, as well as the indication of the order or transfer note, must be reflected in the work book without any distortion, and the name of the profession is indicated in strict accordance with the ECTS. Any inconsistency with the ECTS is likely to become a source of problems when applying for a preferential pension.

    If an error nevertheless crept into the record in the labor, then the specialist of the personnel department of the organization where the inaccuracy was made will be able to make the necessary corrections. In this case, the corrections made must exactly match the original order or orders about assigning a job to an employee.

    In the same way, the entry in the labor record can be adjusted if the issued order did not correspond to the work actually performed.

    An order to assign an employee (worker) to a specific area of ​​work (workplace) will be required:

  • to confirm the rights to early retirement;
  • in the course of challenging the decision of the PF in court;
  • to justify the payment to the employee of the required allowances in connection with the difficult conditions of production;
  • to receive benefits and compensation.
  • In the event that such an order (instruction) is lost, corrections are made on the basis of other documents confirming the fact that hard or harmful work has been performed (staffing, salary documents, shift handover and acceptance logs, technological layout of the workshop, a laboratory analysis log with data temperature measurements, a log of hours worked in the compartments of ships, workshops, job description, etc.). In the general case, as documentary evidence of the employee's right to pension benefits and grounds for correcting an inaccuracy in the work book, any documents in the organization can be considered that make it possible to unambiguously determine that this employee was constantly involved in hazardous or hard work.

    At the same time, the administration at the new place of work (if any) is obliged to provide the employee with the necessary assistance.

    What does it look like and what does an order to assign a workplace to an employee include?

    An internal order to assign an employee to a specific workplace (equipment) must contain the following details:

    • name of the enterprise (organization);
    • Title of the document;
    • order number;
    • date of compilation;
    • city;
    • name of the order;
    • text part reflecting in its content:
      • target;
      • list of issued orders (point by point);
      • Name of responsible employees.
    • additional information listing the inventory numbers of the assigned equipment and the duties of the employee in connection with the performance of a certain type of work.
    • position of the head, his signature, surname and initials;
    • wet print.
    • The employee receives an extract from the order or a copy of it, drawn up in accordance with all requirements, certified by the signature of the head and sealed by the enterprise.

      Sample Orders

      Options for orders issued by the personnel service for all other occasions

      * Office work. Orders
      * Organization of office work. Document types
      * Normative documents on office work
      * Approximate composition of documents of the personnel service
      * Orders for personnel
      * Grounds for orders for l / s - memorandum and explanatory notes, submissions, minutes, acts
      * Orders for the main activity, having an arbitrary form Having an arbitrary form
      * Documents of military registration
      * Documents for the Pension Fund
      * Notifications, notifications, directions, references
      Sample orders issued by the personnel service for all other occasions
      * Save time when creating a document

      Closed joint-stock company "April"
      CJSC "April"

      About changing the surname in accounting documents
      In connection with the marriage of the economist of the planning and economic department Sukhova P.P. and change of surname to Ilyina, -

      1. Until March 05, 2009, in all accounting documents of ZAO April, change the surname of the economist of the planning and economic department Sukhova Polina Pavlovna to the surname of Ilyin.
      2. Bring this order to the attention of the accounting department in order to make changes to the personal account of Sukhova (Ilyina) and settlement documents.

      Base: personal statement of Sukhova P.P., a copy of the marriage certificate dated February 15, 2009 No. 445788123, passport 64 55 No. 123889.

      CEO Olkhovsky R.I. Olkhovsky

      legal adviser Mironov O.I. Mironov

      Chief Accountant Sheveleva I.Yu. Sheveleva

      Head of Human Resources Petrova A.M. Petrova

      OJSC "Mayak"

      On the appointment of the commission.

      In connection with the completion of the installation and adjustment of the video surveillance system,

      1. Appoint an inventory commission to check the availability and installation of property and equipment of the video surveillance system in the following composition:
      Chairman of the Commission - Deputy Director Safonov Yu.V.;

      members of the commission - senior administrator Sobolev N.I.,
      system administrator Shishkin A.A.,
      storekeeper Kotkova M.V.

      2. Conduct a complete inventory of video equipment by February 20, 2009.
      3. Leading specialist in electronic and technical support Shcherbakov Yu.I. provide acts of installation of video equipment with diagrams attached.
      4. Report the results of the check by an act by February 25, 2009.

      CEO Stupina M.Yu. Stupina

      Acquainted with the order:
      Signatures of the persons indicated in the order

      Closed joint-stock company "Parus"
      CJSC Parus

      On the performance of duties of a temporarily absent employee

      In order to replace a temporarily absent employee - senior merchandiser of the sales department Vlasova O.D., who is on maternity leave, in accordance with Articles 602 and 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,

      1. From February 19, 2009, until the start of work, Vlasova O.D. the temporary performance of her duties, according to the job description of the senior merchandiser, is assigned to the merchandiser of the same department Tokareva Lyudmila Alekseevna with her written consent.
      2. Establish that the duties of the temporarily absent employee Tokareva L.A. will perform within his working hours along with his main job.
      3. Install Tokareva L.A. additional payment for temporary replacement in the amount of 5,000 (five thousand) rubles.
      4. Notify L.A. Tokareva that in case of early refusal of additional work, she must notify the General Director in writing no later than three working days in advance.
      5. To impose control over the execution of this order on the head of the department
      personnel Borovikova A.Yu.

      Base: additional agreement to the employment contract dated March 01, 2004 No. 10.
      Application: job description of a senior merchandiser

      CEO Malinovsky S.N. Malinovsky

      Head of Human Resources Borovikov A.Yu. Borovikov

      Chief Accountant Kosarev G.I. Kosarev

      Familiarized with the order: Tokarev L.A. Tokarev

      Open Joint Stock Company "Tourist"
      JSC "Tourist"

      About the recall from vacation Goncharova I.M.

      Due to the need for the presence of an interpreter Goncharova I.M. during
      partner visit of representatives of the company Rivera.ltd from the UK

      1. To recall translator Goncharova Irina Mikhailovna from vacation for a period from March 25
      through March 27, 2009 inclusive.
      2. Provide Goncharova I.M. unused part of the vacation three calendar
      day at any time convenient for her or, at her request, to add to the vacation for the next working year.
      3. In connection with the recall from vacation, enter the necessary information into the vacation schedule from
      December 13, 2008 No. 1 and in the time sheet for the month of March 2009
      4. To impose control over the execution of this order on the head of the department
      personnel Ustinov E.E.

      Base: notification of Goncharova I.M. on recall from vacation with her written consent dated March 12, 2009 No. 11.

      CEO Vorobyov A.V. Vorobyov

      Head of Human Resources Ustinov HER. Ustinov 20.03.2009

      Familiarized with the order:
      Goncharova I.M. Goncharova

      Open Joint Stock Company "Maria"
      JSC "Maria"

      On the transfer of an employee to another structural unit

      In order to evenly distribute the workload of employees and in connection with the receipt of a large order for the manufacture of car covers from CJSC Cruise

      1. Move the cutter of shop No. 1 Marina Fedorovna Petrakova to shop No. 2 without changing the labor function for a period until the order is completed.
      2. To acquaint M.F. Petrakov with this order. under painting.

      CEO Stupina M.Yu. Stupina

      Personnel Inspector Romanova L.B. Romanova

      Acquainted with the order:
      _______________ M.F. Petrakova

      Open Joint Stock Company "Mayak"
      (JSC Mayak)
      March 19, 2009 No. 17-l/s
      About granting another day of rest
      Paramonov E.R. in connection with the return from a business trip on a day off

      Due to the fact that the leading engineer of the experimental design department Paramonov E.R. returned from a business trip from Vesna LLC (Yekaterinburg) on ​​a day off (Saturday, March 17, 2009 at 14:30),
      I ORDER:
      1. Provide Paramonov Evgeny Romanovich instead of March 17 with another day of rest (day off) during the month of March 2009 on any working day at the choice of the employee.
      2. In this regard, enter the necessary information in the time sheet for the month of March 2009.
      3. To impose control over the execution of this order on the head of the personnel department Slavina D.I.
      Base: travel certificate dated 03/12/2009 No. 21 with a mark of departure from 000 "Spring" on 03/17/2009, an air ticket "Yekaterinburg-Moscow" with a mark of arrival in Moscow on 03/17/2009 at 14:30.
      CEO Taranov L.Yu. Taranov
      Head of Human Resources Slavina DI. Slavina

      Acquainted with the order:
      Paramonov E.R. Paramonov

      Open Joint Stock Company "Mayak"
      (JSC Mayak)
      February 21, 2010 No. 17-l
      On making changes to the organizational structure, number of employees and staffing of the enterprise
      In order to improve the organizational structure, optimize the size of the organization, —
      I ORDER:
      1. Starting from 01.06.2010 at Mayak OJSC, a department for organizational, legal and contractual work on the basis of organizational, legal departments and a group for working with customers and contractors will be created. Establish the maximum number of members of the department of organizational, legal and contractual work for 2010 - 32 positions, including:
      1.1. Management Administration - 2 staff units.
      1.2. Organizational department - 10 staff units.
      1.3. Legal department - 10 staff positions.
      1.4. Department of contract work - 10 staff units.
      2. By March 1, 2010, the head of the personnel department, in cooperation with the chairman of the certification commission of the organization, submit proposals for the movement of employees specified in paragraph 1, structural units, their additional staffing, as well as candidates for the positions of the head of the department and his deputy. Pay special attention to the observance of the law when considering issues related to the movement and, in particular, the dismissal of employees whose positions are subject to reduction due to the indicated organizational changes.
      Until 04/01/2010, in cooperation with the Deputy General Director for Management and the Chief Accountant, ensure that the necessary changes are made to the current organizational structure, number of employees and staffing of Mayak OJSC.
      3. To put into effect from 01.06.2010 the revised organizational structure, number of employees and staffing of the enterprise (drafts of the relevant documents are presented in Annexes No. 1-3 to this Order).
      4. To impose control over the execution of this Order on the Deputy General Director of the organization.
      Appendix: according to the text, on 8 sheets.
      Director personal signature A. A. Agafonov
      legal adviser personal signature E. V. Kashina
      Head of Human Resources personal signature D. E. Zhukova

      Order on approval of the vacation schedule and business trip plan for employees of the enterprise. Open Joint Stock Company "Mayak"
      December 17, 2010 No. 123-l
      On approval of the vacation schedule and business trip plan for the company's employees for 2011.
      For the purpose of proper organization of work on the provision of annual paid holidays to employees of the enterprise, their sending on business trips, —
      I ORDER:
      1. Approve the vacation schedule for employees of Mayak OJSC for 2011 (Appendix No. 1 to this Order).
      2. Approve the business trip plan of the organization's employees for 2011 (Appendix No. 2 to this Order).
      3. The head of the personnel department, in cooperation with the head of the office, until 12/30/2010, ensure the preparation of extracts from those specified in paragraphs. 1 and 2 of this Order and promptly bringing them to the attention of the heads of structural divisions against signature.
      4. Heads of structural subdivisions to bring to the attention of subordinates (as far as they are concerned) the terms for the provision of regular paid holidays, assignments on business trips for 2011.
      Proposals and requests for amendments to the vacation schedules and the travel plan approved for 2011 by this Order should be sent in exceptional cases to the head of the personnel department no later than 5 working days before the planned date of granting leave or sending on a business trip, and in urgent cases - immediately. Have a reserve of employees in the subdivisions to be sent on business trips to replace the sick, retired, etc.
      5. To impose control over the execution of this Order on the deputy director of the organization.
      Appendix: according to the text, on 4 sheets.
      Director personal signature A. A. Agafonov
      legal adviser personal signature E. V. Kashina
      Head of Human Resources personal signature D. E. Zhukova

      Order on the preparation of fire fighting measures

      Open Joint Stock Company "Mayak"

      On additional measures to ensure fire-safe conditions for the operation of facilities, buildings and structures of Mayak OJSC in the summer of 2010

      In connection with the onset of the summer period, in order to ensure fire-safe operating conditions for facilities, buildings and structures of Mayak OJSC in accordance with the Fire and Technical Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB-01-93), —
      I ORDER:
      1. The Deputy Director for Administrative, Economic and Logistics Support shall take additional measures to create and maintain fire-safe conditions for the operation of the organization's facilities, buildings and structures in the coming summer period. The list of measures shall be reflected in the draft plan, which, after agreement with the interested parties, shall be submitted to me for approval by 06/01/2010.
      2. Appoint officials responsible for ensuring fire-safe operating conditions for the facilities, buildings and structures of Mayak OJSC in accordance with the attached scheme for securing the territory of the enterprise (Appendix No. 1 to this Order).
      3. Before 06/01/2010, within the areas of assigned territories, the officials named in Appendix No. 1 to this Order, by their authority, determine those responsible for ensuring fire-safe operating conditions in each workroom and in the adjacent auxiliary (technical, economic, etc.) territory. Keep lists of those responsible in workbooks in the form specified in Appendix No. 2 to this Order.
      Responsible for ensuring fire-safe operating conditions in the working premises and in the auxiliary territory adjacent to them:
      3.1. Place on information boards evacuation schemes in case of fire, layouts of fire extinguishing equipment, lists of fire brigades, instructions on how to proceed in case of fire, telephone numbers for calling the fire brigade.
      3.2. To have in working premises (in the auxiliary territory adjacent to them) serviceable fire extinguishing equipment, complete first-aid kits, bags for carrying documents, fireproof covers (casings) for sheltering especially valuable property and equipment.
      3.3. Until 06/05/2010, conduct 2-hour instructive-methodical and practical classes with employees performing their duties in the relevant working premises and (or) in the auxiliary territory adjacent to them. During the classes, work out the procedure for evacuation in case of fire, explain the rules for the use of fire extinguishing equipment, determine the routes for the removal and storage of evacuated documents, property, equipment.
      4. To the head of the emergency fire brigade of the enterprise:
      4.1. Until 05/25/2010, check and put in readiness for use in case of fire all available fire extinguishing equipment, fire and fire alarm systems, if necessary, submit an application to the Deputy Director for ACMTO for resupplying the specified means in the form specified in Appendix No. 3 to this Order.
      4.2. In the period from 25.05 to 05.10.2010, ensure effective, systematic monitoring of the serviceability of automatic fire protection systems, the maintenance of the fire water supply system in proper condition, the availability and condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment, evacuation routes and compliance with the fire regime at the facilities, in buildings and structures of the enterprise.
      4.3. Until 06/01/2010, check the availability and, if necessary, place appropriate signs on the doors of the main and emergency exits, as well as signs with the names of those responsible for fire safety in each working room (based on data received from the heads of structural divisions).
      4.4. Until 06/05/2010, conduct a 4-hour unscheduled training session with the emergency fire brigade. During the training, practically work out the main issues of the most effective use of fire extinguishing agents, as well as the procedure for interacting with the city fire brigade.
      5. The Secretariat, in cooperation with the heads of structural subdivisions, by 05.06.2010 shall ensure the distribution among the employees of Mayak OJSC of the attached Leaflet on fire safety measures (Appendix No. 4 to this Order).
      6. For the period from 25.05 to 05.10.2010, it is strictly forbidden in the working premises and in the auxiliary territory adjacent to them:
      6.1. Smoking, except for the places specified in Appendix No. 5 to this Order.
      6.2. Use of open fire.
      6.3. Use of faulty heating, lighting and other electrical appliances (including kettles, microwave ovens, boilers, etc.).
      6.4. Production of welding and other similar works without
      the relevant permission of the chief engineer and the head of the emergency fire brigade.
      6.5. Obstruction of exits from working premises and evacuation routes.
      6.6. Improper use of fire extinguishers.
      7. The heads of structural divisions personally and through their subordinates daily monitor compliance with fire-safe operating conditions within the assigned territory. Record the results of the control in workbooks in the form specified in Appendix No. 6 to this Order.
      Those guilty of violating fire-safe conditions of operation shall be held accountable by their authorities, and in case of repeated violations, they shall represent those responsible for bringing senior officials to responsibility.
      8. Control over the execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Director for ACMTO.
      Appendix: according to the text, on 24 sheets.
      Director personal signature A. A. Agafonov
      Legal adviser personal signature E.V. Kashina
      Head of the personnel department personal signature D. E. Zhukov

      Order on the organization of control over the execution of documents

      On additional measures to organize control over the execution of enterprise documents

      In order to improve the documentation support for the management of Mayak OJSC, -
      I ORDER:
      1. The Deputy Director for General Affairs, in cooperation with the head of the office, by August 15, 2010, develop and, in agreement with the interested parties, submit to me for approval a draft plan of additional measures aimed at optimizing the system for monitoring the execution of documents in the organization. When developing a draft plan, be guided by the provisions of the Intersectoral enlarged time standards for work according to the preschool educational institution (Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, 1995), the Standard Instruction for Office Work (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of November 08, 2005 No. 536), Methodological recommendations of VNIIDAD (2007).
      The draft plan should include:
      1.1. Measures to improve the efficiency of the system for monitoring the execution of documents of the organization.
      1.2. Measures for additional professional training of employees of Mayak OJSC responsible for monitoring the execution of documents.
      1.3. Measures for logistical, financial and other types of support for the proper functioning of the system for monitoring the execution of documents.
      1.4. Development of Instructions for monitoring the execution of documents in structural divisions.
      1.5. Development of instructions for employees responsible for organizing systematic control over the execution of documents (instead of the current one), paying special attention to the set of actions that ensure the timely, complete and high-quality execution of documents or the actions prescribed by them.
      2. Control over the execution of this Order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Director for General Affairs.
      Director personal signature A. A. Agafonov
      legal adviser personal signature E. V. Kashina

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