I dreamed that I have a small child, what would that mean? Why dream about children? Little children according to the dream book.

  • Primary elements - wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Elements - wind, humidity, heat, dryness, cold. Emotions - do not have a conscious expression. Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, gallbladder, bladder, thin intestine, colon, stomach. Planets - Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus. The baby does not yet have its own worldview and behavior rhythms of life. The baby lives unconsciously by the rhythms inherited from the parents, and by the external rhythms of the earth and the Cosmos, therefore all five planets have a strong influence on the child, in comparison with an adult. An adult falls under such dependence on other people's rhythms only when he is sick and weak, but for a child such dependent, but comfortable feeding with both food and energy is natural and the only possible one. In the process of development / growth of the child, sensations are replaced by conscious feelings - emotions and reactions to the environment, tested in practice, the ability for external yang-protection to ordinary independent responses increases. Ideally, the rigid dependence of an adult on the planets disappears, but he lives in a rhythm consistent with them - this is a healthy and long life. In practice, an adult (stage of puberty) immediately begins to have disturbances - separation from the rhythm of the planets, organs dependent on the planets work in an unnatural rhythm for them by nature, which leads to diseases and secondary unhealthy dependence on the planets, when the influence of the planet that guides it is dangerous for the organ due to rhythm mismatch. The internal rhythm of a person cannot be opposed to the global rhythms of the earth and the Cosmos, if this happens, it leads to illness and the destruction of the spirit and body. Seeing a cradle or a baby in a dream, according to popular signs of many nations, is a sign of illness and misfortune. This sign, as a dream of a hero / heroine, has been widely used in fiction. A cradle/crib for children with or without a child refers to the rhythm of life in early childhood: a baby without personification with a specific child is a state of excess of internal yin forces with a lack of external manifestations of yang. Seeing an empty cradle in a dream / with an unknown baby (he soldered the interpretation) - there is an awakening of the memory of the need to coordinate one's rhythms of microcosmic life with the rhythms of the Universe. There is no conscious vision of the problem yet, but there is a need for changes, memory is trying to find the lost link. The state of an adult in unhappiness is the maximum of external manifestations with the complete exhaustion of the internal, which leads to depression. At critical moments of life (illness, loss of meaning in life), a person is looking for an opportunity to regain a sense of the fullness of being in harmony with the Cosmos, and memory gives him a preserved image of such a state from early childhood. Whether sleep is favorable or not depends on the dreamer's behavior: whether there is a desire for change and strength in the body, but it is impossible to completely copy the state of infancy, one should not look in the past, but actively seek and develop healthy rhythms of life. To see a crying (whining) sick child, and even more so to hold it on your knees, in your arms, is unfavorable, since this is a complete personification of yourself with childish helplessness, but with rhythms already torn off from the Cosmos. Looking at the emotions prevailing in a dream, we are looking for already affected organs. Externally, the dream portends a collapse in business and relationships due to the loss of a sense of adequacy of perception. You need to change your attitude to the world and your place in it. To see one’s own or a familiar child in a dream - information about him should be interpreted according to the content of the dream.

Why do children dream

Miller's dream book

Seeing beautiful children in a dream portends extraordinary prosperity, happiness and good.

Seeing your child in a dream as easily ill means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.

Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have reason to be afraid, as terrible threats to his well-being arise.

Grieved by something, crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious forebodings, deceit and unkindness of your imaginary friends.

Playing and messing with children means that you will achieve your goal in all commercial and love affairs.

Why do children dream

Freud's dream book

Children - are a symbol of the genitals in general, that is, both male and female. It is often assumed that a boy is a symbol of the male genitalia, and a girl is a symbol of the female genital organs, but this is not necessarily the case.

If you play or babysit with children, you have a very strong craving for self-satisfaction, which you cannot, and do not want to resist.

If you punish or flog a child in general or a child of the opposite sex, then this also indicates your craving for self-satisfaction.

But if you punish a child of the same sex as you, this may indicate your craving for a non-traditional sexual orientation.

If you save a child from danger, for example, drowning, this indicates your desire to have a child, possibly an adoptive one.

Why do children dream

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Seeing many children in a dream is evidence that you will have many small problems, each of which will require additional time and effort from you. Perhaps such a dream prophesies an increase in the birth rate on the planet.

To see crying children in a dream - a dream portends a world danger. There will come a time when the men will go to war, the women will be busy with things that are unusual for them, and the children will shed many tears. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies troubles from his children or children of close relatives.

If you dreamed of disabled children, your addictions harm not only your health, but also the health of those around you. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an ecological catastrophe on the planet.

If you saw your children in a dream, you should be more careful in dealing with your family. It is possible that by your actions and words you greatly offend them.

Looking for children is a bad omen. You will not be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.

Why do children dream

Dream Interpretation Hasse

A child on the shoulders of a man - a boy will be born; playing - fun fun; with mother - happy hours; pretty - make a pleasant acquaintance; to have your own - happiness and well-being; to see how it falls - obstacles in undertakings; see a lot - anxiety.

Why do children dream

Family dream book

Pretty kids - dream of prosperity and happiness.

If a mother dreams that her child is slightly ill, in fact he will have very good health.

To see how children learn - to peace and prosperity.

Upset by something, crying children - dream of trouble.

If you played in a dream with children, you will reach the goal in all commercial and love affairs.

Why do children dream

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Children - to recovery, prosperity, success, including in love. Good news; love longing.

Why do children dream

Spring dream book

To dream about how someone kills a child - to impending old age.

Why do children dream

Summer dream book

Child killer - dreams of rumors about the appearance of a maniac.

It's fun to play with your children in a dream - to family harmony.

To see a dead child in a dream - to a deep stressful state in reality.

Why do children dream

Autumn dream book

Child killer - your relationship with children could be better.

Why do children dream

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing your children in a dream, if they look healthy, beautiful and smart, portends happiness and prosperity. If they are shabby, filthy and sick, it means that in real life they will always have good health.

Seeing babies - your affairs will get better, cradling them - in reality, hear promises and believe them.

Playing with children in a dream - committing a reckless act in reality.

Kissing children - peace and joy will reign in your house. Carrying children in your arms is a minor chore in the family. To put them on your shoulders - you will have a boy if it is the first child, and a girl if the second.

Seeing children playing portends pleasure and fun. To see them in kindergarten - you will spend happy hours in peace and doing your favorite thing.

If children say or sing something in a dream, in reality you will make a pleasant acquaintance. Crying children in reality will give you a lot of anxiety.

To dream that your child has fallen and hurt himself - to obstacles in your endeavors.

Seeing how children do their homework and help you with the housework portends peace and prosperity.

Seeing your child seriously ill indicates that something threatens him in reality and you should pay the most serious attention to this.

If a child has a sore throat, do not worry - this is a positive dream, all fears will be in vain.

Seeing a dead child in a dream portends anxiety and disappointment in the very near future.

Beating children in a dream - to family troubles due to their own incontinence and irritability.

If in a dream you punish your children, this means that in your soul you doubt the correctness of the educational methods you have chosen, in which there is no respect for children.

Upset, complaining children are a sign of impending trouble due to the deceit of people who pretend to be your friends.

Doing some interesting business with your children means that in reality you will find interesting purchases or gifts.

Seeing children frolicking in a river, fountain, etc. is a happy dream that portends good luck to you.

Seeing feeble-minded children in a dream means grief and unfortunate changes in life.

If in a dream you protect children from an angry dog ​​or dangerous wild animals, it means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade your debt obligations.

If, while visiting with your children, you are ashamed of their ugly behavior - in reality this portends you unfulfilled hopes in the future.

Why do children dream

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

To see healthy and cheerful unfamiliar children in a dream - they are waiting for you.

Unfamiliar sick children dream - to a great joyful event.

You dreamed of children in carnival costumes - you will soon get sick.

If you dreamed of children with wreaths on their heads - beware, you may become a victim of an accident or a fatal accident.

Crying children - mean that soon you will learn important news.

You caressed children - expect trouble.

Beating your children in a dream is a nuisance in business.

If you dreamed that you beat children unfamiliar to you, success will accompany your undertakings.

Feeding children is a disease.

You dreamed that you were killing children - an important and joyful event will soon happen.

Why do children dream

Esoteric dream book

Children are good, good attitude of people.

Their children, who actually do not exist - a very successful event.

Why do children dream

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Beautiful, healthy children in a dream portend extraordinary prosperity, happiness and well-being.

For a mother to see her child in a dream as easily ill means that he will always have good health, but she will be worried about other minor troubles associated with him.

Seeing how children work or study portends peace and prosperity.

Distressed or crying children are a sign of impending troubles, anxious forebodings, deceit and imaginary friends.

Looking for children is a bad omen: you are unlikely to be able to find a way out of this situation due to a number of minor troubles.

Seeing a dead child in a dream is a worry and disappointment in the near future.

Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead may mean that there is a serious threat to his well-being.

Playing with children in a dream is a sign that in real life you are looking for a job to your liking, but, despite your search, you will have to spend some more time in an old unloved job that deprives you of your last strength.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, in real life you are not behaving in the best way. Your childish antics are highly inappropriate and offend the people around you.

Why do children dream

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Kissing children - calmness; hitting children is success.

The child is a great surprise; chest - well-being; beautiful - joy; naked and dirty, ugly - litigation, unexpected worries.

Why do children dream

Modern dream book

If you dream of a lot of beautiful kids - a dream predicts prosperity and tranquility.

For a mother to dream that her child is a little sick means that he is in good health, but other minor chores will bother the mother.

To see that children are working or studying - to a calm peaceful life and prosperity.

Seeing your child hopelessly ill or dead in a dream means that you have good reasons for concern, as there is a threat to his well-being.

Seeing the dead - to frustration and disappointment in the near future.

Distressed children are an omen of troubles that enemies will bring to you, and disturbing forebodings caused by secret intrigues of hidden ill-wishers.

Playing with children means success in business and love.

Swaddling a baby is health, pumping is depression, thoughts of old age, beating is trouble, kissing is luck, joy, playing is recklessness.

Why do children dream

Eastern dream book

Many children are a warning that you have to solve many small problems, each of which will require a lot of time and effort.

Playing with children is evidence that you are looking for a job you love, but despite your efforts, you will have to spend some more time in an old unloved job that deprives you of your last strength.

Why do children dream

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Few women will be able to look at beautiful photos with small babies and hold back a smile of tenderness. Little children are a great joy, hopes for the future, further continuation of the family and life are connected with them. After talking with a small baby, taking him in your arms, inhaling his smell, you can recharge with positive energy for a long time, the same goes for dreams with little ones.

Dreams in which small children appeared do not portend replenishment in the family. From the point of view of psychology, a small child, the birth of a child, symbolizes the renewal of life, the appearance of something unusual in life, or it is a symbol of the birth of new ideas to be realized.

A child in a dream is a general interpretation.

I dreamed of a child - expect surprise, a miracle. Toddlers in a dream portend the appearance of a pleasant and absolutely unexpected surprise. Sometimes dreams even show how soon a pleasant surprise will happen, and even in what place. So if you dream of a trip with a small child, then a pleasant event will certainly happen during the trip.

Bathing a baby symbolizes laundering from difficulties, and in the near future a difficult situation will be resolved in a positive direction. The child in this case symbolizes the dreamer, and the dirt on the child symbolizes problems. Therefore, by bathing a child, problems are solved. Perhaps, in the near future, after sleep, insight will come and a decision on how to eliminate the accumulated problems. Also, a newborn baby speaks of the well-being that the dreamer will achieve with his own efforts.

A newborn baby can also dream of as a harbinger of mutual love and strong friendship. An interesting interpretation can be considered an independently walking child, which is a symbol of the independence of the sleeping person.

Psychologists say that people who often dream of babies are inherently shy and very trusting, literally naive like children.

Gender of the child who dreamed

When interpreting sleep, it is important to pay attention to who exactly dreamed - a boy or a girl. Thus, more detailed information can be obtained. If a boy is dreaming, you can safely expect a pleasant surprise. And if a pregnant woman dreamed of a boy, this is a harbinger of an easy birth.

If you dream that a little boy is crying, you need to pay more attention to your loved ones. The child, in this case, symbolizes relatives, and crying is a lack of attention and the need for communication or help from the dreamer.

Games with a child in a dream are harbingers of a happy period in life, which is just around the corner. Children can dream and as a warning. So, if a completely unfamiliar child is dreaming, but in a dream it seems that he is his own, dear, then this may be a signal that disappointments await ahead, perhaps even the formation of distrust towards the opposite sex.

Girls can dream as harbingers of an imminent pregnancy, but if little girls dream of men, this suggests that an assistant will appear soon, who will be very helpful. If a woman gave birth to a girl in a dream, then this promises her a prosperous future. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as the birth, or rather the beginning, of a new happy relationship, which ends with a logical end. Dreaming girls can also dream as harbingers of imminent news, but what they will be, everything will depend on sleep.

If a pure, beautiful girl is dreaming, then the news will be very pleasant, if everything is accurate, but vice versa, then the news will be appropriate.

What did the child do in a dream?

A small child is in any case the changes that will happen in the near future. But no less important is what exactly was dreamed about, what exactly happened in a dream. If you dream that you are sitting by the baby's bed, then this indicates the occurrence of family troubles, but they promise to be pleasant. If a man had such a dream, then this symbolizes the beginning of new affairs and projects at work, in business. And these projects will have to devote a lot of time, as well as a newborn baby.

Feeding a child, especially if the baby eats with appetite, symbolizes health and well-being. But rocking a child in her arms can promise a deception of a loved one. If you take a sick child in your arms in a dream, minor troubles lie ahead.

Whose children dreamed?

In the interpretation of sleep, the fact of whose children it is can also be important. Our dreams are very interesting, and in a dream we may dream that we have children, although there are no such children outside the country of dreams. There are many options. So, if in a dream you hold a child in your arms, and in a dream, it seems that this is your own child, then this indicates that the things that were planned may not go according to plan.

But if you had a dream about your own child, then you can safely expect surprises, in the good sense of the word. If someone else's child dreamed, for example, the child of a friend, acquaintances, then this indicates that someone is trying to rake the heat with the hands of a dreamer. But do not be afraid, nothing will work out, these plans will not come true.

Someone else's beautiful and cheerful child in a dream can be interpreted as the nearest prospect of pleasant acquaintances with their logical conclusion. If there is already a soulmate, then such a dream may indicate an improvement and a transition to another stage of the relationship.

As paradoxical as it sounds, if you dream of your own, sick child, then in reality the child will have good health, but there are minor troubles ahead.

Dreamed of a dead child

With what horror a woman wakes up after such a dream, a feeling of anxiety makes her literally suffocate. But do not be afraid of such a dream. Such dreams are the opposite of what they saw, i.e. everything will be fine with the child, the children will be healthy and happy. On the other hand, such a dream may show that troubles, unnecessary worries, and disappointments await ahead.

From the point of view of psychology, such dreams can be an indicator of the loss of a loved one, and not necessarily about death. Many women say that after a divorce or breakup of a long relationship, they were visited by such dreams. In this case, a child in a dream symbolizes something valuable, whether it is a relationship or a person, and his death in a dream is a break in these relationships, communication with people. The person has left the life of a dreamer, literally died.

A small child evokes tenderness, peace and other best feelings both in reality and in a dream, however, his behavior, emotions and various situations that surround him can be interpreted in the most unexpected way. Fortunately, the dream book can explain what a small child is dreaming of, what to expect from such dreams and what to watch out for.

Why dream about a baby anyway?

As is most common, to see children in a dream is to receive good news, face luck and wealth. To accurately understand the meaning of sleep, you need to delve into the details. Dream Interpretation Hase reports - to see a child means the need to believe in one's abilities in order to achieve the desired result, which can be well-being and a comfortable existence. As they say, everything is in our hands.
The gender of the child is an important point that you should pay attention to: the boy brings such changes that are directly related to the material side of your life, that is, there is a high probability of an increase in cash flow, profitability, and great luck. By the way, on the night from Thursday to Friday, dreams are especially true, because the predicted events not only have to happen, but the scale of them can pleasantly surprise you.

If a baby girl visited your dream, then these are undoubtedly pleasant surprises that are directly related to emotions and impressions. The importance of the female gender is also in the fact that you have the right to expect quite amazing events in everyday life, an unexpected attraction to new areas of activity in which you have not previously taken part.

The meaning of a little child in different dream books - what is coming?

As the saying goes: “How many dream books, so many opinions. So, here are the most popular interpreters:

A modern dream book claims that a little boy appeared in your subconscious in order to warn of impending troubles, possible family squabbles, or conflicts with employees as soon as possible. In the case when in a dream you carefully fiddled with a baby, almost infancy, joyful chores and pleasant fuss await you ahead.

Dream Interpretation Hase says that a dream involving a small child precedes a stormy and cheerful celebration of some special occasion. But according to Miller, as already mentioned, the boy portends the expectation of sudden joy, a present. If a woman in a position had such a dream, one should be wary of premature birth. The crying baby loudly calls to bring more care to his family, to surround his loved one with it, thereby confirming his love on real deeds.

In addition, Miller convinces that playing in a dream with a boy will present in the near future a huge wave of creative inspiration and the conquest of long-planned peaks. If in a dream you met someone else's baby next to your son, then this is direct evidence of your distrust of the opposite sex.

According to interpretations in Freud's book, a male child speaks of an urgent need for more significant sexual impressions, emotions. Do not be afraid, this does not mean an abnormal attitude towards children, more precisely, this is a desire to diversify this significant aspect of your life. Meeting a girl in a dream in Freud's dream book lends itself to the following explanation: it seems that, like a little child, you felt a lack of warmth and affection, which is usually most shown to babies. If you feel so inferior in union with your current soulmate, start a conversation about it by chance, because trust and a feeling of a strong shoulder next to you are much more important than sexual satisfaction and a successful intimate life.

Seeing shining, healthy and beautiful children in a dream portends prosperity and good. If in a dream you are playing with children, you will be successful in any endeavors. A working child means stability in financial affairs and peace in the family. Seeing your child sick in a dream portends good health to him, and dead - to disappointment, and there is also a threat to his well-being or health. Crying children are a sign of deceit, your ill-wishers have started evil against you.

Why do children dream - according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a crowd of children in a dream portends many minor troubles. Crying babies are a possible sign of global danger. A seriously ill child or a disabled person indicates that your addictions have a negative impact on family members. Looking for your child is a bad sign. The likelihood that you will not be able to find a way out of a difficult situation increases. Participation in children's games portends a possible job change.

Why do children dream - according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud's theory, children in a dream are a reflection of sexual life and the state of the genital organs. Caring for the baby speaks of stability in relationships and the good functioning of the reproductive system. A crying child symbolizes a sexual, sensual nature that knows how to enjoy intimacy. Punishing children is a sign of dissatisfaction or a tendency to self-satisfaction.

Why do children dream - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The child, in the understanding of Nostradamus, is a symbol of the future of the Earth. Dreaming of sick children or deprived of any body parts warns of the dangers associated with global air pollution. A dirty child symbolizes a possible danger on a large scale.

A healthy, laughing baby is a favorable sign that prophesies about changes for the better. A child killing a snake in a dream is a hope for the salvation of mankind, the prevention of a nuclear catastrophe. Looking for a child in a dream means trying to find lost happiness. A crying baby symbolizes minor troubles in the future. Holding a baby in your arms is a sign of gaining hope and faith in yourself.

Why do children dream - according to Loff's dream book

Children in a dream, in Loff's understanding, are a reflection of one's own "I", true thoughts and feelings. Playing with children means projecting desires. There are no unambiguous interpretations here, so it’s worth analyzing the situation and deciding what you really need.

If you see yourself as a parent, then you feel the need to care for someone, to influence. The vision of your childhood can be interpreted as a desire to hide, find protection, support, receive care from loved ones, which you apparently lack.

Why do children dream - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Children are an expression of anxiety, inconstancy, trouble, capriciousness. A crying baby is a sign that your efforts will not lead to the desired result. It is possible to hold a baby in your arms, put him to sleep, rock him to sleep. you are too lazy, and to achieve the goal you need to show more perseverance. Punishing a child means experiencing discomfort, inconvenience, shame. A dirty child speaks of litigation, a clean and well-groomed one speaks of imminent joy.

Why do children dream - according to Hasse's dream book

Happy children in a dream predict quick profits, material well-being. To lull a child is a sign of approaching joy, to beat a child is a sign of impending family troubles. Seeing children playing means fun and pleasure, a falling child indicates possible obstacles on the way to the goal, a crowd of children indicates groundless feelings, anxieties and troubles.

Why do children dream - according to Meneghetti's dream book

The birth of a newborn in a dream promises an early conception, especially for a married girl. If a sick person sees children, then he will recover soon. Awareness of the death of a child is interpreted as longevity. If the baby is sick in reality, then his death in a dream means a speedy recovery. Returning to childhood predicts success in your career, you will certainly be lucky in your professional activities.

Why do children dream - according to Longo's dream book

Dreams about children, according to Yuri Longo, are a sign of joy and success in the near future. Cheerful children portend an early acquaintance or the arrival of unexpected guests. Rocking a crying baby means believing in false promises, they will try to deceive you. If a pregnant woman sees a boy on her shoulders, a boy will be born, if a girl, respectively, a girl. Many children portend pleasant chores, or profit. Breastfeeding in a dream speaks of good health. If you dreamed of a restless baby, then in reality you need physical and moral rest.

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