I dreamed of a grandmother who is no longer alive. Dreamed of relatives grandparents who have already died - big changes are coming


After waking up. If a deceased grandmother dreamed, then in most cases such a dream predicts positive changes in life. In some cases, a dreaming grandmother tries to warn of a danger or an important event. For a more detailed interpretation, you need to consider all the details of the dream and turn to several sources.

The late grandmother: interpretation

Why dream of the death of a still living granny?

Seeing the death of a living grandmother in a dream portends her for many years in reality, and indicates that she knows important information that she must tell the dreamer. It is worth visiting a relative in the near future and bringing her to a conversation.

To see how the deceased smiles in a dream, speaks of a bad influence on the sleeper in reality. Another interpretation of this dream says - someone is trying to send damage or evil eye to the dreamer.

For an unmarried girl to dream of the death of her beloved grandmother portends her speedy marriage or acquaintance with a noble man. But if a relative is sick in a dream, then such a dream can warn of her death.

To see how a grandmother in a dream dies a terrible, painful death, promises bad news. The dream also reflects the anxiety of the sleeping person for his loved ones and relatives.

House of a deceased relative

The dream of the house of a deceased relative, in which the dreamer spent the happy years of his childhood, reflects the desire of a person to escape from real problems to the past, to a carefree childhood. So the psyche is saved from piled stresses and experiences.

dead grandmother's house seen as a sign of changes taking place in the soul and head of the dreamer. One period of life ends and another begins. Seeing the deceased in her own house, hearing her voice portends a crisis period in life, a certain danger in. It is very important to hear what the grandmother says - perhaps in her words there is a solution to the dreamer's pressing problems.

See the old, rickety house of the deceased promises financial difficulties and unnecessary expenses. To receive a house as an inheritance in a dream indicates future problems at work and the collapse of a career.

Why dreamed of a funeral?

The funeral of an already deceased grandmother in clear, sunny weather talks about getting rid of a painful past. If the funeral took place in inclement weather, then difficulties and trials await the dreamer.

Seeing a dead grandmother in a coffin - this is a sign that in the environment of the dreamer there is not a single person who could be trusted. The calm, spiritual face of the deceased indicates that the sleeping person needs change. If her face is sad and filled with tears, then the dream portends quarrels and scandals in.

What was she doing in the dream?

Hugging with a dead grandmother in a dream - means to need care and love. In some cases, such a dream indicates a strong sense of nostalgia, that the dreamer misses the old days and wants to escape from problems in the past.

If in a dream the grandmother hugs the dreamer, then actually he made some mistake, a rash act that he regrets.

Talk in a dream with a deceased grandmother portends the onset of a heavy, black streak in a person's life. It is very important to hear what exactly the grandmother will say - her words can be the inner voice of the dreamer himself, the voice of the subconscious, which is difficult to hear in a conscious state.

Seeing how a deceased grandmother gives the dreamer money promises a person prosperity and success in the professional field. But if in reality the dreamer is in desperate need of, then the meaning of sleep changes dramatically - a person runs the risk of becoming dependent on unreliable, insidious people who can take advantage of his hopeless situation for their own purposes.

If the grandmother gives the dreamer paper money in small bills, then in the near future a person will win the lottery or receive a valuable prize. To receive information from your grandmother about hidden treasures predicts the receipt of an inheritance in reality or the discovery of lost family heirlooms.

Get small coins from the deceased grandmother indicates the likelihood of monetary fraud by a familiar person.

Great grandmother in a dream

A great-grandmother in a dream is a symbol of recuperation and achievement of the desired results. The deceased great-grandmother comes into a dream as a harbinger of the fact that soon all the problems and troubles of the dreamer will be resolved in the best way for him. For married people, a dream portends a replenishment in the family.

Free people late great-grandmother dreams of improving personal life to meet your soul mate.

When in a dream a loved one appears to us, especially a deceased one, this leads to certain thoughts and one cannot do without a dream book. There will be many interpretations of sleep, and in order to choose the right one, in relation to your situation, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream. Seeing a late grandmother in a dream is quite likely that this is also the wisdom of the past years, advice, warmth, support and the most pleasant memories of your childhood and youth. On the other hand, why is grandma dreaming? Is it possible to show illness, old age?

Such ambiguous interpretations have a vision of a living and dead grandmother in a dream, whether she is native or not. Dream Interpretations from different authors will help us approach the interpretation from different angles.

Star dream book

Home dream book

A dead grandmother appears in a dream to awaken in you a desire for spirituality. It is time for you to appreciate everything that you have: family, work, health, skills, knowledge, talents, environment, prospects in life and so on.

Big dream book

In a dream, to see a living grandmother is to receive a reward for your work. If you talk to her, then get ready to meet the difficulties that you will have to "fight" with; to see a dead grandmother in a dream - to remember sorrows and a change in the weather. To see a sick grandmother is to understand one's powerlessness and not be able to do anything about it.

Assyrian dream book

Granny in a dream is a symbol of wisdom and care. Her image may indicate that your life lessons are not in vain and you are truly starting to follow them in your life. It is also possible that you need to return to the needs of childhood and realize your long-standing aspirations.

Dream Interpretation of Akulina Healer

Why is a dead grandmother dreaming: you will receive valuable advice from a wise and adult person. You should listen to the advice of elders.

The dead grandmother also explicitly asks you to remember her, and if she is alive, then visit her. A dream about a deceased grandmother can also be a harbinger of cloudy weather and rain, a cold snap.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What this dream book tells: the grandmother portends difficulties in the near future, they will be difficult to overcome, but the participation of relatives and advice will do a good job. This dream book gives another interpretation: a living grandmother can talk to you and ask for something. This should not be taken as a guide to action, unless she repeats it from time to time. Just visit her and tell her this dream.

Dream Interpretation Felomena

The dreaming grandmother speaks of impending difficulties in life, the resolution of which will come soon, but not without the advice and participation of friends. Often, a meeting with a grandmother (not only, but in general) means an underestimated payment for your work. ? You are unable to change something in the current difficult situation. And you will see tears on her face - wait for a quarrel with relatives. If a grandmother dreamed of a girl, then a long love awaits her. And to see a grandmother for a guy - to wait for him to have discord in his personal life.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: a grandmother dreamed, but you can’t see her face, which means you should expect significant material support. The dream book about the grandmother’s house says the following: memories from childhood gnaw at you, there is a feeling of guilt. Visit her (or remember), it will become easier.

Spring dream book

The dream book interprets seeing a grandmother as a sign of back pain. She also appears in an important period of life, when the choice is difficult to make, but critically important. The dream book also says that the blessing and warning may not be clear and only real circumstances will show what the dream itself was about.

Summer dream book

Dream Interpretation: a deceased grandmother is alive, is not interpreted in any way, except for the help from relatives and relatives that you need. The dead always visit us alive, we can communicate with them, they give us advice, ask meaningful questions and always warn us.

Children's dream book

Do you have a dream "grandmother comes and reproachfully looks at the child"? Apparently he goes to bed on an empty stomach. Remember how your grandmother got you out - did you eat? Have you eaten everything? Do you need supplements? The interpretation of sleep is very simple and even humorous. So let the child not anger the grandmother, but eat well. Especially at night.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

What the dream book will tell: the grandmother, who died, came in a dream and started a conversation - this suggests that the planned enterprise will be crowned with success. It should also be expected before important events and changes in life. Such a dream can be both a warning and a blessing. So it's better to always have a couple of plans in reserve - for case A and case B.

The best option - if a grandmother showed up at a cemetery in a dream - this is only for good changes.

Dream Interpretation for a Family

The family dream book, when interpreting dreams, "grandmother" always shows ambiguity and some ambiguity of the whole vision. He says that the dream "grandmother" can mean that your experience will help you get out of the most difficult situation; tears on her face will tell about resentment and quarrel with loved ones; to see a grandmother alive in a dream and talk to her - to auspicious accomplishments. Your flexibility determines what these accomplishments will be.

Modern dream book

The dream "dead grandmother" will only lead to great joy and promises a change for the better.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Hugging a grandmother in a dream means understanding your powerlessness and accepting it, or receiving incomplete payment for your work.

Women's dream book

Grandma dreamed in a dream - you cannot avoid difficulties, but with good advice you will overcome these difficulties.

Miller's dream book

The dream "grandma" has the same interpretation: difficulties, advice, and after that everything returns to normal.

Explanatory dream book

The dream "grandmother" says that you, as they say, will be "driven" at work and you will receive, at best, half of what is due. But it is best to look in relation to the days of the week.

Dream Interpretation for Married

Seeing a beloved grandmother in a dream means that soon you will find your marina, where you will completely settle down and live peacefully. Allegorically, this suggests that the married and married should wait for replenishment in the family, and the unmarried and unmarried should wait for the wedding.


Grandmother in a dream comes for two reasons: to warn about something or to bless for some enterprise. In any case, this is a positive sign that promises a positive outcome only if it is presented in a good light in a dream. Even if she died a long time ago, this dream will not bring anything bad. Another thing is if your grandmother lamented to you in a dream, complained - in this case, expect dissatisfaction from life, inconvenience, trouble. It is always worth having two options for action - either accept good changes and be grateful for it, or prepare for difficulties and stock up on advice and support from relatives.

With a heavy feeling, a person wakes up who sees a dead person in a dream, even if it was a recently deceased beloved grandmother. Let it be a consolation that the dream books, deciphering what the deceased person dreamed of, unanimously give the opposite interpretation. Dreams about death, with rare exceptions, contain bright signs - tears turn into good news, losses - positive changes, a revision of life position.

But chatting with a deceased grandmother, receiving gifts should alert - this is not good. It must also be borne in mind that an inconspicuous detail of a dream can drastically change its meaning. Therefore, turning to the interpreter, remember all the seemingly insignificant moments.

How alive

We have a complicated relationship with everything related to death. And when a dead grandmother dreams, we are upset, we try to understand what caused such a dream. Signs, interpretations, read in dream books, soothe, give some certainty.

I had to see in a dream a recently deceased grandmother, who dreamed as if she were alive - this causes tears and warms with warmth. We miss the departed, and such dreams help us survive the loss, stretching the bitter parting.

In a dream, they saw a living grandmother dead - from the bottom of your heart wish her good health - they say that such a dream promises a long life to the dreamer.

More often, the dead are dreamed of, whom they see alive in a dream. Such a dream gives rise to anxiety and uncertainty. Many people think that this is bad news, bad weather, illness, imminent death. However, see how the famous dream books explain why the deceased grandmother, who was seen as if alive, is dreaming. You can see that they are less categorical, they pay attention to many favorable moments.

If a deceased grandmother dreams of being alive, then perhaps there are reasons to feel guilty towards her. Everyone has them, we are not perfect in relation to each other.

Seeing a deceased grandmother in a dream shortly after the funeral, many understand that this is due to the experience of the bitterness of loss. However, the following must be taken into account - dream books interpret any dream about a deceased grandmother as news of impending changes, a dream promises a quick marriage for girls, and long-awaited responsible negotiations for businessmen.

Sometimes the grandmother dreams with another deceased relative. What a relative dreams of depends on the circumstances. The late mother is dreaming, the dream book portends illnesses, the brother reminds, one of the relatives is waiting for help, compassion from you. According to the dream book, the father warns that the things you start can ruin the family.

Close relatives who have passed away, appearing in a dream, urge to be more careful about their actions so as not to damage the family reputation. Perhaps someone is preparing to strike at the honor of the family, spreading dirty gossip - the dream book calls for being on the alert.

Immediately, both deceased grandmothers visited you in a dream, according to the dream book, this is a sign of strong spiritual protection, protection. What is the dream of grandmother with the deceased grandfather? He always comes to additional troubles, new duties. His appearance in a dream book may mean that soon someone will need your help, perhaps financial participation. Often deceased grandparents dream together before important ceremonies.

If the deceased grandmother dreams constantly, this is alarming. Since the old woman always asks for something in a dream, it means that, according to the dream book, you have unfinished business, unfulfilled obligations. If you want to stop such obsessive dreams, make a list of unfinished business and start doing them religiously. You will feel the result immediately - just do not leave this work halfway.

In addition, you may be tormented by remorse about relationships that did not develop during life, about the grievances inflicted on her. You can't fix your past life, so it's best to stop worrying about it. Rather than wonder why the deceased grandmother dreams so often, it’s better to leave the past, take care of the living. Surely you have elderly relatives who need help.

According to Freud's dream book, the grandmother personifies the feminine. If an adult man sees her in a dream, this indicates sadness over missed opportunities, not everything in life turned out the way she wanted. A young guy dreamed of a dead grandmother in a dream - the dream book suggests that the guy doubts his abilities to perform difficult work, feels inconsistency in relations with women. Why do these dreams dream of a girl? According to the dream book, the young lady is afraid of her own imperfection, doubts her appearance, her own feminine charm, worries, suddenly no one will love her.

It all depends on the details

Some events often occur in a dream, try to remember them. For a dream book, there are no random details, objects, furnishings - everything carries information, mysteriously reflects on real life.

If you dreamed about the house of a deceased grandmother, the dream book explains that you lack warmth, constant support from loved ones. Grandma's house, at least in a dream, gives confidence - they are waiting for you and love you. The old woman entered her house, which means you will soon get rich. However, according to Miller's dream book, the house of a deceased grandmother may not be a good dream. Perhaps a relative in her line will have a dangerous illness. The dream interpretation calls to take an interest in the health of relatives and, if necessary, to help them. Do not forget about your health - you are also her direct descendant. By itself, the house of the deceased grandmother is interpreted by dream books as a change of values, your worldview under the influence of events can change significantly.

Why dream of a grandmother's funeral? Mourning in a dream can carry a variety of information. Do you remember what the weather was like? The interpretation given by the dream book depends on it. Good weather - all the houses are safe, prosperity awaits the family. Bad - even if everything is fine with loved ones, soon, alas, gloomy changes await.

If in a dream a deceased grandmother lies calmly in a coffin, dream books give diametrically opposite interpretations - according to one, this is an omen of imminent monetary profit, according to others - misfortunes and failures. Especially sad, some dream books interpret: to see a dead grandmother in a coffin in a dream means the fulfillment of the worst fears, the infidelity of the second half. For a girl, this is the loss of a loved one, for spouses - serious disagreements due to infidelity, which, according to the dream book, will lead to a divorce.

Communication with the deceased grandmother

Of particular importance for interpretation is communication in a dream with a deceased grandmother.

Talking with a long-dead grandmother is disturbing, and this is easily explained by the dream book - it warns of the onset of a black streak in fate. Anything you think about with fear can come true.

Why do we see conversations in dreams? They warn of possible developments. A close person from afar cares about your well-being, seeks to warn against rash decisions, to give practical advice. Dream Interpretations unanimously say that these words should be taken quite seriously. It is possible that our own subconscious speaks to us through the lips of a deceased grandmother, which is ready to tell us the correct interpretation of events, but being prisoners of stereotypes, we “do not hear” this voice. Only at night, through the image of a loved one who took care of us during life, comes awareness of problems, sober judgments and correct guesses. Life often proves that the grandmother was not worried in vain, she protected her grandson from even more trouble.

Hugging a dead grandmother in a dream, you, according to Miller's dream book, can expect longevity and health. According to other dream books, the prognosis is not so favorable. If you are healthy now, you may get a little sick, but if you are already sick, then the condition is alarming. A visit to a doctor, consultations of specialists, a full range of treatment - prevention is better than cure.

If a deceased grandmother hugs you in a dream, this means that the dreamer has recently made a mistake, which he will soon regret.

Dream books interpret the good image of a grandmother as a symbol of wisdom and care. It is easy to guess why the deceased grandmother cooks, bakes pies - wait for the guests and try not to lose the tradition of grandmother's hospitality. A deceased grandmother in a dream will feed, give advice - she wants to improve your situation, by the way, try to remember the advice, even better if you follow them. According to the dream book, the grandmother crying in a dream reminds them to visit her grave, remember.

Kissing a dead grandmother is unrequited love ahead. If a young woman has a dream, then the dreamer is completely indifferent to a man who is madly in love, they have no future. Kissing an old woman before burial, on the forehead means freeing herself from all obligations, feeling that her conscience is clear before the deceased. One of her relatives kisses her - to unforeseen material expenses, loss of money.

Dream Interpretations say that usually giving any items to a deceased grandmother is good, taking from her is bad.

Seeing a dead grandmother in a dream, who gives you some thing, or, even worse, calls for herself, promising to give valuables - an extremely unpleasant sign, perhaps the dreamer's imminent departure from life. If you resisted temptation in a dream, it means that in reality you will also overcome enemies and illnesses.

The deceased asks for money - the family will live richly, amicably, happily. He asks for one of the clothes, which means there is a very joyful event ahead, it is necessary to prepare new clothes for all family members. She asked for food - the dream book explains that you have no faults before the deceased, your conscience is clear before her.

A dream where a deceased grandmother gives money portends the loss of property, the loss of a source of livelihood. The old woman gives her things, clothes, and you accept her - you can repeat her fate. Often the interpretation of the gift depends on what exactly the deceased grandmother conveyed. The ancestor gives advice, and you do not mentally accept them, but hear them as if in reality - carefully analyze for what reason, what exactly is said, it may make sense to follow grandmother's advice in order to avoid trouble, as they did during her lifetime.

Warning signs

Despite the fact that the most important and informative points of dreams about the deceased ancestor have already been considered, one should dwell on the most disturbing dreams, their consequences and possible opposition to dangerous signs.

From a dream, I remembered how your deceased grandmother, as if alive, rises from the coffin, you may be covered in cold sweat. However, this action in itself does not bode well, at most, the arrival of relatives whom you have not seen for a long time did not particularly miss you. Maybe an old friend will visit you unexpectedly.

It is more dangerous to talk with an old woman lying in a coffin, this can promise misfortune. To great trouble, one dreams of how the ancestor got up from the coffin or stood in the coffin for a long time.

The deceased grandmother dreamed of crying while lying in a coffin - the dream book interprets this to a quarrel, abuse, damaged relationships, emotional wounds.

Anyone who is kissed in a dream by a deceased grandmother can be pitied. Soon, troubles will fall on him from all sides - failures at work, tension in personal relationships, health problems. Miller's dream book says that kissing her forehead yourself means parting for a while with one of your loved ones.

A rather unpleasant dream - if a deceased grandmother calls for herself, she manages to take the dreamer away with her - he will face the same death as hers.

A bad omen if the deceased grandmother dreamed of being cheerful, animated, smiling. This means that the dreamer has fallen under a bad influence, risks his reputation, material losses. Perhaps the danger comes from friends. While you underestimate her - be vigilant, resist manipulation.

There are dreams that you want to forget. It is terrible in a dream to give someone's photo to the ancestor - the one in the photo will die. To follow the dead means to go to death.

Some concerns may be caused by dreams associated with the apartment of a deceased grandmother. The dream interpretation claims that in the apartment you saw the deceased grandparents - illnesses in their descendants will result in serious consequences. Grandmother lies in a coffin in her own house - it is the dreamer who can get sick, and the wrong way of life will be the cause. Consider you've been warned.

One of the most terrible dreams is to see a dead grandmother, to talk to her, realizing how her body has decayed. Dream Interpretations do not bode well. As they used to say, the dead man came for the soul of a person. In practice, such a dream can turn into diseases - yours and your dearest people, sudden obstacles that will prevent you from carrying out your plan. Life can go downhill. I had a dream where the long-dead grandmother seemed to come to life, but at the same time bears the stamp of death - visit her grave as soon as possible, remember, light a candle to “cajole” the deceased.

A milder version of such warnings is to see how the deceased grandmother cries. The consequences of this dream are not so catastrophic, you need to visit the grave, otherwise the health of loved ones, blood relatives of the deceased grandmother, will be in jeopardy.

comments 258


    So you need to beware of this date. Granddaughter should not go anywhere on this day. I had this dream three times. In the first, they predicted the imminent death of my grandmother, a month later she was hit by a car. Then I had a dream twice with the exact date, they said if I go somewhere, I won’t come back. I was sitting at home, there were very bad premonitions. But thank God she survived. But she didn’t save her grandmother, she didn’t pay attention to sleep then ...

      • I could hardly distinguish from reality, my grandmother came to say goodbye to me because I was going to the army, I smelled her, how she smelled during her lifetime and hugged me, the fact is that she did not get along with us during her lifetime .... If anyone knows tell me the answer.

      • I had a dream about my grandmother, she appeared outside the window and was dissatisfied, then next to my mother under the covers she began to appear and snore, the clothes were lifted, and she disappeared, as soon as she covered the bed next to her mother, the body appeared again and snored. It was terrible in a dream, in a dream there was an awareness that she was not alive. What could it be?

      • I dreamed of my grandmother alive, she was lying on the bed and asked to smear her hands with cream, and I smeared it. She also said that her stomach hurts every day for no reason. The whole thing took place in the old apartment where they used to live. Even in a dream, I saw a brother with whom we hadn’t seen each other for a long time and didn’t communicate, he asked me if he should go to a friend’s birthday, I said to go. Also in my dream there was another sister, she was sitting in the kitchen at the table. We were going to eat, there were only pancakes and condensed milk on the table. And for some reason, alcohol was in the room where my grandmother was lying, I went there to pour alcohol for us. Here is such a dream, if anyone knows the meaning of sleep, write, I will be grateful to you!

      • I dreamed of a grandmother who died 1.5 years ago. Never dreamed before. As if she walks and cultivates the garden, and I come up, shake hands with her. Her hands are so soft. I say hello grandma. And she told me: hello. Then I see a coffin with a dead person on the next bed, and I ask my grandmother: why is there a coffin there? Is it possible? And she indistinctly answers: they say, I don’t know. Such a strange dream. I'm looking for an explanation for this. Thank you.

      • That night, my dead grandmother dreamed again. This time she did not shake hands like the day before yesterday, but as if I were going into a glass toilet, and there my grandson was standing. I have 2 keys. I give these keys to my grandson to hold. And I see through the glass how the grandmother comes up and touches the glass and looks at us. I beg you, answer, what can all this mean? Maybe I can prevent trouble if it comes?!

      • I very often dream of my grandmother, but in breakthroughs and almost always I see her alive, young and joyful. But in my dream I know that she is dead. This time I dreamed that I opened the door to my mother's apartment, and she came in. We were in the bathroom and I cried as hard as ever from happiness that she returned, and my husband said: we are so glad that you returned, everyone would come back like that. When I woke up, I was crying and this pain in my soul was from joy and tears were flowing straight. Can you tell me what this dream means?

      • Please tell me, my grandmother died, 40 more days have not passed, and I dream that she is alive and that I ask her - how did you die before my eyes, and now you are alive, how is it to die and come to life, and she He tells me you'll die and you'll see.

      • I dreamed about my great-grandmother, as if she was pretending that she was alive, but I know that she was dead. And in a dream, another grandmother said this phrase to me, it was her mother, but she is currently alive. She told me: “maybe you are like us”, go look in the mirror. I went and my eyes became completely black and it began to break me ... I'm afraid.

      • I saw in a dream the deceased mother's aunt! But she was alive in a dream and was sitting on the bed, I came up and asked how she was doing, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, she waved her head back to me like everything was the same. She had a magazine in her hands, I took it and began to leaf through! Why this dream?

      • I dreamed that my grandmother, who died a year ago, was not happy and did not let me into the entrance and said something quietly, and I cried. Please tell me what could be the reason for this? I had never dreamed of her before. Thank you in advance.


        I never saw my great-grandmother in my dreams! At first, with a girlfriend and also with strangers, I ended up in some village, and we saw an unfamiliar grandmother there. She said something. Then I said: can I find my great-grandmother? And where? Searched for a short time. And they didn't find it. Tell me why it was a dream? I will be glad!!! Thank you in advance!

      • I dreamed of a long-dead grandmother, I remember her very poorly, I dreamed 2 times, the first time she called me to the cemetery, where the dead lay everywhere, and I followed her, and the second time I looked for her, despite the fact that in a dream I remembered that she was not alive, what does that mean?

      • I dreamed in a dream of a long-dead grandmother in her own house. I stand at the door in the hallway and see how she is slender and young from behind walked past me and held on to her side from which a tumor stood out, from which she died. I asked her if she was in pain? She very energetic walked past and retreated to another room with her back, answered that of course it hurt. I, looking at her, thought that from behind she very much reminds me of my own sister. What is it for?

      • Arina Zorina:

        I dreamed of my maternal great-grandmother whom I had NEVER seen. She died when my grandmother was 18 years old, respectively, even my mother did not see her. In a dream, I met her at the corner of the house (she seemed to be waiting for me). At first, I confused her with my other great-grandmother, and she laughed in my face, and then she began to chatter incessantly that I was not like that. Not correct. Not like everyone else. Shouldn't have been born. And your mother is not like that either. When I woke up, I immediately told my grandmother, described her appearance, and she confirmed that it was her mother. I somehow feel uneasy after this dream. Tell me what it could mean?

      • I dreamed that I was sitting somewhere and reading a sacred book to my grandmother, and she listened carefully and said something her left side hurts, it’s more convenient to sit on her right side to listen to me read to her and suddenly I woke up, there was still a little girl nearby, her I don't know, I'm Muslim. What does this dream mean?

      • I don't know why. I dreamed of a grandmother in a coffin (grandmother died six months ago), I tell her, they say, granny, you have a day left, you won’t be accepted later (I don’t know where), you need to die ... and she answers, “I myself can’t, help, strangle me ... ”I answer that I can only strangle a little, that I don’t want to take sin. And then my mother and I cover the coffin with a living grandmother with a plywood sheet and put candles, flowers on it ... and I keep thinking, how does it feel to die like that? After all, a person himself cannot give an order to his body to die within a day ... Needless to say, after waking up, I had a shock ...

Seeing close relatives in a dream is a fairly common occurrence, because these people, even after death, occupy a significant part of the thoughts of any person. Did you see your beloved deceased granny in a dream? Open our dream book, what the late grandmother is dreaming of, you will find out right now.

Very often, deceased relatives want to warn us about something important, so if a late grandmother had a dream, you should not leave such a dream unattended.

If you dreamed of a late grandmother, and grandfather with her, then this is a sure sign of future troubles. Perhaps now you are preparing for an important matter - a move or a holiday, and worries cannot be avoided. Such a dream can be an omen of big money spending in the future.

If you dream of a deceased grandmother who smiles, this means that there are people in your environment who have a bad effect on your reputation.

Seeing a late grandmother in a dream and talking to her is also an unpleasant sign. Such a vision is interpreted as a harbinger of loss and trouble.

A very bad dream if a deceased grandmother gives you money in a dream. If in a dream you took this money, then the loss cannot be avoided. If you refused, then your material wealth will not suffer, and through any difficulties you will come out with dignity.

When a late grandmother dreams of asking you to give her money, this is a good sign. Such a dream portends wealth and a carefree life without material difficulties.

What is the dream of a dead grandmother from Wangi's dream book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant interpreted the dream with the deceased grandmother in different ways, depending on how long ago the deceased had passed into another world. If even 40 days have not passed since the moment of death, and you

dreamed of a deceased grandmother, then this speaks of your pain from loss, but nothing portends bad things in the future.

If a lot of time has passed since the moment of death, then it is very simple to find out why the late grandmother is dreaming from Vanga's dream book. For a young girl, such a vision means change. It is possible that the dream of a deceased grandmother warns you about an imminent marriage.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a dead grandmother alive? You talked to her or hugged, that is, you clearly saw that the deceased was alive and well. This means that the grandmother reminds you of a promise that you forgot. It was probably the promise you made to your grandmother when she was alive.

The clairvoyant said that if you dreamed of both grandmothers who are not in this world, then they protect your life from trouble. You should probably pray for the dead, go to church and light candles for the repose.

Vanga warns that if in a dream a deceased grandmother calls you to her place, then this is a bad sign. Especially if in a dream you agreed to follow her, you should not expect anything good. You may become seriously ill or even die.

If a deceased grandmother dreamed, and you hug her in a dream, this means that everything is fine with your health. If the deceased grandmother hugs you in a dream, this is a sign that you made a stupid mistake, but you can still correct it.

What is the dream of the late grandmother in Hasse's dream book

So, you dreamed of a dead man - a grandmother. If in a dream you kissed her, and she was alive, this is a sign that the person you love does not reciprocate. If you kissed your grandmother in a dream, and she was lying in a coffin, then this is a sign that obligations will soon go away, and you will be freed from a sense of duty.

Let's open Hasse's dream book: the deceased grandmother dreamed alive, and someone hugs or kisses her - such a dream means that material expenses await you in the future.

Dream Interpretation of Menegi: the deceased grandmother dreamed alive

Menega answers what the granddaughter's granddaughter dreams about. If a grandmother in a dream asks for something - money or food, this means that you do not have any outstanding debts to her in life.

The deceased grandmother, who eats sweets in a dream, is dreamed of by her granddaughter in order to warn that her fiancé is brazenly using her.

The late grandmother in a dream - Miller's dream book

Miller interprets a dream about a deceased grandmother as a sign that it is necessary to take an interest in the health of close relatives. If you saw a grandmother in her house, then the psychologist deciphers such a dream as a reassessment of the value system. Perhaps your outlook has changed recently.

If you saw your grandmother in a coffin in your dream, then according to Miller, this means the infidelity of your other half.

If the late grandmother often dreams

Be sure to pay attention to the details of the dream in which the dead appear. Most likely, your deceased relatives are trying to convey important information.

If the deceased grandmother cries in a dream, then this is a sign that there will be many quarrels in your life.

Had a dream that you give photos to your grandmother? This is a bad sign for those depicted in the pictures - they will soon die.

If you dream of the corpse of a deceased grandmother, this is very bad. Dream Interpretations interpret such visions as sure signs of the approach of serious illnesses.

If a dead grandmother is dreaming and she is crying, be sure to visit her grave. Most likely, this is how your ancestor is sad that you forgot her.

Sleep theme:

Very often the question arises, what is the dream of a grandmother who has passed away. And this is quite understandable, because for many of us, a grandmother is a person from childhood, with whom the most pleasant memories are associated. In addition, such a question is also logical because the next of kin never dream just like that. They necessarily warn about specific events that will have to happen in real life.

Why is the late grandmother dreaming?

Very often people are interested in the question of what the late grandmother is dreaming of, seen from the side. Such a dream may serve as a hint that the dreamer needs to try to understand himself. You just need to listen to your heart and think, maybe after that you will understand something important for yourself that will change your life. The dream focuses your attention on the fact that in life you need to learn to listen to your intuition. It is noteworthy that in such a dream a real grandmother (who is still alive) may also appear.

When in a dream you see a deceased grandmother from the side, this may also indicate that you need to pay more attention to your elderly relatives. Even such night dreams can portend significant family events.

The deceased grandmother dreams of a young

It is very good if you dreamed of a young deceased grandmother. This is a sign that in real life everything is going well for you. Of course, you need to be able to protect your family happiness and give warmth to all your loved ones. Such a dream is also a harbinger of a big family holiday.

A dream in which I had a chance to talk with a deceased grandmother has a deep meaning. If possible, you need to remember exactly all the words uttered by a close relative. Very important for deciphering a dream are all the actions that were performed in a dream.

Freud's dream book

In accordance with Freud's dream book, the deceased grandmother in dreams personifies the feminine.

Therefore, the interpretation of such night dreams depends on the gender and age of the person who had the dream:

    For a girl, this means that she is not satisfied with her appearance and is afraid that because of this she will not be able to meet her love. Of course, such fears are useless, and you need to try to get rid of them as soon as possible. For a young man, such a dream is a subconscious fear of his failure in reality. Therefore, you need to try to grow up quickly and stop being afraid to make decisions. For a woman in adulthood, such a dream indicates that her personal life has turned out well, and she is surrounded by loving people. For a man, a dream with a deceased grandmother is evidence that there is regret in the soul about missed opportunities .

Deceased great-grandmother or grandmother in the house

If you dreamed of a deceased great-grandmother or grandmother in your own house, then this promises significant changes in real life. Most likely, they will affect the personal sphere. Change can be anything in its direction, but it's always best to tune in to it with optimism. A conversation with a grandmother in your own house, most often, is a warning of trouble in reality. But the words of the old woman will always contain advice that will need to be heeded in order to minimize the negative consequences.

If you see a deceased grandmother in a good mood, and she communicates nicely with you, then this means that you will have fun with loved ones in reality. The smiling grandmother emphasizes the fact that a favorable time has come in life in order to realize the planned plans.

Often dreams of a dead grandmother

If you often dream of a dead grandmother who scolds you in your night dreams, then you definitely need to reconsider your attitude to life, you are doing something wrong, and this can hurt you very much. In addition, such a dream may warn that you can harm other people with your actions.

Grandmother hugs - interpretation of sleep

If a deceased grandmother hugs you in a dream and says something affectionately to you, then she seeks to protect you from rash acts. Very often, such a dream is a harbinger of serious illness. Such a dream symbolizes the fact that in reality you really need care and guardianship. If you manage to remember the words that your grandmother said while hugging you, then they can be a clue to the right actions in reality.

Grandmother's death and funeral

If you dream of the death of a grandmother and her funeral, then this, first of all, reflects longing for a departed loved one. Very often, such a dream is interpreted as a warning that troubles can happen to your next of kin. Night dreams are also a bad omen, in which the dreamer sees the grandmother's grave. This portends in reality an exacerbation of chronic diseases and depression. Such a condition, if not dealt with, can lead to the dreamer's premature departure.

What is the dream of a sick grandmother?

It is important to know what a sick relative is dreaming of. After all, such a dream is a very bad sign. This is a direct warning about health problems. You should find time and actively go in for sports in order to improve the body. Such a dream warns that you are weakened, but it is still not too late to correct.

If in a dream you make a gift to a deceased grandmother or give her money, then in real life financial losses are possible and you should plan your expenses very carefully. But if, according to the plot of the dream, your grandmother gives you something, then in reality a happy period begins.

The deceased grandmother leaves the dreamer

A night vision in which the deceased grandmother leaves the dreamer, and he tries to catch up with her to no avail, portends a separation from her loved one. And if in the process of this, a close relative utters some words, then this means that you yourself are to blame for what happened. Such a dream recommends stopping in time and reconsidering your views on life, it may not be too late to change something.

Drunk dead grandmother

If suddenly a drunken deceased grandmother appeared in your dream, then this indicates that in real life you can commit a rash act that will greatly harm you. Very often, such a dream portends problems in the business sphere in reality.

Naked grandmother in night dreams

I wonder what the grandmother in an obscene dream is about. The appearance of a naked grandmother in a dream indicates that in real life you will find yourself in the center of gossip and intrigue. Maybe in real life a fact from your past life that you tried to hide from others will be revealed. But if you did not experience discomfort when you saw a naked grandmother in a dream, then such a dream symbolizes your inner freedom and emancipation.

Dead grandmother with a different face

If you realize that your deceased grandmother appeared in a dream, but for some reason with a different face, then caution should be exercised in reality. In such a life period, you should not blindly trust the people around you, they can harm you. Dreams with a deceased grandmother are always remembered, and you cannot dismiss them. After all, close people, thus, on a subconscious level, share their wisdom and experience with us. Therefore, it is imperative to decipher the dream and connect it with the events of real life, listening to your own intuition.

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