Nice challenging puzzles. Logic and entertaining tasks (300 tasks)


Each of us from childhood loves to solve riddles. And if they are funny and cool, then the joy is doubly added. But over logical riddles with a catch, you have to “break your head”. But all the same, this is a great option to have fun at home at a holiday, and at a corporate party, and just in a friendly company. They are also suitable for competitions.

And in today's selection you will find a lot of funny, funny and cool riddles with a trick, simple and difficult for adults with answers. Have fun!

What is the most expensive coffee in the world?

Funny riddles with a trick with answers

How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
(None. This is a hardware problem, programmers do not solve them)

You are sitting in an airplane, a horse is in front of you, a car is behind you. Where are you at?
(On the carousel)

Small, grey, like an elephant.
(Baby elephant)

He may not have children, but he is still a dad. How is this possible?
(This is the Pope)

One hundred heads and a ton of copper.
(Brass band)

With a mustache, big, carries hares. What is this?

1 eye, 1 horn, but not a rhinoceros.
(A cow peeks around the corner)

Which hand is best for stirring tea?
(Tea is better to stir with a spoon)

What does the watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat?

What could be bigger than an elephant and weightless at the same time?
(Shadow of an elephant)

What is the difference between an elephant and a flea?
(An elephant can have fleas, but a flea can't have elephants)

Earrings for simpletons?

What living creature can easily change its head?

What is the best age for a child?
(When you no longer lead him by the hand, and he still does not lead you by the nose)

Lights up but doesn't heat up.
(15 years of strict regime)

What is the name of a cow that does not produce milk?

The most expensive coffee in the world?
(Coffee spilled on laptop keyboard)

What is the most disliked phrase of a sapper?
(One foot here, one foot there)

For a wise man, there are a thousand riddles around, for a fool or half-wit, everything is clear.
Indian proverb

What should you do when you see a green man?

Funny logic puzzles with a trick with answers

These three TV stars have been on the screen for a long time. One is called Stepan, the second is Philip. What is the name of the third?

This is given to us three times. The first two times are free. But for the third one you have to pay.

What is the difference between a priest and a Volga?
(Pop is a father, and Volga is a mother)

- Is it red?
- No, black.
Why is she white now?
Because it's still green.
What are we talking about?
(About blackcurrant)

The geese went to the watering hole in single file (one after the other).
One goose looked ahead - there are 17 goals in front of him. He looked back - he had 42 paws behind him.
How many geese went to the watering hole?
(39. 17 in front, 21 behind, and the goose itself, which turned its head)

A man bought apples for 5 rubles per piece, but sold them for 3 rubles per piece.
After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it?
(He was a billionaire)

Why did Lenin walk in boots, and Stalin in boots?
(On the ground)

Under what condition do 3 boys and 2 girls, 4 adults, 1 dog and 1 cat not get wet under just 1 umbrella?
(Assuming it doesn't rain)

An old woman was carrying 50 eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left? (Pronounce "a bottom" as "one")
(All crashed as the bottom fell)

How to jump from a twenty-meter ladder and not crash?
(Jump from the first step, or, for the brave and dexterous, from the second or third)

Ivan went to Moscow, went to the mill. There are 4 windows, each window has 4 cats. Each cat has 4 kittens, and each kitten has 4 mice. How many legs are there?
(Two legs - Ivan, the rest - paws)

Funny trick riddles with answers

Given a word of 4 letters, but it can also be written with 3 letters.
You can usually write it down with 6 letters and then 5 letters.
Spawning contained 8 letters, and occasionally consists of 7 letters.
("Given", "it", "usually", "then", "having been born", "occasionally")

From which bird do you need to pluck feathers to get morning, afternoon, evening, and night at once?

You enter through one door and exit through three. You think you're out, but you're actually in.

What is the longest word in Russian?
(A word about Igor's regiment)

Two legs - on three legs, and the fourth - in the teeth. Then four ran up and ran away with one. They shouted two for three and three for four. But four squealed and ran away with one.
(A child with a chicken foot in his teeth riding a tricycle)

Everyone knows that three cubed equals twenty-seven. Four cubed equals sixty-four. And the language in the cube?
(The language in Cuba is Spanish)

The boy Petya's mother works at school as a cook, and his father works at a meat-packing plant. Question: what is the weight of the boy Petya?

They themselves do not burn, but they still have to be extinguished.

What happens if you combine Microsoft and iPhone?
(micro phone)

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are on fire. Which house will the police put out?
(Police don't put out fires, firemen put out fires)

Crossroads. Traffic light. KAMAZ, a cart and a motorcyclist stand and wait for the green light. The yellow light came on, KAMAZ accelerated. The horse was frightened and bit the motorcyclist's ear. Like an accident, but who broke the rules?
(Motorcyclist - he was not wearing a helmet)

The first man is the owner of the gems,
The second person is the master of love,
The third person is the owner of the shovel,
The fourth person is the owner of the big stick.
Who are they?
(Kings in a deck of cards)

Russian man has always been a mystery to a foreigner.
Boris Polevoy

Riddles-jokes with a trick with answers

The most famous semiconductor?

What is: hanging on the wall and crying?
(novice climber)

What is the similarity between a motorcyclist and a chicken?
(Both sit down and rush)

How to find Lenin Square?
(You need to multiply the length of Lenin by the width of Lenin)

Why does the rooster sing so much?
(Because he has ten wives and no mother-in-law)

Why doesn't the horse eat chocolate?
(And who will give it to her?!)

Which plant knows everything?

Who was the first traffic cop in Rus'?
(Nightingale the Robber)

What is the fear of Santa Claus called?

Between two luminaries I sit alone.

I may be a fool, but it's nice to feel stuffed.

What do milk and hedgehog have in common?
(Both can fold)

"It's an eternal mystery how the same woman over and over again drives a man crazy"

What is 90-60-90?

Funny riddles for girls and women with a trick

Small, shriveled, is there in every woman?

What is 90-60-90?
(Riding past the traffic cop)

Before calling a woman a "bunny", what should a man check?
(Make sure he has enough "kale")

What is the difference between a women's hostel and a male hostel?
(In the women's dormitory, the dishes are washed after meals, and in the men's dormitory, before)

Husband going to work
“Honey, brush my jacket.
- I've already cleaned it.
- What about trousers?
- Cleaned up too.
- What about boots?
What did the wife say?
(Do boots have pockets?)

The name of the first woman in the world to master an aircraft.
(Baba Yaga)

The girl could not sleep at night. She twisted and turned, but nothing could help. Suddenly she picked up the phone and called somewhere. And after that she was able to sleep peacefully. Why exactly after the call she could fall asleep?
(In the next apartment, the neighbor snored very much. She called him and woke him up. Then she fell asleep)

Both capricious and stubborn, she doesn’t want to go to kindergarten ...
(daughter, not mother)

What is not in a women's handbag?

What did Anna Karenina leave as a legacy to modern fashion?
(Platform shoes)

A gift to my husband from the resort.

How many shoes does a woman need to be “completely happy”?
(One pair more than she already has)

In this video, there are other tricky, funny and cool riddles with a trick. Try to guess!

Riddles are loved by children and adults. This type of folk art helps to develop ingenuity, broadens one's horizons.

It reflects the reality around us. Finding the right answer depends on how we perceive it. Often people use ready-made templates in their thinking, while funny riddles with a trick answer destroy the logical chains they have built.

An unexpected answer surprises and amuses. While we are trying to build a coherent system of arguments, the solution lies on the surface, but it is not obvious. Of course, every riddle must have an answer, otherwise you can go crazy trying to find it. There are many types of riddles with a trick: simple for children, more difficult for the development of logic, comic, difficult.

To solve funny riddles with a trick answer, a person must at least have a good sense of humor and abstract thinking. Often a child manages to find the answer easier, because he has a childish spontaneity, there are no prevailing stereotypes, he perceives the world differently.

From childhood, a child listens to fairy tales, where riddles are often asked to the heroes. Such folklore works train memory, attention and ingenuity, teach the understanding that one and the same thought can be formulated in different ways. Growing up, children are happy to ask their friends funny riddles with a trick answer, and have fun together.

An example of children's riddles with a trick answer

1. What is cooked but not eaten? Lessons 1. What is cooked but not eaten? ( Lessons)

2. Why is the cat running? On the ground 2. Why is the cat running? ( On the ground)

3. Where does the cat go when crossing the road?3. Where does the cat go when crossing the road? ( To the other side of this road)

4. When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house?When the door is open4. When is the best time for a black cat to sneak into a house? ( When the door is open)

5. Under what bush does a hare hide when it rains? under the wet 5. Under what bush does a hare hide when it rains? ( under the wet)

6. How can you jump down a ladder ten meters high and still not crash?6. How can you jump down a ladder ten meters high and still not crash? ( Gotta jump from the bottom step)

7. Which hand is more convenient to stir tea in a glass?7. Which hand is more convenient to stir tea in a glass? ( The one with the spoon)

8. How can water be pulled out with a net?If the water turns to ice8. How can water be pulled out with a net? ( If the water turns to ice)

9. How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach?9. How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach? ( One, the second will no longer be considered on an empty stomach)

10. How many peas can fit into a glass?10. How many peas can fit into a glass? ( None, peas can't walk)

11. If you throw a green ball into the Red Sea, what will it become? Wet 11. If you throw a green ball into the Red Sea, what will it become? ( Wet)

12. What dishes are impossible to eat from? From empty 12. What dishes are impossible to eat from? ( From empty)

Questions and riddles with a trick answer are used in adult companies to defuse the atmosphere. Sometimes when applying for a job during an interview, a potential new employee is asked trick questions to test his creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Often funny riddles with a trick answer contain a metaphor, they compare disparate things. This lures a person into a trap, directs him along the wrong path. He is looking for a complex explanation, while the answer lies on the surface and is often paradoxical.

An example of funny riddles with a trick for adults

(hover your mouse to see the answer)

1. How can I light a match underwater?Being in a submarine1. How can I light a match underwater? ( Being in a submarine)

2. What do all people on Earth do at the same time? live 2. What do all people on Earth do at the same time? ( live)

3. What is impossible to do in space? hang yourself 3. What is impossible to do in space? ( hang yourself)

4. What won't fit in the biggest pot? Her cover 4. What won't fit in the biggest pot? ( Her cover)

5. In a 9-storey building, there are two tenants on the first floor, four on the second, and then the number doubles from floor to floor. Which button is pressed most frequently?5. In a 9-storey building, there are two tenants on the first floor, four on the second, and then the number doubles from floor to floor. Which button is pressed most frequently? ( Button "1", as all residents enter and exit through the 1st floor)

6. What questions cannot be answered positively?Are you deaf? You died?6. What questions cannot be answered positively? ( Are you deaf? You died?)

7. How many months in a year have 28 days? 12 months 7. How many months in a year have 28 days? ( 12 months)

8. Indicate five days, while not designating them with numbers and without naming the day of the week.8. Indicate five days, while not designating them with numbers and without naming the day of the week. ( Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

9. How can a thrown egg fly four meters without breaking?9. How can a thrown egg fly four meters without breaking? ( You need to throw an egg so that it flies more than four meters)

10. How do night and day end? soft sign 10. How do night and day end? ( soft sign)

11. There were 5 puppies, 4 kittens, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters in the room. The owner came in with the dog. How many legs are in the room?11. There were 5 puppies, 4 kittens, 3 rabbits, 3 hamsters in the room. The owner came in with the dog. How many legs are in the room? ( Only two, because animals have paws)

12. Which bird does not lay eggs, but hatch from them? Rooster 12. Which bird does not lay eggs, but hatch from them? ( Rooster)

13. What can be in common between a hedgehog and milk?Ability to roll up13. What can be in common between a hedgehog and milk? ( Ability to roll up)

14. They have to be extinguished, although they do not burn. What is this? debts 14. They have to be extinguished, although they do not burn. What is this? ( debts)

15. Is it possible to jump higher than a five-story building?It's possible, houses don't know how to jump15. Is it possible to jump higher than a five-story building? ( It's possible, houses don't know how to jump)

16. Name a word that has three letters "G" at the beginning and three letters "I" at the end. Trigonometry 16. Name a word that has three letters "G" at the beginning and three letters "I" at the end. ( Trigonometry)

17. It is always before us, but we cannot see it. Future 17. It is always before us, but we cannot see it. ( Future)

18. What disease does not suffer on land? Nautical 18. What disease does not suffer on land? ( Nautical)

19. What kind of comb is impossible to comb your hair? Petushin 19. What kind of comb is impossible to comb your hair? ( Petushin)

20. What do people do when they see a green man? Crossing the street 20. What do people do when they see a green man? ( Crossing the street)

When solving funny riddles with a trick, you should not rush to the answer, first you need to think carefully and understand what the catch is.

Tricky logic puzzles are highly valued in large companies, they can intrigue the team, enliven the atmosphere and simply cheer up. Top most difficult logic puzzles with a catch:

The farmer had a flock of eight sheep: three white, four black and one brown.

How many sheep can say that there is at least one other sheep of the same color as hers in this small flock? (answer: not a single sheep, since sheep cannot talk).

Six brothers are resting in a country house, where each of them is doing something.

The first brother leafs through a magazine, the second warms up dinner, the third plays checkers, the fourth solves a crossword puzzle, the fifth cleans the yard. What is the sixth brother doing? (answer: the sixth brother is playing checkers with the third).


One day Sherlock Holmes was walking and found a dead girl. He approached her, took a phone out of her purse, found her husband's number, called and said: "Sir, come here quickly, your wife is dead!" A little time passed, the husband came, ran to the body of his wife and began to cry: “Oh, dear, who did this?”

The police arrived, Sherlock, pointing to the husband of the deceased, said: "Arrest him, he is to blame for her death." Why was Sherlock Holmes so sure of his conclusion? (answer: because he did not specify the place when he called his husband).


What sign to put between the numbers 8 and 9so that the answer is less than 9, but more than 8? (answer: you need to put a comma).


40 people rode in the train car, at the first stop 13 got off, 3 people got in, at the next 10 got off and 15 got in, then 5 left the train and 11 got in, at the other stop 14 got off, then 7 people got in and 1 left the car.

How many stops did the train make? (The answer to the riddle is not important, in the process the person who is given the logical task begins to count the number of people who got off and on at the stops, but does not pay attention to how many stops the train made, this is the catch of this riddle.)


Katya really wanted to buy chocolate, but in order to buy it, she had to add 11 kopecks. And Dima wanted chocolate, but he lacked 2 kopecks. They decided to buy at least one chocolate bar, but they still lacked 2 kopecks. How much does chocolate cost? (answer: a chocolate bar costs 11 kopecks, Katya has no money at all).


The baron has it, but the emperor does not, Bogdan has it in front, and Zurab has it behind, the grandmother has two, and the girl has none. What is it about? (answer: about the letter "B").


In a frosty winter, the snake Gorynych stole the beautiful Vasilisa. Ivan Tsarevich went to Baba Yaga to find out where Gorynych lives, and Baba Yaga said to him: “You, Ivan, go through the mountains, through the forests, through the forests - through the mountains, through the mountains - through the forests, through the forests forests - over the mountains - over the mountains, there you will find Gorynych's house.

And Ivan Tsarevich galloped on his horse over the mountains - through the forests - through the forests - over the mountains - over the mountains - through the forests - through the forests - through the forests - over the mountains - over the mountains and sees: in front of him is a wide river, and behind it is the house of the Serpent . How to cross the river, because there is no bridge? (answer: on ice. Everything happened in a frosty winter).


The physical education teacher has a brother, Arseniy. But Arseniy has no brothers, is it possible? (answer: yes, if the physical education teacher is a woman).


A prisoner was kept in an empty cell. He sat alone, every day they brought him dry bread, how did the bones appear in the cell? (answer: bones from fish, bread was brought with an ear).


Two mothers and two daughters were sitting in the room, there were only three pears on the table, but each ate a pear. Is it possible? (answer: yes, there were grandmother, daughter and granddaughter in the room).


One boy was walking in the park and saw a high school student. The senior student offered to argue: “If I write your exact height in a notebook, then you will give me 1000 rubles, and if I make a mistake, then I will give you. I promise I won't ask you any questions, and I won't measure you either." The boy agreed.

The high school student wrote something in a notebook, showed it to the boy, the boy looked and gave the high school student 1,000 rubles. How did the high school student manage to win the argument? (answer: a high school student wrote “your exact height” in a notebook).


positive psychology 16.01.2018

Dear readers, who among us has not solved funny riddles at holidays or other events, and everyone will surely agree that this will make everyone present laugh like nothing else. And it's not even about giving the right answer. Individual pranksters, shouting out incorrect but witty answers, thus arrange whole performances, causing even more laughter.

Although interesting logic puzzles with a trick can be not only funny and funny, but also complex and serious. You can think about such things, break your head, and test yourself for attentiveness and quick wits. And although we have long forgotten about such a pastime, why not sometimes get together with friends and look for the right answers for such logical puzzles?

In a word, riddles with a trick and logic for any occasion can be picked up to spend time both fun and useful.

Logic riddles with a trick simple with answers

Simple riddles with a trick are perfect for children's morning performances and fun walks with children on a day off.

A and B were sitting on the pipe. A went abroad, B sneezed and went to the hospital. What's left on the pipe?
(Letter B, and I went to the hospital)

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not crash?
(Jump off the first step)

3 birches grew.
Each birch has 7 large branches.
Each large branch has 7 small branches.
On each small branch - 3 apples.
How many apples are there?
(None. Apples don't grow on birch trees)

The train travels at a speed of 70 km/h. In which direction will the smoke fly?
(The train has no smoke)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
(No, ostriches don't talk)

What dishes can not be eaten?
(From empty)

Where was the potato first discovered?
(In the ground)

Name five days, without calling them by numbers and by the names of the days of the week.
(The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

Without which nothing ever happens?

What is always said in the future tense?
(About tomorrow)

How can you bow your head without lowering it down?
(by cases)

What does a father always give to his children and what a mother can never give them?

The more you take from it, the more it becomes.

Difficult logic riddles with a trick with answers

To guess which answer is correct, you need to be able to look at the familiar from an unusual angle. And this is a good exercise and a test of the ability to expand the boundaries of thinking.

When you see everything, you don't see it. And when you don't see anything, you see it.

One brother eats and starves, and the other goes and disappears.
(Fire and smoke)

I am water and I swim on water. Who am I?

What can not be held for ten minutes, although it is lighter than a feather?

There are roads - you can’t go, there is land - you can’t plow, there are meadows - you can’t mow, there is no water in rivers, seas. What is this?
(Geographic map)

What can't a magnifying glass magnify in a triangle?

From birth, all dumb and crooked.
Get in line - talk!

It is light and heavy, but weighs nothing.
It happens fast and slow, but does not walk, does not run, does not fly.
What is this?

Lies on the back - no one needs.
Lean against the wall - it will come in handy.

The more of them, the less weight. What is this?

How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
(turn it into curd)

The same person always came to the football match. Before the start of the game, he guessed the score. How did he do it?
(Before the start of the game, the score is always 0:0)

To start using it, you need to break it.
(Egg. It is used for cooking)

She can age in just a couple of hours. She benefits people while killing herself. Wind and water can save her from death. What it is?

Difficult and big riddles on logic with a trick

These riddles are like whole stories, but the answers to them are quite simple and logical, you just have to catch their essence.

One woman lived in a twelve-room apartment. She had a clock in every room. One Saturday evening at the end of October, she changed all her clocks to winter time and went to bed. When she woke up the next morning, she found that only two dials showed the correct time. Explain.

(Ten of the twelve clocks were electronic. There was a power surge during the night and the clock was off. And only two clocks were mechanical, so they showed the correct time the next morning)

There are two cities in a certain country. In one of them live only people who always tell the truth, in the other - only those who always lie. They all visit each other, that is, in any of these two cities you can meet both an honest person and a liar.
Suppose you are in one of these cities. How, by asking a single question to the first person you meet, determine which city you are in - the city of honest people or the city of liars?

(“Are you in your city?” The answer “yes” will always mean that you are in the city of honest people, no matter who you get)

According to some information received by the police of the city of San Francisco, it could be concluded that the theft of the jewelry of the wife of a millionaire, Mrs. Anderson, was being prepared. Mrs. Anderson lived in one of the first-class hotels. Apparently, the criminal who planned the crime also lived here. A detective was on duty in Mrs. Anderson's room for several days, hoping to catch the scoundrel, but to no avail. Mrs. Anderson had already begun to play a trick on him, when suddenly the following happened. In the evening, someone knocked on the door of the room. Then the door opened and a man peered into the room. Seeing Mrs. Anderson, he apologized, saying that he had taken the wrong door.

“I was absolutely certain that this was my room,” he said, embarrassed. “After all, all the doors are so similar to one another.

Then the detective stepped out of the ambush and arrested the stranger. What could convince the detective that he was facing an intruder?

(The man knocked. So he was not going to his room)

The traveler did not sleep for a whole day. Finally he got to the hotel and took a room.

“Be so kind as to wake me up at seven sharp,” he asked the porter.

"Don't worry," the porter reassured him. - I will certainly wake you up, just do not forget to call me, and I will immediately come and knock on your door.

“I would be very grateful to you,” the traveler thanked him. “You'll get twice as much in the morning,” he added, handing the porter a tip.

Find the error in this story.

(To call the porter, the traveler will have to wake up first)

A skyscraper with 230 floors was built in Murom. The higher the floor, the more residents. At the very top (230th floor) there are 230 people. Only one lives on the ground floor. Name the most pressed elevator button.

(First floor button)

Eight twin brothers escaped to a country house for the weekend, and each found something to his liking. The first one is busy picking apples, the second one goes fishing, the third one heats the sauna, the fourth one plays chess, the fifth one cooks dinner, the sixth one watches series about cops on a laptop all day, the seventh one discovers the artist in himself and paints the surrounding landscapes. What is the eighth brother doing at this time?

(Plays chess with the fourth brother)

There was a literary worker in France who couldn't stand the Eiffel Tower, especially how awful it looked. At the same time, when hungry, he always visited a catering company located on the first floor of this architectural symbol of Paris. How is this behavior explained?

(Only in this restaurant, looking out the window, he did not see the Eiffel Tower)

The very famous English writer Bernard Shaw once visited a restaurant with his colleague. They talked to each other and did not want anyone to disturb them. Here the conductor of the orchestra comes up to Shaw and asks him: “What to play in your honor?”

The show didn't want any music, of course, and responded very witty, he said: "I would be very grateful to you if you would play..."

What do you think, what did Bernard Shaw offer to play the conductor of the orchestra?

(He invited the conductor to play a game of chess)

Tricky riddles with a trick and answers

Listen carefully or read the tricky riddles yourself. Indeed, in some of them the answers lie right on the surface.

Hanging pear - you can not eat. Not a light bulb.
(It's someone else's pear)

What is a Diet Egg?
(This is an egg laid by a dieting hen)

Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat begins to sink, you find yourself in the water, sharks swim up to you. What to do to escape sharks?
(Stop imagining it)

Olga Nikolaevna's dream finally came true: she bought herself a new bright red car. The next day, going to work, Olga Nikolaevna, moving on the left side of the road, turned left at a red light, ignoring the sign "No Turn" and, to top it all, she did not fasten her seat belt.

All this was seen by the sentry standing at the crossroads, but he did not even stop Olga Nikolaevna to at least check her driver's license. Why?

(Because she went to work on foot)

A crow sits on a bough. What should be done to saw off the bough without disturbing the crow?
(Wait for her to leave)

When the ram is eight years old, what will happen?
(The ninth will go)

A wild boar climbed a pine tree with four paws and descended with three. How can this be?
(Boars can't climb trees)

A child was born in a Negro family in the Congo: all white, even the teeth were snow-white. What's wrong here?
(Children are born without teeth)

You are sitting in an airplane, a horse is in front of you, a car is behind you. Where are you at?
(On the carousel)

Given a four-letter word, it can also be written with three letters.
It can usually be written with six letters and then with five letters.
Spawning contained eight letters, and occasionally consists of seven letters.
("Given", "it", "usually", "then", "having been born", "occasionally")

The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he get to?
(To the police)

Which hand should you stir the tea with?
(Tea should be stirred with a spoon, not by hand)

What does a watchman do when a sparrow sits on his head?

What is the fear of Santa Claus called?

What is not in a women's handbag?

New Year's Eve dinner is being prepared. The hostess prepares food. What does she throw into the pot before putting food in?

3 turtles are crawling.
The first turtle says: "Two turtles are crawling behind me."
The second tortoise says: “One tortoise is crawling behind me and one tortoise is crawling in front of me.”
And the third turtle: “Two turtles are crawling in front of me and one turtle is crawling behind me.”
How can this be?
(Turtles crawl in circles)

Math riddles with a trick and with answers

And this section contains riddles for those who love and respect mathematics. Be careful!

How right? Five plus seven is "eleven" or "eleven"?

There were 3 rabbits in the cage. Three girls asked for one rabbit each. Each girl was given a rabbit. And yet there was only one rabbit left in the cage. How did it happen?
(One girl was given a rabbit along with a cage)

Alice wrote the number 86 on a piece of paper and asked her friend Irishka: “Can you increase this number by 12 and show me the answer without crossing out or adding anything?” Iris did it. Can you?
(Turn the paper over and see 98)

There are 70 sheets of paper on the table. For every 10 seconds, 10 sheets can be counted.
How many seconds does it take to count 50 sheets?
(20 seconds: 70 - 10 - 10 = 50)

A man bought apples for 5 rubles apiece, but sold them for 3 rubles apiece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it?
(He was a billionaire)

The professor decided to treat his friends to his signature vegetable salad. For this, he needed 3 peppers and the same number of tomatoes; fewer cucumbers than tomatoes, but more than radishes.
How many different vegetables did the professor use in the salad?

There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room.
The owner came in with his dog. How many legs are in the room?
(Two legs of the owner - animals have paws)

The geese went to the watering hole in single file (one after the other). One goose looked ahead - there are 17 goals in front of him. He looked back - he had 42 paws behind him. How many geese went to the watering hole?
(39: 17 in front, 21 behind, plus the goose that turned its head)

Experienced players Kolya and Seryozha played chess, but in five games played, each of them blew exactly five times. How did it happen?
(Kolya and Seryozha played with a third person. Another option is to draw 5 times)

Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
(5000? Incorrect. The correct answer is 4100. Try to count on a calculator)

How to divide the number l88 in half so as to get one?
(In order to get one from the number l88, you need to write this number on paper, then draw a straight line exactly in the middle of this number, so that it divides the number into upper and lower parts. You get a fraction: 100 / 100. When divided, this fraction gives unit)

A wealthy merchant, dying, left his sons a herd of 17 cows as an inheritance. In total, the merchant had 3 sons. In the will it is specified to distribute the inheritance as follows: the eldest son receives half of the entire herd, the middle son must receive a third of all the cows from the herd, the youngest son must receive a ninth of the herd. How can the brothers divide the flock among themselves according to the terms of the will?
(Very simple, you need to take another cow from relatives, then the eldest son will receive nine cows, the middle son six and the youngest two cows. So - 9 + 6 + 2 = 17. The remaining cow must be returned to relatives)

Simple and complex logic puzzles with a trick will cheer you up and help you have fun in any adult company.

What should you do when you see a green man?
(Cross the street)

Not ice, but melting, not a boat, but sailing away.

How many programmers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

These three TV stars have been on the screen for a long time. One is called Stepan, the second is Philip. What is the name of the third?

What is the difference between a priest and a Volga?
(Pop is a father, and Volga is a mother)

Why did Lenin walk in boots, and Stalin in boots?
(On the ground)

He may not have children, but he is still a dad. How is this possible?
(This is the Pope)

What is the difference between a women's hostel and a male hostel?
(In the women's dormitory, the dishes are washed after meals, and in the men's dormitory, before)

Before calling a woman a bunny, what should a man check?
(Make sure he has enough "kale")

Husband going to work
“Honey, brush my jacket.
- I've already cleaned it.
- What about trousers?
- Cleaned up too.
- What about boots?
What did the wife say?
(Do boots have pockets?)

What should you do if you get into the car and your feet don't reach the pedals?
(Change to the driver's seat)

A riddle is a metaphorical expression in which one object is expressed by means of another, which has some, even remote, similarity with it; on the basis of the latter, a person must guess the intended object.

In ancient times, a riddle was a means of testing wisdom, now it is a popular pastime. Riddles are found among all peoples, no matter what stage of development they are at. A proverb and a riddle differ in that the riddle must be guessed, and the proverb is a lesson. Material from Wikipedia. We bring to your attention the 15 most difficult riddles in the world. Along with this, we also give answers to immediately determine whether you are able to solve them.

The answer is hidden and located on a separate page of the site by.

  • Two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. Both men crossed to the opposite bank. How did they do it?

    They were on different sides.

  • Vasily, Peter, Semyon and their wives Natalya, Irina, Anna have been together for 151 years. Every husband is 5 years older than his wife. Vasily is 1 year older than Irina. Natalya and Vasily together are 48 years old, Semyon and Natalya are together 52 years old. Who is married to whom, and how old is who?

    Vasily (26) - Anna (21); Peter (27) - Natalia (22); Semyon (30) - Irina (25).

  • Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?

    5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try to recalculate on a calculator.

  • Jackdaws flew, sat on sticks. They sit down one by one - the jackdaw is superfluous, they sit two by two - the stick is superfluous. How many sticks were there and how many jackdaws were there?

    Three sticks and four jackdaws.

  • Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause was a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, inspecting the scene of the murder, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard the voice of Mr. Mark. He said, “This is Mark. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. It's useless to run. I know this tape will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. Here the door opens... The assistant detective offered to arrest Jones on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turned out, he was right. Jones wasn't the killer, as was said on the tape. Question: why did the detective have suspicions?

    The cassette in the voice recorder was being revised at the start. Moreover, Jones would have taken the cassette.

  • Third-graders Alyosha and Misha go from school and talk:
    “When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday,” one of them said, “today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.” What day of the week did they speak?

    On Sunday.

  • A hare and a cat together weigh 10 kg. Dog with a hare - 20 kg. Dog with a cat - 24 kg. How much in this case will weigh all the animals together: a hare, a cat and a dog?

    27 kg. (solution .)

  • There was a stone on the seashore. A word of 8 letters was written on the stone. When the rich read this word, they wept, the poor rejoiced, and the lovers parted. What was that word?


  • There is a prison, next to the hospital. Around them are rails, and on the rails a train moves around at high speed. One boy needs to go to his grandfather in prison, and one girl to her grandmother in the hospital. How can they do it if the train doesn't stop?

    The boy needs to throw the girl under the train, then he will go to jail, and the girl to the hospital.

  • What Russian word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and it will still remain unchanged and not lose its meaning?


  • From which bird do you need to pluck feathers to get morning, afternoon, evening, night at once?


  • Teresa's daughter is my daughter's mother. Who am I to Teresa?

    1. Grandmother.
    2. Mother.
    3. Daughter.
    4. Granddaughter.
    5. I am Teresa.

    Write your choice in the comments.

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