Ghosts of old cemeteries. Photos of ghosts: real stories that shocked the whole world Abandoned psychiatric hospitals with ghosts


This terrible story happened to me when I was fourteen years old. Usually I spent all my time alone with myself, since I was never a sociable person. Without exaggeration, I explain that I had only one close friend, Tanya. But she was not only friends with me. Besides me, she had two more close friends, Dima and Roma, who often found themselves in various extreme situations.

One evening the four of us went for a walk. At that time there were summer holidays, and we went to the Pechersky Forest Park, which is located within the boundaries of our small town. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening when we realized that we needed to go home. Our phones were ringing off the hook with calls from worried parents. So we hurried to the bus stop. Dima suggested that we take a shortcut by turning left. We obediently followed him. It was dark and quite cool outside. After about a few minutes we came across gloomy crosses and tombstones.

"Cemetery!" - I screamed.

What do you want? If I had not suggested that you turn left, then it is unknown how long we would have had to walk to the stop! - Dima made excuses to us.

Do we have to go through it? - Tanya whispered in fear.

Unfortunately, we have no other choice! - Roma sighed doomedly.

We had no choice but to open the cemetery gates and walk along the dark alley of the dead. When we entered the cemetery, I shivered and tightly grabbed my friend’s hand. The boys followed us. A piece of the pale icy Moon sadly illuminated some of the tombstones, creating strange, frightening shadows on them. Every rustle or extraneous sound made me flinch. Suddenly, beautiful singing was heard nearby. The voice belonged to a girl.

Just listen! - Tanya shuddered.

Yes, I hear it too! - I confirmed and realized that I was not crazy.

In my opinion, this song sounds somewhere very close! - Roma began to look around to understand where this wonderful sound was coming from.

And then we came to one of the old graves, located right next to the spruce tree. Dima turned on the flashlight mode on his mobile phone to see the photo on the monument. We saw a beautiful long-haired young girl, who at first glance was no more than eighteen years old. I felt completely terrified. Nausea rose in my throat, and a chill ran down my legs.

Listen, guys, let's quickly go to the exit, something is wrong here! - I got nervous.

Dimka pointed the flashlight forward so that we could better see the road to the exit. But when he accidentally shined a flashlight on that very tree located near the girl’s grave, I screamed loudly. The girl depicted on the monument was looking straight at me with lifeless eyes. Her hair fluttered in the wind. She continued to hum. Her voice was in tune with the coming night.

Oh my God! - Tanya yelled.

We rushed to the exit like crazy. At that moment, more than anything else, I was afraid to turn around. We ran non-stop until we reached the bus stop.

What kind of ghosts and spirits are there in the cemetery? Information often appears in the media about ghosts in an abandoned cemetery; they can inhabit any area. The most popular are cemetery ghosts. This is because that is where they most often appear. Ghosts prove the true existence of the other world.

Ghosts in an old cemetery are quite an eerie phenomenon.

But there are people who deal with otherworldly ghosts professionally and for them this is a real interest. These people provide information about ghosts in cemeteries. If you look at the history of cemetery ghosts, you can understand why they are called that way. When the first statements about the existence of ghosts appeared, people were reluctant to believe in it. They believed that a person cannot see ghosts and perhaps he imagined something or dreamed something. But when this became obvious, no one could deny it, only then did people begin to take this issue seriously. Possibly real ghosts in the cemetery these are the souls of the dead. Souls, basically
Most of them try to live away from people, which is why they inhabit areas where people rarely appear.

To be honest, black magic has long paid attention to cemetery ghosts.

Black magic treats ghosts and spirits at night as souls. Black magicians easily come into contact with these creatures and claim that they are sometimes very dangerous. they don’t like anyone to disturb their peace, set foot on their land and destroy their way of life. That is why residents of new houses often complain of a certain anxiety and fear of certain ghosts; this house was probably built on a place that was inhabited by a huge number of ghosts. I can say that you should not be afraid of this. It is possible to come to an agreement with the spirits and simply ask them to leave the house alone. To do this, you need to perform a ghost ritual, which will relieve you of anxiety.

How to appease spirits in a cemetery - cemetery rituals

Let's say you have already chosen the grave on which you will conduct your trial, and selected a magic spell. Now you need to appease the spirit through which you are going to make an impact, to change the outcome of events.

Sacrifice to the spirits in the cemetery- an ancient ritual, without which any black magic cannot do. You enter into communication with spirits in order to resolve some of your personal problems and are simply obliged for the service rendered to you. Otherwise, otherworldly forces will deprive you of your health, energy, and take away what you clearly do not want to share with.

How can spirits in a cemetery harm you?

To do this, you need to greet the inhabitant of the grave, rescue him from the afterlife by loudly stamping his left foot. It is believed that the astral plane, where various spirits in the cemetery— responds subtly to your call. You must dry the black bread in advance and grind it into crumbs. Scatter over the grave as a sign of appeasement, and read a witchcraft spell:

“As the kingdom of Yarylka greets the people, so I greet your grave, you are the doors, you are the passage that is now open. Let it be so".

Next, you can move on to the main ritual in the cemetery, which was chosen by you in order to produce a magical effect directed against a person. After the sacrifice, do not forget to use candles - objects of power that attract various spirits. Fire feeds otherworldly forces and therefore serves as a powerful means of disarming them. If your ritual involves a certain number of candles, then follow the instructions. If your source does not mention anything about candles, then still light them on the grave (3 pieces). This will not hinder your business, but on the contrary, it will help. Just take extra rituals of safety from spirits in the cemetery so that they don't go out,
but burned out to the end.

If you practice magic professionally and going to a cemetery is not a one-time event in your witchcraft practice, then you will definitely encounter the owner of the graveyard, who will appear before you in the form of a spirit. We received a lot of information about him from village magic. It is called by different names:

  • King of death
  • Lamb,
  • Almighty,
  • Batko and many others.

The spirit is attached to a specific cemetery and patronizes it. And having friendship with him is not only beneficial, but also useful. For your safety, and also to ensure that any ritual has a price. There are certain days of the year when sacrifices must be made in the cemetery.

  • It's January 7th
  • April 8,
  • May 24,
  • June 1st,
  • 3 July,
  • September 21,
  • 28 of October,
  • February 19.

Make an offering at any old tree that grows in the cemetery.

A killed animal (black chicken, cat, dog, lamb) is best suited for this sacrament. But you can go:

  • cook a pig's heart,
  • good piece of meat
  • lard,
  • the king of deaths also prefers sweets. To do this, you need to mix honey and flour in equal proportions and achieve a homogeneous mass.
  • You can also use eggs (7 pieces) as offerings.

Open your lips like a despiser, lift up your eyes from the stronghold of the earth, open your eyes like the goddess’s host, the monastery, the harbor of the gates of the bloodshed, so accept this necessary gift, so fulfill what is asked (the request is stated in your own words). Let it be so.

Having said the magic words of the conspiracy, and putting all your intention into them, you must immediately leave the cemetery. At the same time, return along the same path, without turning back, without saying anything. When performing any ritual at the grave, do not take anything home with you. Do this as a last resort, and only then when it is clearly prescribed in the ritual and the source is verified. Always say goodbye to the cemetery so as not to bind the spirit to you. If you want to at night, then when crossing the cemetery line, read the last words of the conspiracy:

“Everything that’s mine is with me, what’s inhabited is here, not with me.” I offer you the simplest option. But there are many types of farewell words. You can use what suits you best. You don't have to just follow my words.

All about spirits in the cemetery

In general, with regards to cemetery rituals, each magician has his own methods. And they are effective in every case. The developments that come only with experience play an important role. Experiment, test your abilities. And you will certainly succeed. But please do not forget about safety precautions in the old cemetery. Don't think that everything is so simple and easy.

The question of whether ghosts exist disappears as soon as you carefully examine these photos. Many people do not believe in the existence of parallel worlds, ghosts and ghosts. However, the line between our world and the worlds of the dead has become so thin that you can see the soul of a deceased person using a camera or camera. But the ghosts are in no hurry to show themselves to us. They probably appear only when there is some specific meaning to it.

All provided photographs were carefully checked by experts who confirmed their authenticity and the absence of editing. Does this mean that ghosts really exist and can be caught on camera?

Photo of a ghost in a cemetery

This photo was taken in the middle of the last century. The woman wanted to photograph the grave of her deceased relative, but when the photo was developed, everyone was horrified by what they saw: a little boy was sitting on the grave. Apparently, he clearly saw the woman photographing the grave, as he looked straight into the lens.

Hellraiser photo

This Wild West-style posed photo shows a man in the background. In the photo it appears that he either has no legs or is rising from the ground.

Photo of the ghost soldier

This is a real photo of a ghost, in which a dead pilot stands among living soldiers. This photo was taken in 1919, the man standing behind is a pilot named Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this group photo appeared.

Scary photo of a ghost on the railway

This photo of a ghost was taken on the railroad in San Antonio, Texas. Local residents associate the origin of this ghost with a sad story that happened to several schoolchildren. An accident occurred at this place, as a result of which children died under the wheels of a train.

Photo of a ghost in a car

This scariest photo of a ghost was taken by a woman, Mabel Chinnery, in 1959. On this day, she and her husband went to her mother’s grave. She took the photo while returning from the cemetery. In the foreground is Mabel's husband, and behind is her late mother.

Photo of a ghost behind your back

This photograph of an old lady was taken by her granddaughter in 1997. The photo is shocking because in the background is the grandmother’s late husband.

Granny ghost photo

This photo was taken quite recently. The woman posted it online in the hope that someone could tell her what was hiding behind her child. As she herself suggests, there is the ghost of her dead grandmother.

Photo of the human soul

This photo captures the last seconds of a person's life. Here you can clearly see how with the last breaths of a dying man his soul leaves.

All these real photos of ghosts indicate that another world exists and it is not as far from ours as we think. We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

17.09.2014 09:03

Would you like to have a wallet that would attract money to you? If you believe the money horoscope, then this is quite possible...

The classical point of view is that this is the soul of a deceased person, which appeared in the real world of the living in a form that was natural for a person during his life, but does not have a material body. A deviation from this definition is, so to speak, an unorthodox point of view, from which it follows that ghosts or ghosts are nothing more than a mental body that has not yet dissolved in the ether. It is the second definition that explains the repeated appearance of ghosts in certain places.

It is believed that if a person was killed violently, or there was a suicide, then the person’s mental body does not dissolve into the ether, as usually happens, but, on the contrary, remains attached to the scene or his remains until one or another is destroyed .

How to see a ghost? From the above it follows that it is worth looking where something terrible happened. Murder or suicide.

Where do ghosts live?

Most often, ghosts and ghosts live and happen, they can be recorded in psychiatric hospitals, since it is no secret that they die there quite often and not because the time has come, but because of the next method of treatment, which, unfortunately, failed.

Abandoned psychiatric hospitals with ghosts

Such places include the Severalls Mental Hospital in Colchester, England, closed in 1997;

Trans-Alleyny (Lunatic Asylum) Weston, West Virginia, USA was closed in 1999 due to the high mortality rate and, as it turned out later, due to brutal torture, experiments and murders of a huge number of patients.

The 17th psychiatric hospital in Volgograd is still operating.

Ghost in the hospital

Ordinary hospitals should also not be ignored for the same reason: Louisville (Waverly Hills Sanatorium) Kentucky, USA, 66,000 people died from tuberculosis there, Khovrinskaya Hospital, Moscow, Russia is known for the mass sacrifices of the Nemostor Satanist sect, drowned alive in the same hospital.

Ghosts in castles

To the question - How to see a ghost, - you can also recommend old abandoned castles with a dark history and an ominous reputation. For example, such as: Chillingham, Northumberland, UK - the castle is known for the huge number of tortured enemies of England during the war; Loftus Hall, Ireland is famous for the ghost of a girl killed by a ghost.

Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg is famous for the ghost of the murdered Emperor Paul I.

Rožmberk Castle in the Czech Republic is inhabited by a friendly ghost called the “White Lady” belonging to Perchta Rožmberk, cursed by her husband Jan Lichtenstein. Fontainebleau, France from the very beginning was inhabited by ghosts and ghosts, why is not known, the castle was supposedly built at the crossroads of the worlds of the living and the dead.

Haunted Prisons

A good way to try your luck in finding a meeting with a ghost would be to visit prisons where death sentences were carried out. The list can include the military prison of the Liepaja port, Latvia, notable for its ominous cell 18 in which a young girl committed suicide. The prison in Derby, England is famous for its terrible death row, on the wooden door of which the initials of everyone who was in this cell before the execution are carved; they say there are more than enough ghosts there. The KNB detention center in Almaty, Russia is known for numerous reports of ghosts, both from those who spent time in this detention center and from the caretakers. 8 prison in Tbilisi, Georgia, built on the territory of a former psychiatric hospital in the Gldani region, is known for the regular appearance of ghosts. Butyrka Prison Moscow, Russia also has its own ghost, who often visits prisoners, leaving a cell walled up in the time of Catherine II.

And finally, “Sailor Silence” Moscow, Russia is known for anomalous phenomena in the form of voices, ghosts and even attacks on personnel. Paranormal specialists were repeatedly invited to this prison, but to no avail.

Ghosts in cemeteries

There is another way to see a ghost. Naturally, these are, of course, the notorious cemeteries. Well, there is no point in advising anything specific here, since ghosts are seen in completely different cemeteries. Just choose the central, largest and preferably oldest (the older, the better) in your city.

Summoning Spirits: Seances

Well, perhaps there is one last way left. Spiritualistic seance. This is perhaps the worst option. In all of the above cases, you are only an outside observer of what is happening, although it is possible that you may become the object of interest of a ghost, then everything can be quite bad. In a spiritualistic seance, you are one hundred percent a participant in the events and there is no guarantee that the disturbed ghost will not cripple or even kill you. This is confirmed by numerous suicides, both of the mediums themselves and of those who attended their sessions. So be careful if you choose this method.

How to see a ghost

We take a camera with good sensitivity and a matrix of at least 5 MP, insert a memory card (the larger the better) and go to any of the above places. Once in place, we begin to photograph everything, since ghosts and ghosts are usually almost transparent and can rarely be seen with their eyes. If you're lucky, you might be able to capture a real ghost, like an Indonesian photographer did. He photographed the corridor along which the criminal was to be led to execution the next day and, after developing the photographs, discovered this below. This was in 1993.

Reading time: 1 minute

More than 30 years have passed since that story. And I periodically wonder if it was a dream? Did I really see ghosts in the cemetery?... But, looking at the scars and the gray strand of hair, the answer comes by itself - everything happened in reality.

My native place has long been considered “bad”. Still would! Count Dracula himself lived on these lands. True, not next door to me, but a little further. But I think the main vampire of humanity would like our village. Since childhood, I have become accustomed to inexplicable rustles, sounds, and visions. All the villagers shared incredible stories almost every day: some saw a ghost in the window, some had their chickens killed by some creature. Locals explained this by the proximity to the cemetery. It was a fifteen-minute walk from our house to the churchyard. And we boys really loved to walk there, despite the prohibitions of adults.

Ancient cemetery

It was divided into two parts by a large road. The first is “new”; burials from our village and the neighboring village were still ongoing there. We also called it a city - there were fairs, a church and even a small factory. The cemetery was a kind of border between our settlements, and that road connected us. And the second half of the churchyard is ancient. Many of the graves there were masterpieces of architecture: sculptures of angels, intricate crosses, crypts and monuments that fascinated us little ones. We really enjoyed playing hide and seek in the old part of the cemetery. Yes, we had strange hobbies. But where else can children play in a small, godforsaken village?

But let's return to the inexplicable. As I already said, the locals were constantly discussing some kind of mysticism. But, strangely enough, no one was afraid. Everyone was so used to living next to the undead that they no longer paid attention to it. Unless the newcomers disrupted the usual way of life. One day the boys and I were sitting near Aunt Rodika’s house. And her nephew came to stay with her - a huge man. Suddenly this kid flies out of the bathhouse naked, crossing himself and swearing. We just burst out laughing! The man could not explain what happened there in the bathhouse. He then got very drunk and left that same evening. Aunt Rodika was indignant for a long time: “I’ve been waiting for my nephew to visit for ten years, we didn’t even have time to talk! Damn the devil!”...

After school I decided to stay in my native village. There was nothing to do. One day my mother sent me to a fair in the village - the one at the other end of the cemetery. The closer I got to the village, the less I recognized everything. Halfway along the way, a watchman's booth appeared in front of me. And the fence was erected, however, only to the middle of the churchyard. I decided to ask the security guard what these innovations were. I knocked on the gatehouse. A grandfather with a gray beard and a persistent smell of fumes appeared from the window. Introduced himself as Vaganich. From him I learned that our cemetery is now considered almost a World Heritage Site. That tourists will soon be brought here. But this is not the only thing the place is famous for. Satanists have taken root here. So the local administration decided to fence off the entire cemetery.

So the watchman and I chatted until he suggested: “Listen, maybe you’ll be my partner? I’m old already, and let’s be honest, I like to drink. And you are young, and the work is not dusty. A?" I agreed without hesitation. At least I'll get busy. Yes, I know this cemetery like the back of my hand. I’m not a timid guy, and I grew up among all kinds of evil spirits. That’s what Vaganych and I decided on. He said to come back in a couple of days for the first shift...

The year flew by unnoticed. My duties included making rounds every three hours. Our weapons included shot loaded with salt and a flashlight. I chased homeless people, and even scared Satanists several times with shots. He scolded girls and old women. But I didn’t meet any ghosts or dead people, unlike Vaganych. He will tell me a story about ghosts in the cemetery. I just laughed: Is it possible for a guy to get drunk?

That night turned out to be unusually moonlit and bright. Suddenly I heard either singing or wailing. Well, I think the damned atheists are performing their rituals again! I went outside. No one. He took the gun off the wall and went around. Empty. But you can hear lamentation from somewhere! Suddenly I saw four figures standing near the old crypt. Tall, skinny, I didn’t immediately understand whether they were women or men. They were holding hands, dressed in black, with hoods on their heads. And they look somewhere up. And they wail on one note. Damn Satanists! Now I’ll give you some salt! And he called out to them. And then the figures turn around. I saw that these were not even people. They didn't have a face, but some kind of semblance. Empty eye sockets, instead of a mouth there is a black hole. The howling became louder. One of the figures began to slowly approach. My legs lifted me off the ground, I rushed, not distinguishing the road, through bushes, monuments, fences. The howl was getting closer.

I ran home and knocked on all the windows, screaming. My mother opened the door for me. I flew into the hut, grabbed the icon from the table, hugged it and prayed until morning came. The frightened mother was circling around me all this time with rags and cotton wool. She couldn't get a word out of me. In the end I confessed and began to come to my senses. I came covered in blood, my eyebrow was torn, my hands were skinned. After washing myself, I discovered a strand of gray hair. What a shame! The villagers will laugh! But my mother and I came up with a legend. Allegedly, looters came to the cemetery and beat me up. It's not as shameful as being scared of ghosts. The main thing is that no one hears me screaming at night. It seems to have passed.

The worst thing for me was going back to the lodge. But I had to give up my shift. Vaganich was about to swear at me, but he saw me and was stunned. I started to mumble something, but Vaganich interrupted me: “I know how much you charged. Have you seen those four? They say a lot about this evil spirit. They say that these ghosts gather in the cemetery only on moonlit nights at the grave of Count Terescu. But he was a magician. What these people want is unknown. But if anyone sees them alive, he will either go crazy or die. Apparently, God has had mercy on you.” I walked home and thought about the old man’s words for a long time. What it was and why exactly I saw it will remain a mystery. I no longer worked at the cemetery, and soon I left my native place altogether. But the memory of those events is still alive in me...

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