An example of a commercial proposal for financial groups. Commercial offer samples


Hello! Today we will talk about a commercial offer and how to write it. I have been asked similar questions more than once, so the article is “in the subject”. Let's start from the very beginning, about what a commercial offer is, how to make it and at the end I will give examples / samples of a commercial offer. This article contains the recommendations of many experts, so I have no doubt about the reliability of the information.

What is a commercial offer

Any businessman who wants to attract as many customers as possible thinks about developing a commercial proposal. It is it that encourages a potential consumer to buy a company's product or its service. It is often confused with a product specification, which simply introduces the customer to a specific product without prompting the customer to purchase.

Varieties of commercial offers

There are two types of commercial offers:

  1. Personalized. It is created for a specific person, inside the document contains a personal appeal to the addressee.
  2. Non-personalized. Another name for this type of commercial offer is “cold”. The document does not refer to a specific consumer or potential partner; the information is anonymized and directed to a large number of potential customers at once.

What functions does a commercial offer perform?

Before you start compiling a commercial proposal, you need to understand what functions it performs. In some ways, they are similar to the tasks of advertising messages:

  • Attract attention.
  • Interest.
  • Encourage purchase.
  • Generate a desire to purchase a product.

Based on these tasks, a commercial proposal is developed. Usually, visual effects are used at the very beginning, for example, the logo of the organization.

If a commercial offer is given to a potential client in printed form, then special attention is paid to the quality of the paper on which the offer is printed. It is possible to apply special watermarks to the document for greater impact on the client. Laminated paper will make a good impression on the consumer of the product.

Standard Quote Structure (Template)

  • A title containing a graphic image (usually a logo).
  • Subheading that defines the product/service.
  • Attracting attention, advertising services and products.
  • All the benefits of cooperation.
  • Sender's contact details, trademarks.

When compiling a commercial offer, you need to understand that each structural element performs its own separate functions. So, for example, the title is used to attract attention, motivation for further study of the document. It is this part of the commercial offer that can be called the most important. The subtitle should interest the client even more, and the main text should justify the information that was written above. But at the end of the offer, as a rule, you need to approve the consumer in the need to purchase.

What should a good business proposal look like?

In order to create a proposal that gives the greatest return, you need to understand that the document must:

  • be specific and clear;
  • demonstrate all the possible benefits that the addressee will receive;
  • in no case contain errors;
  • be literate and structured;
  • contain information about special offers for the client;
  • be drawn up in such a way that all doubts of the buyer will disappear.

Rules for compiling a commercial offer

Before you start writing a proposal, you need to determine who will be the target audience of this document. Then the desires and capabilities of potential customers are determined. It is very important at this stage to find out the real needs of the buyer.

After the necessary information is received, it is necessary to structure it. For this, an approximate proposal plan is drawn up, indicating the advantages of companies, various ongoing promotions. The content of this document may consist of the following sections:

  • A clear definition of the problem.
  • Resolution options.
  • Arguments that prove the need to use the services of your organization.
  • Description of various promotions and offers that increase the benefit of the buyer.
  • Call to action.

The title should mention the solution to a specific consumer problem. It is important to indicate to him the final product, which the goods of your company will help to make.

It is not necessary to include information about the achievements of the company in the commercial offer. Long stories about how it all began should be avoided. A potential consumer is unlikely to be interested in this.

When writing a proposal, you should avoid technical aspects, do not use scientific terms. You need to convey information in a simple and understandable language for the buyer.

It is worth using clear and understandable arguments that will really help the client to establish himself in the decision to buy the product.

Do not make a commercial offer too voluminous. It should be short, clear and to the point. It is unlikely that a potential client will want to read multi-page documents; such an abundance of information can simply scare him away.

It is very important that the offer is of high quality. It is worth using the services of a professional designer. Beautiful design can attract the attention of consumers.

As an argument, you can use:

  1. Feedback from other customers. This proof can be called, perhaps, the most valuable. Especially if this client is quite famous and authoritative. It is very important that the buyer's response has the same meaning as the commercial offer itself. That is, it is important that these two texts give the reader an understanding that the company is really effective in one area or another.
  2. Share your success story. Be sure to put your own company or yourself in the center of the story. It should be a selling story that will really interest the buyer, encourage him to take some kind of active action.

It should be understood that the commercial offer must be selling, and its author acts as a seller. It is very important to put yourself in the place of the seller in order to understand as accurately as possible what the buyer expects from the product or service. You need to use the right argument, build communication with the client. Only in this way will the commercial offer really give a positive result.

How to increase the readability of a commercial proposal

You can increase the readability of your sales pitch in the following ways:

  • Break information into paragraphs, do not make them canvases.
  • Use of subheadings.
  • The use of various graphic elements, including illustrations, bulleted lists.
  • Use of a serif font in print.
  • The use of different styles of text (using italics, bold or underline highlighting the necessary information).

A few more rules (sample drafting)

Title. It is this part of the offer that is most interesting to the consumer, if it interests him, then the potential client is more likely to read all the information to the end. It is worth evaluating how the words “new” and “free” will affect the buyer. In some cases, they can alienate the client.

Do not use a large number of negatives or generalized information. The text font must be the same. It has been proven that almost a third of readers pay attention to quotes and information enclosed in quotes. The title should not be capacious and informative.

Main text. In this part of the commercial proposal, it is very important that the reader does not lose interest. It is best to fit information in one small paragraph. And then pay attention to specific details. It is worth highlighting the advantages of the product, be sure to address the reader with “you”. Composing long and complex sentences can be intimidating. It is undesirable to use professional terms.

It is worth talking about the product in the present tense, indicating its price. It is necessary to provide the client with arguments - the results of surveys, studies, perhaps place one of the consumer reviews. It is undesirable to use superlatives, comparisons. Concreteness and clarity are the main conditions for compiling a good commercial offer.

Errors that are made when compiling

Unnatural praise of the client.

There is no need to use templates and duty phrases that will only repel a potential client.

Using critical remarks towards the addressee.

It is absolutely not necessary to do this, even if the goal of the company is to help a potential consumer. This can cause extremely negative emotions in the client. It is best to use a stick and a carrot - first highlight the pros, and only then point out very minor flaws.

Oversaturation of the offer with general information about the client.

Intimidation of the client or the so-called "horror stories".

In no case should you scare the consumer, tell him that something terrible can happen without your help. No negativity or stereotypes. It is worth highlighting the advantages of using products, casually comparing with what we have now (use the words: more convenient, more profitable, more efficient), give only specific information.

Sending one offer to a large number of people at once.

Non-personalized information will cause less interest among potential buyers. The return on such offers will be minimal. No need to try to reach a large audience at once. It is better to single out the sector with which work is most likely to give an excellent result. It is important to write a commercial proposal in such a way that the reader can feel that he is being spoken to in private. It is possible to use additional information that will indicate that the communication is conducted with this particular client. It is worth using information about the previous communication, if it was of course.

Misunderstanding the concept of a "long" letter.

Many are sure that the client is not interested in large amounts of information. However, it should be understood that the reader will consider any boring and completely uninteresting letter to be long. The size of a catchy and really interesting commercial offer will not scare the consumer, because he will read all the information available in one breath.

No wonder people often call very short films boring and stretched out, and call a 3-hour movie the most exciting, without mentioning its duration. The same is the case with works of art, news, books, letters. The reader will not perceive 5 sheets of a commercial offer negatively if they are really informative and catchy.

To put in the foreground the correspondence of the sentence to the grammatical rules.

Such an attitude to writing texts can develop from the school bench, where the grammatical component was the main factor. In life, everything is completely different. It is much more important for the reader to understand what is written about. It is necessary that the information is read and perceived by the client easily and informally. It is worth building an offer so that it looks like a real communication between the seller and the buyer. Here it will be perfectly acceptable to use fragments of sentences and phrases, sometimes even desirable.

Give the customer a reason not to study your offer.

Do not be naive to assume that the reader will be extremely interested in information about your company, especially about its history. It's not like that at all. The potential buyer is the least interested. It is necessary to attract his attention with some kind of provocation, an unusual statement - in a word, with everything that will bring him out of balance and force him to read the commercial offer to the end. It is worth considering the fact that retention of interest is no less important aspect. You need to focus on what can motivate a person. Most often, the needs appear because of some fear, the desire to become individual, guilt, the desire to become beautiful or healthy. It is in this vein that it is worth considering the problem, dedicating a commercial proposal to it. And then to show that the proposed product can satisfy all needs.

It is unlikely that the client will be disposed to your commercial offer. You need to back up your information with concrete evidence. It is worth giving the clearest arguments. This approach will be able to convince the reader that he bought the product or began to cooperate.

Checking the commercial offer

There are some fairly simple ways to help you understand what impact the offer will have on the recipient.

  • The so-called check "on a cursory look." To do this, you just need to look at the document. It is important to understand which parts of the text stand out so that you really want to read them. These are headings, logos, selection of textual information, photos. If the information used there was able to help build a complete picture of the essence of the commercial proposal, then everything was done correctly.
  • Check for understanding. It is important to find among your friends and acquaintances such a person who would fall under the target audience of your offer. If, after the first reading, he caught all the main ideas of the document, saw the advantages of the presented product, then we can conclude that the proposal was drawn up correctly.
  • Finger check. It is worth trying to read the text without words about the product like “best”, “unique”. If it is interesting to read the proposal in this form, then everything is done correctly. It is very important that all eulogies about your company are supported by accurate data, reviews, stories, certificates.

Examples / samples of commercial offer

There are a lot of examples and samples of a commercial offer. All of them are good in their own way. I will show some of the most successful, in my opinion, which were developed by Denis Kaplunov.

To turn a commercial offer from spam into a working tool, you need to follow three simple rules.

  1. The quotation should be based on the needs of the firm you are sending it to. A story about what a wonderful company you are, how much you know and can do, what a wide range of products you have and smart suppliers - a direct way to the basket. Fewer pronouns "we" and more "you".


We will help you double your website conversion.
Our antivirus program will save you forever from cyber threats.
We offer laundry services for your restaurant.


You can increase the conversion of the site by 2 times.
Your computers will be protected 24 hours a day.
Do you want to always have a supply of clean tablecloths and aprons and forget about stains forever?

2. The RFP must be addressed (and sent too) directly to the decision maker. Letters sent to the commercial department, to a marketer, to an unnamed director or manager, and to the village of grandfather will not reach the addressee.
3. How do you choose a book and browse the news on the Internet? By headings. The same rule applies in the right commercial offer - if you are interested in a catchy, bright and interesting headline, then the KP will be read. If the header is slurred or completely absent, then it is likely that the letter will be sent to the trash.

How to find out the needs for CP

Before writing a commercial offer, you need to collect and analyze information about a potential client. The KP is not a reason for acquaintance, it is the final document, after which cooperation begins. First, think about what needs your products or services can satisfy. After studying a potential client, you can guess what needs from your list he has. In an ideal situation, all this information is confirmed during a telephone conversation or a personal meeting.

What you need to find out to draw up the right commercial offer:

  • Client's business goals
  • When are these goals expected to be achieved?
  • Problems and difficulties of the client
  • The cost of customer inactivity
  • What evaluation metrics does the client use?

If you know the needs of the client, then you can easily write how your services meet these needs.

But what to do when, instead of a meeting, following which you can write a beautiful and correct commercial offer, you are offered to immediately send a quotation?

How to write a cold business proposal

You should immediately take into account that "cold" commercial offers practically do not work. The only plus of a cold commercial offer is mass character. Most recipients perceive them as spam and delete them without reading them. Therefore, the main task of such a CP is not to sell your service, but to make you read it to the end. Only in this case there is a real chance for cooperation.

The main danger that lies in wait for a “cold” CP is that it can be removed. And to do both at the time of receipt of the letter, and in the process of reading. Therefore, when drafting a cold sales proposal, you have to deal with three risks.

  • Deleting a letter at the receiving stage. To prevent this from happening, you need to attract attention. In the case of sending by e-mail, there is only one option - the subject of the letter. If the quotation is sent by mail or courier, you can try non-standard envelopes.
  • Deleting an email at the opening stage. Your offer must be attractive to the client. Moreover, the offer should be at the very beginning of the letter and catch the eye. This will force him to read further.
  • Deleting an email while reading. Congratulations, your offer has interested a potential client. But this does not mean at all that he will read the letter to the end. The arguments in favor of cooperation with you and the benefits for the reader should be undeniable. But more on that below.

A cold sales pitch should be as short as possible. The recipient is doing you a favor by reading it, so don't divert their attention for too long. And remember that a “cold” CP can be sent to the trash at any time.

Another important point is to whom to address the "cold" KP? If you have the decision maker's email address, that's good. But more often, such letters are sent to one of the company's public mailboxes, and people who do not make decisions will read it. It must look convincing enough to be passed on to management.

The structure of the offer

The structure of the commercial offer, regardless of whether it is "cold" or "hot", is always the same. It’s just that in the “cold” one you are trying to predict the needs of the client, and in the “hot” one you argue your usefulness for the company based on real facts. A “cold” CP should not exceed 1 page, a “hot” one can be much longer, and this is not always a text document, CPs in presentation format are quite acceptable.


The headline in a commercial proposal is similar in its significance to the headline in the media - if it catches, then the document will be read. For a cold gearbox, this is the most important element. The headline should tell how the problem will be solved or how the company will benefit, and at the same time hook the reader. The optimal header length is one line.

What to avoid in headlines:

  • Spam. Free, warranty, limited offer and the like are best forgotten. If you use numbers in the title, then it should be a description, not a call.
  • blur.
    Wrong: Thousands of potential customers per day It is not clear where these clients will come from) .
    Right: Placement of advertising on the site with an attendance of 10,000 unique visitors per day.
  • Lack of specifics. Any "beautiful, but worthless" headlines: the secrets of doing business, revealing the secret of millionaires. Facts will look more attractive: Connecting the widget increased the conversion of company X's website by 30%.
  • Grade. Avoid evaluative words - profitable, fastest, best, unique.


What the CP is written for is the essence of your proposal. It should be presented from the point of view of benefit for the client, that is, not “we offer”, but “you get”. How to do it? First, briefly outline the client's problem, and then tell how it is solved. There should not be lengthy eyeliners and phrases that do not carry specifics. Study well the needs of the client and the offers of competitors. In essence, an offer is a unique selling proposition of your CP (read how to formulate a working USP).

What to avoid in offers:

  • Vague wording. The offer should correspond to the values ​​of the client and talk about specific benefits.
    Wrong: Our widget can be connected to any site.
    Right: The widget adapts to the design of your site.
    You will get all the ways to communicate with customers on one panel.
  • Implausibility. Promises should not cause doubts in the client. The proposals “only fresh fish” and “office renovation in 1 day” are sure to raise questions. But “delivery of freshly caught fish by helicopter from Vladivostok” or “painting office walls in 1 day” are already quite real.
  • Stamps and cliches. We cross out the phrases: affordable prices, exclusive offer, a team of professionals, etc.


You told what benefits the client will receive. Now you have to prove to the client that only your company can best deal with his problem. And again we avoid common phrases and praises like "we are chosen for reliability and quality." The phrase “our system is used by Gazprom and the FSB is much more convincing, because no one manages to hack it.”

Any client has a list of criteria that he is guided by when choosing business partners. These can be delivery times, speed of work, price, technical support, payment scheme for services, and much more. Give an argument for each item. Cases, certificates, reviews can serve as evidence, but general words and value judgments should be avoided. It is important to put the benefits in the correct order. We have the strongest argument in the offer. The rest are ranked from weakest to strongest. Do not forget the characteristics of the product or the description of the service to translate into benefits. Don't promise what you can't deliver.


We built arguments from weak to strong for a reason. When the price of your service appears after a criterion that is significant for the client, it does not scare. Cost must be justified:

  • service advantage
  • description of what is included
  • benefits from using
  • price comparison

Experts advise avoiding the word "price", it is better to replace it with the word "cost", and where appropriate, use "investment".

We dispel doubts

  • Offer a trial period
  • Risk reduction. For example, postpaid
  • Guarantees. For example, round the clock technical support.

Evgeny Malyar

# Business nuances

Article navigation

  • What is a commercial offer
  • Purpose of the commercial offer
  • How to write a commercial offer
  • Structure
  • Commercial offer for the sale of an asset
  • Offer from the restaurant
  • Offer for sponsors
  • CP of the insurance company
  • How to offer plastic windows
  • Technical and commercial offer
  • Commercial offer for tender
  • Quote request
  • Cover letter for business proposal
  • Response to a commercial offer
  • Refusal of commercial offer

A sales manager does not have many working tools. He has a specific task: to sell a product. You can conduct telephone conversations, visit potential buyers in person, or send letters to them. This article will tell you how to correctly draw up a commercial offer, and how to respond to it.

What is a commercial offer

There is no doubt that many more people have received a sales proposal than have made it. At the same time, their authors did not always think about what rules apply to these texts, which together form a certain literary and business genre. Having received the task of management, the assigned employee begins to compose the text of the commercial proposal, usually based on their own ideas about what it should be: beautiful, competent, fascinating in form, useful in content.

The usual technology for writing a letter assumes that the addressee (possible client) is entered into the template invented by someone (Word format on letterhead), if necessary, special conditions are added, after which the document is considered ready. The price list can also be attached in Excel on a separate page or directly in the text. As a last resort, there is another option - download the sample for free and adapt it.

All these methods are quite applicable, there is nothing shameful in their use. However, the best commercial offer is obtained when the author does not just borrow a typical business letter, but, knowing all the rules for drafting, composes it on his own.

A commercial offer is a text that tells about the advantages and benefits of the proposed product from the perspective of the buyer.

See full example

Purpose of the commercial offer

At its core, the content of a commercial offer differs little from a selling advertising text. However, there is a difference, and it consists in a greater degree of specificity, possible targeting (for the "hot" option) and less emphasis on emotionality.

After reading the letter, the recipient, ideally, should come to the following conclusions:

  • the proposed commercial product is extremely necessary for him, even if he has never used it before;
  • after the acquisition of the specified goods (product), its owner receives significant benefits;
  • buy right now or in the near future.

How to write a commercial offer

It is actually not so difficult to write a commercial offer correctly if you know how to do it. First, you need to distinguish between "cold" and "hot" types. The first of them assumes that an unprepared person will get acquainted with the text, who has not thought about this product and its acquisition before. In this case, the following risks should be considered and measures taken to overcome them.

  • The recipient can easily delete the sent letter without even opening it. To prevent this from happening, a “catchy” title is used, which contains the quintessence of the usefulness of a product or service. Of course, the proposal can still be thrown away, but the likelihood of it being read is greatly increased.
  • The letter is open, but after a few seconds of reading the text, the addressee stops reading it. It is uninterestingly written: the style is clerical, it evokes melancholy. The conclusion about what needs to be done is clear.
  • After reading the letter, the recipient was still not interested in the offer. To overcome this risk, you need to create an offer (the central part of the message) that can attract attention. Some beautiful words are no longer enough here. We need numbers illustrating the benefit, but (important!) Not the seller who sent the letter, but the buyer who received it.

As for the "hot" offer, it is written much easier. There is no need to worry about any enticing factors. The downside is that in order to afford such a luxury, the sales manager must first prepare a potential client, and this is a time-consuming task. However, this topic deserves a separate story and will not be covered in this article.

See full example


Almost every quote writing template available online for free has six to seven sections. There are two reasons for that:

  • firstly, it is much easier to read a structured text than a single block in which words stick together like dumplings in a pack;
  • secondly, each block carries a functional load.

Now it's time to list them and briefly talk about how to fill in all the items:

Title. Even for a “hot” offer, it’s better to make it bright. You should not offer a product or service - the masters of practical marketing advise using the word "collaboration" whenever possible. In principle, it well reflects the essence of any transaction, which consists in mutual interest.

Offer. In English, offer is just an offer. It should become clear to the addressee from this section how good it will be for him if he agrees to the cooperation mentioned above. Large arrays of numbers do not need to be given - only the main indicators of profitability, preferably in percentage terms.

For example: "Cooperation with our company will allow you to save up to 7% on transportation."

persuasive arguments. Many writers of commercial proposals believe that the way to "persuade" a potential client is to tell him about what a wonderful company makes them. Perhaps this information will impress someone. However, it should be remembered that when buying sausage in a supermarket, few people are interested in the history of the meat processing plant that produced it. The list of customers who are satisfied with the cooperation can convince you of the profitability of the offer. When it is correctly compiled, it always turns out to be short. If there are many such clients, then only the largest ones should be selected. And if there are not enough of them, then it will work out like that.

Time limit. There is a chance that a prospect will remember the offer in many months, find it and call, but it is not great. The grace period must be limited in order to encourage the recipient of the letter to act. This must be done very delicately, otherwise the buyer will think that by being late, he loses almost all chances for favorable prices, and will start looking for a product or service elsewhere. By the way, there is no doubt that he will.

Call. This is more of a psychological than a practical point. Even if the offer is interesting, the buyer can put it aside and do other things. The decision-making process should not be left to chance. The difference between "call" and "you can contact me" is the degree of vigor of the call. In this case, the manager himself decides which tactics to choose. Sometimes it is necessary to “push through”, and in other cases it is recommended to “lay softer”.

Contact Information. A sample of the design of a commercial offer most often involves its preparation on a letterhead with details and contact information. Do not spoil the porridge with butter - it is best to duplicate the email address and phone number with the name of the employee responsible for sales. No need to force the reader to "fumble through the eyes" in the text. He is interested - and here is the way of communication.

P.S. The last point, and seemingly optional, but as the statistics say, people often read texts (any) from the end. In a postscript, you can congratulate on the next or just past holiday, and at the same time, with two or three words, again designate the topic of the message.

Example: P.S. We congratulate you on the upcoming Christmas and look forward to cooperation, expressed in the uninterrupted provision of your company with raw materials at the best prices.

See full example

Some nuances

Proper formatting in Word involves text alignment along the edges.

It is allowed to highlight in bold the most important fragments illustrating the benefits of a potential partner, but this technique should not be abused. It should attract attention, not scatter it.

Correspondence with foreign companies requires compliance with certain etiquette (sometimes taking into account national characteristics) and knowledge of business vocabulary, including terms. If the staff of the company does not have a specialist who is fluent in the language, it is best to contact a translation agency. If you have good knowledge, you can use a ready-made example in English and adapt it.

Download Sample

However, in this case, it is better to double-check. It is recommended to use an electronic translator only when corresponding with partners who are not native native speakers (for example, from China).

Commercial offer for the sale of an asset

Most often, the purpose of an offer is to sell something. The service is also a commercial product - it is provided for the purpose of making a profit. However, in the general series of letters expressing the desire to establish regular cooperation, it is necessary to single out proposals for one-time transactions. In practice, this looks like a description of some asset that the addressee may be interested in acquiring.

Do not confuse a selling commercial offer with a regular ad offering to buy something. According to the "laws of the genre" already listed, the semantic load of this document should be concentrated on the interests of the person (legal or natural) reading the text. An offer for the sale of real estate or land can only be called commercial when it indicates the financial benefit of the buyer.

Offer from the restaurant

The services provided by a cafe or restaurant to ordinary visitors are advertised using various media, and a commercial offer is sent to business leaders. Probable corporate clients can be interested in a whole range of profitable and attractive conditions.

  1. The contract for the meals of employees;
  2. Organization of corporate parties;
  3. Creation of conditions for business meetings and negotiations;
  4. Rent of halls for thematic events, conferences (with or without refreshments) and celebrations.
  5. Business lunches with delivery to the office;
  6. Additional services.

Attractive factors - preferential prices, discounts, bonus accounts. There is no need to promise the cheapest banquets, dinners and lunches. In this case, the ratio of the cost of services and their quality is more important.

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Offer for sponsors

Somehow it so happened that people who are asked for money are considered sponsors. This is not entirely true. These wealthy citizens are offered to take a financial part in the organization of projects, and not to become charitable donors at all. And since we are talking about mutual interest, the letter outlining the essence of the matter is of a commercial nature. It also needs to be done correctly.

What can be of interest to a potential sponsor? In fact, the organizers of an event that needs support also usually have something to offer in return for the money spent.

  • Advertising. This method of cooperation is considered the main one. It is possible to get interested in “logo flickering” both from a start-up company that has just entered the market, and from a well-known company for a long time. In the first case, the sponsorship proposal is drawn up in more detail, with a description of all the benefits that participation in the project provides. Those who have been on the market for many years know everything about this topic, and they do not need to open their eyes to elementary truths - it is enough just to describe the audience they are attracting. The main thing is to clearly state what exactly the interest of a potential sponsor is, and who will see his advertisement as a result.
  • Information partnership. A sponsor working according to this scheme donates practically nothing. He can be offered a share of the proceeds from the tickets sold, the installation of a stand with his products (if this is acceptable, of course - a presentation, for example, of power transformers is hardly appropriate at a theatrical premiere). Thus, financial investments will largely return.
  • Moral satisfaction. This factor cannot be discounted even in our mercantile age. In fact, a person who has achieved success needs public recognition much more than many people think. The opportunity to participate in a good cause, combined with practical commercial benefits, can be a serious incentive for a sponsor.

How to write a sponsorship offer

As already clear from the above incentives, attracting sponsors requires an individual approach: the reason for agreeing to each of them may be different. The accuracy of the direction of the appeal plays a decisive role, so it is useless to write about “improving the image”, “wide target audience” and “PR”. In this case, the classical ideas about the structure of a commercial proposal should be put aside, and the text should be given the form of a direct appeal.

Start. The addressee should be reminded of how generous he is: "We appeal to you as a well-known philanthropist in our city and throughout the country." A likely sponsor already knows his own merits, but he will certainly be pleased to once again realize that others know about them. If the organizer personally knows the recipient of the letter, it is not superfluous to delicately remind about it.

Description of the event. This should be a brief, expressive and sincere statement of the essence of the sponsored event. The reader should be made to understand that this is not a soulless get-together of some dubious "elite bohemia", but a socially important matter. The organizers put their whole soul into its implementation. It will become a cultural event. There has never been anything like it. The project will be talked about and written about. In general, in this spirit.

Statement of benefits. It should be reiterated that this letter is an offer of sponsorship, and it is an appeal, not a "humble request". The interest of the addressee is stated in the so-called sponsorship package. It clearly spells out the conditions offered to the financial participant.

  • Means of conveying information about the sponsor, their number and placement.
  • Opportunity to speak to the public.
  • Participation in a press conference and presentation of prizes or awards.
  • Placement of presentation stands.
  • Mention of the sponsor in promotional materials (posters, flyers).

Sponsorship amount. The principle of "who can do what" in this case is highly undesirable. The organizer of the event must calculate the total estimate and distribute it among the likely participants, depending on their financial capabilities. The offer should indicate the required amount.

emotional part. A sponsorship proposal should leave a “pleasant aftertaste” after reading. It would not be superfluous to mention the good essence of the initiated event and its social usefulness.

Drawing up a commercial proposal for sponsorship requires serious study and mobilization of all the creative abilities of its author. Template approach is not welcome.

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CP of the insurance company

There is a significant difference between an insurer's advertisement and its commercial offer. A personalized appeal should demonstrate awareness of the specifics of the activities of the company to which the letter is addressed. Particular attention should be paid to corporate conditions and possible discounts, as well as strict adherence to the terms of the policy.

At the same time, the proposal itself, in the case of insurance services, resembles an invitation to dialogue rather than a statement of specific rates. Negotiations will take place if there is interest.

How to offer plastic windows

It is very difficult to stand out among companies offering PVC windows. Some firms find the advantages of their product in terms of installation technology and unique design features of frames and double-glazed windows. Commercial offers are addressed most often to construction and repair enterprises, which are large consumers. In some cases, the determining factor in the choice is the price.

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"Cold" offers on the plastic window market demonstrate low efficiency.

Commercial offers of the hotel are sent:

  • travel companies with an indication of the percentage of commission;
  • enterprises organizing outdoor events (conferences, meetings, etc.) with discounts.

The text also gives a brief description of the hotel, indicates its location, the number of stars assigned and a list of additional services provided.

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Technical and commercial offer

Not always only the general economic parameters of the proposed product can serve as the basis for concluding a deal. Complex machines, automatic lines and production systems require a detailed description, and most often a discussion of specific parameters. These issues are set out in the technical and commercial proposal. Of course, such letters are not “cold”.

They are compiled after preliminary negotiations, when the customer's requirements become clear to the potential seller. The technical parameters are often accompanied by a business case for the purchase of this product. The writing style is exclusively business-like, using special terminology.

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Commercial offer for tender

For state-owned enterprises, a slightly different and largely simplified form of a commercial offer is required. According to 44 FZ, it is necessary to specify the official letter as much as possible in terms of prices for the goods or services supplied, so that it would be easier for the tender commission to make a choice of the most acceptable conditions.

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Influencing emotions and talking about a “friendly close-knit team” in this case is completely useless. It should be remembered, however, that the experience of fulfilling such orders is most often very important for the tender commission, and brief information about them (if any) can play a decisive role.

When a tender for the supply of goods or services is announced, representatives of the paying enterprise must draw up a request and send it to the addresses of possible order executors, that is, in fact, write a letter on the provision of a commercial offer. The answer to it, regardless of the form of ownership of the business (from individual entrepreneurs, LLC, CJSC, etc.) should contain the most specific information about the goods or services offered. The type of commercial offer is simple: a “header” and a price list with a brief description of the product.

Information on how to properly request the terms of possible cooperation will be presented in the next paragraph.

Quote request

Methods for determining and calculating, according to the law 44 FZ, involve the formation of the initial maximum contract price (IMCC), for which relevant requests are sent to potential suppliers. A quotation request looks something like this:

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The request sample demonstrates the most concise style of providing information. Almost always at the beginning of the letter there is the phrase "please provide information about the cost ...", and then follows a table with the range of required products and their brief characteristics.

The success of participation in the tender is determined by the ratio of price and quality parameters of goods or services offered by the bidders.

Cover letter for business proposal

A properly formatted e-mail with a commercial offer is an attached file in Word, pdf, Excel or pictures format. There remains an empty field in which it is recommended to place a short text - up to six short sentences. This information is called a cover letter. The task is to remind the recipient about the conversation that took place (for example, at an exhibition).

The letter template includes the following items:

  1. Performance;
  2. A short background, the consequence of which was the sending of a commercial offer;
  3. The subject of the message, stated succinctly;
  4. Possible benefit from the cooperation of the addressee with the addressee;
  5. Call to action.

For each item - one offer plus one in reserve. If it is not used, nothing bad will happen.

Ivan Vasilyevich, good day to you!
Yesterday we had a pleasant conversation at the PromExpo 2018 exhibition. You are interested in our equipment, and, as we agreed, I am sending a brief description of it along with prices specially prepared for you. The Rosmash emulsifier will allow your enterprise to increase productivity by 17% and improve product quality. Please contact me by phone 077 -777-77-77, I will be waiting for your call.
Sincerely, Egor Semyonovich Petrov, director of the Rosmash company.

By the way, it’s better not to use the word “offer” in the cover letter. Let this text simply remind you of a pleasant acquaintance over a cup of coffee in the bar of the exhibition center. Now the recipient will certainly open the attachment, in which the information is detailed.

Response to a commercial offer

Failure to respond to a targeted or "hot" commercial letter is a gross violation of business ethics. Regardless of the degree of interest, the addressee needs to find time and inform the sender of his decision. There are only three options:

  1. Agreement;
  2. The need for negotiations;
  3. Refusal.

The sample below demonstrates willingness to cooperate after price adjustments and other terms have been agreed.

Consent to the purchase of products can be expressed in any convenient way, for example, by phone. A completed transaction is considered after the signing of the contract, but this is a technical issue.

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Refusal of commercial offer

In business, there are cases when the proposed conditions do not suit potential partners. Even in such a situation, ethical standards require that the author of the commercial proposal be notified of the refusal and its reasons.

The text contains the following mandatory items:

  • the names of the sender and recipient;
  • greetings;
  • date and number of the incoming letter containing the commercial offer;
  • expressing regret about the impossibility of cooperation;
  • explanation of the reasons for such a regrettable fact. No special details are needed;
  • an expression of hope for cooperation in the future.

Only 7 rules on how to correctly draw up a commercial proposal so that it attracts the attention of the customer:

1. How to prevent your commercial offer from falling into the bin in the first moment

In a few minutes, you will learn perhaps the easiest and fastest way to write an effective commercial offer (PO). Agree, after reading the first sentence, you realized that drawing up a working CP is easy and fast. And you immediately moved on to the second sentence. Here is the essence of this rule: the very first phrase should catch the reader and encourage you to read the next one. And so with each phrase. Go ahead.

It is easier to sell "eye to eye" than by text. The seller has the opportunity to pull the sleeve of the departing buyer and try to correct the situation. The text CP does not have such an opportunity. It should hit the target the first time. Otherwise, it will simply be thrown out.

Video - how to write a selling commercial offer:

When it comes to e-mail distribution, then the very subject of the letter should force you to open the letter. If the CP is sent by regular mail in an envelope, then the catchy phrase should be on the envelope! Bold type and in the most prominent place.

Now look at the work of colleagues. Most of them send a quotation and write something like "KP_253_Paper bags_art.25819-2_Scarlet Sails". Send and immediately call this client.

And if you write like this: Paper bags at the best price inside the letter. Open the letter and check". This subject line sounds more intriguing. Checked more than once: in most cases, the client will open this letter and call back himself. Unless, of course, the content of the letter matches the catchy subject of the e-mail.

2. A modern version of Aristotle's formula

Aristotle is the greatest orator. He taught people such as Napoleon, Lenin and Hitler to conduct a dialogue with the masses. And they knew how to convince people. Here is how a modern version of a penetrating and persuasive speech sounds according to Aristotle's formula:

  • Problem.
  • Promise.
  • Proof.
  • Price.

Make up each of your commercial proposals exactly according to this scheme. Success is guaranteed.

Now decryption.

Persuading someone to buy something name the problem which, in your opinion, torments the buyer. It is not necessary now to say that such a problem does not exist. She is. Otherwise, the client would not have requested a quotation. Otherwise, the idea would not have appeared to make a newsletter with an offer to purchase a product. Every product solves a problem. It just needs to be found and conveyed to the buyer.

Then promise that your product (or service) solves this problem easily, quickly, effortlessly, free, expensive, original, stylish. It doesn't matter how. The main thing is that it is beneficial for the client. Show the customer the benefit of purchasing the product. A benefit is an attractive solution to a previously voiced problem for the client.

Then prove in any reasonable way, that your product will solve this problem. For proof, use the product features that solve the problem.

An example of how to correctly draw up a commercial proposal using the Aristotle formula:

  • Your heels are constantly itchy. Tired of taking off your shoes and scratching them every time?
  • We will help you get rid of this problem forever. The price and simplicity of the solution will pleasantly surprise you. You no longer have to take off your shoes every time your heels itch!
  • Buy carded heel insoles now. Warranty 3 years. Are available.
  • The price is 1652 rubles for a pair of insoles. Today and tomorrow 8% discount.

3. Sell to a customer the way you would sell to your mom.

Imagine your client mentally in front of you and write to him alone, and not to a whole impersonal mass of people. Many do not take this into account, especially on the Internet. Read almost any About Us section. What will you see? An array of cold text directed to space, not to you. By the way, we will discuss the “About us” section a little lower and in more detail.

“Be simple and people will reach out to you.” The meaning of this wisdom is clear to everyone. Remember your purchase of the most expensive thing. The sales manager spoke to you in plain language. This applies to buying trousers and buying a BMW. Everything is always sold in the simplest terms.

Of course, you shouldn’t stoop to the level of a second grader, but you need to understand that the people who read your CP are all so different. Therefore, first think about how to write a commercial offer in simple and understandable words for any adult. Try to avoid abstruse terms that you often don’t understand yourself (and you are a salesman!), and incomprehensible speech turns.

Video - how to make an effective commercial offer:

There is a great welcome. If you want to get into the client's soul, start writing a CV with the words "Dear Mom", and end with the words "I kiss you."

Write a CV as if you were offering to buy something for your mom. Care for the client in this case will flow from every word. This increases the credibility of your CP.

4. Don't sell product features. Sell ​​Benefit From These Features

A dry enumeration of product characteristics to a client can rarely say anything. Most of the time, he doesn't even care about them. The exception is, perhaps, the sale of equipment. But even here it is important not only to convey the list of parameters, for example, of a machine, but also to be sure to tell what benefit this gives the client.

For example, iron. Characteristic: power 2500 W. And what?

And so: “A 2500 W iron is optimal for a family of five. This power allows you to quickly heat up and quickly smooth out any creases.” Agree, it's also better and clearer. It is immediately clear that this iron is for a large crowd of people. In this way, by connecting the figurative thinking of the client, we reported both the characteristics of the product and the benefits of it.

Always specify the specific benefits that the customer will receive from purchasing the product.

This concept is well confirmed by almost every section "About us" on the websites of companies. What they write there: “team of professionals”, “individual approach”, etc. What is the benefit in all these stamps for the client? None. Therefore, many of this section immediately close and leave the site.

Or you can write like this: “Our sellers are experts in their field. They will quickly find the most comfortable carding insoles for you at the best price. Tell us when and where to bring it all, and we will arrive exactly at the appointed time! Our delivery department works like clockwork. We think only of you. This is our individual approach to everyone.”

5. How to contact? To "you" or to "you" ... Or to "you"

These are the standards. If the offer is addressed to more than one person, then write " You". If the CP is personal, then contact " You».

But there are often cases when it is very desirable to apply to " You". This can increase the credibility of your commercial offer hundreds of times, and, therefore, increase the chance of a sale. Well, for example.

When it comes to some personal and intimate goods. Let's say cosmetics. Refer to the buyer (hmm, maybe to the buyer, anything can happen ...) to "you". Advise and recommend to her, like a girlfriend to a girlfriend. In most cases this works well.

Video - how to formulate a commercial offer so that everyone understands it and does not refuse the deal:

Or, let's say, a cream to increase what men are so proud of. You should not treat a man who is already tormented by complexes like a surgeon with a scalpel in his hand: “hey you, lie down on the couch, now I will increase it, it doesn’t hurt, be patient.” It is better to recommend such a miracle remedy in a friendly way, turning to “you”. As they say, without undue advertising. This approach will unload the psyche and make the buyer more relaxed and significantly increase the credibility of the CP.

The main thing, if you decide to “poke”, weigh everything carefully and mentally imagine a typical buyer of goods in front of you.

6. What size should the quotation be? Long, medium or short

Here the following dogma has a very strong influence on the situation: the more expensive the product, the longer the CP should be. Basically, it often works. But not always.

If you think hard about the size of the CP and stand at a crossroads, then just read “Rule No. 2” again. Do as it says, without thinking about the length of the text, and your CP will convince many customers to make a purchase.

“The text is like a woman's skirt.

It should be long enough to cover the essentials,

but short enough to be interesting."

This is a very wise saying from one of the geniuses of writing the most effective sales proposals. This person is quite popular, so you can easily find out his name yourself.

7. Mandatory text formatting. One more chance that the commercial offer won't end up in the bin right away.

Pick up a thick book. Scroll through it. If one is not at hand, then remember how you do it. Cover first, that's where the catchy headline should be! Then you start turning the sheets. And you will always linger on the page that stands out from the general mass of text.

It can have anything on it. A photo, just one word, a blank sheet, a title, a table, anything but what the eye clings to. A person will always look for something to cling to in the mass of text. So let the client cling to those words that will hook him.

Having hooked on at least something, a person will begin to read from this place and further. After reading everything, he naturally wants to see what happened at the beginning. And climb to the beginning. And there's a catchy headline. And then there's the first sentence, the second, and so on. To the very place where he began to read.

Therefore, in the text of the commercial offer be sure to make lists, highlight subheadings. Focus on something very important by highlighting the text in a frame.


Statistics has been confirming it with thousands of studies for more than a decade ... Although, why these studies. Just watch yourself and you will notice the following. First we run through the entire text. Then we cling to visual bumps (lists, headings and highlights). And then we move our eyes to the very end.

Therefore, feel free to put at the end of the CP those words that, in your opinion, will work as efficiently as possible. It could be anything. The main thing is that the client is at least the first to get in touch with you after reading the CP. And you didn’t set yourself a reminder on the computer like: “On the 29th, I sent the CP to him for insoles with a carding mechanism, if there is silence, you need to contact.”

When a client is interested in a KP, he will definitely contact himself.

The word can warm, inspire and save,

Make happy and ram the ice.

The word can bring us thousands of troubles,

Insult and ruthlessly hurt.

And so let's say sternly:

“So that there are no unnecessary troubles in life

You have to think, guys, over every word,

For there are no weightless words in the world!

E. Asadov

Video - how to write a commercial offer:

Do you send out commercial offers, but customers do not call? Or did the boss set the task of writing a CP, but there are no ideas? Then we study the issue, look at examples and learn how to create the right commercial offer, the result of which is not sent to the customer's wastebasket, but is reflected in the increasing sales figures of your company.

A commercial offer (CO) is an offer of services provided by one company to another organization or to a specific person. The category of services can include consulting, and the sale of a specific product, and training of the organization's personnel, and the creation of a website, and an offer for the supply of building materials.

Interaction with the client is a certain chain of actions that must be completed before he makes a purchase decision and pays the bill.

Companies that sell a certain product create their own websites, hire managers to call customers, send out offers, create and send product catalogs, develop presentations, and participate in exhibitions. Each of these actions performs its functions in the overall sales system, pursues its own goals and must achieve certain results.

The commercial offer in this chain also has its place and performs specific functions:

  • attracting the attention of a potential client to the service provided by the enterprise;
  • formation of interest in the information presented in the document and in the proposed product;
  • stimulate the desire to purchase the product.

By and large, a commercial offer is an information occasion that can be discussed with a client, which means that it is a method of “opening doors” to a potential partner’s company.

Types of commercial offers

CPs sent to customers at different stages of the sale differ in goals and expected results.

It is directed to completely unfamiliar potential buyers with whom the sales manager has had no prior contact.

Its main characteristics:

  • standard text for customers with an emphasis on offering a product or service;
  • short in volume, and, as a rule, created on one sheet;
  • sent in bulk, which resembles spam mailings.

Such an offer will “hook” those customers who have a need for the product even before they receive the letter.

"Warm" KP

Such an offer is sent after a preliminary call to the client. As a rule, the conversation was short. To complete it faster, it was easier for a potential buyer to request a commercial offer than to listen to information about a product that he does not need yet, or simply does not have time to communicate.

As a result, the sales specialist sends a letter to the potential client, referring to the agreements reached over the phone. By and large, this is still the same “cold” client, but the first contact has already taken place with him. Based on the results of sending, it becomes possible to call again and clarify whether he is ready to discuss the information voiced in the proposal. This gearbox is individual, unlike the "cold" version.

If at the time of the second call of the manager the client did not read the letter, then you can specify the date and time of the second call. So the client begins to get used to communication with the manager. If he is at least a little interested in the text of the proposal and arranges communication with the “salesperson”, there is a chance to continue the dialogue.


All clients are different. The needs of each of them are individual: for some, the product itself is important at a low cost, someone wants to receive the product and delivery, and others focus on the quality of the service or product.

At the moment of communication with the client, in the case of properly built communication, the manager receives information about the specifics of his needs. And if this happened, then the sales specialist has every chance to make an individual commercial offer that will hit right on target. In this case, it is restructured, specific accents are placed, since it is clear which target group the potential buyer belongs to.

The same option is sent if the client has initiated a request for a commercial offer to the company. Often in his address, he clarifies what exactly interests him.

Features of the "hot" offer.

  1. It is sent individually to a specific person or employee of the company, and his name is indicated either in the body of the cover letter or in the proposal structure.
  2. It can be more voluminous, placed on two or more sheets or in the form of a presentation.
  3. The discussion organized by the manager after the client has read the proposal is more substantive and constructive.

Here is an example of a PO that can be sent after discussing all the details of cooperation with a partner.

The structure of the offer

A commercial offer is built according to a certain scheme. Each part has its own tasks. Managers who create this document need to think through each of its structural elements.

The offer includes the following sections:

  • title;
  • offer;
  • belief;
  • limitation;
  • call;
  • contacts;
  • P.S.


The first thing a client sees in a commercial offer is the title. It will take no more than 20 seconds for a person to read it and decide whether to send the letter to the trash or read the entire document. If cold offers are sent to customers, then the headline is almost the only chance to interest them.

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