"The Adventures of Fandorin" in the Moscow Provincial Theatre. The Adventures of Fandorin was staged at the Moscow Provincial Theater


Anna reviews: 63 ratings: 63 rating: 6

The third time I went to the "Moscow Provincial Theater" and the third time a wonderfully spent evening and a lot of emotions. This time I was with my son at the play "The Adventures of Fandorin".
The performance is based on Boris Akunin's novel Leviathan, the third book in the famous series of historical detective stories about Erast Fandorin.
Erast is sent on the ship "Leviathan" to serve in Japan as the secretary of the embassy of the Russian Empire, but even here mysterious murders occur. The ship also includes the French detective Gustave Gauche, superbly played by Leonid Gromov, investigating the mysterious murder of Lord Littleby and his family in Paris. And now the trail of blood leads the commissioner of police to the ship, where only the cream of society! There are no third-class cabins, all passengers are respected and respectable gentlemen and ladies. Is there a killer among them? It's hard to believe, but you have to figure it out. The detective suspects anyone who does not have the gold badge of the ship, which was presented with the ticket to first-class passengers. Even Erast Fandorin is among the suspects!
Putting a detective on stage to make it really interesting and exciting is not an easy task. And the theater coped with this task perfectly! Music, subdued light, amazing scenery from the first minutes create an atmosphere of mystery and mysticism. At the same time, the scene is not overloaded with unnecessary elements, but even small details, such as a phonograph, a two-wheeled penny-farthing bicycle, a pendulum steering wheel, complete the picture and take us to the beginning of the 20th century on a ship.
There are many dialogues in the performance, but the brilliant play of the actors brightens up a certain static nature of the story. I especially want to note also the game of Oleg Kurlov (scientist Anthony Sweetchild). When Anthony began to talk about the treasures and the raja, the whole hall held its breath.
As for Fandorin himself, this is exactly how I imagined him: a gallant, educated, but at the same time a deeply unhappy and lonely person. According to the director's idea, a mysterious ghost-girl appears on the stage. This is Fandorin's bride, who tragically died on the wedding day. This image captivates and frightens, for Erast it is a painful memory and regret for someone who can no longer be resurrected ...
If the first act was introductory and more unhurried, then in the second part, events began to occur at a terrifying speed. That's where the dynamics was! Just make it! At the same time, jokes and references to our realities lightened the atmosphere a little, without harming the plot and the general atmosphere of the performance.
In the finale, all the secrets will be revealed, but at the same time, I left a slightly sad aftertaste. Fandorin does not feel victory, he won, but did not find happiness. His happiness, his love died in a place with a terrible explosion a few years ago ... Well, Erast patiently bears his cross, although this adventure on the ship gave him a friend and the love of a charming English lady.
The strictest spectators were, of course, teenagers, of whom there are quite a few at this performance. I was with my son and he really enjoyed it. He is now just at that age when it is quite difficult to pick up performances: he has already grown from children's performances, he has not matured to adults. At the same time, he wants plot, entertainment, but I have certain requirements for the level of staging, it is desirable that there be something to discuss after watching. And "The Adventures of Fandorin" - a perfect hit! By the way, not only here: during the intermission, many children discussed what was happening with their parents, everyone was involved in the plot.
Separately, I want to note the finale and the bows of the artists. All the images passed before us, each actor introduced his character.
Many thanks to all the creators of the performance, actors, director Tatyana Vdovchenko for this wonderful evening!

livejournal.com reviews: 125 ratings: 125 rating: 34

Last Saturday, we suddenly found ourselves among those lucky ones who were lucky enough to be among the first-class passengers of the Leviathan. How? Yes, because in addition to tickets, we received gold badges with a picture of a whale.

"By the next evening, Gauche knew that the three letters on the golden whale were not the initials of some debt-ridden gambler, but the designation of the newly formed Franco-British shipping consortium. The whale turned out to be the emblem of the miracle ship Leviathan, recently launched from the stocks in Bristol and preparing for its first voyage to India. Newspapers have been trumpeting about the giant steamer for more than a month. Now it turned out that on the eve of the first voyage of the Leviathan, the London Mint minted gold and silver commemorative badges: gold for first class passengers and senior officers of the ship, silver for second class passengers and subalterns"...

I read the detective story about 15 years ago, I forgot the plot, so the detective story on board, staged at the Moscow Provincial Theater, captured me completely and completely. Enclosed space, a limited set of characters and the right bit of irony. The style of a good English detective in its best traditions. Sheer pleasure.

Of course, the first question that arises is whether the image of Fandorin was a success? Will the already familiar Fandorin-Menshikov interfere with perception? So, here you can immediately calm down. Fandorin is impeccable. Appropriate appearance, the right harmony. A calm, intelligent, ironic and at the same time deeply lonely person.
The latter is repeatedly emphasized by the presence in the performance of the image of Fandorin's deceased bride and the movement of the murdered passengers to the world on the other side of life. And this part of the action turns just a good detective into something more. More precisely, it gives the image of the main character new shades. Fandorin is constantly on the border between good and evil, between the material and otherworldly. And even his riding on a newfangled bicycle - with a large and small wheel, enthralling both passengers and spectators, seems to be not only an exceptionally spectacular detail, but movement along the edge of the abyss. However, all these associations and reflections arise only closer to the finale.

Before that - two exciting actions on board the ship, filled with the rustle of dresses, the fragrant aroma of tobacco and the observation of passengers, fly by unnoticed. By the way, we guessed the killer at the end of the first action. And for a while it seemed that, well, everything is obvious, why does Fandorin not see the obvious? But new details appeared and we began to doubt.

Perhaps the ladies seemed a little the same to me, I wanted a little more accentuated images. But then I thought, that in general they should differ little. Still, solid cream of society. Step to the right, step to the left - and you drop out of the generally accepted appearance. Let's say police commissioner Gosh looked like a person of a completely different circle. But by the second act, the ladies showed their essence :)

The staging is wonderful. Quite cinematic, by the way, and somewhat reminiscent of the good old cozy movie performances, if you remember that. Although the scenery is changing and sometimes quite whimsical. Lightning discharges and the deck, illuminated by lightning against the background of the bluish-green expanses of the sea, looked very impressive.

Interestingly, this is a rare performance that can be called universal from the point of view of the audience. This is a performance, tickets for which will delight both the aesthetic theater critic, and the lover of detective stories as such, and young romantics, and mature skeptics. Great option for an autumn evening. I sincerely recommend!

Olka Parkhomenko reviews: 1 ratings: 1 rating: 0

The performance was arrested for beauty

An exciting performance! Beautiful costumes and scenery, which are completely immersed in the plot. Despite the slightly drawn-out beginning, then you are completely immersed in the story and empathize with the characters! Great staging and great acting!

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Saturday evening. B. Akunin's novel "Leviathan" on the stage of the Moscow Provincial Theatre.

I'm not a fan or even a fan of the detective genre, I'm not tempted to guess who (?) The killer. But (!) detectives are popular among teenagers and I simply could not go with my son to this performance (I try to be in the subject with the younger generation).
There are really a lot of teenagers in the hall and hooray (!) There are no kids.

The performance was very well done. The images are wonderfully chosen. Special effects, costumes, scenery - help to plunge completely into the plot. Light and ... complemented humor brightens up, and even adds charm. The new-fangled bicycle fascinated everyone, the son did so in general ... he wanted to ride one!

The presence of the image of Fandorin's deceased bride and the transfer of the murdered passengers to another world (on the other side of life) adds a deeper meaning.

In a word - all that we saw was the style of a good English detective in its best traditions! The intensity is on the rise and (in our opinion) the very thing happens in the second act. The plot unfolds so quickly and so unpredictably that you begin to feel this buzz for which you came! Even I liked it.

The bow of the artists is a separate topic, which was a family sincere.

Our evening was amazing! The son was especially impressed that he saw familiar artists on stage (those that he sees on the screen). This not only pleased him, but he finally tasted all the charm of theaters and said that now he wants to go to performances with familiar and beloved actors, because "the theater is cooler than cinema, HE is alive!"

Bravo! (I thought)
- The son fell in love with the theater!
- Curtain! ... until the next meeting on the stage.
- And to everyone who has not yet been to this theater and this performance, we wish ... to go and evaluate.

The age grid is set on the basis that children at this age (12 years old) begin to get involved in detective stories. If this is the case for you, then you can safely go, if not, then it is better to postpone the trip to an older age. Then you will enjoy it even without detectives.

Watched on the big stage. Hall with a rise in each row, but (!) my son with a height of 165cm was not very comfortable (heads in front of those sitting interfered).

We had the 6th row of the stalls, the right middle. If you take the stalls in the middle, it is better (I suppose) to consider the left side of the middle for this performance. At the same time, I noticed that from places a little further from the middle, it should also be clearly visible.
And the inner rows are probably better for those who really want to take a closer look at the actors. But for those who want to enjoy the special effects, I think it's better to watch from the rows away. Reach will be better.

Absolutely light and elegant premiere of "The Adventures of Fandorin" was held at the Moscow Provincial Theatre. This is a play based on the novel by Boris Akunin "Leviathan", which is played absolutely according to the book. Before us is a classic English detective in a confined space where anyone can be a killer. And, as in the book, this atmosphere is well conveyed on stage, flavored with mild humor.

Photo: tushinetc

Adventures of Fandorin in the Provincial Theater

“Last Saturday, we suddenly found ourselves among those lucky ones who were lucky enough to be among the first class passengers of the Leviathan. How? Yes, because in addition to tickets we received gold badges with a picture of a whale.

I read the detective story about 15 years ago, I forgot the plot, so the detective story on board, staged at the Moscow Provincial Theater, captured me completely and completely. Enclosed space, a limited set of characters and the right bit of irony. The style of a good English detective in its best traditions. Sheer pleasure.

Of course, the first question that arises is whether the image of Fandorin was a success? Will the already familiar Fandorin-Menshikov interfere with perception? So, here you can immediately calm down. Fandorin is impeccable. Appropriate appearance, the right harmony. A calm, intelligent, ironic and at the same time deeply lonely person ... "

Adventures of Fandorin, Moscow Provincial Theatre.

"I'll say right away - the performance is just excellent. It captured me from the very beginning, in the course of the action the tension grew rapidly. I had a place in the stalls, a little to the side - everything is perfectly visible, including the facial expressions of the actors - it's a great pleasure to watch her. The sound was just great I clearly heard every line, every word... The change of scenery in the performance is a separate small action that fits into the plot. Pictures of the performance still flash in my head..."

"The Adventures of Fandorin" at the Moscow Provincial Theater

"The powerful ending with the exposure of Kleber and the handkerchief shows the propensity for wealth hidden in the character of the heroes. The war for the handkerchief, which is the key to the treasures of the Maharaja, is serious. Well, actually, what would you do if you had the opportunity to get the key to the innumerable Treasures? Probably, each of us would have behaved the same way ... And here Fandorin does something that none of us would do. He burns a handkerchief with the words that there will be enough hidden treasures for the entire budget of Russia, but nothing, we will hold on. Which causes sad laughter in the hall."

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Sergey Bezrukov rethought the novel by Boris Akunin "Leviathan"

At the entrance to the Provincial Theater, a sweet girl with a basket of badges depicting a toothy whale greets the audience with the words: "Welcome you on board our ship." Each spectator is entitled to one whale in his hands. The stamp on the ticket indicates its receipt. The golden whale is the emblem of the Leviathan ship, on which we will all soon find ourselves. Each first-class passenger in Boris Akunin's historical detective story about Erast Fandorin received it along with the ticket.

For the first time in a theater directed by Sergei Bezrukov, a detective was staged. Akunin's "Leviathan" is the third book in a series of historical detective stories about Erast Fandorin, an extremely popular work. Someday, researchers will unravel the mystery of its crazy demand. The Adventures of Fandorin was staged by Tatyana Vdovichenko, and the artistic director of the performance is Sergei Bezrukov, who is responsible for the repertoire policy of his theater.

Why did the Provincial Theater need Fandorin? Sergei Bezrukov himself explains it this way: “Along with complex performances that make the viewer “work”, think about the problems raised in the production, there must be performances on the playbill of any theater - holidays where you can relax. It is important, of course, that it be good literary or dramatic material.

"Leviathan", now known to everyone, thanks to the film by Andrei Zvyagintsev, is a terrible Old Testament animal from the book of Job, which is explained to the audience during the performance. In Akunin's novel, this terrible beast migrated in the form of the name of the largest ship in the world. On board the heroes of the play set sail, and among them is the young man Erast Petrovich Fandorin. He follows to the place of service in Japan, where he is sent as secretary of the embassy of the Russian Empire. A detective story unfolds on board, which is unraveled in the image and likeness of a "Purely English Murder" - several heroes and an alleged criminal are imprisoned in one room, which is to be calculated. Lord Littleby is assassinated in Paris. A badge was found in his hand, approximately the same as that given to us at the entrance, in the form of a golden whale. There is a possibility that it was plucked from the unfortunate lord's killer. So the killer might be aboard the Leviathan. And duel dialogues begin, a tournament in rhetoric.

The audience will instantly recognize Alexander Sokolovsky in the role of Fandorin, since he starred in a lot of TV shows - from Split to Molodezhka and Sklifosofsky. In the role of the Parisian detective Gustave Gosh - a colorful actor Leonid Gromov with a Lenkom biography behind him. In Fandorin, he appetizingly develops the classic image of an elderly detective who bears little resemblance to representatives of his profession. His hero is from detectives Georges Simenon and Agatha Christie. An adventurer, and at first a sensitive young lady expecting a baby, Renata Kleber was exaltedly played by Anna Snatkina. The role of the Japanese Gintaro Aono is played by a wonderful young artist Azamat Nigmanov, who has experience in various theaters - from Romen to Electrotheatre.

Scenography by Irina Zaitseva is deliberately naive and unsophisticated. But everything is sustained in the spirit of Akunin, and the audience finds its charm in a certain patriarchal nature of the performance, which differs from the aggressive avant-garde performances.

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