Production characteristic. Sample of filling in the production characteristic for ITU


The characteristics of the employee's working conditions are provided at the request of the ITU. The obligation to complete the document lies with the employer, not the employee. Therefore, it is important to know how to draw up this paper correctly, what it should contain. The finished sample and instructions for filling out are presented in the article.

The characteristic is needed to study the working conditions of a particular employee, so that doctors can understand possible risk factors for health or the cause of a chronic disease that has already arisen. It is a document that is drawn up in any form or on a form that is directly sent to the ITU.

The employer must describe the working conditions of his employees at the request of a medical examination (and not at the request of the employees themselves). A commission is always convened to evaluate the conditions, i.e. this task cannot be performed by only 1 official. The committee must include a doctor. Also usually its members are:

  • labor protection specialist;
  • representative of the personnel management department;
  • head of the company (or a specific division).

At the same time, the employee himself does not take part in the work of the commission, his opinion on working conditions in this case is not taken into account and is not recorded. Thus, in normal, everyday activities, there is no need to draw up this document. In practice, the ITU first makes a request, after which the company must organize the work of the relevant commission with the obligatory participation of a doctor. The document is then sent to the addressee.

Characteristic content: what information needs to be reflected

If ITU has not sent a specific form, then the company has the right to draw up a document according to its own model. As a rule, all information is signed by points (in total, about 15-20 sections are obtained). Conventionally, all content can be divided into 3 parts.

Information about the employee and the company

Here are the standard data:

  • company name and contact phone number;
  • Full name, date of birth of the employee;
  • his profession (exactly as indicated in the documents);
  • the facility where he works (for example, site No. 5 or a workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products);
  • total length of service (according to the work book) in all jobs;
  • experience only in this profession (including with other employers);
  • duties of the employee (this describes the list of actions that the employee performs on a daily basis - for example, loading and unloading, setting up equipment, assembling furniture, etc.).

Description of his working conditions

This is the main part of the characteristic, which answers the main questions of the ITU. Here it is necessary to describe the nature, mode of work of the employee based on qualitative (satisfactory, normal, good) and quantitative (load up to 15 kg, temperature not more than +30 ° C) characteristics. Usually follow this plan:

  1. The nature of labor is a general description of labor (mental or physical). In addition, it is necessary to characterize the intensity of work based on its volume. It is described in qualitative terms - light, moderate or high tension. The neuropsychic load is also described in terms of “present/absent”.
  2. Labor productivity - meaning whether the employee fulfills the standard established for the enterprise (or individually for it) or not.
  3. Salary scheme and breakdown by months (for the last year). Payment can be made at a fixed rate, by volume of work (piecework), by the hour or by a bonus scheme.
  4. The total number of days in the last year during which the employee went on sick leave (only due to his illness, and not a child, close relative, etc.). The dates (initial and final) and the diagnosis (as it is written on the sick leave) are indicated.
  5. Are there any harmful production factors, which ones (noise, dust, smell, bright / dim light). These parameters are described in a qualitative and quantitative assessment. For example, a constant noise level of 75 decibels).

Answers to specific employee health questions

These questions also concern the working conditions and health characteristics of the worker. The ITU often requires the following information to be provided:

  1. Whether the employee was on business trips, whether he worked the night shift, whether he remained for overtime work (for the last year).
  2. Were there any manifestations of the disease at work, in what way they were expressed (malaise, heart attack, absent-mindedness, etc.).
  3. Were there cases when an employee left work ahead of schedule, but did not take sick leave (that is, he took time off due to poor health).
  4. Are there any restrictions on work (for example, a shorter day, long breaks, the inadmissibility of working overtime and / or at night, etc.).
  5. Was there a proposal to transfer to another position due to manifestations of the disease, negative working conditions (for example, to another workshop with a lower noise level).
  6. Additional information is provided as needed.

Sample and blank document

An empty characteristic sheet, as well as a finished sample, which you can pay attention to as an example of compilation, look like this.

Medical and social examination (MSE) is carried out to establish the degree of disability of a particular citizen in connection with a disease diagnosed in him or in connection with his injuries. Based on its results, an individual rehabilitation plan (IPR) is drawn up, which should help a person who has certain limitations in work to adapt to new living conditions.

The examination itself is carried out by the composition of a special commission, which works according to certain schedules according to established rules.

To obtain the conclusions of the ITU, it is necessary not only to examine a patient who needs special working conditions, but also to study a number of documents. Among those will be the production characteristics. In this case, the characteristic refers to documents that play an important role.

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Why do you need a job description?

Answering the question why a job description is needed, first of all, it should be noted that this document will be of an official nature. It is considered during the consideration of documents and must be taken into account when writing a conclusion.

In fact, this is official evidence that a working employee has restrictions in the performance of work duties. It must be said right away that this only means that a particular person cannot perform professional duties to the full extent due to a disease present in him or because of an injury received and has nothing to do with the personality of the employee.

Therefore, filling out the characteristics for an employee for the ITU has a number of differences from filling out the usual production characteristics. And should not be seen as a positive or negative characteristic.

Features and nuances

If an employee is already working and has become disabled in the course of work or due to illness, he may need additional accommodations or a special working regime that the administration must provide. Usually, all recommendations are contained in an individual rehabilitation program. The employee has the right to provide it to the administration or not to provide it if he does not want to follow these recommendations.

When filling out the characteristic for the ITU, it is necessary to be guided by these recommendations. But here it should be remembered that the IPR is advisory in nature and a disabled person may not follow these recommendations, and therefore not provide this document to management. In this case, filling in the characteristics will be carried out without taking into account the recommendations of the ITU (as is).

Let's take a look at the form first.

The characteristic form contains 18 items, including data on the identity of the employee, as well as information about the enterprise.

It is a specific workplace, a specific employee and the degree of his performance of his duties. This characteristic differs from the production one in that it does not carry an assessment of the personal or labor qualities of the employee, it is designed to assess the degree to which he fulfills his labor duties in connection with illness or injury.

Now the individual points of its completion

  1. Usually points 1, 2, 3 do not contain any particular difficulty in filling out. Since they represent the usual data contained in the characteristic. As a rule, in the left corner of the form they put the outgoing stamp of the organization with the output details, in accordance with the rules adopted by the organization. In the right corner they put a large stamp of the enterprise with the indicated codes and legal address. Although the same information is largely repeated in paragraph 2
  2. Clause 4 “Form of labor organization” indicates the form in which this employee works. Usually, with the III group of disability, this is the organization of work adopted at work, with the II group, it is an individual schedule.
  3. If the patient does not work in paragraph 5, “does not work” is indicated. And in others dashes are put down.
  4. For other categories, the specified data is prescribed.
  5. Items 6, 7, 8 contain information, according to the employee's personal card.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to filling out paragraph 9 and its subparagraphs, since they characterize the working conditions, and most importantly, the capabilities of the employee (only those that are associated with his restrictions on work and relate to the disease).
  7. Clause 9.5 indicates “light”, “medium” or “heavy”.
  8. If there is attestation of the workplace, the data is indicated according to the attestation data. In the absence of such, individual data for a particular employee for whom the characteristic is written.
  9. When filling out paragraph 10, the intensity of labor should be taken into account. Here it is desirable to describe in sufficient detail and fully the degree of intensity of the worker's work. Describe what emotional stress he is subject to, for example, he is responsible for the work of the team and its safety, is responsible for the quality of manufactured products, or is responsible for the work of the unit.
  10. When characterizing the intellectual load in clause 10.2, indicate their degree and complexity. For example, he performs complex work on planning the work of the workshop, compiling reports, or the work does not carry an intellectual load.
  11. When filling out clause 10.3, it is desirable to indicate sensory loads in the actual volume and percentage for this particular employee. For example, she performs monotonous work on the manufacture of parts, during the shift she takes up all the working time. There is an increased noise load in the workshop, a large load on visual analyzers (up to 100% of the working time) or works in a separate office, there is no noise load, the visual load is high and amounts to 100% of the time.
  12. Paragraph 11 provides a brief description of the work to be performed. It is usually taken from the functional duties of the employee and involves the main production operations performed by him. For example, it calculates wages for employees of the 5th and 6th workshops, draws up financial reports for management and the tax service, or produces garage cars, draws up work schedules, and controls the movement of cars.
  13. When filling out paragraph 12, it is necessary to indicate what kind of facilitated working conditions are provided to the employee and whether they are provided at all. At the same time, the presence of frequent sick leave due to poor health, malaise at the workplace, which served to leave work early, as well as the presence of a specially equipped workplace, a shortened working day, and other facilitation of working conditions, including those which may be provided.
  14. The content of paragraph 13 is directly related to the capabilities of the enterprise.
  15. Some difficulties arise when filling out paragraph 14. So, if in the previous paragraphs it was indicated that the patient works full-time, has no restrictions on work and at the same time fully copes with work, then it will not be easy for the ITU to determine the disability group or the inherent restrictions in labor activities.
  16. This item must be filled out with the utmost care and objectivity. If an employee works part-time or has a lower output rate, then he may be able to cope with his production task, but when working full-time for a full week and meeting the standards, it is most likely that the patient is objectively difficult to cope with duties in full.
  17. Filling in points 15, 16, 17 and 18 usually does not cause difficulties and is filled out on the basis of accounting documents and sick leave.

About filling features

The characteristic for ITU is filled in on a special form and must contain all completed fields. In the absence of some data, dashes are put in the missing fields.

It is one of the most important documents in the examination.

The characteristic is signed by the head of the enterprise, as well as a doctor, if there is one at the enterprise.

It requires outgoing details and a seal.

- This is an official document that the administration of the enterprise issues to its employees if necessary. The forms of compiling a production characteristic directly depend on what the characteristic is for.

Consider several options for production characteristics, which are most common.

Production characteristics for medical and social expertise (ITU)

Production characteristic is the main document that is necessary for conducting a comprehensive expert assessment of a sick person, establishing the degree of disability by an employee or determining a group for disability for a disabled employee. Such production characteristic is drawn up on a specially designed form, taking into account the working conditions of the employee. It describes labor productivity, production rates of the subject, and so on. If the enterprise has its own clinic or health center, then the doctor assigned to the patient is directly involved in the preparation of this document. Production characteristic must be certified by the signatures of the head and head of the personnel service.

Very often, a characteristic from the place of work acts as a production characteristic. Such a document is drawn up in the form of a free presentation. It describes the official qualities of the employee and his participation in the public life of the team. The business qualities and personal advantages of the employee are evaluated. The characteristic is certified by the head of the enterprise and the chairman of the trade union organization (if any at the enterprise).

Production characteristics per student

This type of characteristic is compiled for a student who underwent a planned internship at a fixed enterprise. The direct supervisor of the production practice makes up a description in any form. The characteristics indicate the adaptation moments in the new team, the attitude to the acquisition of production skills, the student's sociability, the level of training, and so on. The characteristic is certified by the head of the practice and the head of the personnel department of the enterprise.

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