Walkthrough Layers of Fear. Layers of Fear: Inheritance: Walkthrough Walkthrough layers of fear code lock


The game is insanely beautiful and interactive, and you have the right to scour all the rooms and look at each shelf, but in order to develop the plot, we need to go upstairs. There we turn left into the room, which opens a little by itself, take the key from the steel and go down. The key can open the door, which is located to our right, if we go down the stairs. We open the door, we get acquainted with a strange picture, we leave.

The environment around us is changing dramatically and we are already entering a room that was not there before. There again there is nothing but a frightening window with its unexpected pop. We leave, we go to the nearby room. In it we find a small chest, where you need to enter the code, which is easy to find out when you light the candles on the right. The numbers will be in the pictures - 548. We open the chest, find the ring, put it in place and go to the door that has just appeared. We go to the end and at one of the walls we fall into some very dark room. Get ready - it can get scary here.

We go up the stairs, we see again that strange portrait and go open the next door. We pass directly along the corridor, enter the room and go to the fireplace. Scared again. Let's get out of here. Before us is a new generated room, there is no trace left of the corridor with paintings. There is nothing for us to do here, let's move on.

We enter the corridor and hear a woman's cry - we go to his sound, turn left. We pass the room and go all the way to the dining room. There begins another nightmare, darker and darker apples fall out of the still life picture. We wait until everything calms down, click on the picture, take a piece of skin. We leave here in good health, we enter the room where we have already been, with a picture in the middle. Click on it, the picture changes its appearance. Everything is here - let's go.

We go straight, enter the elevator, press the lever all the way to the right, not forgetting to close the elevator grate. On it we rise higher and enter the ajar room on the left. We take the key from the nightstand, open the door opposite. Here, for us, noses, also lying on the pedestal, are of value. We take them, listen to a few lines, exit and go left. We go in, open the door leading to the attic. We see one single door and go there. There is a chest, it contains a terrible doll, we move on. We walk straight all the time until we get into the room where the hero falls. We get up, move on and enter the room with a large mirror. We twist the globe and approach the mirror, enter it.

There will be a door on the right, we open it and go to the barking of dogs. On the right in the dresser in the upper right drawer is a collar. We turn around and go straight, straight along a long corridor without turning anywhere. Open the door, there will be a picture behind it. We look around, we see its miniature and everything changes dramatically. Again we go along the same corridor. Now both doors on the right and left are open, we go to any of them - everything is the same there and there. We pass through the door, which itself slams shut. Here we take the key and wait until someone stops banging on the door. We open it. We see the door on the right, use the key, move on. There will be a violin in the closet. We see the gramophone, take the plate on the right and insert it into the instrument. We start it up, change the buttons on the back and tune the wave to play a clean song. If everything is correct, the environment changes and a vial of blood falls to the floor. Now again you need to take the gramophone, wind it up and set up a new song in a normal way. The environment changes and dark tones disappear. Let's get out of here.

Again we see the familiar picture in the middle of the room, click on it with a bubble, exit and go straight into the room. There we see a piano that runs away from us. Well, we are also not happy to see him, we turn around and go back. We go in the door, open it and turn around. Another door, opening which the doll will suddenly fall out. We take the key that is hooked on it. We go into the darkness, the room is generated again. Open the chest with the key and read the note. We enter the newly knocked out door. We move further, in the corridor we turn left. We go down the stairs and go straight. Here is a small problem. The phone rings, if you go straight all the time, then nothing happens. We reach exactly to the phone, then we step back. The phone is broken and we raise what is left of it. We go further until we see the door on the right. We go. We immediately find the switch in the next door and walk straight down the long corridor. Then we enter the elevator, press the lever all the way to the left, close the doors and go down.

We are moving forward. We see a bath on the left, but we are right, we move the grate. We reach a small room with three doors, open them all, behind each of them is a brick wall. We look back and open the door from where we came out. There is a corridor. We pass it and go down the stairs. Right on the course we see the piano, we play it, all things begin to rise into the air. We leave the cellar and go up the stairs and, kissing the door handle, since it is closed, we go down again and take the object from the piano. It's a box with a bone inside. We pick up the bone and calmly exit, finding ourselves in the center room with a large picture, again click on it.

We leave the room, heading straight, we see, as before, a room with doors, where there is a brick wall behind each door. We open everything, the doors disappear and one remains. Let's go there. We see a bear cub in the center, click on its festive hat, go further and turn left. We scour the drawers and go back, the doors will knock themselves out. We turn left, we click on children's shoes, we leave. We move on and in the distance we see a dark room. We go there and fall into a trap. We get out of here and get into a room that repeats several times. We pass it 4 times, a doll appears in front of us, the light disappears. We wait until the nightmare stops and open the door. Here again the dolls, we interact with the environment, turn on the light, look at the picture and the nightmare begins again.

We go forward to the corner of the room, turn around, exit. We go straight along the corridor, turn right at the end and go until we see a doll that attracts the hero and he then falls. We find ourselves in a familiar room, go into a small room and click on the soldier on the floor. We leave. We go straight, on the left is a bottle of perfume, on the right is the door where the doll draws a picture. We consider this art, we leave and we go to the left. We move on until we come across a children's room. We see the barrel organ directly, we turn its handle, to the right is a chest of drawers, where there is a key in one of the drawers. Let's take it. We leave from the nursery, go to the left to the sideboard and click on the lower drawers. We hear a shot, we return to the nursery and click on the trinket in the center. Another nightmare. When everything is over, we take a piece of hair from the crib and leave. To the right is a door that contains the same painting. We use the hair on it, the picture changes, we leave the room.

Moving on, we enter an open room. Four doors - choose any and exit. After walking a little, we see the image of a crying girl. As soon as we walk a couple of steps, some scarecrow will attack us. We get up from the floor, go to the light and go into the room. In the center is garbage, and in it is the key we need. We open the door nearby. We follow the rat and come across a door that does not open. Please note that it is closed on top with a bolt, removing it, the door will open. We follow the rats, ahead everything collapses and a blockage is formed. If you go back, then there is a lock on the door, the code to which is easily guessed thanks to the drawing on the table. It is necessary to draw lines related to Cat - this is 341. We use the cipher on the lock. We leave.

Again we rest against the broken beams, we go into the room from which we just left and again we go back. The environment is changing - it's right for us. When we get to the rat, our hero will fall under the floor. We rise and leave the room. Further in front of us, all the doors themselves swing open, we just have to walk to the next room. A little further we see a chest, it contains an important item. We pass further to the picture where the joker begins. We fall and rise. then we go to a terrible picture, on the table - a bottle of alcohol. We study and step into a new room.

There is a chain hanging from the ceiling, click on it and pull it down several times. The iron doors open, we go inside. There is a watercolor in front of the portrait, you won’t be able to leave the room - at the beginning you need to click on the door next to the picture. Now you can go out. Before us is the good old elevator. To the right until it stops, close the grate and go up. The elevator gets stuck between floors and it gets dark. Look up. Everything, now the elevator falls and we find ourselves in a room with the same doors. We try to open everything in turn - nothing comes out. We look up, again a short scene. We leave the room we just entered. We see the chest to the right, open it - there is a clock in it. Exit and turn right in the hallway. In the ajar door we see some kind of creature. Several times we advance into the room until the creature attacks and we find ourselves in another place. We go further into the room where the picture hangs. The phone rings, you need to answer it. The phone is on the right, behind the book rack, which is easy to open by clicking on one of the books. We answer the call and dial 363.

Now another phone is ringing. Look up. The corner where the telephone stood will become a door. We go there along a long corridor and fall down on the balcony. We repeat the same actions - we go into the room from where we just left, click on the book on the right, we enter the room. We carefully move along the edge, answer the phone call and dial the number - 853. The closet blocks our way, but as soon as we shove it, it will fall. We open doors, answer the phone. We leave, we see the code in the opened cabinet and go back to where the phone is. We dial 354. Now we go along the swing, we reach the phone and fall down. We get up, the phone melts and we find a finger in a pile of slurry. We take it. That's it, we finally get out of this room and enter the main one, where we again need to complete the portrait. Use your finger on it and exit.

We turn left, we see a bunch of scattered apples. We move on. We see the picture, we approach it, it falls apart into 3 parts. We are waiting for the next nightmare to stop, we go out and stumble upon a monster that we have already met before. We get up, continue to walk, stumble upon a door in the floor. We open it and find ourselves in pitch darkness. Here you need to find the door and get out of here. We continue to move, on the right there is a lift, turn the lever, some garbage rises. We go to the bridge and fall into darkness. We go further, in the corridor we turn right, then right again and open the door. On the table is a box with letters and numbers. We don't need it now, we keep going. We reach the bathroom, on the left is a bloody knife. Having studied it, 3 times we dive headlong into the bath. After that, a jar with an eye appears in it.

We leave the room and get into the one where the portrait is. Everything changes abruptly. In the dark, we need to find checkers at the beginning and end of the room. Having taken two checkers, we approach the chessboard. A child appears. On the right on the chair we take a checker and approach the table with checkers. A room with a gramophone appears. We look up at the bed, a checker falls from there, we pick it up and go to the table. We stand there until the stairs appear. We take a checker on it, another one next to the toilet bowl on the bedside table. We return to the chessboard again. In the kitchen, which should appear, we take at the beginning a checker lying on the scales, and then a vial in the lower bedside table on the right. Again we approach the scales, put on them a bubble on which the numbers appear - 219. You can open the safe in the narrow passage where the gramophone was, just turning the slider in different directions, but there is nothing good there - just a spinning top. We move to the picture that has appeared, then to checkers, again to a new picture - to checkers. A certain absurdity begins and we find ourselves in a room with a picture in the center. We click on it - that's all, the picture is ready. Only she turns from pretty art into horror.

After a short cut-scene, go left and take the key from the table. We go down and go to the right room. Having opened it with a key, we see the same as at the beginning. We remove the sheet from the canvas and ... the game is over.

You can start the Layers of Fear plot add-on even if you lose your saves after completing the main story.


Our article describes the sequential actions that were taken by the author to complete the game from start to finish. You will learn where to look for children's drawings (collections).


Upon arrival at the mansion, press the F key to turn on the flashlight. Open the door ahead and go to the right side. If you remember, the next door leads to the kitchen. Go to the far left of the kitchen to be in front of the utility room door. The memory will start. You can open the door (or not at all) to see the dog run away. After the memory, go to the very back room and take it from the wall first drawing.

Drawing from the back room in the kitchen.

Bathroom and utility room under the stairs

Return to the hallway and look at the stairs. On the right side of it there are two doors. One of them is destroyed and leads to the bathroom. There is nothing to do inside. Approach and open another door, directly under the stairs. Enter the small utility room and look to the left. Several mousetraps are scattered on the floor. The second memory should start. Here you can also perform a certain action: before the father comes to the door, move the bolt on it to save the "little furry bastards." But you can not do the same action! After the memory, pick up from the floor second drawing.

Drawing from the back room under the stairs, on the first floor.

Artist's workshop

Follow the hallway again. There are two doors on the left side of the stairs. The right one leads to the basement, and the left one leads to the artist's studio. Go to the workshop first. Taking a few steps forward, you will see a new memory.

Pick up the brush on the right side of the easel, and then click on it to draw a pink horse. After the father's screams, go behind the easel and see the same bedside table with a brush. Pick up the brush again and apply it to the easel. The girl will draw green trees. The father will offer to choose another season for them, when they become a little older and wiser.

First, take the tube of green paint on the cabinet on the right and apply it to the painting. Trees will become greener, but this is not enough. Look around the house. Find cabinets in a row. You must go after them and find a tube of red paint on the farthest stand. After taking it, return to the picture and click on it. It's autumn! At the same time, the crayon should not be touched, otherwise, if it is used in the picture, you will have to start over.

Next, you need to thicken the clouds. Look to the left and see a low pedestal. Go behind it and move to the very end along the corridors until you see a portrait of a woman hanging on the wall. Get close to him, then turn around. Suddenly, a bookcase will appear behind you. Turn towards the portrait again, but the wall will no longer be here. Move along the corridor until you see numerous children's toys. Climb up the slope and see a shiny object on the windowsill. But it's impossible to reach him. Go down and find a big ball (basketball). Position yourself so that you can climb up the slope and push the ball in front of you. At the very top, the ball should fall into a recess in the floor, after which you can go to the window and pick it up from the windowsill tube of blue paint. Go back and apply it to the painting.

The artist asks to make the picture lighter. Exit to the corridor and move even further. Go where the dog is walking. Find here tube of yellow paint, then go back to the picture. You will need to wander around a bit for the fire to disappear. Apply the tube to the painting, and then see how the memory ends.

Back in the real world, click on the wall in front of you. Your heroine will hang two found drawings. From the pedestal, standing just at this wall, take third drawing.

On the right side is the third drawing, which you will find directly in the artist's studio.


We continue the passage of the game Layers of Fear: Inheritance on the site site. Leave the workshop and go down to the basement. Go to the very end until the memory starts. If you approach your father, he will scare you away. It would be more correct to approach the box on the left side and pick up a leaf with notes. Thanks to this, the father will immediately be able to play a melody. You will return to reality and be able to take away from a pile of papers fourth figure.

Basement drawing.


Climb up the stairs. On the second floor, go to the corridor on the right side. On the right hand and in front there will be two doors. At the left wall of the corridor there is a pedestal. On this pedestal find fifth figure.

Drawing from the pedestal, on the second floor.


The door ahead is closed. Therefore, go through the door on the right to get into the bedroom. Approach the gramophone. The memory will begin. You hear the mother's voice pleading for help. You can either do nothing or start the gramophone by clicking on its top. In the first case, the bed will burn down, and in the second, mom will thank you and calm down. Returning to reality, turn around, open the closet and take the one below. sixth figure.

Drawing from mother's bedroom.

Office (library)

Return to the stairs. Go to the only remaining passage leading to the office. Approach the table to start the memory. Look around. Please note that there are pictures of mother and father hanging on the wall. The door to the right leads to the father, and the door to the left leads to the mother.

Go to the right side. It will be necessary to try several times to open one or the other door. In the end, you will be able to go into the living room with a fireplace. You will hear your mother's voice. Go to the piano and try to play it. Press the keys, ignoring the fury of your father. Wait for your mom to ask you to bring crayons. There is an armchair in the center of the room, and a cabinet behind it. Open this drawer and take out the box of crayons. Return to the piano and you will see that colored figures have now appeared on the notes.

Click on the piano and you will see that they are now on the keys. Play the melody by pressing the keys in the following sequence: square, circle, heart, square, circle, triangle, star, triangle, circle, cross. The father will praise the girl.

Leave the room through the same door. Go forward along the corridor, go through the door at the end. There is broken furniture everywhere in the room. You need to move through the next door. But on the right side there is a cabinet with several drawers.

Go through the door, another and again you will see the separation on the wall. The path to the left points to mom, and the path to the right points to dad. Since we already went to the right earlier, we will continue. A closet will fall in the room with four forks. You can only go left. In this room, on the right side of the chest, there is another door. Pass through it. After a series of memories, approach the horse. Go through the door further.

torn pattern

You will hear the music again. Move through the destruction. There will be no further path. Just look around until a passage to the right appears. Go down the corridor and you will see a ladder leading up. Do not hurry! There is a cabinet next to the table and chairs. Look inside it and you will find first piece of drawing.

Go around the table and see another ladder that goes down. Get down, go around the table and knock over the portrait of the mother. Behind him you will find second piece of drawing. Go even lower. On this floor, a knife sticks out in the globe (for reference). Go around the fallen chandelier to see a grim painting on the wall. On the right side of it is a small closet. Push him to make him fall into the fire. Wait a couple of seconds and see how it falls third piece of drawing. The picture is assembled - it depicts the girl's mother.

You can go even lower. There is nothing inside the closet on the right. Go left, through a narrow passage and on the floor you will find a photo of a girl and a dog. It won't give you anything.

Go back up the stairs. Move along another flight and open the door. Go left and on the wall on the left side you will see the same picture with the image of mom. Click on it and listen to the words of the father.

locked box

Enter the room through the door on the left hand, a little further than the hanging picture. Look into the cabinet on the left side. There is a locked box here. Notice the red vase in the opposite corner. Knock it over to pick up the key. Using the key, open the same box inside the cabinet and take drawing

Follow through the door and again you will see a fork. You should notice that, depending on your choice, the father (or mother, if you moved towards her) occupies more and more of the wall. Follow your father through the door on the right.

Don't rush up the slope. Go around the pile of objects and find a newspaper clipping. For information. Rise higher. You will need to move the toy piano in two places in order to use it to climb higher. Pull out the drawers from the cabinet, on which you can climb up. Click on the ball and turn around. There is an abyss in front of you.

Pull out the box on the left side and move up on it. At the fork, turn to the window on the left to inspect the cake and listen to memories of your daughter's birthday. Return and follow another route. Reach for the board to lower it. Move back to the cake and follow further along the boards. Finally, inspect the painted cake.

Go through the door, try to get close to the sofa in the next room. After a series of memories, pick up a bottle of mother's medicine. If you always went to the left, where the mother's portrait points, then you will find a broken bottle of whiskey here. Go through the door behind the sofa.

Open the door ahead and in the back room with toys, on the floor, find drawing. However, it has nothing to do with what you hang on the wall in the artist's studio.

In recent years, horror films in the field of computer games have begun to gain popularity. Previously, the horror genre was mainly represented by projects such as Resident Evil or Silent Hill, in which you had to fight various monsters in a frightening environment. However, now everything has changed a little, and from horror shooters, games have turned into horror games. The bottom line is that you are not given any weapons, you do not need to kill monsters, ghosts or zombies. Your goals can be varied, but you will have to go to them in constant fear, and usually they don’t just scare you to put pressure on the psyche - your character can really die. In general, now the genre of psychological horror thriller in the field of computer games has become extremely popular, and one of the clearest examples is the game Layers of Fear, the passage of which will be discussed in this article. This project is relatively fresh and extremely attractive for those gamers who like to get on their nerves with pleasure. In the game, Layers of is not long, it is quite short, but it is extremely intense, so its conclusion will leave you with a storm of emotions.

The essence of the game

What is the essence of the Layers of Fear project? The passage takes place in a rather unusual way, you find yourself in the body of an artist who returns to his home in a frightening-looking mansion, where he begins to work on his masterpiece, and you have to help him with this. How? The whole game is divided into six stages, each of which corresponds to a certain stage in drawing a picture. Each of them will be filled with hallucinations of the protagonist, his memories of a terrifying past, as well as finding the necessary items and solving puzzles in the mansion, reminiscent of the habitat of all evil spirits from any horror movie. This guide will take you through each of the six stages of the game Layers of Fear - the passage in places can seem quite difficult, but you can be sure that there are no impassable moments in this game.


It’s worth noting right away that this article is about the original game, and not the Layers of Fear: Inheritance project, the passage of which describes further events already on behalf of the artist’s daughter, whom he left to make a career in art. Inheritance has its own storyline and tells a completely different story. As for this game, it all starts with "Canvas" - this is the name of the first stage. The main character returns home, and you immediately need to start managing him. Go to the second floor to the office and take the keys from the table, with which you can open the door to the workshop located on the first floor. Once inside, look around - you will see an easel covered with a cloth. Pull this fabric down to reveal a blank canvas for you to work on. When you leave the workshop, all the fun begins, your character will have hallucinations, and the mansion will be transformed into a real house of horrors. Despite all the nightmares happening around, get to the room with the chest, open it using the numbers that appeared in the pictures. After that, a new passage will open between the two busts - use it to get to the room with the painting, which depicts an inverted doll. When you stand next to her, you will fail. You will need to turn on the light and get to the office, where suddenly all the furniture will turn upside down. Then you need to approach the door to the kitchen, which will not open. Wait until the lights go out there, and go to the big picture, from where you take away a piece of skin - after a while, leave the room, and you will immediately find yourself in the workshop. It's time to use the skin on the easel so that it begins to transform - this will end the first stage of the game. As you can see, in Layers of Fear: Inheritance the walkthrough will be very different from the one described here. So for now, you need to focus on the first part of the game.


The passage of the game Layers of Fear continues in the second stage, here you will need to leave the workshop and take the elevator upstairs. There you will not have much choice - all rooms will be closed. Get to the end of the corridor and one of the locked doors will open. Go inside, take the key and head up another floor. There will be several closed doors on this floor, one of which can be opened with the found key. There you will be able to climb the stairs again and exit into the corridor. Go to the far door and open it - instead of a passage you will see a picture, and another door will open behind you. Come inside, take the key and light the candles, you will see that the walls have turned into a real nightmare. No matter how scared you are, do not leave the room until the walls return to their normal appearance. The key you found is from the bedroom, go there and turn on the gramophone. Again, problems with the walls will begin, but this time you need not to wait, but to turn the gramophone knob again. When everything is settled, you will see a vial of blood on the floor. Grab it and head to the workshop where you need to use it on canvas. Already at this stage, you could see how frightening the game Layers of Fear is. A full walkthrough will scare you even more, so continue only if you are ready for it.


What else has prepared for you the passage of Layers of Fear? The full version of the game has many more different surprises that will make you scared. So, in order to continue the passage, you need to exit the workshop and proceed to where the piano left. From there, you will need to return and proceed to the room from which you will not be able to get out when you find yourself there. Do not stand still - move and look around, and then the exit will appear by itself. After that, go down the stairs - a ringing phone will appear on each table on your way, which cannot be picked up. Ignore him until he falls under your feet himself - then pick up the phone and answer. Head into the room with the furniture turned upside down - once you turn on the light, everything will fall into place. Go to the elevator and go down the floor below. Next, you will find a small linear path, which does not paint much in the game Layers of Fear passage. A board, a box and other objects will block your path - it's best to get rid of the pallet. Go through the formed passage and go down to the basement. Press the piano keys and objects will start flying around the room, and the lights will turn off - try to get out of the basement, but nothing will work for you, the door is locked. We'll have to search the basement in the dark to find a box with bones inside. After that, you can already leave the room, return to the workshop and apply the box on the canvas.


In this part of the game, you will meet not only the ghost of your wife, but also the ghost of your daughter. In the process of passing you will find yourself in a children's room, from where you will need to pick up children's shoes. You will need to open one of the doors that are locked. Several attempts - and the door suddenly opens. Look at the picture - and the terrifying madness will begin again. When it ends, go further until you reach the place where all the turns begin to repeat. Just turn around and go the other way - you will again find yourself in the nursery, where you will need to find the key to the toy carousel and, as part of another hallucination, ride it. From the bed, take a piece of hair that you need to apply on the canvas when you return to the workshop.

Final touches

So it gradually comes to an end in the game Layers of Fear walkthrough. The safe in this level is opened with a special code, which you can find out if you play a child's game, once in a room, entering which you will find yourself locked. When you gain access to a huge room with a large painting on the wall, enter it. Go to the painting and look at it until the world goes crazy again. This time you won't be able to get off so easily, so your character will pass out. Waking up, go to the closet, opening the doors of which you will find a passage. Head inside and wander through the corridors until you can get into the office. There you will hear a phone ringing - it comes from somewhere. Find the phone and answer the call - after that, look at the picture on which three numbers are written, which are very important in order to complete the passage in the Layers of Fear game. Lock code? No, many players believe that these numbers can be used to open the lock, but in reality they need to be dialed on the phone. This will repeat several times - on the last run, the hallucinations will be so strong that you will need to make your way to the phone on pallets. When you answer the call, start the road back - you will fall down. There you need to collect what is left of the phone, as well as a severed finger that you can use on a painting in the workshop.

critical eye

Critical Look is the last stage of the passage of this game, so you have very little left. Now you need to go to the room where an ugly picture will hang in the very center. Look at her - suddenly all the paintings in the room will fall to the floor. There will be no exit from the room, so you need to stand in the very center and wait until he appears. Go into the corridor, wander around the house, looking into the room with the burning bed, from where you need to take the bandages. Go to the bathroom, where there is a filled tub. Dip your head several times in the water until you can find the jar with the eye in it. After that, go to the room, which will be the last one you need to visit in order to complete the passage in the Layers of Fear game. The Ouija Board is what many gamers see the first time they get there. But in fact, it turns out that this is an ordinary one and you need to collect figures that will appear in various rooms that suddenly appear out of nowhere. When you collect all the necessary pieces, the final demonic madness will begin. If you survive it, you will immediately find yourself in the workshop. Use the last item to complete your masterpiece.

Various endings

The game has three different endings, which depend on what exactly you did during the passage. Each of them deserves to be played through again, because each gives you a new look at the story that happened to the artist. In this project, it is rather difficult to define the endings as "good", "bad" and "neutral", however, for convenience, they will still be classified as such.

good ending

With this ending, the artist’s wife and daughter are in the picture - he realizes that he ruined everything and that his life will never be the same, so he will burn all his paintings and die with them in the fire.

bad ending

The ending shows that the artist was working on a portrait of his wife, but every time he saw a good picture as a disgrace. As a result, he completely lost his mind and continued to paint pictures indefinitely.

Neutral ending

In this ending, the artist paints a self-portrait, is satisfied with what he will do, and hangs it on the wall, despite the fact that he used parts of his own wife's body to work on this "masterpiece".

Walkthrough is relevant for all versions of the game

Control The character in the game is made using the keyboard and mouse. Keys WASD we move around the game world, by moving the mouse in the selected direction we turn the view camera, by pressing the left mouse button (LMB) we interact with objects, and by pressing the right mouse button (RMB) we bring the view closer to the object. For accelerated movement, use the key " leftShift».

Menu has a set of standard options. From the game, the menu is called up by pressing the key Esc.

Inventory, as such, is not used in the game. Items are picked up and applied automatically. The item that is available is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

Preservation progress in the game happens automatically. Save, kind save0 , are located at (for Windows 7):

CUsersuser(or assigned username) →AppData(hidden folder) →LocallowBloberteamLayersofFear → 0 .

About the game. In this game, in addition to the main one, there are three more story endings. They depend on how much progress you make in the game:

    • The final " self-portrait»- it is necessary to collect all the available memories regarding the artist and all the drawings of rats. At the same time, objects relating to his wife, mirrors and chairs, the ghost of his wife in episodes 4 and 5 should be avoided, and you should also not die during the game.

      The final " Portrait of wife and child»- at the end of the game you will be able to see their portrait if throughout the game you collect all the memories and souvenirs from the past, but do not touch the drawings of rats.

      The final " portrait of wife» - it is necessary to complete the game without collecting souvenirs from the past, drawings of rats and memories. You need to die once at the hands of the artist's wife.

There are three types of collectible secrets in the game:

    Voteof the past (16 ) - these are notes and photographs of the artist from the past, which are stored in the album. You can view them between episodes when we find ourselves in the artist's creative workshop. The album is on the table in front of the mirror.

    Drawings of rats (16 ) - These are sketches depicting rats. The collected drawings can be seen on the workshop wall.

    Souvenir from the past (28 ) - these are active items, upon examination of which, the character gives his comments (unlike the mass of other available items).

About this guide

This guide provides ways to get all kinds of secrets available in the game, which will allow you to play the game a few more times to see all the endings.

The description gives only the main actions and movements, and does not indicate the location of all active objects and entries that allow revealing the plot component of the game.

Attention. Obtaining achievements for owners of the Steam version of the game is also not given.

“Each decision made by the player in this game affects the development of events. Here, as in life, it all depends on what doors you open, what memories you prefer to keep, and what dark corners you venture into.


Basic actions

We start the game in a small room. We hover over the handle of the double door in front of us, and the cursor changes into a hand. Hold down the left mouse button (LMB), move the mouse to the side, and open the doors.

We read the note pinned to the door of the workshop.

The maid reports that she did not enter the workshop, and that she took the key to the workshop to the study.

We go up the stairs to the second floor.

We go into the office.

We pick up the key from the workshop, lying on the table. We go down to the first floor, open the door with the key.

We go into the workshop, remove the canvas from the picture on the easel. We leave the room and suddenly find ourselves in a changed environment.

Episode 1. Canvas

On the locations of the first episode you can find:

  • Voices of the past - 2;
  • Drawing of a rat - 3;
  • Souvenir from the past - 3

We pass along the corridor. We open the door at the opposite end of the corridor.

We enter the room, follow to the open window, behind which it is pouring rain. Suddenly, the window slams shut. We turn around and leave the room.

The corridor has changed again.

We open the cabinet, standing in the light pocket on the right.

We examine the chest locked with a combination lock and understand that we need a code to open the chest.

We head to the right corner of the room, light the candles and observe how the transformation takes place with the paintings and the numbers appear on them.

  • Note. The numbers are set randomly.

We collect these numbers on the combination lock of the chest.

Open the chest lid.

We take out and study the ring with a stone - this is a souvenir from the past (1/28 ).

We leave the room through the door, over which the inscription is inscribed: "Never forget." We follow the corridor, open the door to the next room.

We head to the picture hanging on the wall opposite the entrance, to which the doll is attached. Suddenly the floor below us collapses, and we fall into the basement. We turn around, hurry to the exit.

We click on the switch on the wall, to the left of the stairs, and turn on the light.

We turn around and see that the picture that stood against the wall has approached and suddenly, for a few seconds, it changes. We pass by the picture to the barrel on which the candle burns.

We look at the wall on the left.

Pick up and review rat drawing (1/16 ).

“Mice in the dust. Even in my lungs. Dirt from ugly rodents. There are a lot of them all the time."

From the table with the bust on the right we take the letter - this voices of the past (2/16 ). We go up the stairs.

We turn the lever on the wall, and open a secret exit.

We find ourselves in a room with a fireplace. On the antlers of a deer above it now lies a doll that was previously in the picture, and in the place of the picture in front of which we fell through the floor, another picture now hangs. We go out into the corridor, on the walls of which portraits hang. One of them, at our approach, breaks off and falls to the floor. On its reverse side we see the inscription "Painting is the deepest lie."

We turn the picture to the front side.

Let's take a look at the picture attached to it. a souvenir from the past (2/28 ).

We move to the next room.

We approach the portrait, and it changes.

We turn around and startle in surprise, because the room is transforming again.

Pull out the chest of drawers against the wall on the left.

We get rat drawing (2/16 ).

“Squeaking arsonists. Echoes of screams. They will stop at nothing. I won't give up that easily!"

We leave the room, and immediately find ourselves in another room, bright.

Through the door on the right we go out into the corridor. From behind the door on the left comes restrained female sobs.

We look at the window sill of the first window on the right.

Considering a comb - this is a souvenir from the past (3/28 ). Move forward, turn left. We open another door. We follow the room, lined with shelves with products.

We leave through the door at the opposite end of the room. We cross another corridor, we find ourselves in the kitchen. We try to open the second door, but it is locked.

Open the locker to the right of the door you entered.

We are considering rat drawing (3/16 ). We look at the picture, we notice vegetables falling from above.

Again we try to open the second door, which opens, but behind it is a stone wall, and a knife suddenly sticks into the door frame.

We turn around and observe how the light goes out in the room, and its transformation begins again. We approach the picture, look at the changes that have taken place.

We take a piece of skin from the canvas, which appears in the lower right corner of the screen. We leave the kitchen through the door through which we entered.

We are in the workshop. We apply the skin to the picture.

Two bloody flamingos appear in the picture.

Well, the weather outside! It's the most to tickle the nerves. Once in the hallway, open doors in front of you and go deep into the house. To the left is a chest containing newspaper article. After reading it, come to the table, on it you can find letter from a pest control company.

To the left of the table is door on which is attached a note from the cleaner and the door itself is locked. Go right to the ajar door located near the fireplace. You will enter the kitchen. On the table with products lies a note. On the right there is another one - a shopping list. There is nothing more in the kitchen nothing interesting.

We leave the kitchen and go to inspect the next room - the bathroom. In it you can find a note about a prosthesis. After reading, exit the bathroom and search dresser on right. There is an apology note in the top drawer. Further, if desired, inspect the pantry and basement, in which you can find only an old report card.

After that, go up the stairs and go left through the open door. Here you are in the office. Come to the table, study the illustrations for the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". take key and read notes. There is nothing else to do on the second floor, you can find only a few letters and newspaper clippings.

Having finished with the inspection of the second floor, get down. It's time to look into the holy of holies. We go into the workshop, first of all - inspect dresser. In his top drawer is a note. The chests in the room are littered with all kinds of rubbish, so there is no point in examining them. Come to easel and read the note next to it, then tear off the rag from the picture and inspect the work of art.

Part 1. Canvas.

Move away from the easel and go to the exit from the workshop. Behind the door, you will find that the house outside the workshop has completely changed. Move straight down the corridor and enter the next room. In front of you you will see window. Go to it and get ready for the "boo-moment", because right in front of you the window will slam shut. Turn around and exit the room. The corridor outside the door changed again.

Go ahead, on the right you will see locker, behind its doors you will photo. After examining the picture, you will receive the first item from the category " Voices of the past". These include photographs and notes from the protagonist's past. All collected documents from this category will be placed in album, which you can find in the workshop.

Next you will be in the office. Come to the table, in the bottom drawer you will find invitation. To the right of the table stands locked with a combination lock. box. The code can be found in the same room, just light the candles in the corner. The numbers 4, 8 and 5 will appear on the pictures. But there is a little catch, the numbers are generated randomly and your combination may differ. Inside the box is ring. This is the first thing and category " Souvenir from the past". Examine it and listen to the associated memory.

A new door will appear in the office, it will be located between two busts. You leave into the corridor, in the chest of drawers on the left you can find a note. Go past the rocking chair, open the door and go into a new room. There is nothing interesting in the room, so move to the painting at the far end of the room. Next, the main character will fall into the basement.

In the basement, move to the candles on the barrel. Carefully inspect the section of the wall near them and find drawing, depicting rat. This item is also collectible, from the category " Drawings of rats". Similar images that you collect during the game will be placed on one of the walls of the workshop. From the barrels, go left to the stairs. Turn on the light and look around the basement. You will immediately experience the screamer associated with the paintings, and on the table with the bust you will find note from the section " voices of the past».

Rise up, pull on lever arm, and you will return to the fireplace room again. The painting of the doll was replaced by a portrait that frightened you downstairs. Go to the door, behind it you will find a corridor hung with paintings. Having reached the penultimate one, you will notice how it will explode into the wall opposite. The picture will finally refuse to fall, so you will have to help her with this. Drop the painting and inspect sketch attached to it. It's another one souvenir».

Next, go through the door and find yourself in a large office. Turn right and examine the chest of drawers. In one of the boxes you will find another sketch with a rat. After that, go to the fireplace and the painting hanging above it will start to flow down. Turn around, a figure from the books will appear behind you. Go to the door and exit the office.

In the new room, inspect the far locker. In his bottom drawer a note. Next, go through the door on the right and move along the corridor to the window. On the windowsill will lie comb. You have picked another souvenir”, therefore, a recollection comes as a set. After that, continue along the corridor and turn left at the fork.

This way you will get into a strange pantry room, passing through which you will find yourself in the next corridor. The door will lead you to the kitchen. Look to the left first. Having found the left door of the locker with your eyes, go to it and open it. You will find glued rat drawing.

Next, you need to find the next door. When you try to open it, a knife will stick into the door frame, and there will be no further passage. Turn around and look at the picture. Before your eyes, some metamorphoses will begin to occur with a work of art. When the image changes, approach it and pick up something resembling piece of skin and listen to another memory. After that, go to the door through which you entered the kitchen. Behind it will be a workshop.

There is a note on the pallet to the right, and a diary can be found on the chest of drawers to the left. It will contain photos and notes from the category " voices of the past". On the wall nearby you will see drawings of rats already found by you. Go to the painting and interact with it. It will change, and with it, the environment will change. The top door will open in the locker behind, inside you will find piece of skin.

Also on our website you can read the review on.

Keywords: Layers of Fear, walkthrough, guide, souvenirs from the past, voices of the past, drawings of rats, key, canvas

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