The program of the museums of the country for children. Museum programs for children


Elena Kolesnik
Museum-pedagogical educational program for preschoolers "The Magic World of Arts"

Explanatory note

Orientation educational program. Program« Magic World of Art» is museum-pedagogical and solves the issues of preparing children for the perception of various types visual arts: painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture and arts and crafts art.

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency. In the last decade in the area preschool pedagogy, there are many different programs upbringing and education, where a large block presents a section of familiarization with art. To be fair, it should be noted that the previous educational program education and training, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva (1985) also included this section, but it was presented in a very small volume. In modern conditions, pedagogy as a practical science is subject to more and more requirements in terms of generalization and filling with new content of the processes of education and education. As a result, there is a need to attract museum to the educational process, because museum of any profile, including artistic, is unique educational institution. In its space, it combines various temporal connections, moral, artistic and aesthetic values, varied experience and knowledge. To the unprepared viewer "enter" in to the world educational art is very difficult. Therefore, to introduce the viewer into the world art it is necessary to gradually, stage by stage, revealing the secrets of the universe and beauty. As practical experience shows, the earlier work begins to introduce the child to museum the more effective the pedagogical result will be.

This program« Magic World of Art» dedicated to the issues of interaction museum and art studio at the children's preschool. It allows you to find new ways to adapt the child to museum environment.

When using slides and reproductions in the classroom as illustrative material, one should not forget about the limited capabilities of these tools. They cannot fully convey the scale, texture, uniqueness of the work. Therefore, only by working with the original, created by hand and passed through the heart of the artist, it is possible to reveal the depth of the work, its originality and establish a connection between the work and the child. It is necessary to say about the role museum environment helping to create a creative atmosphere, a special mood in children, the ability to enjoy the beautiful.

aim programs is the development of children's creative abilities and cognitive interest, which includes the development of their own pictorial activities and the development of a universal aesthetic perception, which gives the key to the artistic perception of not only individual types art, but also art in general.

Tasks programs:

1. Expanding ideas about the subject matter and richness of the content of various types art and figurative means of expression for each.

2. Development of the ability to build associative analogies between images reality and sound, plastic, artistic images embodied in works art.

3. Development of visual literacy: formation of skills of looking, detailed examination, highlighting the main thing in image, generalization of what he saw and skills of emotional figurative perception.

4. Development of creative abilities and associative thinking.

A distinctive feature of this programs are the preservation and development in the child of the abilities of a holistic impression of meetings with art. Classes are based on synthesis fine arts with music, literature, theater art, helping to more fully disclose the artistic image.

Children's age: Kindergarten pupils from 3 to 7 years old.

Implementation period: program designed for 4 years of study.

Forms and mode of employment: classes are held in the art studio 2 times a week, duration 15 - 30 minutes and 1 time per month at the exposition in museum.

Program designed for two years of teaching children of older and preparatory age. Working with young and middle children preschool age is a preparatory stage before mastering programs« Magic World of Art» . Children in a fun way travel around magical country of colors with the clown Mazilka, get acquainted with the inhabitants of a fairy-tale country (paints) and acquire the necessary skills fine arts.

Methodological support for additional educational program.

Forms of classes:- Conversation about art, nature, looking at reproductions and slides; listening to a musical or literary work. - Children's productive activities, the implementation of the impressions received in the creative practice of children. - Museum occupation conducted by the author on excursions in Russian museum and in the urban environment.

Methodology for conducting classes. Analyzing the work of familiarization preschoolers with fine arts, it must be remembered that the methodology of these classes has a number of features.

1. All classes imply a focus on the development of the emotional sphere of the child and social adaptation.

2. The principle of freedom: free communication of children with the teacher and with each other, when in the process of work you can freely, without raising your hands, express your thoughts, explain the emotions that arise, disagree with the opinions of others, including adults.

3. Progressive dynamics of material supply from simple to complex.

4. Question-answer method of conducting classes: children's speech is completely free, without specially voiced phrases. At the first stages of work, the use of prompts by the teacher - questions and several answers.

5. Availability "Guide to art» which enjoys the love and trust of children. The teacher expresses his opinion only after the children, in no case giving it as the only true one.

6. Wide use of non-verbal methods - didactic material, educational games, exercises, etc.

7. Individual approach to children: taking into account the knowledge, interests and abilities of each child.

8. The task of this programs, and therefore, each lesson, - do not speed up artificial through the mental development of the child, laying in it a certain set of knowledge, and expand it through visual perception, development of the senses, enriching the emotional world of the child.

“Az yes beeches, and then science, or how they studied in Rus'”

The interactive program will allow you to immerse yourself in the world of the pre-Petrine era, diversify the ideas of modern students about how and where the children of the 17th century received knowledge, what and who taught them, what books they studied.
The children will have a costume tour, which takes place in the interiors of the old boyar chambers, unusual tasks and an exciting lesson in ancient Russian calligraphy.

Group of 15 to 30 children.

Program duration: 1 hour 10 minutes.


"The ancient life of the boyar chambers"

Traveling through the interiors of the old chambers of the boyar Titov, the children will get acquainted with the purpose of each room of the chambers, the daily life of the boyar family, and the way of life of the owners of the house. Our guests will be able to feel like in old Moscow of the second half of the 17th century and take part in exciting games and amusements.

Group of 15 to 30 children.

Program duration: 1 hour 10 minutes.

Cost per student: 500 rubles, for a group of up to 15 people - 7,500 rubles.

Location: Museum of Moscow Streltsy "Streltsy Chambers"

Quest "In search of treasures of Ivan the Terrible"

Duma clerk Semyon Titov invites all adventure lovers on an unforgettable journey through the chambers of the 17th century in search of the treasures of Tsar Ivan the Terrible himself.
Following the clerk and his housekeeper, the guys will open the secrets of the old house, show their ingenuity and resourcefulness, master ancient Russian calligraphy and military art, learn boyar traditions and customs.
Having come a long way and overcoming all obstacles, the guests will discover the innermost secret of the treasure and will not go home empty-handed.

Program duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Program cost: 1000 ₽ (child), 500 ₽ (adult)

Location: Museum of Moscow Streltsy "Streltsy Chambers"

"Secrets of the Mint"

An informative children's interactive program takes guests into the world of metals, which have surrounded man since ancient times and have been his reliable servants and helpers for many millennia. During a thematic tour of the Museum's halls, children will be able to get an idea about metal as a material from which a person creates things for a very wide range of applications: war and peaceful work, study and life, jewelry and coinage.

Children will get acquainted with various types of metal processing, reveal the secrets of blacksmithing, find out what the Moscow Money Yard was like, and at the end of the program they will try their hand at minting a voiced coin - a souvenir that they can take with them as a keepsake.

Program duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Cost per student: 650 rubles, for a group of up to 15 people - 9,750 rubles.

Location: Museum of Moscow Streltsy "Streltsy Chambers"

Interactive costume tour with a master class "Tricks of military affairs"

You will have a tour of the three thematic halls of the archery exposition, accompanied by the archer Fyodor Molodtsov. Interactive program with fitting costumes. Master class on the possession of the "shooter's reed".

Yu.N. Uvarova,head Department of Scientific Popularization of the Moscow Kremlin Museums

New museum programs for schoolchildren developed

Integrating into the modern system of education of the younger generation, many museums create new ones that are aimed at expanding the audience of museum regular visitors and turning museum expositions into an area of ​​exciting family leisure and additional education. In the Moscow Kremlin Museums, the department of scientific popularization has developed and used in practice several new educational activities intended for visitors of different ages:

  • cultural and educational educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as OO) and students;
  • programs with elements of theatricalization;
  • creative classes in the Children's Center on various topics, addressed to primary school students and family audiences;
  • acquaintance with the exposition of temporary exhibitions in the form of lecture programs and interactive classes. When developing the content and methodology of the programs, the main goals are: an in-depth acquaintance with the museum exposition (compared to a sightseeing tour) and an interactive manner of presenting the material, involving active intellectual and emotional participation of visitors.

For more effective contact with teachers of public educational organizations from any region of the Russian Federation, colleagues from other museums and parents of students, the Moscow Kremlin Museums regularly organize and hold a a number of social events:

  • festival-conference "Kremlin for children";
  • scientific and practical seminar "School-Museum";
  • essay contests for students on various topics;
  • competitions of children's drawings and carnival costumes dedicated to memorable dates and calendar holidays.

In this area of ​​activity, there are traditional projects that have existed for many years, but do not lose their relevance, for example, the School-Museum seminar. It is organized for teachers and directors of public organizations in Moscow and is held once every two years in October with the aim of exchanging views between museum staff and teachers on the integration of museum programs into the educational process - the interaction between the museum and the school. The methodologists of the Moscow Kremlin Museums present new cultural and educational projects and educational auxiliary literature, the participants of the seminar discuss ways of interaction and prospects for cooperation between the NGO and the museum.

for students

Of the new forms of educational work, the most popular can be recognized as cultural and educational programs for students of different ages on various topics. This form involves several components within the framework of one program: a lecture, a lesson at the exposition, an interactive lesson with the participation of visitors, during which they complete tasks and answer questions. Classes can be held with the use of props - historical reconstruction of original monuments of antiquity and masterpieces from the museum's collection. The main goal of cultural and educational programs is integration into the educational process, for example, in the context of teaching academic subjects, the implementation of extracurricular activities or the development of a system of additional education, as well as expanding the horizons of young visitors.

Therefore, thematic author's programs have been created, corresponding to the program of the subject "History of Russia" for the OO. Architectural monuments and masterpieces from the collections of the Moscow Kremlin Museums help students to study historical material more deeply and seriously and are excellent illustrations of a historical era and important events. The most popular programs for students in grades 5-7 are: "Ivan the Terrible - the first Russian Tsar" and "Time of Troubles". Both projects combine a short lecture part and classes at the museum exposition.

Cultural and educational program of the museum "Ivan the Terrible - the first Russian Tsar"

Cultural and educational program for students in grades 5-7 "Ivan the Terrible - the first Russian Tsar" allows you to learn about the political events of the 16th century, ceremonial ceremonies and the private life of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich and his family. One of the topics of the program is devoted to the fine arts of the Grozny era, with the masterpieces of which students get acquainted with the example of the paintings and icons of the Annunciation Cathedral - the home temple of Moscow sovereigns. The knowledge gained helps to consolidate the notebook of creative tasks - the teacher can use it in the classroom during the lesson. The notebook is given to each student and contains questions and assignments, maps of the Kremlin and extensive visual material. Similar workbooks have been created for several educational programs and are a good auxiliary material in the educational process.

Cultural and educational program of the Museum "Time of Troubles"

Author's cultural and educational program "Time of Troubles" also intended for students in grades 5-7 and is dedicated to Russian history of the early 17th century. The events of the Time of Troubles: the death of Tsar Boris Godunov, the accession of False Dmitry, the Polish intervention are considered in detail not only in the lecture part, but also on the example of the monuments of two cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin - the Assumption and the Archangel. Students get acquainted with the issues of continuity and legitimacy of the power of the sovereign, remember the royal dynasties (Rurikovich and Romanovs) that ruled in Russia, discuss the reasons for the election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom in 1613.

Due to the fact that modern high school students have a rational worldview and strive to acquire knowledge useful for their future profession, an unusual form of educational program was developed several years ago. for students in grades 10-11 humanitarian profile and college students - business game"I am a tour guide." The content of the program involves acquaintance with the cathedrals, the territory of the Kremlin and the Armory. The goal of the project "I will introduce you to the Kremlin" is the creation by each young participant of an author's excursion and its subsequent presentation as an examination paper. The program has been tested and implemented in the educational process of the college at the Russian State University for the Humanities (included in the curriculum of the 3rd year). The form of a business game contributes to the active perception of the museum exposition, introduces the peculiarities of working with visitors, and helps high school students to decide on their future profession.

Cultural and educational program of the museum "Departed Kremlin"

Educational program for students in grades 9-11 "Gone Kremlin" designed for future art critics, architects, specialists in regional studies. The project has an exploratory character and includes elements of a quest game, which is so popular these days among visitors of all ages. In the lecture part, students will learn about what the Kremlin was like in the 16th-19th centuries, how the appearance of the Kremlin streets and squares changed, and what structures were erected by decrees of Russian sovereigns. At the practical lesson, students should, guided by the map, find exactly where in the Kremlin the unpreserved palaces, temples and monuments were located, tell about the history of their creation and the reasons for their loss. The program requires participants to have an analytical approach to information and research skills. At the end, each student submits a report with a presentation dedicated to one of the lost monuments of the Moscow Kremlin. In addition to the educational task, this project aims to foster a careful attitude to the historical heritage and an understanding of the importance of its preservation.

Museum programs for schoolchildren with theatrical elements

Cultural and educational programs with theatrical elements have been implemented in the Kremlin museums for several years. The development of such a program requires the preparation of a script, the inclusion of a historical character in the plot outline, the use of a role-playing game as a method of immersing participants in the atmosphere of a given era. Of great importance for the positive emotional perception of the project are the acting skills of a museum employee, who plays the role of a certain character, and props, which are historical reconstructions of ancient monuments. Currently, the Moscow Kremlin Museums offer middle-aged and older students two theatrical programs dedicated to Russian court culture of the 17th century. - "In the Kremlin in the chambers" and "At the tsarina's feast." They are held in the exposition of the Patriarchal Chambers and introduce the daily life of Russian sovereigns. Reception of theatricalization requires a sense of proportion and delicacy from museum staff; it should not replace interest in genuine works of the museum exhibition and serve exclusively entertainment purposes. The main task is to awaken interest in national traditions and create a vivid image of the era.

The educational function of the program “In the Kremlin Chambers” is also performed by the game moments included in the script of the program: visitors are not only told about the details of the female and male costume of a noble person that have been forgotten in our time, but they are also offered to try them on and see how the elements of the costume were worn in distant time. Two participants in the program are dressed up as a hawthorn and a boyar, and the names and meanings of the components of their attire and accessories are explained. As a result, young visitors get an idea about the peculiarities of the Russian medieval costume and the etiquette adopted at the royal court.

The program "At the Queen's Feast" also combines narrative (excursion) and play, theatrical. Thanks to the colorful reconstruction of the solemn feast and various props, the atmosphere of the royal feast in the palace is recreated. Students take part in a role-playing game - they portray various characters - participants in the feast. The interactive action helps them learn about the rules of etiquette, ceremonial ceremonies of the 17th century, and the law of locality. An important goal of the program is to get acquainted with the traditions of Russian national culture and transform ancient customs into a modern context. Both programs include work with a notebook of creative tasks.

Museum programs for schoolchildren with creative tasks

Work with students in grades 1-4 suggests widespread use creative tasks, game moments, props, the use of a form of active conversation and encouragement of the most active participants. A relatively new method of understanding the museum exposition and fixing the material is a creative activity included in the structure of the educational program. Such an event combines acquaintance with the authentic monuments of the museum, repetition of the material in the form of a lecture-conversation and the creation of an object of artistic creativity in the technique proposed by the artist-teacher. This type of work helps to creatively comprehend information about the historical past and display it in artistic images. It enjoys particular success not only with students, but also with family audiences and has recently become a popular form of family entertainment.

At the Moscow Kremlin Museums, the methodologists of the scientific popularization department have developed several thematic author's programs dedicated to the history of the architectural ensemble of the royal residence and the famous collections of the Armory. Programs are implemented within the framework of the children's studio "Svetlitsa". Programs combine visits to the exposition and artistic creation at the Children's Center. Students perform simple tasks using the artist's prepared blanks. At the same time, they rely on the knowledge and impressions gained during a visit to the museum. Thus, young visitors, mastering the basics of artistic creativity, consolidate their knowledge and remember the most significant historical events, facts, phenomena of cultural and everyday life. Creative tasks are performed in different techniques: drawing, appliqué, molding, layout, and props and reconstruction of authentic old costumes are used as samples. Students learn about the peculiarities of working with various materials and, creating their own "masterpiece", feel like real "artisans" - potters, builders, draftsmen. During group activities, there are elements of mutual assistance, and the active participation of parents and their emotional support contribute to an atmosphere of family and friendliness.

Cultural and educational program of the museum "We are building the Kremlin"

Has become extremely popular new cultural and educational program "We are building the Kremlin" dedicated to the history of the construction of a new grand-ducal residence in the era of Ivan III. It aims to form in students a conscious perception of the beauty of the architectural ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin and an understanding of its unique historical and national significance. During the lesson, students with a map of the Kremlin walk along the fortress walls and towers, memorize their names, design, purpose. Under the guidance of an experienced methodologist, they present a picture of the enemy invasion and defense of the Kremlin in the old days. In the Children's Center, young visitors are "building" one of the most beautiful and tallest Kremlin towers - Vodovzvodnaya.

Museum programs for schoolchildren and families

has a cognitive purpose a series of programs with creative activities for students and families - "Towards the Holidays". The list of holiday dates includes both old ones and those inherited from the Soviet period: New Year and Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, March 8, February 23. The main goal of the project is to tell about the history of everyone's favorite holidays and help students create a gift for their parents with their own hands. True, often not without the help of the parents themselves, since the visitors of the program are both classes of students and family groups. Despite the abundance of information and the undoubted interest in national traditions, today not all visitors know the history of the appearance of a decorated Christmas tree at Christmas, the symbolism of the Easter egg and the meaning of Shrovetide. The Towards the Holidays program introduces students to these important concepts and reveals the deep meaning of church and calendar holidays, using the form of a lecture-conversation with colorful slideshows. The story about the traditions of celebrating Easter includes a lesson in the Armory exhibition, where visitors can see the famous masterpieces of Faberge's firm - Easter gifts. In the Children's Center, students, relying on the knowledge gained and inspired by the works of art they see, create their own "masterpiece".

Sets more challenging goals project, named "Club of lovers of antiquities". It is offered to a family audience, is designed for several years of study and involves a consistent study of the entire complex of the Kremlin Museums, as well as the history of art and various museum professions. Sections of the club are author's programs of methodologists, consisting of 16 lessons at the exposition and in the classroom: "Kremlin sights", "My discovery of the Kremlin", "I am a gemologist", "Young connoisseurs of art". In the course of classes, theoretical knowledge is reinforced by acquaintance with works of art, architecture and the methodologist's story about important milestones in Russian history at the museum's exposition. Education at the club ends at the end of the academic year with an essay and oral presentation competition with presentations about the most memorable masterpieces and architectural structures. Students studying in the studio "Svetlitsa" and visiting the "Club of lovers of antiquities" are happy to take part in various competitions, both intellectual and artistic. For example, the competition "Christmas tree - to be", timed to coincide with Christmas and New Year, is announced for the best thematic art object: a Christmas tree made of unusual materials or a Christmas tree decoration on the Kremlin theme. The whole family usually participates in the creation of the competition work, and the staff of the Kremlin Museums act as a jury, who vote for the most original “souvenir”.

Creation popular science and auxiliary literature for students associated with the preparation and publication of family reading books on various topics about the history of the Russian state and the Moscow Kremlin, and a number of auxiliary educational literature on the history course for students in grades 5-9. Since such publications are designed for a family audience, the illustrative material includes drawings on a given topic, which the artist creates on the basis of consultations with the author of the book - a museum employee.

Another form of interaction between educational institutions and the museum can be considered popular scientific publications of the “Museum for School” series, which were published for the first time in 2013. At present, the methodologists of the department of scientific popularization have published auxiliary materials for the history course of 5-8th grades in the following topics: "The Moscow Kremlin in 1812", "The Great Moscow Prince Ivan III", "The Accession of the Romanovs". The publications are methodical in nature and are designed for use in the learning process by teachers and students, because they contain not only the necessary information, but also numerous questions and assignments on the topic.

Guided tours of the exhibition "Face to Face with Nature"

"Journey with Alenka"
Excursion based on the Russian folk tale "Geese Swans", a trip with sister Alyonushka through forests, steppes, rivers and lakes in search of the lost brother Ivanushka.
"Forest walk"
On the diversity of the natural world of the taiga and forest-steppe natural zones.
"Journey to the land of mammoths"
About the animals of the ice age that lived on the territory of the Omsk Irtysh region (it is possible to conduct an on-site lesson).

Museum Conversations

Hello Museum!

Acquaintance with museum terms, rules, professions, sections of the museum exposition.

"Grandma's Chest"

A conversation about antiques and objects of everyday life that have come out of modern use

"Inventors of the distant past"

A conversation about the most significant inventions of primitive man at the exhibition "Archaeology of the Omsk Irtysh Region". Master class: come up with an ornament for a pot.

"How Omsk grew and was built"

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about the campaign of I. Bucholz and the foundation of the first Omsk fortress. Master class in the technique of plasticineography (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Who lives here?"

Conversation about the multinational composition of the population and the diversity of cultures of the peoples of Siberia on the example of various types of dwellings (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

How did bread get on the table?

A conversation about hard peasant labor in the process of growing grain and about caring for bread (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Embroidering a Towel"

A talk about traditional ornamentation with practical work on decorating a paper towel (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Favorite toy"

A conversation about ancient and modern toys of different nations. Master class on making toys with your own hands (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"History of Pottery"

Discourse on the emergence of pottery, its use, the potter's profession and the potter's wheel (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"What do people write and write"

Talk about the history of writing instruments. Master class on writing with a pen (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Picture book"

A conversation about the history of the appearance of the book and the types of book graphics (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Magical transformation of a penny"

A conversation about the history of banknotes (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Hello forest!"

Conversation-acquaintance (using a multimedia presentation) with the nature of the native land, the forest inhabitants of the Omsk region, the importance of the forest in human life. Master class "My forest" in the technique of application (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Pebbles in the Sandbox"

Talk (using a multimedia presentation) about the composition of sand and its formation, showing a collection of minerals (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"History of the Spoon"

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about the emergence of a familiar object - a spoon. Master class on making a spoon from newspaper tubes using the weaving technique (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Oh, bast shoes, bast shoes ..."

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about the traditional footwear of Russian peasants. Master class on weaving bast shoes (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Country Pioneer"

A conversation about the pioneer movement, the red tie, solemn rulers and drumming.

"Journey in a vintage car"

Conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about different modes of transport, accompanied by a photo series of images of city views (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Childhood scorched by war"

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about the life of children in the rear on the example of our city, about children-front-line soldiers. Master class "Front postcard" (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"They helped win!"

A conversation (using a multimedia presentation) about animals that helped people forge victory on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

Game activities

Cycle "One day of summer feeds the whole year"

"Cucumber Day"

About the history of the appearance of cucumber in Russia, its useful properties and signs from the Russian agricultural calendar. (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).


About the history of the appearance of the tomato in Russia, its useful properties, about the annual "tomato" holiday held in the Spanish city of Bunol. (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).


About the history of the appearance of potatoes in Rus', its useful properties. Master class on making toy potatoes. (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Onion Teardrop Day"

About the history of the use of onions in the distant past, its useful properties, the Russian agricultural calendar, about the Second Oseniny holiday. (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

The cycle "Time for business, and hour for fun"

Thomas was sitting on a bench

About the childhood of peasant children, introducing them to work, as well as about the traditional game culture (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"At the bear in the forest"

About the rules of behavior for children in the forest and its inhabitants, a story about goblin, water, marsh (it is possible to conduct an off-site lesson).

"Like our name days"

About the traditional rites and customs that accompany the celebration of the name day, and the secret of the origin of his name. Master class on making a Kuvadka doll.

Theatrical events: museum holidays

New Year's Eve at the Museum.


Traditions of celebrating the Russian Maslenitsa, the features of each day of the Maslenitsa week, a round dance, children's games and fun, the Petrushka Theater.


A traditional holiday celebrated in folk culture when "winter ends - spring begins ...". Guests will enjoy a theatrical program, games, riddles, and a master class.

"Sunny wedding on Kupala day"

Traditions of celebrating the day of Ivan Kupala, a conversation about mermaids, evil spirits, collecting herbs and searching for a fern flower.

"Day of love, family and fidelity"

A holiday dedicated to the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity, which is celebrated on July 8. Children learn about the history of the holiday, family values, traditions and responsibilities.

"Cabbage Day"

About the Feast of the Exaltation, "cabbage" evenings, signs and the history of the appearance of this vegetable crop.

Museum and pedagogical program for preschoolers "Magic Palette"

The own museum and pedagogical program "Magic Palette" is part of the artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers aged 5-7 and is of a successive nature. The program was developed on the basis of museum expositions in Ulyanovsk. This work will be useful for preschool teachers, as well as museum workers working with preschool children.

The child's soul is equally sensitive to the native word, and to the beauty of nature, and to the musical melody, and to painting, because every child is a born Artist, Musician and Poet. And he is able to create brightly and talentedly, only it is necessary to create a favorable environment for this, which is based on trust and understanding. The task of the educator is to ensure that the child, speaking the language of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, "could not live without beauty, so that the beauty of the world creates beauty in itself."
To achieve this task, it is necessary to form the personality of a preschool child by introducing him to the aesthetic values ​​of art, the formation of his creative abilities and self-expression in independent artistic and creative activity. It is possible to fully accomplish the task if you purposefully create optimal conditions for strengthening the creative potential of each child and the formation of moral principles in him through the perception of various types of arts that have universal aesthetic values. The educational component in this case is the emotionally positive attitude of the child to objects of an aesthetic nature and the understanding of harmony on the example of fine arts, architecture, music, nature and human relationships.
Understanding the need to practically solve the problems of the aesthetic formation of the personality of a preschool child served as the starting point for creating our own program based on the basic theories of the harmonious development of a person, taking into account the potential of the museum expositions of the city and cultural institutions.
The museum exposition as a strong means of pedagogical influence is widely used in the practice of many preschool institutions in Ulyanovsk. Kindergartens work closely with the museums of the city, including on a contractual basis. As a rule, this cooperation is mostly focused exclusively on local history topics. Meanwhile, the museums of the city have rich resources. Thus, the Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum, with its richest collection of works of art, is not sufficiently involved in work with preschoolers. This is where the novelty and relevance of the program lies.
The museum component, without duplicating the generally accepted pedagogical programs for kindergarten, significantly expands their opportunities, both in the comprehension of fine arts and in the formation of visual culture. Educational events are held both in the kindergarten and in the museums of the city, which makes it possible to use the methodology and principles of museum pedagogy based on dialogue and an individual approach in the educational process.
The artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers is formed in the process of developing the artistic and creative abilities of pupils, including through the integration of various types of activities. The tasks set are solved in direct educational activities, in the course of joint activities of an adult and children and in joint activities of an adult and children, carried out in sensitive moments, and also partially in circle activities.
To achieve this goal, I, first of all, determined the ways of implementing the tasks of forming an aesthetic personality, through the complex impact on a preschool child of such related arts as music, artistic expression, plastic movement, dramatization, with the priority use of fine arts and connection to independent children's visual activity.
The means of implementing the tasks of aesthetic education were determined:
1. All types of art (fine, architecture, sculpture, music, dance, theater, design, folk art).
2. Surrounding reality, including nature.
3. Practical artistic and creative activities of preschoolers.

In determining the prospects for the development of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers, the main emphasis is placed on the visual and constructive activities of children, musical education, theatrical and gaming, and local history education of preschoolers.
For this purpose, 4 interconnected blocks have been identified:
1 - Block of visual and creative activity "Magic Palette", which is separated into a separate museum - pedagogical program with the same name;
2 - Block of constructive and creative activity "City of Masters";
3 - Block of musical and rhythmic activity "Musical Mosaic";
4 - Block of theatrical and gaming activities "Actors".
The blocks are selected taking into account the basic program requirements and as a regional component, since the cultural and historical values ​​of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk help us in solving issues of artistic and aesthetic development. Each of the presented blocks has its own purpose and learning objectives. Training begins with the second younger group within the framework of classes in fine arts, as well as in joint activities and in individual and subgroup forms of work with children. Starting from the older age group, part of the activities is transferred to the museum space. In the preparatory group, classes are carried out only in museums (Art Museum, Museum "Urban Planning and Architecture of Simbirsk - Ulyanovsk, Roerich Center for Spiritual Culture, Regional Library for Children and Youth named after S.T. Aksakov, Museum of Folk Art, Exhibition Hall) using authentic exhibits, models and other museum materials. In a preschool institution, the material is consolidated, generalized using the example of other works of art (posters, photographs, clippings from magazines, postcards, etc.).
One of the main blocks, which has been developed to a sufficient extent and tested jointly with the regional Art Museum, is
The purpose of the museum and pedagogical program "Magic Palette" is the formation of the creative personality of a child - a preschooler through the genres of painting and his own visual activity.
Based on the goal, the tasks of aesthetic education of the program are highlighted:
- harmoniously develop each preschooler on the basis of acquaintance with works of fine art in museum expositions.
- contribute to the awakening of creative activity and the development of skills in the perception of various types of art.
- contribute to the comprehension of the language of fine arts through the development of its specifics.
- to develop practical skills through the use of various types of visual means.
The implementation of these tasks is solved through the complex impact of different types of arts on the development of the artistic and creative potential of the child, as well as their optimal interaction on the child's mastery of image techniques in practical activities.
Thanks to the joint planning of the upbringing and educational process, purposeful and coordinated activities of all specialists are achieved, and emotionally rich material leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the child. With the artistic and aesthetic development, the spiritual development of a person also occurs. What a child perceives emotionally today, tomorrow will develop into a conscious attitude towards both art and life.
Providing a full-fledged aesthetic education and development of a preschool child, it will form in the future the formation of such a person who will combine spiritual wealth, true aesthetic qualities, moral purity and high intellectual potential.

Work plan for the museum and pedagogical program "Magic Palette"
SEPTEMBER “Beautiful in the ordinary” Painting genre STILL LIFE
OCTOBER "Nature and the artist" Painting genre LANDSCAPE
DECEMBER "Famous people of the Simbirsk Territory" A. A. Plastov 01/31/1893 - 05/12/1972
M A R T "Man and time" Painting genre PORTRAIT
APRIL "Sculpture and its features" SCULPTURE

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