I dreamed of a dead man from Friday to Saturday. Main unfavorable signs


One third of his life a person spends in a dream. But this third should not at all be considered expunged from his life. For many people, sleep is their second life. In this second life, a person travels to other worlds, and the brightness and sharpness of the sensations of sleep sometimes overshadows reality. No wonder there is an expression "as in a dream" as a characteristic of the highest pleasure.

And sometimes it happens that the awakened person sighs with relief: “Thank God that it was just a dream.” Let's find out if dreams come true from Friday to Saturday or any other days.

But are dreams and reality really separate? Do they really never meet or intersect anywhere? Waking is day, light; sleep is night, darkness. But there are also border morning and evening, the time of dusk. It is in this twilight that something happens that is not subject to our understanding, which is impossible to understand, which is difficult to believe.

16th US President Abraham Lincoln, 10 days before his death, saw in a dream a group of people crowded in one of the halls of the White House. In the middle of the hall stood a coffin covered with “Who is being buried? - Asked Lincoln - You don't know? The president was killed." In the morning he told his wife about his dream and made an entry in his diary.

There are so many such cases recorded that it is simply impossible to dismiss them. It should be noted that cases are usually recorded that happened to famous people: kings, major politicians, businessmen, prominent figures of culture and art. If we add to these cases similar incidents with ordinary people, the number will exceed all reasonable limits, and the question “should we believe in dreams?” will fall off by itself.

Of great importance is the day when It is believed that the most often so-called "prophetic dreams" are dreamed from Thursday to Friday.
Do dreams come true from Friday to Saturday? We can say that they need to be treated with all the attention .

Dreams from Friday to Saturday are under the auspices of Saturn, the planet of rock, fate, trials. Saturn warns of possible difficulties and prepares to overcome them. Therefore, it is believed that dreams from Friday to Saturday are able to acquaint you with a number of rules, restrictions that you should adhere to in order to protect yourself from future dangers and troubles. Often these dreams contain information about upcoming events, their sequence and connection, and tell about the prospects for the implementation of your plans.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday can carry both a good and an evil omen. If the dream is pleasant, colorful, then adversity will bypass you, the intended goals will be achieved with minimal effort and without significant self-limitations. But if the dream left a heavy feeling, if it was saturated with closed doors and walls - roll up your sleeves and be prepared that you will have to sweat a lot to fulfill all your plans.

At all times, people took dreams very seriously. The Arabs said: "Do not believe in dreams - do not believe in Allah." How should we relate to dreams, people living in the age of nanotechnology?

If a dream tells us about an event that has already happened, take it for granted and rejoice if the dream is “out of hand”. But if you saw a warning dream, then you should take it seriously and try to protect yourself from possible troubles.

Could Abraham Lincoln have survived? Yes, of course, because a dream is not a sentence, it only shows options for the development of events, and it depends on us whether we heed these warnings, whether the dream will come true or not.

But what does science say?
Einstein argued that the past, present and future occur simultaneously, perhaps consciousness is able to freely cross the boundaries of time.

If you still had a bad dream, then, according to popular belief, you need to immediately “exchange” it, i.e. tell as many people as possible, and one more thing: you don’t need to look out the window in the morning. And remember that the period of time during which dreams come true is very short: from 3 to 7 days. Show maximum caution these days, and then breathe calmly: the threat has passed.

And if you had a good dream on the night from Friday to Saturday, and you want it to come true, do not tell anyone about it, and if the dream comes true, then thank God for mercy.

Sleep takes up about a third of every person's life. And this is not empty time that we waste senselessly. In a dream, a person often finds the key to unraveling questions of interest, experiences past events and prepares for the future.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday are usually not interrupted by the alarm clock, because for most people Saturday is a day off. And this means that it is possible to watch the dream to the end, it is better to remember it and understand whether it is empty or has some meaning for you.

If you want to determine what dreams from Friday to Saturday mean, first of all, you need to consider that every day is influenced by certain planets. All dreams that occurred on the night from Friday to Saturday will be influenced by planets such as Saturn and Venus. Venus - the planet that rules Friday, is the patroness of love, beauty and is responsible for the perception of the world around us. Therefore, in part, such dreams are responsible for the sensual side of the perception of reality. If a girl sees herself next to a young man on such a night, then he may be her destiny, and in real life you need to take a closer look at him. The same is true for a young man's sleep. Perhaps the girl who walks next to him in a dream will go through life.

In general, Friday itself has long been considered a special day, since on this day, according to biblical traditions. Since then, mystical properties have been attributed to her. Saturday is ruled by the powerful planet Saturn. She is a symbol of wisdom and life experience, symbolizes power, fate and life's trials.

The meaning of dreams for the person who sees them

All dreams remembered from Friday to Saturday are usually associated with upcoming important events that will occur in the near future. They suggest how to behave correctly in the future, what is better to limit yourself, what to give up. Often dreams on such a night can warn that some kind of test is coming to a person and indicate how best to behave in order to overcome all difficulties with minimal losses.

If a person is faced with a choice, cannot make an important decision and has a dream from Friday to Saturday, then it is in this dream that one should look for a hint in which direction to move on.

If in a dream from Friday to Saturday you see bright, joyful dreams, then this is a good sign. Most likely, in this case, all your plans will successfully come true, and problems will certainly be resolved.

Well, if on such a night dreams are gloomy, black and white, if high fences, walls, crosses, mountains and other similar obstacles appear in a dream, then this may indicate that an insurmountable obstacle will also stand in the way of your desires, with which you should just put up with and look for other options for a life path. Or, in order to achieve your goal, you will have to long and hard to achieve what you want in all possible ways.

The meaning of dreams for global events

Dreams from Friday to Saturday are often fateful not only for a particular person, but also for a whole city, country or even our planet. The conducted studies confirm that on the eve of significant world events, natural disasters and natural disasters, very many people had dreams that foreshadowed trouble.

Dreaming of a boyfriend or other loved one?

On the night from Friday to Saturday, you can also learn about the fate of other people, especially about your loved ones, since on a subconscious level it is easier for you to exchange energy. If these days you dream of loved ones and the dream is not too joyful, then this may mean that you do not communicate with them enough or they thus ask you for help.

If you dreamed about a loved one on such a night in some unusual, special state, then tell him about it. Perhaps what is not clear to you in this dream - for your relative will be the key to solving the problem of interest to him or push him to make an important decision.

If you dream of a guy from Friday to Saturday, then there can be many options depending on the dream events. In general, I must say that the planet Venus is responsible for Friday, and she knows a lot about love matters. The meanings of possible situations in a dream:

  • Dreaming of the same guy it means he thinks about you
  • The guy dreams of a woman- possible pregnancy
  • stranger guy- to big changes in life
  • Your boyfriend- to marriage
  • - new love
  • Guy hits- to meet the love of a lifetime
  • drunk guy- problems with strangers
  • You and your boyfriend are in a familiar place- career success
  • The guy takes something or asks- for a gift
  • Kiss with a guy- to change
  • Boyfriend scandal- to an unexpected surprise
  • Several Guys- to a difficult choice in work or study
  • guy proposes- to parting
  • The guy calms down- to success in business

Usually the term for the fulfillment of dreams is quite short - within a week. Therefore, if you had a bad dream, be careful this period of time. If during this time nothing happens, then the dream was not prophetic. It is also believed that if a bad dream is told to a large number of people, it will not come true. But you should not tell anyone about a good dream, otherwise in real life a joyful event will pass you by. In any case, such dreams come true in no more than fifty percent.

Finally, we can say that you don’t need to try to remember every day and try to analyze your dreams if they didn’t seem significant and important to you. Your intuition is the best clue in deciphering dreams. Often, in a dream, most people simply scroll in one interpretation or another of the past events for or worries about the coming day. Many people often see in dreams just the object of their desires. It can be a person who attracts you, or some thing that you really want to buy or get.

If you really remember the dream as some bright, clear event and does not leave your thoughts, then it can be important and you need to try to unravel it. If you had a glimpse of a dream, and no special impression was left of it, you should not rack your brains trying to remember the details. It's most likely just a dream.

It is traditionally believed that dreams that occurred on the night from Friday to Saturday come true if you see them as close to Saturday morning as possible. These dreams don't always happen. They can be kind and dark. One way or another, these dreams, according to interpreters, express the state in which a person is currently located.

If everything is fine with you, then the dream will be pleasant, bright. If it’s bad, however, try not to take it to heart. Remember that this is just a signal, a warning that some changes in your life are needed.

The patron saint of the Sabbath is Saturn. In the power of this planet - the fate of people, the laws by which they are formed, good luck or failure that falls to a person. That is why dreams from Friday to Saturday talking about some upcoming trials and suggest what tactics to choose so that these trials do not harm us.

Good dreams from Friday to Saturday

If on Saturday you woke up in a great mood under the impression of a good dream, then you will not have any serious tests “from Saturn”. There will be no life restrictions that would have to be heroically overcome with difficulty. Moreover, all your plans for the near future will be carried out as usual.

A good dream from Friday to Saturday promises you in reality the fulfillment of desires and favorable prospects.

Do you have bad dreams from Friday to Saturday

What if the dream was heavy, even scared you? How to react to it? First of all - do not panic. Do not forget, it was just a dream, and even if he even drew some gloomy prospects for you, it is not a fact that they will come true. But the fact that you, having received information, can somehow influence the course of events, change something in your behavior and in your plans, accept with gratitude. Forewarned means protected.

Saturday night you can see your destiny in a dream or the fate of the people you care about. If such a dream upsets you, remember that after all, a person is the master of his own destiny and should not live according to the principle "as it will be, so it will be."

Mysticism of dreams

These dreams are often attributed mystical meaning. According to the interpreters of dreams, the whole point is that it was on Saturday that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. And this event leaves an imprint on everything that happened and is happening on earth in this time frame. Hence the many superstitions. For example, it is generally accepted that on Friday it is not necessary to start any important business, because they will not end in anything good anyway. If you are superstitious, then the dream you had on Saturday night can carry a certain mystical load.

History has preserved many examples when dreams seen from Friday to Saturday came true. Classic example - US Lincoln history, who, a few days before his death, saw this tragic event in a dream, told his relatives about it and even made entries in his diary. And he dreamed of one of the halls of the White House, covered with a flag, mourning people. In a dream, he asked who they were burying, and heard in response: "The President."

Special studies were carried out, which confirmed: on the eve of some important events related to the fate of the country, with some public person, a lot of testimonies are found (though already in hindsight) from people who allegedly "saw all this in their dream." In many cases, there was no reason to doubt the sincerity of these confessions, and the researchers concluded: prophetic dreams happen. Of course, not everyone has.

Do dreams of love come true

In the fate of a person, love usually has a very important meaning. Therefore, among the dreams that Saturn “rules”, it is especially necessary to single out dreams about the relationship between a man and a woman. If in a dream your chosen one is next to you, then you really made a very right choice in real life, your union is exactly what you need for happiness.

It is believed that the period during which the dream will have to come true is quite short - three to seven days. Try these days to be more careful in your deeds and actions, and then forget everything, “like a bad dream”: the danger has passed.

If the dream was kind, and you would really like it to come true, do the opposite - don't tell anyone a word, no matter how much you want to. And when the dream comes true, be sure to thank God for such mercy.

After studying a large number of patients, the researchers concluded that dreams, as a rule, reflect the mental suffering of a person. If disturbing dreams are repeated too often, then you need to give yourself a rest - for example, if from sleep to sleep you unsuccessfully tried to cope with some problem, then you need to postpone this problem "for later", otherwise your body simply cannot cope with the psychological load.

After the end of the work week, you can afford not to get up too early. On Saturday morning, try to watch the dreams to the end, remember as many details as possible. Dreams from Friday to Saturday can predict significant changes in your life. Treat the message of the night with due attention.

Interpretation of dreams from Friday to Saturday

Dreams during this period are under the double influence of the departing Venus and the patron saint of Saturday Saturn. Often associated with love, romance. They give clues about the development of further events: not only in the life of the sleeping person, but also in his relatives and friends. The more detailed you remember the dream, the more accurately you will be able to interpret, and therefore prepare for the future.

Saturn gives Saturday a certain energy

Luck will smile at you only if you are patient and careful. Think of a plan of action ahead of time.

Do not make spontaneous, reckless actions.

If a bright, colorful dream appeared on a Friday night or Saturday morning, then this is a wonderful omen. Whatever you take, the matter will be argued. Success awaits you. Gray, gloomy visions, in which walls, locked doors, cliffs, crosses (symbols of obstacles on the way) appeared, predict a difficult road to the chosen goal. There is a lot of work ahead, including on yourself.

The uncomfortable feeling left after waking up suggests that the dream alarmed or even frightened you. Probably big troubles, difficulties, collapse of hopes are coming. Or find out that a dear person needs your help.

Astrology believes that each day of the week is ruled by one of the seven planets. So, Saturn rules on Saturday. He does not like new things, empty talk, a condescending attitude to his own weaknesses.

Do not give up ahead of time - a dream is given so that you have time to correct the current situation. Carefully think over all further moves, consult with a wise person, expand the circle of useful acquaintances, become more sensitive to others. The main thing is to smile and charge others with positive, then all problems will disappear with time.

Bad sleep is not a reason to be sad

Dreams from Friday to Saturday help you pay attention to your behavior in society, how to look at yourself from the outside and, if you don’t like something, correct it. They teach to value existing relationships, to fight addictions. Dreamed tests are a sign: it's time to change the way of life. Try to understand what caused the losing streak, why you constantly quarrel with someone.

When I dreamed: at night or in the morning

The time period in which you had a dream is of no small importance:

  • In the morning, until seven o'clock, memorable and vivid dreams show the immediate prospects, contain advice. If a loved one dreamed, pay attention to his behavior and correlate with reality.
  • From seven to ten in the morning, night vision events indicate misconduct and mistakes. They need to be corrected urgently. The dream gives clues about what needs to be done to save the relationship.
  • At midday, the main role is played by the atmosphere. Dark or bright, it will set the tone for the coming week.
  • The nightmare that appeared on Saturday morning has the opposite interpretation: in reality everything will work out in the best way.
  • The most difficult thing is to get rid of the negativity predicted by gloomy midnight dreams.
  • A dream seen before midnight, when Saturn has not yet come into its own, contains, as a rule, love signs. If a girl at this time dreams of her boyfriend, then soon he will talk about the wedding.

Emotions and images

Dreams are not simple and understandable instructions, they must be able to decipher. This must be done promptly, as they come true within a few days.


First of all, concentrate on the emotions experienced in a dream. Mood reflects relationships with significant people for you, future victories and defeats. Feelings can show your inner world, sides of character, inclinations, carefully concealed not only from others, but also from yourself.

Saturn advises to trust in everyday experience, to limit momentary impulses.


I dreamed of a loved one (albeit not mutually) - your fate will be intertwined in one way or another. Even if you are together for a short time, you will still be able to leave a deep mark in each other's hearts.

Romantic, intimate dreams from Friday to Saturday will determine your fate

We saw a betrayal or an unseemly act of a person sunk into the soul - it’s better to break off relations with him, otherwise in the future they will become a source of grief, scandals and tears for you. Maybe he's dating someone else.

Caught among love dreams and "shifters": for example, a kiss with a loved one can dream of infidelity. The guy offers to marry him - in reality this night vision will turn into separation. A terrible quarrel portends a pleasant surprise.

Video: why dream of love


When in a dream from Friday to Saturday you are given a certain diagnosis, then the chances of getting sick with this very thing in reality are very high. If you have not been feeling well lately, you should pay due attention to your health. Don't ignore warning signs by referring to being busy. It is advisable to organize your day so that it has time for sports (at least walking).

Improve your diet, do not disturb your sleep pattern.

A dreaming illness can be interpreted as a symbol. Sore throat in a dream - spend a lot of time on empty talk, gossip. Legs and hands ached - you feel out of place, do not like your job.

dead people

I dreamed of a dead man on the day of Saturn, calling for him - in reality there is danger. Be extremely careful: there is a traumatic period ahead. Avoid risk and rush on the road.

Dreams of coffins, graves, funerals - including your own - also promise misfortune.

Pay attention to the mood in which the deceased person was in a dream. The mood was cheerful, joyful - trouble will pass by.

They returned the dead to life at night - a person dear to you can get into trouble, but you will save him. It is unlikely that we are talking about life and death: most likely, a relative or friend will need your support when they find themselves in a difficult situation.

If the dead man said something, remember his words exactly. This is advice or a warning.

If you dreamed of the death of someone who is actually alive, or you were informed of his death, then try to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones after waking up. Have a family dinner. The family has missed your attention.


Favorable dreams about work portend a cloudless, peaceful period. Your merits are appreciated, your career is going uphill.

Negative visions regarding everyday duties hint that in reality there will be problems at work, up to and including dismissal. In a dream, they quarreled with one of the colleagues or the boss - conflicts await in reality. For a businessman, such dreams predict big losses or bankruptcy.

Keep your eyes open with colleagues, business partners - they are plotting against you.

Try to understand what may have contributed to the tense situation at work. Perhaps you should be more responsible for the tasks assigned to you. Do not shift the tasks entrusted to you to others: the patience of your workmates is not eternal.

For the most accurate reading of the dream, remember all the nuances of the plot and your feelings. They, like bread crumbs, will eventually lead to the truth.

Returned in a dream to student or school time - you should think about changing jobs or getting additional education. Do not forget to develop culturally and spiritually, read more, find an exciting hobby. As they say, knowledge is power. You will have more roads leading to the desired goal.

Entertainment, recreation

Indulged in a dream of bliss, rested - in reality you are characterized by such character traits as carelessness and frivolity. The dream recommends approaching business, your life with more responsibility and prudence.

Only in this case it is possible to reach heights in a career, realize desires, build a reliable marriage.

A similar interpretation of dreams, where the sleeper has fun and has fun, without thinking about tomorrow. There is a possibility that you went down a crooked path, contacted the wrong people. Perhaps you should change your social circle, think about the meaning of your own life, your actions, about where they can lead you.

After such a Saturday dream, it is better to postpone the planned rest, since it will not give you pleasure.

If on the night from Friday to Saturday you dreamed of a pleasant journey, then in reality you can safely go on the road: it will be favorable


According to gypsy beliefs, spiders dream of sudden enrichment. For example, you will receive an unscheduled bonus, an inheritance from a relative, the existence of which you did not even suspect, you will win the lottery. The source of income will be a real surprise for you.

We saw not only an insect, but also a web - get ready to bathe in luxury.

A white spider in a woman's dream portends good luck. A lonely young lady will meet the man of her dreams or receive a marriage proposal. A married woman will please her husband with the news of the replenishment in the family.

For a free man, an albino spider promises erotic adventures, for a married man - the conception of a child by his wife.

If an insect scared you in a dream, you can forget about money

Sleep colors

When starting to decipher a dream, pay attention not only to its plot, but also to the color shades that prevail in it:

  • Red, scarlet, crimson - there is a threat to your health. It is better to be examined in the hospital, even if you do not notice any serious symptoms yet.
  • Blue, blue, green - the path to the dream is cleared. Don't waste your time, luck favors you.
  • Dark gamma is a warning about difficulties, obstacles that prevent plans from being realized. Gather your courage to emerge from the coming trials as a winner.
  • Pastel, delicate colors (pink, peach, light green) - a miracle is coming: what you have been dreaming about for so long will fall into your hands by itself.

What does the dream book say about the sleeping field

Some images for men and women have different meanings.

Men's dreams

If a man on Saturday dreams of a choice between several women, then in reality he is trying to solve all the problems at once. Better deal with them as they come.

An ex-girlfriend in a dream betrays doubt about feelings for a new lover.

A stranger predicts a romantic acquaintance. Gypsy is a deception on the part of dear people. A dark-haired woman prepares for trials and anxieties. With fiery curls - to changes in personal life. The pregnant woman symbolizes the readiness to “give birth” to something new: an idea, a construction or creative project, etc. And such a dream hints to a man that he has not gone on dates for a long time. It's time to start a new relationship.

What do girls', women's dreams mean

I had a pleasant conversation with a man - expect good news from loved ones. He helped you - you are lucky with friends: they are a reliable support.

All the dreams of a married woman that night have a literal meaning. A favorable plot involving close people promises good times, and gloomy events are a sign that you should behave tactfully and prudently. This is the only way to avoid quarrels, reach mutual understanding with friends and family.


A Saturday dream involving a stranger has different readings:

  • Were close to him - ahead of the complexity, failure.
  • Kissed him - beware of spontaneous decisions, actions.
  • They ran after him - soon you will start a new romance.
  • The meeting with him alerted you, frightened you - next week it is better not to get acquainted with anyone.
  • Made a good impression - to the news, which will be a pleasant surprise for you.
  • Chased you - to vain worries, vanity.
  • Beat - meet great love.
  • Asked you for something - get a gift.
  • A handsome man predicts success in any business.
  • Drunk - problems with other people.
  • Elderly - good luck.
    Clown - beware of your inner circle.
  • The stranger had a physical defect - a dream promises happiness.

To a woman in a relationship, a stranger in a dream speaks of a cooling of feelings. Until love burns out, try to keep it.

For a free lady, such a vision portends an interesting acquaintance, a date.

Several representatives of the stronger sex are a symbol of choice: a future profession or place of work. You are already at a crossroads, or you will be there soon.

A young man in a dream of a future mother is a sign of the birth of a boy. The colorful or light-colored clothes of the night guest indicate an easy birth and a happy fate for the baby.

Familiar guy

The guy who dreamed of the girl on Saturday night has a serious passion for her. If he dreams at the end of the week again and again, pay special attention to him: he will become a faithful, reliable life partner.

If the former appeared in a dream, then this does not mean that you will converge again. It’s just that your connection has not been completely broken: you are still united by common friends, children or work, hobbies. Or even karma. Often such a dream predicts a new serious relationship. But if you cherish the hope of restoring the old union, the dream advises you to leave it: it prevents you from trusting a new feeling.

We had sex in a vision with our partner and woke up in a great mood - a wish will come true. The next week will be decisive for your relationship.

The chosen one was in a dream with another - focus on strengthening relationships, take care of your love. Not only a person who wants to separate you, but also family disagreements can threaten her. Don't let problem solving go by itself.

A big quarrel with a lover warns of a deterioration in the well-being of one of the relatives. Or something bad will happen to him.


Expect the birth of a girl in a dream - in real life, this represents good news or a wonderful surprise. A boy should be born - be vigilant on the road: you can get into an accident.

If a non-pregnant girl dreams that she will become a mother, then she probably dreams about it or will really soon carry a child under her heart.

Get pregnant in a dream - get ready to become a mother in reality

Another woman

The woman or girl who dreamed that night personifies youth, memories of youth.

The reflection of a stranger seen in the mirror warns of a secret ill-wisher or rival in love. Remember the features of the dreaming face.

The ex-wife or girlfriend of the chosen one, dreaming, betrays your insecurity in him. Not everything is going smoothly in your union.

If on Saturday night you dreamed of a loved one doing something incomprehensible to you, be sure to tell him about it after waking up. Perhaps this message is meant for him.

We admired a beautiful girl in a dream - expect good news. The same meaning if you were talking to a friend or neighbor.

Touched a woman - you will understand that the one who takes care of you for a long time, without concealing his feelings, is your soulmate.

When such dreams definitely come true and are considered prophetic

Dreams from Friday to Saturday rarely carry any semantic load. However, people often forget or ignore them.

Such dreams are prophetic for those born on Saturday. Pay close attention to what has been seen since Friday the 13th and during the Easter week. Sadly, good omens come true less frequently. Unlike dreaming ailments and accidents.

Why is Friday the 13th considered a cursed day? One of the versions: on this day, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and left Paradise forever.

There is a high probability that the nightmare that occurred on Christmas night will be repeated in reality exactly to the smallest detail.

Don't brush aside the dreams you had on the night of Friday the 13th to Saturday the 14th

But in December, only rainbow dreams come true: about happy hours with family, having a good time with friends, meeting with lovers.

Remember that the period for translating into reality for such dreams is very short: a maximum of two weeks.

After this time, any dreamed horrors can be safely thrown out of your head. If nothing bad happened, then you did something that neutralized the predicted problems and troubles.

Video: so that a bad dream does not come true

Don't be afraid to play it safe when it comes to dreams from Friday to Saturday. Especially if reading the signs portends trouble. It is better to take preventive measures than to let the course of events take its course and end up with a bunch of problems.

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Sleep from Friday to Saturday meaning

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

Dream interpreters argue that the day of the week on which the dreamer had a dream is of great importance. Some days are considered empty, but certain days contain signs and clues. Dreams from Friday to Saturday are special.

Dream interpretation from Friday to Saturday

  1. Visions from Friday to Saturday are under the control of Saturn, a planet with very powerful energy. It is for this reason that dreams are considered fateful. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember it to the smallest detail. Experts recommend writing down your sleep immediately after waking up. Otherwise, there is a high probability of forgetting it forever.
  2. Consider one dream. According to his analogy, you can interpret any. If a girl dreamed of a guy, the vision is favorable. It may be familiar or unfamiliar. An important role is played by the impression of sleep in general. If the girl got a good feeling, pleasant events will soon occur related to the meeting of her betrothed. Moreover, it is likely that the union will be happy. But if the dream was gloomy, the future relationship can bring suffering. This sign should be regarded as caution. This does not mean that you should end the relationship. But you should not jump into the pool.
  3. In principle, any gloomy dream on the night from Friday to Saturday indicates danger. Fences, winding and dark roads, dead-end roads, intersections, etc. are a bad sign. In all likelihood, a problem or obstacle will arise in life, so you should think carefully about what can happen. If there are assumptions, it is necessary to try to avoid the development of negative events. A wide, light and straight road symbolizes global and pleasant changes, for example, marriage, job change, place of residence, new friends, travel, etc.
  4. If a crossroads is dreamed of from Friday to Saturday, the dreamer will have to make an important decision. Perhaps he put off important things in a long box, so the dream, as it were, hints not to delay. It is possible that the small details of sleep will help you make the right decision. According to psychologists, such dreams come for a reason. If a person is too preoccupied with any situation or thinks about it a lot, he activates the subconscious mind, which produces night visions.
  5. Scientists have come to the conclusion that most dreams express the emotional experiences of a person. If you dream too often, it makes sense to relax and not get hung up on solving problems. The subconscious must also rest, otherwise serious psychological disorders may occur.
  6. Often in dreams our present, past and future intersect. Do not be upset because of a bad dream. It is important to know that dreams come true very quickly. If nothing terrible happened within seven days, we can assume that everything is in order.
  7. When interpreting a dream, it is important to listen to your own intuition. It should not be taken literally. For example, death can symbolize the beginning of something great, global life changes. A dream that occurred from Friday to Saturday symbolizes only one of the options for a possible development of events. Changing your actions or lifestyle will help you make the right turn.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that dreams from Friday to Saturday are not always prophetic. They can express the current state of a person. Bad dreams warn of danger with the help of signs. You should not regard them as a direct signal for distress, they simply advise you to rethink your behavior.

Dream Interpretation Guy from Friday to Saturday

Why does the Guy dream from Friday to Saturday in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing a guy in a dream from Friday to Saturday - the dream has an important, but symbolic meaning. Being close to your loved one is the right choice you made.

You managed to please the higher powers, so they are ready to repay you with various benefits: prosperity in business, the conclusion of a happy family union.

Do dreams come true from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday? I read somewhere that yes. What do you think?

Time of prophetic dreams

Many traditional interpreters believe that dreams that come before dawn contain the most accurate predictive information. Earlier dreams may reflect the desires and worries of the past day, or various physiological processes; but the dream that occurs at the threshold of day and night (or the last dream seen during the night) deserves the most careful consideration.

It is also known that a Sunday or holiday dream will either come true before dinner, or not come true at all, and most accurately dreams come true on the night of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

As for the days and nights on which the most likely to see a “prophetic” dream, since ancient times there has been a theory that the predictive accuracy of dreams is directly related to the phases of the moon. Below is a list of dreams come true in accordance with the lunar day (starting from the new moon), taken from the old Russian "Dream Book":

1. A fair dream, expresses well-being.

2. This dream will soon come true, and, moreover, in a joyful adventure.

3. Do not worry, this dream is empty and does not mean anything.

4. This dream will not come true.

5. This dream will come true exactly.

6. This dream is true.

7. This dream will not come true soon.

8. Take care that something bad does not happen.

9. Beware of bad cases.

10. This dream will come true soon.

11. The events of this dream must be observed carefully on the third day.

12. This dream will come true on the seventh day.

13. What was dreamed will completely follow on the tenth day.

14. What you dreamed will come true soon.

15. What was dreamed of will affect very soon.

16. The fulfillment of this dream will follow very soon.

17. This dream will soon come true, and on the nineteenth day it will surely come true.

18. This dream will be fulfilled on the twentieth day.

19. This dream is valid and will open in eight days.

20. This dream portends well-being.

21. This dream is very accurate.

22. What dreamed, nothing happened.

23. Although I dreamed, and a lot, but everything is empty.

24. What was dreamed will come true in twelve days.

25. This dream is empty and does not portend anything.

26. This dream will come true in twenty-four days.

27. These dreams are not dangerous.

28. Although I dreamed a lot in a dream, nothing happened.

29. The fulfillment of this dream must be expected in twenty-four days.

30. This dream means nothing.

in fact, there is no difference from which day of the week to which dreams you dream ...

Time knows no hours, days, or weeks. these are just conventions accepted by people. it just goes...

if the dream is clear, some symbols are clearly traced in it (completely unrelated to your thoughts !!) and you have dreams come true,

so a dream can be prophetic ...

and when he dreamed, at what time of day, on what day of the week and month, it does not matter. !

do dreams come true from friday to saturday?


in the period from Christmas to baptism, it is worth paying attention to all dreams - regardless of the day of the week when it is dreamed. the only question is interpretation - these are games of the subconscious (after all, there are dreams under the impression of what they saw during the day or psychological problems emerge in dreams) or really prophetic dreams. And if, as you say, the dream is nasty, it just doesn’t feel like it, there is a sure way to get rid of it (or rather, so that it doesn’t come true) - how to wake up without telling this dream to anyone, to say “where the night goes, there the dream” - helps)) )))

believe it will come true. All you need is Faith.

Days of the week and dreams.

You don't have a good avatar. In my opinion, you have a black streak in your life. Your avatar speaks of suicide. If this is true, then try to look at everything that happens from a different angle. In fact, not everything is as you see it.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday - what do they mean? Come true or not?

Are you wondering what the dream is about from Friday to Saturday? Get ready for the fact that fate has prepared for you unusual trials that will lead to dramatic changes in your life. But this does not mean at all that everything is already a foregone conclusion. On the contrary, you will receive a lot of clues from the Universe and will be able to avoid trouble. A dream from Friday to Saturday comes true very often and is fateful.

Dreams on Saturday are not only predictions for you, they can touch the people closest to you, friends and relatives. So be careful and remember the details. In the morning you woke up with an unpleasant aftertaste, anxiety and even fear - perhaps serious problems await you, losses, the collapse of your dreams, or you will soon find out about troubles with your loved ones.

Why dream from Friday to Saturday? This is information and predictions about your destiny. Saturn, the patron saint of Saturday, controls fate, therefore it tells us how events will develop. But do not despair if you dreamed of bad events - you have a chance to change them: make attempts to improve the situation, make new acquaintances, become kinder to people, always be active and cheerful.

But if you know what this or that object is dreaming of, the incident and it suits you quite well - do not change anything and then your dream will soon come true.

Fateful Saturn - the patron of Saturday dreams

Dreams on this day do not come true exactly - we can see important symbols, clues. It is these little things that will allow us to correct our mistakes, establish relationships with loved ones, and change the course of our lives. Saturn only helps a person deal with accumulated problems, without dooming him to hopelessness. Dream types:

  • A dream on Saturday tells us about the future, calling for abstinence and patience. No rash acts - only calculation and caution in actions, and then luck will surely smile at you.
  • Vivid dreams are a great sign that indicates that you will have good luck and success in all important endeavors.
  • Gloomy dreams filled with symbolic obstacles (walls, crosses, cliffs) - the path to your dream will be difficult and thorny. You have to overcome yourself, work hard.

A dream from Friday to Saturday always calls to become wiser, to take advantage of life experience. Tips will help you understand how to behave in society, how to value relationships and learn to limit yourself in desires that can harm you. You don’t know why there is a dream about trials and problems? The universe is trying to tell you that you are on the wrong path. Analyze why you fail, enter into conflicts.

What does sleep from Friday to Saturday mean?

Despite the fact that it is sometimes difficult to understand what a dream is about (it is always symbolic), we will try to find out what the signs and events indicate:

Had a dream from Friday to Saturday about love? Saturn controls the destinies of people, so dreams on this day are very important, but at the same time they are symbolic. If you dream that you are next to your loved one (with whom you are in a relationship or married), it means that you made the right choice and you managed to avoid serious mistakes. The Universe has appreciated your wisdom, and is ready to give all family benefits: a happy strong union, prosperity and children. A dream from Friday to Saturday makes you experience the bitter betrayal of a loved one - an important sign has been sent to you. You need to think about what is wrong in your relationship, maybe you are too oppressive to your partner or do not pay attention to him. It is not necessary that the events come true in reality, but you behave in such a way that you yourself are pushing your partner to cheat. You will have to change and take more care of a loved one. A new acquaintance that gives a lot of emotions in a dream is a good sign. You will meet a person with whom a strong relationship can develop. The main thing is to “do not miss” your chance - treat people more carefully.

Had a dream from Friday to Saturday about work? You are praised for your merits, your salary is raised, you are offered a new position - it means that you have worked hard, and finally the time has come to reap the beneficial fruits. A scandal at work, you are fired - this is a sign that you do not take your duties seriously. Urgently change this state of affairs or in life you will face serious problems and dismissal, loss of business and money. Do not trust business partners and colleagues too much - they envy you and are ready to “set you up”.

Did you have a dream from Friday to Saturday about dead people? If you live your own death or attend the funeral of relatives or friends, be extremely careful in life. Such signs portend serious dangers and accidents. Try not to plan long trips in the near future, do not go in for extreme sports, give up risky activities (in any plan). A dream from Friday to Saturday tells about the death of loved ones, but you are trying to “revive” them or prevent the situation - in reality, you can really save your loved one from trouble. Lend a helping hand, do not leave him in a difficult situation.

Did you have a dream from Friday to Saturday about relaxation and entertainment? A dream where you have unbridled fun, forget about everything in the world - a sign that it's time for you to stop, do serious business in life. Perhaps fate tells you that you have gone astray and are ready to take a rash step. You should not plan a vacation during this period - it will be unsuccessful.

Did you have a dream from Friday to Saturday about studying? They saw themselves as a student - it is worth thinking about changing activities, learning a new profession or improving their skills. Take up an interesting hobby, devote a lot of time to self-education, and then fate will send you new opportunities.

Had a dream from Friday to Saturday about illness? Dreams about illnesses on Saturday are very informative. Remember what ailment you visited, perhaps this is a direct indication of the wrong behavior in life. Sore throat - you are too verbose, ready to discuss others. Legs and arms hurt - you are not engaged in the kind of activity that is destined for you by fate, etc.

Why dream from Friday to Saturday? Of course, to change and new opportunities, it is only necessary to understand how to bring joyful events closer and bring good luck into your life.

What do dreams mean from Friday to Saturday

Saturday is a favorite day for many, as it is a day off, which means there is an opportunity to lie in bed longer. On the night of Friday, dreams may occur that have a fateful decision for a person. To find out the correct interpretation, you should look into the dream book.

Why dream from Friday to Saturday

Many interpreters are sure that a dream from Friday to Saturday is a dream as a warning to a person about his future fate. It is on this night that you can see the most reliable sign indicating what exactly the dreamer should be afraid of, and how best to act in order to realize all plans.

Shabbat visions very often come true, so they need to be taken extremely seriously. Sometimes such a dream may consist of several plots that are scattered at first glance, but in fact they are a single whole - the main thing is to find a relationship.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday what does it mean?

Not everyone knows what dreams mean from Friday to Saturday. It is very important to pay attention to every detail:

  • if in the morning you woke up in a cheerful and elated mood, then you need to interpret what you saw in a positive light, and even if you saw not the most pleasant events, in reality all the circumstances will turn in your favor;
  • if, upon awakening, you felt fear and confusion, then you should not hope for a favorable outcome, you will have to face adversity and disappointment;
  • for a person celebrating his birth on this day, the dream that has come will be prophetic, and all the dreams he sees will almost exactly come true;
  • the dreams seen on the night of Friday the 13th to Saturday have the most important meaning - if this is a tragic plot, it will determine the future of the dreamer in the near future, but fate does not send such a test without a reason, you yourself will have to make a fateful choice;
  • an important point - as a rule, dreams on Saturday are fulfilled as soon as possible, and you should be prepared for this.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday come true or not

It is known that the patron saint of Sabbath dreams is Saturn. Astrologers say that this planet helps people deal with all problems, and suggests the right solution, without dooming a person to hopelessness.

It depends on Saturn that a dream from Friday to Saturday does not / come true - a vivid and emotional dream portends order in business, good luck and the implementation of the plan. Everything dreamed during this period can happen in reality for a month.

To understand whether a bad dream comes true from Friday to Saturday, pay attention to your own emotions after waking up - if you did not experience anxiety or excitement, then a bad dream will not come true.

Sleep in the morning from Friday to Saturday, what does it mean and does it come true

The time period in which you dreamed about the event is very important.

It also depends on whether our dreams come true or not:

  • if you saw a dream in the early morning, before seven o'clock, and remembered it in all its details, this will be a reflection of your prospects for the very near future;
  • pay attention to the characters that were present in your vision at such an early hour - her boyfriend may appear to a woman, and her beloved girl may dream of a man, the actions of these people in your dreams should be remembered;
  • if you saw a dream before ten o'clock in the morning, it will indicate the mistakes and mistakes you have made, try to correct them as soon as possible;
  • if you like to sleep for a long time on the weekend and watched a dream closer to dinner - pay attention to the general atmosphere, as it will set the tone for your next week;
  • a nightmare seen on Saturday morning is a shifter that should be interpreted exactly the opposite, it will not have a negative impact on your life.

If a person dreams from Friday to Saturday, what is it for

On a night that is subject to Saturn, you need to pay special attention to the people who appear to you.

For example, if you dreamed of a dead man who invited you to his place, be very careful, as an accident may happen to you, or any other extreme situation will happen that will end very badly for you.

If you yourself revived the dead, it means that trouble can happen to a person close to you, but it is in your power to prevent it.

Why is the guy dreaming from Friday to Saturday

The dream interpretation says that in this case, interpretations may be different.

  • If a woman dreams of an ex-boyfriend, then fate will definitely bring her to him again. You should not take this as a sign that you will be together until the end of your days, but even in a short period of time you will be able to give each other something valuable.
  • If in the morning a guy is dreaming from Friday to Saturday who likes that he cheated on you or offended you, it is better to end a close relationship with him, since nothing good awaits your couple.
  • To see your rival in a morning nightmare - some unpleasant event will happen soon, look for a more accurate interpretation in the dream events themselves.
  • We woke up in a great mood after a morning erotic dream in which your young man appeared - your wish will come true in reality, the next week will be decisive for your relationship.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

Vanga noted that all prophetic dreams visited her only from Friday to Saturday. Having correctly understood the essence of the dream, you will not only learn about upcoming joyful events, but also prevent unpleasant situations and maintain your health.

What do dreams mean from Friday to Saturday?

On this day off, dreams are in the care of Saturn, the planet that decides fate. They talk about future developments. However, even a bad dream should not upset you: by deciphering its meaning, you will prevent many unpleasant consequences. Saturn never deprives of hope, he only tells you how to deal with life's troubles.

Such visions can concern not only you, but also the lives of your close relatives, dear people. Some are dreams that portend cataclysms or political events on the scale of their city, state or the whole world. These stories are worth remembering to the smallest detail. The details of the dream and the emotions from it will help you understand its meaning.

  • Visions in dark colors and gloomy dreams with symbolic obstacles (for example, with crosses) mean that you will have to work hard to make your dream come true. The path to what you want will be difficult.
  • Red tones portend illness.
  • Bright colors and pastel shades are a harbinger of good luck and happiness.

Any dreams from Friday to Saturday urge a person to become more prudent and wiser. The people who are in them are not accidental. They are united with the dreamer by a deep emotional connection.

Do dreams come true from Friday to Saturday?

Dreams from Friday to Saturday affect the fate of a person. But they rarely come true. Remember the symbols and signs that are found in night vision. They will help you interpret it correctly.

Saturday dreams indicate what will happen in the near future. Dreams tell the dreamer how to behave and how to cope with the situation.

How to interpret a dream from Friday to Saturday?

It is important to remember the time at which you had a dream that pleased or disturbed you. The time period will indicate how quickly they will come true and how to interpret them.

  • A dream that occurred at an early hour (before 7:00) will be true if you managed to remember it in sufficient detail. It indicates the potential and opportunities provided.
  • The period from 7 to 10 hours is the time of warnings from Saturn. These dreams indicate your future missteps and blunders. They also tell you what you are trying to escape from. These stories are an occasion to understand yourself and decide what you really want.
  • Do not be afraid of nightmares that dreamed up on Saturday morning. They portend only that some business or situation that seems unsuccessful will turn out to be beneficial.
  • The images dreamed in the afternoon or pre-dinner hours are interpreted depending on the emotions that they evoked. If their atmosphere was benevolent and pacifying, then the next week will pass safely and happily.

Particular attention should be paid to dreams from Friday to Saturday, in which male representatives appear - boys, men, bosses, strangers. By correctly interpreting such dreams, you will avoid many mistakes.

The most fateful stories can be seen on Saturday night on your birthday. Severe warnings are given by Saturn in dreams that appear before Easter and on the night from Friday the 13th to Saturday.

If terrible events, tragic accidents or illnesses are foreseen during this period, you should be much more careful next week, take care of yourself, loved ones and dear people. An unpleasant dream on Christmas night also becomes prophetic. Often it is performed to the smallest detail.

If a bad dream comes on a cold Saturday night in December, don't fret. Of all the December dreams, only good ones come true: romantic dates, gatherings in a friendly company or warm family comfort.

How soon come true?

Sometimes it seems that the dream is unrealizable. In this case, the dream comes true years later. Usually, dreams from Friday to Saturday come true within one to two weeks. After this period, do not worry about the most disturbing nightmare. Probably, you correctly understood what you saw in it and averted misfortune.

Why dream from Friday to Saturday?

Here is an interpretation of the most frequent dream plots. It is advisable to quickly understand the Sabbath dream, as it will be fulfilled soon.

Dreams of love

True dreams of love on a Saturday night. In a dream, you are next to your husband or loved one with whom you have a serious relationship - this is a sign of the right choice.

A happy married life, well-being and the appearance of children will become inevitable.

However, if your chosen one or chosen one cheats on you or commits another dishonorable act, it is worth reconsidering the existing relationship. Perhaps a lack of attention or your behavior offends your soulmate. In this case, you need to show your care and love more often. Sometimes such a dream is an advice from above to end the relationship that will bring you suffering.

When a person appears in dreams from Friday to Saturday who wants to destroy relations with your soulmate, this symbolizes the threat to your love. At the same time, the danger does not always come from the opponent (or opponent). It is easy to understand what will cause disagreements in your relationship by the signs found in a dream.

If you dream of a loved one with whom you have no relationship, then for some time you will definitely be together. Connecting with him will have a profound effect on both of you.

Former spouses, guys and girls in a dream are not a sign that you will renew your relationship. It's just that you are still connected to each other - by interests, friends, common children or something else.

Girls often see boys in their dreams. The interpretation of such a vision varies depending on the plot:

  • a kiss with a young man - dreams of treason;
  • a quarrel with a guy - to a surprise;
  • if he is drunk - to problems with strangers;
  • you often see the same young man or man - know what he thinks of you;
  • saw a stranger - to big changes in life;
  • dreaming of several young men - the need to make difficult choices in work or study;
  • if a guy asks for something or takes something, get a gift;
  • soothes - to good luck in your endeavors;
  • offers a hand and a heart - you will part;
  • beats - you will meet your true love;
  • to be with your loved one in a well-known place - to career growth.

If a young man dreams of a woman, then she should stock up on sliders and caps, because this is a sure sign of pregnancy.

Dreams about a wedding

If an unmarried girl sees her wedding with her lover in a dream from Friday to Saturday, then their relationship will become more serious. There is a good chance that he will actually propose to her. Sometimes the groom is a stranger or a person whose face is not visible. In this case, events are expected that will change the girl's life. And a wedding without a groom - to new problems in life.

For a married lady, this dream from Friday to Saturday is an unfavorable sign, meaning betrayal or various troubles. For a male bachelor, he is also fraught with trouble. But if a man is cheerful and positive during his marriage, then he will definitely cope with the upcoming difficulties.

Dreams about work

It is very easy to interpret a dream about work: if you are praised or your salary is increased in it, you occupy a higher position - this is a success and a worthy reward for your work.

But scandals, troubles and conflicts in the work environment are an indication that you are lazy and problems are inevitable. Learn to take responsibility for your responsibilities, otherwise you will lose your business, job or money. Also in this case, it is worth taking a closer look at colleagues and partners. Among them there may be envious people who are ready to set you up at the opportunity.

Dreams about travel, entertainment

If you saw yourself idly resting in a dream, then in life you are too frivolous and careless. Be more reasonable and think more about important matters. Equally important is the vision in which you entertain, travel and have fun. Sometimes a dream means that you are following a bad example and leading an unreasonable lifestyle. In this case, you should abandon the rest planned for the next month.

Dreams about emotions

Pay attention to the emotions in the dream. This will make it much easier for you to understand its meaning. The feelings you experience show what character traits you are hiding from others and yourself. And your mood will tell you how well your relationships with others and your life in general will develop.

If in a dream you rejoice, and after sleep you are cheerful and cheerful, success awaits you in the future. And if in it you experienced fear, sadness or cried, then a time of disappointment awaits you.

Dreams about the dead

A vision in which a living person dies is advice to pay more attention to loved ones. Take care of your loved ones more often and please them with pleasant little things.

If you dreamed that you brought a dead man back to life, then this threatens your loved one with trouble. However, thanks to your intervention, he will cope with it, and everything will be fine. This rare and unusual dream sometimes suggests that you are expected to help. Don't ignore the person when he asks for it.

You should not take risks, go on long trips or do any extravagant acts if you had a dream about your own death or funeral. Be careful and prudent even if you dreamed of a really dead person who entailed. In general, any symbols of death in a dream and the dead are a reason to lead a calm lifestyle for at least 2 weeks and be careful on the road.

There is no reason for excitement in only one case: if in a vision the deceased is happy and contented.

Dreams about illness

With a dream in which your condition worsened, Saturn insists on reconsidering your lifestyle. Stop being careless about your health and finally establish a clear daily routine.

Did you dream that you were sick with a certain disease? This may indeed be the case, so it is worth visiting a doctor or taking tests. More often, however, these Sabbath daydreams have a symbolic meaning. A sore throat is a hint that you talk a lot and discuss other people. Pain in the arms or legs is a sign that you need to change your field of activity to a more suitable one for you.

Other dreams from Friday to Saturday

If a person dreams:

  • chase - he will be punished for his actions;
  • children and animals - profit and success await him;
  • walls, cliffs, difficult climb - obstacles on the way to a dream;
  • if a person sees himself in a dream as a schoolboy or student - it's time to try yourself in a new field, engage in self-education, and improve your skills.

Mothers should be especially careful about troubled dreams. They often become a warning about the dangers that threaten the son.

Saturn is not only responsible for the fate of man, but also for maintaining law and order. Therefore, for men, disturbing dreams can threaten tax inspections or problems with the justice authorities or with superiors. In this case, it is not worth signing important agreements in the coming days. A pleasant dream promises a meeting with a soul mate and the unexpected arrival of an old friend.

Dreams for the new moon and the growing moon

If the night from Friday to Saturday coincided with the period of the growth of the moon or the new moon, then these dreams show upcoming events and are of great importance.

Nightmares symbolize future misfortunes. Having guessed the meaning of the vision, you can avert many troubles.

A dream in which a person feels uncomfortable, ashamed of something - financial or work problems.

A wedding portends difficulties in relationships with loved ones, breaks and scandals.

If dead relatives appeared in a vision, then remember their words. They are trying to protect you from unreasonable actions.

A joyful, good dream on such a night is a sign of great success. Feel free to take on any business next week. You will achieve even more results than you expect.

Dreams for the full and waning moon

The deepest and most mystical dreams occur on Saturday at the full moon. They reveal the most complex and dark sides of human nature. If, for example, the dreamer saw himself as angry and greedy, then he must get rid of these features of his character. They are the ones that get in the way of his life.

Deciphering these dreams is often not easy, because they are filled with obscure abstract symbols. Try to trust your inner voice in this case.

Dreams during the waning moon and full moon are also often reminiscent of the mistakes of the past. Thoughtless actions of bygone years still influence the fate of man. To make the future more rosy, try to reconsider your lifestyle.

Remember that when interpreting any bad dreams seen on Saturday, it is worth exaggerating their meaning a little. Taking them seriously will help you avoid many problems.

But usually Saturday dreams come true no more than 50%. And if the dream was fleeting, nothing hooked you, just forget it. However, if you are very worried about him, write him down in all the details and try to find out his secret.

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