The project of the lunar path of the puppet for the shadow theater. Night story: shadow theater

Imagine - evening twilight, tightly drawn curtains and spectators frozen in anticipation of a miracle. Soon, near the most ordinary lamp, a magical performance will begin, woven from almost nothing. The shadow theater is a fascinating spectacle that children of all ages like, from one-year-olds to primary schoolchildren, who are happy to take part in the preparation of the performance and come up with their own fairy tales for the shadow performance.

In order to watch a theatrical performance of light and shadow, it is not necessary to go to a real theater. All this can be arranged at home using improvised materials. Home shadow theater is an exciting and useful activity for the whole family. Everyone can participate in the preparation and holding of the performance, fantasy is in full swing, the plot is full of surprises, and the level of complexity of the scenery and figures depends on the interest of the kids and the time that everyone is ready to devote to this.

What is shadow theater?

Finger theater is the shadows that appear on the screen due to the different positions of the hands and the interlacing of the fingers of the "director". Most often these are images of well-known animals, but professionals can show human faces or some inanimate objects. It's great for fine motor skills and coordination.

Puppet theater is a performance using ready-made figures and scenery. The characters are cut out of cardboard, fixed on sticks and moved according to the action. Due to the fact that almost everything can be cut out of cardboard, the puppet theater of shadows is an endless field for the flight of children's imagination.

What do you need for home shadow theater?

1. Light source - it can be a simple table lamp, a tourist flashlight and any other lamp with a directional light.

2. Screen - is a translucent white plane that can be made from different materials - tracing paper, a white thin sheet, ordinary Whatman paper or sheets of white paper fastened together in a joint. The frame for the screen can be a cut-out lid from any box, an artistic stretcher, a two-story children's bed - any design on which you can stretch the screen. can be made from an unfolded shoe box, pull a sheet over a bunk bed. A small "stage" is suitable for simple finger performances, and if you want to prepare a real puppet show, it is better to make a spacious large screen where the whole story will fit.

3. Sets and characters - choose what you want to start with. If you decide to try finger theater, practice with your child to fold their palms and fingers in such a way that “live” images of animals appear on the screen. A dog can bark, a crocodile can open its toothy mouth, a bunny can move its ears - whatever you think of. For the puppet theater, you will need thick cardboard, from which you will cut out the scenery and figures.

Helpful Hints:

1. The screen must be placed between the audience and the lamp. The actors are between the lamp and the screen. Keep in mind that the lamp heats up and it is best not to touch the light source during the performance.

2. In order for the shadows to be clear, the light should fall directly, and not from the side, and the lamp should not be close, but two or three meters from the wall.

3. The light source should always be behind the screen and slightly to the side. Stand so that the shadow from your body almost does not fall on the screen, and the shadow from the hands is evenly clear.

4. It is better to paint cardboard figures with black paint, then they will be contrasting and noticeable on the screen.

5. The size of the shadows on the screen depends on the distance from the figurine to the light source. To make the figure smaller, bring it close to the screen. To make it grow in size - place it away. It is better to fasten the scenery close to the screen with adhesive tape or bent paper clips so that they do not move during the performance, and small directors will have an extra pair of hands.

6. If the kids like home theater, make a real curtain, tickets and programs. During the performance, you can arrange a real intermission with an impromptu buffet.

5. Start with a small number of characters - two or three is enough for the first time. With practice, you can easily move on to more complex settings.

6. To make the performance "coloured", use colored light bulbs or filters that can be attached to the lamp. For night scenes - a blue filter, for morning scenes - a red one, and so on.

7. The figurines can be made movable by wrapping arms, legs, wings and tails with soft wire. Instead of sticks that hold the characters, use regular drinking straws.

There are many options for interesting leisure activities that you can organize for the kids on their own. Of course, the most interesting are in which the little ones can take a direct part. These fun options include shadow theater for children, which you can do yourself at home at no extra cost.

How to surprise a baby with a shadow?

The simplest option for playing with a child is to show shadows from the hands on the wall, with which you can depict various objects, animals or people. How to make such a shadow theater with your own hands at home - various manuals on the art of creating an image will help you sort out this issue. For children, do-it-yourself shadow theater templates are simple figures, examples of which are presented below:

You can make shadow shapes with your hands both on the wall and on a small screen. To do this, you will need to make a rectangle out of the boards and pull a translucent light fabric without a pattern over it. It is recommended to fix it with buttons or a furniture stapler. After that, the performance can begin: the screen is placed on the surface of the table or a specially prepared stand, the bottom is covered with a thick cloth, the lamp is installed behind the actors, and the light is directed to the screen. To make it more interesting for the baby, you can add various decorations and dolls to the images of the figures.

Shadow puppet theater

In order to make a shadow theater with characters at home with your own hands, you will need a simple set of stationery. It includes: thick cardboard, glue, scissors, thin light sticks. To begin with, it is proposed to use puppets that do not move in productions. This will make it easier to learn this subtle skill, and it will take a few hours to create characters. Figures for the shadow theater are made by hand using templates with images. You can draw them yourself, or you can use ready-made ones. Then they are transferred to paper, cut out and assembled with glue or a stapler. Depending on what role the doll has, it can be glued to the stick both from the side and from below.

Making a shadow theater with your own hands out of paper is not troublesome, but very exciting. The kids will be happy to help make dolls, and then put on everyone's favorite fairy tales, and the spectators who came to visit will discuss this spectacle for a long time.

From myself I will add that according to this model I made a theater with my grandchildren. Happiness was a wagon and a small cart!!! All five grandchildren and granddaughters with great diligence carved figurines, painted, glued.......

And then all together and showed and watched.

Below is a master class and ready-made templates for the most famous children's fairy tales.....

FROM THE AUTHOR: "The room is dark and only small rustles of the last preparations are heard, when suddenly the light comes on. It rests on the screen of a white sheet. Dad clears his throat for the last time, and the first silhouette appears on the stage. And the fairy tale comes to life ...

shadow theater“Children fall in love with the shadow theater right away. At first they enthusiastically watch performances, and then they begin to invent the plot themselves. Let, regardless of whether the child has directing abilities or not, at home he is always waiting for a standing ovation.

At the same time, the imagination of the crumbs works at 100, because in the silhouette the child will try to guess the grandmother, dog or mouse. A gentle and native voice from behind the curtains tells a story about distant (or not so) countries, about guys and animals, about good, evil and real magic itself. And all this can be done with your own hands from improvised means in just 15 minutes.

You can organize a stage for a shadow theater from an old box and cut out the silhouettes of the main characters from it, turn on the lamp and the fairy tale will come to life right before your eyes. So let's get started.

1. Making a scene

At the bottom of the old box, we outline a rectangle for the screen.

The outline does not have to be rectangular. The edges can be rounded and decorative patterns added. Thus, the box for the shadow theater will take on an absolutely magical look.

Cut out a hole.

We color this holey box (the item is optional, but it will look neater this way).

On the inside, glue a sheet of paper slightly larger than the hole in size.

2. Hero on a stick

We draw the characters of a fairy tale on a sheet, but rather print it








We cut out the characters, stick them on cardboard of any density. Cut out the silhouettes and fix on a stick. For this, electrical tape, a glue gun or adhesive tape are suitable. I used duct tape and a glue gun just to be sure)

I used kitchen skewers, but popsicle sticks, old sticks or pencils work well too.

We are also preparing the scenery (the environment surrounding the characters). To do this, simply cut them out of cardboard of any density. The thicker the scenery, the more difficult it will be to cut it out, and the easier it will be to fix it to the screen.

  • scenery fixing

Strips of cardboard can be fixed along the perimeter, in which it will be convenient to fix the scenery. That's it, the stage for the shadow theater is ready.

Shadow theater is an art that originated somewhere in the ancient civilizations of India and China more than 1700 years ago. The legend tells that the gods themselves, walking on the Earth, saw pretty dolls in the window of the workshop and decided to play with them. The figures, as if alive, spun in a dance, fluttered like moths, casting bizarre shadows.

This magical dance was secretly spied on by the master. He really wanted to repeat the amazing dance. And then he attached barely noticeable threads to the pupae and gave them a new life.

Let's fast forward to that distant time and arrange a fabulous performance filled with shadow and light, goodness and magic.

You will need:

  • cardboard box,
  • white parchment,
  • black cardboard,
  • markers,
  • scissors, stationery knife,
  • adhesive tape,
  • hot glue,
  • barbecue sticks,
  • desk lamp.

First, let's create a scene. It can be made in the form of a window, a castle, a fabulous tent and even a detached house. It all depends on the size of the box and your imagination.

Let's use the simplest option. Let's make a stage for the performance in the form of a window.

1. Cut out the bottom of the box and glue it with parchment. Secure the edges of the parchment with duct tape.

2. Make shutters from the rest of the box. Draw with markers.

Great! Half done!

And here's another version of the screen:

Well, now, so that our stage is not empty, fill it with bright characters. And, of course, I'm not talking about color (dolls can be made black). The silhouette of each hero should reflect his characteristic features of appearance and character.

3. Cut out cardboard figures of animals, trees, houses, your favorite cartoon characters.

4. Glue with hot glue to a barbecue stick.

5. Illuminate the box with a table lamp, and you can play.

More characters - more amazing stories!

Here's what it looks like from the back:

Now the classical shadow theater is threatened with extinction. But in the 2000s, a new direction arose in this mysterious art. Instead of puppets, dancers create incredible performances on stage, captivating the audience with the flexibility of bodies, the play of light and shadow.

Any theater is a mystery, and the shadow theater is the most exquisite and poetic mystery. There is an opinion that this type of art appeared on the basis of the ritual of ancestor worship - according to legend, the souls of the dead were infused into special figures. With the help of these figurines, the exploits of the ancestors were sung, their way of life was described. But there is another version of the emergence of shadow theater, more romantic.

Shadow theater legend

In ancient times, around 200 BC, the Chinese emperor lost his beloved wife. The inconsolable ruler yearned, abandoned state affairs, stopped talking. The affairs of the empire were in decline. The courtiers invented a variety of ways, but any attempt to force the emperor to leave the chambers was unsuccessful.

But one day the chief courtier asked the sovereign to go into the rooms of his wife, who had died from a serious illness. In the chambers, the emperor saw the silhouette of his beloved, sitting behind a curtain. Suddenly she stood up, against the background of the sun behind a thin fabric, her profile clearly loomed. So, with the help of the shadow theater, the courtier was able to cure the ruler of longing.

The performance shown to the courtiers pleased the emperor so much that he asked to repeat it every evening. He even invited spectators. The doll, which was a unique copy of his wife, walked, played musical instruments, and sat by the window. Suddenly, the emperor realized: the fabric is only a temporary barrier between them, and his beloved is waiting for him in another world. A little time will pass - and they will be together again. Realizing this, the sovereign cheered up, again engaged in state affairs. And the shadow theater began its march on the earth, it spread to the countries of Asia: India, Turkey. Together with the army of Genghis Khan, this art reached Europe and Russia.

First performances

Initially, the shadow theater could only be seen at night. Usually the performances were held right on the street. The performances could involve up to a thousand figures and no less scenery. Oil lamps were used as a light source.

Shadow puppets

The material for the first dolls were animal skins. They were made, and so thinly that they were almost transparent. Figures were cut out of the skins, paint was applied to them. Traditionally, the height of puppets for the theater did not exceed 30 centimeters. All figurines are movable. With the help of thin long rods, the puppets were controlled by a person hiding behind the screen.

How to make a shadow theater?

Shadow theater does not require bright costumes and complex scenery. To create it, you can use any improvised materials. And therefore it is easy to make a shadow theater with your own hands. It is worth noting that this type of creativity for children is extremely useful - because it combines music, literature, craft and painting!

Cardboard screen for shadow theater

Any theater begins with a hanger. But shadow theater begins with the screen. You can make it in different ways.

The first (and easiest) way is to make a screen out of the box. To do this, you need a cardboard box, colored and parchment paper, glue and scissors:

  1. It is necessary to cut the high walls of the box and carefully cut out the bottom. This will form the basis for the screen.
  2. The base must be glued with colored paper.
  3. From parchment paper, cut out a rectangle that fits in size. It must be glued to the inside of the base, thus closing the bottom.

The front side of the screen can be decorated - beads, colored stones, feathers and much more are suitable for this.

wooden screen

Much more reliable than a wooden cardboard screen. For its manufacture you will need: chipboard, jigsaw, ruler or tape measure, pencil, drill, sandpaper, small sheds, screwdriver, screws, white paint and brush, thick fabric (preferably white), Velcro, four flashlights, loops for wiring, cardboard, black gouache.

How to make a shadow theater with these items? Very simple. You need to start with a screen. To do this, you need to draw a sheet of chipboard - leave small edges and mark the center, which will then be cut out. Using a drill, you need to drill holes in the corners of the future screen. You can cut the "window" with a jigsaw. The next stage is the manufacture of the side parts of the screen. They must be the same height as the screen. All details are important to process with sandpaper. Then you need to attach the canopies and paint all the details.

The screen for such a screen is best made of fabric - so that you can remove it and wash it. An ordinary Velcro will help to fix such a screen! It is sewn along the edges of the fabric and glued to the back of the screen.

Small flashlights will help to make the screen mobile, which must be fixed on the side parts of the screen. Children's shadow theater is ready!

Big screen for shadow theater

The previous manufacturing options are suitable for small theaters, in which small figures “play” the roles. What if the actors are people? We need a big screen! The most budget option is white raincoat fabric. Of course, its density is different. But choosing the right material is not so difficult - just take a flashlight and check how the shadow is transmitted. Then you just need to stretch the fabric on a frame made of metal or wood. You can start rehearsals.

Theater of hands

The simplest shadow theater is the theater of hands! With their help, you can show different characters, just put your fingers in a certain way. You just need to move your fingers - and the bunny will move its ears, the bird will fly, and the crocodile will close its jaw! In addition, you can teach your baby to depict animals with the help of hands - this will develop his motor skills and spatial thinking!

Paper "actors"

A large number of animal figures is extremely difficult to depict with the help of hands. Shadow theater for children can be diversified with the help of paper "actors". With such figures, you can stage complex plays based on fairy tales, fables and stories. The presentation will turn out if several people read the text (by roles), and a few more people show illustrations for the work on the screen.

To make puppets for the shadow theater, you will need thick cardboard. You can find ready-made templates, or you can turn on fantasy and imagination - and make them yourself. Finished figures need to be painted with black gouache. The shadow theater in kindergarten can quickly wear out, and therefore you need to laminate all the figures. A wooden stick or a straw for drinks is glued to the finished characters. It's easier to do this with tape.

Be careful - if the doll needs to be led from below, the stick must also be glued from below. If you want to lead the character from above, then the stick must be glued from above. For birds and ships, it is better to use fishing line - this will give them special mobility.

shadow people

You have made a shadow theater with your own hands. Hero templates are drawn, a large number of performances have been played and you want something new? Try to be an actor yourself! Of course, taming your shadow is not so easy, but the result will exceed all expectations!

As a costume for shadow theater actors, it is best to use tight-fitting clothing. It is enough to choose one or two characteristic details for such a garment to create an image. For example, a cardboard sword and crown, combined with a fabric cape, create the image of a king. And if you replace the crown with a magnificent hat, you get a brave musketeer!

You have already made a shadow theater, the templates for fairy tales are ready, the scenery is cut out. How to hold a performance that will not leave indifferent?

Here are some helpful tips:

  1. To create a real theatrical atmosphere - mystical and mysterious, you need to dim the light in the room, drape the seats for the audience with soft fabric. You can even make a real curtain, draw tickets and even arrange an intermission!
  2. In the first performances, it is better not to use more than two or three characters. Only after having practiced properly, it is worth proceeding to more complex plays.
  3. The most "advanced" puppeteers can use moving figures. It is necessary to fasten the arms, legs, tails, wings and other moving fragments to the body using a thin wire. You will also need to glue sticks or straws for drinks to each part.
  4. Pay attention - the actor must be between the screen and the light sources, and the screen - between the lamps and the audience. During setting, the lighting fixtures can become very hot, and therefore it is better not to touch them.
  5. In order for the shadow on the screen to be as clear as possible, the light should fall directly on the figures or people, and the lamp should not stand next to the screen.
  6. The size of the figures can be adjusted: to make the image smaller, you need to bring the character closer to the screen. And, conversely, you can enlarge the image by placing the figure near the lamp.
  7. Making the scenery stationary is also quite simple. You just need to fix them on the screen with tape or buttons.
  8. Colored light bulbs or special filters will help “colorize” the performance. For night scenes, blue is suitable, and for morning scenes, pink or red.

Most Popular Shadow Theater

Shadow theater is very common in Asia and the Middle East. Most often on their stages they show stories of epic and folklore. Shadow productions are popular in the US, Greece and Czechoslovakia. In Russia, they have not gained much popularity, elements of the shadow theater are used only as an addition to the productions.

The most popular shadow theater is Yavansky. Puppets for the Wayang Kuli theater are still made from buffalo hide. It is made in such a way that it becomes thinner than paper! Despite this, they are very durable and bright - the figurines kept in one of the German museums are still in perfect condition, although they are over a thousand years old!

The performances of this theater have a mystical, sacred character. They are not shown for entertainment - they accompanied important events in the life of both society and the average person!

The puppeteer, who is called dalang, conducts a performance. His speech is accompanied by a unique orchestra - gamelan. By the way, not everyone can find harmony and beauty in Javanese music.

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