The principle of playing backgammon is long. How to play short backgammon (rules)


Long backgammon(Backgammon Nardi) - Russian variation of backgammon game. Play online Backgammon long and short on the site, learn the intricacies of the rules and make the right moves.

Long backgammon is a classic board game. Parents teach how to play backgammon for two as a child. Long backgammon is not considered gambling because an experienced player will beat a beginner in matches.

Rules for playing long backgammon

Despite the online format of the game, backgammon remains backgammon. When you start the game for free, you will see a familiar board and figures. The players communicate in Russian - the site is aimed at the Ru audience.

The task of the gamer is to go around it all and return their pieces to the house before the enemy. Reread the rules in full screen, then you will quickly figure out how to play long backgammon online.

Initial arrangement in backgammon

The game is played by two players, each of which has 15 chips. Kruglyachki are arranged in such a way that all fifteen are placed “on the head”. Game pieces are lined up along the edges of the game board.

The starting position in Long backgammon is more “long”, in contrast to Short backgammon, the duration of the game is 9-12 minutes, and not 6-9.

Purpose of the game

The main goal is to move your checkers faster than a real opponent around the entire perimeter of the board to the house and take the checkers off the board.

To better understand the essence of moneygame, you can download free backgammon to your computer.

Board quadrants

These are the basic rules in long backgammon, smoothly start playing this intellectual and thinking game. Tip for beginners in backgammon: play step by step, considering all the rules of the game. Invite your relatives, friends and acquaintances for free to play together, you will spend a good and pleasant time together, you will feel the spirit of rivalry and excitement.

We play backgammon long online with a real opponent

The development of computer technology leads to the fact that board games are gradually being transferred to a digital format. Long backgammon is no exception, and it is now convenient to play them online, for free (no need to transfer money) and without registration. You no longer need to buy a game set and go looking for an opponent in the yards - just use the Internet and a browser to find a worthy opponent in the Backgammon Online - Yellow Club project in a matter of minutes. Free registration on the portal for playing online backgammon.

Leaving your email, creating an account with registration - you will install classic backgammon 2.0 for two. Modern variations of the game of long and short backgammon have also been developed.

Variety of long backgammon


It is allowed to build a barrier of six checkers only if there is at least one opponent's checker in front of it.
Let's say a "run" barrier, when a block of six checkers is formed during a move, and immediately disassembled.


It is forbidden to block from six "run", that is, to build a deaf block, at any time of the move.


If a player has a double on the dice, he is given the right to make four moves in accordance with the value of the dropped dice, and then the player continues his moves with doubles up to sixes. If a player cannot start playing the discarded double, it is not played and does not pass to the opponent.
It is legal to remove one checker from the head for each double.
The player can take them out only from the fields corresponding to the rolled dice.
At the same time, the player is FORBIDDEN to move pawns in the house.
If the player has brought all the pawns into the house, then the progression of doubles stops.


When a double occurs, if the player was able to make all 4 moves, then he rolls the dice again.
If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the unfinished moves. The opponent takes care of all unplayed moves.

Mad gulbar

In this version of the game, when a double is rolled, the player makes all moves from the double that has fallen to the double of six (for example, when a “four-four” double is dropped, the player moves four times for 4 points, then four times for 5, four times for 6 points).
If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the unplayed moves.
You can walk in the house until the last checker is brought into the house.

When the last checker enters the house on the last (fourth) move of the jackpot, the game of the next jackpot in turn is allowed.
After that, the progression of kush stops.
For example, if a player brought the last checker into the house on the fourth move of a 2-2 jackpot, then he can throw four checkers from field 3 (play a 3-3 jackpot). But he won't be able to play 4-4 anymore.

Khachapuri / Tbilisi backgammon

Modified Gulbar.
There are 11 checkers in the sixth hole at home, 4 in the head.
You can remove as many checkers as you want from your head in one move.
Traditionally, they play with a bet for undiscarded checkers.

Fevga - Hurry

Févga - popular in Greece - the translation is close to the words "Hurry", "Run". This is a game of speed and a good placement of your checkers.

Removal from the head

At the beginning, it is permissible to remove only 1 checker from the head and move only with it. As soon as it passes the opponent's head, it is allowed to remove as many checkers from the head as you like.

If on the first move the jackpot 66, 44, 33 fell out, the second pawn cannot be removed.


In Fevga, it is allowed to build a block of 6 points in a row, even if the opponent's pawn has not advanced. At the same time, you cannot block all 6 points in your starting zone, at least 1 point must be free.

If the opponent collected all 15 checkers in one point just before your block, you must break the block. Also, you cannot build a block of 6 if your opponent has already collected all 15 checkers in the point immediately before the block.

Fevga mad – Giul

If a player has a double on the dice, he is given the right to make four moves in accordance with the value of the dropped dice, and then the player continues his moves with doubles up to sixes.

If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the unplayed moves.
If a player cannot start playing the discarded double, it is not played and does not pass to the opponent. The opponent takes care of all unplayed moves.

If the player has brought all the checkers into the house, then the progression of doubles stops.
You can walk in the house.

Play backgammon long online on computer

Internet backgammon appeared not so long ago, and gamers were initially offered to play with a computer, and not with a real person. Today you can play with real people without registration and for free, using only a browser on a PC and the Internet.

Convenient to play backgammon with computer for kids. Without haste to understand how to play Backgammon for a beginner.

When you enter the game resource, you can see the "Try without registration" button. This is a trial game available to anyone. Interestingly, it is also fought against a real opponent, and not with a computer. The waiting time for an opponent, even on a weekday, is only a few seconds. Thus, such fun becomes great entertainment at lunchtime.

The club offers a large number of interesting opportunities:

  • game with real players;
  • intuitive and simple interface;
  • the ability to play and communicate with gamers from different parts of the world;
  • Mini version for mobile phone;
  • Backgammon and the entire interface in Russian;
  • participation in various tournaments;
  • signup bonuses.

You can play online long backgammon at a convenient time of the day, without leaving your home or office. All online games are free and are played exclusively with real opponents, with whom it is certainly more interesting to play than with a computer. In addition, fun can be downloaded to your phone. Versions available for Android and iPhone.

Backgammon exists in two types - long and short. in Western countries, short backgammon is the most popular, which is also played in most tournaments and is the basis for playing backgammon online. The main difference between the game of short and long backgammon is the initial arrangement of game chips on the board and the drawing of beaten chips. To start the game, each player in turn rolls a dice. This roll determines who goes first and with what numbers he makes that move. If the same values ​​fall out on the dice, they are rolled until different values ​​fall out. In accordance with what has fallen on the dice, the player moves the chips around the board. Then, in order to make a move, each player rolls both dice. The number dropped in total on two dice determines how many points the player will go forward, we remind you. that chips move from high value pips to lower value pips.

Starting from the home of each player, the points are numbered for each player individually. The home is the last quarter for the player, which begins with the point on which there are 5 chips at the beginning of the game. the farthest point is the twenty-fourth, which is also the first for the enemy. In this type of backgammon, each player has exactly 15 chips. When the game begins, they are arranged in this order: two checkers in point 24, five in point 13, three in point 8 and five in point 6.

The goal of the game in short backgammon, the same as in long backgammon, is to remove all checkers from the board, transferring them alternately between points to the house. Accordingly, the game is won by the one who first removes all the checkers from the game. In order to more clearly distinguish between short and long backgammon, we present the basic rules for playing short backgammon.

1. In the game, a checker can only fill an open point - one that is not occupied by two or more opponent's pieces.

2. The numbers that fell on both dice cause different moves. For example, if a player rolls a 3 and a 5, he can move one chip for three points and another for five, or one chip for eight points at once.

3. During the game of backgammon, the player who has two identical numbers on the dice - double, the numbers are played twice. For example, if we get 4-4, then the player makes four moves of four points, and the chips can be rearranged in a different combination - as the player wishes.

4. The player must move with two numbers rolled or four (if a double rolls). If a condition arises when it is possible to play with one number, the player is forced to choose one and play it. If each of the numbers can be played separately. but not two at once, the player must make the next move. When a player does not have the opportunity to make a move, he misses it. Provided that a double falls out, but it is not possible to beat all four moves at once, everything possible is done.

In short backgammon, a point on which there is only one chip is called a blot. And therefore, when the opponent's chip stops at such a point, the blot is considered closed, or beaten. From this it becomes clear that in order to protect the chips, it is necessary to place them twice, and not singly, of course, if the situation allows it. the opportunity to put two chips on one point is determined by rolling the die. The opponent will not be able to beat the doubled chips, and take this point with his own. If the die allows you to go to a point occupied by more than one enemy pawn, then the pawn does not move. But when the six squares in front are occupied by several enemy pieces, your piece is closed and can only move when one of the fields is free. You cannot beat the opponent's piece and move it in the same move so that it is placed in the point with its own piece and becomes doubled. But there is an opportunity to beat and block one of your chips with the help of another, to beat and move to a free point, to beat and throw away a chip. When there are chips on the bar, the most important duty of the player whose checks they are is to launch them into the opponent's house. The chip comes into play for a point equal to the value rolled on the die. For example, if a player gets 6 and 4 in the game, he has the right to put a checker in the sixth or fourth point, provided that there are no opponent's chips on them. If the two points that correspond to the numbers on the dice are occupied, the player is forced to skip his turn.

If it is not possible to return all the checkers to the game, the points disappear. As soon as all the checkers are back on the board, you can move in the usual way, moving the checker you see fit. Throwing chips in short backgammon. After all fifteen chips are in the house, the player can start throwing them out of the game. To do this, you need to roll a die and the chips are transferred from those points that fell on it, that is, if 6 and 3 fall out, you can pick up chips from the sixth and third points, respectively. If there are no checkers on the desired point, chips are thrown from the points, the number of which is less than what fell on the die.

The rules are pretty simple and easy to remember. If you play at home, it will be just entertainment for you and your opponent, but you can also play with the help of bets that will be interesting and useful for you.

1.1. Two are playing. into two halves (left and right). The number of checkers on the board is 15 for each player, which are placed on their part of the board along the left side. Players have different sets of checkers, usually black and white. The number of zars (dice) is 2. Players take turns throwing zaras (dice).

Each player has the right to move checkers only of his own color.

1.2. The initial arrangement of checkers on the board (positions 12 and 24) is called the "head". A move from this position is called a "head move". In one move, only one checker can be taken from the head (except for the first throw).

1.3. The right of the first move, and accordingly the white color of the checkers, is played as follows: each player throws one dice (zar). The right of the first move and the white color of the checkers is given to the one who has the most points. With the same number of points dropped out, the roll is repeated.

1.4. If the game consists of several games, then the color of the checkers changes and the next game is started by the player who played the previous game in black.

1.5. The player's move is the throw of the charge and the subsequent movement of the checkers after the throw.

1.6. Zara should be thrown from a special leather cup. It is necessary to throw so that the balls fall on one half of the board and lie firmly on the plane of the board.

1.7. Zara lie on the board until the end of the turn.

1.8. The move is considered completed after pressing the button of the tournament clock, or transferring the money to the opponent.

1.9. During the game, the checkers move counterclockwise.

1.10. When a player throws a dart, he is obliged to move his checkers in accordance with the dropped points. If there is an opponent's checker in the hole, then you cannot put your own checker in this hole. It is necessary to go strictly to the number of points that fell at dawn. The player is obliged, even to the detriment of himself, to use all the points that have fallen. If there are two moves, one using one dice and the other using two, the player must make a move using both dice (the so-called "full move rule")

2. The meaning of the game:

2.1. The player must pass all the checkers a full circle (counterclockwise), enter them into the "house" and "throw" them before the opponent does. The "home" for each player is the last quarter of the playing field - "white's home" (1-6) and "black's home" (13-18)

2.2. The term "throw" means to make a move with a checker so that it is off the board. "Throwing out" checkers is possible only after all the checkers "came to the house". Therefore, White moves from the 19-24 zone to the 1-6 zone, and Black from the 7-12 zone to the 13-18 zone

3. Draw.

3.1. The player rolls two zara (dice) at the same time. After the throw, the player moves any of his checkers by the number of holes (cells) equal to the dropped number of one of the zar, and then any one checker by the number of holes equal to the dropped number of the other zar. That is, if “three” fell on one dawn, and “five” on the other, then, accordingly, you can move one of your checkers three holes, and the other five holes. In this case, you can move one checker eight holes. It doesn't matter which move to make first, whether it's a larger number or a smaller one. In this case, only one checker can be taken from the head.

The first roll of the game grants the players an exception to the above rule. If one checker, which can only be removed from the head, does not pass, then the second one can be removed. There are only three such throws for a player: six-six (6**6); four-four (4**4); three-three (3**3) . In this situation, it is not possible to play a full move with one checker, as the opponent's checkers standing on the head interfere. If one of these combinations falls out, then the player can remove two checkers from his head, except for the situation if there are checkers in any of the fields that can be used to make a move. Note: At the first throw of white 5-5, and the subsequent throw by black 4-4, the latter remove one checker from the head playing one four, since the created obstacle prevents them from going further. Accordingly, at the first throw of white 2-2, and the subsequent throw of black 5-5, the latter remove one checker from the head, playing three possible fives.

3.2. If the same number of points (double, gosh, jackpot) falls on both dice, then the player plays as if he threw 4 dice and can make 4 moves.

3.3. The player has the right to change his move until the charges are transferred to the opponent or the clock button is pressed. If the move at the same time turned out to be incomplete or contrary to the rules, the opponent has the opportunity to accept the move in the form in which it was made, or to require the player to make the correct move.

3.4. It is forbidden to put up a block (obstacle; bridge) of six checkers - and even a "run" if there is no opponent's checker in front of this block.

It is not forbidden to build blocks of 6 checkers, however, all fifteen checkers of the opponent cannot be locked. You have the right to build a fence of six checkers only if at least one checker of the opponent is in front of this fence. There is a variant of the rules: a block (obstacle; bridge) of six checkers - and even a “run” can only be done if at least one of the opponent’s checkers has passed into the house.

3.5. If the opponent's checkers occupy six squares in front of any checker, then it is locked.

3.6. If the checkers are locked in such a way that the player cannot make a single move for the number of points that he threw out at dawn (the checkers “do not move”), then the player’s points disappear, and the checkers do not move at all.

3.7. An arbitrary number of checkers can be placed on one field. You cannot place your checker on the hole occupied by the opponent. In a situation where the checkers do not go, that is, the player cannot move them by the number of holes that fell out at dawn (the checkers fall on the occupied holes), all points disappear, and the player misses the move. In a situation where it is possible to make a move for the number of holes that fell on one of the dawns, and it is impossible to move the checker for the number of holes that fell on another dawn, only a possible move is performed, and the points of the second one are lost. The player cannot refuse a full move, even if it is not beneficial to him. If both moves cannot be made at the same time, then a larger number is played, or the second checker is removed from the head. For example, a combination of six-five fell out. The player can play six holes or five. The player is obliged to make a senior move (for six holes), and a smaller move (for 5 holes) burns out.

3.8. The output of checkers is as follows. The player has the right to remove a checker from the board, which is located on the hole corresponding to the number of points thrown out at dawn. For example, if 6-3 is rolled, the player can remove one checker from the 6th field and one checker from the 3rd field from the board (three can be played from the 6th, 5th or 4th field).

3.9. In the process of removing the checkers from the house, the player has the right to use the points that fell out at the dawn, at his own discretion: he can play the checker in the house or throw it away. In the process of removing checkers from one's own home, it is allowed to remove checkers from the fields of the lowest rank, if there are no checkers in the fields of the highest rank. For example, if 6-5 fell on the heads, and there are no checkers on fields 6 and 5, then the player can withdraw two checkers from the house from the next in order, fourth field (hole), if there are no checkers there, then from the third, if and not there, then from the second, and so on. The party ends.

4. Score in the game.

4.1. The situation when the loser managed to throw out at least one checker is called "oin" (0-1).

4.2. The situation when one player has thrown out all his checkers, and his opponent has not been able to throw out any, is called "mars" (2-0).

4.3. The concept of a draw in long backgammon in its classical form, which has existed for many centuries, is absent. Initially, the game was conceived as an uncompromising dispute in which someone must win.

Starting position

Two players place 15 checkers each on their own part of the board along the left side.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to move all your checkers to your home and then remove them from the board. The first player to remove all of their checkers wins the game.

Playing the first move

Each player rolls one die (zara). The right of the first move goes to the one with the most points. If the numbers match, they roll again.

Checkers movement

When playing long backgammon, checkers move counterclockwise. From the starting position, the black checkers move from the upper right quarter to the upper left, then to the lower left and, finally, to their home - the lower right quarter. White's home is in the upper left quarter, where the checkers must move along the following route: lower left quarter - lower right quarter - upper right quarter - home.

During the game, each participant throws only two zarami. After the throw, the player must move one of his checkers by the number of squares equal to the one dropped on one of the dice, and then any checker by the number of squares indicated by the other die. For example, four or two fell at dawn. In this case, the player moves one checker four squares, the other - two. You can only move one checker six squares.

If a double falls on the dice, that is, the same number of points (two-two, three-three, etc.), then the player must make four moves, moving the checkers as many cells as the daggers show. This roll result is called a jackpot.

Prohibited actions

In this game it is forbidden:

  • Place a checker on a hole occupied by an opponent's checker.
  • Lock all the checkers of the opponent in front of his first checker, an exception to this rule is allowed “on the way”, within one move, temporarily close and immediately release the field left unoccupied
  • Move two checkers by the number of spaces shown on one of the dice. If five or three fell out, then you can’t move one checker two cells, another three, and then another three, that is, you need to: either take five steps with one checker, three with another, or go all eight steps with one checker - the sum of five and three.

Features of the move

In a situation where the chips do not go, that is, the player cannot move them by the number of holes that fell out at dawn (the chips fall on the occupied holes), all points disappear, and the player misses the move.

In a situation where you can make a move by the number of holes that fell on one of the dawns, and you cannot move the chip by the number of holes that fell on the other dawn, only a possible move is made, and the points of the second are lost. The player cannot refuse a full move, even if it is not beneficial to him.

In a situation where a player can make either of two moves, but only one, he must choose the larger one. For example, a combination of six-four fell out. The player can play six holes or four. The correct move is six holes. In this case, smaller points burn out. In a situation when it remains to bring the last chip into the house, and the hole is occupied (your chip is on the 18th hole, and 6 and 1 fell on the gaps, and hole 24 is occupied by the opponent), in this case the player brings the chip to the lower score, and the older one burns out.

Win calculation

In each individual game, the result of oyn or mars can be fixed.

If one of the players has thrown away all his chips, and not all of the opponent's chips have been thrown out yet, then the player fixes the win "oin" and gets 1 point.

If one of the players has thrown out all his chips, and the opponent has not yet thrown out a single chip, then the player fixes the winning "mars" and gets 2 points.

Backgammon is a fun type of board game using checkers. It has established itself as a tool for the development of memory, logic and mindfulness. Novice players are instantly drawn into the interesting process of the game and do not want to change it to another type of entertainment in the future. Backgammon was invented in the East more than five thousand years ago. Ancient as the world, the game has become a favorite way of free time. This entertainment has different names depending on the country. In England, this is Backgammon, and in Europe, Backgammon. However, the essence of the game does not change from this, the basic rules remain and have not been modified for centuries. Learning the rules of backgammon is very easy. The only snag for beginners can be all sorts of exceptions and nuances depending on the type of game. The largest number of backgammon variations is observed in Asia and Russia. Those who wish to master the rules of the game should first understand the types of backgammon.

Backgammon is different

In general, backgammon is divided into two types of game - "long" and "short". The division is accepted all over the world, the rules have already been established for both options. The most ancient and simplest way to execute moves is "long" backgammon. This method will be suitable for beginners. It is easy to learn and does not contain a large number of exceptions. Another type of performance is "short" backgammon. It is better to start them, already owning the basic skills of the process. By and large, the "short" type differs from the "long" version by the ability to knock down the opponent's checkers. In "long" backgammon, this rule is excluded. Based on the prescriptions of these types of backgammon, there are a huge number of subtypes of the game. For example, a game without dice. The variant discards one of the main elements of "long" backgammon - zara (dice). The players themselves name the numbers based on the situation on the field. Other variants of backgammon may imply a different initial arrangement of the checkers or the houses themselves. However, all these subspecies do not change the essence of the game. Various variations of backgammon are observed only at the initial stage of the game or differ in the composition of the inventory. Beginning players are advised, first of all, to master "long" backgammon.

Inventory of "long" backgammon

Any classic type of backgammon consists of the following equipment: boards, dice (dice) and checkers. First of all, deal with the backgammon board, study it carefully. It consists of two parts and has various divisions. They look, as a rule, in the form of triangles with the top up. Sometimes divisions may be missing depending on the design of the board. However, recesses for checkers will always be marked on it. These recesses are assigned numbers ranging from one to twenty-four. Unfortunately, very often these numbers are not written on the board. For convenience, you can sign them yourself. Number one - zero is put instead of one - will be in the upper right corner, then the numbering goes counterclockwise. Thus, under zero will be number 23 - the lower right corner of the board. Seeing the numbered cells will make it easier to navigate during the game. The starting position or "head" of white checkers is cell 0, for black checkers it is cell 12. Many people number the board from 1 to 24. However, the ancient numbering of the board implies zero as the beginning of the order. Therefore, be careful with the designations of the points. Checkers are lined up in a row of fifteen pieces each.

The essence of the game

The goal of the game is to transfer your checkers to the house and then throw them off the board. The translation of the figures is carried out from right to left in a circle. Moves are determined by the number of zara rolled. The one who quickly throws his checkers out of the house will be the winner. Cells 18-23 will be home for white checkers, cells 6 to 11 for black checkers.


Zara help to determine who owns the first move. Each player rolls the dice, the highest number gives the first move. Then the moves are distributed in turn order. Players roll the dice and move the figures based on the rolled numbers. In "long" backgammon, preference is always
given to more. For example, numbers 1-4 fell out. Four will be the first digit of the movement of the checker. In the initial stage of the game, only one figure can be removed from the “head”. An exception may be a unique number. For example, the numbers of the zara that have fallen are 3/3, 4/4 and 6/6. These numbers give the right to withdraw two checkers from the "head" instead of one. If during the game, your checker hits the opponent's piece, then it cannot be blocked. Blocking the opponent's moves is also not recommended. If you see that it is impossible to make a move, then it is skipped. But this rarely happens. Also, you should always give the opponent the opportunity to transfer at least one checker to his home. As you can see, the game is not that difficult. Much will depend on luck, because the moves are determined by the dice.

There are many nuances of playing both "long" and "short" backgammon. Since beginners are invited to initially master the first option, it is worth mentioning one of the important nuances of this game. It refers to the very casting of the dawn. They should not touch the sides of the board, checkers or stand edge-on. If this happens, the roll is considered invalid. Be careful not to throw the dice with all your might. Try to throw them carefully and on your half of the board. The game is considered fair if a special cup for money is used. It interferes and bones are thrown out of it. Thus, seasoned players will not have a chance for fraud.

Benefits of playing backgammon

Playing backgammon will perfectly develop the ability to count in the mind, help you learn how to develop a strategy and tactics. You also have to think a little logically. Backgammon is considered the second most left-brained game after chess. Master backgammon and shine with developed logic and thinking as a result. After mastering "long" backgammon, it is recommended to complicate the level of the game and switch to "short" backgammon. They will not seem too complicated, since you already know the basic rules of the game.


A backgammon board is similar to a chess board, only the action takes place from the inside, and not from the outside, as in chess. The field is divided into 24 holes, 12 on each side of the field. 30 checkers are used, 15 pieces of different colors for each of the two players, two zara. Zara - ordinary dice (cubes).

Placement of chips, start and goal

Backgammon is long. Each player places all his checkers in the first hole in the upper right corner of the board. The right side of it is called the white yard, the left side is the black yard. The player whose zar shows the most points on the roll goes first. The winner starts the second game. The goal of the game is to move all of your checkers counterclockwise to the last quarter of the board, the “home” (if for your own checkers, consider the one where they stand first) and then discard them. Both dice are rolled to make a move. If at least one of them fell on the edge of the board or flew out of it, the throw is repeated. The number of points dropped determines the number of holes on which you can move one or two chips (which ones, the player decides).

Movement of checkers in long backgammon

On the first move, one checker is moved by the number of holes that the dice will show. At a time, only one chip can be taken from the “head” (the hole in which they are placed at the beginning). An exception is made if the same number has fallen on the dice (“jackpot”, four moves are allowed), then two chips can be removed. For example, if “twos” fell out, there are such options:

Remove one chip from the “head” and go four times with two holes;

Remove two, and go with both two times two;

Remove two, one - one move for two divisions, the second three moves for two divisions.

When all the checkers are on the field, with "jackpots" they go four times, with what chips and how, you decide for yourself. It is forbidden to put a checker in the hole where someone else's is already standing, you can put it on your "head". If, for example, the “jackpots” of the six fell out on the first move, the only option is to remove two checkers and rearrange them in the seventh hole, the next move falls on the “head” of other people's chips.

The player needs not only to move his chips to the last field as quickly as possible, but also to prevent the opponent from moving, occupying as many holes as possible. Then the enemy will lose moves and have fewer options for movement. If after the throw there is nowhere to go due to the fact that all possible divisions for the move are occupied by other people's checkers, they skip the con. It is impossible to refuse a move, even if it is not profitable.

Throwing chips, game over

You can start throwing checkers only when all of them are in the “house”. They are discarded according to the number of points dropped: 6 and 4 fell out, checkers are removed from the sixth and fourth from the end of the field, holes. If there are no chips in the slots whose number has fallen out, a move is made to this number (dropped out 1 and 2, when everyone is on the sixth hole - a move is made by 1 and 2 divisions; 6 and 5 when everyone is already on the first field - just throw out two ).

There are no draws, the one who first discards all the checkers wins. Your throw!

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