The use of Indian onions in folk medicine. Medicinal properties of Indian onion and its use in traditional medicine


They say that once in the house, the plant will bring happiness, love and harmony, and if you put the pot at work, you should not be surprised at the rapid career growth. And not only this plant is famous for this - the medicinal properties of Indian onions, especially tinctures, are valued in folk medicine for their use in the treatment of many diseases.

Who named it and why is unknown, the plant has nothing to do with India, and it is called onion only in our country. Perhaps because of the pungency of the juice that the leaves secrete, similar to the sharpness of Indian spices.

In botanists, he is a tailed bird and belongs to the Hyacinth family. Among the popular names, in addition to the Indian onion known to us, such as brandushka, sea onion, Chinese onion. In England they know it as the Star of Bethlehem, among the Germans - the Milk Star. The botanical name Ornithogalum caudatum is translated from Latin as "bird" and "milk".

The flower came to us, in Russia, in the 60s of the last century, it was purchased for the exposition of the greenhouse of the Leningrad Botanical Institute, brought from German Gothenburg.

The homeland of the onion is South Africa, from there it came to China and India, the medicinal properties were well known in the Mediterranean even to the ancient Greeks. In Europe, the birdman was initially recognized as an ornamental plant due to its beautiful flowering, and was grown in the gardens of Italy, France, and a little later it was appreciated in Holland.

Indian bow - photo

The Russians were also interested in onions for their decorative and exotic nature, but then they found many admirers among herbalists. The flower is unpretentious in cultivation, has a dense large bulb at the base, covered with dry yellowish scales.

Interesting: you can find out the age of a Chinese onion by the number of leaves. One leaf - one year.

The bird flower blooms in spring and early winter. Blooms profusely, white small flowers with a longitudinal green stripe in the center of each leaf.

Indian onion - medicinal properties

Official medicine is in no hurry to study the properties of onions and recognize them as a medicinal plant. But it is known for sure that the bird-man is poisonous, in its chemical composition there are alkaloids, which in small doses have a therapeutic effect, but in large doses they can become poison.

Attention! The juice of the plant is used only externally. If you are offered prescriptions that require oral administration, ignore them.

The main factor in using onion as a remedy is its chemical composition. In the plant you will find sulfur-containing compounds, glycoside, colchicine, vitamins, and other biologically active substances, endowing the modest flower with a powerful antiseptic, analgesic and wound-healing effect.

Traditional healers are sure and have repeatedly tested in practice that the Indian onion inhibits the development of tumors of various origins, improves blood flow.

Due to its healing properties, the plant has the ability to:

  • Remove the inflammatory process.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Reduce pain.
  • Promotes healing of wounds, burns.
  • It is a good antiseptic.

Application in traditional medicine

Using the medicinal qualities of the plant, you can prepare medicines for the future - tincture or ointment, many diseases will recede with the help of decoctions and infusions. No less properties have fresh plucked leaves and juice from them.

Onions are useful from the root to the tips of the leaves - whole. The whole plant has a healing effect, but the leaves are more effective, they are often used to prepare remedies for healing. To prepare products, try to use old and large leaves, it is in them that the largest amount of biologically active substances accumulates.

The use of juice for treatment:

To relieve pain, cut off a small piece from the bulb, no more than 2 centimeters in size. Milky juice will appear on the cut. Lubricate the problem area and the juice will begin to act immediately. You will feel a slight tingling, then a burning sensation, which will soon pass and take away the pain with it.

I offer you several recipes for the treatment of diseases.

  1. Headache. Wash fresh juice into the back of the head or the temporal part of the head.
  2. Toothache. Fresh juice will also help - rub it on the gum next to the aching tooth. But be careful that the poisonous milk does not get where it should not. If the gums bleed, then the use of medicinal products with onions is strictly contraindicated.
  3. Runny nose. In this case, you need to rub fresh juice in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose and maxillary sinuses.
  4. Angina, tonsillitis. Do a therapeutic rinse with decoction several times a day. And here, too, be careful not to swallow. This treatment is not recommended for children.
  5. and spine, diseases of the joints. Use ointment, fresh juice and alcohol tincture, rubbing the product into the sore spot. Additionally, make baths with a decoction of the plant. Do the procedures at least 3 times a day.
  6. With joint disease, arthritis, the healing properties of Indian onions, coupled with honey and aloe juice, will help you. Mix 2 parts honey, 1 aloe and 3 parts alcohol or vodka tincture of the plant. Make compresses, applying them to the center of pain and wrapping them warmly after the procedure.
  7. Papillomas and warts. Regularly lubricate the growths on the skin with fresh juice from the bulb and leaves of the plant. Juice works in much the same way as.
  8. Bruising, insect bite. To relieve pain and itching, rub the sore spot with ointment or plant juice.
  9. Mastitis. Regularly lubricate the affected area with ointment, you can attach a fresh leaf of the plant to the chest.
  10. Nail fungus. I haven’t tested it in practice, but healers say that you can get rid of the fungus in just a few procedures. Cut off a small piece of an onion or leaf of a plant, and rub the juice on the affected areas. The flower must be at least 2 years old.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct preparation of therapeutic agents. Below I give recipes taken from the herbalist.


Onion tincture is prepared in two ways: hot and cold.

  • Recipe for cold preparation tincture: chop the leaves of the plant, and pour a glass of warm boiled water, temperature not higher than 20 o C. The infusion will be ready in 12 hours.
  • Recipe for hot infusion: chop Chinese onion leaves, put in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cooking time - 2 hours.

Alcohol tincture of Indian onion

Put the crushed leaves in a jar, tamp tightly, and pour in the alcohol. There are a couple of nuances here. Traditional healers make tincture in a ratio of 1:10. But if you have sensitive skin, then make a weaker infusion: take 20 parts of alcohol for 1 part of the raw material. Both types of tincture have healing properties.

Ready medicine is considered after two weeks of infusion in a dark place. Then it is filtered and stored in the cold.

Onion based ointment

To prepare an ointment from an Indian onion, cut a leaf 20 cm long, make a pulp and mix with any interior fat or lanolin cream. Store the ointment only in a glass container.


Cut off a 20 cm sheet and pour a liter of boiling water over it. In a water bath, heat the broth for half an hour, then leave to infuse for another 45 minutes.

Contraindications for use

I am sure that each of us carefully takes care of our health, and remembers the well-known postulate: "Do no harm." With all the advantages and medicinal qualities, onions have serious contraindications for use. As I wrote at the beginning of the article, the juice of the bulb and leaves contains a toxic substance. Therefore, herbalists use it only externally. It has similar healing properties and uses, which I wrote about.

  • When using for the first time products with an Indian plant, carefully monitor your condition - the plant can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Hemophilia is also a serious contraindication.
  • In addition, you need to know that in no case should medicinal products be allowed to enter the mucous membranes, especially take care of your eyes.
  • If, when using tincture and other onion remedies, you feel a strong burning sensation, do not be alarmed. This is a normal phenomenon, so substances begin to act, increasing blood flow to the problem area. Soon the burning will pass.

Be healthy, friends! I suggest watching an informative video about the medicinal properties of Indian onions and its use. I do not say goodbye, we are waiting for many more interesting meetings. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Filling your home or garden with only useful plants, many pay attention to Indian onions. It strikes with interesting tube leaves, a bulb of a light green hue, a long period of life. You can learn about its medicinal properties from reviews, and a photo will help you understand exactly which part of the plant to use for a particular ailment. More details - only here!

A miracle from the lily family, or where you come from, Indian onion

As soon as the people do not call this plant! He is a Mongolian bow, and a Chinese one, and a brandushka, and an ornithogalum. In fact, the Indian onion has nothing to do with the usual onion, except that it looks like an onion. His homeland is South Africa, but he got to other countries with Chinese shuttles. Scientific name - tailed avian.

At our housewives, the birdman can be found in a pot on the windowsill, and all because the plant is unpretentious to the soil and growing conditions. The only subtlety is transshipment or transplantation with age into a larger pot. He is a great company of Kalanchoe, scarlet and even a golden mustache!

Chemical composition, or what gives rise to medicinal value

It is worth noting that the plant is not recognized as official medicine, but is recognized as folk. And in countries such as China, Mongolia and India, the juice of leaves, stems, bulbs is used in pharmacology. Indian onions can only be used externally, since a large number of active substances can poison the body even in a small dose.

Indian onion is used in folk medicine

The most valuable thing in the plant is not the bulb, but the tube leaves, which reach a length of up to 1 m, twisting from their own gravity. It is they who are most often used for tinctures, and are also used for rubbing sore spots.

Healing properties are fully possessed by a two-year-old plant that produces flowers. The flower stalk of the Mongolian onion is 50-60 cm long, strewn with small flowers of white and cream shades. It is during this period that it is worth using the stems and leaves, which are filled with nutrients.

The bottle contains:

  • alkaloids;
  • biologically active substances;
  • glycoside;
  • colchicide;
  • sulfur compounds, others.

This composition provides a rapid wound healing, powerful analgesic, antiseptic effect. That is why those who grow the plant at home should not be afraid of lumbar, headache and even toothache, because there is a real ambulance on the windowsill!

Advice! Starting from the age of 2, the bulb grows, forming baby bulbs. It is useful to separate the mother plant from small bulbs, grow the first for breeding, and the children - to obtain a useful vegetative mass.

Fighting ailments, or when a birdman rushes to the rescue

Bulb, leaves and even stalks of Indian onions are useful. But in each specific case, one thing is used. The main thing in them is the whitish juice, without taste and smell. It is this factor that makes the poultry man a favorite among many, because it can be used at any time and after “going out in public”.

Indian bow is used only externally.

Indian onion provides significant analgesic assistance, a powerful therapeutic effect in:

  • arthritis;
  • stretching of ligaments and tendons;
  • radiculitis and osteochondrosis;
  • other diseases of the joints;
  • polyarthritis, salt deposition;
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

But the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system is not the only advantage of the poultry farmer. It is able to stop the development of benign, malignant formations. To do this, you must use compresses and tincture, take strictly according to the prescription.

Also, Indian onion milk has an undeniable benefit for insect bites, small, long-term non-healing wounds (cuts, cracks, abrasions), skin rashes, herpes. To do this, it is enough to pick a stem or leaf from a plant, squeeze out the juice and anoint the sore spot. Along with peeling, redness and itching, the pain will also disappear.

In the same way, you can get rid of a headache, lumbar or toothache. However, the leaf or stem from which the milk was squeezed should not be thrown away. With their help, you can make a tincture (cold or hot method), ointment, balm.

Onions are not a panacea: not forgetting about "safety"

Indian bow is able to cope with many ailments. But it is worth remembering that he may have contraindications that have not yet been properly studied. Therefore, we pay attention to:

Growing Indian onions

  • swelling, puffiness and other unpleasant symptoms on the skin in case of rubbing milk. The procedures should be stopped, the sore spot should be washed with water;
  • allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to plant components;
  • own general well-being.

Only by listening to your body you can understand how the Indian onion acts on the disease. Understand and continue with easy and inexpensive treatment using a medicinal plant as an alternative or adjunct to medical treatment. It remains only to make an ointment or tincture - and rub it into problem areas. And always be healthy!

Indian bow: video

We all sooner or later, unfortunately, face various ailments. All of them need to be treated and dealt with. To do this, you can use medicines, or you can turn to the gifts of nature. . One such beneficial gift of nature for our health is the Indian onion. In some cases, the use of its medicinal properties will be more preferable than the use of chemicals.

Benefits of Indian onion

All parts of the Indian onion are medicinal. The bulb gains its healing power when the plant is 2 years old. But the Indian onion has the most healing properties when it begins to bloom. The flower arrows of the Indian onion can reach a height of more than 1 m. In order for all the healing substances to get into the growing bulb, the arrows of the plant must be removed. It is the leaves, arrows and the bulb itself that contain mucus, which is useful.

Indian onion juice is very convenient to use and apply. Onion leaves have an antiseptic and analgesic effect. The active substances found in the Indian onion help increase blood flow to damaged areas of the body, accelerating healing.

The use of the Indian bow

For treatment, you can use the leaves, stem or a piece of the bulb itself. You can also make tinctures with vodka (or alcohol) or water from onions. Small onions or sprouts are also suitable. For topical use, use a portion of a freshly cut leaf. Rub it on the sore spot, and the pain will disappear in 10 seconds. If you smear the bite with Indian onions, this will help to avoid scarring.

Indian onions will be useful for radiculitis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, salt deposition in the joints, and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It can be used to treat bruises, abscesses, tumors, infectious and mechanical injuries. Indian onions can help in the healing of herpes, cuts and wounds, and treat rashes on the face. It will help relieve swelling from bee and mosquito bites.

Indian onion juice can be used to treat warts and fungal diseases, with acute respiratory infections, headaches, and rheumatism. With acute respiratory infections, Indian onion juice must be rubbed into the superciliary arches, lymph nodes and the bridge of the nose.

How to treat sciatica and headache with Indian onions?

Indian onion juice will be especially good for the treatment of chronic sciatica. To deal with an attack, cut off a small 2x2 piece and rub it on your lower back. After that, tie it with a woolen scarf and lie down under the covers. It will burn a lot, but after suffering for 15 minutes, you will feel relief. This method is suitable for the treatment of osteochondrosis and arthritis.

To relieve a headache, rub the juice from the leaves of an Indian onion on the back of the head and temples. The headache will temporarily disappear or decrease.

Indian bow: pcontraindications

  • Indian onions are poisonous plants, so it should be taken inside with extreme caution. Patients with hemophilia preparations with Indian onions are contraindicated.
  • If the onion gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, quickly rinse the eyes with water and drip them with 2 drops of taufon, keep the eyes closed for 15 minutes.
  • Apply the juice of the plant to clean skin.
  • If your gums are bleeding too much, do not use Indian onion rinses.
  • Excessive exposure to the skin can cause burns. If there is a burn from an Indian onion, lubricate the skin with olive oil.
  • Use rubber gloves for all onion recipes. It can cause allergic reactions.

Aloe, Kalanchoe, golden mustache - all these are recognized leaders in healing properties among indoor plants. In this list, you can rightfully include the Indian onion. Although this plant is not yet as common on our windowsills as those listed, the medicinal properties of Indian onions are in no way inferior to other well-known medicinal crops.

About the plant

The Indian bow is a big deceiver. Not only is it not Indian, it is not even an onion. Its scientific name is tailed avian. South Africa is considered its homeland, but this perennial bulbous plant can be found in almost all subtropics of the inhabited continents: Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

The poultry farmer has many names:

  • Indian bow;
  • Mongolian bow;
  • Chinese bow:
  • squill;
  • false sea bow.

Outwardly, this plant resembles an ordinary onion, only its bulb is pale green. This bulb is able to remain viable for 20-30 years. She, like a film, is shrouded in scales, behind which new children are born. When they reach 1.5 cm long and 1 cm wide, they can be separated from the bulb to get new plants.

The Indian onion has long (up to 1 m) leaves up to 5 cm wide, sagging under its own weight, rolled at the ends into tubules. The plant blooms with small white-green flowers, which are strewn with a long - up to 60 cm - peduncle. If you tear off a leaf from the bulb, then juice immediately begins to stand out from it.

Interesting fact: The age of the Indian onion is easy to determine by the number of leaves. Every year it grows a new leaf. So everything is simple: how many leaves have grown, so many years the birdman.

The poultry farmer contains in large quantities:

  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • trace elements.

But a deceiver is a deceiver - the exact composition of the Indian bow has not yet been finally established today.

Medicinal properties

Official medicine still ignores the birdman, while in folk medicine it is widely used to treat many diseases. Indian onion owes its healing power to colchicine, an alkaloid with powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Onions are also used as a good antimicrobial and bactericidal agent. It is also used to speed up blood flow, and some traditional healers claim that it is able to restrain the development of various kinds of tumors, including oncological ones.

With the help of Indian onions, many ailments are treated:

  • a cold;
  • sore throat;
  • bronchitis;
  • headache and toothache;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

It is also used to heal wounds, relieve inflammation, tumors, itching, remove lichen, warts, from nail fungus, as well as for cosmetic purposes - to get rid of freckles.

For treatment, you can use both the bulb and the leaves, and flower stalks. But most of all in Indian onions, old leaves are valued - large, containing the maximum amount of healing juice.

The use of the Indian bow

Preparations based on Indian onions can be in the form of:

  • concentrated juice.
  • Alcohol tincture.
  • Water tincture.
  • Mazey.

The form of the drug for treatment must be selected individually, depending not only on the disease, but also on the general condition of the patient.

concentrated juice

To obtain it, you only need to cut off a leaf or a small piece of an onion from a plant and rub it on a sore spot. Simple, cheap and effective.

Alcohol tincture

The plant is crushed, put in a glass jar and poured with alcohol. The proportions of Indian onion and alcohol can be different: 1:10, 1:15, 1:20. It is preferable to use leaves for the preparation of tincture, but bulbs and flower arrows can also be used.

A jar of tincture is placed in a dark place, shaking it regularly. After 3 weeks, the tincture is filtered and used for treatment. It retains its medicinal properties for several years.

Water tincture

Water tincture is good because it is not as stinging as alcohol or concentrated juice. To prepare it, crushed leaves are poured with warm boiled water and infused for 12 hours. You can also put the crushed leaves in a thermos and pour boiling water over it. After 2 hours, the tincture is ready.


The cut leaf is crushed into gruel and mixed with other components. Usually, the ointment is prepared on the basis of any interior fat or petroleum jelly, it is possible with the addition of other components: egg whites, burdock roots, aloe juice, yarrow, etc.

The simplest recipe for preparing such an ointment is to heat the vaseline in a water bath (40 degrees) and slowly pour fresh juice into it, stirring everything thoroughly. The ratio of vaseline and juice should be 5:1. In a cool dark place, such an ointment is stored for up to 1 month.

Simple recipes for every day

To relieve pain in sciatica, the lower back is quickly rubbed with a small (not more than 2 cm) piece cut off from the bulb, covered with a soft cloth and wrapped with a woolen scarf. After 7–10 minutes, the handkerchief is removed, and the remaining juice is wiped with a soft cloth moistened with warm water.

The compress is done 1-2 times a day (it is better to do this with an assistant - it is inconvenient to quickly rub the juice into the lower back yourself). The time must be determined by how you feel - if it starts to burn strongly, the compress should be removed, otherwise you risk getting a skin burn.

Headache is relieved by rubbing a small amount of fresh juice into the temporal or occipital part of the head. By rubbing the juice on the gums, you can relieve a toothache, but this is already a recipe for extreme people. In addition, with the slightest bleeding in the oral cavity, it is strictly contraindicated.

The recipe for treating the common cold with Indian onion is also simple: a small amount of fresh juice is rubbed into the bridge of the nose and the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. For painful insect bites, a few drops of juice are rubbed into the bitten place.

Regularly lubricating papillomas and warts with juice, you can quickly get rid of them. Concentrated juice helps to quickly get rid of nail fungus.

To be treated or not? Despite its medicinal properties, the bird-man is a poisonous plant, and the slightest mistake in its dosage can cause poisoning.

The external use of Indian onions is considered relatively safe. Although in large doses, it can provoke leukopenia (a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood). Therefore, even the external "safe" use of Indian onion preparations should not be permanent. The maximum duration of the course of treatment can last no more than 30 days (for greater safety - 25 days), after which it is imperative to take a long break.

Important! Poultry farmer is the strongest irritant, and it is impossible to predict the reaction of the organism of even healthy people to it in advance.

Before proceeding with treatment, it is better to make a "trial run". To do this, a drop of Indian onion juice should be dropped on the inside of the bend of the elbow joint. Depending on the results of this test, a decision is made on the appropriateness of such treatment and on the concentration of the drug.

If, during treatment with Indian onion, its juice accidentally gets into the eyes, the procedure should be interrupted immediately, the affected eye should be thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water and an ophthalmologist should be visited immediately.

Poultry is famous for its ability to thin the blood. Therefore, before starting treatment with it, make sure that you do not have problems with blood clotting. Do not flatter yourself that you apply it externally - through the pores of the skin, it will easily penetrate into the circulatory system, and the consequences can be the most severe.

Treatment with Indian onions during pregnancy, nursing mothers and children is contraindicated. These three categories are not something to be treated - you can’t even contact a poultry doctor!

Cultivation of a birdman

In a subtropical climate, Indian onions can grow wild all year round, but in our country they are grown more as a houseplant. He fell in love with our hostesses because his cultivation at home is almost no trouble. The poultry farmer is undemanding to the soil, he does not need a large capacity for planting, he does not need to be constantly fed and replanted, and often watered too.

You can grow it in several ways: from a seed, by dividing the bulb, but the simplest and most popular is by separating the children. It is enough to separate such a baby from the bulb and plant it in a separate pot - and after two weeks it will take root. You need to plant so that the baby is half sticking out of the ground.

As a houseplant, the Indian onion feels great on southern windows, but can also grow on northern ones. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture, so it should be watered only when the topsoil is completely dry.

From the end of May to the beginning of September, Indian onions can also be grown outdoors, where they quickly take root and grow, delighting the eye with large leaves and beautiful flowers. But you can’t leave it in the garden or in the flowerbed for the winter - this plant is thermophilic.

Harvesting raw Indian onions for medicinal needs can be done all year round, but it is best to do this during flowering - at this time the plant has the greatest healing power.

Indian onion is able to save a person from many diseases. But he, being poisonous, with inept, uncontrolled treatment, can cause many problems. Therefore, when deciding to use a birdman for your treatment, make sure that it benefits you, and not harms you.

Tailed avian or Indian onion

Indian onion is, perhaps, one of the few plants, from each component of which any remedy can be prepared. But alcohol tincture has proven itself better than all such drugs. It is active in the treatment of joints, bone disease, salt deposition and in many other cases.

This remedy is quite simple to prepare at home, and the medicinal properties of Indian onion tincture will depend on the ingredients used. The drug can be stored for a long time, simply pouring, if necessary, a small amount of it.

Popular and proven recipes

As a rule, Indian onion tincture is prepared with vodka or alcohol. There are no strict limits here, and you can add any of these components as you wish. At the same time, the strength of alcohol can vary from 40 ° to 80 °, as well as the infusion period - from 10 to 30 days.

Advice! The most important thing is to choose the right place for the maturation of the tincture, which must be warm and shaded.

Tinctures will vary in their action and ingredients.

From arrows, leaves and bulbs

This infusion perfectly helps with the deposition of salts, polyarthritis and spurs on the heels. For its preparation it is necessary:
  • finely chop the arrow, leaf and one medium onion and place in a glass container with a neck without a thread;
  • pour a liter of vodka or alcohol into the prepared components;
  • close tightly with a nylon lid;
  • remove for maturation.

After 14 days, the product is completely ready for use.

If you slightly reduce the amount of the alcohol component, to about 700 ml, you can get a drug that will help with joint pain and bruises.

Important! In the latter case, the cover must be made of polyethylene and fixed with a dense thread.

from the leaves

If you suffer from severe joint pain, then you can prepare the following remedy:

  • take onion leaves and vodka in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • finely chop the leaves with a knife or chop with a meat grinder and put in a glass container;
  • pour in vodka and cover;
  • put in a warm place to infuse for 10 days.

After the specified time, the drug will be ready. They rub the painful areas three times a day, while the pain goes away within 10 minutes after applying the remedy.

from bulbs

The following tincture is effective in the treatment of arthritis, and the strength of its action will depend on the concentration of the agent. To prepare the infusion, you should:

  • chop 2 large or 5 small onions and put in a glass jar;
  • pour half a liter of alcohol or vodka;
  • put in a warm place for infusion;
  • for 2 weeks from time to time the contents of the container should be shaken.

After a specified period of time, the resulting Indian onion tincture can be used in the form of compresses.

With eucalyptus oil

The cooking technology is as follows:

  • rinse two leaves of Indian onion and mash well with a mortar;
  • in a glass container, combine 20 ml of eucalyptus oil and 50 ml of alcohol (80%);
  • pour the crushed leaves with the resulting mixture and close the lid tightly;
  • insist for one week, stirring the contents every day.

Advice! To enhance the effect of the drug, the smeared area should be wrapped with a warm cloth. In this case, the warming and analgesic effect will be much higher.

On camphor oil

Are you worried about gout or arthritis? Try the following remedy:

  • 3 sheets of Indian onion chop and put in a glass bottle;
  • pour 150 ml of alcohol and close the container with a lid;
  • in a separate bowl, combine 30 ml of camphor oil and 150 ml of alcohol;
  • after 2 hours, pour the prepared mixture into a bottle with onions, mix everything;
  • insist for 2 weeks, then filter.

During the period of exacerbation of the above diseases, a compress with this tincture is applied to a painful place and covered with a woolen cloth on top. After a few minutes, the pain subsides.

Storage rules

Absolutely all Indian onion tinctures require the same storage conditions and are used only externally.
  1. To infuse and save drugs, it is necessary to choose those places where there are no food products.
  2. If there is a person in your family who suffers from alcoholism, then be sure to hide this tincture from him.

    Important! The fact is that this drug will smell exclusively of alcohol, so it can be mistaken for ordinary vodka. If you drink the infusion in large quantities, then this can lead to dire consequences.

  3. If you use Indian onion tincture for the treatment of sore throat, then after gargling it should never be swallowed.

Security measures

Before using Indian onion-based products, be sure to read the precautions that will help avoid negative consequences:

And most importantly, remember that this plant has not yet been fully studied, so before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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