Greeting on the theme of autumn in KVN. KVN for the senior group "Autumn moods


Marianna Eraskina
KVN for the senior group "Autumn moods"

presenter: Please say to me:

Who visits us in September?

Who gilds everything in the yard?

Who laughs in the late sun

And will it rain like a little rain?

Children: Autumn!

Summer flew by quickly

Ran through the flowers

Somewhere behind the mountains

And misses us there.

Birds followed him

To a place where it's hot all year round.

Autumn knocking at our door,

Autumn is visiting us.

The song "Where are you, Autumn?.

presenter: All the guests are together today, we have not gathered in vain,

Dances, games, jokes, songs will be in this hall!

The brightest and most provocative, we begin the holiday,

AND autumn queen, we invite you to visit!

Autumn: Hello my friends. Did you call me? Here I am.

Hello autumn you friends.

I am always happy to come to your kindergarten for a holiday

I like to have fun and play with kids.

Vedas. Guys, today we have autumn holiday, but it will not be ordinary, we will arrange real competition, namely - KVN! and find out, check everything you know about this wonderful time of the year - about autumn.

Here are the commands "Funny boys" And "Inseparable Friends"

(Children have emblems on their chests)

Let's choose a jury. In the jury, I propose to choose fairy-tale characters, I sent an invitation to them.

Autumn Hear? Someone else is in a hurry to celebrate our holiday

It seems to me that the song is playing.

(includes Kikimora and Leshy)

kikimora: How long, long time we walked, finally we found you!

Goblin: Did you write something to us, invited us to play?

presenter: We sent an invitation, but we were not waiting for you!

Goblin: And who?

presenter: Friends, guys, forest fairy-tale animals.

kikimora: Oh, friends! And who are we? Don't they look like friends?

And beautiful and smart - we are a fabulous miracle!

Goblin: We live as a company! We chew dry gingerbread!

We live in the forest, we don’t grieve, and together we are strong friends!

presenter: We wrote Pinocchio, Cheburashka, Chipolino

We invited them today, we are with the children at KVN

Goblin: KVN, what is this? Doesn't it look like candy?

Can't you eat it?

Autumn: Oh, what kind of weirdo are you? Well, guests, just a miracle!

Guys, what is KVN?

All children: KVN is songs, KVN is laughter, KVN is games for everyone!

kikimora: What, what, but we know how to play

Goblin: We will beat you alive!

Autumn: Not an easy day today, because we play KVN

We now have two teams of the highest class!

They will compete here in songs, games, jokes, dances

Everyone has been erudite since childhood, and may the strongest win

presenter: Here is our team top class! Where is your team?

kikimora: Goblin, whistle harder, call a team of friends!

(Goblin whistles, but no one appears)

kikimora: What should we do, how should we be, where can I get a team?

Leading Dear forest evil spirits! I suggest you not just play KVN, but become the most important in KVN.

Kikimora. Who is this?

Host The most important thing in KVN is the jury that judges the competitions. We were just about to choose it.

Goblin We want to be on the jury! We want to be the most important!

Host but I warn you: the jury must be fair and objective, not sue anyone.

Kikimora and Leshy: We won't let you down.

Vedas. Well then, have a seat. The points earned by the teams will be given by the jury to the captains as leaflets. At the end of the competition their number will be counted. Whose team will score more autumn leaves - she will win.

So, our KVN begins. And the first competition of any KVN is a greeting

1st competition "Greetings".

First to greet the opposing team "Inseparable Friends":

1st child.

We greet you a big helmet,

Our opponents

And we hope for a prize and applause.

2nd child.

Let "Funny boys",

Maybe smarter

We are inseparable friends

So we are stronger.

3rd child.

We are neither fluff nor feathers

We wish everyone

After all, the jury, all of us and the viewer

Together - KVN.

Song (performed by all team members).

1. Again in our hall,

There is no empty space in our hall,

It means guests

Everyone came to kindergarten

Let today in the hall

There will be no empty space

Songs, dances, jokes

It will sound here more than once today.


We start KVN

For what, for what?

So that no one, no one is left behind.

We'll show you top class, top class

After all, in KVN group with us

For the first time, for the first time.

Team greeting "Funny boys".

1st child.

We are funny guys

We are a family.

We play KVN together:

He and you and me

2nd child.

You, "Inseparable Friends",

Don't turn up your nose

And we ask the jury very much:

Don't offend us.

3rd child.

Let's not become a champion

This is not a problem.

We'll be even friendlier

KVN - hurrah!

1. Holiday, holiday in kindergarten with us,

We are holding KVN now.

And ready for it for a long time,

After all, we stand together for one.


At KVN in our garden,

Let's have some fun together.

All knowledge we will show you

Let's sing our song together.

Vedas. Well, the first competition "Greetings" came to an end. While the jury is summing up the results, I announce the terms of the second competition. The second competition is a warm-up. It will be which team will name more autumn signs. Answers are given in turn.

Contest « autumn signs»

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy, little - dry.

If the cranes fly high, slowly and "talk", there will be a good autumn.


Until the leaf from the cherries has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

Clouds are rare - it will be clear and cold.

If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.

If autumn birches turn yellow from the top, the next spring will be early, and if from below, then late.

If in October a leaf from a birch and oak does not fall cleanly, expect a harsh winter.

Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.

Thunder in October portends a snowless, short and mild winter.

Vedas. The second competition is over and the jury can announce the results of the first two competitions. 2 cards for the winner. Loser - 1.

.(jury's word)

The second competition is musical and poetic. But first I would like to talk about Autumn. Autumn lasts for 3 whole months, and it is so different. Into what conditional parts could you divide the entire autumn?

(early, golden, late). So I propose to one team to describe to us autumn golden, and the other is late autumn.

Word to the team "Funny boys".

1. Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

AND Autumn as a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower.

Song "Golden Song"

Generous and bright

Golden autumn

Every year gifts to us

September brings

Etc. So our song is not at all simple

So our song will be golden

Amber apples filled with juice

Melons bright yellow like gold

The sun admires

Like oaks and maples

The streets fall asleep

Golden red

The leaves are crumbling

golden flock

This is how it turns out

Song of gold

Word to the team "Inseparable Friends". They will tell us and sing about the sad, late autumn.

Autumn has come,

dried flowers,

And look sad

Bare bushes.

Wither and turn yellow

Grass in the meadows

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun does not shine;

The wind howls in the field;

The rain is drizzling.

The waters rustled

fast stream,

The birds have flown away

To warm climes

And under mood of this poem we will sing with you a song about a sad cloud.

(song « Autumn»

Shaking a gray cloud

The wind, playing, makes me laugh

Cloud doesn't want to laugh

Crying, drizzling rain

Etc. Autumn, autumn,

Cranes cry sadly

Autumn, autumn

Echo echoes them in the distance

Autumn tried for everyone

Found bright colors

Only for the cloud remained

gray paint one

Vedas. Here is our different Autumn. And now, before we move on to our next competition, we ask our jury to post the results to the teams that performed.

(jury's word)

Vedas. Our next competition autumn relay. Team «» Cheerful guys" collects vegetables, "Inseparable Friends"- fruits. The jury evaluates both speed and correctness.

(jury's word)

(The jury sums up the results of three competitions)

Host Next Contest "Guess"

Contest "Mysteries about autumn» .

Riddles are given in turn by representatives of each team.

Jury's word

The sun is warm, the rain is pouring,

Vegetables grow and ripen faster.

And on a holiday with us

Chastushki will sing to us now.

Vedas. As you understand, now the competition - « Autumn ditties» .

It's cold outside -

You have to wear jackets.

This autumn prompted

Sing ditties about her.

That's autumn has come,

You can do it in a jacket.

Bought it for me in the summer

They didn't let it go.

Barely waited for the cold -

I love to be fashionable.

Oh guys enjoy

You are on my hat.

Oh guys just look

You are on our girls:

Dressed from head to toe

Only the noses stick out!

Autumn is so generous

Everyone will be rewarded for their work.

We are on the Harvest Festival

They brought its fruits.

(I. Ageeva)

We watered our pumpkin

Morning, evening and afternoon!

The pumpkin has grown big

And now we live in it!

(I. Ageeva)

I'm a daring strong man -

I bend the horseshoe with my hand!

Because I chew

Carrots every day.

(I. Ageeva)

Olya rowan beads

Stringed five meters.

To be worn around the neck

She needs to be a giraffe!

Vedas. These funny ditties were sung by our guys and we are moving on to the next competition. Our next competition is running in galoshes.

(jury's word)

Vedas. There is our last competition. After the harvest, people always have a feast with songs, games and dances. We had games, songs too. As you understand, our last competition is a dance competition.

(team "Funny boys" - "polka", the other team "Duck")

Vedas. So all competitions are played. Jury word. Rewarding.

Who said, that autumn -

Sad time?

How many bright colors

Autumn I am very happy that she returned to this region.

Now let's dance, well, musician, play!

(autumn golden_

Autumn golden leaves decorated

And painted rowan berries in a bright color

Pr We walk around the mountain ash in a round dance

song we start a gentle autumn

Sun autumn slightly warms

Migratory birds fly south

We weave wreaths from golden leaves

And brightly decorate with rowan berries

Julia Kulazhskaya
Leisure scenario for parents and children of the group preparatory to school. KVN "Autumn Kaleidoscope"

Target: Establish emotional contact between teachers, parents, children; improve the quality of kindergarten work in cooperation with parents; improve child- parental relationship.


Correctional and educational:

Generalize and systematize knowledge children about autumn, vegetables and fruits;

Form phonemic functions;


Develop the ability to correctly perform movements in accordance with the text and clearly pronounce words;

Develop speech motor skills and speech breathing; syllabic analysis of words;

Develop logical thinking, arbitrary attention;

Develop a sense of the beauty of the poetic word;

Correctional and educational:

To cultivate a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism, the spirit of competition;

Create at children emotionally positive attitude;

Equipment, materials: interactive board, mimic tables, team emblems, easel, pictures of fruits and vegetables, models of fruits and vegetables, syllabic shelves, 2 children's tables, 2 umbrellas, team name posters, tokens, medals, prizes, presentation, song recording "We start KVN".

preliminary work: children and parents are divided into two teams in advance, discuss the name, choose a captain, come up with a motto, make emblems and a greeting for their team, read fiction on the topic « Autumn» , guessing riddles, puzzle games, didactic games.

Location: music room.

Time spending: evening.

Event progress:

Participants to the music "We are starting KVN ..." enter the hall, stand opposite each other.

Leading: Hello, dear guests, parents and children. We are glad to welcome you to our KVN « Autumn kaleidoscope» . Today there are two teams. Team children - team"Roots", and your opponents will be your parents are a team"Tops". I ask the teams to take their places. Well, our competition will be evaluated by a competent jury in composition:

head of the kindergarten

teacher speech therapist -

senior teacher -

For correct answers and completed tasks, teams will be awarded tokens.

Don't frown in the hall,

Be fun to the end.

You are not spectators, not guests

And the programs are our nails!

Don't be shy, smile

Obey all laws of KVN!

Leading: So, we begin! Our 1st competition "Greetings". The opposing team is the first to greet "Roots".

Team greeting children:

Captain: "We are a team"

Children: "Roots".

Captain: "Our motto"

Children: “We are a team just class!

Defeat try us!"

Captain: Who cleverly hid in the ground?

Children: This is a juicy carrot,

It's a golden bow

And of course the turnip

Seated firmly in the ground.

Children love roots.

How delicious are they!

Team greeting parents:

Captain: "We are a team".

Parents: "Tops".

Captain: "Our motto"

Parents: "We will break into a cake,

But we will win!”

Captain: Children love roots

Well, adults are tops:

Tomato - in the bank,

Cabbage - in a barrel,

Potatoes - in a saucepan,

Cucumber - in a tub.

Parents: Thank you say to the garden!

Leading: I ask the jury to evaluate the first competition.


Leading: We continue KVN! 2nd competition - "Warm-up", it consists of two assignments:

1. "Tell a Poem". For the first task, I invite team captains. I ask the captains of both teams to come to me. The task is very simple: you need to tell poems using gestures and facial expressions. The task of the opponents is to guess "told" poem.

(Team "Roots"- poem "Bear clubfoot"

team "Tops"- poem “They dropped the bear on the floor…”)

2. "Rebus". Let's check how resourceful and quick-witted our teams are. The task is to solve the puzzle. (The team is the first to solve the rebus children.) Display puzzles on an interactive whiteboard.

Leading: And now, while the jury is summing up the results of the 2nd competition, we will have a little rest. Teams, line up!

A game "Say verses with your hands."

walks autumn in our park, (marching in place)

Gives autumn gifts for everyone. (we spread our arms to the sides)

Red beads - rowan, (show beads, running a hand over the neck)

Apron pink - aspen, (show apron with hands)

Umbrella yellow, poplar. (show that an umbrella is in hand)

Fruits and vegetables autumn gives us! (both hands together first to the right, then to the left,

then we spread our hands, pointing at everyone.)

The jury announces the results of the 2nd competition.

Leading: Continue! 3rd competition - "Competition of Gramoteev". It consists of 3 tasks.

Autumn decorates the squares

Multicolored foliage.

Autumn feeds the harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens, and in the gardens, and in the forest, and by the water

Nature has prepared all kinds of fruits!

What gifts has she prepared for us Autumn?

Command responses:…

1. I will name what I gave us autumn. And you must answer what is used in food: tops or roots.

For the team "Roots": cabbage, carrot, raspberry, cucumber, potato, turnip.

For the team "Tops": tomato, beetroot, apple tree, plum, mushrooms, cranberry.

Leading: I ask the jury to evaluate the teams.

Jury word.

2. The next task of this competition. From the first sounds of the names of the pictures, make a word. (Pictures are shown on the interactive whiteboard; the first guess is the command children.)

For the team "Roots": sledge, lemon, turkey, wolf, watermelon.

Children: plum.

For the team "Tops": cat, watermelon, tomato, duck, sled, slippers, stork.

Parents: cabbage.

Leading: autumn fruits and vegetables ripen in the fields and orchards. Look what we have harvested.

3. Four members from the team. It is necessary to select only those vegetables and fruits in the name of which there is a sound [k] and arrange them in baskets. In the 1st - the sound [k] is at the beginning of the word, in the 2nd - the sound [k] is in the middle of the word and in the 3rd - the sound [k] is at the end of the word.

(Put models of vegetables and fruits.)

For the team "Roots": potato, onion, tomato, carrot, plum, apple, lemon.

For the team "Tops": cucumber, pumpkin, cabbage, peach, pear, dill, orange.

Leading: I ask the jury to sum up.

Jury word.

Leading: for the next competition I invite four participants from each team.

4. You need to put vegetables and fruits on the shelves. On the first shelf put pictures with vegetables and fruits, in the name of which there are 2 syllables, on the second - 3 syllables.

For the team "Roots": plum, lettuce, garlic, zucchini, cabbage.

For the team "Tops": pear, carrot, beetroot, tomato, potato.

(Tables with pictures and easels with the image of shelves are exhibited.)

Leading: I ask the jury to summarize the results of the competition.

Jury word.

Leading: We continue KVN! 4th competition - "Musical competition".

And came to us autumn with fruits and vegetables,

With forest gifts, and with a red mountain ash.

With winds and rains.

Somebody autumn loves and someone scolds her. Let's remember why we love her? What are we scolding for?

Answers from 2 teams.

Music sounds "Music of the rain", children stand under two umbrellas.

logorhythmics "Someone hid under an umbrella". (for team "Roots")

Leading: Someone hid under an umbrella.

One two three four five.

Someone hid under an umbrella.

I want to know soon.

It's a cat?

Children: No.

Leading: maybe a midge?

Children: No.

Leading: maybe a bird?

Children: No.

Leading: no water?

Children: No

Leading: who is it? Who is this?

(umbrellas removed)

Children: It's me, me and all my friends!

It's me, me and all my friends!

Leading: The sun shines less and less, less and less warm.

(Children stand in a circle, perform an etude « autumn sun.)

The sun rose early in the morning.

Washed with cold water.

The sun trodden a hundred tracks.

Why does the sun have so many legs?

Leading: Our city is beautiful in any weather. One of the favorite places of Petersburgers is the Summer Garden. And now a music competition for the team "Tops". The task is to perform a musical composition "Summer garden" (logarithmics).

The summer garden opened its arms to us,

Look at its beauty!

There is an artist walking autumn,

Dropping golden leaves.

Summer garden! - 3 times

Golden drops his outfit.

Summer garden! - 3 times

Everyone is happy to take a walk in that garden!

Leading: I ask the jury to summarize the results of the music competition.

Jury: …

Leading: Autumn- a wonderful time of the year. Composers compose music, and poets write poems about it. 5th contest - "Poetic". Exercise: read a poem about autumn using a mnemonic table. (mnemonic tables on the interactive whiteboard)

For the team "Roots": "Already the sky breathe in autumn...» (excerpt from the poem by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin").

Already the sky autumn breathed,

The sun shone less often.

The day was getting shorter.

Forests mysterious canopy

She stripped naked with a sad noise.

The noisy geese caravan stretched south.

A rather boring time was approaching.

November was already at the yard.

For the team "Tops": poem "If in the trees..."

If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If the birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is cloudy

If the rain is pouring

It's the time of year autumn is called.

Leading: I ask the jury to sum up the results of the last competition and the whole game.

The jury sums up the results, rewarding teams with medals.

Leading: The contest is over.

The meeting is over.

The hour of parting has come.

We're all a little tired

But we were warmed

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

There are inseparable friends in this world.

Inseparable friends adults and children.

Children and parents leaving the hall to the music group for tea.

Leading: Hello, dear guests! We are glad to see you at our holiday. Guess the riddle and find out what we're talking about:

Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves.
That's right, it's autumn.

1 student:

Falling from a branch
Yellow coins.
There's a treasure under your feet!
This autumn is golden
Gives leaves, not counting
Gives golden leaves
You and us and everyone.

2 student:

The autumn leaf is spinning,
The puddle freezes.
Let's go for a walk in the garden,
We will collect leaves there

3 student:

Dropped daisies
White shirts.
true omen,
That summer is leaving.
Apparently they don't want to
Clever daisies,
For autumn rain
Wet shirts.

4 student:

Leaf fall wanders in the grove
Through bushes and maples.
Soon he will look into the garden
Golden ringing.

5 student:

Foliage flutters in the air
The whole earth is in yellow leaves,
We are sitting at the window
And we look outside
Leaves whisper: "Let's fly away"
And dive into the puddle.

6 student:

Let's collect a fan from the leaves
Bright and beautiful
The wind will run through the leaves
Light and playful.

7 student:

And obey the wind
The leaves are flying away
So summer is no more
Autumn has come.


We clap our hands five times
And stomp our feet five times
Let's invite autumn
Let's start the Autumn Festival.
Glorious Autumn! Come to us, come!

(Includes "Autumn")


Bow to you all, dear people
And your golden hands.
I am your golden autumn
And here she comes to you again.
I am golden autumn
Came to visit you
And gifts for children
I brought everyone.


Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came
And we will ask you autumn.
What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: I brought you flour.

Children: So, there will be pies!

Autumn: She brought us buckwheat.

Children: The porridge will be in the oven!

Autumn: Brought you vegetables

Children: And for soup, and for cabbage soup!

Autumn: Brought you honey.


Full deck!
You and apples, you and honey,
You brought bread.
And good weather
Did you bring us a gift?

Autumn: Are you happy about the rain?

Children: We do not want, do not!
Autumn: I came with my retinue. Now they will tell about themselves, and you will guess who it is.

Months go out


Empty our school garden.
Spider webs fly into the distance.
And to the south end of the earth
Cranes stretched out.
School doors opened.
What month has come to us? ( September)


All the darker face of nature:
Blackened vegetable gardens.
The forests are bare.
The bird voices are silent.
The bear went into hibernation.
What month has come to you? ( October)


The field is black and white.
It rains, then it snows.
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
The winter rye freezes in the field.
What month, please? ( November)

Leading: Today, Mrs. Autumn, we will hold a KVN for you and show what we know about you.

As in any KVN, we have a jury.

Jury presentation

The jury, as you can see, we have
Worthy of respect.
They had to - and more than once -
Rate the battle!
We trust the jury
we entrust the fate of the teams!

Message to the fans

Fans are warned
That the meeting will be hot!
And we sincerely wish you
Sick without calling a doctor.

Command presentation. (Children name their team and motto)

1st class: "Jung"
Grade 2: "Autumn Leaves"
Grade 3: "Leaf fall"
Grade 4: "Cheerful garden"

Well, let's start our KVN.

1 Competition: Warm-up. It's called "Erudite"

Questions for each class.

1 class:

What is the name of the mother of the foal? (horse)

Grade 2:

A subject studied at school and related to nature? (knowledge of the world)

3rd grade:

What berry is red, white, and black? (currant)

4th grade:

Natural resources located in the depths of the Earth, which a person uses in the economy? (fossil)

1 class:

Who picks apples with his back? (hedgehog)

Grade 2:

What object can be used to navigate in any weather? (compass)

3rd grade:

Was born in water, but lives on earth? (frog)

4th grade:

Where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the foot)

1 class:

Favorite time of the year for all the kids, when do the big holidays come? (summer)

Grade 2:

Which bird flies the highest? (eagle)

3rd grade:

A common substance found on earth in three states? (water)

4th grade:

The top layer of the earth in which plants grow? (the soil)


While the jury is counting the points for you, the number from the 4th grade.

(Scene "Turnip" in a new way)

2 contest "Guess the riddle"

Look guys, the leaves are colored.
The leaves are colorful, not uneasy!
Autumn wrote riddles on them,
These mysteries are not so few

(Leaves hang on strings, you need to pick a leaf, read the riddle and guess it)


1. He is big, like a soccer ball,
If ripe - everyone is happy!
It tastes so good!
What is this ball? Watermelon)

2. I also have feathers,
But I'm not a bird or a beast,
I am your best friend
I am a simple green ... ( Onion)

3. Pink cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark all day long.
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun. ( Radish)

4. And on the hill, and under the hill,
Under the birch and under the tree
Round dances and in a row
Well done in hats. ( Mushrooms)

5. Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves. ( Autumn)

6. Sits - turns green,
Falls - turns yellow,
Lies - turns black. ( Sheet)

7. Who beats on the roof all night, but taps,
And mumbles, and sings, lulls? ( Rain)

8. She dies before autumn
And comes alive again in the spring.
Cows without her are in trouble
She is their main food. ( Grass)

9. Without arms, without legs,
Knocking on the door
Begging for the house. ( Wind)

10 Curious Red Nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top.
Only stick out in the garden
Green strands. ( Carrot)

11. You warm the whole world
And you don't know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you ... ( Sun)

12. Above you, above me
Flew a bag of water
Ran into a distant forest
Lost weight and disappeared. ( Cloud)

Leading: The second competition has passed. While the jury is deliberating, 3rd class is performing for you.

3 competition "Our school Guinness Book of Records"

1 person from the team goes out for each task

1. Who will tie a bow faster?
2. Who will roll out the longest plasticine sausage in 1 minute.
3. Who will drink the juice faster through a straw.
4. Who will name more vegetables and fruits.
5. Who will name more words about autumn

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results, the 2nd grade performs with the skit “Dispute of vegetables”

Scene: "Dispute of vegetables"


Our harvest is good, it was born thickly
Blue eggplant, red tomato
And carrots, and potatoes, white cabbage.
They get into a long, serious argument.
Which of us, from vegetables
And tastier, and more necessary?
Who in all diseases
Will it be better for everyone?


Popped peas -
Well, braggart!

polka dots:

I'm so pretty
Green boy!
If I only want
I will treat everyone with peas.


Blushing from resentment
Beetroot growled.


Let me say a word
Listen first
Beets are needed for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself
There is no better beetroot.


You beet, shut up!
Shchi is cooked from cabbage.
And what delicious cabbage pies.
Rogue bunnies love stalks
I will treat the guys with a sweet stalk.


You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber
You will like it, of course!


I am a ruddy radish
I bow low to you
Why praise yourself?
I am known to everyone!


A short story about me:
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
And chew on carrots
Will you then, my friend,
Strong, strong, dexterous.


A tomato puffed up
And spoke sternly


Don't talk, carrot, nonsense
Don't say too much.
The most delicious and pleasant
Of course, tomato juice
There are many vitamins in it.
We enjoy drinking it!


Put a box by the window
Water only more often.
And then, as a true friend,
A green onion will come to you.

I am the spice in every dish
And always helpful to people
Guessed? I am your friend,
I am a simple green onion.


I am a potato so modest
Didn't say a word...
But the potatoes are so necessary
Both big and small!


It's time to end the argument.
To be healthy and strong
Gotta love vegetables
All without exception
There is no doubt about it!
Each one has a benefit and a taste.
And I don't decide
Which one of you is tastier
Which one of you is more important?

4 competition "Homework"

Host: Homework was given to make an autumn dish and advertise it.

(Each class shows a dish and talks about it)

5 competition "Feed the hare"

Two people from the team come out and feed each other carrots. The members whose team eats the carrot faster, that team gets more points.

1st class performance

6 contest "Collect raindrops"

All teams line up in columns and then use a spoon to transfer water from a bucket to a glass. Who spilled less water in 1 minute, he earned more points.

2nd grade performance Dance "Harvest"

7 contest "Miss Autumn"

Autumn: And finally, we will hold a Miss Autumn contest among girls. A girl comes out of each class, and I will give them a task, and then you will name the winner.

Task 1: Tell about yourself, looking in the mirror
Task 2: Tell a poem about autumn or sing a song
Task 3: Imagine that you are leaves. You must perform a leaf dance to the music.
Task 4: Let's check what kind of hostess you are. Who will collect the most potatoes.

Preschool class performance

8 competition "Competition of captains"

We will start the eighth competition,
We'll call the captains.
Captains, come
And get the job!

1. Sing the 1st verse of the song "Antoshka" like a sparrow (chirp-chirp).
2. Sing the 1st verse of the song "Blue Wagon" like a cuckoo (cuckoo)
3. Sing the 1st verse of the song "Chunga-Changa" like a crow (kar-kar)
4. Sing the 1st verse of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” like a cat (meow-meow)


Nice, we had fun
Played, frolicked!
And now it's time
Break up, kids!
Our holiday has come to an end.
All that they knew and were able to -
We managed to show now.
The time for goodbye has come.
Goodbye. Goodbye!
Congratulations again
And we wish you never to know diseases,
Always be cheerful!

Scenario of the holiday "Autumn KVN" (for children of senior preschool age)

Markvald Maya Khamitovna, music director of the MAOU secondary school No. 2, Neman
Description of work: I offer you the scenario of the holiday "Autumn KVN" for children of senior preschool age. This methodological development will be of interest to educators and music directors, teachers-organizers for extracurricular activities, working with the age category of 6-8 years.
You can hold a KVN between a team of parents and children.
Location: music or auditorium.
Preliminary work:
Learn poems and musical numbers;
Prepare homework;
Consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes, vegetables and fruits.
Materials and equipment: 4 umbrellas, vegetable and fruit masks, cut-out pictures, easel, 2 sheets and markers, 2 scarves, 2 turnips, 2 spoons, 2 potatoes,
A bag of vegetables, a plate of chopped vegetables + toothpicks

(Children run into the hall, become a semicircle)
1 child: Summer passed, ran, rushed away,
The sky frowns and the rain drizzles.
There are few warm days left.
Maybe nature is sad about this?
2 child: The forest promises mushroom wealth
You will collect a handful of the last raspberry,
The sun will blossom the decoration of the forest
Call it autumn gold.
3rd child: Mowed wheat in the fields
Summer flies away with a flock of birds.
Faded grass in the meadows
The golden autumn has come.
4 child: A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
A maple leaf circles above the ground.
Oh, Autumn, you took us by surprise again!
You put on a golden outfit again.
The song "Autumn knocked on our door"

Presenter: We all gathered in the hall, rejoice and have fun!
We start KVN on a festive day for all of us.
And now attention! To have understanding.
Take a closer look, I present to you the jury.

Jury presentation:

1 contest Welcome teams:
There is no time to walk today - we are busy with something else,
Come to the autumn festival and we will defeat you!
"Fruits and berries":
We send our regards to the vegetable team
Do not lose, we wish you.
Take our advice into account.
We also know a lot.
The game "Whose circle will gather faster?"

Presenter: Let's move on to the second contest.
Now find out which one.
I have riddles for you
And you tell me the answers.
1. The berries are green, and praised by everyone
Grow with bones, hang with tassels (Grapes)
2. There is a fruit in the garden, it is sweet as honey,
Blush like a roll, and round like a ball.
Only at the very leg he was blown away a little (Pear)
3. Touch your finger - smoothly, and bite off sweetly (Apple)
4. The berry is beautiful, juicy and sweet.
Very cute too. And she grew up in the garden (Strawberry)
5. It is bitter in haymaking, and sweet in frost. What is a berry? (Rowan)
6. Bright, sweet, poured all in a golden cover!
Not from a candy factory - from distant Africa (Orange)
7. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and sweet in the middle (Plum)
8. Long-legged boasts: Am I not a beauty!
And just a bone, but a little red cane (Cherry)
1. What vegetables are mustachioed? (Peas, beans)
2. Which vegetable has eyes (Potato)
3. What kind of parsley is not put in cabbage soup? (toy)
4. What vegetable prevented the princess from sleeping? (Pea)
5. What vegetables have a red nose (Beets, carrots, radishes)
6. What fairy tale did D. Rodari write about vegetables and fruits? (Cipollino)
7. What vegetable did the princess fall asleep from? (Apple)
8. In which fairy tale did a huge vegetable grow? (Turnip)
Presenter: Our 2nd competition has come to an end, I ask the jury to take stock, and we have a musical break.
The song "Colorful game"

Presenter: Captains come and get the task.
And the task is such a very difficult one.
3 Competition of captains "Guess the vegetables by touch"

4 competition "Guess the vegetable to taste"(for both teams)
Presenter: While the jury sums up the results of 2 more competitions, we will play.
Relay race "Carry a potato in a spoon"

Presenter: You guys need to put the picture together together.
5 contest "Collect a picture"

Presenter: We continue KVN, we begin to draw.
6 Competition "Draw a vegetable blindfolded"

Presenter: The jury sums up the results of 2 more competitions
And I invite you to play.
We must not blink the turnip with collect fields.
Relay "REPKA"

Two teams of 6 people line up (this is a grandfather, a woman, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat, a mouse. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs and runs around the cone and returns, a woman catches on to him and they continue to run together, etc., until all the participants line up. At the end of the game, the grandfather grabs the “turnip”. The team that pulls out the “turnip” faster wins.)

Presenter: Last 7 competition "Homework"
Scenes "Dispute of vegetables" and "Orchard"

Presenter: Our KVN is coming to an end,
The jury brings us the results.
So that we don't grieve
Let's do the dance.
Dance "Autumn has come"
Presenter: Listen and look carefully.
The floor is given to the jury.
The jury sums up, awarding certificates

KVN Golden autumn


instill in children a love for nature, respect for it;

develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, a sense of humor, the desire to know more.

2 teams of 5 people each participate in the competition, the rest are fans.

Music sounds. The Master of the Earth enters in a colorful costume, and Queen Autumn

Did you recognize us?

I, the Master of the Earth: – “Our Mother Nature gave you a warm summer, warmed the fertile lands with the rays of the sun, so that people would get a rich harvest of vegetables. During the summer they strengthened their health, had a good rest, worked in the summer and helped their parents. With new forces, everyone is ready to receive new knowledge.

Autumn Queen :

I am the Autumn Queen. It is not in vain that they say: “Autumn is a reserve, winter is a trough” “In autumn, even a sparrow is rich.” “Autumn is a uterus: jelly and pancakes; and spring is a stepmother; sit and watch.”

Now tell me by what signs did you recognize me? (children answer the signs of autumn)

In a yellow chintz dress.
Beads - mountain ash on the chest,
In the ears - earrings-hairpins
Expensive to look at.
Autumn girl walks
Leg, knocking down dew,
He collects gifts in a bag,
The leaves are woven into a braid.
Can please the sun
Can treat the rain
Can be covered in snow
And cover with silver.
I'm good to everyone, pretty
Gold, jasper can not be counted.
Apples, cones, nuts -
Everything is in my chest

Friends, today we came to our cheerful KVN
We brought you a smile
To smile every day.

Introduction of team members Teams come up with names, choose captains

We invite the teams to take their places and present you the composition of the jury: 1.




1.Competition - greeting teams

2.“ Warm up .

- Whose lines:

Sad time...

Oh charm!

Pleasant to me

Your farewell beauty...

(A. S. Pushkin.)

Glorious autumn!

Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces ...

(N. A. Nekrasov.)

Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time:

The whole day stands as if crystal

And radiant evenings ...

(F.I. Tyutchev.)

Late fall. The rooks flew away.

The forest is exposed. The fields are empty.

(N. A. Nekrasov.)

3.“Artist Competition” .

From dry leaves on large sheets, use scissors, glue and adhesive tape to make a panel on an autumn theme. Time to complete the task is limited.

Musical number 5 "B"

4. “Competition of captains”

1. "Forest Pharmacy".

Each captain is invited to identify the plants, to say that they heal.

2. “Fishing in the rain” (pantomime).

The presenter calls the main actions, and the captains perform: fishing fees, a seat in the rain, a fishing rod gets stuck.

5. “Riddles from the garden”

The Master of the Earth enters and asks his cunning riddles.


Fat Yegor lies among the mountains. (Potato .)

The yellow chicken pouts under the tyn. (Pumpkin .)

Himself scarlet, sugar, caftan green, velvet. (Watermelon .)

Green above, red below. (Carrot .)


1. Who picks apples with his back? (Hedgehog)

2. Who wears a hat on his leg? (Mushroom)
3. Who gives birth to cubs in leaf fall? (At the hares)
4. Where do crayfish hibernate? (Under the snags, in the river)
5. What grass do cats like? (to Valerian)
6. No one scares her, but the whole trembles. (Aspen)
7. Which vegetable has a human name? (Parsley)
8. Grass that even the blind can recognize by touch. (Nettle)
Guess the riddle: I heard this conversation:
- Is she red?
- No, black.
- Why is she white?
Because it's still green.
What were they talking about? (About currant)
9. Round, not a ball,

With a tail, not a mouse.

Yellow, not honey. ( Turnip .)

10. Danilka is small,

small, remote,

Passed through the earth

Found the red cap. (Mushroom .)

11. Blue uniform, yellow lining

The heart is a stone, and around is sweet.(Plum.)

12. Round, not a month, yellow, not oil,

With a tail, not a mouse.(Turnip.)

13. A patch on a patch, but there was no needle.(Cabbage.)

14. What is green for two weeks,

Ears for two weeks

Blooms for two weeks

Dry for two weeks?(Rye.)

15. A girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is on the street.(Carrot.)

16. The caftan on me is green,

The heart is like a kumach.

Tastes like sweet sugar

And everything looks like a ball.(Watermelon.)

17. Two sisters are green in summer,

And by autumn one turns red,

The other turns black.(Black and red currants.)

18. Calves are smooth

Tied to the garden.(Cucumbers.)

19. Small, bitter,

Luke brother. (Garlic.)

(Prize is a nut)

Musical number 6 "A"

Jury's word

Represent the scene "Dispute of vegetables" 7 "A" class
Our harvest is good, it was born thickly.
And potatoes, and carrots, white cabbage,
Green zucchini, red tomato
They start a long and serious argument.
Which of them, from vegetables, is both tastier and more necessary,
Who will be the most useful in all diseases?
The story about me is short.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and eat carrots.
You will then, my friend, strong, strong, dexterous.
Host: Then a tomato puffed up and said sternly.
Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,
Shut up a little.
The most delicious and pleasant
And, of course, tomato juice.
There are many vitamins in it
We drink it willingly
I am a potato, so modest -
She didn't say a word.
But the potatoes are so necessary
Both big and small.
Leading: Blushing from resentment, the beets grumbled.
Let me say a word
Listen first.
Beets are needed for borscht and vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beetroot!
You beet, shut up!
Shchi is cooked from cabbage
And such delicious cabbage pies.
Vegetable whole caviar is so tasty, healthy.
It's time to end the dispute
It's useless to argue!
To be healthy and strong
Gotta love vegetables.
All without exception
There is no doubt about it!

Musical number 5 "A" class

6. Competition "Magic Garden" -3 people

Draw on a sheet of paper with felt-tip pens how you imagine these unusual plants.
“The miracle garden is full of fruits
Unseen until now.
Ukromidor, raspberry,
Radishes, currants,
Depict him quickly
I love the harvest."
Musical number 6 "B"
7.Competition "Funny poems"
Teams are invited to jointly compose a poem on the first lines. Time is limited.
"Have you heard that in the market
Miracle vegetable was sold ... ".
Musical number 7 "B" class

Jury word. Summarizing. Awarding the winning team
Autumn and the Master of the Earth present prizes and instruct all the children.

At parting to all the guys, We give the following order:
Being good without embellishment is the time
Do not waste words - these are two,
Who is weaker, help - these are three,
Help clean up the apartment - here you are, my friend, four,
More smart books to read is five,
Take friendship as an honor - this is six,
Be attentive to everyone - it's seven,
And we will also ask you, have fun meet autumn - it's eight,
Nine - sing and dance
Ten - live, do not lose heart!

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of competition
Ensuring success

Now it's time to say goodbye.
Our speech will be short.
We say: "Goodbye,
Until happy new meetings!”

Representation of team members

a) "Sentyabrinki" emblem "Yellow Leaves"

b) "Oktyabrinki" emblem "Red Leaves"

2.1 Contest "Greetings"


We are yellow leaves

We are September

Look at us -

We are all like pictures

Autumn begins with us -

From the trees we fly

Enjoy the fall

But we don't want to fall.


We are beautiful leaves

We are October

We miss the sun

And we shed tears.

Of course, autumn

We are friends with the rain

The wind takes us

In winter, we will fall asleep.

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