Lottery prediction 6 out of 45. Secrets of luck or a step-by-step algorithm for winning the lottery


When a coin is tossed, the probability of getting heads or tails is 50/50. Of course, it does not follow from this that after an eagle, a tails will necessarily fall out. However, it is absolutely certain that the more attempts are made, the closer the average will be to 50%. If, for example, a coin is tossed a hundred thousand times, then the loss of "heads" and "tails" will be distributed approximately equally.

The same applies to lotteries. The chances of guessing one or another prize category are known, it is quite possible to see how much they coincide with mathematically expected ones.

Take, lottery 6 out of 45 from Gosloto
The probability of winning by category is as follows:
2 numbers - 1:7
3 numbers - 1:45
4 numbers - 1:733
5th - 1:34 808
6 numbers - 1:8 145 060

More than 1800 draws have already taken place in the lottery 6 out of 45, the base is quite sufficient for a correct comparison. So, from the 1st to the 1826th draw, the players bet 479 million combinations

68.4 million "twos" (479,000,000 / 7)
10.6 million triples (479,000,000 / 45)
653 thousand "fours" (479,000,000 / 733)
13,761 "five" (479,000,000 / 34,808)
And finally - 58 "sixes" (479,000,000 / 8,145,060)

Did it really happen?
Compare; for the same period, that is, from the 1st to 1826, the circulation fell out:
77.7 million "twos" - 113%
11.5 million triples - 108%
701 thousand "fours" - 107%
15,177 fives - 110%

But! This is not the most interesting!
The most interesting thing is that the prize of the main category in the numerical lotteries from Gosloto was not always so unattainable. For example, in the first few years, the six fell out regularly, within the statistically expected limits.

A few years ago, the six was more common:

For 2008-2011, players placed 6 out of 45 bets in the lottery - 115.5 million bets. "Six", for the same period, was guessed 12 times, that is, 9,625,000 combinations turned out on average for each win. Or 118% of the statistically expected (8,145,060) result

What happened after 2011?
For 2012 - 2016 (through 1827 circulations inclusive) players placed 364 million bets. According to the laws of statistics, 44 "sixes" should have fallen out during this time. And there were only 17 of them during the same period. Almost three times (!!) less than it should be

Such a serious deviation, moreover, only in one category, means only one thing - the organizers are dishonest and manage the winning combination in their favor. Simply put - jackpots are artificially grown and brought to the side

Number of bets (in millions) it took to guess the six

(the last jack has not yet been guessed. There are already 40 million bets...)

As you can see in this diagram, for some time now there have been jackless series, when instead of an average value of 8.1 million bets, it takes 30-40 million bets to guess the “six”. Which is several times (!!) higher than the calculated value. I'll tell you - unbelievable, a hell of a lot.

If we return to the comparison of tossing a coin, then perhaps 80 thousand "eagles" when tossing 100 thousand times - will, I think, be a phenomenon of the same order. Since this simply cannot be, there are only two explanations here: either, something is wrong with the coin. Or, the thrower can control its flight and land accordingly, on the right side ...

So in the numerical lotteries from Gosloto, the organizers violate the laws of statistics, as they simply control the loss of a “winning” combination. The discrepancy only and exclusively in the prizes of the main category shows this quite clearly. It remains to be added that all this began in 2011, after the cancellation of the live broadcast. And finally fixed in December 2013, after switching to RNG

Exactly the same fantastic discrepancies with statistics occur in the lottery 6 out of 36
The probability of winning by category is as follows:
2 numbers - 1:8
3 numbers - 1:81
4 numbers - 1:432
5 numbers - 1:376 992

More than 4,000 draws have already taken place in the 5 out of 36 lottery, so it’s more interesting to look at the results
Players placed 313 million bets from 1st to 4184th draw

It can be expected that during this time it was guessed:
39.1 million "twos" (313,000,000 / 8)
3.8 million triples (313,000,000 / 81)
128 thousand "fours" (479,000,000 / 2,432)
And finally - 830 "fives" (479,000,000 / 376,992)

What do we really have?
37.2 million "twos" - 95%
3.8 million triples - 100%
125.8 thousand "fours" - 98%

And - what do you think, how many "fives" turned out - 100%, 90% or maybe 95%?
Ah, here we go, dear friends!

Fives for the entire period were guessed in total - 421
That is, again - two times less than the calculated ...

once "fives guessed much more often than now

By the way. If you look at the number of bets on one "five" for another period, for example, from the same 2012, you can see that:
- the number of bets for this period amounted to 246 million
- on such a volume of bets, you should get 652 "fives"

In reality, during this time only 198 fives turned out. Yet again - three times less than it should be.

P.s. Lottery 6 out of 45 is now luring players with another record jackpot - 242 million rubles. To all those who want to try their luck, I can only say one thing - this money is not prepared for you guys! Organizers most likely simply assign record super prizes. And what is the point of participating in the lottery where it is already clear who will take the main prize?

P.p.s. Anyone who wants to can compare the results on their own, I post the data file to the public.

To participate in the lottery, you need to fill out a game coupon and pay the lottery bet. The cost of the minimum bet (one playing field with 6 numbers) is 100 rubles. The game coupon includes 6 fields, in each of which you can choose from 6 to 19 numbers. You can participate in several draws at once. Winning bets are those in which you guessed from 2 to 6 numbers in one playing field.

The super prize is rolling. Depending on the circulation, its amount can be hundreds of millions of rubles! The biggest super prize was raffled off in 1885th edition February 27, 2016. Its sum is 358 358 466 rubles. The winner is a resident of Novosibirsk.

— Broadcasting of the draws is carried out on the Internet, on the website
— Detailed rules of the game on the lottery website.

Recently in state lotteries significant changes. October 18, 2017, in Moscow (Volgogradsky prospekt, 43, building 3) opened lottery center "Stoloto". In installed in the center lottery drums six lotteries will be drawn. All draws broadcast live on the website - anyone can come to the center and see the process with their own eyes. Free admission.

Probability of winning

program for lotteries gosloto 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 7 out of 49, Rapido,
Matchball, and many other foreign lotteries - formulas (from 5 to 8) x (from 20 to 78)

If you make a lot of bets on the Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw, or if you make detailed bets, then it can be difficult to quickly check such tickets just by watching the draw. Especially for such cases, we on the Lotopobeda website have developed for you an automatic check of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket by its number.

It is not difficult to check a ticket of any held circulation in this way. On this page you can find the ticket verification form. Just fill in two fields in it: in the first, enter the number of the draw you are interested in, and in the second, enter the number of your ticket. Press the "Check" button and within a second you will get the result. It will appear below the form.

How to fill out the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket verification form?

Enter only numbers as draw and ticket numbers. You can find them on your ticket. If you want to check several tickets, you need to do it sequentially, each time entering the number of the next ticket and checking it. It is IMPOSSIBLE to enter several numbers at once (separated by a space, comma or other separators). The same applies to the issue number.

Our ticket check is 100% accurate as it works on the same principle as the check at the official point of sale. We receive data on winnings directly from Stoloto. Dear friends, play Gosloto 6 out of 45, check tickets, win prizes and get only pleasant emotions from playing the lottery!

Hello to all readers of my blog! Today I will talk about the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery. Why did I decide to start talking about lotteries? Now you will understand.

How to play Gosloto 6 out of 45?

Just like in many other lotteries: you buy a ticket, mark the numbers, check, find matches (if any) and get a prize. Now a little more detailed.

Where and how to get Gosloto tickets 6 out of 45?

  • On the Gosloto 6 out of 45 website - . To understand everything, watch the video instruction.

  • With the help of SMS. To do this, you need to send a message in which there should be three digits - "645". Send to number 9999. You will receive a request to pay the bet, which you need to confirm. Just send a message back with a confirmation code and that's it. In an hour, the SMS rate will appear in your account on the site. But, the combination will be selected automatically. By default, money will be debited from the number from which the message was sent. In order for the money to be debited from the account of your Stoloto wallet, you need to put the letter “c” through the space. If you want the money to be debited from your Qiwi wallet, put the letter “k” through the space. Keep in mind that betting via SMS is available only to those who use the services of Russian operators.
  • In an application for smartphones. Just download the application from the stoloto website and install (installation instructions are also on the website). Then you will figure it out yourself, everything is simple there. The application is available for Android, iPhone and iPad.
  • With the help of QR codes. Just read the code with your smartphone. Immediately after reading, you have a ready SMS. You need to send it, and then confirm the payment.
  • In the communication salon or at the post office. I think everything is clear here - come and buy a ticket if it is available.
  • At special lottery sales points in your city. The same - come and buy.

Gosloto 6 out of 45. Rules of the game.

The game coupon contains exactly 6 fields, as shown in the picture:

Each field must contain at least 6 numbers. If you play on a detailed bet, then the layout is different:

  • On the site - a maximum of 13 numbers in one field;
  • In a paper ticket - a maximum of 19 numbers in one field.

You can also rely on the computer and use "Auto Select". Then, if you want to play at an expanded rate, choose the appropriate number of numbers - it's on the site. Some points in my instructions may seem incomprehensible at first glance, but when you are already on the site itself, I am sure everything will become clear.

If you place a bet via SMS and want to make it detailed, you need to write the main text first, and then the number of numbers. Here, for example: "645 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9". This means that the computer will select 9 numbers (the maximum for SMS is 11).

You also have the option to play multiple draws using one ticket. If you have a paper version or you play on the site, then indicate the number of draws below.

If you use SMS, then you need to indicate the number of runs through the “*” sign. For example, like this: 645 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 / auto *5. In this case you will take part in 5 draws. By the way, /auto is a selection of fields.

In total, you can participate in a maximum of 9 draws, regardless of how you play - on the site, using a paper ticket or via SMS.

Also keep in mind that the more numbers, the higher the bet. In the picture below you can see the dependence of the cost of the bet on the number of numbers:

What is sales closing?

This is the moment when bet sales stop. After closing, all bets are counted and the prize fund is calculated, which is equal to half the amount received from the sale of bets.

If the bet is made after the close, it goes to the next Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw.

How are the draws going?

Every day at 11:00 and 23:00 (Moscow time). After closing, the results are summed up. In other words, they look at the results of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 draws, that is, they calculate the prize fund and conduct a draw.

According to the law, a drawing commission is created for the draw. What is she doing?

Raffles the prize fund and confirms the results of the draw by signing the circulation protocol.

But in reality this is not the case - it is not at all clear how Gosloto selects the winners, there is no lottery drum, no broadcasts, nothing. Coincidence?

How is the prize fund divided?

First, the winnings are distributed by 2 numbers. Everyone who guessed 2 numbers will receive 100 rubles. After that, the rest of the prizes are distributed in the following ratio:

If no one guesses 6 numbers in this draw, the money goes to the next draw.

We bet that you probably wondered how to win the lottery 6 out of 45. But how could it be otherwise. After all, this is a chance to solve all your financial problems for a long time, if not forever! However, lottery draws according to the formula 6 out of 45 do not make many millionaires at all. What influences winnings? Is there an opportunity to influence luck or at least slightly increase your chances?

What is the probability of winning the lottery 6 out of 45?

With the help of simple mathematical calculations (who is familiar with the theory of probability can check the calculations on their own), the chances of winning the lottery 6 out of 45 are 1 in 8,145,060. It must be admitted that the chance of winning this lottery is negligible. However, history suggests that there are still wins.

All probabilities of matching the number of numbers drawn are given in the table below:

coincidences Probability
1 1:3
2 1:7
3 1:45
4 1:733
5 1:34808
6 1:8145060

Who and how much won the lottery 6 out of 45 in Russia

Here are just some of the big draws over the past few years:

  • On February 10, 2014, a resident of Omsk won 184 million rubles.
  • On May 29, 2015, a resident of the Kaliningrad region won 126 million rubles in the 6 out of 45 lottery.
  • On February 27, 2016, the winner from Novosibirsk received 358 million rubles.
  • On May 21, 2017, a resident of the city of Sochi won 364 million rubles.

How to guess the numbers

It must be admitted that none of the methods of making a combination will give you guarantees of winning, however, everyone has the right to use any of these methods or their combination to determine the "lucky" combination.


The statistics of previous draws are based on the analysis of number drops in previous draws. We collect this information almost from the first draws of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, it is available completely free of charge on our website. Everyone uses statistical data in their own way: someone bets on “hot” numbers that often fell out in recent draws, someone prefers “cold” numbers in anticipation of numbers that have not been used for a long time.

Incomplete systems

If you are ready to play more than two playing combinations, that is, pay more than two bets, study the method of compiling incomplete systems.

Balanced strategy

The balanced strategy data for the 6 out of 45 lottery suggests that those combinations whose sum of the selected numbers will be in the range from 106 to 170 have more chances to win. You should also not make combinations entirely consisting of only even or only odd numbers.

Nastradamus forecast

Do not forget that our regular Nostradamus is always ready to offer you his vision of the winning combination for the next draw.

How to win the lottery?

As you already understood, no one will give you guarantees for making a winning combination. However, the accumulated jackpot will still be drawn, whether you want it or not. Your right to take part in the pursuit of big money. Listen to your intuition, believe in luck and act!

Well, do not forget to win the lottery, you need to buy a lottery ticket, otherwise you will not have any chance of winning at all.

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