An example of an essay on the exam according to the text of V.P. Astafieva


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Among the many shameful deeds that I have committed in my life, one is the most memorable to me. In the orphanage, a loudspeaker hung in the corridor, and once a voice was heard in it, unlike anyone else, something that irritated me - most likely just its dissimilarity.

With words of indignation, I pulled the plug of the loudspeaker from the socket. The singer's voice trailed off. The children sympathetically reacted to my act, because I was the most melodious and reading person in the orphanage.

Many years later, in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened to a symphony concert. The musicians of the Crimean orchestra, who had seen and experienced everything in their lifetime, with a glorious, ant-like, young conductor, patiently explained to the public what and why they would play, when, by whom and on what occasion this or that piece of music was written. They did it as if with an apology for their intrusion into the life of citizens being treated at the resort, oversaturated with spiritual values, and the concert began with a dashing overture by Strauss, in order to prepare listeners overworked by culture for the second, more serious part.

But the fabulous Strauss, the fiery Brahms, and the coquettish Offenbach did not help - already from the middle of the first part of the concert, the audience, crowded into the hall for a musical event just because it was free, began to leave the hall. Yes, if only they left him just like that, silently, carefully, no, with indignation, shouting, cursing they left, as if they had deceived them in their best desires and dreams.

The chairs in the concert hall are old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, knocked together in order, and every citizen, having risen from his seat, considered it his duty to slam the seat indignantly.

I sat, shrinking into myself, listening to the musicians straining to drown out the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted to ask for forgiveness for all of us from the dear conductor in a black tailcoat, from the orchestra members, who so hard and stubbornly earn their honest, poor bread , apologize for all of us and tell how I was as a child ...

But life is not a letter; there is no postscript in it. What if the singer whom I once insulted with a word (her name is the great Nadezhda Obukhova) became my favorite singer, that I “corrected” and cried more than once listening to her.

She, the singer, will never hear my repentance, will not be able to forgive me. But, already elderly and gray-haired, I shudder from every bang and rattle of a chair in the concert hall. I am hit in the face by the audience's swearing at the moment when the musicians are trying with all their strength, capabilities and talent to convey the suffering of an early-suffering short-sighted young man in defenseless round glasses.

In his dying symphony, the unfinished song of his aching heart, he has been stretching his hands into the hall for more than a century and crying out with a prayer: “People, help me! Help!.. Well, if you can’t help me, at least help yourself!..»

(According to V.P. Astafiev*)

*Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924 - 2001) - an outstanding Soviet and Russian writer.

Does a person follow moral principles? Does he analyze his actions? Does he understand what is good and what is bad? These and other questions are posed in the text by the writer V.P. Astafiev. However, the author considers in more detail the problem of the influence of a sense of shame on the moral development of a person.

Reflecting on the question posed, the writer recalls a case from his own life when, as a child, he spoke rudely about the song of the great singer and pulled out the plug of the loudspeaker from which her voice could be heard. The author, with undisguised regret, says that this shameful act is the most memorable for him. Many years later, the writer found himself at a symphony concert, where the audience turned out to be extremely dissatisfied with the performance and defiantly slammed their seats. All this caused great suffering to the author, he wanted to tell the speakers about the shameful act of his childhood, he wanted to apologize for all the spectators. And every time he heard the audience swearing, he experienced heartache.

The writer does not directly express his point of view regarding the problem posed, however, we, the readers, are well aware that V.P. Astafiev is convinced that a person needs a sense of shame in order to become better: he admitted his mistakes and tried never to make them again.

Russian classical writers have repeatedly spoken about this in their works. Let us recall the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In this work, one of the main characters, Pierre Bezukhov, was married to Helen Kuragina, who got herself a lover, Fedya Dolokhov. At first, Pierre did not want to believe this, but Dolokhov's impudent behavior during the holiday infuriated Pierre. He challenged his wife's lover to a duel. Having never held a pistol before, Pierre wounded his rival, and at first it even seemed to the hero that he had killed him. A sense of guilt and shame appeared in Pierre. But it was thanks to him that he realized the wrongness of his act, realized that he had made a mistake by marrying Helen, whom he really did not love. He realized that he had deceived both himself and her. Undoubtedly, in this situation, a sense of shame contributed to the moral development of Pierre Bezukhov.

Let me give you another literary example that shows that a sense of shame helps a person to become better. In A. Schweitzer's autobiographical work Life and Thoughts, the writer talks about how, as a child, he liked to imagine himself as an animal tamer. His family had a dog, Phylax, who attacked the postman. The boy chased him into a corner of the yard with a cane, although he could have held the dog without causing him physical pain. Then the child, under the influence of vanity, with a whip forced the old horse to speed up the run. Once, a dog rushed to the boy's sleigh, playing, and the "tamer" hit him with a whip right in the eyes. But after all these cases, the author experienced a strong sense of shame, a feeling of mental pain. Having drawn his conclusions, he no longer allowed himself to inflict suffering on the belly of the being. Therefore, the feeling of shame helps a person to become a better person.

In conclusion, it is important to note: all people make mistakes, everyone has ever committed a shameful act in their life. But, if a person has realized his guilt and experienced a sense of shame, then what happened will benefit him, since a sense of shame and repentance contribute to the moral development of the individual.

Why do some people like classics and others like trendy pop songs? Is it really that important? What is the reason for such a different attitude towards music? These and other questions arise in me after reading the text of V.P. Astafiev.

The writer puts in his text the problem of different attitudes towards music. He gives two examples. The first is a “shameful act” from childhood, when in an orphanage from a loudspeaker he heard a “no one else's” voice. "With words of indignation," the narrator pulled the plug from the outlet. Subsequently, this singer, whose voice caused such irritation, Nadezhda Obukhova, became his favorite singer.

The second example occurred a few years later, in Essentuki. "In the spacious summer hall I listened to a symphony concert." The musicians did their best, playing Strauss, Brahms, Offenbach, but the listeners who came to the concert for free left, swearing loudly and slamming their seats. He felt ashamed and wanted to "ask for forgiveness for everyone." The problem that the author raises made me think deeply about why people treat serious classical music in such a different way.

It has always been so. Not everyone can hear, feel, understand. But there is no need to explain your deafness as the fault of others. The music isn't good enough, the musicians don't play well. You need to see the problem in yourself and respect those who are able to understand the classics.

I share the author's point of view. Today, many of my peers download famous works of great musicians and listen to them. It's a shame not to know Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky. Listening, they discover a new world of music, captivating and bewitching. Of course, there are those who do not take serious music. I don't think they should be forced into it. Both must be respected. Well, and, of course, to understand that the classics will be popular at all times, that's why they are classics. This is music that evokes real feelings, real experiences. Music that helps to take a different look at the world, at life, at oneself. We find examples of this in works of fiction.

In Leo Tolstoy's great epic novel War and Peace, the Rostov family often plays music and sings. I especially remember the episode when Nikolai Rostov, having lost a fortune to Dolokhov, comes home and finds his family in the living room. They listen to Natasha sing. Nicholas sat down and listened. He was surprised how well and sincerely his sister sang. How, to the sound of her voice, you forget about everything, carried away somewhere far from the earth, where there is no meanness and lies. He saw that everyone, like him, felt the same way. Music is a part of the life of the Rostov family. Their every day is filled with the sounds of real serious music.

They also played music in another amazing Turkin family in the story of A.P. Chekhov “Ionych”. Daughter Ekaterina Ivanovna often played the piano in front of numerous guests and was going to go to study at the conservatory. Everyone praised her and assured her of her undoubted talent. In fact, she played very noisily and for a long time. The guests, delighted, could not wait for the end to go to dinner. With the career of a pianist, the heroine did not work out, as well as with Startsev, whom she once refused. The cat, as her family called her, has grown old at the end of the story, often gets sick and plays the piano for four hours every day. Music is also a part of her life, but music of a different kind. In her performance, she becomes artificial, not filled with real experiences, because the heroine did not experience them.

Thus, we see that everyone has a different attitude to music. It depends on the family, on education, on the hobbies of a person and the versatility of his nature. All tastes must be accepted. But those who are able to appreciate and understand real serious music must be respected. Everyone can learn to listen to real music, you just have to make an effort. Appreciate the classics, love it!

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Updated: 2018-01-03

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All people make many mistakes in life. But not everyone is able to admit their guilt in them and ask for forgiveness from the offended. Is it necessary to repent of shameful deeds? It is this problem that V.P. Astafiev in the proposed text.

The author recalls one of the mistakes he made in childhood. At the same time, the writer says: "The guys reacted sympathetically to my act ...". But the residue from a case from childhood remains with V.P. Astafiev for life. Witnessing the disrespectful attitude of the audience towards the musicians at a symphony concert, he wants to “ask forgiveness from the pretty conductor”, “apologize for all of us”.

V.P. Astafiev leads readers to the conclusion that all people should be able to repent of their mistakes.

After all, only in this case, each of us will be able to prevent their repetition in the future.

I cannot but agree with the opinion of the author. Indeed, when a person realizes his guilt in something, asks for forgiveness from those whom he offended, then it immediately becomes easier not only for the offended, but also for him. It is then that there is no discord between conscience and man.

How long sometimes people do not realize their guilt before others. It is enough to recall V. Zheleznikov's story "Scarecrow" to understand this. Classmates of Lenka Bessoltseva considered her a traitor, and therefore allowed themselves to mock this fragile girl. But only when she left the city, the guys realized that it was not Lenka who committed the shameful act, but they.

Let us turn to Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Natasha Rostova does not remain faithful to Prince Bolkonsky, accepting signs of attention from Anatole Kuragin. But the heroine quickly realizes her guilt, feels pangs of conscience for what she has done, and receives forgiveness from Andrey. This distinguishes her from the Kuragin family, whose members have always been indifferent to everything that happens.

After reading the text, I come to the following conclusion: each of us needs to be aware of the wrongness of our actions and recognize shameful mistakes. Only then can a person live in harmony with himself and with his conscience.

Option 2

Revealing this problem, the author reflects on how important it is to be able to repent of actions. V.P. Afanasiev draws attention to the fact that as a child, he committed a very shameful act. He pulled the plug of the loudspeaker from the outlet in front of the guys, for which he repented for the rest of his life very much in front of the singer, who was singing at that moment. The writer also notes that the audience, dissatisfied with the musical performance, left the event with indignation and shouting, for whom the author wanted to apologize.

So the writer convinces us that no matter how terrible the act, it is necessary to correct and repent. Even though a person will not always be forgiven, at least he will not commit such acts again.

It is difficult to disagree with the author's opinion; first of all, I would like to emphasize the idea that people learn not only from their own mistakes, but also from the mistakes of others. Having repented and letting go of the whole situation, you understand all the guilt that has fallen on you.

I am ready to support my position with an argument from the literature. In the work of F.M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” after the murder of the old woman Rodion Raskolnikov is tormented by conscience, an insurmountable barrier with society arises in his mind, all this becomes the hero’s main punishment, and only in hard labor, having abandoned his own theory, does he repent and embark on the path of purification.

Let us turn to the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Stationmaster" Dunya Vyrina left her father, and after his death, having arrived at his grave, she cried for a long time, repented and regretted what she had done.

In conclusion, I would like to note that repentance helps to cope with various troubles, so the ability to admit one's mistakes is a very important trait for a person.

Option 3

Why do so many people today show disrespect to each other? It is the problem of disrespectful attitude towards others that V.P. Astafiev raises in this text. It has been around for a long time, but it is still relevant today.

To draw the reader's attention to this issue, the author tells us about an incident that occurred at a musical event. Crimean musicians gave a concert in Essentuki. They wanted the audience to listen to the prepared performance, to appreciate their efforts, their enormous work, but, unfortunately, no approving actions followed from those. The audience considered the concert boring, uninteresting and, showing disrespect, began to leave it "with indignation, shouting", "slamming their seat" to leave.

A vivid literary example confirming my position can be the comedy of D.I. She does not respect anyone around her. Her son Mitrofanushka grows up the same person as she grows up, he takes an example from his mother.

In the work of A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" Famusov is an official who cares only for nobility and wealth. He communicates with people only with the highest rank. Famusov treats ordinary peasants disrespectfully. He insults and humiliates them in every possible way.

Viktor Astafiev. The story "Postscript" *
Among the many shameful deeds that I have committed in my life, one is the most memorable to me. There was a loudspeaker in the corridor of the orphanage, and one day a voice was heard in it, unlike anyone else, something that irritated me - most likely just because of its dissimilarity.

"Ha, blimba! Yelling like a stallion!” - I said and pulled the plug of the loudspeaker from the socket. The singer's voice trailed off. The children sympathetically reacted to my act, because I was the most melodious and reading person in my childhood.

... Many years later in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened to a symphony concert. All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra who had seen and survived in their lifetime with the glorious, ant-like, young conductor Zinaida Tykach patiently explained to the public what and why they would play, when, by whom and on what occasion this or that piece of music was written. They did this as if with an apology for their intrusion into such a life of citizens oversaturated with spiritual values, who are being treated and simply fattening at the resort, and the concert began with a dashing Strauss overture to prepare listeners overworked by culture for the second, more serious part.

But the fabulous Strauss, the fiery Brahms, and the coquettish Offenbach did not help - already from the middle of the first part of the concert, the audience, crowded into the hall for a musical event just because it was free, began to leave the hall. Yes, if only they left him just like that, silently, carefully - no, with indignation, cries, abuse they left, as if they had deceived them in their best desires and dreams.

The chairs in the concert hall are old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, knocked together in order, and every citizen, having risen from his seat, considered it his duty to slam the seat indignantly.

I sat, shrinking into myself, listening to the musicians straining to drown out the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted to ask forgiveness for all of us from the dear conductor in a black tailcoat, from the orchestra players, who so hard and stubbornly earn their honest, poor bread , apologize for all of us and tell how I was as a child ...

But life is not a letter; there is no postscript in it. What if the singer whom I once offended with the word, her name - the great Nadezhda Obukhova - became my favorite singer, that I "corrected" and cried more than once listening to her.

She, the singer, will never hear my repentance, will not be able to forgive me. But, already elderly and gray-haired, I shudder from every bang and rattle of a chair in the concert hall. Swearing hits me in the face at the moment when the musicians are trying with all their strength, capabilities and talent to convey the suffering of an early-suffering short-sighted young man in defenseless round glasses.

He, in his dying symphony, the unfinished song of his aching heart, has been stretching his hands into the hall for more than a century and crying out with a prayer; “People, help me! Help!.. Well, if you can’t help me, at least help yourself!..»

  • POSTSCRIPTUM, -a, m. (book). Postscript in a letter after the signature, denoted by the letters P. S. [from the Latin post scriptum "after written"].

Viktor Astafiev.

The story "Postscript"

Of course, not every person has an understanding of art, but this understanding must be strived for. Enrich spiritual world, everyone should expand the horizons of their worldview man of culture. And it happens very bitterly for those people who, locking themselves only on the material side of life, do not feel the need for spiritual enrichment. As a result, the degradation of the personality, the manifestation of boorish behavior, aggressive attacks. lack of spirituality it can be militant when it vehemently denies everything that it has no idea about.


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Lesson topic:

Preparation for writing an essay-reasoning on the text of V.P. Astafiev “Postscript»

Lesson topic:

Preparation for writing an essay on the text read
1. Teaching purpose of the lesson: to form the ability to work on an essay based on the text read, the skills to identify the author's position and design the interpretation of the work;

2. Developmental goal: to develop mental activity, creative abilities of students, receptive-analytical text skills.

3. Educational goal: to form a civic position, a sense of responsibility for one's actions.

to form moral orientations for the recognition of true and false values, the education of a healthy lifestyle

Lesson type: combined with the use of ICT

Type of lesson: lesson-research

Form: commented text reading

Equipment: multimedia installation, PC, W.A. Mozart “Fortieth Symphony”; presentation on V.P. Astafiev;

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1. Organizing moment. Greetings.
The topic of today's lesson speech development:

“Preparation for writing an essay-reasoning on the text miniatures by V.P. Astafieva "P.S from the book “Zatesi”.

2. Motivation of activity.

The topic is quite relevant for every student sitting here. Each of you knows that at the final exam in Russian you will have to write an essay based on the text you read. But not everyone probably knows the ancient Greek wisdom: "A language that is wise with knowledge will not stumble." This is exactly what we will need so much at a decisive moment for us.

2. Reading the epigraph

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A high culture of speech is the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey one's thoughts by means of language ... S.I. Ozhegov

3. Activation of knowledge.

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1). What is included in the concept of "good speech"?

(Rich, precise, expressive)

Teacher: indeed, a good, rich speech of a person is characterized by the masterful use of various means of artistic expression in speech.

3. Let's spend thesaurus warm-up
1) Transferring the meaning of the word (hidden comparison)


2) A figurative and expressive technique in which two phenomena, two concepts, two objects are compared with each other.


3) The arrangement of words, phrases, expressions in ascending or descending order of any sign, meaning, shade.


4) Repetition of a significant element at the beginning of each segment of speech.


5) Violation of the usual order of words or phrases in a sentence.


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Raise your hands, who's got it right)

4. Reading the text of V.P. Astafiev. ( The music of W.A. Mozart “Fortieth Symphony” sounds)

V.P. Astafiev "Postscript"

Among the many shameful deeds that I have committed in my life, one is the most memorable to me. There was a loudspeaker in the corridor of the orphanage, and one day a voice was heard in it, unlike anyone else, something that irritated me - most likely just because of its dissimilarity.
"Ha! Yelling like a stallion!” - I said and pulled the plug of the loudspeaker from the socket. The singer's voice trailed off. The children sympathetically reacted to my act, because I was the most melodious and reading person in the orphanage.
... Many years later, in Essentuki, in a spacious summer hall, I listened to a symphony concert. All the musicians of the Crimean orchestra who had seen and survived in their lifetime with the glorious, ant-like, young conductor Zinaida Tykach patiently explained to the public what and why they would play, when, by whom and on what occasion this or that piece of music was written. They did it as if with an apology for their intrusion.
into such a life of citizens oversaturated with spiritual values, who are treated and simply fattening at the resort, and the concert began with a dashing Strauss overture in order to prepare listeners overworked by culture for the second, more serious part.
But the fabulous Strauss1, the fiery Brahms2, and the coquettish Offenbach3 did not help - already from the middle of the first part of the concert, the audience, crowded into the hall for a musical event only because it was free, began to leave the hall. Yes, if only they left him just like that, silently, carefully - no, with indignation, cries, abuse they left, as if they had deceived them in their best desires and dreams.
The chairs in the concert hall are old, Viennese, with round wooden seats, knocked together in order, and every citizen Rising from his seat, he considered it his duty to slam his seat indignantly.
I sat huddled in myself, listened to the musicians straining to drown out the noise and swearing in the hall, and I wanted to ask forgiveness for all of us from the dear conductor in a black tailcoat, from the orchestra players, who so hard and stubbornly earn their honest, poor bread, to apologize for all of us and tell how I was in childhood ...
But life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it. What if the singer whom I once offended with a word, her name is Great Nadezhda Obukhova, became my favorite singer, that I “corrected” and cried more than once listening to her.
She, the singer, will never hear my repentance, will not be able to forgive me. But, already elderly and gray-haired, I shudder from every clap and rattle of a chair in the concert hall ... (364 words) (V.P. Astafiev. Postscript)

Goal setting: prepare for writing an essay - reasoning on the text read by V.P. Astafiev.

The deeper we can dive into the text, the more successful the work of writing an essay will be.

In the process of analyzing the text, you, dear guys, make notes in workbooks for preparing for the exam in accordance with the criteria for writing an essay-reasoning. This will serve as your working material for writing an essay.

Teacher: So at home you prepared an analysis of the text by V.P. Astafieva "P.S from the book “Zatesi”.

What is the meaning of the words " postscript" and "zatesi"

vocabulary work

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Zatesi(Siberian dialect, regional word) - notches, marks made with an ax on a tree.

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Teacher: Victor Petrovich explained the choice of the title of the book as follows: “... in order to overtake a running contemporary, busy with work, cloaked in everyday life, in our vain age.”
Teacher- We will return to these words at the end of the lesson and explain the meaning of the title of the work of V.P. Astafiev.

5. Student activities. Work with text.

1) What impression did the text make on you?

(It caused feelings of bitterness, resentment, shame. The text made me feel ashamed of my compatriots, think: “Isn’t it true that I sometimes do “shameful deeds”?”)

2) How does V.P. Astafiev to achieve such a strong emotional impact on the feelings of readers?

(Through the formulation of an important problem, one's own assessment of the events described, the masterful use of artistic means of expression)

3. Let us formulate one of the problems of the text.

(The problem of people's soulless attitude to classical music, to art.

The problem of the underdevelopment of the human soul and, as a result, the ability of a person to commit “shameful deeds”)

Problem responsibility for one's behavior, for the actions of "near and far".

The problem of human spiritual development.

The problem of thoughtlessness in committing acts in adolescence


- What are the problems you named? ….


-Let's comment on the problem.

(These problems are relevant today, when more and more often we meet with the inability of people to listen to classical music., We replace it with fashionable, one-day music.

We see examples of lack of spirituality, thoughtless actions everywhere: adults are disrespectful to each other, children are disrespectful to their elders, society is experiencing a shortage of mercy.

That is why Astafiev is modern and, in particular, his story « P.S"

The writer is merciless both to himself and to his compatriots, he is not afraid of the truth, no matter how bitter it may be, he does not hide behind the text. Behind each line one can feel the complex, mournful feeling of Viktor Petrovich, the author's intonation. V.P. Astafiev has deep respect for people who bring culture to the masses.

Let's prove it with examples from the text:

Author creates the image of a small and fragile conductor, using only diminutive and caressing words: “... I wanted to ask for forgiveness for all of us from a cute conductor in a black tailcoat”, “... a young conductor looking like an ant”.

- Is the comparison of a conductor with an ant accidental?

(Not by chance: the same hardworking, stubborn, persistent)

(“they patiently explained what and why they would play”, “they did it as if with apologies”, “the concert began with a dashing Strauss overture”)

The exceptional lack of spirituality of those who came, as the author accurately put it, to the “musical event” is striking. It is difficult to penetrate such insensitive listeners with the beautiful music of Strauss, the ardent, lively Brahms, the coquettish Offenbach. Astafiev is ashamed of his compatriots (“I was sitting, shrinking into myself”, “I shudder from every clap and rattle of a chair”), their ugly, shameful act is angrily condemned by the author, That's whywith irony repeatedly he calls those who came to the symphony concert citizens.

- Explain the word " citizen"

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A citizen is a person belonging to the permanent population of a given state, enjoying its protection and endowed with a set of rights and obligations.

Does the behavior of those present meet the definition of "citizen"?

(“... And every citizen, having risen from his seat, considered it his duty to slam his seat indignantly,” and yet the chairs in the hall are old, Viennese. And is it really the fulfillment of civic duty to “slam the seat indignantly”, to leave the hall with indignation?

Teacher: - What type/types of speech does V.P. Astafiev use in the text?

( The leading type of speech is reasoning. Narrative and description are interspersed in the typological model of the text.

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Reasoning: 1) The author discusses the problems posed by him 2) The thesis is enclosed in a sentence-statement: a conscientious person remembers a shameful act all his life. Conclusion: “But life is not a letter; there is no postscript in it.”

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Narration : Using the narrative, the author talks about his shameful act and the act of vacationers in Essentuki (in an orphanage, once, many years later).

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TO description V.P. Astafiev turns when he conveys his state of mind and creates the image of a young and small conductor Zinaida Tykach, “glorious, like an ant”

Teacher: The choice of the typological model was influenced by the theme and idea of ​​the text, they also determined the style of work.

-What vocabulary does Astafiev use in the text?

(The text combines words belonging to different functional styles: bookish and colloquial (colloquial: “dashing”, “swearing”, “stallion”, “yelling”, “conductor”, “bryak”, “shrinking” and others; bookish: “lust”, “deed”, “citizens”, “event”, etc.).

-What is the text style? (Artistic journalism)

- Genre? (This is a philosophical essay)
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This is a philosophical essay, since the text is small in volume, it expresses individual impressions, subjectively colored, there is no claim for an exhaustive interpretation of the problem raised, the style of the text is figurative and emotional, there is a focus on colloquial intonation and vocabulary, typical essay techniques are used : comparisons, parallels, polyunion, reflections of the author)

- What figurative means in order to enhance expressiveness does the author use?

(Viktor Petrovich prefers epithets (“with a dear conductor”; “honest, poor bread”; “dashing overture”, “shameful act”

Inversions (“I said and pulled it out”; “they seemed to do it with apologies”; “I listened to a symphony concerto”)

Gradations ( “they left ... with indignation, shouts, abuse”; “just like that, silently, carefully”)

Antithesis ( musicians are opposed to vacationing citizens)

The author condemns the behavior of the concert listeners, therefore, using epithets and antithesis, he creates the image of those in love with art, musicians “who have seen and experienced everything in their lifetime”, “who earn their honest, poor bread so hard and stubbornly”, but still striving to introduce the audience to the beautiful, and citizens who are “oversaturated with spiritual values”, “treated and simply fattening at the resort” , “overworked by culture”, “crammed into the hall for a musical event only because it is free”.

- What is the role of lexical repetition(“... started leave hall. Yes, if only they left…. With indignation, cries, abuse left…”).

(They did not just quietly leave the hall , defiantly, their behavior causes disrespect, indignation, condemnation ....)

What words seem to you as occasional formations of the writer?

(Occasionalisms: “knocked together in a contract”, “dissimilarity)

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(Occasionalisms -

Life is not a paper where you can easily put P.S. It goes by quickly, sometimes a person does not have time to correct his mistakes)

- Explain the meaning of the title of the book "zatesi".

(V.P. Astafiev makes such marks on our hearts, in our minds - remember: you are a person, and this obliges you to a lot)

5. Stage of interpretation of the results of the conducted analytical conversation.

6 paragraph:(At the end of the prose miniature, Viktor Petrovich returns to the past: “…I wanted to‹…›apologize for all of us and tell how I was in my childhood…”.

Teacher: The author committed a shameful act in adolescence, realized the mistake and repented. In the concert hall, adults, respectable people cursed and made noise (here it is appropriate to recall the second lexical meaning of the word citizen is an adult ).

When will they correct their mistakes? But “... life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it”).

(How would you title this text? Why? (“There is no postscript in life”, or “Postscript”, succinctly and concisely, as the miniature by V.P. Astafyev is called in the book “Zatesi”. Most of the texts in this book have the same simple titles: “Window”, “Cemetery”, “Vision”, “Limit”, “Fear”, “Spell”, “Music”, “Sigh”…).

P.S consists of the Latin prefix post - after, under and the root (script) script - to write, literally: “after what is written”, a postscript in a letter after the signature, denoted by the letters P.S.

Zatesi(Siberian dialect, regional word) - notches, marks made with an ax on a tree. Such meta makes V.P. Astafiev is in our hearts, in our minds - remember: you are a person, and this obliges you to a lot. Victor Petrovich explained the choice of the title of the book as follows: “... in order to overtake a running contemporary, busy with work, cloaked in everyday life, in our vain age.”

- What is your guys' position in relation to the problem considered by the author in the text?

Find examples in the literature that support your opinion.

1) V. Peskov The story of a woodpecker ...

2) K. Paustovsky “Old cook”

- For what we should be grateful to the author after reading the text?

Idea: V.P. Astafiev strives to save a person from moral losses, “shameful deeds”. After reading the text, a contemporary will think about the feeling. Maybe there will be a desire and understanding to take care of one's soul, about one's spiritual development, a desire will be born to learn to understand the good and beautiful. According to V.P. Astafiev, this is probably the path to happiness. It is no coincidence that in “The Last Bow” the hero of Viktor Petrovich says: “However, you are happy, kid. Not fate - share, happy soul. Beautiful and good to see, maybe there is happiness in this. Who knows?".

7. Analytical-synthetic task.

And now another text is brought to your attention (K. Paustovsky's story "The Old Chef" sounds to the accompaniment of Mozart's "Fortieth Symphony"). Consider what this text has in common with V.P. Astafiev? Does it belong to the pen of Viktor Petrovich? Try to justify your answer. (The works are united by the theme, but the idea is different - when the human soul is alive, music is able to work miracles, move a person in space and time, as happened with an old cook who had long lost his sight. The music helped the old man see Martha and the old garden with blossoming white flowers. The music recreated a really tangible, "visible" picture. The old man is shocked by the power of music, so before his death he wants to know the name of the Master: "I saw everything as clearly as many years ago. But I would not want to die and not know. Name. Name!". The music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is unusually expressive and really capable of awakening the imagination of even an unprepared listener. The power of music lies in its extraordinary emotional impact on a person. This is exactly what Paustovsky's story is about. It is for this reason that a verbal description of sounding music is introduced into the lyrical novel - and it was also done with talent.This work conveys the human desire for perfection, affirms goodness and justice. With the power given “not from God, but from art”, which Mozart serves, he facilitates the last moments of the dying. Art actively affirms the good.

Paustovsky demonstrates the art of verbal painting. Color painting, sound writing, the simplicity of the author's narration, snapshots of the soul, the combination of the psychological state of a person and the state of nature - everything works for the idea of ​​the novel. The title of the story is simple - "The Old Chef". The cook is old, but his soul is young. The old chef lives with inspiration and happiness until his last breath).

Astafiev's books have been translated into many languages. On November 29, 2002, a memorial house-museum of Astafyev was opened in the village of Ovsyanka and a monument to the great writer was erected. In 2006, another monument to Viktor Petrovich was erected in Krasnoyarsk. In 2004, on the Krasnoyarsk-Abakan highway, not far from the village of Sliznevo, a brilliant forged "Tsar-fish" was installed, a monument to the story of the same name by Viktor Astafyev. Today it is the only monument in Russia to a literary work with an element of fiction.

8. Summing up the work.

Reflection of educational activity using speech cliches.

Let's read the options for working material for writing an essay.
I wish you success in writing an essay based on the text you read at home, and remember: Language is our tool; when putting it into motion, care should be taken that the springs in it do not creak.

9. Homework: write an essay on reading
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