Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin (with illustrations). Read for free the book The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin (with illustrations) - Valentin Postnikov New adventures of a pencil and Samodelkin read


The story of two amazing friends, the master Samodelkin and the artist Pencil, will tell the kids about the adventures of an unusual company that has its own heroes and villains.

Summary of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin":

The fairy tale "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin", invented by Yu.M. Druzhkov, was published in 1964. Samodelkin was borrowed from a series of cartoons drawn by V.D. Bakhtadze. A tiny iron robot, a jack of all trades, he becomes the best friend of another character - the Pencil.

"The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin" tell of how one day two little men came to life in a toy store. The pencil drew amazing, lively pictures. So the boy Prutik and the pirates were born. And Samodelkin made himself. He could fix any kind of technology and even create a new one. One day, being delirious, Pencil draws villains - a pirate and a spy. They manage to escape through the open door and then become enemies of the tiny masters and their friends.

Insidious pirates are hunting for a magical artist to force him to paint pirate ships and treasures. And Samodelkin, who always saves a friend from sea villains, they even sell for scrap. Once the plans of the robbers came true. Did the friends manage to escape from the pirates?

The book "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin" has served as a plot for cartoons and comics, it is read in 18 languages ​​of the world. Samodelkin and Pencil are regular heroes of the Funny Pictures magazine.

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Yuri Druzhkov

Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin

true fairy tale

Chapter first,

in which you can eat a painted candy and fly on a fresh cucumber

In one big city, on a very beautiful street called Jolly Bells Street, there was a big, big toy store.

Once in the store, someone sneezed!

There is nothing surprising in this if the seller who showed the toys to the guys sneezed. If some small buyer sneezed, this is also not surprising. Only the seller and the small buyer have nothing to do with it. I know who sneezed in the toy store! At first no one believed me, but I'll say it anyway.

Box sneezed! Yes Yes! Box for colored pencils. She lay in the toy warehouse among large and small boxes and boxes. On it were printed bright letters:

Colored pencils "Little Wizard"

But that is not all. There was another box next to it. This box is called:

Mechanical designer "Master Samodelkin"

And so, when the first box sneezed, the other said:

- Be healthy!

Then the elegant lid on the first box lifted a little, fell to the side, and under it was a small one and only pencil. But what a pencil! Not a simple pencil, not a colored pencil, but the most unusual, amazing pencil!

Look at him please. Really funny?

The pencil approached the mechanical "designer", knocked on the wooden lid and asked:

- Who's there?

- It's me! Master Samodelkin! came the answer. Help me get out, please. I just can’t!.. - And in the box something seemed to thunder and rang.

Then the Pencil pulled the lid towards him, pushed it aside and peered over the edge of the box. Among various shiny screws and nuts, metal plates, gears, springs and wheels sat a strange iron man. He jumped out of the box like a spring, swayed on thin funny legs that were made of springs, and began to look at the Pencil.

- Who are you? he asked in surprise.

– Me?… I am a magic artist! My name is Pencil. I can draw live pictures.

- What does it mean - live pictures?

- Well, if you want, I'll draw a bird. She will immediately come to life and fly away. I can also draw candy. It can be eaten...

- Not true! Samodelkin exclaimed. - It doesn't happen! And he laughed. - Can not be!

“Wizards never lie,” said the Pencil, offended.

- Come on, draw a plane! Let's see what kind of magician you are, if you're telling the truth.

- Airplane! I don’t know what an airplane is,” Pencil admitted. - I'd rather draw a carrot. Want?

I don't need carrots! Have you never seen airplanes? That's just funny!

The pencil got a little offended again.

- Please don't laugh. If you've seen everything, tell me about the plane. What does it look like, what does the plane look like? And I'll draw it. In my box is an album of pictures to color in. There are printed houses, birds, carrots, cucumbers, sweets, horses, chickens, chickens, cats, dogs. There is nothing else! No planes!

Samodelkin jumped up and rang his springs:

– Oh, what uninteresting pictures in your book! OK! I'll show you the plane. It looks like a big, big long cucumber with wings. I will make a model of the aircraft from the "constructor".

Samodelkin immediately jumped into the box.

He rattled metal plates, he looked for the necessary screws, gears, he twisted them where necessary, deftly worked with a screwdriver, pounded with a hammer - knock-knock-knock! - and sang this song all the time:

I can do everything myself
And I don't believe in miracles!
Myself! Myself! Myself!

And the Pencil took colored pencils out of his pocket, thought and thought and drew a cucumber. Fresh, green, in pimples. Then I painted wings on it.

- Hey, Samodelkin! Called Pencil. - Come here! I drew an airplane.

“Just a minute,” said the master. - I just need to attach a propeller - and the plane will be ready. We take a screw, put on a propeller ... Let's knock one, two ... Well, that's all! Look what planes are!

Samodelkin jumped out of the box, and he had a plane in his hands. Just like a real one! I won't say anything about this plane. Because all the guys saw the planes. I have never seen one Pencil. He said:

- Oh, how well you drew!

- Well, you, - the master smiled. - I can not draw. I made a plane from the "constructor".

And then Samodelkin saw a cucumber, a fresh green cucumber.

- Where did you get the cucumber? he wondered.

- This is ... this is my plane ...

Master Samodelkin trembled with all his springs, laughed loudly.

That's what a mocker Samodelkin! He laughs and laughs, as if someone is tickling him, and he just can't stop.

The pencil is very offended. He immediately drew a cloud on the wall. A real rain came out of the cloud. He soaked Samodelkin from head to toe, and he stopped laughing.

“Brrr…” he said. Where did this nasty rain come from? I m-may rust!

- Why are you laughing? shouted Pencil. - You yourself spoke about the cucumber!

- Oh, I can't! Oh, don't make me laugh, otherwise I'll unscrew ... Well, the plane! Why did you stick chicken feathers in a cucumber! Ha ha ha! This plane is not going anywhere!

- And here it will fly! The wings will fly and the plane will fly.

- Well, where is the engine on your plane? Where is the steering wheel? Planes can't fly without a rudder and a motor!

Get on my plane! I'll show you whether they fly or not, - said Pencil and sat astride a cucumber.

Samodelkin from laughter downright fell on the cucumber. At that moment, the wind blew through the open window, suddenly the wings flapped, the cucumber shuddered and took off like a real plane.

- Ayy! - Pencil and Samodelkin shouted together.

“Fuck! Boom!.."

It's a fresh cucumber, a real green cucumber, flew out the window and fell to the ground.

Indeed. The plane had no rudder. Is it possible to fly without a rudder? Of course not. This is where the plane crashed. The wings flew off to the side. They were picked up by the wind and carried to the roof of the house.

Chapter two

about two horses

Samodelkin rattled like an empty iron can. But he didn't get hurt. He's made of iron! He was just a little scared. He never had to fly.

You are a real magician! Samodelkin exclaimed. “Even I can’t make live pictures!”

How are we going to get back to our boxes now? Pencil sighed, rubbing the bump on his forehead.

- And it is not necessary! Samodelkin waved his hands. - It's tight in there! Dark! I want to run, jump, ride, fly! Draw a new plane! We will travel! You and I will see real planes! We will see everything in the world!

Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin (with illustrations)
Valentin Yurievich Postnikov

Pencil and Samodelkin #1
In this fairytale story, the children will meet with cheerful and resourceful little men - Pencil and Samodelkin, it tells about their extraordinary adventures ...

Yuri Postnikov

Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin

CHAPTER ONE, in which you can eat a painted candy and fly on a fresh cucumber

In one big city, on a very beautiful street called Jolly Bells Street, there was a big, big toy store.

Once in the store, someone sneezed!

There is nothing surprising in this if the seller who showed the toys to the guys sneezed. If some small buyer sneezed, this is also not surprising. Only the seller and the small buyer have nothing to do with it. I know who sneezed in the toy store! No one will believe me at first, but I'll say it anyway.

Box sneezed! Yes Yes! Box for colored pencils. She lay in the toy warehouse among large and small boxes and boxes. On it were printed bright letters:


But that is not all. There was another box next to it. This box was called:


And so, when the first box sneezed, the other said:

- Be healthy!

Then the elegant lid on the first box lifted a little, fell to the side, and under it was a small one and only pencil. But what a pencil! Not a simple pencil, not a colored pencil, but the most unusual, amazing pencil!

Look at him please. Really funny?

The pencil approached the mechanical "designer", knocked on the wooden lid and asked:

- Who's there?

- It's me! Master Samodelkin! came the answer. Help me get out, please. I just can’t!.. - And in the box something seemed to thunder and rang.

Then the Pencil pulled the lid towards him, pushed it aside and peered over the edge of the box. Among various shiny screws and nuts, metal plates, gears, springs and wheels sat a strange iron man. He jumped out of the box like a spring, swayed on thin funny legs that were made of springs, and began to look at the Pencil.

- Who are you? he asked in surprise.

– Me?.. I am a magic artist! My name is Pencil. I can draw live pictures.

- What does it mean - live pictures?

- Well, if you want, I'll draw a bird. She will immediately come to life and fly away. I can also draw candy. It can be eaten...

- Not true! Samodelkin exclaimed. - It doesn't happen! And he laughed. - Can not be!

“Wizards never lie,” said the Pencil, offended.

- Come on, draw a plane! Let's see what kind of magician you are, if you're telling the truth.

- Airplane! I don’t know what an airplane is,” Pencil admitted. - I'd rather draw a carrot. Want?

I don't need carrots! Have you never seen airplanes? That's just funny!

The pencil got a little offended again.

- Please don't laugh. If you've seen everything, tell me about the plane. What does it look like, what does the plane look like? And I'll draw it. In my box is an album of pictures to color in. There are printed houses, birds, carrots, cucumbers, sweets, horses, chickens, chickens, cats, dogs. There is nothing else! No planes!

Samodelkin jumped up and rang his springs:

– Oh, what uninteresting pictures in your book! OK! I'll show you the plane. It looks like a big, big long cucumber with wings. I will make a model of the aircraft from the "constructor".

Samodelkin immediately jumped into the box.

He rattled metal plates, he looked for the necessary screws, gears, he twisted them where necessary, deftly worked with a screwdriver, pounded with a hammer - knock-knock-knock! - and sang this song all the time:

I can do everything myself
And I don't believe in miracles!
Myself! Myself! Myself!

And the Pencil took colored pencils out of his pocket, thought and thought and drew a cucumber. Fresh, green, in pimples. Then I painted wings on it.

- Hey, Samodelkin! Called Pencil. - Come here! I drew an airplane.

“Just a minute,” said the master. - I just need to attach a propeller - and the plane will be ready. We take a screw, put on a propeller ... Knock-it once, twice ... Well, that's all! Look what planes are!

Samodelkin jumped out of the box, and he had a plane in his hands. Just like a real one! I won't say anything about this plane. Because all the guys saw the planes. I have never seen one Pencil. He said:

- Oh, how well you drew!

- Well, you, - the master smiled. - I can not draw. I made a plane from the "constructor".

And then Samodelkin saw a cucumber, a fresh green cucumber.

- Where did you get the cucumber? he wondered.

- This is ... this is my plane ...

Master Samodelkin trembled with all his springs, rang, laughed loudly, loudly.

That's what a mocker Samodelkin! He laughs and laughs, as if someone is tickling him, and he just can't stop.

The pencil is very offended. He immediately drew a cloud on the wall. A real rain came out of the cloud. He soaked Samodelkin from head to toe, and he stopped laughing.

“Brrr…” he said. Where did this nasty rain come from? I m-might rust!

- Why are you laughing? shouted Pencil. - You yourself spoke about the cucumber!

- Oh, I can't! Oh, don't make me laugh, otherwise I'll unscrew ... Well, the plane! Why did you stick chicken feathers in a cucumber! Ha ha ha! This plane is not going anywhere!

- And here it will fly! The wings will fly and the plane will fly.

- Well, where is the engine on your plane? Where is the steering wheel? Planes can't fly without a rudder and a motor!

Get on my plane! I'll show you whether they fly or not, - said Pencil and sat astride a cucumber.

Samodelkin from laughter downright fell on the cucumber.

At that moment, the wind blew through the open window, suddenly the wings flapped, the cucumber shuddered and took off like a real plane.

- Ai! - Pencil and Samodelkin shouted together.

“Fuck! Boom!.."

It's a fresh cucumber, a real green cucumber, flew out the window and fell to the ground.

Indeed. The plane had no rudder. Is it possible to fly without a rudder? Of course not. This is where the plane crashed. The wings flew off to the side. They were picked up by the wind and carried to the roof of the house.

CHAPTER TWO, about two horses

Samodelkin rattled like an empty iron can. But he didn't get hurt. He's made of iron! He was just a little scared. He never had to fly.

You are a real magician! Samodelkin exclaimed. “Even I can’t make live pictures!”

How are we going to get back to our boxes now? Pencil sighed, rubbing the bump on his forehead.

- And it is not necessary! Samodelkin waved his hands. - It's tight in there! Dark! I want to run, jump, ride, fly! Draw a new plane! We will travel! You and I will see real planes! We'll all see!

But for some reason, the Pencil did not want to fly anymore.

- I'd rather draw horses.

And the Pencil on the white wall of the house drew two very good horses. They had soft saddles and beautiful bridles with bright gold stars.

The painted horses first waved their tails, then neighed merrily and, as if nothing had happened, moved away from the wall.

Samodelkin opened his mouth and sat down on the ground. This is what they do when they are very, very surprised at something.

You are a great wizard! Samodelkin exclaimed. “There’s no way I can do that!”

“It’s time for us to go,” Pencil said modestly, pleased with the praise. “Choose your horse and sit down,” he suggested.

Samodelkin liked the white horse more.

The artist got the redhead.

They got on their horses and went to travel.

CHAPTER THREE, in which horses gallop through the city

On the most beautiful square in the city, Yasnaya Square, stood a policeman. Cars hurried past him. Big buses, long trolleybuses, small cars. Nimble motorcycles rumbled impatiently, trying to overtake everyone and run ahead.

And suddenly the policeman said:

- Can't be!

Along the street, along a wide city street full of large and small cars, two pretty horses were galloping. One was red with white spots, the other was white with red spots. Unknown little citizens were sitting on horseback, staring around and loudly singing a cheerful song:

Oh, how I sit on a horse,
Give the horse chocolate.
You take me, horse,
I don't like walking!

Well, of course, it was Pencil and Samodelkin.

They looked first to the right, then to the left, and the horses turned now to the right, then to the left, then ran, then suddenly stopped in front of the very nose of the car.

There were so many interesting, unusual things on the street! Houses, traffic lights, cars, fountains, trees, pigeons, flowers, smart passers-by, signs, lanterns - you need to take a good look at everything!

To the left is an amazing car with large round brushes. She sweeps the street, swallows papers, dust on the pavement. Broom machine!

To the right is a car, from which a tall mast is growing right in front of our eyes. At the very top of the mast are people in overalls. People rise to the sky, pull thin wires over the street.

- Mounters! Samodelkin said to Pencil.

The policeman raised a whistle to his lips and whistled loudly. All the drivers of the cars, all the drivers shuddered in surprise and looked at the Policeman. Only Samodelkin and Pencil did not even look back. They just didn't know what the police were whistling for.

You take me, horse,
I don't like walking!

yelled Samodelkin, swaying in his saddle. The pencil sang along in a thin voice:

We don't like walking!

"Ugliness! thought the Policeman. - Breaking the rules! They interfere! Climb under the wheels! .. "

Next to the Policeman was a big red motorcycle. The policeman turned on the engine and drove out into the middle of Orekhovaya Street. Over the street, a red light of a traffic light lit up.

Stopped the flow of cars. Buses, trolleybuses, trucks, cars, motorcycles, bicycles froze in place.

Everything stopped. Only Samodelkin and Pencil calmly drove on. Nobody ever told them about the traffic light.

- Please stop! the Policeman said sternly.

- Oh! .. - Pencil whispered. “Looks like we’re about to…

A small crowd immediately gathered around the Policeman and two offenders.

“These must be circus performers!” - noticed a little boy.

- What's the matter guys! Why are you violating? Where do you live?

- We? .. We lived in a box ... - Samodelkin answered frightened.

- Is this the name of the village - Box?

- No, we are from a real box ...

– I don’t understand anything! The policeman took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. “Here’s the thing, guys, I don’t have time to joke with you. Please observe traffic rules.

"What are the rules?" - the curious Pencil wanted to ask, but Samodelkin pulled his sleeve in time. Is it right to ask the Policeman such questions?

Above the street flashed a green light of a traffic light. Cars, buses, trolleybuses, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles ran. Ride-let's go!

“It’s all the horses’ fault,” Master Samodelkin said then. - You have to drive around the city.

CHAPTER FOUR, in it they ride on soft cushions

“Let’s draw a car,” Pencil suggested.

Do you think it's so easy to draw cars? You won't succeed. Even I can make a car only from a very good "constructor". You can make an ordinary scooter, but where can we find wheels? ..

- Why won't it work? interrupted Pencil. I have seen cars!

- All right, draw a car, - master Samodelkin agreed. Just don't forget to draw tires on the wheels. Without them, the car always shakes a lot on the road. I can't stand shaking. I immediately unwind then. And the tires are like pillows, they ride softly.

- Nothing! - said the Pencil, busy with work. - Don't worry! It will be soft!

While the little artist was painting a car right on the white wall of the house, Samodelkin took the painted horses to a neighboring square, to a green lawn, and tied them to a low iron fence.

Samodelkin returned and looked at the drawing. He wanted to give Pencil some advice. But then the Pencil finished drawing.

Nearby was a ready real car.

– What have you done?! shouted Samodelkin. “Why did you draw cushions on the wheels?”

In fact, pillows were tied to the wheels of the new car! Real pillows! In pink pillowcases with white ribbons. The pencil drew them very well.

“You said it yourself about the pillows,” said the Pencil.

I didn't mention pillows!

- No, he did! Said!

- You're all confused! Now your car won't be able to drive!

- Will be able! Pencil was offended.

- He can’t and won’t go! I know better!

- But it will go!

- He won't go for anything!

– And you try to sit down!

- I'll take it and sit down! And he won't go anywhere!

Samodelkin got into the car next to Pencil. The car honked and drove off.

- It's coming! Rides! shouted Pencil.

Surprised Samodelkin firmly held the steering wheel with both hands. He was very afraid to jump out of the car. He didn't have time to look around. And yet he noticed how passers-by look around and point fingers at them.

“What a funny car,” passers-by said. - On the pillows!

CHAPTER FIVE In which the journey continues

Our little travelers were not able to ride around the city for long.

On the street, Pencil saw a strange car that looked like a hefty drum. He rolled slowly along the pavement. But for some reason the pavement under it was black-black, smooth-smooth, not the same as everywhere else. A hot fragrant smoke was coming from the pavement. All other cars tried to bypass the strange car and the black pavement behind it.

And Samodelkin, noticing an unusual car, was delighted:

- We'll overtake her now! And then everyone overtakes us, but you and I cannot overtake anyone ...

And he deftly directed his car onto the black pavement.

The soft pink pillowcases stuck to the hot pavement and tore.

Fluff flew out from under the wheels. The wind picked it up, scattered it and carried it around the city over cars, houses, trees.

- Well, - said one passer-by old man, - poplar fluff flies. This is going to be a good summer.

And the car of Pencil and Samodelkin rushed off and drove on, leaving soft pink rags on the pavement.

The street is over. Before them lay a wide area. It was covered not with asphalt, but with stone paving stones.

| site collection
| Valentin Yurievich Postnikov
| Pencil and DIY in the land of chocolate trees

In one small but very beautiful city, there lived two little wizards. Their names were Pencil and Samodelkin. The pencil was a real magic artist. Instead of a nose, he has a pencil, and he can draw pictures that come to life. What does that mean, you ask me? And this means that everything that the Pencil draws, in the same second, turns from the drawn into the present. That is, alive! An artist can draw a bird and in a second it flies away. He can also draw a furry dog ​​and it also comes to life. Why is there a dog, a wizard can draw anything, even a whole house, which in a second turns from a drawn one into a real brick house. And this is real magic, and if it seems to you that it is so simple, pick up the paints and try to draw a drawing that comes to life yourself. That does not work? That's it!
The second wizard is Samodelkin. He received such an unusual name for the fact that he knows how to make and do everything with his own hands. They say that he has magical hands, because if he takes a hammer, nails or a screwdriver from the shelf, and in a second there is a ready-made car, helicopter or small submarine in front of you. Maybe you will say that these are not miracles?
And also Pencil and Samodelkin have a friend - Professor Pykhtelkin. Semyon Semyonovich is a famous scientist - geographer. He traveled almost all countries and continents and knows about everything in the world. Perhaps there is no such flower, tree, fish or insect on earth that he would not have heard anything about. It's just a walking encyclopedia.
Yes, I completely forgot to tell you about two robbers - the pirate Bul-Bul and the spy Hole. No, no, Pencil and Samodelkin are not friends with them, rather, on the contrary, they are enemies of little wizards. Pirate Bul-Bul is fat and red-bearded, dreams of treasures and his own sailing frigate. Bul-Bul wants to become a famous pirate, like his grandfather, the famous sea pirate, was. And, the spy Hole opposite is a long, thin, long-nosed robber, who now and then furtively looks around when he talks to someone. The last thing in the world that rogue friends like to do is work or do anything. One day, the robbers sniffed out that the Pencil can draw pictures that come to life, and since then they dream of catching the Pencil and making him draw whatever they want.
And also Pencil and Samodelkin have students - Prutik, Chizhik and Nastenka. They go to wizard school. This school has the most extraordinary subjects in the world.

The pencil teaches children to draw pictures that come to life. And Samodelkin - sawing, planing and building. Pykhtelkin told the children about extraordinary countries, amazing animals and fantastic plants.
More than anything, friends loved to travel. Once upon a time, they even had their own sailing ship, on which they sailed the seas and oceans and saw many amazing countries. But one day they went on such an extraordinary journey, which I just wanted to tell you about today.

Pencil and Samodelkin lived in a small two-story house with a blue tiled roof, on the shores of the blue sea. In this house, their students lived and studied with them.
Summer has come. Hot, sunny and green. And along with the summer at school came the summer holidays.
“Let's go on some amazing journey again,” Samodelkin suggested, jingling merrily with springs. Let's board a ship and sail to unknown distances.
- And where are the "unknown distances"? Prutik immediately asked.
– In tropical countries! Pencil said. “Where lianas, palm trees and fantastic plants grow.
- In Australia? - asked Nastenka. - I heard that it is there that the most unprecedented animals live, and the most amazing plants grow.
Or in India! - Chizhik inserted the word. - In India, there are white elephants the size of a two-story house, three-meter crocodiles and five-meter snakes. India is also the birthplace of monkeys. And monkeys are the most intelligent animals.
The smartest animals are dolphins! Pencil said. - And they are found in all warm seas and oceans. For example in Sri Lanka. This is where I would like to travel. There, they say, the Iron Tree grows!
Think India! Australia! Sri Lanka! How can all this be compared with Africa! - Professor Pykhtelkin said running into the house.
- With Africa? Samodelkin asked in surprise. - What's good there?
“Africa is the most mysterious continent on earth,” Semyon Semyonovich was offended. “The most amazing animals, insects and birds in the world live there. There you can meet a hornbill, and an anteater, a white lion and a fish that can climb trees.
- Trees? The guys didn't believe.
“Yes, yes,” the geographer nodded. – But the most amazing thing is that chocolate trees grow in Africa. Therefore, Africa is sometimes called the land of chocolate trees.
“Are there any Gummy Trees by any chance?” asked Prutik, licking his lips.
“No, there are no such trees there,” Professor Pykhtelkin laughed. - But, on the other hand, there you can see Shaggy trees and Whistling trees that can whistle like boys.
- Then it's decided! Samodelkin said. We are going to the country of chocolate trees.
- And on what we will go on a new journey? – immediately asked Nastenka. “After all, we don’t even have a sailing frigate!”
But we have a balloon! Samodelkin jumped merrily. - All the most famous travelers traveled in a hot air balloon. Why are we worse than them?
- Hooray! the guys shouted. - Let's fly in a hot air balloon! Beauty!

It is best to start the journey early in the morning. All famous travelers set out on a hike in the early morning. It is unlikely that Christopher Columbus or Magellan went on their famous expeditions in the evening or at night. That is why Pencil and Samodelkin also decided to go to bed, and only in the morning will go on a new journey.
Samodelkin woke up first in the morning.
- Pencil, it's time to get up! Chocolate trees are waiting for us! – he began to wake the magic artist. – Have you forgotten?
- I dreamed of crocodiles! - yawning widely, said the Pencil. - They sat on the trees with their legs dangling and looking at me in unison sang a song:

Little children, for nothing in the world,
Do not go to Africa for a walk!
In Africa, gorillas, evil crocodiles ...

“Don’t be afraid, we won’t get close to crocodiles,” Samodelkin reassured his friend. - I'm afraid of them myself!
Before the inhabitants of the magic school had time to have breakfast, a panting professor Pykhtelkin ran in through the open door.
“The whole city already knows that we are going on a big journey,” the professor rattled from the threshold. “Look what's going on in the square. It looks like the whole city has gathered around our school. It is interesting for everyone to see with their own eyes how we will fly in a balloon, - the geographer said, out of breath. “I haven’t seen so many people at once.
- Wow! - Pencil was surprised, looking out the window. “There were a lot of people, really. I wonder how they heard about our trip?
“It was I who boasted to the neighbor's boy yesterday,” the geographer admitted. And he told his friends. And those to their friends, and now the whole city knows.
“It’s even uncomfortable somehow,” Samodelkin was confused. “It’s like we’re some kind of heroes…
“By the way, not everyone dares to go on such an unusual and dangerous journey, where we are going,” the scientist winked slyly. We have a lot of dangerous adventures ahead of us.
“Well, it’s time to go,” the Pencil winked cheerfully.
Something unimaginable was happening on the street. The whole area was filled with people. Everyone who passed by stopped and asked what was happening here. They were told that now they would see several brave travelers take off. Hearing this news, passers-by looked curiously at the courtyard of the Magic School. Samodelkin turned on the gas burner, and the balloon began to quickly fill with hot gas. A few minutes later, a huge balloon swayed over the wicker basket in which Samodelkin was sitting. And only thanks to a rope tied to a tree that held the ball, he did not fly away. All participants in the flight climbed into the basket in turn.
- Hooray!!! Long live fearless travelers! people shouted and waved their hands and hats at them.
Samodelkin untied the rope, and the balloon began to slowly rise above the ground. The people standing below moved further and further away from the travelers, and soon became quite small, like ants. The guys waved at them from above and began to stare around. A large beautiful city lay right under the feet of the aeronauts.
Tall, high-rise buildings looked no bigger than matchboxes from above. Gray doves, tiny as flies, flew under the feet of travelers. Cars like rhinoceros beetles slowly crawled along the black road. People hurriedly ran along the footpaths like ants. Everything from above seemed small and ridiculous. Huge white steamers hooted importantly after the balloon. And even the huge white clouds, which seem so big and heavy below, turned out to be just thick white fog.
The guys frolicked, waved their arms and tried to grab onto the cloud, but they did not succeed. The higher the balloon rose to the sun, the colder and colder it became for travelers. The city remained far below, and it was already difficult to see something. At that moment, a strong sea wind blew, and they were carried towards the ocean.
- Wow, how beautiful it is here! - Prutik said admiringly.
“It’s much more pleasant than flying in an airplane,” Chizhik confirmed. - When I flew on an airplane, I always looked out the window, but there is little to see from there, not like here.
“I have long dreamed of going on a trip in a hot air balloon,” Semyon Semyonovich sighed. “I have traveled in many modes of transport, except for such an amazing one as this one.
- What did you ride? Nastenka asked immediately. - Tell me!
I have traveled by train, plane and ship. But that doesn't seem to count. So, probably, each of you skated. But, for example, when I went on an expedition to the North Pole, I rode in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. And where the snow is deep, and the deer were buried in the snow, we rode on dog sleds. It's a lot of fun and, most importantly, fast. I rode ostriches, dolphins, and even elephants. Once I happened to ride in a small cart pulled by raccoon dogs. But when I, along with other scientists, crossed the Sahara Desert, we had to move on white, one-humped camels.
- Why on camels? - asked Nastenka.
“Because in the desert the camel is the main form of transport. Of all the animals that live on earth, the camel can go the longest without water. He is very hardy and can endure thirst for a long time. And as you know, the desert is unbearably hot and there is little water.
“What, can’t you drive through the desert in a car?” Prutik asked.
“Of course not, the car will immediately get stuck in the sand,” the geographer explained to the guys. - And when I was in India, I happened to ride an elephant there. In India, this type of transport is common even in cities.
Why on elephants? Chizhik asked. - Why can't you go, for example, on foot?
- On foot, too, of course, you can, but in the jungle there are many wild animals and poisonous snakes. And sitting on such a huge and strong animal as an elephant, nothing is scary, - Semyon Semyonovich explained to the guys.
And the balloon was already flying over the vast Atlantic Ocean. Blue waves rolled under the feet of brave travelers. All the passengers of the balloon looked with admiration at this incredible, breathtaking spectacle.
- Samodelkin, can't we go down a little lower? Pencil asked. I want to see sea life.
“Of course you can,” the iron master replied.
He switched something in the control device, and the balloon began to slowly descend. When only two or three meters remained to the water, the balloon slowed down its descent. There was a feeling that he was not flying through the air, but floating on blue water, like a small boat.
Suddenly, not far from the basket, someone's black muzzle poked out of the blue water and immediately hid in the water again.
“Look, there is someone there!” Chizhik shouted, pointing at the blue waves.
Suddenly, like lightning, a dolphin emerged from the wave and, joyfully waving its fin and doing somersaults in the air, again dived under the water. Thousands of spray fountains flew in different directions. The guys, Pencil, Samodelkin and Semyon Semyonovich were splashed with salt water from head to toe.
“There are a lot of dolphins here,” Semyon Semyonovich laughed, wringing out his wet pants. – They are very kind and never attack people, but, on the contrary, often come to their aid.
The balloon continued to fly low over the water, barely touching the water.
"Look, he's following us!" Nastenka laughed.
Yes, dolphins are fast swimmers. If such a dolphin wants to, it can easily overtake us,” Samodelkin said.
How do they help people? Chizhik was surprised.
- If a person, for example, starts to drown, then the dolphin will definitely drag him to the shore, - Semyon Semyonovich explained. “I heard that dolphins used to help fishermen catch fish,” the geographer continued.
“I wonder how they did it?” Really, together with the fishermen, they fished with a bait? Prutik laughed.
- No, of course, they didn’t fish with a bait, but they helped the sailors drive the fish into the nets.
How do dolphins talk? - asked Nastenka. Do they have to communicate with each other somehow?
“They talk with the help of sounds similar to clicking and whistling,” Semyon Semyonovich explained.
“Wow, how smart they are,” the girl was surprised.
The guys waved goodbye to the dolphin. Samodelkin again twisted something and the balloon slowly rose high under the clouds.

Night has come. Starry, black and surprisingly beautiful. Travelers slept at the bottom of the basket, covered with blankets. And when we woke up, it was already morning. The balloon continued to hover over the ocean. A strong wind carried a basket with travelers, as if on wings, across the blue sky.
Samodelkin closely followed the direction of the wind. If the wind changed, then he raised the airship either higher or lower and looked for the right air flow. After all, it was important for him that the ball flew towards Africa.
“I sleep so well in the open air,” Semyon Semyonovich said contentedly. - And when your bed shakes like a cradle, then you sleep just a heroic dream.
“I also had the feeling that I was not flying through the air, but I was on a ship that was rocking on the waves of the ocean,” Pencil said cheerfully.
- Wow, how hot! Chizhik breathed out, taking off his T-shirt. The sun is like a hot frying pan here.
“I’m hot too,” Prutik agreed. - Uff!
"That's because we're already entering the equatorial zone," the geographer explained. It's always so hot at the equator.
Why is it always so hot at the equator? Chizhik asked.
“Because the equator is the place on earth that is closest to the sun,” the geographer explained. - For those who are at the equator, the sun is always at its zenith. All experienced sailors know about it.
- What is a zenith? - Prutik did not lag behind.
“This is when the sun is directly overhead,” the professor pointed out. - See, here it is, right above our tops warms.
Samodelkin again lowered the balloon to the water itself, because the water was not as hot as it was above, above the clouds.
“Ugh,” Prutik snorted again. “It’s so hot here that it’s even strange why the ocean doesn’t boil.
“Sailors have one good old custom,” Semyon Semyonovich laughed slyly.
- What is the custom? - the guys immediately asked.
“Don't you know? the geographer was surprised.
“Even we don’t know,” Pencil and Samodelkin were surprised.
“Those who cross the equator for the first time must pass one severe test,” Professor Pykhtelkin chuckled.
“True, we are not sailors, but since we are crossing the ocean for the first time, we must also pass this test,” Chizhik boldly stepped forward.
“Well, then don’t be offended,” the old man grunted.
The geographer grabbed a bucket and tied the end of a long rope to it, threw it over the edge of the basket, scooped up water, and without thinking twice, doused all those present with salty ocean water.
- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! the guys shouted.
- Wow, jokes! – muttered Pencil and Samodelkin.
“I warned you not to be offended later,” the geographer explained. It's the sailors' custom. While crossing the equator, you need to get acquainted with the sea king Neptune. And those who cross the equator for the first time are dipped into the water. Sailors usually just throw newbies into the water. But I decided only to douse you with water. I won't throw children into the ocean. So you got a real sea baptism. You can now show off at home: you are seasoned travelers.
- That's great, it turns out that adults also play different games, like us, - Chizhik was delighted.
- Well, it’s good that we took such an unusual shower - but it didn’t get so hot! - Pencil said cheerfully.
– Look! Prutik suddenly exclaimed and pointed somewhere into the distance. - What it is? he asked in surprise.
Directly ahead, some kind of hulk was visible from the water. This incomprehensible creature swayed peacefully on the waves. When the balloon flew closer, Samodelkin pressed on some kind of lever, and the basket with the travelers stopped.
What is this, a small uninhabited island in the middle of the ocean? - asked Nastenka. Why isn't there a single tree on it?
- No, guys, this is not an island. This is the real whale. True, now he, in my opinion, is fast asleep, ”explained the geographer.
“I never thought that whales were so big,” thought Prutik.
“By the way, the whale is the largest animal that exists on the planet today,” muttered Semyon Semyonovich.
“Is there really no animal bigger than a whale?” Prutik asked.
- Once upon a time, a very long time ago, millions of years ago, dinosaurs lived on earth. Some of them were even larger than modern whales. But these giants died out a long time ago. And now whales are the largest animals on our planet,” explained Semyon Semyonovich
“Professor, please tell us something else about whales,” Nastenka asked politely.
“Well, well, listen,” the scientist continued. - There are many whales in the seas and oceans. But the biggest of them is the blue whale. Its dimensions sometimes reach 35 meters, and it weighs up to 150 tons. This is about the same as fifty elephants together. Imagine how heavy it is! Little whales drink a hundred liters of milk at a time. So much, probably, the whole kindergarten will not drink in a week.
- Well, since they are such gluttons and fat men, then they are probably quite clumsy in the water? Chizhik said confidently.
“Well, whales are excellent swimmers,” the geographer answered him. They can swim at great speed if needed. And the whales dive great. Some of them can dive a thousand meters deep. And they do not breathe underwater for quite a long time, at least an hour and a half.
How does a whale manage to hold its breath for so long? – Pencil asked the scientist. Is it possible?
- In whales, the right nostril on the nose has become overgrown and turned into a huge air bag. In this bag they keep a supply of air, - the scientist continued the lecture.
“Wow, what wise animals,” Pencil thought. - A whale keeps air in reserve in his nostril, a camel, when he walks through the desert, carries a supply of water in his humps, a bear sleeps all winter in a den and eats its own fat. What good fellows they are and how cunningly they adapt to life.
- Well, let's go further? Samodelkin asked. - And then we, judging by my map, still have a very long time to fly.
The balloon flew on, and the whale remained dozing on the quiet surface of the ocean, not even suspecting that it had been watched from above for so long. The wind blew in the face of the brave travelers, but this did not save them from the heat.
Pencil and Samodelkin made a small canopy of blankets, and everyone hid in the shade, but it didn’t get any cooler.
The sun was still hot. It felt like they were on a hot frying pan. A few minutes later, the first geographer could not stand it.
– Ah! I'm like a hot iron! Let's swim, it's too hot. The sun bakes so strongly that it's just terrible, - Semyon Semyonovich asked.
- And why not, - Pencil got up from his seat. “I’m also baked like a potato on the coals.” Let's stop and have a quick swim.
- Just a second! - Samodelkin said and again clicked something in his device. The balloon slowly stopped and slowly descended almost to the very water. There was no wind at all. Therefore, hovering about a meter from the water, the ball stood, or rather, hung in the air with almost no movement.

The basket of the balloon stood motionless above the water. Samodelkin threw a rope ladder over the edge so that it was easy to get out and just as easy to climb back into the basket.
- Well, let's go swimming. Who among you is the bravest and the first to jump into the water? Pencil asked.
- I'm the bravest! squealed Chizhik, and in just a second, throwing off all his clothes, he flopped right from the side of the basket into the green ocean.
- Hooray!!! the guys shouted and jumped into the water after Chizhik.
- Wow! How good! The water is warm, just like fresh milk, - Prutik rejoiced. - Come quickly to us! It's very good here!
“Well, since the water is warm, I’ll take a dip too,” the Pencil decided.

Current page: 1 (total book has 7 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 2 pages]

Yuri Postnikov
Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin

CHAPTER ONE, in which you can eat a painted candy and fly on a fresh cucumber

In one big city, on a very beautiful street called Jolly Bells Street, there was a big, big toy store.

Once in the store, someone sneezed!

There is nothing surprising in this if the seller who showed the toys to the guys sneezed. If some small buyer sneezed, this is also not surprising. Only the seller and the small buyer have nothing to do with it. I know who sneezed in the toy store! No one will believe me at first, but I'll say it anyway.

Box sneezed! Yes Yes! Box for colored pencils. She lay in the toy warehouse among large and small boxes and boxes. On it were printed bright letters:


But that is not all. There was another box next to it. This box was called:


And so, when the first box sneezed, the other said:

- Be healthy!

Then the elegant lid on the first box lifted a little, fell to the side, and under it was a small one and only pencil. But what a pencil! Not a simple pencil, not a colored pencil, but the most unusual, amazing pencil!

Look at him please. Really funny?

The pencil approached the mechanical "designer", knocked on the wooden lid and asked:

- Who's there?

- It's me! Master Samodelkin! came the answer. Help me get out, please. I just can’t!.. - And in the box something seemed to thunder and rang.

Then the Pencil pulled the lid towards him, pushed it aside and peered over the edge of the box. Among various shiny screws and nuts, metal plates, gears, springs and wheels sat a strange iron man. He jumped out of the box like a spring, swayed on thin funny legs that were made of springs, and began to look at the Pencil.

- Who are you? he asked in surprise.

– Me?.. I am a magic artist! My name is Pencil. I can draw live pictures.

- What does it mean - live pictures?

- Well, if you want, I'll draw a bird. She will immediately come to life and fly away. I can also draw candy. It can be eaten...

- Not true! Samodelkin exclaimed. - It doesn't happen! And he laughed. - Can not be!

“Wizards never lie,” said the Pencil, offended.

- Come on, draw a plane! Let's see what kind of magician you are, if you're telling the truth.

- Airplane! I don’t know what an airplane is,” Pencil admitted. - I'd rather draw a carrot. Want?

I don't need carrots! Have you never seen airplanes? That's just funny!

The pencil got a little offended again.

- Please don't laugh. If you've seen everything, tell me about the plane. What does it look like, what does the plane look like? And I'll draw it. In my box is an album of pictures to color in. There are printed houses, birds, carrots, cucumbers, sweets, horses, chickens, chickens, cats, dogs. There is nothing else! No planes!

Samodelkin jumped up and rang his springs:

– Oh, what uninteresting pictures in your book! OK! I'll show you the plane. It looks like a big, big long cucumber with wings. I will make a model of the aircraft from the "constructor".

Samodelkin immediately jumped into the box.

He rattled metal plates, he looked for the necessary screws, gears, he twisted them where necessary, deftly worked with a screwdriver, pounded with a hammer - knock-knock-knock! - and sang this song all the time:

I can do everything myself
And I don't believe in miracles!
Myself! Myself! Myself!

And the Pencil took colored pencils out of his pocket, thought and thought and drew a cucumber. Fresh, green, in pimples. Then I painted wings on it.

- Hey, Samodelkin! Called Pencil. - Come here! I drew an airplane.

“Just a minute,” said the master. - I just need to attach a propeller - and the plane will be ready. We take a screw, put on a propeller ... Knock-it once, twice ... Well, that's all! Look what planes are!

Samodelkin jumped out of the box, and he had a plane in his hands. Just like a real one! I won't say anything about this plane. Because all the guys saw the planes. I have never seen one Pencil. He said:

- Oh, how well you drew!

- Well, you, - the master smiled. - I can not draw. I made a plane from the "constructor".

And then Samodelkin saw a cucumber, a fresh green cucumber.

- Where did you get the cucumber? he wondered.

- This is ... this is my plane ...

Master Samodelkin trembled with all his springs, rang, laughed loudly, loudly.

That's what a mocker Samodelkin! He laughs and laughs, as if someone is tickling him, and he just can't stop.

The pencil is very offended. He immediately drew a cloud on the wall. A real rain came out of the cloud. He soaked Samodelkin from head to toe, and he stopped laughing.

“Brrr…” he said. Where did this nasty rain come from? I m-might rust!

- Why are you laughing? shouted Pencil. - You yourself spoke about the cucumber!

- Oh, I can't! Oh, don't make me laugh, otherwise I'll unscrew ... Well, the plane! Why did you stick chicken feathers in a cucumber! Ha ha ha! This plane is not going anywhere!

- And here it will fly! The wings will fly and the plane will fly.

- Well, where is the engine on your plane? Where is the steering wheel? Planes can't fly without a rudder and a motor!

Get on my plane! I'll show you whether they fly or not, - said Pencil and sat astride a cucumber.

Samodelkin from laughter downright fell on the cucumber.

At that moment, the wind blew through the open window, suddenly the wings flapped, the cucumber shuddered and took off like a real plane.

- Ai! - Pencil and Samodelkin shouted together.

“Fuck! Boom!.."

It's a fresh cucumber, a real green cucumber, flew out the window and fell to the ground.

Indeed. The plane had no rudder. Is it possible to fly without a rudder? Of course not. This is where the plane crashed. The wings flew off to the side. They were picked up by the wind and carried to the roof of the house.

CHAPTER TWO, about two horses

Samodelkin rattled like an empty iron can. But he didn't get hurt. He's made of iron! He was just a little scared. He never had to fly.

You are a real magician! Samodelkin exclaimed. “Even I can’t make live pictures!”

How are we going to get back to our boxes now? Pencil sighed, rubbing the bump on his forehead.

- And it is not necessary! Samodelkin waved his hands. - It's tight in there! Dark! I want to run, jump, ride, fly! Draw a new plane! We will travel! You and I will see real planes! We'll all see!

But for some reason, the Pencil did not want to fly anymore.

- I'd rather draw horses.

And the Pencil on the white wall of the house drew two very good horses. They had soft saddles and beautiful bridles with bright gold stars.

The painted horses first waved their tails, then neighed merrily and, as if nothing had happened, moved away from the wall.

Samodelkin opened his mouth and sat down on the ground. This is what they do when they are very, very surprised at something.

You are a great wizard! Samodelkin exclaimed. “There’s no way I can do that!”

“It’s time for us to go,” Pencil said modestly, pleased with the praise. “Choose your horse and sit down,” he suggested.

Samodelkin liked the white horse more.

The artist got the redhead.

They got on their horses and went to travel.

CHAPTER THREE, in which horses gallop through the city

On the most beautiful square in the city, Yasnaya Square, stood a policeman. Cars hurried past him. Big buses, long trolleybuses, small cars. Nimble motorcycles rumbled impatiently, trying to overtake everyone and run ahead.

And suddenly the policeman said:

- Can't be!

Along the street, along a wide city street full of large and small cars, two pretty horses were galloping. One was red with white spots, the other was white with red spots. Unknown little citizens were sitting on horseback, staring around and loudly singing a cheerful song:

Oh, how I sit on a horse,
Give the horse chocolate.
You take me, horse,
I don't like walking!

Well, of course, it was Pencil and Samodelkin.

They looked first to the right, then to the left, and the horses turned now to the right, then to the left, then ran, then suddenly stopped in front of the very nose of the car.

There were so many interesting, unusual things on the street! Houses, traffic lights, cars, fountains, trees, pigeons, flowers, smart passers-by, signs, lanterns - you need to take a good look at everything!

To the left is an amazing car with large round brushes. She sweeps the street, swallows papers, dust on the pavement. Broom machine!

To the right is a car, from which a tall mast is growing right in front of our eyes. At the very top of the mast are people in overalls. People rise to the sky, pull thin wires over the street.

- Mounters! Samodelkin said to Pencil.

The policeman raised a whistle to his lips and whistled loudly. All the drivers of the cars, all the drivers shuddered in surprise and looked at the Policeman. Only Samodelkin and Pencil did not even look back. They just didn't know what the police were whistling for.

You take me, horse,
I don't like walking!

yelled Samodelkin, swaying in his saddle. The pencil sang along in a thin voice:

We don't like walking!

"Ugliness! thought the Policeman. - Breaking the rules! They interfere! Climb under the wheels! .. "

Next to the Policeman was a big red motorcycle. The policeman turned on the engine and drove out into the middle of Orekhovaya Street. Over the street, a red light of a traffic light lit up.

Stopped the flow of cars. Buses, trolleybuses, trucks, cars, motorcycles, bicycles froze in place.

Everything stopped. Only Samodelkin and Pencil calmly drove on. Nobody ever told them about the traffic light.

- Please stop! the Policeman said sternly.

- Oh! .. - Pencil whispered. “Looks like we’re about to…

A small crowd immediately gathered around the Policeman and two offenders.

“These must be circus performers!” - noticed a little boy.

- What's the matter guys! Why are you violating? Where do you live?

- We? .. We lived in a box ... - Samodelkin answered frightened.

- Is this the name of the village - Box?

- No, we are from a real box ...

– I don’t understand anything! The policeman took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. “Here’s the thing, guys, I don’t have time to joke with you. Please observe traffic rules.

"What are the rules?" - the curious Pencil wanted to ask, but Samodelkin pulled his sleeve in time. Is it right to ask the Policeman such questions?

Above the street flashed a green light of a traffic light. Cars, buses, trolleybuses, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles ran. Ride-let's go!

“It’s all the horses’ fault,” Master Samodelkin said then. - You have to drive around the city.

CHAPTER FOUR, in it they ride on soft cushions

“Let’s draw a car,” Pencil suggested.

Do you think it's so easy to draw cars? You won't succeed. Even I can make a car only from a very good "constructor". You can make an ordinary scooter, but where can we find wheels? ..

- Why won't it work? interrupted Pencil. I have seen cars!

- All right, draw a car, - master Samodelkin agreed. Just don't forget to draw tires on the wheels. Without them, the car always shakes a lot on the road. I can't stand shaking. I immediately unwind then. And the tires are like pillows, they ride softly.

- Nothing! - said the Pencil, busy with work. - Don't worry! It will be soft!

While the little artist was painting a car right on the white wall of the house, Samodelkin took the painted horses to a neighboring square, to a green lawn, and tied them to a low iron fence.

Samodelkin returned and looked at the drawing. He wanted to give Pencil some advice. But then the Pencil finished drawing.

Nearby was a ready real car.

– What have you done?! shouted Samodelkin. “Why did you draw cushions on the wheels?”

In fact, pillows were tied to the wheels of the new car! Real pillows! In pink pillowcases with white ribbons. The pencil drew them very well.

“You said it yourself about the pillows,” said the Pencil.

I didn't mention pillows!

- No, he did! Said!

- You're all confused! Now your car won't be able to drive!

- Will be able! Pencil was offended.

- He can’t and won’t go! I know better!

- But it will go!

- He won't go for anything!

– And you try to sit down!

- I'll take it and sit down! And he won't go anywhere!

Samodelkin got into the car next to Pencil. The car honked and drove off.

- It's coming! Rides! shouted Pencil.

Surprised Samodelkin firmly held the steering wheel with both hands. He was very afraid to jump out of the car. He didn't have time to look around. And yet he noticed how passers-by look around and point fingers at them.

“What a funny car,” passers-by said. - On the pillows!

CHAPTER FIVE In which the journey continues

Our little travelers were not able to ride around the city for long.

On the street, Pencil saw a strange car that looked like a hefty drum. He rolled slowly along the pavement. But for some reason the pavement under it was black-black, smooth-smooth, not the same as everywhere else. A hot fragrant smoke was coming from the pavement. All other cars tried to bypass the strange car and the black pavement behind it.

And Samodelkin, noticing an unusual car, was delighted:

- We'll overtake her now! And then everyone overtakes us, but you and I cannot overtake anyone ...

And he deftly directed his car onto the black pavement.

The soft pink pillowcases stuck to the hot pavement and tore.

Fluff flew out from under the wheels. The wind picked it up, scattered it and carried it around the city over cars, houses, trees.

- Well, - said one passer-by old man, - poplar fluff flies. This is going to be a good summer.

And the car of Pencil and Samodelkin rushed off and drove on, leaving soft pink rags on the pavement.

The street is over. Before them lay a wide area. It was covered not with asphalt, but with stone paving stones.

The wheels of the small car rattled terribly. She began to bounce, bounce and sideways, and back, and forward.

Samodelkin hit his nose on the steering wheel. The pencil bounced on the soft seat like a ball.

“I’m like-what-skrryn-chun-chus,” muttered Samodelkin.

He wanted to say: "I think I'll get loose soon." But he was shaking so much that the poor driver could not utter a word.

“M-meki-beki-meow,” Pencil said.

He meant to say, “I'm shaking so much. I don't even understand what you're saying!"

“Blyakly-blyakli-blyakli,” answered Samodelkin.

He wanted to say: “We need to stop as soon as possible. Then we will attach real rubber tires.

CHAPTER SIX, about Venya Kashkin and the painted robbers

And at this time, several very militant boys appeared on the square. They were running somewhere, they were screaming, they were brandishing real wooden sabers, real toy guns. One would think that some dashing robbers attacked the city.

- Hooray! the boys murmured. - Hooray! Bay! .. Bang! Wow! Fuck!

Our little travelers were even scared. They wanted to turn somewhere, but the car flew straight at the guys.

A tousled blond-haired boy ran towards him. He had a black bandit mask over his eyes. A real black paper mask. Such masks can sometimes be seen in the movies or at a fun carnival.

- Behind me! the boy shouted. - On the horses! Even though he didn't have any horses. Apparently, this boy liked to command.

The mask on his face had slid to the side from the fast run. She stopped looking, closed her eyes. This is probably why the blond-haired man ran into Samodelkin's car and flew head over heels onto the pavement.

The car creaked, fell apart, the wheels rolled in different directions.

Accident! - said the boy, sitting on the pavement,

The boys stopped, breathing loudly.

- They broke such a wonderful, such a good car! Samodelkin said angrily. He could now speak correctly. He didn't shake anymore.

“We didn’t break,” the boys answered. - Our ataman Venya Kashkin accidentally fell on the car.

- “They didn’t break ...”, Samodelkin mimicked. “Why did you wave your sticks so terribly and run at us and shout?” So, they deliberately wanted to break the car!

- These are not sticks! - the boys were suddenly offended. - These are sabers. Real sabers. We play robbers and spies. And Venka is our chieftain ...

Pencil, as soon as he heard unfamiliar words, alerted. He even forgot about the broken car, this curious artist.

“Did you say brigands and spies?” - he asked.

- Well, yes! In our yard all the guys play robbers and spies.

“And what is a robber and a spy?” asked the naive Pencil.

- Ty! .. - Venya Kashkin whistled. - He does not know such trifles! Books to be read...

- Draw me, please, robbers and spies, and I'll take a look at them, - asked the little artist. For some reason, he was sure that everyone in the world should be able to draw. - This is probably very interesting, - said Pencil, - but I don’t know anything about them. I have already seen cars, but I have not yet met robbers and spies. I need to know everything. Draw, please!

- Well, yes, I will draw! I don’t have time anyway,” Venya Kashkin muttered.

The guys said:

- Draw, Venka! Draw a sea robber and a spy.

“Please take a brush and paints from me,” suggested the Pencil and took out a box of paints, a piece of white, clean paper, and a soft rubber eraser from his pocket.

“Well, if everyone asks,” Venya agreed, “so be it, I’ll draw it.”

He took the paints, took off the mask and began to paint.

First, a large black blob appeared on the white paper, resembling a bristly, angry dog. It was paint that accidentally dripped from the brush. Then the blond boy drew incredible, scary pictures!

A fierce man with a large red beard, in a sea striped vest, in a sea jacket, held in his hand a black robber flag, on which a white skull with two bones was drawn. A huge curved knife and two ancient robber pistols stuck out of the man's belt. Nearby stood another man, wrapped in a gray cloak with a raised collar, in a black mask, with a long, nasty nose.

A bearded sea robber waved a black flag, another, who, of course, was a spy, looked ominously at everyone through holes in a black mask.

- This is a robber, a sea robber, or, scientifically, a pirate. But this is a spy,” Venya explained.

- Great! the boys praised. - Just like real ones!

“Terrible!” whispered Samodelkin.

- Oh, how scary! said the Pencil, shuddering. I will never draw such terrible pictures.

– Ha! Venya said. “You just can’t draw like me!”

– I can’t do it?! Pencil was offended. (Artists are a terribly touchy people.)

- Can't the Pencil do it?! - Samodelkin tinkled with his springs.

Of course, you yourself understand that the little artist began to draw at that very moment. Let Venya Kashkin see how real artists paint!

“Uh,” Venya said, looking at the drawing. – This we know! Dot, dot, two hooks, nose, mouth ...

- No, not two hooks, I'm drawing a boy, - Pencil objected.

“Come on guys, we don’t have time to talk to them!” Behind me! Venya commanded angrily.

And the boys ran after him, brandishing their sabers. True, a small boy remained on the pavement.

What boy are you asking? Well, of course, the same one that was drawn by Pencil, a magical artist.

Ay-yay-yay, Pencil! How can you be so frivolous? Draw a real boy! And then what? Who will raise the child? Look after him, feed him, dress him? Ai-yay!..

The boy sat and blinked.

CHAPTER SEVEN - about how the house was built

- What is your name? the Pencil asked the drawn kid.

The boy didn't answer.

- What is your last name?

The boy didn't answer. He raised his hand and ran his finger over his lips. Like this, from top to bottom. He made a very funny sound, like "prrr". The boy liked it. He brushed his lips again, “Prrrr! Rod! Prrutya!

- Who are you? - Samodelkin touched the boy.

“Prrrr! Rod! Prrutya! the boy played.

- He's Prutya! exclaimed Pencil. - Can't you hear? He says: "I am Prutya."

- In fact, Prutya, - Samodelkin was delighted. - Fuck! Twig! This is very good!.. Prutik, let's travel with us?

Little Prutik probably did not know what it was to travel, otherwise he, of course, would have agreed. The boy did not answer Samodelkin, but suddenly reached out to him and grabbed his leg. Samodelkin almost fell.

- Oh, please don't be shawty! he got angry.

The boy started chirping again: “Prrrr! Rod! Damn it!.. "

He can't even speak! Well, what are we going to do with it? exclaimed the iron man.

And suddenly a drop fell loudly on the top of Samodelkin's head. Ordinary raindrop.

“Brrr,” Samodelkin snorted. - The rain is starting!

A dark cloud has found over the city. Passers-by, glancing warily at the cloud, raised their collars, hurried in all directions: to entrances, to shops, to trolleybuses. Only the Policeman did not run anywhere. He calmly stood in the very middle of the square: policemen are not afraid of rain.

- Rain! Rain! the boys shouted cheerfully. - Rain! Wait-dick! ..

Thunder rumbled and it rained. Not very strong, warm, but still wet.

The boy might get sick! Get wet! Get a cold! shouted Samodelkin.

Pencil and Samodelkin grabbed Prutya by the arms, ran to the boulevard and hid in the bushes.

Raindrops hit the wide green leaves like open umbrellas. Water flowed over them, but did not fall into the middle of the bush. It was dry there. On the other hand, on the boulevard, drops in one minute pierced all the paths, empty benches, fluffy flower beds.

"Ding! Cap-cap-cap! Ding! Drip-drip-drip!”

The rain nailed to the ground the fluffs flying over the city, and they lay in puddles like melting ice.

But the cloud moved its shaggy edge and swam away where it needed to. The sun looked askance at the rain, and it immediately stopped dripping.

Samodelkin looked out of the bushes.

- Has this nasty rain passed or has it not passed?

- Passed, passed! Get out!

“Will he go again?”

- It won't.

- I'm terribly afraid of the rain! Please draw some small house with a real roof. Oh! .. - Samodelkin screamed, and the Pencil laughed.

A large light drop hung, hung on a branch, and even plopped right in the nose of careless Samodelkin.

He immediately hid.

“I won’t get out until the house is ready!”

The pencil drew a house on the yellow sand, sprinkled under the bushes.

Well, yes, I drew, but did not build. There is nothing surprising here: each house is first drawn - however, on paper, and then built.

- Ready! - said the Pencil, drawing the last tile on the roof of the house.

Samodelkin jumped out of hiding.

Everything was like in a fairy tale! In front of him stood a new house with a high roof.

- Amazing! Samodelkin praised. “But why did you draw a well?” I need to draw plumbing...

In fact, there was a real well near the house. Above him hung a bucket of water. The pencil did not know how to draw plumbing, but the well turned out to be very good.

“I don’t know what plumbing is,” Pencil sighed. “I have painted so little in my life…

- Well, nothing, - Samodelkin consoles, - I'll teach you later. We first need to dry Prutik. He was all wet... Oh, but where is Prutya? Twig, come here!

Samodelkin parted the branches, rummaged under the bushes, but Prutik was nowhere to be found. The bug has escaped!

- Well, I knew it! You can't trust the boy, - the Pencil was worried. - We need to find Prutik. He could get hit by a car! He's so small!

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