Project on theatrical activities in the middle group “We are artists. Project "The Fascinating World of Theater" (middle group) Project on theatrical activities in the middle group


Natalia Ivanova
Project "The Fascinating World of Theater" (middle group)

Prepared and conducted: Ivanova N. A.

Target project:

1) To form children's interest in theater and theater activities.

2) Raise interest in a fairy tale, as means of speech formation; positive relationships between children and knowledge of the world around them.

3) Develop speech, communication skills of children of primary preschool age theatrically- gaming activities.


1) To form in children a keen interest in theater, theatrical game, the desire to participate in a common action and use all the surrounding space.

2) Form in children theatrically- creativity, knowledge and skills theater culture.

3) To instill in children primary skills in the field theatrical art(use of facial expressions, gestures, voice).

4) Learn to convey in movements the images of fairy-tale characters (mouse, frog, bear, etc.) and their actions.

5) Maintain children's cognitive attitude to the surrounding reality (support the child to what he considers and observes).

6) Develop the ability to make a coherent statement, the ability to argue.

7) Replenish and activate the vocabulary of children.

8) Develop emotional responsiveness, expressiveness of speech, artistic abilities through theatrical game.

9) Develop communication skills - the ability to communicate with other people, based on the rules of verbal communication.

10) Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity.

Implementation timeline:

Short (week - from 11/28/2013 to 12/6/2013) ;


- group;

Work plan


1. Determine the level of knowledge of children about theater and theater professions.

2. Create a game environments for self theatrical activities of children in kindergarten;

Selection of games, pictures, design theater area;

Selection of material for productive activity.

3. Preparation for leisure, entertainment.

1. Classes.

2. Conversations.

3. Reading fiction.

4. Productive activity

5. Dramatization game "Cat and kittens!"

6. Entertainment:

- "Journey through fairy tales".(04.12.2013)

Puppet theater according to Russian folk tale "Teremok" (display desktop theater) .(02.12.2013)

Fairy tale dramatization "Teremok" for preparatory groups(Children play the role of heroes) middle group) .(6.12.2013)

For implementation project advanced planning was developed


1) Role-playing games:

- "Big house theater» ;(02.12.2013)

- « theater cafe» .(03.12.2013)

2) Theatrical activities:

- Theater according to Russian folk tale "Teremok" (display desktop theater) .(02.12.2013)

Studies on the expression of basic emotions; (29.11.2013)

- "Laughing Frogs"

3) Didactic games:

Inserts with animals; (02.12.2013)

- "Learn by description";

- "Guess what's changed?";(05.12.2013)

- "The Fourth Extra";

- "Whose baby?"

Physical Culture


Outdoor games:

Dramatization game "Cat and kittens";(29.11.2013)

Game with imitation of movements “Who walks like that?” (03.12.2013)


- Conversation: "How to behave in theater» .(02.12.2013)



"Journey through fairy tales" (04.12.2013)

Practicing dialogues based on a fairy tale "Teremok".(03.12.2013)

Fairy tale dramatization "Teremok"(final event with the invitation of children of the preparatory groups(6.12.2013)


Fairy tales:

- "Teremok"

- "Mitten"



- "What's happened theater (28.11.2013)

- "Favorite Tales"(29.11.2013)

- "Favorite Animals"(4.12.2013)

Artistic creativity


- "Favorite Heroes"(fairy tale "Teremok").(28.11.2013)

- "Mouse-norushka".(06.21.2013)


- "Fairy Tale".(29.11.2013)

Production of the program for the play. (02.12.2013)

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 49" Perm Territory, Solikamsk

Short-term project "Music and theater"

Ovchinnikova Albina Viktorovna

Musical director

Short-term project on the topic: "Music and theater"

(Average group 4-5 years old)

"Music and Theatre".

Type: Creative, group.

Members: Musical director, children from 5 to 6 years old, parents of pupils, educators, MADOU specialists.

Scale: Short.

Target: development of speech, communicative abilities of children of primary preschool age by means of theatrical, gaming and musical activities.


  1. To form in children theatrical and creative abilities, knowledge and skills of theatrical culture.
  2. .Develop emotional responsiveness, expressiveness of speech, artistic abilities through a theatrical game.

3. To interest parents in acquiring, manufacturing different types of theater and replenishing the musical corner with new exhibits.

4. To create conditions for the development of creative activity of children.

5. Introduce children to theatrical culture, enrich their theatrical experience.

Estimated result of the project:

- With the help of a teacher, children will learn to stage familiar fairy tales, folk songs, nursery rhymes, small entertaining scenes, the simplest puppet techniques - driving table puppets;

- get ideas about the theater, about its varieties;

Get to know a variety of musical instruments;

Learn to work in a team, communicate with each other through theatrical images;

Develop the ability to use your own voice, using its various capabilities;

The theatrical corner of the group will be replenished with various types of theater, the musical one - with new instruments;

The interest of parents in the life of children in kindergarten will increase;

Final events:

  1. Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".
  2. Exhibition of children's musical instruments made with their own hands from waste material.

Technological map No. 1

Questions for the morning gathering, which are aimed at choosing a topic and activity.

What is our topic?
What interesting things have we decided to do?
What do we already know about theater?
What else can you find out?
What would you like to do today?
What's your plan for today?
How will you do it? What will you start with?
What materials will you need (need, come in handy)?
Who will you work with?

Technological map No. 2

Questions for the evening meeting, which are aimed at discussing the results of activities, options for the final event; planning activities for the next day.

Who wants to talk about their work?

What was the most interesting?

What did you learn about theater?

What else do you want to know?

Did you get what you envisioned?

What would you like to change?

Was it difficult or easy for you?

What was the easiest thing to do?

Why did you use these materials?

What can be changed?

Was this job interesting for you?

What materials did you use?

Did you complete your plan?

Do you plan to continue your work?

Did you complete your plan?

Technological map No. 3

Approximate complex - thematic planning

Educational areas


Pedagogical tasks

Planned results

Cognition Design

"Socialization", "Physical culture", "Cognition" (FTsKM), "Communication".

"Reading Fiction".

Theme: "Kolobok"

Cognition: continue to teach children to build a house using blocks of different sizes.

Develop the desire for gaming and speech communication, activate speech activity (large - small) cube.

Develop the first skills of dramatization.

Socialization: contribute to the enrichment of the gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline.

Physical Culture: to form the ability to follow elementary rules, coordinate movements, navigate in space.


To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace without interrupting the speaking adult;

To form the ability to clearly pronounce words and short phrases, speak calmly, with natural intonations.

Reading fiction:

Develop the ability to understand the meaning of the text and perform movements in accordance with it.

Performs model building.

Communicates in the process of working with children and the teacher, answers the questions asked.

He has the initial skills of dramatization - intonationally conveys the character of the hero, imitates movements.

Able to develop the plot of the game, using his own building.

Complies with the rules of m / n games, coordinates movements with musical accompaniment.

Understands the meaning of the fairy tale, remembers the characters, the sequence of their appearance.

FEMP knowledge

"A bunny came to visit us".

famp: To consolidate the ability to group objects by color;

continue to teach to determine where there is one object, and where there are many, to express the result of the definition in speech;

to consolidate the concepts of "short" and "long";

continue to teach to recognize and correctly name geometric shapes.

Socialization: to cultivate activity, openness, freedom of communication, readiness to help.

Able to make groups of objects according to certain characteristics.

Determines where there is a lot, and where there is one item.

Knows and names geometric shapes - circle, square, triangle.

Distinguishes objects by length.

Cognition (FTsKM).

"Socialization", "Artistic creativity", "Physical culture", "Cognition" (FTsKM), "Communication".

Theme: "Journey to the theater."

To acquaint children with the concept of "theatre", the types of theaters (puppet, shadow, ballet) and the features of this place. Discuss the rules of conduct in the theatre.

To acquaint with the professions of people who work in the theater.

To teach to distinguish people's emotions by external manifestations, to improve the ability to manage their emotions.

Develop imagination, thinking, memory, cultivate aesthetic taste and a sense of beauty.

to cultivate interest in educational activities, friendly relations;

Theme: Fun trip with friend music.

To consolidate the concept that music is a friend of a person, that one should listen to beautiful and pleasant, healthy music.
Enrich the musical experience of children, activate the meaningful perception of music, teach to think, reflect on music.
Cultivate musical taste.

He knows what theater is, the professions of those who work in the theater.

Familiar with the types of theatre.

Knows the rules of behavior in the theater.

He knows how to identify the emotions of a person from a picture.


Reading fiction, "Artistic creativity", "Socialization".

"Cognition", "Music", "Socialization".

Topic: retelling of the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man".

Continue to teach, emotionally perceive the content of the tale, memorize the characters;

Learn to retell the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man" using the modeling method;

To teach, expressively reproduce words and phrases from a fairy tale in the process of retelling;

Continue to educate responsiveness in children, teach them to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale;

Continue to teach children to solve riddles.

"Musical toys". (Sound culture of speech).

Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds [c], [b].

Learn to form verbs from the names of musical instruments, learn to compose a short story about a toy with the help of a teacher;

develop an interest in playing musical instruments.

He knows how to listen to a fairy tale, perceives the content, remembers the heroes - participants in the action of a fairy tale, the sequence of their appearance.

Can retell a fairy tale using the figures of speech of the characters.

He knows how to solve riddles.

knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view;

Correctly pronounces isolated sounds[c], [b].

Forms verbs from the names of musical instruments.

Makes up a short story about a toy - a musical clown.

He takes part in playing musical instruments with pleasure.

Reading fiction.

"Socialization", "Communication", "Music", "Cognition", "Labor", "Cognition" (FTsKM)

"Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition", "Cognition" (FTsKM), "Artistic creativity"

Reading V.Suteev "Who said meow?".

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the story of an adult, actively answer questions about the content; generate interest in fairy tales; develop sound imitation.

To develop the ability to expressively imitate the movements characteristic of various animals to music.

Develop voluntary attention and imagination.

Reading the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Hare".

To acquaint with the Russian folk tale, to understand the meaning of the work (small daring, but brave).


Listen carefully to the story

actively answers questions.

Listens carefully to the story, answers questions about the content.

Understands the meaning of the fairy tale, can explain the concept of "daring boy".

Knows how to build houses that differ from each other (houses of a fox and a hare).

actively and benevolently influences the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks

Physical Culture.

"Physical culture", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction", "Cognition" (FEMP).

"We play with the heroes of fairy tales."

Strengthening the skills of basic movements in a playful way;

strengthening the ability to listen and guess riddles;

strengthening the ability to perform movements in accordance with musical accompaniment;

consolidate knowledge of primary colors; strengthening the ability to quickly find their place in the game.

Correctly performs basic movements;

Listens attentively and guesses riddles;

Performs movements, coordinating them with musical accompaniment;

Knows colors - red, yellow, green;

Follows the rules of the game.


"Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Communication", "Labor"

“Oh, this music, music, music…”

Initiation and formation of a positive attitude to the art of music.

- listening to music of different genres;

- playing musical instruments, organizing an orchestra in a group;

- Familiarity with various musical instruments.

Listen carefully to the piece of music.

He takes an active part in playing musical instruments in the general orchestra.

Knows some musical instruments - tambourine, bell, metallophone, noise instruments.

Artistic creativity.


"Physical culture", "Music", "Labor"

Application "Kolobok".

Mastering the technique of broken application (leaves);

To consolidate the ability to apply glue to the finished form and stick it on the sheet;

Cultivate accuracy and independence.

Modeling "Kolobok".

Strengthening the ability to sculpt objects of a rounded shape.

Formation of interest in modeling.

Color fixing - yellow, green.

The development of general motor skills, coordination of movements, the ability to act according to instructions.

Enrichment of the vocabulary of adjectives.

Knows how to properly use the area of ​​the sheet.

Gently works with glue, using a napkin and oilcloth.

Performs work independently.

Able to sculpt objects of a rounded shape.

Knows yellow, green.

Able to coordinate movements with words;

Uses adjectives denoting affectionate words in speech

owns self-care skills


"Socialization", "Health", "Physical culture", "Cognition" (FTsKM), "Communication"

To involve children in all possible participation in theatrical performances, fun, entertainment based on fairy tales. Contribute to the formation of the skill of transforming into fairy-tale characters.

To develop interest in various types of theatrical, musical games;

to develop in children an interest in the world around them during the game;

to form in children the ability to observe the rules of behavior during the game.

Adheres to the intended idea during the game, leaving room for improvisation. Hears musical accompaniment, performs musical and rhythmic movements. Takes part in theatrical games, fun.


"Socialization", "Health", "Physical culture", "Cognition" (FTsKM), "Communication"

Develop the ability to take care of your health;

continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills;

continue to acquaint with physical exercises to strengthen various organs and systems of the body.

Follows the basic rules of food intake, hygiene. Performs physical exercises to strengthen the body.


Reading fiction, "Artistic creativity", "Labor", "Socialization".

Teach children to independently maintain order in the group room and on the site of the kindergarten: put building material, toys in place; help the teacher glue books, boxes.
Teach children to be neat: keep their workplace in order, at the end of work, clean everything off the table (drawing, modeling, appliqué).

Notices the disorder in the group and independently eliminates it;

Puts away toys and games after play;

Helps the teacher in repairing books and other materials.

Independently tidies up his workplace after educational activities.


"Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition" (FTsKM).

Teach children to coherently answer the questions of the educator; correctly use the names of objects in speech; activate prepositions, verbs in sentences; teach children about fire safety

Knows the elementary rules for handling fire, freely answers questions on the topic, using prepositions and verbs in speech.

Technological map No. 4 "Materials and equipment".

Social - personal development




Examining albums with pictures, examining and discussing illustrations from books. Explaining to children how to behave in the theater.

Musical games "Guess what sounds", "Quiet - loud". Table theater "Zayushkina hut", "Resin goby", finger theater "Turnip".

Napkins for cleaning tables after educational activities;

materials for minor repairs of books, boxes, manuals.

artistic and creative development

Application / modeling

Development of children's creativity

Introduction to the fine arts.

Materials and tools for creativity: paper, pencils, plasticine.

Glue, drawing paper, natural and waste material.

Albums with illustrations of musical instruments;

musical and didactic games;

musical toys and children's musical instruments;

flannelgraph with a set of fairy tale characters.

Pencils, paints, brushes, drawing paper, various stencils. Coloring pages "Russian folk tales", "Musical instruments".

Physical development

Outdoor games: “Magic cheerful tambourine” (low mobility), “Owl” (quiet music - night, loud - day), “Spoons in a circle”, “Round dance with a bell”.

Cognitive speech development

Cognition Communication




Speech development

Illustrations for fairy tales, looking at pictures. Set of pictures "Musical instruments". Sounding musical and noise instruments.

D / and “Guess what it sounds”, “Recognize the fairy tale”, “Who says so?”.

Counting sticks, d / y "A lot - a little." "Matryoshkas - girlfriends." Games "Close the doors in the houses", "Who lives where", "Pick up the cup to the saucer".

Books with Russian folk tales, albums with nursery rhymes, sayings.

Finger exercises:

"Patties, patties",



Sets of pictures with fairy tales; game "Tell a story", cubes - crumbs with fairy tales.

Technological map No. 5

« Types of activities and forms of organization”.

Musical and artistic activity

Experimental activities.

Productive activity:

Listening to the Russian folk song "In the garden, in the garden ..".

The game is a dramatization of "Cat and Mouse".

Stencil coloring of the heroes of Russian folk tales.

Mini - a scene based on the poem by A. Barto "A bull is walking, swinging."

"Sunny Bunnies", "Where does the breeze blow?" - Walking experience.

“What sounds louder? What sounds quieter?

Drawing: “Heroes of Russian fairy tales”, modeling “Turnip”, application “Turnip”, designing “Teremok is standing in the field”.

constructive activity

Game activity :

Cognitive research activity:

Construction "Stands in the field of a teremok."

"Playing with counting sticks."

Building a tower from a large building material.

The plot game "Birthday of the doll."

Sensory games: "Wonderful bag", "Rubber-based puzzles", "Collect the tower".

"Big - small" - a comparison of objects by size. “Who is the biggest? Who is the smallest?

Communicative activity :

Physical activity:

Cooperation with parents :

Didactic games: "Who - who lives in the little house?"; “From what fairy tale?”, “Who is the most courageous in fairy tales?”, “Who is everyone afraid of in fairy tales?”.

P / and "Cunning cat", musical p / game "Bell", "Where did you call?".

Replenishment of the corner with various types of theater: planar, finger, theater of knitted hats.

Purchase of musical instruments.

Making children's musical instruments with their own hands from waste material.

Annex 1

Final events:

1. Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".


1. To form correct assessments in children, creating situations that require the manifestation of care, attention, sympathy, responsiveness, compassion, as well as the beginnings with the help of riddles and fairy tales about animals, where good triumphs over evil.

2. Improve the ability to convey the emotional state of the characters with facial expressions, gestures, and body movement.

3. To teach children to imitate the characteristic actions of the characters in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", as well as to accompany the movements of the characters with simple songs to music. Encourage imagination, creativity, individuality in the transfer of images. Make children want to play roles in costumes, perform in front of their peers in a certain sequence.

4. To develop the ability of children to consistently and expressively tell the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Develop speech, thinking, imagination.

5. To cultivate friendship, camaraderie, the ability to act in concert, a sense of beauty, compassion for what is happening, a desire to help.

Stage director: Ovchinnikova Albina Viktorovna, music director

Staged fairy tale "Kolobok"

Words and music. Boromykova O.S. Text of the song Karamanenko T.N.

Leading:one or three children:

Grandma and grandpa together

They lived in their own house.

And we need to talk about them:

They lived together in harmony.

Winter is already passing

And the supply of food is coming out.

Though spring is knocking at the door,

The house is hungry now.

They sit on the stove

They only talk about food

Grandfather pushes grandmother to the side:

Grandfather: Bake me a bun!

grandmother: I would have baked a long time ago

The pain just ended.

Grandfather: Scratch the bottom of the barrel,

Maybe you will find pain.

Leading: Grandma took a broom

And she went to the barn.

There's a little pomelo

And she scraped together the torment.

I kneaded the dough for the future,

And so the bun came out.

grandmother: Look, grandpa, Kolobok!

He has a rosy side!

Grandfather: Put it on the window

Let it cool down a little.

Leading: Put on the window

Where the wind blows,

Cool the rosy side.

The gingerbread man lay a little

And I decided: "It's time to go."

Kolobok: Oh yes grandma, oh yes grandfather

Did you decide to eat me? No!

I can't stay here

I'd rather run into the forest.

Leading: He was ready to run

Jumped down and was that.

Rolled down the path

And suddenly found himself in the forest.

And to the meeting, oh-oh-oh,

There is Zainka - oblique.

Hare: Of course, you are not a cabbage,

Well, you smell delicious.

My stomach is empty

Eat you now, my friend!

Kolobok: Don't rush, you'll have time to eat.

Do you want to listen to a song?

Hare: Well, of course, sing, my friend,

My cheerful Kolobok!

Wolf: Hello, hello, bun,

I want to eat you, my friend!

Kolobok: Don't rush, you'll have time to eat.

Do you want to listen to a song?

Wolf: Okay, sing! Yes, just quickly

I don't like you artists!

The musical verse "Kolobok's Song" is performed. Then the musical verse "Kolobok is rolling."

Leading: The bun rolled away

A rosy side flashed.

The wolf quickly chased after him,

But, alas, with nothing left,

And towards, oh-oh-oh,

A big bear is coming towards him.

Bearlooks around: He has a rosy side!

Yes, it's Kolobok!

Here is a raspberry, here is a honey,

I'll eat you, my friend!

Kolobok: Don't rush, you'll have time to eat.

Do you want to listen to a song?

Bear: So be it, rather sing

Jokes are bad because with me!

Performed "Song of Kolobok". Then "Kolobok rolls".

Leading: Gingerbread man rolled away,

A rosy side flashed.

And the bear ran after

But where there, did not catch up!

And towards, oh-oh-oh,

The Fox walked along the forest path.

Fox: Who is in front of me

On a forest path?

His ruddy side

Yes, it's Kolobok!

Well, you got it, my friend

I'll eat you, Kolobok!

Kolobok: Don't rush, you'll have time to eat

Better listen to the song.

Fox: Well, of course, my friend, sing,

You will still be mine!

“Kolobok’s Song” is being performed, but the last words in it are: “Let you be a red-haired beauty, but don’t eat me, Fox!”

Fox: I am a fox, I am a sister,

I walk without hearing

Early morning for a walk

I went out for a walk.

I have a red tail

Golden fur

Look at me

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Kindergarten No. 418

Project in the middle group « Visiting a fairy tale"

Project implementation period:Short-term (13.01-30.01.2014)


Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the educational process of a preschool educational institution and is its priority. For the aesthetic development of the child's personality, a variety of artistic activities - visual, musical, artistic and speech, etc. - are of great importance in the content. An important task of artistic and aesthetic education is the formation of creative abilities in children. The richest field for solving this problem is theatrical activity.

The game is the most accessible and interesting way for a child to process and express impressions, knowledge and emotions.

Theatricalization is primarily improvisation, the revival of objects and sounds.

The theatrical game as one of its types is an effective means of socialization of a preschooler in the process of understanding the moral implication of a literary or folk work.

In the theatrical game, emotional development is carried out:

Children get acquainted with the feelings, moods of the characters,

Learn how to express them externally

Recognize the reasons for this or that mood.

The importance of theatrical play is also great for speech development (improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). Finally, the theatrical game is a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child.

Objective of the project - The development of artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers in theatrical activities.


1.Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity,

4. organization of performances of children of the middle group in front of the younger ones and parents.

2. Improve the artistic skills of children in terms of experience and embodiment

images, as well as their performance skills.

3. Introduce children to theatrical culture, enrich their theatrical experience: knowledge

children about the theater, its history, device, theatrical professions, costumes, attributes,

theatrical terminology.

4. Organization of performances of children of the middle group in front of the younger ones and parents.

5. Involve parents in the implementation of the project.

Forms and methods of work:

  • Reading fiction,
  • conversations,
  • Games - dramatizations,
  • listening to music,
  • creative workshops,
  • Viewing fairy tales, presentations,
  • Examining illustrations for fairy tales,
  • learning poetry,
  • theatrical activity.

Ensuring the implementation of the project:

Psychological and pedagogical resources:

Teachers, educators

Children 4-5 years old,


Material and technical resources:

Fairy tales, illustrations

Audio, video materials, educational presentation

multimedia technology

Costumes for theatrical activities

Attributes for different types of theaters

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1: Preparatory



Expected Result


Analysis of available material

Revision of literature, audio material

Making a list of required material

Inclusion in the calendar-thematic planning of activities for the implementation of the project

List of required methodological material

Supplemented calendar-thematic plan

Sazykina S.K.

Pozdeeva E.S.

Create interest among project participants

Drawing up an action plan for the implementation of the project together with the children

Informing parents about the project

The interest of children and parents

Collection and analysis of information for project implementation

Collection of attributes for theatrical games

Selection of didactic games

Selection of material for presentation

List of available and missing materials, attributes

Pozdeeva E.S.

Gribanova V.N.

Sazykina S.K.

Stage 2: Main



Expected Result


Create conditions for project implementation

Selection of audio, video material

according to the list;

Selection of fairy tales for dramatization, theatrical games;

Creation of presentations about theaters.

Tales and illustrations to them;

Audio, video materials;

Games - dramatizations;



Musical director

enrich the environment

Books - fairy tales for dramatization,

Collection of audio material,

Toys and attributes for theatrical games.

Enriched environment


Enrich children's knowledge of the theater,

Improve performance skills


Watching video material,

Reading fiction (fairy tales),

creative workshops,

dramatization games,

learning poetry,

listening to music,

Guessing riddles about the heroes of fairy tales,

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Showing the fairy tale "Teremok" for younger children.


Inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process

Involve parents in collecting attributes, costumes for dramatization games,

Showing parents fairy tales for children.

Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.


Stage 3: Final

Project Implementation Plan




Preparatory stage

Analysis of available material

13.01. –


List of available and missing materials.

Informing parents about the project


Willingness of parents to help in the project.

Drawing up a plan-grid of activities for the implementation of the project.


Plan-grid of events.

main stage

Creation of a developing environment in the group.

table theater,

Theater on hand


enriched environment.

Reading fiction (fairy tales):

-"Three piglets"

- "Under the mushroom"

- "Wintering of animals"

- "Cockroach"


Acquaintance with fairy tales, solving speech problems.


Audio fairy tales "The Fox and the Fish", "Herringbone",

Music excerpts, songs


According to the stories I read

About the types of theaters (puppet, drama, animal theater, ...)

Who works in the theater

How to behave in the theater

Solving speech and cognitive problems.

Creative workshop:

Drawing "Bear - clubfoot",

Collective application "Poster for the theater",

Modeling "Heroes of the fairy tale Teremok".

Development of artistic and creative abilities

Role-playing game "Theatre"

Development of speech and creative abilities of children.

Games - dramatizations:

Games - imitations of images of animals, people, literary characters,

Dramatization of fairy tales "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok"

Development of artistic skills

The choice of a fairy tale for dramatization, the distribution of roles.


Memorizing poems for the fairy tale "Teremok"


Theater for everyone!

Relevance: The most popular and exciting direction in preschool education is theatrical activity. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the universality, playful nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional possibilities of the theater.

It is theatrical activity that allows solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to better understand the world around them. At the same time, a theatrical game instills in the child a steady interest in their native culture, literature, and theater.

Project type:

Members: educators, pupils, pupils of other groups, parents.

Duration: short term.

Objective of the project: Formation in children and parents of interest in the theater and joint theatrical activities.


    To acquaint children and parents with the types of theatrical activities in kindergarten.

    To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice).

    To interest parents in acquiring, making different types of theater and provide information on how to play at home with children.

    To promote the development of creative and communicative abilities, speech activity and vocabulary activation.

Stages of project implementation:

    stage - preparatory;

    stage - organizational;

    stage is final.

Expected Result: Children and parents will get acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, ways of making and playing.

Enthusiastic use of the theater corner by children in a group in independent activities and good performance in "acting" for children 4-5 years old.

Practical significance:

This work experience can be used by teachers of preschool educational institutions, teachers of additional education.

Content of activities by stages

Stage 1 - preparatory

    1. Analysis of scientific and methodical literature.

      Definition of relevance, problems, goals.

      Development of a long-term plan of work with children, parents.

      Selection of subject albums, plot- role, didactic games, artistic literature.

      Organization of a subject - developing environment, selection of equipment and attributes for theatrical games.

Stage 2 - organizational

    1. Implementation of a long-term plan for working with children and parents.

Work with children:

educational situations, individual work with children, independent play activities, didactic, role-playing, outdoor games, reading fiction, dramatization of fairy tales, conversations, viewing albums on this topic, cartoons, productive activities.

Working with parents :

information booklets, talks, master class "Making a theater on sticks", questioning.

Stage 3 - final

    1. Comparative analysis of the results: observation, conversations, conducting diagnostic situations with children.




Joint activities with children

Interaction with parents

Stage 1

2nd week of September

    The teacher's story about the theater as one of the art forms.

    Presentation: " Theatrical alphabet.

    H/L Reading: "Zayushkina hut" and a conversation about it.

    D/game: "Change Your Voice"

    Reviewing the album: Theatrical professions»

Involve parents to the creation of the album "Theatrical Professions".

poster information Theater and Children.

Stage 2

3-4 week of September

    Conversation: "Types of theater?"

    Dramatization of a fairy tale: "Turnip"

    Reading x/l " Teremok" and a conversation about it.

    S/r game : "Theater" plot: "To the theater with the whole family"

    Construction: "Zayushkina hut".

    Theater visit "Birthday of the cat Leopold."

Involve parents to the creation of attributes for theatricalization.

Consultation for parents "Theatre at home".

1-2 week of October

    Finger theater "Teremok"

    P\u003e “We will not say what we did, but we will show what we saw.”

    A game "Draw an emotion"

    Reading riddles, sayings, nursery rhymes.

    Playing out sketches, nursery rhymes, mini-scenes, etc., in individual work.

poster information about ways to play out fairy tales at home with children.

Making theater on sticks.

Stage 3

3-4 week of October

    Rehearsals with children for further showing in the music hall of the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" for young children.

    Showing the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" (staging) for young children.

Parent survey on the topic “Do you play theater with your child at home?”

Presentation of the project "Theatre for All" in the form of a photo report on the work done.

Results of the project implementation:

Increasing children's interest in theatrical activities.

Children's performing skills have become more perfect, a sense of partnership has been developed.

A system of knowledge about theater as a fascinating art has been formed.

Made and selected attributes for theatrical games and performances.

Parents took an active part in the project.


- Replenishment of the subject-spatial environment to expand children's ideas about the theater, its types, attributes, costumes and scenery.

Creation of a card index of theatrical games.

Presentation of the project in kindergarten.

Continue systematic work in this direction.

middle group
Project on theatrical activities in the middle group "We are artists"
Theme of the project: "We are artists"
Type of project: group, role-playing, creative
Relevance of the project: Age from four to five years is the average preschool period. It is a very important stage in a child's life. This is a period of intensive development and growth of the child's body. At this stage, the character of the child changes significantly, cognitive and communicative abilities are actively improved. There are specific age characteristics of children 4–5 years old according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which parents simply need to know in order for the development and upbringing of a preschooler to be harmonious. And this means that the baby, as he grows up, will always find a common language with his peers. Playing activity still remains the main one for the baby, but it becomes much more complicated compared to the early age. The number of children participating in communication is increasing. Thematic role-playing games appear. The age characteristics of children 4-5 years old are such that they are more inclined to communicate with peers of their gender. Girls are more fond of family and everyday topics (daughters, mothers, a store). Boys prefer to play sailors, soldiers, knights. At this stage, children begin to arrange the first competitions, strive to succeed.
The older the children become, the higher the level of their general development, the more valuable is the game for the formation of amateur forms of behavior: children have the opportunity to outline the plot themselves, find partners, and choose the means to realize their ideas. Theatrical games allow solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of speech, intellectual, communicative, artistic and aesthetic education, the development of musical and creative abilities. Many authors argue that now in kindergartens, children have begun to play less, especially in theatrical games. Games are curtailed and do not reach a developed form, which negatively affects the mental and personal development of children. To avoid this, the influence of adults on the development of musical and theatrical games is necessary. Observation of the theatrical activities of children showed inconsistencies in the level of development of the theatrical game with their age capabilities and implanted difficulties in adults in managing theatrical games, so the purpose of my work was to create conditions for the development of theatrical activities.
The purpose of the project: the development of theatrical conditions in middle-aged children through theatrical art.
Project objectives:
the formation of a positive attitude of children to theatrical games
introducing children to theatrical culture
expanding the theatrical and gaming experience of children
formation of motivation of interest in the game as a means of self-expression
Project participants:
group children
parents of pupils.
Resource support:
table theaters: Masha and the Three Bears
finger theater: "Kittens"
puppet theater "Zayushkina hut", "The Fox and the wolf"
plot pictures, illustrations for fairy tales.
didactic games: lotto "Fairy tales", "My favorite fairy tales", coloring books based on fairy tales
fairy tale mask set
Expected Result:
children should learn how to use table, finger, soft toys, puppet theater;
convey the character of the character with intonational expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, gestures;
children must learn to play roles, to play sketches;
Children show performances based on poetic and prose texts
Preliminary work:
selection and study of pedagogical literature, reading Russian folk tales "The Fox and the Wolf", "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed", "Zayushkina's Hut", "Masha and the Three Bears", V. Orlov "Why does the bear sleep in winter?", "Who thinks ? M. Karim, "Kittens" S. Mikhalkov, V. Suteeva "Under the Mushroom", C. Perro "Little Red Riding Hood".
attending puppet shows
looking at toys and illustrations for fairy tales
listening to the melodies of "rain", "thunder", "joyful melody", "sad melody".
Preparatory stage:
Conversation with parents about visiting theaters, cinemas, watching cartoons together;
Development of advanced planning
Definition of goals and objectives
Development of the project "We are artists"
Consultations with parents to identify their interest in replenishing the theater corner, their abilities in a particular area of ​​needlework and opportunities
Main stage:
Conducting theatrical games, dramatizations, performances
Playing out etudes
Reading poems, fairy tales, excerpts from works
Memorizing poems, excerpts of a work for playing
Design, replenishment of the theater corner, plot-role corner
Consultations, memos in the parent corner
The final stage:
1. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"
2. Theatricalization of the fairy tale soft toy "Zayushkina hut"
3. Theatricalization of the table theater "Masha and the Three Bears"
4. "Kolobok", playing out a fairy tale - puppet theater
Project results:
Replenishment of the theater corner
Uniting children, parents and teachers in the process of active cooperation
Getting children knowledge about the varieties of theaters.
Replenishment and activation of children's vocabulary.
Improving memory, developing imagination, fantasies.

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