Examples of installation from objects. Modern design of a water closet or what is an installation


creative experiment

art class in 7th grade.


installation(English installation - installation, placement, installation) - a form of contemporary art, which is a spatial composition created from various ready-made materials and forms (natural objects, industrial and household items, fragments of textual and visual information) and is an artistic whole. Entering into various extraordinary combinations, the thing is freed from its practical function, acquiring a symbolic function. The change of contexts creates semantic modifications, a play of meanings. The size of installations varies from extremely small, where you can only look with one eye, to several halls in large museums. The installation, in contrast to flat paintings and single objects, focuses on the creation of interior space.

In the textbook on fine arts of the Nemensky school for grades 7-8, not much information is devoted to the installation. However, it is enough to give students an idea about this modern art form and generate interest.

I decided to plan a series of lessons as an experiment for 7th grade children on the topic: “Panel-installation”, and see:

    What topics will students choose for their work?

    What materials will be used

    What emotional load will their panels carry?

    How developed are children's imagination and imagination

    What direction from life experience will be reflected in the work

    How aesthetically, neatly, harmoniously and tastefully they will be executed.

I also explained to the children that the most interesting works will be considered final for the 7th grade course, and highly appreciated.

First lesson plan:

Goals: introduce children to the installation - a new form of contemporary art;

To give an idea of ​​the diversity of installations in the contemporary art world.

Tasks: decide on the choice of the topic of future work;

Consider materials and their location;

Make a preliminary sketch.

    Introductory part -3 min

    View video sequence: "Types of installation in contemporary art" - 8 min

    Selecting a topic from those proposed by the teacher: 4 min.

    • Electronics



    • Trips

      Countries and peoples



      Machines and mechanisms

      Stones and minerals



    • sewing business


      Other of your choice

4.Practical work - sketching - 25 min

5. final part - consultation with the teacher, evaluation of sketches - 5 min.

Materials: album, simple pencil.

Homework: prepare material for the next lesson according to the planned work.

Second lesson plan:

Goals: to acquaint children with the rules for working with waste material;

Tasks: to teach the ability to distribute material along the plane of the panel according to the sketch;

Use different types of glue, following safety precautions.

1. Introductory part -3 min

2.Practical work - making a panel - 40 min

a) Performing a background background -10 min

b) Detailing with foreground objects -30 min

5. The final part - saving the work for drying -2 min.

Materials: sketchbook, scrap material: sewing accessories, furniture accessories, dry plants, badges, brooches, beads, boxes, nail polish bottles, lipsticks, broken mobile phones and gadgets, medals, coins, mini-toys, fabric, plastic, metal products, old crafts, photographs, illustrations, etc.; glue - Moment, Dragon, Master, PVA, etc.

Homework: Finish the work, sketch out a plan for protecting your work:

    Why did you choose this topic?

    Job title?

    What materials did you use?

    Where can I apply the finished panel?

Third lesson plan:

Goals: Orient students to public speaking, protection of their own creative work.

Tasks: to teach children to determine the significance of their work, logically confirm the choice of topic and selection of material, give a name to their creative work and determine its further application.

    Introductory part - 1 min

    Protection of works - 2 minutes for each work (40 minutes)

    The final part is grading, taking into account the opinion of the group of classmates.

From the best works in the hall of the institution, an exhibition is organized with an informative stand - information about the art of installation.

Conclusions: In the course of the creative experiment, we managed to find out the following:

    Children are interested in the theme of the installation, they were happy to do the work.

    At home, the guys have accumulated a lot of old small unnecessary things that it is a pity to throw away, and many interesting installations can be made from them.

    In the work on the panel, the creative abilities of those children were revealed, for whom lessons in painting and graphics are given with difficulty, and there is no particular interest in the subject.

    Girls mostly chose topics: fashion, music, nature, cosmetics, cooking, sewing, family, animals. The boys created in the following areas: electronics, sports, tourism, cars and mechanisms, travel, friends. There was a series of unexpected topics: a quarrel, the world of dinosaurs, space, grandmother's secrets, table setting, a baby.

    The guys presented their work with pleasure, but many were embarrassed to speak in public, there are guys with speech problems and it was difficult for them to meet the regulations.

    Some of the guys found it difficult to decide on the name of their work. But everyone decided on the further use: I will give mom, dad, grandmother, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, etc .; I will decorate the kitchen, living room, bedroom, corridor, etc.; parents will decorate the workplace, office, salon, etc.; gift to a friend.

The word "installation" appeared in the Russian language relatively recently. It is borrowed from the English vocabulary and has a number of meanings.

Installation art

In the visual arts, this is the name of a modernist work that uses ready-made parts or objects. For example, plastic bottles, buttons, old magazines.

They are combined in a special way and placed in space. As a result, familiar things take on a new meaning.

An installation is also called an artistic technique of composition. When an exhibit or their combination is placed in the hall, creating a certain structure similar to the stage one.

Do not confuse installation with environment. Installation is just a technical point in creating an exhibition composition. And the environment is a modern art form.

This is one of the most "advanced" art practices. In which a team of artists, architects, engineers creates a holistic, non-utilitarian art space.

Term for programmers

For those who use a computer, the word "installation" is also familiar. This is the time it takes for software to be installed on a computer. The installation is started using a special program, recorded, for example, on a CD.

The installation process runs automatically. The user only makes a choice of some settings and the computer disk on which the program will be stored. The installation includes the placement and creation of files necessary for the normal operation of the program.

Installation and service

The word "installation" is also used by those involved in the installation and maintenance of equipment. It can be different: medical, drilling, refrigeration.

When the equipment is complex, it must not only be delivered and installed, but also brought to working condition. Make adjustments and adjustments. The specialist must be well versed in the equipment itself, have extensive knowledge in the field of its application.

Installation for the "white friend"

This technical term takes on a slightly different meaning when it comes to plumbing fixtures. Particularly about toilets.

Recently, toilet bowls have been in great demand, which are not attached to the floor, but to the wall. They are more practical to use, take up little space, and are hygienic. Mounts for wall-mounted toilets are also called installations.

They are constantly improving. There are designs that allow you to adjust the height of the toilet.

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Pros and cons of toilet installations: is the game worth the candle?

Aesthetically pleasing designAll communication pipes are hidden in a false box, wall or partition cavity
Space savingConventional toilets take up much more space and are set indented from the wall. The suspended structure will take only 30 centimeters in width.
Floor decoration and cleaningYou don't have to cut the tiles and lay them out piece by piece around the toilet. It is very convenient to wash the floor.
Ease of flushingDesign features make flushing more intense. On such devices, double buttons are usually put, this saves water.
Installation variabilityThe installation can be installed almost anywhere, so you can apply the most daring design project.
StrengthThe most important fear, how reliable the design is, is easy to dispel if you look at the technical characteristics of the suspended structure. They are able to withstand loads up to 400 kilograms!
PriceThe difference in cost with a conventional toilet is almost four times. Think about how justified the purchase of such an expensive design.
Difficulties in repairWhen deciding how to choose a wall hung toilet, give preference to European brands. It is better to buy an expensive product than to endlessly spend money on repairing Chinese counterparts.
Difficulty in installation and replacementAn ordinary toilet can be installed with your own hands in a couple of hours. It will take more time and special tools to install the installation. And the replacement of the structure will require a major overhaul of the entire premises.

So, which is better: an installation or a regular toilet? It's up to you, but the popularity of such installations is growing every day, and this suggests that in practice more and more people choose this type of installation.

What is the importance of the installation dimensions of the toilet

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of models of different shapes and colors. But with the dimensions of the hanging toilet, everything is simpler - they usually have standard indicators of 37x48x38 centimeters. There are deviations from these dimensions - the dimensions of the toilet bowl with the installation for people with a lot of weight can be ten centimeters larger. Accordingly, installations for such devices will require special ones. They must withstand significant loads.

What differences can be found:

  • the cistern is mounted separately from the toilet on a stand. It is installed on a structure built into the wall. The dimensions of installations for a wall-mounted toilet bowl depend on the size of the tank;
  • compact models, in this case, the length of the toilet bowl with the installation does not exceed 68 centimeters.

Thus, the size of the installation toilets is not a hindrance. For compact designs or for specialized devices of large size, a suitable support base can be selected.

Hanging toilets with installation: which ones are better to choose?

The choice of a toilet bowl for installation should be approached with all responsibility. It is important that the fasteners of the structure are reliable, designed for the entire largest member of the family. All components of the tank must fit perfectly and work without failure. Consider the three types of best toilet installations:

blockIt is a construction of a plastic tank, reinforced with fittings and a toilet bowl. Installation requires a solid wall. Hidden behind decorative trim.Low price, easy to installIn the absence of a load-bearing wall in the room, installation is not possible.
frameA distinctive feature of this installation is the presence of a solid steel frame with fasteners for installing a toilet bowl and a water drain system. It can have three types of fastening: to the wall in four places (a main wall is required); to the floor on stable paws; to the floor and to the wall in two places.Stability and reliability of the design, the ability to install in the absence of a load-bearing wallOverall design, takes up a lot of space and requires massive decorative trim
cornerPlaced on the inner corner of the room, can be attached to the wall or mounted on legs-supportsSignificantly saves free space and adds originality to the interior.High price

How to choose installations for a wall-hung toilet? What should you pay attention to? First of all, establish whether the room has a solid load-bearing wall. If they consist of wood and slabs, or are laid out in one, structures with wall fasteners are not suitable.

Advice! For mounting the installation, it is best to use anchor bolts. The best wall hung toilets come with dowels and bolts. But in this case, it is better to play it safe and buy reliable fasteners.

The type of installation, no doubt, affects the choice of wall-hung toilets. The easiest way is to fix the device to the floor, but the floor must also have a good load-bearing capacity. Pay attention to how the structure is fixed. She shouldn't wobble. Please note that during use, even a small backlash can turn into a serious problem, which will result in a repair of the sewer system.

So, is it possible to unequivocally answer the question, which installation is better for the toilet? The best one is the one that suits the conditions of your apartment or house. Block - if there is a sufficiently strong frame wall - if the floors in the room allow you to firmly fix the device. Corner - if the bathroom is small.

Arguments for skeptics

There are always people who insist on using traditional methods, including in terms of installing plumbing. They will give you a lot of arguments to dissuade you from using the latest technology. Here are the main ones:

  • The design may not withstand the increased load. The opinion of experts: the ceramic bowl of the toilet can withstand 400 kilograms of weight, and this is not the ultimate strength. The steel frame firmly fixes all the components of the device.
  • If you need minor repairs to plumbing, you will have to do a major overhaul of the bathroom, as it is necessary to demolish the false box. Expert opinion: a removable panel is installed in the decorative wall for free access to the tank and the tap that shuts off the water. For repairs, it is enough to turn off the water and replace the necessary parts. Give preference to plumbing of well-known brands, and such a procedure may not be necessary at all.

  • The installation takes up a lot of space. Expert opinion: a standard toilet requires much more space, since it is necessary to step back from the wall and make a joint with a sewer pipe. Suspended structure mounted directly on the wall.
  • Hanging toilet bowls are still rare and it is difficult to find the necessary spare parts in the event of a breakdown. Expert opinion: the main parts of suspended structures are standard and interchangeable. If you do not find a spare part of this particular company, it is easy to find an analogue.
  • Hanging toilet bowls look somehow too .... But there is no answer to this argument. Yes, they look really modern and neat. You can't write anything here.

Related article:

Rating and prices: toilet installation manufacturers

So, the choice in favor of suspended plumbing has been made. The question arises: which company is better to choose a hanging toilet? Are there manufacturers with a high reputation and time-tested quality of products?

Advice! When choosing a device, pay attention to the metal from which the installation is made. It should not bend even with considerable effort.

Manufacturing defects suffer mainly from Chinese models. Such designs are not reliable. Given the considerable cost of devices, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product. Saving a couple of thousand, you risk getting a hefty repair bill in the future.

For complete confidence in the quality of the products, you will need a European installation for the toilet. The rating of manufacturers of such products looks like this:

1st place - plumbing company Geberit

The Swiss manufacturer is a leader in the sanitary ware market. More than half of the embedded devices sold in Europe are from Geberit. The range of the company includes not only installations for toilets, bidets and sinks. Touchless flushing devices and sensor faucets are very popular. Models of installations are distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors. All metal parts of the installations are coated with an anti-corrosion compound. Drain valves operate almost silently. Plumbing is protected from leaks by a special design.

The manufacturer gives a 10-year warranty on the products. There are many service centers in Russia that serve this plumbing and offer any spare parts.

2nd place - Ideal Standard products

Plumbing of this company is made in Germany. Users note the excellent quality of products and a democratic approach to pricing. The company's designers offer non-standard solutions for fastidious customers. The models of this manufacturer are especially in demand for small bathrooms, as they have small dimensions in comparison with the products of other companies.

3rd place - Grohe

Models of the German company are distinguished by their modern design and ease of installation. They are very technical - in the installations there are adjustments for selecting the optimal height. Probably, for this reason, installations are among the most expensive.

4th place - Tece products

Very reliable German Tece installations are protected from corrosion by a special coating. Some parts are made of wear-resistant plastic. All this is combined into an attractive product design.

5th place - Gersanit

Polish plumbing has an attractive cost and decent quality. The company offers installations complete with ceramics, such kits cost the buyer less than buying parts separately.

6th place - Alkaplast installations

A manufacturer from the Czech Republic offers installations for any plumbing. The products have European quality, but the cost is quite affordable for the average buyer. All designs have customization options, so that the location of the sink, toilet or bidet can be adjusted to the height of the owner.

7th place - Roca

Not the most promoted Spanish brand has earned the respect of customers with its excellent quality. As long as the start-up company has low prices for products, this circumstance should be used.

8th place - bright Vitra

The products of this company are manufactured in Turkey. The company offers sets of installations, a toilet bowl and a microlift. Vitra products are distinguished by their bright design and affordable price.

And now more about the best products of these manufacturers.

GEBERIT Duofix Delta WC installation

The Geberit installation with a toilet bowl included is the best solution for people weighing up to 150 kilograms.

Wisa XS WC Front Basic Features and Installation Reviews

The installation for the Wisa toilet is made in the Netherlands. In the reviews, users note the high quality of the product and flawless assembly.

The most important thing about the Cersanit Slim&Silent P-IN-MZ-SLIM toilet installation

Cersanit Delfi installations can be mounted directly in front of a wall or partition. The model is equipped with a silent tank filling system. Cersanit installations received many compliments in the reviews for their elegant size and easy installation.

Grohe wall-hung toilet with installation - a particularly durable option

If you are looking for a durable and versatile design, the Grohe installation is for you. User reviews note economical water consumption and great opportunities for connecting to engineering systems.

Mepa installations: reviews and cost

ModelDescriptionCharacteristicsPrice, rub
Mepa 514306The Mera installation was included in the rating of wall-mounted toilet bowls for its high quality materials and well-thought-out engineering solution. All necessary fasteners for installation are included. Due to the high legs, the installation can be mounted when pouring the floor of the bathroom. The tank is made of wear-resistant plastic and has a double drain button.Type of installation - suspended, floor

Tank volume - 7.5 l

Dimensions - 115x50x15.5

Material - galvanized steel


The Mera frame is not painted over - this is the company's calling card. All products of this company comply with European standards.

Villeroy & Boch installation features

The frame structure is powder coated. Button functions can be transferred to the tap-off part.

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In our review, we will consider the types of installation systems, their pros and cons, how to properly install the structure, and useful expert advice.

Recommendations from professionals: how to install a wall-hung toilet with installation

First of all, you need to choose the right place to install the toilet. It should be sufficiently removed from and oriented to existing risers. There are several non-standard solutions:

  • you can install a toilet under the window, this will require a low installation with a height of 80 centimeters;
  • in some cases, double-sided installation is used - on the one hand, the toilet, on the other - the sink;
  • in small rooms, the toilet can be placed in the corner.

After you determine the place for installation, you need to correctly markup. The central axis of the structure is drawn on the wall, then the general contours are marked at the attachment points.

Advice! Don't reinvent the wheel! Before installing the toilet installation, carefully read the instructions. It usually contains a clear installation diagram with all the necessary dimensions.
  • height from frame to floor - 43 cm;
  • height from the floor to the location of the drain button - 100 cm;
  • distance from the wall to the front of the frame - 15 cm;
  • the gap between the tank and the wall is at least 2 cm.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • Marker for marking.
  • Roulette and level.
  • Drill with perforator.
  • A set of keys.
  • Sealant.

Installation sequence

Frame fixationHoles for dowels are drilled in the marked places. The installation is fixed to the wall in 4 places with anchor bolts.
Steel structure installationThe bottom is sequentially fixed, then the top. During installation, you can change the height of the structure. Correct installation is controlled by the level.
Frame fixingAt this stage, it is necessary to check the strength and reliability of fastening. The device must not wobble or bend.

How to connect the installation to the water supply and sewerage

To make the connection, you will need plastic clamps. It is preferable to use copper or polypropylene tubes as adapters. All joints must be filled with sealant. Before installing a false box, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary start-up of the system and make sure that there are no leaks anywhere.


Prior to the installation of the toilet, it is necessary to complete the lining with a decorative panel. The frame can be hidden behind the construction of. For this purpose, it is preferable to use a material with moisture protection. The frame for the false box is made of. Drywall is fixed. After installation, the box can be finished with tiles, plastic or simply plastered and painted with moisture-resistant acrylic paints.

Advice! If ceramic tiles are used for finishing, laying starts from the location of the drain button.

Finish options:

Toilet installation

The toilet is installed last. A few mounting tips:

  • the porcelain and the steel frame should be separated by a cork backing. If not, use silicone sealant;
  • do not overtighten the fasteners, this may crack the bowl. Don't forget the rubber grommets when installing the bolts;
  • the drain button is installed after the installation of the toilet.

This simple algorithm is suitable for mounting any models.

Possible installation difficulties

For your information! If you are concerned about how much weight a wall-hung toilet can hold, check the technical specifications of the installation before buying. Manufacturers indicate in the passport the maximum allowable load.

Results and video installation installation instructions

Wall-hung toilet - a modern touch in bathroom design

The illustration of emotions and the inner world of a person is sometimes simply amazing. Contemporary art, as one of such vivid expressions of the human "I", is proof of this. How many new trends and styles have been created recently in music, architecture and painting! A person, freed from the shackles that previously fettered his consciousness, gives the world his thoughts through works of art.

Installation is one of the trends of modern art, which takes its origins from surrealism. The creator of the installation is Marcel Duchamp, who, at one time, was distinguished by an avant-garde approach to creativity and the world around him in particular. His followers are Joseph Beuys, Robert Rauschenberg, Joseph Kossuth, Edward Kienholz and Ilya Kabakov.

What is the principle of this art form? It's simple - you need to find the meaning of each thing. The installation reveals the ambiguity of each object around us, shows its hidden meanings and features. It is not necessary to choose something beautiful and outstanding, something shocking or defiant for the installation, the object itself is unique, so adherents of this direction look for art in everything. The search for meanings and symbols in the world is the essence of the installation. This does not mean that looking at a thing you need to approach its essence from the side, no, the installation offers to become this thing itself, to penetrate inside it and find out its purpose. The peculiarity of this type of contemporary art is that for each individual person, the thing will find its symbols. That is why the installation as art is exclusive in itself. We are all different and see the world with our own eyes, so our installation will be very individual and sometimes incomprehensible to another person.

Modern installation has different forms, but the most common is sculpture.

It is through forms and volumes that we can more deeply penetrate into the subject. For their creations, the authors use completely simple materials, sometimes even those that, it would seem, cannot be used in art. For example, metal. Emphasizing with the help of color or shape, the creators are trying to convey the meaning to the person.

Some representatives of this art do not construct anything, they simply single out some specific one from the diverse world of objects surrounding a person, and thereby make the layman think about its meaning. For example, huge packages of money. What does each of us see in this story?

House by the sea? Champagne pool? Expensive car? Or maybe just happiness?

It's simple - look around, perhaps the meaning of everything that exists is very close!

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