Producer Vitas: What is happening can only be called bullying. The producer of Vitas called Dimash the personification of a cheap pirated fake. That is, he will continue touring, concerts


The production center of Sergei Pudovkin has never filed a lawsuit against the Chinese channel, as well as any other Chinese company or artists of any state. This was stated in an interview with the producer of the singer Vitas Sergey Pudovkin. Recall that Vitas's interests are now being protected by a Chinese law office, which has filed claims regarding the performance of "Opera No. 2" by Kazakh singer Dimash Kudaibergen at a music competition in China.

"I did not file a lawsuit. Vitas did not file a lawsuit. Indeed, in agreement with me, the lawsuit was filed by a company - my Chinese partner, which is engaged in the protection of interests, including intellectual property in China. As you understand, since the offense, from my point of view and from the point of view of legislation, it took place on the territory of this state, and therefore there are trials. At what stage of the process, I was not interested, I don’t know. How it ended, all the more I don’t know. Because, in my opinion, it didn’t end and still, I think, it will take quite a long time. Because there, in principle, everything is done thoroughly and not quickly. But, of course, we will definitely find out the result, all together," Pudovkin said.

He explained that he is the copyright holder of the songs. "I am the copyright holder of songs that were illegally, unauthorizedly performed by another singer without the permission of the copyright holder. That is, I committed intellectual theft. This is how it is interpreted all over the world, regardless of whether it is a competition, a private event, playing a guitar in a restaurant or broadcasting. This is a violation copyright, which cannot be justified by the fact of holding a competition or the fact that a person wanted to sing a popular song. There is a certain regulation, it is quite simple. In this case, the artist began his career with an absolutely understandable theft of a famous song in a certain territory, "Pudovkin said.

According to him, this is an administrative offense. "Accordingly, in any country, upon the fact of performance, the necessary judicial action will be taken in order to prohibit or allow the performance of the song. It's a very simple situation. In Russia, I really sent it to the appropriate authorities, it's true. I was the applicant on the territory of the Russian Federation "I sent a statement that I am the copyright holder of this song - I listed about 470 copyright songs that belong to me as the copyright holder. Vitas is the creator of the songs. He is an artist and co-owner of these rights," he said. According to him, the authorship of the song has been registered since 2001.

Pudovkin stressed that the application was filed by a law firm on behalf of his Chinese partners. "In order, if you want, to restore justice and stop the illegal use of other people's property by other people's artists. Any person would probably do the same," the producer said.

Recall that Vitas's representatives sent claims to the Hunan TV channel because of the performance of "Opera No. 2" at the I Am a Singer competition. So far, the channel has not commented on the accusations of plagiarism. Earlier, the PR manager of the new star Alpamys Sharimov said that the idea to perform Vitas's song belonged to the director of the competition. “What was performed at the competition, we don’t earn money on it. It was a one-time performance, we did not claim this song and were not going to continue to perform Opera No. 2. As far as I know, the claims are against the channel, not against us "We took it easy. But there are all sorts of competitions wherever the contestants perform songs of famous bands, stars like Adele, Michael Jackson. If everyone sues, it's scary. I think a composer should be happy that his songs are performed, (...) - says Sharimov. - Dimash just wanted to show his abilities, as he promised, four modulations and two tones higher than Vitas. And he did it."

The producer of the Russian artist Vitas, Sergey Pudovkin, in an exclusive interview with the news agency, explained the essence of the claims against the Kazakh performer Dimash Kudaibergenov and spoke unflatteringly about the singer himself.

According to the producer, he himself did not file a lawsuit through Chinese lawyers. This claim was sent by a company that deals with the issues of concert, advertising and other activities of Vitas in the Asian region.

The producer himself does not know and is not interested in who exactly the claim is made to - the artist, the TV channel or the competition. He stated that the singer began his creative life with theft, using someone else's intellectual property.

"I hope that the artist will have his own repertoire, he will not use other people's 10-year-old developments, the popularity of the song that Vitas has been singing in China since 2005," Pudovkin said.

He also noted that this is a simple judicial situation that will be resolved very quickly.

Humiliating crime

"In this case, we see a fake on stage that uses the work created by another artist and demonstrates it in a rather criminal way on stage, no matter what country. In my opinion, this is like burying your own "I", stopping your own development, because the singer with such taste will always be the personification of a fake and a cheap pirated fake. You know, everyone has their own choice, someone makes their own history, their popularity, and someone uses someone else's fame, someone else's work, but this is the choice of every artist," the producer spoke sharply.

“If you don’t have your own “I”, if you don’t have your own repertoire, image, name, then maybe there is no other possibility than theft. This is already a court case. Neither Vitas nor I will ever deal with this process, this will be done by the company, which represents the legitimate interests of Vitas in China. For 12 years of work in China, these are quite large interests that are at a high level".

The producer refused to specify what company is in question.

According to Chinese media, the producer of Vitas Watson&Band. The statement refers to the ban on the use of Vitas songs by Dimash Kudaibergenov.

Pudovkin's letter was sent to the central TV channel in the city of Changsha, Hunan province, where the contest "I am singer-2017" is held, in which Dimash takes part.

In the second stage of the song contest, according to the decision of the directors of the competition, Dimash performed the song "Opera No. 2" by the Russian artist Vitas. He became the winner of the second round and and the love of Chinese fans.

Chinese fans of the singer called him "Kazakh Vitas". However, Dimash himself does not agree with such a comparison.

The most famous song hits performed by him are Opera No. 2 and 7th Element.

Childhood and youth

Vitas' real name is Vitaly Vladasovich Grachev. Born in Latvian Daugavpils on February 19, 1979. Vitas is the Latvian version of the singer's name: his passport contains the Russian name Vitaly. Soon after the birth of their son, the Grachev family moved to Odessa, where Vitas' grandfather Arkady Marantsman lived. The artist himself considers himself more from Odessa and Ukrainian, as he left the Baltic states in early childhood. Now Grachev has Ukrainian citizenship and Odessa registration.

Mother Lilia Mikhailovna simply adored her only son, tried to dress him better. At that time, there was a shortage in everything, and the woman herself sewed clothes. By the way, already when Vitas became popular, he performed for a long time in things sewn by his mother.

But Vitas had a difficult relationship with his father Vladas Arkadyevich. He spoke about this in December 2016 on the program “Let them talk”. The artist honestly admitted that he had not communicated with his father for more than three years. Vitaly's cousin said that family relations deteriorated after his grandfather died. The singer was very upset by the death of his mother, who left for another world in 2001. At that time, the parents were already divorced.

On the air, Vitas said that he had received a letter from his father, and his father had never spoken to him so sincerely. The artist thanked Vladas Arkadyevich for supporting him in childhood (it was he who bought him the first synthesizer), and invited him to celebrate the New Year together.

Vitas' parents had nothing to do with music. Only grandfather Arkady Marantsman loved to sing. The boy's father wanted to see his son as a football player, and his grandfather, who had a war behind him, dreamed of his grandson's military career. But the guy was drawn to music and drawing, so he not only studied at a comprehensive school, but also studied accordion at a music school for three years.

And the boy also served in the local plastic and voice parody theater. At first, Vitas skillfully copied movements, later he brilliantly parodied a wide variety of people, both men and women equally successfully. Soon Grachev began to study jazz vocals with teacher Anna Rudneva.

In addition to the stage, Vitaly loved to draw. His artistic work is reminiscent of style. Also, the guy was fond of computer technology. After graduating from the 9th grade, Grachev went to conquer Moscow.


At the age of 14, Vitas wrote the song "Opera No. 2". When the guy arrived in the capital, he immediately began to cooperate with Sergei Pudovkin, who noticed an unusual boy back in Odessa. He becomes the producer of Vitas. And Sergei's mother, according to the singer himself, took care of him as a mother, replacing her dead mother.

With the help of Pudovkin, the first video for the composition "Opera No. 2" appeared, which the public immediately liked. First of all, by its eccentricity: the listeners were struck by the young singer's piercing falsetto and strange "gills" on his neck.

The performer began to engage in solo work in December 2000, so the start of his creative biography is usually counted from zero. After Grachev's debut on the Russian stage, many listeners and experts wondered: what is the secret of his amazing falsetto and how can a man pull out such high notes. Music critics and teachers did not understand why the performer did not sing in the chest register.

Vitas - "7th Element"

A variety of fables circulated around the personality of the young singer. There were those who really believed that the musician was a descendant, and the gills shown in the video are real. Some of the journalists even expressed their suspicions that the boy was castrated in childhood.

Vitas' producer Sergei Pudovkin tirelessly explained that this was not a scam, but a special arrangement of his throat and ligaments. Admittedly, few believed in it. For example, Elena Kirashvili, Associate Professor of the Department of Vocals at the Moscow Pedagogical University, argues that Vitas’s “singing” on low notes is not singing at all, but recitative, which is typical only for performers who have never practiced vocals.

“Vitas was originally conceived as a project that shocks the public, but not with vocal abilities, but with the general situation that is pumped up around him. Media support plays a key role here. And I would put Vitas's vocal data in second place, ”Kirashvili said.
Vitas - "Ave Maria"

Vitaly Grachev did not achieve success in the capital right away. His first tours were a failure and did not generate income, barely covering the losses. But the artist's producer did not give up, arguing that everyone who came to Vitas' concert would certainly become his fans. Colleagues on the stage claimed that Vitas sings to the soundtrack, but in fact all the performer's concerts are held live.

Vitas - "Coast of Russia"

It is noteworthy that Grachev even managed to sing, whose voice in 4 octaves is called silver. Vitas, on the other hand, takes 5.5 octaves, but, if necessary, he is able to sing in bass. The performer released the debut disc-single "Opera No. 2", attaching to it small pieces of his red scarf, which was supposedly around his neck in the video.

Vitas - "Opera N2" ("My house is completed")

The video for the composition "Opera No. 1" was filmed in the Vietnamese Temple of the Emerald Buddha. It is worth noting that Vitaly likes the East and its contemplative ideology. It was rumored that Vitas was ordained a monk in Tibet.

With solo programs, Vitas has traveled to dozens of countries throughout his career. Grachev is especially adored in China, where he is considered the most popular singer in Russia. In China, Vitaly made his debut as an actor. He has acted in several films, including Mulan, The Master's Last Secret and Making a Party. In China, the official Vitas fan club has over a million fans, and in Shanghai a statue was erected in honor of the "Russian miracle".

Vitas - "Opera N1"

But at home, Vitas has not only fans, he also has enough critics. For example, Dmitry Umbrashko smashed the singer’s work to smithereens, saying that only people with a very strong psyche can listen to his album “A Kiss of a Lifetime”. The same opinion about Vitas, who in one interview said that he did not see any difference between Vitas' songs.

Nevertheless, the performer has an extensive discography: 15 full-length albums and 5 singles.

A popular performer willingly accepts offers from producers of popular TV shows. In 2014, Vitas visited the first season of the Just the Same project and surprised the audience with unexpected reincarnations. At the first stage of the show, he turned into and sang his hit "White Roses", and at the third stage he amazed everyone with his transformation into and.

The audience saw the participant they liked in the new seasons of the project in 2015 and 2016. Vitas got into character by singing his song "Everything for You", and also reincarnated as the lead singer of the AC / DC group, performing the hit Thunderstruck.


In May 2013, a loud scandal erupted around the name of Vitas: the singer's SUV hit a cyclist and, according to her, tried to escape from the scene of an accident. The girl managed to jump off the bike, which was run over by Vitas's car, first with the front and then with the rear wheels.

The incident happened on Friday evening near the All-Russian Exhibition Center (formerly VDNKh), when Muscovites were walking along the street, who became unwitting witnesses to the adventure. Then a video appeared on the Web, which shows that Vitas, apparently, was drunk. Plus, the man insulted the police, not embarrassed in expressions.

Later, the singer's representatives reported that it was not the artist himself who was driving the SUV, but his driver. But eyewitnesses claim that it was Vitas who drove the foreign car. In the police, where the drunk and mischievous star was taken, Grachev handed over a model of a Makarov pistol, which he threatened the downed cyclist with.

As it turned out during the investigation, Vitas has repeatedly found himself in such unpleasant situations. In 2007, he was already deprived of the right to drive a car for almost 2 years for drunk driving. But a year later, Vitaliy Grachev, being a citizen of Ukraine, received a new driver's license and again violated traffic rules by driving into the oncoming lane.

In May 2013, Vitas refused to undergo a medical examination, and by the decision of the justice of the peace of the Ostankino district of the capital, he was deprived of a driver's license for a year and a half.

In July, Vitaly Grachev was finally charged. During the investigation, he admitted his own guilt. In August, the Ostankino court found the singer guilty of committing a crime and sentenced him to a fine of 100 thousand rubles.

At the beginning of 2017, Vitas again reminded of himself, but this time a scandal erupted around a young colleague from Kazakhstan.

Vitas threatens Dimash Kudaibergenov with trial

A talented Kazakh singer took part in the "I am singer-2017" competition in China. Dimash Kudaibergenov became the winner of several tours, gaining incredible fame and love from Chinese music lovers. And the scandal erupted because Dimash in the second round sang Vitas's song "Opera No. 2", with which the Russian singer once won the love of the Middle Kingdom.

The Chinese media wrote that Vitas' producer Sergey Pudovkin filed a complaint with the Watson & Band law firm with a request to ban Kudaibergenov from singing his ward's hits. Meanwhile, in China, Dimash has already been nicknamed the new Vitas, which the original bearer of the name is unlikely to like.

Personal life

Vitas and his wife Svetlana Grankovskaya have been together for a long time. When they met, Vitaly was already a star, and Sveta was a 15-year-old schoolgirl. Their acquaintance took place in the theater of musical comedy. Seeing the girl backstage, Vitas immediately realized that it was love at first sight.

“I fell in love with her. I loved her so much that I could not live without her even 10 minutes. And then I decided to steal it, ”says the artist.

And stole. Today Grachev claims that only now, when he himself became a father, he realized the horror of such an act.

Vitas and Svetlana have two children. Daughter Alla appeared in November 2008, and the son was born on New Year's Eve 2015. The personal life of the spouses has developed happily, they have a strong family.

Vitas today

In March 2018, Vitas again landed in. Grachev in the courtyard of his own house on Rublyovka fired from a starting pistol. This went on for 5 hours. Neighbors called the police, but the singer himself refused to open to law enforcement agencies. The door was broken open, Vitas was taken to the police station, where a protocol was drawn up.

The musician also refused to undergo an examination for alcohol intoxication. 45 shell casings, four rounds of ammunition and a flare pistol were found at the site. Then the neighbors reported that such shooting was not the first time.

The court sentenced Vitas to 7 days of arrest under the article “petty hooliganism”. For a week, the artist was in the Istra special detention center. The defender of the musician was a famous lawyer in show business circles -. The media published photos and videos from the courtroom, and fans of the once beloved singer were extremely surprised by the changes in his appearance. The artist became very stout, his whiskey was touched by gray hair.

Later, he repeatedly apologized to his neighbors for disturbing them with his antics. According to him, that day he had a holiday in his house, and he expressed his joy by firing from the starting pistol.

Despite the scandalous reputation, Vitas continues to collect full halls. As before, he actively tours, however, now more abroad. In September 2018, the singer came to the Evening Urgant program, it was the anniversary, thousandth broadcast of the show. Grachev appeared before the audience in his new image (and new weight - he lost a lot of weight after the spring events). As the artist admitted to the TV presenter, the best period is coming in his life and work.

Vitas on the program "Evening Urgant"

Vitas dyed his hair, becoming a platinum blonde. The man said that such a role is focused on foreign countries. Today, in addition to China, they are waiting for it in the USA, Mexico, and Brazil. In Mexico, the singer put together a concert, which was attended by 250 thousand spectators.

At the end of August 2018, the singer presented a new song "Roll With the Beat". He also shot a video for the composition and recorded it together with the American hip-hop artist Nappy Roots. In the frame, Vitas is in the space laboratory. He soon flies to Earth, where he throws a party. Judging by the reaction in social networks, not all fans liked his new image and video. It is noteworthy that in the video the singer sings little, he makes more inarticulate sounds.

Vitas ft. Nappy Roots - "Roll With the Beat" (Video premiere 2018)

In September, he presented another new work to the audience - he released a video for the song "Give Me Love". There is no plot as such in the video, but the artist himself appeared in it in the form of a brutal macho. The same song in Russian reminded some listeners of the early work of the bands and Modern Talking.


  • 2001 - "Philosophy of Miracle"
  • 2002 - "Smile!"
  • 2003 - "Mom"
  • 2003 - "Songs of my mother"
  • 2004 - Kiss for Eternity
  • 2006 - "Return Home-1"
  • 2007 - “Return home-2. The cry of a crane"
  • 2008 - "Hits of the XX century"
  • 2009 - "Say what you love"
  • 2010 - "Masterpieces of three centuries"
  • 2011 - "Mom and son"
  • 2013 - “Only you. The story of my love-1 "
  • 2014 - “I will give you the whole world. The story of my love-2 "
  • 2016 - Made in China
  • 2016 - "Come Just For You"

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