Works remark about love. The best books of note


Erich Maria Remarque(born Erich Paul Remarque) is one of the most famous and widely read German writers of the 20th century.
Born on June 22, 1898 in Germany, in Osnabrück. He was the second of five children of bookbinder Peter Franz Remarque and Anna Maria Remarque.
In 1904 he entered a church school, and in 1915 - in a Catholic teacher's seminary. From childhood he was interested in the works of Zweig, Dostoyevsky, Thomas Mann, Goethe and Proust.
In 1916, at the age of 18, he was drafted into the army. After multiple wounds on the Western Front, July 31, 1917 was sent to the hospital, where he spent the rest of the First World War.
After the death of his mother in 1918, he changed his middle name in her honor.
In the period from 1919, he first worked as a teacher, and at the end of 1920 changed many professions, including working as a seller of tombstones and a Sunday organist in the chapel at the hospital for the mentally ill.
In October 1925 he married Ilse Jutta Zambona, a former dancer. Jutta suffered from consumption for many years. She became the prototype for several heroines of the writer's works, including Pat from the novel Three Comrades. The marriage lasted a little over 4 years, after which they divorced. However, in 1938, the writer married Jutta again - to help her get out of Germany and get the opportunity to live in Switzerland, where he himself lived at that time, and later they left for the USA together. Officially, the divorce was issued only in 1957. Until the end of his life, Jutta was paid a cash allowance.
From November 1927 to February 1928, his novel "Station on the Horizon" was published in the magazine Sport im Bild where he worked at the time. In 1929, Remarque published his most famous work, All Quiet on the Western Front, describing the brutality of the war from the perspective of a 19-year-old soldier. Several more anti-war writings followed; in simple, emotional language, they realistically described the war and the post-war period.
In 1933, the Nazis banned and burned the author's works, and announced (although this was a lie) that Remarque was allegedly a descendant of French Jews and his real name was Kramer (the word Remarque spelled backwards). After that, Remarque left Germany and settled in Switzerland.

In 1939, the writer went to the United States, where in 1947 he received American citizenship.

His older sister Elfriede Scholz, who remained in Germany, was arrested for anti-war and anti-Hitler statements. At the trial, she was found guilty and on December 16, 1943 she was executed (guillotined). Remarque dedicated his novel The Spark of Life, published in 1952, to her. 25 years later, a street in her hometown of Osnabrück was named after her.

In 1948, Remarque returned to Switzerland. In 1958 he married Hollywood actress Paulette Goddard. The writer died on September 25, 1970 at the age of 72 in the city of Locarno and was buried in the Swiss cemetery of Ronco in the canton of Ticino.

Erich Maria Remarque belongs to the writers of the lost generation. He was born in 1898, which means that already in adulthood he survived both world wars. Often it was the war that became the main theme of Remarque's novels. But it was not military actions that came to the fore, but people, their difficulties, experiences, thoughts. Remarque often wrote about people who survived the war but never recovered from it.

Many events that happened in the life of the writer somehow found their reflection in his books. His works still captivate people and make them think. That is why we have compiled a list of the best Remarque books in our opinion. If you want to start getting acquainted with the work of Remarque, then it is better to do this by choosing a book from our selection. Many people note that Remarque's most favorite book is usually the one that is read first.

In his best books, Remarque raises questions that are really important for people. These questions remain relevant to this day, so it is important to think about it. Remarque always described life as it is, without embellishment. This is what captivates in his works. At the same time, Remarque's books do not leave any gloomy feeling in the soul, they are written in an easy and simple language.

Read the best Remarque books on our website. Books that are really worth reading.


22.06.14 10:05

The heroine of Irina Muravyova in the Oscar-winning melodrama Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears meets her future husband, a hockey player, when she rides the subway with Remarque's book in her hands. “Now all of Moscow is reading!” she answers the guy’s question.

In the book kingdom

Indeed, both Moscow and the entire Soviet enlightened intelligentsia were infatuated with the works of Remarque. He is considered a writer from the "lost generation" cohort. The First World War left its mark on such people and did not satisfy the post-war existence.

Erich Paul Remarque was the son of a bookbinder, is it any wonder that literature became the boy's passion? He reread the romance of Zweig many times, the gloomy Russian writer Dostoevsky, his compatriots - the poems of Goethe and the utopias of Thomas Mann.

The horrors of military everyday life (he was drafted into the army at the age of 18), being wounded on the Western Front in 1917, the Nazis coming to power, as well as love stories, including marriage to Ilse Jutta, who was ill with tuberculosis, were later reflected in his work. . Marlene Dietrich broke his heart, and "glued together" Charlie Chaplin's ex-wife, the delightful Paulette Godard. With her, the prose writer remembered what happiness is, and lived in marriage for almost 20 years.

The beginning of Remarque's creative activity dates back to the early 1920s. Then he changed his middle name Paul to Maria - in honor of his deceased mother.

First stunning success

All Quiet on the Western Front, a novel published in 1929, brought the young writer deafening fame. He was even nominated for the Nobel laureates (but the committee "wrapped up" the candidacy of the German).

A year later, the work was filmed (the film received an Oscar), and its author, unexpectedly for himself, became rich. The book was based on Erich's personal experiences. He himself and his hero Paul (on whose behalf the novel was written) differed only in that the narrator nevertheless overtook death. An emotional story about the war, written in simple language, is what attracted and attracts readers to this work of the writer.

The Nazis did not like the anti-militarist works of Remarque, and they began to burn them in public. This forced him to leave his homeland and go to Switzerland.

Dark endings

The love story of a war veteran, a young auto mechanic, Robert, and a carefree, life-loving Patricia is at the heart of the novel "Three Comrades". At the Sovremennik Theater, the production of Galina Volchek based on this book was very popular. And the director Alexander Surin, having taken the plot from Remarque, “transplanted” the heroes to Russian soil, the picture was called “Flowers from the Winners”.

They say that the author “copied” the heroine of the Arc de Triomphe with his beloved Dietrich. This is a tragic story about the surgeon Ravik, who is hiding from Nazi persecution in Paris, and his mistress, actress Joan.

In 1948, the drama Arc de Triomphe was released, where Ingrid Bergman shone in the role of Joan.

"A Time to Live and a Time to Die" is replete with heavy scenes of executions, bombings, and violence. This is another attempt by Remarque to show the horrors of war and open the eyes of his contemporaries to the enormity of militarism.

Gloomy endings become Remarque's "chip", he does not spare his characters. Therefore, it is difficult to read them, it always breaks the heart.

Concentration camp horrors and hopeless love

The Spark of Life describes what the prose writer himself, fortunately, did not manage to experience, because we are talking about a concentration camp. He was based on the impressions of former prisoners, and dedicated the work to his sister executed by the Nazis.

A rare exception in Remarque's bibliography is the novel Life on Borrowed, because there is nothing anti-war in it. And there is just a relationship between the hopelessly ill Lilian and the race car driver Clerfe.

Every day is a gift for her. For him, risk is a common thing, but his beloved is able to teach him to appreciate life. Sidney Pollack based the book on the film Bobby Deerfield, in which Al Pacino became the racer.

Taken from life

But what is said in the Black Obelisk is familiar to the writer firsthand. In his early youth, he himself labored in a company that sold tombstones, and he himself was the organist of the chapel at the psychiatric hospital. So the image of the hero of the novel, Ludwig, is largely autobiographical.

"Shadows in Paradise" came out after the death of the author (he died in Locarno in 1970, his widow buried him and survived for 2 decades). The book describes the impressions of a reporter who came to America at the end of World War II. He meets different people for whom the United States has become the "promised land", but still, each of them dreams of returning to their homeland devastated by the Nazis.

My favorite book by this writer is Life on Borrowed. I re-read it every time when, due to a misunderstanding, I stop appreciating what was so generously given to me - life, health (relatively strong). Yes, in general, only from the fact that arms move, legs walk and eyes see, one must rejoice and dance with happiness! Because no everyday difficulties "from which you want to hang yourself straight!" Are close to losing health!
There was a TV show about a man who was missing both arms and one leg. Do you think that he went down, took to drink, became a bum? No! He clings to a normal life with his teeth, in the truest sense of the word. He takes a brush in his teeth and paints with watercolors. And his paintings are bought. And you need to see the face and eyes of this person when they show him on the computer that "that's how this exhibition went, and here are the people who bought the paintings." He is proud of himself! Here is the Man! With a capital letter! Here is the Power of the Spirit! Also capitalized! Only a few can do that!

However, I digress.
So, Erich Maria Remarque. After his works All Quiet on the Western Front, Shadows in Paradise and Arc de Triomphe, I became a staunch pacifist. War is a terrible evil ... and more - to what cruelty people can reach! .. This is a nightmare ...
Reading Remarque is very interesting because of the living language, but on the other hand, what terrible things are sometimes found there! I cried so much over some of the lines...
After these books, the impression is twofold. On the one hand - indeed Literature. On the other hand, such heavy things that you want to read romance novels later, in which there are only pink snot and everything ends well.
I think someday I will find the strength in myself and read The Spark of Life and his other works. But they must be read in homeopathic doses so as not to harm the nervous system - this is my advice to the impressionable.
And yet - these books will be required to read my children. To know how to live and act is impossible. To tear off the skin from the heart, so that it is sensitive to someone else's misfortune. So that from childhood they get used to the fact that it is impossible to be cruel, evil.

And now about the writer.

All his books

Early works (1916-1929)
Shelter of Dreams (German: Die Traumbude) (1920)
Gam (German: Gam) (1924)
Station on the horizon (German: Station am Horizont) (1927/28)
All Quiet on the Western Front (German: Im Westen nichts Neues) (1928/29)
Enemy (German: Der Feind) (1930/31)
Return (German Der Weg zurück) (1930/31)
Three Comrades (German: Drei Kameraden) (1936/37)
Love thy neighbor (German: Liebe Deinen Nächsten) (1939/41)
Arc de Triomphe (German: Arc de Triomphe) (1945)
Spark of Life (German: Der Funke Leben) (1952)
A Time to Live and a Time to Die (German: Zeit zu leben und Zeit zu sterben) (1954)
The Last Act (German: Der letzte Akt) (1955)
Be carefull!! (German: Seid wachsam!!) (1956)
Last Stop (German: Die letzte Station) (1956)
Black obelisk (German: Der schwarze Obelisk) (1956)
Life on loan (German: Geborgtes Leben) (1959/61)
Night in Lisbon (German: Die Nacht von Lissabon) (1961/62)
Promised Land (German: Das gelobte Land) (1970)
Shadows in Paradise (German: Schatten im Paradies) (published posthumously in 1971)

Some can be downloaded from electronic libraries, such as, if someone practices reading books from a computer or PDA. I personally can not - my eyes are very tired. I stare at the monitor way too much.


Remarque was born on June 22, 1898 in Osnabrück, Germany to a Catholic working-class family. He had French roots. Father, Peter Franz Remarque, was a bookbinder. He was fond of the works of Zweig, Thomas Mann, Dostoevsky, Proust and Goethe.

In 1904 he entered a church school, and in 1915 - in a Catholic teacher's seminary.

In 1916, he was drafted into the army, on June 17 he was sent to the Western Front. On July 31, 1917, he was wounded in the left leg, right arm and neck and spent the rest of the war in a military hospital in Germany. After the war, he worked as a librarian, correspondent, teacher, journalist, editor, accountant.

In October 1925 he married Ilse Jutta Zambona, a former dancer. Jutta suffered from consumption for many years. She became the prototype for several heroines of Remarque's works, including Pat (Patricia Holman) from The Three Comrades. The marriage lasted a little over 4 years, after which they divorced. However, in 1938, Remarque married Jutta again - to help her get out of Germany and get the opportunity to live in Switzerland, where he himself lived at that time, and later they left for the USA together. Officially, the divorce was issued only in 1957. The writer paid Jutta a cash allowance until the end of his life, and also bequeathed to her 50 thousand dollars.

In 1929 he published his most famous work, All Quiet on the Western Front under the pseudonym Erich Maria Remarque (he changed his middle name in honor of his mother, who died in 1918), describing the brutality of the war from the point of view of a 19-year-old soldier. Several more anti-war writings followed; in simple, emotional language, they realistically described the war and the post-war period.

In 1933, the Nazis banned and burned the works of Remarque, and announced (although this was a lie) that Remarque was allegedly a descendant of French Jews and his real name was Kramer (the word Remarque spelled backwards). This "fact" is still given in some biographies, despite the complete absence of any evidence to support it. Moreover, it will not work to read the surname in this way, since it is not spelled Remark, but Remarque.

Remarque himself escaped Nazi persecution, since he lived in Switzerland since 1933. His older sister, dressmaker Elfriede Scholz, who remained in Germany, was arrested and executed for anti-war and anti-Hitler statements in 1943. 25 years later, a street in her hometown of Osnabrück was named after her.

In 1937, the writer met Marlene Dietrich, with whom he began a stormy and painful romance - the famous movie star was distinguished by extreme infidelity and despotism. The novel "Arc de Triomphe" is dedicated to these relations.

In 1939, Remarque went to the United States, where in 1947 he received American citizenship.

In 1951, Remarque met Hollywood actress Paulette Goddard, Charlie Chaplin's ex-wife, who helped him recover from his relationship with Dietrich, cured him of depression, and in general, as Remarque himself said, "had a positive effect on him." Thanks to improved mental health, the writer was able to complete the novel "Spark of Life", dedicated to the memory of his late sister Elfrida, and continue his creative activity until the end of his life. In 1957, Remarque finally divorced Jutta, and in 1958 he and Paulette got married. In the same year, Remarque returned to Switzerland, where he lived the rest of his life. They remained together with Paulette until his death (1970).

In 1964, a delegation from the writer's hometown presented him with an honorary medal. Three years later, in 1967, the German ambassador to Switzerland presented him with the Order of the Federal Republic of Germany (the irony is that despite the award of these awards, German citizenship was never returned to him). In 1968, on the writer's seventieth birthday, the city of Ascona (where he lived) made him an honorary citizen.

Remarque died on September 25, 1970 at the age of 72 in the city of Locarno, and was buried in the Swiss cemetery of Ronco in the canton of Ticino. Paulette Godard, who died twenty years later, is buried next to him.

All information is from Wikipedia.

Starting to study the work of the writer - pay attention to the works that are at the top of this rating. Feel free to click on the arrows - up and down, if you think that some work should be higher or lower in the list. As a result of common efforts, including, based on your ratings, we will get the most adequate rating of books by Erich Maria Remarque.

    And everything is blooming in front of us, everything is burning behind us ... No need to think, the one who will decide everything for us is with us! ”But - what to do if you can’t help but think? war machine? Behind the hell of scorched countries. Ahead - mud and the blood of World War II. "Time to die" seems to have no end. How many will crawl to the “time to live”?... Further

  • The Bible says, "Love your neighbor." But how can you love your neighbor if your neighbors only want to seize you and kill you? You are running from death that has become a reality, from the hell of terrible ghettos, from hopelessness to hope... But hope can deceive. And then - ... more

  • The most beautiful love story of the 20th century… The most fascinating romance of the 20th century about friendship… The most tragic and poignant novel about human relations in the entire history of the 20th century. ... Further

  • This book includes four novels about people who can be called "the same age as the century", because they had the opportunity to completely share with their homeland - Germany - everything that happened in it in the first half of the twentieth century. "All Quiet on the Western Front" - a tragedy of boys, with school benches thrown into the bloody mud of the First World War. "Return" is about those who were lucky enough to survive. But how can they return to their former, peaceful life, when the country is in ruins, and the ghosts of the past haunt them? .. Returning from the front, the heroes of Three Comrades are also trying to find their place. Their salvation lies in strong, faithful friendship and tender, sincere love. But the country is already on the verge of World War II, enveloped in dull anxiety ... "Love thy neighbor" is a novel about German emigrants, persecuted, but not broken, not lost. As always with Remarque, the thirst for life and the triumph of love prevail over any adversity.... Further

  • The novel "Arc de Triomphe" by Erich Maria Remarque was published in the USA in 1945. It was the first German-language novel published after World War II. He repeated the success of another cult book by Remarque "All Quiet on the Western Front" and in record time became bestseller. 1939 Paris. The protagonist of the novel is a refugee from Germany, a talented surgeon Ravik, like hundreds of other emigrants, found refuge in a foreign and inhospitable, but still safe France. He has no documents, no work permit, but after the horrors of the concentration camp and the war, his life today seems quite bearable to him. He was able to endure all the difficulties and humiliation, and now he feels strong enough to help restore faith in life and people to the young actress Joan, the girl whom he saved from suicide on one of the rainy, cold Parisian nights. Edition producer: Vladimir Vorobyov © By The Estate of Late Paulette Remarque 1945 © Translated. Kremnev B. G. (heirs), Shraiber I. M. (heirs) ©&℗ IP Vorobyov V.A. ©&℗ ID SOYUZ... Further

  • They were torn out of their usual life... They were thrown into the bloody mud of war... Once upon a time they were young men who learned to live and think. Now they are cannon fodder. Soldiers. And they learn to survive and not to think. Thousands and thousands will lie forever on the fields of the First World War. Thousands and thousands those who return will still regret that they did not lie down with the dead. But so far - on the western front, everything is still unchanged ...... Further

  • This is "Night in Lisbon". The night when a man who has lost the last thing left of him into fragments of a war-torn life, desperately confesses to a random stranger. A night when behind bottles and bottles of cheap wine a bleeding soul is revealed - and tells, tells a tearing story about love and cruelty, strange fidelity and strange courage ...... Further

  • Roman E.M. The remark “All Quiet on the Western Front” is one of the most striking literary works about the First World War. With the next book of the writer - the novel "Return" - he is connected by common characters and a common idea. The theme of these books, which has become the theme of all creativity Remarque - the fate of the "lost generation", the life of those who survived the war, but returned home crippled both physically and morally.... Further

  • What is left for people choking in the fiery maelstrom of war? What remains of people who have been deprived of hope, love - and, in fact, even life itself? What is left for people who have nothing left? All in all, the spark of life. Weak, but unquenchable. Spark life, which gives people the strength to smile at the threshold of death. A spark of light - in pitch darkness ...... Further

  • Old, old song: "When you get home, soldier..." And then what? And then - the country in ruins. And then - poverty, crisis, despair of some - and frenzied, hysterical fun of others. And money, money. Where to get money? Love? Are you kidding me! Decency? Outdated word! Every man for himself. Everyone survives alone...... Further

  • This is the most beautiful of the European novels of the twentieth century. A novel about love, war and death. This is the saddest of the European novels of the twentieth century. A novel about a woman who has nothing but miserable momentary victories - and about a man accustomed to fear, hatred and hopelessness, as to my other "I". This is the Arc de Triomphe. A novel about passion that can and should end only in tragedy.... Further

  • This is an amazing book that cannot be skipped and left unattended, if only for the sake of understanding that there is something more important and valuable in the world than money, career and success, something that does not pass over the years and can work wonders and change people. This Friendship. When you are sure that if trouble happens, you are not alone. “There, behind the fog, help flew along the pale gray roads, headlights splashed bright light, tires whistled, and two hands squeezed the steering wheel, two eyes drilled into the darkness with a cold, confident look: the eyes of my friend ...”. This is Love. When it seems that without each other there is nothing to breathe and there is no reason to live. “And you must die? You cannot die. After all, you are happiness.” This is Human Relations. When the whole world is against you, but you find the strength in yourself to fight against lies, self-interest and heartlessness. “Everything collapsed, falsified and forgotten. And for those who did not know how to forget, there were only impotence, despair, indifference and vodka. The time of great human courageous dreams has passed. Dealers were celebrating. Corruption. Poverty". A sincere and surprisingly poetic novel about true love, about disinterested camaraderie, read by Maxim Pinsker, will save you from loneliness and teach you compassion. The publication was made under an agreement with the Lete Paulette Remarque Foundation c/o Morbuks Literary Agency and Synopsis Literary Agency © E. Remarque (heirs) © translation by I. Schreiber (heirs) ©&℗ IP Vorobyov V.A. 2013 ©&℗ ID SOYUZ 2013 Publication producer: Vladimir Vorobyov... Further

  • In the novel The Black Obelisk (1956), Erich Maria Remarque brilliantly recreated the atmosphere of Germany in the 1920s. The time between the two world wars ... The time of the birth of fascism ... The time that the writer designated by the name of another of his novels - “A Time to Live and a Time to Die” ... Chief the hero, who works in a tombstone company, is trying to find an answer to the question about the meaning of human existence. And in the era of "between times" it is especially difficult.... Further

  • Borrowed life. Life, when nothing is regretted, because, in essence, there is nothing to lose. This is love on the verge of doom. This is luxury on the brink of ruin. It is fun on the verge of grief and risk on the verge of death. The future is not. Death is not a word, but a reality. Life continues. Life is Beautiful!..... Further

  • The Bible says, "Love your neighbor." But how can you love your neighbor if your neighbors only want to seize you and kill you? You are running from death that has become a reality, from the hell of terrible ghettos, from hopelessness to hope... But hope can deceive. And then - “Weep not for those who have left, but for those who remain…”.... Further

  • The novel "The Black Obelisk", published in 1956, continues the theme of the "lost generation" - the soldiers who returned from the First World War, begun by Remarque in the works "All Quiet on the Western Front", "Return", "Three Comrades". The release time of the novel "Black Obelisk" coincided with the height of the Cold War, so it is not surprising that the book, among other things, traces the author's fears about the threat of the Third World War, considers possible scenarios for the development of our future. The protagonist of the novel, Ludwig Bodmer, returns home from the front and tries to find his place in a peaceful life that has become unusual and seemingly so complicated. This is the period between the two world wars. The period of the birth of fascism. The country is in crisis. What can help you survive in this terrible time? Of course: friendship, irony, love and… work. Even if you work for a tombstone company… The publication was made under an agreement with the Late Paulette Remarque Foundation c/o Morbux Literary Agency and Synopsis Literary Agency © E. Remarque (heirs) © translated by V. Stanevich (heirs) ©&℗ IP Vorobyov V.A. 2013 ©&℗ ID SOYUZ 2013 Publication producer: Vladimir Vorobyov... Further

  • The Promised Land is a novel published after the death of the great German writer. The fate of German emigrants in America. They fled from fascism, using all possible and impossible ways and means. They fled to the last bastion of freedom and independence. However For some reason, America is in no hurry to meet them with enthusiasm. The fugitives are waiting for ... decent and friendly indifference of the inhabitants of a country that has long forgotten what war and a totalitarian regime are. And each of the emigrants will have to rebuild their lives where they are offered only one thing - to take care of themselves.... Further

  • This novel is the first part of the trilogy, which the author dedicated to the First World War and the fate of the soldiers who went through this war (two other novels of the trilogy "Return" "Der Weg zuruck" and "Three Comrades" "Drei Kameraden"). Immediately after the publication of the novel (in 1929), A record number of copies of the book were sold. The novel has been translated and published in dozens of countries. Its total circulation reached 25 million copies. No other German book had ever been so successful before. Nine kilometers from the front line is the military unit of Paul Bäumer and his comrades Albert Kropp, Müller V and Leer. All four are nineteen years old, all four are from the same class, all four were schoolchildren yesterday, all four are soldiers today. They went to war as volunteers, but only when they were at the front did they realize that it was very difficult to be heroes here. Everything is much more terrible and prosaic than they imagined before. On every meter - one killed. This is the only way war can look and nothing else. They all die, one after another, the last - Paul Bäumer, in October 1918, “on one of those days when it was so quiet and calm on the entire front that military reports consisted of only the phrase “All Quiet on the Western Front.” Edition producer: Vladimir Vorobyov © by The Estate of Late Paulette Remarque 1929 © Translated by Yu.N. Afonkin (heirs) ©&℗ IP Vorobyov V.A. ©&℗ ID SOYUZ... Further

  • They entered the American paradise like shadows. People burned by the fires of World War II. Fugitives from all over Europe who have lost their past. A neurotic beauty fashion model and a cynical, hard-drinking writer. Stupid actress and brilliant surgeon. A desperate hero of the Resistance and poignantly optimistic businessman. What can be common for such different people? The fragility of the ridiculous emigrant life. And the holy hope of someday returning home ...... Further

  • Early romantic stories about love, high feelings, about the impossibility of real understanding between people, written in an original, unusual manner for Remarque - in the sensual and bewitchingly poetic decadent style of the German "tango culture" of the 1920s. ... Further

  • The novel was first published in 1959 in the illustrated edition of Crystal as a "novel with a sequel". In 1961, after editing and editing by the author, a more voluminous version of the novel was published in an American translation, but already under the title "Heaven has no favorites". The German version of Der Himmel kennt keine Gunstlinge was a great reader success in Germany, but received negative reviews. Remarque was accused of sentimentality, lack of style. And yet, despite all the criticisms and comments, the same critics could not help but note that "the novel is exciting and impossible to tear oneself away from it." Early 50s. Race car driver Clairfe comes to visit his old friend at the Montana Sanatorium. There he meets a terminally ill girl Lillian. Tired of the strict rules of the sanatorium, of routine and monotony, she decides to run away with Clairfe to where there is another life, a life that speaks the language of books, paintings and music, a life that beckons and wakes up alarm. Both fugitives, despite all their dissimilarity, have one thing in common - the lack of confidence in the future. Clairefe lives from race to race, and Lillian knows that her illness is progressing, and she does not have long to live. Their romance develops very rapidly, they love each other on the verge of doom, as soon as people can love, each step of which is accompanied by the shadow of death ... The publication was carried out under an agreement with the Late Paulette Remarque Foundation c / o Morbux Literary Agency and Synopsis Literary Agency © E. Remarque (heirs) © translated by L. Chernaya ©&℗ IP Vorobyov V.A. 2013 ©&℗ ID SOYUZ 2013 Publication producer: Vladimir Vorobyov... Further

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