Cool games for teenagers for the new year. Christmas games for teenagers


New Year is a magical holiday of childhood, love and warmth, which is celebrated with pleasure in many countries of the world. Children and teenagers especially rejoice at the arrival of the New Year. They are waiting for vacations, wonderful gifts, fulfillment of desires and holiday entertainment. This holiday and memories of it evoke feelings of happiness and joy in people of all ages. Fascinating and fun New Year's games and competitions for children and teenagers at school and at home will make the holiday unforgettable, and will give a lot of positive emotions and a great mood.

Round dance under the Christmas tree

There are various mobile New Year's contests for teenagers and children. Festive events are better and more interesting to start with them. To hold a round dance under the Christmas tree competition, you need to install a Christmas tree in the center. In this case, a small decorative Christmas tree may also be suitable, which can be placed on a stool or on a stand. Chairs should be placed around it, but they should be 1 less than the number of competitors. In addition, you need to pick up fun New Year's music.

While the music is pouring, the participants dance around the festive tree, and as soon as its sound stops, everyone tries to quickly sit down on free chairs. A gaping participant who fails to take a free chair is eliminated from the game. After that, 1 more free chair is set aside, and the game continues until only one contestant remains. He is declared the winner and given a gift.

Snowball game

There are fun New Year's contests for teenagers, for which you should prepare in advance. For entertainment called "Snowball Game" you need to make a lot of "snowballs" - crumpled sheets of paper, newspapers or napkins - and pick up chairs according to the number of participants. Players should be divided into 2 teams, and line up in two lines opposite each other on chairs. Each team elects a "shooter". He takes snowballs and tries to hit them on the players on the opposite team, and they, in turn, try to dodge the "snow projectiles". Then the host of the competition determines the number of hits. Over time, the teams participating in the New Year's competition change places. The team of players, whose “shooter” hit the largest number of opponents with their “snow shells” in a set period of time, is considered the winner.

Taciturn students

Teachers often come up with interesting contests for the new year for teenagers at school. The game "Talky students" is a fun intellectual entertainment that will appeal to both adults and children. Before it is carried out, it is necessary to write various tasks on pieces of paper. For example, proverbs, sayings, quotes from fairy tales or lines from your favorite songs. Then the sheets are laid out on the table with the tasks down. The facilitator selects 4-6 participants, who take turns pulling out tasks, as in an exam.

After that, each of the contestants must convey the meaning to the audience with certain gestures or facial expressions so that they guess what was written on the "examination" sheet. The contestant who most quickly manages to convey the meaning of the given phrase to the guests with his magical gestures will receive a New Year's prize.

And the most liked and talented, though not the winning participant, is awarded the Audience Choice Award.

Shot put competition

Simple New Year's entertainment for teenagers can also bring a lot of joyful emotions. For the Shot Put competition, you need to put an inflated balloon on the edge of the table. The leader, blindfolds the participant's eyes with a handkerchief and puts him with his back to the table. After that, the participant moves forward five steps and turns three times in place. His task is to return to the table and blow the ball to the floor. It is likely that the participant will lose the right direction and begin to blow off the balloon from the place where it has never been before. It will be fun and interesting!

Not only kids play funny outdoor games, it will also be interesting for older students to plunge into the atmosphere of childhood!

And it doesn't matter what occasion made everyone gather together - Birthday, New Year's party or just a tea party - spend this evening having fun! Play party games! Such a pastime brings the whole company very close, it allows unfamiliar people to get to know each other better, relieves psychological stress, makes the atmosphere easy and relaxed, and also gives you the opportunity to show your ingenuity and imagination.

There are countless games and contests that teenagers can play, and here are just a few of them:

1. "Fanta"

Each participant must take off and give some object to the leader. The host puts all things in a box (hat, bag). The leader is chosen. The host behind the driver will take out items and ask what the owner of each item should do. The driver comes up with funny tasks. And then everyone does their job.

2. "Pass the apple"

Everyone who takes part in the game is offered to divide into two teams and stand in a row opposite each other. Participants in each team must first pass a round apple (ball, potato) to the end of the line, but the apple must not be touched by hands, it can only be passed with the shoulder or chin. If the apple falls to the floor, then the game starts again, with the first player.

3. "Who will burst the balloon faster?"

Two players go to the center of the room, a balloon is tied to one leg (left or right) of each. They turn on cheerful music, to the music, each player tries to step on the opponent's ball. Whoever bursts the ball faster, he lost!

4. "Find a shoe"

All participants take off their shoes and put them in one pile at some distance from themselves. Then they are divided into two teams. The members of each team take turns running to the pile of shoes, finding their own, putting it on and returning. Whose team puts on shoes faster (and rightly so!), she wins.

5. "Colors"

The players become in a circle. The facilitator stands to the side, he shows a card with a certain color, and the participants must quickly touch with their hand a piece of clothing of other participants of this color. Who did not have time, he leaves the game.

6. "Answering questions"

To all participants in turn, the host asks questions on different topics, you need to answer the question as detailed as possible, but you cannot use the words "yes" or "no" in your answer. Who says - out of the game.

7. "Fairy tale"

For this competition you need a book with children's fairy tales. The heroes of the fairy tale are written out on pieces of paper, the participants blindly pull these pieces of paper, thus distributing roles. Then the host begins to tell a fairy tale, and everyone else "shows" a fairy tale.

8. "Blind Draw"

Players are divided into groups of two or three people, each team together comes up with an animal that they will draw. They agree among themselves who draws the head, torso, and so on. All participants are blindfolded, the leader leads everyone in turn to a piece of paper and the participants draw a hidden animal! Then everyone chooses the winners together.

9. "Newspaper note"

Headlines are cut out in advance from newspapers and magazines, then all participants are invited to make a story from the headlines. Need brushes, glue, paper and ingenuity!

10. "Reel faster"

You need two coils (you can roll sheets of paper into a tube) and a long thread (strong), you need to mark the middle of the thread somehow (for example, tie a red bow). Two participants go to the middle of the room and stand opposite each other, on command they begin to wind the thread on the spool. Whoever gets to the middle first wins!

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Hello everyone! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch.

Last Sunday, my older children, son Denis, who is already 19 years old, and daughter Alexandra, who will soon be 11, attended one exciting event. They returned home satisfied and told me about new interesting games for teenagers, which they learned at this event.

But first, I will briefly talk about the event itself and where it took place.

Lesson plan:

Fujiyama Club

So, we have a Fujiyama club in Lipetsk. There, children are taught various martial arts, dances, and other interesting things. I enrolled my youngest son Artem in this club, he goes to aikido. Denis looked at Artyom and also wanted to do it. So now we have two aikido beginners in our family)

And once, the administrator of the club, Anna, told me that it was planned to open a "School" on the basis of the club. I immediately thought about my Sasha, as this is exactly what she (with her indefatigable energy and desire to organize everyone) needs.

And so, this Sunday, Fujiyama arranged an open day. Where everyone who wanted to attend the "School of Leaders" could learn more about what it is. The children came with their parents. I was at work, so my kids went there on their own.

For adults, a meeting was arranged with a psychologist who talked about how to properly communicate with children, how to help them in their studies, about other important things and answered questions of interest.

Well, the kids, mostly aged 10 years and older, went to the next room with their instructor Petya in order to get to know each other and learn new interesting games.

As far as I understood, the games were selected taking into account the fact that this is still the “School of Leaders”. Each of them is aimed at developing a certain skill that will certainly come in handy in the life of any person, and especially a leader. In two hours we managed to play seven games, which I want to present to you.


I knew about this game for a long time, we did something similar at weddings, when we were still working in our holiday agency, in order to reacquaint all the guests. But I liked the version of the game presented in Fujiyama more.

Everyone sits in a circle. The first participant begins to talk about himself. For example,

"My name is Sasha. I am land. I am 10 years old. I'm in the 5th grade. I like to dance and travel and don't like to draw."

What is land here? And despite the fact that you definitely need to think of an adjective that starts with the same letter as your name. The word "land" came to Sasha's mind first, so she said it. I think it's very original

The task of the next player is to once again briefly introduce the previous player and then tell about himself. Again, an example, after Sasha, a girl Katya was sitting in a circle. So Katya says:

“This is Sasha. She is land. And my name is Katya. I am beautifull. I am 11 years old. I'm into singing"

The third person in the circle represents the two people sitting before him, and then himself. For example,

“This is Sasha. She is land. This is Katya. She's beautiful. And my name is Yana. I am bright, I am 10 years old, etc.”

That is, each subsequent person represents all the previous ones and then himself.

During this game, remembering the names of all the participants is not a problem. I think that adjectives are used in the game not by chance, they also include figurative in the memorization process.

Zib. Zeb. Zab.

I heard about this game for the first time from my children, I have never played it before. This fun contributes to the development of reaction speed and.

Again, the players stand in a circle.

The first player abruptly throws his hand in front, pointing to someone standing in a circle and loudly says: "Zib!"

The player pointed at by player number one also throws his hand forward sharply, points to someone else and says the word "Zeb!"

This third player again points at someone with a sharp outstretched hand and says: “Zab!”

I found this game to be very simple. But Alexandra said that everything is not so simple as it seems. Firstly, you can gape and not notice that they pointed to you. And secondly, it is possible (and this happened often) to say instead of "Zib", for example, "Zab", that is, to stray from the row. Whoever this happens to is out of the game.

Where is the coin?

A game aimed at the development of observation. So, all players stand in a circle and join their palms in this way.

The right palm rests on the left palm of the player on the right, and on the left palm of the player lies the right palm of the player on the left.

If you don't understand the previous sentence, try rereading it one or two more times.)

First, the host goes out the door, and one of the players takes a coin in his hand and hides it in his palm. When the host returns, the participants in the game begin to pass the coin to each other in a clockwise direction. From hand to hand. From palm to palm. The task of the presenter is to determine who is holding the coin at the moment.

Everything would be very simple, if not for one thing. The fact is that the movement of the hands is made not only by the one who has the coin at the moment, but in general by all participants. That is, it seems that each player has a coin and they all pass these coins to the neighbor on the left.

If the leader determines the correct holder of the coin, then this player becomes the leader, and the leader becomes in a circle.


This game is somewhat similar to the previous one. Everyone is standing in a circle. The leader goes out the door. The players, while there is no leader, agree on which of them will be the “frog”. The leader returns and stands in the center of the circle. His task is to determine who is appointed to the role of "frog".

What is the frog doing? The frog shows its tongue (sticks out and puts it back). But he does this only when the host does not look at her, for example, when he turns his back to the “frog”. Well, when the one who drives turns to face the “frog”, then she tries not to give herself away.

It happens that the leader turns at the very moment when the "frog" has not yet had time to hide his tongue. It happens that the “frog” is given out by the views of other participants in the game who are looking at it. So here the host needs to be very and learn to read faces, the “frog” needs to be careful not to get caught, but the rest of the players need to remain calm.


Do you know what wampum is?

Wampum are cylindrical beads strung on cords that served the North American Indians for various purposes.

well, now you know)

The role of wampums was played by small pieces of paper that were tied to strings and worn around the neck of the players.

Everyone is divided into two teams. And on a signal, they begin to play. The task is simple. Rip wampums from your opponents and prevent them from plucking their wampums. The team whose player remains last with a wampum around his neck wins.

If you think about it, it becomes clear that you can win this game if you develop cunning team tactics and choose one of your players, who will be protected by everyone else from the attacks of the opposing team, while trying to rip wampums from rivals.

But it's hard to understand at first glance. So everyone acted alone. As a result, Sashulya lost her first wampum) By the way, there is a small piece of video from this outdoor game.

Find your match

In order to play this game, you need to split into pairs. Each pair comes up with a phrase. For example, Sasha and the boy with whom she was paired came up with "Old Man Hottabych". Sasha had the word "old man", the boy - "Hottabych". Everyone closes their eyes. The leader of the game separates the pairs. Just takes one of the players somewhere away from the second.

And then, at the signal, the couples should try to connect. It's just that you can't open your eyes. You need to shout out your word loudly and try to hear the word of your partner and follow this call. It's probably cool when 20 people scream in the hall, each loudly and each with his own word.

line up

And another game very similar to the previous one. The children line up. The facilitator chooses some proverb, rhyme or tongue twister and distributes the words among the participants in turn. Let me explain with an example.

The tongue twister "Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry" was used. The first player gets the word “went”, the second “Sasha”, the third “by”, etc.

Then the players close their eyes and the leader stirs them. The task of the players, on a signal with their eyes closed, is to line up in the correct order, shouting out their words and focusing on the words that others are shouting out.

That is, the second person in the row must find and stand between the players shouting “go” and “on”.

These are some great games! I think that it will be interesting to play them for kids not very small. Class from the third, fourth. And high school students will love them too. Yes, what is there, and adults would not mind playing in them. Do you agree?

They can be done both indoors and outdoors. They are ideal for organizing teenagers' leisure activities. They will become interesting entertainment for a birthday. Moreover, both boys and girls will like it.

That's all for today. I hope you were interested) Try to gather a company and play these games with your children.

Leave comments are allowed)

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

New Year is a holiday during which everyone wants to have fun and relax. That is why it is simply impossible to imagine a holiday without entertainment. New Year's competitions and games for teenagers will make the holiday at school fun and memorable. We offer you several options for games for large and small groups of children.

Choose New Year's games and contests, taking into account the interests of teenagers

Celebrating the New Year at school should be a surprise and fun not only for elementary school students, but also for older children. With special care, it is worth considering New Year's contests for teenagers 13-14 years old. This is the period when students already know that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are not real, and they are practically not interested in New Year's mornings. Only exciting games will be able to interest schoolchildren.

For example, you can invite teenagers to come up with a fairy-tale character, and then portray him. Theatrical skills of each participant will be assessed by the jury represented by the teaching staff. Games with the manifestation of physical endurance will help schoolchildren to believe that physical education is also an important subject. Throwing a New Year's mace, jumping in bags, making a snowman are excellent options for New Year's games.

Consider children's talents for New Year's competitions and games at school

In fact, when choosing New Year's competitions for teenagers at school, teachers should take into account the interests of the class. It happens that students attend some circles, which can also be used in planning a holiday. For example, if there are three or more people in the class who are fond of modeling or weaving rubber bands, you can invite them to mold or weave some kind of New Year's accessory. The students' work is then exhibited in front of the entire school during the New Year's party. In this case, the results of a secret ballot will also be interesting, which will help determine the most talented teenager.

Merry New Year's contests and games: ideas for large and small companies

Involving a demanding teenager in a competition is not as easy as it seems. At this age, children go into a kind of period of rebellion and try to do everything in defiance of adults. That is why young people can be interested only in a special program of New Year's entertainment for teenagers. It must necessarily include games and contests that will be relevant at this age. And to make the games interesting, it is worth making them diverse.

In general, New Year's games and competitions for teenagers at school can be divided into two groups: intellectual and competitions for the manifestation of physical strength. At this age, young people have already received enough knowledge to put them into practice, so intellectual games and competitions can, in turn, be divided into logical tasks, highly specialized ones and competitions for general development.

For example, you can organize such New Year's contests for a large company of teenagers:

Guess the new year word

We prepare in advance cards with words that symbolize the New Year: Christmas tree, sleigh, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, fireworks and so on. Divide all participants into two teams. We choose the captains of each team and give them the opportunity to choose a card. After that, the captain selects a member of his team to demonstrate the hidden word. With the help of gestures, the participant must show his team what is on the card. One minute is given to guess the word from the card. If the team calls him during this time, he gets 1 point.

Bag jumping

All the same two teams compete with each other. Three participants are selected from each. The distance that the participants will overcome is outlined. On the count of “one, two, three”, the representative of each team in the bag must jump the entire distance with the help of jumps, then the next participant quickly jumps into the bag and does the same. When the last of the three participants reaches the finish line, it will be clear whose team won and earned their 1 point.

We decorate the Christmas tree

As a third challenge, use a themed game that the whole team can participate in. For teenagers, prepare two Christmas trees and two boxes with various unnecessary things. Each team must decorate their Christmas tree in a minute, using all their imagination and skills. The jury will choose the winner.

These fun New Year's contests for teenagers are able to captivate and amuse. Games are very entertaining and do not require special training from adults.

Do not think that teenagers at school cannot be interested in New Year's competitions. In fact, they are still children who also like to play, just the games should be more adult. Listen to the wishes of the kids - and your holiday will certainly be fun!


Players are given a bunch of keys, a closed padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch as soon as possible and open the lock.

Joke game

All guests stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The leader says "duck" or "goose" in everyone's ear (in a scatter, say "duck" to a larger number of players). Then he explains the rules of the game: "If I now say:" Goose ", then all the players whom I called so, draw in one leg. And if it is "Duck", then the players whom I called "Duck" draw in both legs. A lot is guaranteed to you.

Fairy tale

When you have gathered at least 5-10 guests (age does not matter), offer them this game. Take a children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler - the better, ideal - "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok", etc.). Choose a leader (he will be a reader). Write out all the heroes of the fairy tale from the book on separate sheets, including, if the number of people allows, trees, stumps, a river, buckets, etc. All guests pull pieces of paper with roles. The host begins to read the fairy tale, and all the characters "come to life" ...


This game can be offered during a feast. Any number of people participate in the game. The players take turns naming an event (preferably pleasant or funny) that happened in the firm (or directly related to it) during the past year. Anyone who cannot remember any event is out of the game. The last player remaining in the game receives a prize.

Festive makeup

The facilitator divides all participants into pairs. Preferably a guy-girl (if it doesn’t work out, it will be even more fun). Guys are blindfolded. After that, they must apply cosmetics to the face of the girl they have come across as a couple. The female half, for obvious reasons, is better to warn in advance. You can even not blindfold the guys, as it will still be fun. Then they remove the blindfold from their eyes and let them admire the results of their work. The winner is not the one who makes up better, but the one who has more fun.

Don't spill a drop

All guests sit at the table and pass a glass in a circle. Everyone pours some drink into a glass. The last one whose glass overflows and the drink overflows must say a toast and drink.

Who lost?

All participants participate in the competition. One participant is selected to leave the room. After he comes out, all those present put one of their items in a bag (it can be a lighter, an earring, a hairpin). When all the participants put down their things, the host calls the person who left, let's call him the Player. Then the Player takes out one thing at a time and tries to guess who it belongs to. If the Player does not guess whose item it is, then he must complete the task that the owner of the item will give him. If the Player guesses who owns the item, then its owner completes the Player's task.

Holiday menu

This competition is table.
Held on the birthday of adults.
Participants are all guests who sit at the table and try all the festive dishes.
The host announces that as soon as he names one letter, each participant must name some dish from the festive table or what is on his plate.
Whoever is the most active in this competition wins. The winner gets a tasty prize, but what it will be, the birthday boy will decide.


This game is suitable for you if you have a large company of both parents and children, and you absolutely cannot think of what to do with everyone. This game can be played while sitting at a table. The driver is selected, for the first time it can be you. The driver asks everyone a variety of questions, and the task of the players is to give the same answer “Sausage” or related words: “sausage”, “sausage”, etc. The main thing is to answer with the most serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game. The winner is the player who fully copes with his emotions and does not succumb to the provocations of the host.


When it’s time for lyrical songs in your company, and everyone who gathered is playing some tune, you can play a trick on your friends. Someone, taking on the role of a conductor, warns in advance: “If I, waving my hand, clench my fingers into a fist, shut up right away.” It is curious, but it almost never happens that at this signal the song is completely cut off, someone, yes, continues to pull his voice at the top of his voice. From an inattentive singer, a penalty phantom!

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