I dreamed of a friend from Friday. The meanings of women's dreams


In order to understand whether your dream is true, you must pay attention to when you had it. There are days and even weeks in the year when almost any dream comes true, and there are such that even the most seemingly “prophetic” dream is actually empty.

Dreams in the annual cycle

It's time for prophetic dreams - Christmas time. Christmas time is the period between Christmas (January 7) and Epiphany (January 19). At this time, their dead ancestors (“parents”) come to believers, for them at the festive Christmas table (on the afternoon of January 7) a special place must be laid. "Parents" then tell fate in a dream. Therefore, a dream that occurs during Christmas time always comes true, you just need to solve it correctly. Holy days are holidays, but at this time, an unclean force lies in wait for a person, who freely roams the earth, because, as Maria Semyonovna explained, "Jesus was born, but has not yet been baptized." So the girls guess at Christmas time for suitors and fate, but gives them an unclean answer. He does not lie, he speaks the truth, but it is only a sin to call upon the unclean. He just does nothing, then he will take his own. Therefore, if anyone guessed at Christmas time, then you need to repent. Not only at Christmas time, on any holiday a prophetic dream can be dreamed, but only it must come true before lunch (before noon) of the holiday. So they said in the old days: "A festive dream - before dinner." A prophetic dream is dreamed on the third day of each month, and on the twenty-fifth - the dream will be empty.


Friday is a special day, on Friday our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. So Mother Friday, Saint Paraskeva the Martyr, walks the earth on Friday, mourning the Savior. St. Friday helps women more and more, seamstresses and women in childbirth, if they observe her day - they don’t sew, they don’t knit, they don’t wash on Friday. And there is no need to start any business on Friday - they will turn out to be a failure. On Friday, all dreams are true, everyone can predict fate. But 12 Good Fridays are especially honored, dreams for these days are the most accurate. These Fridays are called "temporary".

Temporary (nominal) Fridays

1 I - in the first week of Great Lent.

3 I - on Palm week.

4 I - before the Ascension.

5 I - before the Trinity day.

These twelve Fridays are also called nominal because each of them has its own name, for example, Annunciation Friday, Dormition Friday, etc.; any event from the Old Testament history is timed to each of them, as, for example, it was said about the first Friday in ancient books that “on the first Friday of the month of March, Adam transgressed the commandment of God and was expelled from paradise,” etc. Fridays, some special grace is attributed, for example: "Whoever fasts the first of these Fridays, he will be delivered from sudden death." If a person observes Fridays, that is, fasts, refrains from housework, then after the sixth of 12 Fridays, St. Friday will appear to him in a dream and reveal half of his future; after the twelfth Friday, she will tell him all his future.

Other days of the week

From Sunday to Monday, all sorts of dreams are dreamed, prophetic ones may be dreamed, or they may be empty. From Sunday to Monday, they make a dream.

* From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams.

* From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams come true.

* From Wednesday to Thursday - empty dreams.

* From Thursday to Friday - dreams come true (usually within three years, but may come true earlier).

* From Friday to Saturday - empty dreams.

* From Saturday to Sunday - a dream can come true before lunch.

However, it must be borne in mind that vision dreams are always true and that if the symbols are repeated in a dream, then, regardless of the day of the week, such dreams are prophetic. The day on which the dream was dreamed is only auxiliary knowledge.

Times of Day

Daytime sleep will almost always be empty (except for visions) because it refers to the past. During evening or night sleep, the soul is just beginning to move away from the body, so prophetic images are replaced by bodily images. It is especially difficult to parse such a dream, it often turns out to be empty. The most faithful is the morning dream, because the soul has already moved away from the body, has forgotten the impressions of the day and sees the phenomena of the heavenly world.

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Had a dream this afternoon. everything was very real. . Do daytime dreams come true?



Days of the week and dreams.

Monday - will be fulfilled for those who were born on this day.

Tuesday - a dream can come true in 7-10 days.

Wednesday - a dream portends.

Thursday - the dream will not come true.

Friday - a dream predicts.

Saturday - a dream comes true, but not always.

Sunday - a dream seen on this day, do not tell anyone. If a child tells you his dream, keep it a secret from everyone.

Table of fulfillment of dreams seen during the day.

1 will come true before the evening

2 will come true in a day

3 can be said - empty

4 sleep warns

5 this day is exact for sleep

6 everything will be the other way around, not like in a dream

7 will come true in six months

8 will come true in seven years

9 will come true in two weeks

10 he will find you

11 you will worry and cry

12 do not tell anyone, but the trouble is already in the house

13 if such a dream has been before, pray and wait for its fulfillment in seven weeks

14 will be fulfilled when you forget this dream, but when it is fulfilled, you will be horrified and remember

15 get out of your head, it won't come true

16 very very soon

17 will be fulfilled in twenty days

Turns 18 to the same day in a year

19 you'll see, it will be completed in six years

20 dream to joy

21 no, don't wait, the dream is empty

22 come true, it will come true, but in five years, and already unnecessarily

23 a good dream will come true in two weeks, a bad dream in a year

24 is probably empty

25 expect fulfillment in nine days

26 empty like an empty trough

27 you saw a prophetic dream and your enemy

28 will come true, but not immediately, and he is not dangerous

29 will start to be fulfilled from tomorrow

30 dream is fair and accurate, but will not come true soon

31 pray that it will not be fulfilled soon

Table of fulfillment of dreams seen at night.

Days of the month Probability of fulfillment of dreams

1 dream brings prosperity

2 will come true soon

3 sleep empty

4 dream is accurate, it will come true

5 will come true exactly

6 dream ambiguous

7 will not come true soon

8 may come true

9 not an empty dream

10 nothing will come true

11 will come true on the third day

12 will come true on the seventh day

13 on the ninth day will certainly come true

14 will soon come true

15 soon but not completely

16 already started

17 will be fulfilled in nineteen days

18 will be fulfilled on the twentieth day

Turn 19 in eight days

20 brings prosperity to the youngest in the family

21 exactly fulfilled

22 nothing to happen

23 your dream will not come true

24 in twelve days wait for the fulfillment

25 nothing important will happen

26 is not dangerous

27 is very important

28 on the twentieth and fourth day will come true

29 will not come true

Turns 30 in a month

31 very dangerous dream

Rita Vladimirskaja

If you believe in dreams, then they come true.

Alena Shimko

if the dream is prophetic, then it doesn’t matter whether it is daytime or nighttime


Yes, within the next few days!


Wednesday - the middle of the week, is ruled by the intermediary planet - Mercury. Airy Mercury often brings light, varied, unmemorable dreams. But if the dream is remembered, then by deciphering it, you will receive information about friends and buddies, about brothers and sisters, and about everyone with whom you often communicate. Wednesday's dreams announce upcoming minor changes in life. About the sources of information that are important to you now, about your studies, about upcoming short trips and conversations.
If the dream of the environment is rich, mobile, with frequently changing plots, then you are a sociable person. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with you and soon you will have many new acquaintances with whom it will be easy and fun, who will teach you a lot in an unobtrusive way.

The fulfillment of dreams also depends on the day of the lunar month. Today is the 9th lunar day, which means that the Dream usually comes true, but not always quickly, but it will still be fulfilled soon.

The probability of the fulfillment of a dream is determined by the number of the month in which it took place:
On the 24th, dreams are joyful and soon fulfilled.

do dreams that occurred in the afternoon after dinner matter


Sergei Voevodin

dreams after dinner mean that you are not working. or you have a free schedule :)


No, they don’t, dreams often come true from Monday to Tuesday, from Thursday to Friday ... you just need to interpret them correctly. If you had a bad dream on the weekend (on Saturday or Sunday), you need to squander it, that is, tell someone, it is believed that these days are market days ... well, if you already had a dream in the middle of the week, as I wrote above (I have in view of, again, a bad dream), you need to go to the window in the morning and say "Where the night is, go there and sleep", but until you say this phrase, talk to no one.

If the dream had a dream during the day? See +++


Sunny Happy

Prophetic dreams can be dreamed at any time of the day. Moreover, you were worried and your subconscious mind was trying to answer your questions. And now I’ll try to translate your dream in order .... The plane and in it YOU say that you are striving for ideals and want to change your life and maybe you also want to go on a trip ... And Everything would be fine, but internal doubts and fears interfere with you. But you will make the right decision and after going through difficulties you will get something good and everything will work out))))

Why dream from Friday to Saturday. These visions are warnings of upcoming trials. They are not always difficult, but always fateful. In order not to crash on the pitfalls during the passage of life reefs, carefully remember the dreams that you have on Saturday night.

Both the dreamer personally and his immediate family can touch the dream. But everything that happens to them will definitely affect you. For example, in the morning you remembered the dream you had from Friday to Saturday and left an unpleasant impression, some kind of feeling of fear. This fate sent you a warning about possible problems for you or your loved ones. This period is under the auspices of Saturn, and this planet is responsible for fateful events and always warns about them. There is a chance to change upcoming negative events by analyzing the current situation around and finding the source of danger. Perhaps you should change your attitude towards people or find new acquaintances who can influence the situation, and then the upcoming difficulties will pass by.

You are tripled by what you dreamed. The upcoming events completely coincide with the desires - try to maintain the status quo so that no one and nothing affects them.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday - what Saturn promises in dreams for Saturday

Saturn never gives accurate predictions. Dreams from Friday to Saturday are, rather, hint symbols that are recommended to be used as a guide to action. Each such dream is filled with various little things that carry the main semantic load. By reading them correctly, you can easily radically change the current situation, turn it to your advantage. For example, having received a warning in a dream, you can make peace with relatives or improve relations with colleagues, and this will have a positive impact on later life.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday are always an accurate calculation and analysis of the situation. Spontaneous and thoughtless actions are cancelled. Only by fully analyzing the dream you have seen, you can make a decision to change your behavior.

A bright, colorful dream from Friday to Saturday portends good luck, gray, inexpressive- symbolizes a lot of obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. It takes a lot of effort to get them down. When analyzing Saturday dreams, it is necessary to analyze your own life experience and intuition more often. They will help you make the right decision.

You have problems in a dream that you cannot overcome - Saturn is trying to warn you that the path you have chosen is wrong. After analyzing the current situation, you can find the right solution and achieve good luck.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday - meaning

Dreams from Friday to Saturday require detailed study in order to interpret them correctly. On the one hand, they are responsible for fateful moments, on the other hand, they are filled with symbols, which can be difficult to unravel. But nothing is impossible.

I had a dream from Friday to Saturday about love, next to you is a close person with whom you are good o - Saturn confirmed that your choice is correct, gave family benefits and happy children's laughter in the house. This is exactly the person you need in life. In a dream, a loved one is cheating on you - urgently look for where a crack has formed in the relationship before it becomes irreparable. In a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new acquaintance appeared - a vision that portends good luck in personal relationships. If you do not yet have a life partner, you should carefully look at the new environment. Among them there is a person who suits you.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday about work, which are filmed on Saturday, can also have a different interpretation. You were praised, your work was appreciated - promotion is expected. Had a dismissal - management is dissatisfied with your work. In real life, a similar outcome is also possible if you do not urgently change your attitude to your duties. If in such a dream you are not an employee and have your own business, do not trust your partners. They may set you up for their own gain.

The unrestrained fun that was dreamed of from Friday to Saturday does not bring anything good. Saturn warns that you are playing too much. We need to get back to serious business. Otherwise, you may lose your job and lose your wages. Going on a long trip at such a moment is also not worth it. It will be uninteresting and will not bring positive emotions.

Sleep Friday to Saturday - additional details

Sleep from Friday to Saturday, related to study says that you need to think about your current situation. Perhaps there was a need to change the type of activity, learn a new profession, start an interesting hobby. It is possible that in the future it will become the main source of income.

Diseases are dreaming - pay attention to the type of disease. The warning is right there. A problem with arms and legs, pain in the limbs in a dream - fate warns that you need to change your field of activity. The current occupation is not your destination. A sore throat informs that all the problems that exist in reality are related to your talkativeness. Change yourself - the world around you will change.

We saw in a dream from Friday to Saturday dying close relatives or our own death- exercise maximum caution. You are in danger if you do not control your every move. Give up difficult travel, extreme hikes. You are trying to help a dying relative - in reality, there is a situation where your support will become a real salvation. Take a close look at what is happening around you.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday - your navigator in reality. Listen to them and respond quickly to signals. Many troubles can be avoided.

Saturday dreams are considered prophetic, because they show the fate of a person in the near future. To interpret such a dream, it is important to remember the big picture. If you had to run through the desert or climb over a high fence, then this indicates future difficulties. The most important thing is not to despair in the face of any problems.

If atmosphere the dream was calm and peaceful - you did not perform vigorous actions, but simply rested, then for some time fate will be favorable to you.

It also happens that Saturday dream is not a single picture, but a hodgepodge of several "plots". Then for interpretation it is important to highlight your emotional state. If you were pleased, then expect positive changes. If not, then get ready for trouble.

When you wake up, you feel full of energy and strength - all future problems will not be a serious obstacle for you. And if you wake up feeling anxiety and longing, it is better to play it safe once again: things may not go in the best way.

If you had a bad dream, then you should not immediately rush into tears: it will not necessarily come true with absolute accuracy. Perhaps this is just a warning. Try to find any symbols in your dream that may suggest how best to behave in the future. In Saturday dreams, you can see an overview of all prospects for the future. Heed the warnings and be more careful, because rash acts can bring many problems into your life.

To learn more about the future of loved ones, you need to remember, and it is better to write down everything that you saw in a Saturday dream. The received emotions say a lot and warn us against troubles.

Saturday dreams are full of information. With their help, you can not only predict the future, but also choose the best tactics to solve your affairs, reducing the negative consequences and risks.

When a prophetic dream will come true

Such dreams are rarely empty and meaningless. But in general, a person is inclined to not attach much importance to them. And these, in turn, are real tips that can make life much easier. Be careful, because what you dreamed about recently can happen very soon.

This is especially important for those who had a dream on their birthday. And also, do not neglect the visions that you had on Friday the 13th and in the Easter week. Unfortunately, at this time, it is very often negative stories that come true.

It's a completely different story in December. Any Saturday nightmare loses all power this month. And only positive dreams will come true, which are harbingers of future changes in relationships and the professional field.

There is another important nuance: these dreams can only come true for a short period of time, which lasts no more than two weeks. And therefore, after this time, you can not be afraid that the dream will someday come true.

Interpretation of dreams from Friday to Saturday

Dreams can be both positive and negative. To interpret a dream, it is important to remember the general atmosphere. If you were lucky, meeting nice people or some kind of holiday, then in real life everything will be fine.

If in your dreams you saw a rainbow picture filled with romantic and magical images, then your most cherished dream will come true. It is necessary not to turn off the already planned path and not to make stupid mistakes.

If you saw a black and gloomy picture, in which there was not even a hint of any positive, then for a couple of weeks you should be on your guard. At this moment, try to give all your best and show maximum efficiency. Dark plots are a warning that speaks of future problems. There is a chance that you will have a difficult getting rid of bad habits or breaking up painful relationships.

Did you see anything related to relatives or friends? Then you should definitely tell them about it, even if it seems to you an absolutely stupid idea. It is possible that they will be able to see some important signs for themselves that will help them understand themselves.

A bright and positive dream marks a positive stage in your life. This means that for some time success at work and personal affairs will await you. This is a great time for self-realization and creating a family. If you received a bad sign, then you should not worry too much - God does not require more from a person than he can bear. Therefore, try to quickly overcome all your problems and do not despair.

Of great importance is the time period when you saw the Sabbath dream. There are many different things that depend on this:

  • Vision, which appeared before seven o'clock in the morning, reflects your prospects and opportunities. If you see any long-desired item, then it's a great time to buy it.
  • If you are a woman, then you should attach great importance to all male characters. Perhaps soon you will have a child or you will find love. And also the signs that dreamed before ten o'clock in the morning mean a lot. In them you can learn in detail about your own mistakes and blunders. In addition, they often display human fears.
  • If you had a dream on Saturday during lunch, then concentrate on its atmosphere. She will set the tone for next week.

Morning the nightmare must be perceived in the opposite way. Most likely, it means the onset of something good. A certain event may seem like a real disaster to you, but upon closer inspection it will turn out to be favorable.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday do not have any clear and direct indications. You need to be sensitive to signs and images if you want to get a reliable prediction for the near future. However, it is better to hurry up with decoding, because such dreams come true very quickly.

Dreams of love

If in a dream you saw a person who you really like, then most likely he will share your fate. But this does not mean that you will spend your whole life together. You may learn a lot from each other, but you will not be a couple until your death:

  • If you dreamed of a lover who is cheating on you or doing some bad deed, then you should greatly reconsider your relationship. Maybe they give you only one anxiety and jealousy.
  • Seeing a former love in a dream - this sign does not necessarily mean that your past partner wants to renew the relationship. It's just that there is still some kind of connection between you. For example, you may have common friends, interests, work, and even children.
  • I dreamed of a rival who is trying to take away your lover - you need to take care of your own relationships more.

Be more attentive to your soul mate, perhaps she needs your support very much.

Interpretation of dreams about work

Any positive dream that is associated with work only says that success awaits you in life:

  • If the dream was disturbing, as well as filled with various troubles and conflicts at work, then this portends trouble at work. It’s worth considering: maybe you don’t like your job and you don’t do it well enough. Career problems are often caused by a careless attitude towards one's own profession.
  • If you dreamed that you were a student or a schoolboy again, then this is a clear sign - you should think about changing your profession. This is a great moment to take advantage of if you've ever dreamed of starting a new career. Take some time to read useful books on psychology and self-education to understand yourself.
  • Endless parties and entertainment in a dream signal that in life you are too frivolous and careless about everything. You should be more reasonable and stop your head in the clouds.

The same interpretation awaits a dream in which you had fun without thinking about anything. Stop mindlessly wasting your life and reconsider your values ​​- it's time to do more serious things. And also this dream indicates that you have strayed from the intended path or have fallen under someone's bad influence. It is worth postponing a planned vacation or vacation for some time, because it is unlikely to bring satisfaction.

dead people

If the deceased person called you to him or other similar signs were present, then you do not need to immediately panic. Try to be more attentive to your own life and safety. If he was in a cheerful mood, then you can not worry about anything.

Dreams about funerals have the same interpretation. Give up any risky activities for two weeks. Postpone all travel and cross the road carefully.

According to the dream book from Friday to Saturday, if you dreamed that a loved one died, then try to give him as much time as possible. This dream suggests that a person has some kind of internal problems. It is worth taking care of him and learning about his anxieties.

If you dreamed that you revived a dead man, then trouble may happen to a relative or friend, but you will be able to save him. Try not to refuse loved ones who ask for help.

Dreams about health

I dreamed that you fell ill with some kind of ailment - this disease can expect you in reality. Therefore, you should be more responsible in relation to your own health.

If in a dream you just felt bad, it means that lately you have practically not monitored your own health. Try to change your lifestyle: go in for sports, go on a diet or sign up for dancing.

Remember that when interpreting Sabbath dreams, it is better to exaggerate their meaning if they are negative. In this case, it is better to play it safe than to rake up a lot of problems later.

Attention, only TODAY!

After the end of the work week, you can afford not to get up too early. On Saturday morning, try to watch the dreams to the end, remember as many details as possible. Dreams from Friday to Saturday can predict significant changes in your life. Treat the message of the night with due attention.

Interpretation of dreams from Friday to Saturday

Dreams during this period are under the double influence of the departing Venus and the patron saint of Saturday Saturn. Often associated with love, romance. They give clues about the development of further events: not only in the life of the sleeping person, but also in his relatives and friends. The more detailed you remember the dream, the more accurately you will be able to interpret, and therefore prepare for the future.

Saturn gives Saturday a certain energy

Luck will smile at you only if you are patient and careful. Think of a plan of action ahead of time.

Do not make spontaneous, reckless actions.

If a bright, colorful dream appeared on a Friday night or Saturday morning, then this is a wonderful omen. Whatever you take, the matter will be argued. Success awaits you. Gray, gloomy visions, in which walls, locked doors, cliffs, crosses (symbols of obstacles on the way) appeared, predict a difficult road to the chosen goal. There is a lot of work ahead, including on yourself.

The uncomfortable feeling left after waking up suggests that the dream alarmed or even frightened you. Probably big troubles, difficulties, collapse of hopes are coming. Or find out that a dear person needs your help.

Astrology believes that each day of the week is ruled by one of the seven planets. So, Saturn rules on Saturday. He does not like new things, empty talk, a condescending attitude to his own weaknesses.

Do not give up ahead of time - a dream is given so that you have time to correct the current situation. Carefully think over all further moves, consult with a wise person, expand the circle of useful acquaintances, become more sensitive to others. The main thing is to smile and charge others with positive, then all problems will disappear with time.

Bad sleep is not a reason to be sad

Dreams from Friday to Saturday help you pay attention to your behavior in society, how to look at yourself from the outside and, if you don’t like something, correct it. They teach to value existing relationships, to fight addictions. Dreamed tests are a sign: it's time to change the way of life. Try to understand what caused the losing streak, why you constantly quarrel with someone.

When I dreamed: at night or in the morning

The time period in which you had a dream is of no small importance:

  • In the morning, until seven o'clock, memorable and vivid dreams show the immediate prospects, contain advice. If a loved one dreamed, pay attention to his behavior and correlate with reality.
  • From seven to ten in the morning, night vision events indicate misconduct and mistakes. They need to be corrected urgently. The dream gives clues about what needs to be done to save the relationship.
  • At midday, the main role is played by the atmosphere. Dark or bright, it will set the tone for the coming week.
  • The nightmare that appeared on Saturday morning has the opposite interpretation: in reality everything will work out in the best way.
  • The most difficult thing is to get rid of the negativity predicted by gloomy midnight dreams.
  • A dream seen before midnight, when Saturn has not yet come into its own, contains, as a rule, love signs. If a girl at this time dreams of her boyfriend, then soon he will talk about the wedding.

Emotions and images

Dreams are not simple and understandable instructions, they must be able to decipher. This must be done promptly, as they come true within a few days.


First of all, concentrate on the emotions experienced in a dream. Mood reflects relationships with significant people for you, future victories and defeats. Feelings can show your inner world, sides of character, inclinations, carefully concealed not only from others, but also from yourself.

Saturn advises to trust in everyday experience, to limit momentary impulses.


I dreamed of a loved one (albeit not mutually) - your fate will be intertwined in one way or another. Even if you are together for a short time, you will still be able to leave a deep mark in each other's hearts.

Romantic, intimate dreams from Friday to Saturday will determine your fate

We saw a betrayal or an unseemly act of a person sunk into the soul - it’s better to break off relations with him, otherwise in the future they will become a source of grief, scandals and tears for you. Maybe he's dating someone else.

Caught among love dreams and "shifters": for example, a kiss with a loved one can dream of infidelity. The guy offers to marry him - in reality this night vision will turn into separation. A terrible quarrel portends a pleasant surprise.

Video: why dream of love


When in a dream from Friday to Saturday you are given a certain diagnosis, then the chances of getting sick with this very thing in reality are very high. If you have not been feeling well lately, you should pay due attention to your health. Don't ignore warning signs by referring to being busy. It is advisable to organize your day so that it has time for sports (at least walking).

Improve your diet, do not disturb your sleep pattern.

A dreaming illness can be interpreted as a symbol. Sore throat in a dream - spend a lot of time on empty talk, gossip. Legs and hands ached - you feel out of place, do not like your job.

dead people

I dreamed of a dead man on the day of Saturn, calling for him - in reality there is danger. Be extremely careful: there is a traumatic period ahead. Avoid risk and rush on the road.

Dreams of coffins, graves, funerals - including your own - also promise misfortune.

Pay attention to the mood in which the deceased person was in a dream. The mood was cheerful, joyful - trouble will pass by.

They returned the dead to life at night - a person dear to you can get into trouble, but you will save him. It is unlikely that we are talking about life and death: most likely, a relative or friend will need your support when they find themselves in a difficult situation.

If the dead man said something, remember his words exactly. This is advice or a warning.

If you dreamed of the death of someone who is actually alive, or you were informed of his death, then try to spend as much time as possible with your loved ones after waking up. Have a family dinner. The family has missed your attention.


Favorable dreams about work portend a cloudless, peaceful period. Your merits are appreciated, your career is going uphill.

Negative visions regarding everyday duties hint that in reality there will be problems at work, up to and including dismissal. In a dream, they quarreled with one of the colleagues or the boss - conflicts await in reality. For a businessman, such dreams predict big losses or bankruptcy.

Keep your eyes open with colleagues, business partners - they are plotting against you.

Try to understand what may have contributed to the tense situation at work. Perhaps you should be more responsible for the tasks assigned to you. Do not shift the tasks entrusted to you to others: the patience of your workmates is not eternal.

For the most accurate reading of the dream, remember all the nuances of the plot and your feelings. They, like bread crumbs, will eventually lead to the truth.

Returned in a dream to student or school time - you should think about changing jobs or getting additional education. Do not forget to develop culturally and spiritually, read more, find an exciting hobby. As they say, knowledge is power. You will have more roads leading to the desired goal.

Entertainment, recreation

Indulged in a dream of bliss, rested - in reality you are characterized by such character traits as carelessness and frivolity. The dream recommends approaching business, your life with more responsibility and prudence.

Only in this case it is possible to reach heights in a career, realize desires, build a reliable marriage.

A similar interpretation of dreams, where the sleeper has fun and has fun, without thinking about tomorrow. There is a possibility that you went down a crooked path, contacted the wrong people. Perhaps you should change your social circle, think about the meaning of your own life, your actions, about where they can lead you.

After such a Saturday dream, it is better to postpone the planned rest, since it will not give you pleasure.

If on the night from Friday to Saturday you dreamed of a pleasant journey, then in reality you can safely go on the road: it will be favorable


According to gypsy beliefs, spiders dream of sudden enrichment. For example, you will receive an unscheduled bonus, an inheritance from a relative, the existence of which you did not even suspect, you will win the lottery. The source of income will be a real surprise for you.

We saw not only an insect, but also a web - get ready to bathe in luxury.

A white spider in a woman's dream portends good luck. A lonely young lady will meet the man of her dreams or receive a marriage proposal. A married woman will please her husband with the news of the replenishment in the family.

For a free man, an albino spider promises erotic adventures, for a married man - the conception of a child by his wife.

If an insect scared you in a dream, you can forget about money

Sleep colors

When starting to decipher a dream, pay attention not only to its plot, but also to the color shades that prevail in it:

  • Red, scarlet, crimson - there is a threat to your health. It is better to be examined in the hospital, even if you do not notice any serious symptoms yet.
  • Blue, blue, green - the path to the dream is cleared. Don't waste your time, luck favors you.
  • Dark gamma is a warning about difficulties, obstacles that prevent plans from being realized. Gather your courage to emerge from the coming trials as a winner.
  • Pastel, delicate colors (pink, peach, light green) - a miracle is coming: what you have been dreaming about for so long will fall into your hands by itself.

What does the dream book say about the sleeping field

Some images for men and women have different meanings.

Men's dreams

If a man on Saturday dreams of a choice between several women, then in reality he is trying to solve all the problems at once. Better deal with them as they come.

An ex-girlfriend in a dream betrays doubt about feelings for a new lover.

A stranger predicts a romantic acquaintance. Gypsy is a deception on the part of dear people. A dark-haired woman prepares for trials and anxieties. With fiery curls - to changes in personal life. The pregnant woman symbolizes the readiness to “give birth” to something new: an idea, a construction or creative project, etc. And such a dream hints to a man that he has not gone on dates for a long time. It's time to start a new relationship.

What do girls', women's dreams mean

I had a pleasant conversation with a man - expect good news from loved ones. He helped you - you are lucky with friends: they are a reliable support.

All the dreams of a married woman that night have a literal meaning. A favorable plot involving close people promises good times, and gloomy events are a sign that you should behave tactfully and prudently. This is the only way to avoid quarrels, reach mutual understanding with friends and family.


A Saturday dream involving a stranger has different readings:

  • Were close to him - ahead of the complexity, failure.
  • Kissed him - beware of spontaneous decisions, actions.
  • They ran after him - soon you will start a new romance.
  • The meeting with him alerted you, frightened you - next week it is better not to get acquainted with anyone.
  • Made a good impression - to the news, which will be a pleasant surprise for you.
  • Chased you - to vain worries, vanity.
  • Beat - meet great love.
  • Asked you for something - get a gift.
  • A handsome man predicts success in any business.
  • Drunk - problems with other people.
  • Elderly - good luck.
    Clown - beware of your inner circle.
  • The stranger had a physical defect - a dream promises happiness.

To a woman in a relationship, a stranger in a dream speaks of a cooling of feelings. Until love burns out, try to keep it.

For a free lady, such a vision portends an interesting acquaintance, a date.

Several representatives of the stronger sex are a symbol of choice: a future profession or place of work. You are already at a crossroads, or you will be there soon.

A young man in a dream of a future mother is a sign of the birth of a boy. The colorful or light-colored clothes of the night guest indicate an easy birth and a happy fate for the baby.

Familiar guy

The guy who dreamed of the girl on Saturday night has a serious passion for her. If he dreams at the end of the week again and again, pay special attention to him: he will become a faithful, reliable life partner.

If the former appeared in a dream, then this does not mean that you will converge again. It’s just that your connection has not been completely broken: you are still united by common friends, children or work, hobbies. Or even karma. Often such a dream predicts a new serious relationship. But if you cherish the hope of restoring the old union, the dream advises you to leave it: it prevents you from trusting a new feeling.

We had sex in a vision with our partner and woke up in a great mood - a wish will come true. The next week will be decisive for your relationship.

The chosen one was in a dream with another - focus on strengthening relationships, take care of your love. Not only a person who wants to separate you, but also family disagreements can threaten her. Don't let problem solving go by itself.

A big quarrel with a lover warns of a deterioration in the well-being of one of the relatives. Or something bad will happen to him.


Expect the birth of a girl in a dream - in real life, this represents good news or a wonderful surprise. A boy should be born - be vigilant on the road: you can get into an accident.

If a non-pregnant girl dreams that she will become a mother, then she probably dreams about it or will really soon carry a child under her heart.

Get pregnant in a dream - get ready to become a mother in reality

Another woman

The woman or girl who dreamed that night personifies youth, memories of youth.

The reflection of a stranger seen in the mirror warns of a secret ill-wisher or rival in love. Remember the features of the dreaming face.

The ex-wife or girlfriend of the chosen one, dreaming, betrays your insecurity in him. Not everything is going smoothly in your union.

If on Saturday night you dreamed of a loved one doing something incomprehensible to you, be sure to tell him about it after waking up. Perhaps this message is meant for him.

We admired a beautiful girl in a dream - expect good news. The same meaning if you were talking to a friend or neighbor.

Touched a woman - you will understand that the one who takes care of you for a long time, without concealing his feelings, is your soulmate.

When such dreams definitely come true and are considered prophetic

Dreams from Friday to Saturday rarely carry any semantic load. However, people often forget or ignore them.

Such dreams are prophetic for those born on Saturday. Pay close attention to what has been seen since Friday the 13th and during the Easter week. Sadly, good omens come true less often. Unlike dreaming ailments and accidents.

Why is Friday the 13th considered a cursed day? One of the versions: on this day, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and left Paradise forever.

There is a high probability that the nightmare that occurred on Christmas night will be repeated in reality exactly to the smallest detail.

Don't brush aside the dreams you had on the night of Friday the 13th to Saturday the 14th

But in December, only rainbow dreams come true: about happy hours with family, having a good time with friends, meeting with lovers.

Remember that the period for translating into reality for such dreams is very short: a maximum of two weeks.

After this time, any dreamed horrors can be safely thrown out of your head. If nothing bad happened, then you did something that neutralized the predicted problems and troubles.

Video: so that a bad dream does not come true

Don't be afraid to play it safe when it comes to dreams from Friday to Saturday. Especially if reading the signs portends trouble. It is better to take preventive measures than to let the course of events take its course and end up with a bunch of problems.

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Sleep is not only a physiological need, but also the time when you can find the key to clues, "digest" the events of the past and present, and even prepare for the future. What is the beauty of sleeping from Friday to Saturday? In most cases, such dreams are not interrupted by an alarm clock that calls for work. Therefore, such dreams are the easiest to remember. By remembering dreams, we can understand whether the dream was empty? Or did he carry a semantic load?

Influence of planets from Friday to Saturday

Each day of the week is ruled by a particular planet. The ruler of dreams on Saturday night are Venus and Saturn. Venus is the planet named after the goddess of love and is the patroness of Friday. Therefore, in dreams from Friday to Saturday until midnight, the sensual side of the dreamer will be reflected. Saturn is a symbol of wisdom and life experience, not for nothing that Saturn is called a symbol of power. Also, this planet can symbolize fate and life's trials.

What do dreams mean from Friday to Saturday?

Dreams on Saturday night are most often associated with upcoming important events that will certainly happen in the near future. Such dreams can give a hint on how to behave better, what to beware of, and what it is better to refuse altogether.

Dreams can warn of upcoming trials and give a hint on how to pass them easier so that losses are minimal. So, if a situation has developed in life, and the dreamer is faced with a serious choice, then it is on Saturday night that you can see a clue in which direction you need to move.

To see a vivid dream from Friday to Saturday is a very good sign, all plans are very likely to come true. Well, if the dreams are gloomy, gray, in a dream there are obstacles, walls, fences, gates, then most likely it will be necessary to abandon what was planned, well, or look for other solutions. Obstacles in such a dream symbolize obstacles in real life, which are not so easy to overcome, well, or simply not possible.

Look into the future on Saturday night

Dreams from Friday to Saturday can show not only your own future, but also the fate of loved ones. If at this time there are dreams about relatives and loved ones, but the dream is not too rosy, then this indicates insufficient communication, and just at this time relatives need help and support.

How to interpret dreams from Friday to Saturday?

We can say that Sabbath dreams are a consequence of our actions and actions that occur in reality. For these reasons, no matter what you dream, it is necessary to analyze the events of a dream and draw a parallel between real events and a dream. Of course, this can be difficult, as dreams can be very veiled.

Do not be afraid of the horror movies that are dreamed of that night, perhaps this is how the fatigue that has accumulated over the week affects. Sleeping peacefully and seeing rainbow dreams can also interfere with stress.

Dreams about love. Dreams on Saturday night can show a destiny that has already been formed. If the dream is saturated with love, and the dreamer literally feels the love of his soulmate or “riddle” with his skin, then you can think about the transition of relations to more serious stages - marriage, replenishment of the family, and so on. If you have a dream about treason, then you should think about it. Not always cheating in a dream symbolizes cheating in reality. Perhaps there are tensions in the family, and if no measures are taken, then betrayal is likely to occur.

Dreams about work. If you had a good dream with a career advancement or monetary allowance, then the dream on Saturday is prophetic - you should wait for an increase, opening up prospects. If the dream is negative, shows conflict situations at work, then this is a warning. You should not rush into the pool with your head and enter into conflicts and disputes with superiors, you need to find a hint in such dreams - a solution on how to get around the conflict.

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