Prokhor Chaliapin refused to marry his bride, saying that she had dishonored him. Prokhor Chaliapin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Early years


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Prokhor Chaliapin has a new girlfriend

Prokhor Chaliapin, who some time ago announced a casting for the role of his bride, seems to have found his new love. The singer has already introduced his chosen one to his former passions - Larisa Kopenkina and Anna Kalashnikova. According to StarHit, Prokhor has been dating Tatyana Gudzeva for more than six months.

Chaliapin turned out to be Kopenkina's brother

Larisa, are you not offended that many consider you a freak? I often hear and read that they call me crazy. But I can please the country: there is a certificate from a psychiatrist that my head is in order. Now I'll show you - I carry it with me (rummages in my purse. - Approx. ed.). I just live for my own pleasure.

Kopenkina commented on the rumors about "incest" with Chaliapin

Larisa Kopenkina commented to REN TV journalists on rumors that appeared earlier in a number of media outlets that she was allegedly the sister of Prokhor Chaliapin, with whom she had a romantic relationship. "I'm joking! Well, of course, this joke has been around for a long time. Well, I was joking. Journalists asked me, I answered jokingly," Larisa Kopenkina explained.

Prokhor Chaliapin finally met the girl of his dreams - "not a star and not a pensioner"

The personal life of the singer and former "manufacturer" Prokhor Chaliapin was discussed by the whole country. But Santa Barbara doesn't seem to be over. Despite the fact that his marriage to pensioner Larisa Kopenkina and the break with singer Anna Kalashnikova are long over. Prokhor Chaliapin boasts that he has finally found a suitable match for himself. Perhaps marriage is not far off.

For a long time after the break with Anna Kalashnikova, 34-year-old Prokhor Chaliapin was left alone. On his Instagram page, he almost announced castings for the role of his future wife. However, now in the personal life of the artist, apparently, everything is fine.

Kopenkina explained her statement about incest with Chaliapin

The scandalous statement of the millionaire Larisa Kopenkina about incest with Chaliapin attracted everyone's attention. A little later, the ex-wife of Prokhor commented on her words. According to Kopenkina, this information is not true. "I was joking. Journalists asked me, I answered jokingly, ”admitted Larisa.

The famous singer "finally met a normal girl." As the artist notes, she is not from secular society: not a model, not a singer and not an actress. Prokhor Chaliapin's new lover, Tatyana Gudzeva, worked in the public service. The girl cooks beautifully and pampers her companion with culinary masterpieces.

Prokhor Chaliapin is a famous singer, one of those celebrities who gained fame more through scandals than through talent or uniqueness. Possessing good vocal abilities, Andrei Andreevich Zakharenkov (real name), nevertheless, attracts attention with other things.

All kinds of participation in talk shows, analysis of personal life on the air, as well as rumors that he is the grandson of the famous opera singer Chaliapin - all this is about Prokhor Chaliapin. Perhaps, in this way, the singer maintains the interest of the public, or maybe he just loves attention.

Height, weight, age. How old is Prokhor Chaliapin

Much in the life of Prokhor Chaliapin is confusing, even banal data about his height, weight, age. How many years Prokhor Chaliapin is interested in many ladies, because the singer is a young and handsome man.

From some sources it is known that the singer's height is 180 cm, and from others - 197 cm. Weight is about 80 kg. Prokhor Chaliapin, whose real name is Andrei Zakharenkov, looks like a well-groomed young man who always has beautifully styled hair and a snow-white Hollywood smile shines.

Judging by the number of intimate photos of Prokhor Chaliapin walking on the net, the singer himself is delighted with his appearance. Photos depicting the still very young Prokhor Chaliapin are very popular. Photos in his youth and now are quite different, because from an uncouth teenager Chaliapin turned into a real macho.

Biography and personal life of Prokhor Chaliapin

The birthplace of the scandalous singer is the city of Volgograd. Prokhor Chaliapin's father is Andrey Zakharenkov, his mother is Elena Kolesnikova. The singer's parents represent the usual working class, in whose family there are neither artists nor musicians.

Having seen enough of the difficult life of his parents, who worked hard at the factory all their lives, Prokhor Chaliapin did not want such a share for himself. This prompted the young man to choose his current profession.

In the lower grades, schoolboy Andrei Zakharenkov constantly participated in various song contests, and also sang in the choir. Further - studying at a music school (bayan) and participation in the ensemble "Bindweed".

Soon, Prokhor Chaliapin becomes one of the members of the teenage song group Jam. The young singer constantly sought to improve his vocals, and therefore he regularly practiced it. One of such places where the singer received a professional musical education was the Academy of Arts and Culture in the city of Samara.

In the mid-90s, the first song written by Prokhor Chaliapin was born. It was called "Unreal Dream". In 1999, the singer participated in the musical talk show Morning Star. Then, Chaliapin got an honorable third place.

At the young age of 15, the ambitious Prokhor Chaliapin comes to the capital to conquer everyone with his talent and charisma. Here he begins his studies at the Ippolitov-Ivanov musical institution, which he never finished. Next - the successful passing of the entrance exams to the Academy of Music. Gnesins. The young performer continues to participate in various competitions.

2005 was marked by a significant event for Prokhor Chaliapin - he took third place in the New York song contest "Star Chance", which was organized by Edita Piekha herself. Then he performed the composition in Ukrainian.

In 2006, Prokhor Chaliapin became a member of the popular Star Factory. Here the singer made every effort and showed his talent, conquering all the "factory" judges. And it was the factory that brought fame to Chaliapin. After a loud statement about himself on the stage of the Star Factory, the singer finds himself at the center of a scandal, declaring his relationship with the great opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. This topic was discussed in the media for a long time, but was soon refuted by the relatives of Fyodor Chaliapin. Of course, Andrei Zakharenkov does not sound very good, but the more famous name Chaliapin is already on everyone's lips.

The scandal did not spoil the reputation of Prokhor Chaliapin, moreover, fueled even greater interest in the young performer. Then, Chaliapin got the first producer - Viktor Drobyshev. Together with Drobyshev, the singer released a lot of Russian folk songs in processing. The number of recorded songs among the manufacturers broke all records. It was this image and the modern manner of performing folk songs that became the calling card of Prokhor Chaliapin. With such a repertoire, the singer went on his first tour.

In many cities of Russia, Prokhor Chaliapin fell in love with the listener as a patriot and just a young talent. At that moment, Prokhor Chaliapin was awarded a very prestigious award "For the revival of Russia in the 21st century."

Alas, 2007 was the last year of cooperation between Drobyshev and Prokhor Chaliapin. The reason for this was a series of scandals.

Prokhor Chaliapin also combined producing and modeling activities with his song career. The text of the well-known song "Mamaria", performed by Philip Kirkorov, was written by Chaliapin.

Despite the rich data, fans are interested not only in the biography. The personal life of Prokhor Chaliapin is very often brought up for discussion in the media. The scandals and intrigues of the famous singer are the most favorite topic.

One of the sensational novels of Prokhor Chaliapin and Adelina Sharipova has been exaggerated in star news for a long time. Young people met at the "Star Factory", but their real relationship began after participating in the TV show "Let's Get Married". Then, intimate photographs of lovers, allegedly accidentally caught on the net, made a lot of noise. After that, young people became even more popular. The romance of Adelina and Prokhor Chaliapin did not last long, and the singer quickly found a replacement for her.
The following relationship between Chaliapin and business lady Larisa Kopenkina shocked many, because the lady of the heart was suitable for Prokhor as a mother. In 2013, the news about the marriage of Chaliapin and Kopenkina became the most discussed in the world of show business.

Family and children of Prokhor Chaliapin

Quite often, fans are interested in the family and children of Prokhor Chaliapin. The scandalous singer constantly attracted attention with unusual novels.

When Chaliapin and the 52-year-old businesswoman really got married, the Russian elite stood on their ears. Later, they divorced. Although many thought that this was a PR move for Prokhor Chaliapin, the singer claimed the opposite, that his fictitious wife allegedly needed PR. By the way, Larisa Kopenkina gave her new husband an expensive gift - an apartment, the prices for which in the capital are simply going through the roof.

The son of Prokhor Chaliapin - Daniel

After the divorce of the famous singer from Kopenkina, Chaliapin met his love again. This time it turned out to be model and TV presenter Anna Kalashnikova. The novel began even before the dissolution of the marriage, and at the beginning of the relationship, Kalashnikova found out about the pregnancy. And then the fun began. Young people went to various talk shows, where everyone tried to find out from whom Anna Kalashnikova was expecting a child. In one of these TV shows, an envelope with a biological paternity test was opened. It turned out that the father of the child is not Prokhor Chaliapin.

According to Kalashnikova, before the affair with Chaliapin, she was in a relationship with one businessman, and therefore could not know for sure who the father of her son was. Nevertheless, the son of Prokhor Chaliapin, Daniel, was brought up by him for a year. Nevertheless, after some time, the young people broke up.

Prokhor Chaliapin's wife - Larisa Kopenkina

The real and already ex-wife of Prokhor Chaliapin is Larisa Kopenkina. No matter how many novels he had, but the wedding was once, which means that there was only one legal wife. Larisa Kopenkina is a retired businesswoman.

The marriage caused a great resonance, many refused to believe that he was out of love, as the singer sincerely assured. Later, Chaliapin nevertheless admitted that the marriage was calculated, but not in his favor, but in favor of Larisa, who needed PR for her company. Despite the fictitious marriage, the celebration was very chic, on a grand scale.

Prokhor Chaliapin - latest news

If you browse the web for information on the topic “Prokhor Chaliapin - latest news”, then you can stumble upon a funny adventure with his friend, writer Elena Lenina.

Not so long ago, the media actively discussed the gift of Lena Lenina from Bari Alibasov - a long sable fur coat. Then, Prokhor Chaliapin decided to check in and presented an analogue of a fur coat to Lenina's dog. For some fans, this caused a smile, and for some, indignation. People resented such squandering, discussing wasted money that could have been spent on charitable causes. By the way, the writer Lena Lenina regularly does charity work, but does not advertise it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Prokhor Chaliapin

Instagram and Wikipedia Prokhor Chaliapin are very successful. In the popular social network, Chaliapin has 128 thousand subscribers. Here the singer often adds new photos from different events of his life. Many photographs with other popular artists of the Russian show business. Wikipedia contains brief information relating mainly to Chaliapin's career.

Although Prokhor Chaliapin is better known for his scandalous life and participation in talk shows, where all this is put on public display, one thing is known for sure - he is a talented, smiling and pleasant young man. Such radiant people instantly cheer up, which definitely will not hurt anyone.

Larisa Kopenkina is one of the brightest figures in Russian show business. She became famous for her affair with Prokhor Chaliapin. Love has passed, but tenderness for each other remains. And now Lara and Prosha even perform together..

Larisa, are you not offended that many consider you a freak?


I often hear and read that they call me crazy. But I can please the country: there is a certificate from a psychiatrist that my head is in order. Now I'll show you - I carry it with me (rummages in my purse. - Approx. ed.). I just live for my own pleasure.

And your son is not ashamed of your eccentricities that happen in old age?

My son says: "Mom, you are always 16!" What did I do wrong, seriously? I do not take away other people's men, I do not destroy other people's families. I live for myself - I go to the sea, sunbathe, fall in love, break up! I have the right to enjoy life. I am often required to sit with my grandchildren. But, comrades, I don't need strangers, and I don't have my own. And what to do?!

You became a real star and even sang. Where did the voice come from at the age of 55?

Prokhor persuaded me to sing for a long time, but I refused. And now the country is used to me, besides, they said so many bad things about me that I decided to take a bold step. I thought: well, they won’t shower me, after all, with eggs and tomatoes. It would be a pity for the peasants to give theirs!

Listen, so you can take Anna Kalashnikova, who was also close to Prokhor and also suddenly began to sing, and go around the country!

Oh no! I am a sole proprietor, and I am not ready to share. Although Chaliapin still chooses. So if he wants to sing with Kalashnikova, I will not resist.

Or maybe you should arrange a duet of the former and sing with Anya herself?

With Prokhor you often go out, but not only sit at the same table, but also hug and kiss. What does it mean?

Recently, Prokhor and I donated DNA, and it turned out that we have the same blood with him. Analyzes showed that Chaliapin is my brother. It turns out that when we slept together, it was incest.

Did you really sleep with Chaliapin?

Come to my bedroom, I'll show you the evidence!

Wasn't your relationship with Prokhor a planned PR campaign?

I don’t know what Prokhor had, but I took it seriously. Now we're just good friends. And we don't remember the past.

Related materials

More recently, Prokhor was filled with a nightingale about his love for Anna Kalashnikova. Today, he cannot see her. After all, this woman slipped him someone else's child!

March of Mendelssohn for Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova was supposed to be performed on May 24th. However, a month ago, this scandalous couple decided to shake up their dirty laundry in public. As usual in show business, they came to see Malakhov on a TV show. There it turned out: the one-year-old son, whom Prokhor considers his own, has nothing to do with him. Anyuta deceived the peasant: she gave birth to another, and Chaliapin convinced that he was a happy father ...


Here, of course, noise, din, screams, tears began. Prokhor and Anna acted out the drama in front of the viewers like clockwork. "I will never marry you!" “It’s not my fault, these are all the machinations of enemies!” ... Well, just a classic of Mexican TV shows.

They played it out so that many were worried: such a beautiful couple broke up! Maybe there is something wrong with paternity? The DNA test could be unreliable ...

But Anna's acquaintances are not at all surprised. They were perplexed before: what kind of father is Prokhor? Everyone knows: Anya prefers those who have yachts, cars, steamboat factories, and she would never have been seduced by a singer of the third echelon.

Larisa Kopenkina, Chaliapin's ex-wife, generally laughs frankly: what's the mistake if Anya is supported by a lover who is much older than her? Here he is the native blood of her little Danilka.

True, close friends of Kalashnikova find it difficult to accurately name the father of the child. After all, Anna had an affair with two businessmen in parallel. One of them is called Armen, the other is Mikhail. From whom she gave birth, it is difficult to say.

The model has known Armen since her studies at the university. He kind of worked there when she was a student. Young people then dispersed, then converged again, until Anya was in position. They say that before pregnancy and the first time after the birth of a child, she lived in his country cottage in the suburbs.

But at the same time, she actively accepted the help of another person - Mikhail. With him, friends of Kalashnikova say, she began a passionate affair at some party, the lovers suddenly left the restaurant together, and soon Anya found out that she was expecting a baby. Most likely, she could not understand which of the boyfriends would be dad, so she decided to spud both. So the girl got an apartment in an elite building in the center of Moscow, BMWX5 and her own fashion showroom business.


And everything would be fine, but not one of the gentlemen wanted to marry Anya - after all, both have been busy for a long time, each has an official wife. Therefore, Anya looked after Chaliapin for the role of her husband.

There is nothing between Prokhor and Anya, - Kalashnikova's friend, singer Milena Deynega, smiles. They have known each other for many years and are friends. I was shocked that they came up with the paternity of Prokhor in just a few days! We dissuaded Anna from this venture, because the birth of a child is a miracle, you can’t play with it, indulge, arrange a PR campaign!

Prokhor, of course, carefully concealed that he had known Kalashnikova for a long time. He spoke about a chance meeting and love at first sight. He refuted all the rumors about a PR romance - they have everything for real: love, son, family. And there will even be a wedding! “In the face of Anyuta, I finally found my destiny. If we decide to be together until the end of our lives, then our union must be consolidated not only in the registry office, but also before God, ”Prosha reasoned.

At the same time, he could not clearly explain why he did not meet his “native” son from the maternity hospital, why Anya gave the baby her last name and patronymic after the name of her father, and why he does not live with his beloved and the child together ...


Although Chaliapin talked about the upcoming wedding and even showed a diamond ring, which he allegedly bought his bride for 100 thousand, he was not going to get married at all. According to the script, a bright final chord was needed for this whole "love" story, and Prokhor and Anya decided to end the "love story" on a dramatic note. A deceived groom, an abandoned bride, a fatherless child - the audience will discuss what they saw for a long time and argue who is right and who is wrong. Now you can scatter in different directions. In order to launch a new series after some time, already with another partner.

Allegedly shocked by what happened, Prokhor Chaliapin quickly recovered from the “terrible tragedy and shame” - he is already taking other beauties to restaurants with might and main, proudly posting photos of his dates on the Internet. After all, the main thing in show business is to be talked about. And it doesn't matter what...

Magazine "Revelations of the Stars".

Prokhor Chaliapin is one of the most controversial characters on the Russian stage. Throughout almost his entire career, the singer is surrounded by various scandals and trials that flare up around him with enviable constancy. In a word, ambiguous actions and decisions are something like the signature style of a famous Russian singer. But is this artist really remarkable only for this? Of course not. Indeed, in the career of this, of course, a talented young man, there were many bright victories and remarkable career achievements. It is about them that we decided to tell in our today's article.

Early years. "Star Factory"

The future famous singer (despite the widespread legends about his family ties with Fedor Chaliapin) was born in the most ordinary Volgograd family. His father worked as a steelmaker at one of the local factories, and his mother was a cook there. A poor life and the most ordinary reality, coupled with the hardships of ordinary Soviet life, made our today's hero dream of a successful career as a pop performer from childhood. While still in elementary school, he began to seriously study vocals, as well as participate in concerts as a soloist in the local choir. After that, there was a music school in which Prokhor (or rather Andrei) learned to play the button accordion, as well as the musical ensemble "Bindweed", with which the future musician performed for some time.

A few years later, our today's hero also began performing with the teenage show group Jam, and at the same time improving his innate abilities at the Samara Academy of Arts and Culture. In this place, Prokhor Chaliapin studied vocals with recognized teachers, cherishing plans to conquer the Russian capital.

At the age of fifteen, driven by the dream of fame, the future member of the Star Factory moved to Moscow, where he began to study singing at the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School. However, the young artist did not stay in this educational institution for a long time - a couple of years later, Prokhor Chaliapin entered the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, where he subsequently studied for several years.

At the age of eighteen, with the support of some familiar musicians, Andrei Zakharenkov recorded his debut album, called the Magic Violin, which turned out to be completely uninteresting to the public. Despite the fact that the first album, in fact, was sold only among the singer's friends and relatives, Prokhor Chaliapin did not give up and very soon began to appear as a participant in various music competitions and festivals. In 2006, the singer became the winner of the Soundtrack Award, as well as the bronze medalist of the Star Chance competition, which was held in New York and was organized by Edita Piekha.

Prokhor Chaliapin and Nikolai Baskov - "Smuglyanka"

However, real popularity came to the singer only after successfully passing the casting of the Star Factory-6 project, which is associated with the most significant successes of the Volgograd performer.

Star Trek by Prokhor Chaliapin

On the project of Channel One (Russia), the artist reached the final. Such success opened the door to the world of Russian show business for Prokhor Chaliapin. However, very soon a serious scandal erupted around the personality of the young artist, connected primarily with the biography of our today's hero. The thing is that within the framework of the project, Andrei Zakharenkov has repeatedly stated that he is the great-grandson of the legendary opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. But this fact was refuted by many journalists, as well as by the daughter of the famous performer, Maria Fedorovna.

Despite the revealed hoax, Prokhor Chaliapin became very popular and very soon began to work closely with producer Viktor Drobysh. Together they created pop arrangements of Russian folk songs, which later became the basis of the young performer's repertoire. Currently, the graduate of "Star Factory-6" is one of the most popular "manufacturers" of all time, and also leads in the number of recorded songs.

Prokhor Chaliapin clip "Oh in the meadow"

Active touring, as well as increased attention to Russian folk songs, brought the artist many prestigious awards, among which the state award "For the revival of Russia in the 21st century" stands out.

In addition to his musical activities, Prokhor Chaliapin managed to establish himself as a model and a professional composer. So, in particular, one of Philip Kirkorov's songs "Mamaria" was written by Andrey Zakharenkov.

Personal life of Prokhor Chaliapin

Despite the fact that the artist works hard and often tours the CIS countries, the main attention of the public, as a rule, is attracted not by his new performances and albums, but by his scandalous novels.

So, Prokhor's first high-profile novel was an affair with a model and pop singer Adelina Sharipova. Young people met during the casting of "Star Factory-6", but they began to meet only after joint participation in the "Let's Get Married" project. The stormy romance was repeatedly discussed by the press. However, the artists became truly famous only after the appearance on the Internet of a series of their candid photographs, which supposedly ended up on the global network by accident.

Some time later, the couple broke up. But Prokhor Chaliapin has by no means ceased to amaze his fans with controversial actions. In mid-2013, the young singer married a wealthy businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina. It is noteworthy that the happy bride at that moment was already 52 years old (according to other sources, 57!). The solemn ceremony took place on a specially rented steamer, and then moved to the new apartment of the young singer, only the day before presented to him by his rich lover.

Some time later, a young (or not quite) couple appeared on the “Let them talk” project, where they actively proved to the assembled public that they love each other and have the right to happiness. In this context, it is worth noting the fact that before the broadcast of this program, the press actively discussed the opinion about the fictitiousness of this marriage, since Prokhor Chaliapin had previously been to closed Moscow gay clubs quite often.

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