Production cycle. Ways to reduce the duration of the production cycle


The production process is a purposeful, step-by-step transformation of raw materials and materials into a finished product of a given property, suitable for consumption or further processing. When organizing production

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Theoretical question: No. 23

Production cycle.

Economic function of the production cycle.

1. What is the production cycle. 3

2. The length of the production cycle. 4

3. The duration of the production cycle. 5

3.1. working period. 5

3.2. Break times at work. 6

4. Economic function of the production cycle. 7

5. Conclusion. 8

Literature. 9

1. What is the production cycle.

The production process is a purposeful, step-by-step transformation of raw materials and materials into a finished product of a given property, suitable for consumption or further processing. When organizing the production process in time, the main task is to achieve the minimum possible duration of the production cycle.

The production cycle is a complete circle of production operations in the manufacture of a product, a period of time from the beginning to the end of the production process. For example, the production cycle of manufacturing a part is the period of time from the receipt of material for processing until the end of the manufacture of the part, and the production cycle of a product is the period of time from the start of the starting material and semi-finished products for processing until the end of manufacturing and completing the product intended for sale.

Due to the fact that the production process takes place in time and space, the production cycle can be measured by the length of the path of movement of the product and its components, as well as the time during which the product goes through the entire processing path.

2. The length of the production cycle.

The measurement of the production cycle using the path length is carried out from the first workplace, where the processing of the product and its components began, to the last one. The length of the production cycle is not a line, but an area on which machines, equipment, inventory are located, therefore, in practice, in most cases, it is not the length of the path that is determined, but the area and volume of the premises in which production is located. There is a need for such a layout of workplaces that minimizes and facilitates communication and transport links between them. The shorter the path of movement of the product in the production process, the lower the cost of its inter-operational transportation, less production space is required and, as a rule, less time for processing.

3. The duration of the production cycle.

The duration of the production cycle in time is the interval of calendar time from the beginning of the first production operation to the end of the last one; measured in days, hours, minutes, seconds, depending on the type of product and the stage of processing. There are production cycles of the product as a whole, cycles of prefabricated units and individual parts, cycles for performing homogeneous operations, cycles for performing individual operations.

3.1. working period.

The working period is the time during which a direct impact on the object of labor is made either by the worker himself or by machines and mechanisms under his control; time of preparatory and final works; time of natural technological processes; maintenance time.

The time of execution of technological operations and preparatory and final works is called the operating cycle.

The time of natural technological processes is the time during which the object of labor changes its characteristics without the direct influence of a person or technology (air drying of a painted product, growth and maturation of plants, etc.). To speed up production, many natural processes are carried out in artificially created conditions - for example, drying in drying chambers.

Technological maintenance time includes: quality control of product processing; control of operating modes of machines and equipment, their adjustment, easy repair; cleaning the workplace; transportation of blanks, materials, acceptance and cleaning of processed products.

The duration of the working period is influenced by various factors, for example: the quality of design work; the level of unification and standardization of products; the degree of accuracy of products (high accuracy requires additional processing, which lengthens the production cycle); organizational factors (organization of the workplace, placement of storage facilities, etc.). Shortcomings of an organizational nature increase the preparatory and final time.

The structure of the production cycle in time can be considered from three positions: the worker, mechanisms and objects of labor (the passage of blanks and parts). Part of the elements of the cycle can be combined (overlapped), for example, the main time - with technical and organizational maintenance, maintenance of parts - with the preparation of the workplace.

3.2. Break times at work.

The time of breaks in work is the time during which no impact is made on the object of labor and there is no change in its qualitative characteristics, but the product is not yet finished and the production process is not completed. Distinguish between scheduled and unscheduled breaks. Regulated breaks are divided into intra-shift (inter-operational) and inter-shift (associated with the mode of operation).

Interoperative breaks are divided into:

1) batch breaks - take place when parts are processed in batches.

Each part or assembly, arriving at the workplace as part of a batch, lies before and after processing, until the entire batch passes through this operation;

2) picking breaks - occur in cases where parts and assemblies lie due to the unfinished production of other products included in one set;

3) waiting breaks - due to the inconsistency (non-synchronism) of the duration of adjacent operations of the technical process, they occur when the previous operation ends before the workplace is freed up for the next operation.

Inter-shift breaks include breaks between work shifts, lunch breaks, rest breaks for workers, weekends and holidays.

Unscheduled breaks are associated with organizational and technical problems (untimely provision of the workplace with materials, tools, equipment breakdown, violation of labor discipline, etc.).
They are included in the production cycle in the form of a correction factor or are not taken into account.

4. Economic function of the production cycle.

Without a scientifically based calculation of the duration of the production cycle, it is impossible to correctly draw up the production program of an enterprise and workshops, and determine the technical and economic performance indicators. The duration of the production cycle affects the timing of preparation for the production of new products, the turnover of working capital, is an important value in the organization of operational production planning, logistics, etc.

The length of time for manufacturing the components of the product in the case exceeds the cycle time of the product itself due to the fact that a significant part of the components are manufactured in parallel.

To calculate the cycle of the entire product, it is necessary to have data on the production cycles of its elements. With the help of the duration of the production cycle, operational scheduling of the enterprise's work is carried out, including the distribution of production tasks to workshops, sections and workers; control over the timeliness of the execution of tasks in accordance with the orders of consumers.

The duration of the production cycle determines the volume of work in progress, which is the most significant part of working capital in terms of specific weight. Consequently, reducing the duration of the production cycle leads to an acceleration of the turnover of these funds and, ultimately, to an increase in the profit of the enterprise.

5. Conclusion.

The production cycle is one of the most important indicators of technical and economic development, which determines the capabilities of the enterprise in terms of output and production costs.

The duration of the production cycle refers to the standards of the organization of the production process. Both rational spatial distribution and optimal duration of the production cycle are important.


1. "Industrial Economics" in three volumes / edited by A.I.

Baranovsky, N.N. Kozhevnikova, N.V. Piradova, Volume 1 "General Issues of Economics" - Moscow: MPEI Publishing House, 1997.

2. "Enterprise Economics" / edited by V.Ya. Khripacha - Minsk: NPJ

"Finance, accounting, audit", 1997.

3. "Enterprise Economics" / edited by O.I. Volkova - Moscow: "Infra-

4. "Enterprise Economics" / edited by V.Ya. Gorfinkel, E.M.

Kupryakova - Moscow: "Banks and exchanges", publishing association "Unity",

From different angles. This allows you to create a real picture of the processes taking place at the facility. Based on the data of the analysis, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the expediency of the company's activities. Also, the information obtained during the study makes it possible to predict the development in the future.

When conducting such an analysis, the production cycle is considered. The duration of the production cycle is an important economic category. It allows you to draw conclusions about the economic activity of the company and develop measures to improve the indicator in the planned period. Therefore, the presented category of economic analysis deserves detailed consideration.

General concept of the production cycle

One of the most important indicators of the company's activity is the production cycle. The duration of the production cycle is considered the basis for calculating many other categories of the organization. So it is possible to improve the whole system of technical and economic indicators in the future.

The production cycle is a period of time, calculated in calendar days, during which a batch or type of product goes through all the stages of its creation. The production of parts in this case ends with the stage at which their entire set can be sent for sale. This is a finished product.

Quite a lot of planning and technological assessments are made taking into account the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to master the methodology of its definition and interpretation.

Components of the cycle

The production process is a sequence of certain technological operations, as a result of which objects of labor are moved. In this case, there is a change in their shape, properties, sizes.

The production cycle consists of several parts. These include working time, the period of natural processes (for example, paint drying), breaks. Each element is taken into account when calculating the cycle time. Working time consists of technological and non-technological operations. Breaks can be inter-shift, as well as occurring during periods of equipment employment. This includes party expectations. There are also pauses caused by the irrational organization of the production process. Equipment may temporarily stop, among other things, due to unforeseen circumstances. When calculating the duration of the cycle, all interruptions are taken into account, except for those caused by unsatisfactory organization of production and random incidents.

What affects the cycle?

Many factors affect the lead time. Having an influence on them, you can control the effectiveness of the organization. First of all, the duration of the cycle is affected by labor intensity. Technically sound standards are being developed. They determine the time for which they receive the finished product.

The batch size also affects the cycle time. The time spent on non-technological operations and breaks are also important. One of the important indicators influencing the value of the cycle time is the type of movement of the subject of processing in the process of its creation.

Managers, economists, company leaders in the process of analyzing the duration of production of finished products should pay attention to constraining factors. Their elimination increases the efficiency of the company.

Promotion Details

Depending on the principle of movement of parts, elements in the process of manufacturing the final product, there are several types of cycles. This is taken into account when analyzing and planning the future activities of the company.

Types of production cycles, depending on the conditions of movement of parts, are conditionally divided into parallel, sequential and mixed. This is an important characteristic of the organization of the entire technological process.

With sequential movement, the entire batch of objects of labor enters the next stage of production only after the completion of the previous processing. Each production is autonomous, fully completed.

With parallel processing, each part is immediately transferred to the next processing step. In this case, the production time is significantly reduced. With a mixed movement of objects of labor, parts are partially processed at one technological stage and enter the next stage in batches. There are no downtime or interruptions.

Sequential Cycle Calculation

The production process is a normalized category. Based on this, it is possible to calculate the value of each cycle. This will allow you to compare the duration of several processes. With the sequential movement of objects of labor to their final form, the cycle can be calculated quite simply.

Suppose an enterprise manufactures products, the batch of which consists of 3 products. In this case, 4 consecutive processes are performed. The first stage takes 10 minutes, the second - 30 minutes, the third - 20 minutes, and the fourth - 10 minutes. The time in this case is indicated as standard (calculated by technical specialists). The planned duration of the cycle will be:

T \u003d 3 (10 + 30 + 20 + 10) \u003d 210 min.

Then the actual production time is compared with this indicator. If necessary, limiting factors are identified and eliminated.

Calculation of the duration of a parallel cycle

The production of parts that take place in parallel takes less time. If technology allows the use of such a movement of objects of labor, it turns out to be much more profitable. The formula for calculating the duration of the cycle in this case will be as follows:

T = t/C + (n-p)tmax/Cmax, where p is the batch size, t is the duration of each operation, C is the number of jobs, tmax is the longest operation, Cmax is the maximum number of shift jobs.

If we take the data from the previous calculation example, take the batch size as 1, the cycle will be as follows:

T \u003d (10 + 20 + 30 + 10) + (3 - 1) 30 \u003d 130 min.

It's 80 min. faster than sequential loop.

Impact on earnings

The faster a batch is produced, the better. At the same time, its quality should not deteriorate. Reducing the production cycle leads to an increase in profit from sales. This indicator is part of the working capital cycle. This coefficient determines how many times a year the company will be able to sell a batch of finished products.

If turnover increases, the same will happen with sales proceeds. That is why it is important to reduce the time for which products are produced. If the working capital cycle accelerates, resources are freed up for expansion and modernization.

The volume of work in progress is also reduced. The company releases liquid material resources. Therefore, it is extremely important to load the full production capacity.

Features of the indicator in different industries

The duration and components of the production cycle depend on many factors. These include the type of branch of the national economy, the level of mechanization, the organization of the manufacturing process, etc.

For industries with a high proportion of mechanization (engineering, mining, chemical industry, etc.), it is very important to accelerate the cycle. With a reduction in the number of technological operations, a stable positive effect is observed.

However, all measures aimed at increasing the volume of production are developed taking into account the technological requirements for the organization of the process. Reducing operations, accelerating the advancement of objects of labor will not be appropriate without maintaining a high level of quality. Only deliberate, calculated actions to compress the production cycle can be implemented in practice.

Cycle Acceleration Actions

The organization of the production cycle is carried out in accordance with the laws and requirements of approved technologies. However, there are 3 possible directions to increase the turnover rate. They are carried out at the same time.

At the same time, the time of labor and natural processes is reduced, and all breaks are completely eliminated or reduced to a minimum duration. This is possible during the modernization of production technology and equipment.

Product design is also subject to change. This will reduce the number and duration of technological operations. Thanks to modern scientific developments, some processing processes can be significantly accelerated. This requires capital investment. Without this, it is extremely difficult to create a competitive product today. Properly thought-out design of finished products allows you to implement parallel promotion instead of sequential.

Speed ​​up additional operations

To improve the work of the enterprise in the planning period, it is initially required to determine the production cycle in the reporting year. After its analysis, measures are developed to accelerate turnover.

In addition to improving core operations, you should pay attention to additional processes. These include control and transportation. To speed up the supply of product elements according to the processing items, new technological equipment is used. These can be modern conveyors, elevators, loaders, etc. This allows you to apply the principle of direct flow, continuity of transportation.

The control stage can also be accelerated with the help of automation, mechanization. Moreover, this is possible when combining this operation with the technical stage of processing.

Production intensification

A well-organized production cycle affects the efficiency of the company. The duration of the production cycle is accelerated with the intensification of manufacturing products. This allows maximum load capacity. At the same time, the share of intra-shop and inter-factory costs is reduced. The cost of finished products is also reduced.

Therefore, the management of the organization must find reserves to reduce the cycle time. This is possible by improving equipment and technology, deepening cooperation and specialization, and introducing the latest scientific developments. Only a reasonable organization of the entire production process gives a positive result and leads to an increase in profits.

Having become familiar with the calculation methodology and interpretation features, the controlling services can correctly determine the normative and actual production cycle. The duration of the production cycle is reduced in various ways. By competently developing measures to reduce it, the company can make more profit in the current period than in the previous year.

The production cycle of an enterprise is an indicator of the time it takes to manufacture products. Directly affects the economy of the enterprise in terms of production volumes, production capacity, working capital, work in progress, labor productivity, product cost. The reduction of the production cycle indicates an improvement in the financial and economic condition of the organization.


How to optimize the production time of products? What methods of movement of parts are used in the production process? The definition of the production cycle of the enterprise will help answer these questions.

The economic literature uses a very short definition:

"The production cycle of the enterprise is the period of production.

In other words, this is the time of manufacturing a product from the stage of supplying material resources to the workshop until the delivery of finished products to the warehouse.

To measure the cycle, depending on the processing technology, units of measurement are used:

  • watch;
  • minutes;
  • seconds.

Important point! The production cycle directly affects the following economic indicators:

  • production capacity;
  • volume of production;
  • working capital;
  • labor productivity;
  • unfinished production;

Structure of the production cycle

For the disclosure of the concept, it is very important to have an idea about the structure of the cycle.

The structure of the production cycle is the ratio of types of work and breaks in the production process.

Formula for calculating the production cycle

To calculate the production cycle, the formula is used:

  • Tpc - time interval of the production cycle;
  • Тpt - time interval of technological processing;
  • Tpo - time interval of technological maintenance;
  • Tpp - time interval of breaks in work.

How are cycle intervals different and characterized? Below are the main features.

Characteristics of the elements of the production cycle

Tpt - the interval for technological processing, represents the time for:

  • cleaning and preparing the place for work;
  • processing of the item of manufacture by an employee or mechanism;
  • natural processes of technology, for example, drying of parts after painting.

Important point! The time interval of technological processing is the basis of the production cycle.

Тpo - time for technological maintenance, consists of:

  • product quality control operations;
  • minor equipment repairs;
  • movement of products.

Tpp - time of interruptions in production, divided into:

  • regulated;
  • unregulated.

Components of the time interval of work breaks

A more detailed consideration of the time Tpp associated with breaks in work will reveal a number of features.

Scheduled time consists of:

  • interoperative;
  • between shifts.

Interoperable time is:

  • batch time, including the waiting time before the start of the processing of the part and after its completion;
  • waiting time, due to the irregularity of the technology for processing parts;
  • picking time, due to the incompleteness of the parts that make up the kit.

Inter-shift time occurs for the following reasons:

  • non-working days;
  • downtime between the end and start of shifts;
  • lunch break.

Important point! Unscheduled breaks are not taken into account in the production cycle, as they occur unplanned for the following reasons:

  • inoperability of the equipment;
  • untimely submission of materials;
  • absenteeism of personnel for production.

The length of the path of the production cycle of the enterprise

To calculate the production cycle, the length of the path of movement of products in the manufacturing technology should be taken into account. This is an important value that affects the economic performance of the organization.

Important point! The shorter the path length, the lower the cost of moving parts, the less time is spent for their manufacture.

There are 3 ways to move parts in production technology:

  • a method of sequential production in which the next operation of the processing of the product begins after the completion of the previous one. This type is used for small-scale production;
  • a method of parallel manufacturing, when the processing of a batch of products begins before the completion of the previous batch. The duration of processing parts with this method is less than with sequential;
  • method of parallel-straight-through manufacturing, when the product is moved to the next processing outside the results of the readiness of the entire batch. This method is the most optimal in terms of cycle time and is used in mass production.

Calculation example

To better understand the features of the movement of parts in production and calculate the processing time, consider an example.

For example, it is necessary to process 3 (n=3) products with 4 operations (m=4) with time for operations:

T1 = 5 minutes, T2 = 10 minutes, T3 = 15 minutes, T4 = 20 minutes.

With a sequential method of movement, we calculate the processing time according to the formula:

Ci - the number of jobs.

Tc(last) = 3 * (5 + 10 + 15 + 20) = 150 minutes

With the parallel method of movement, we apply the formula:

p = 1 (batch size);

Tmax - maximum processing period;

Cmax - the number of jobs at maximum processing.

TC(steam) = (5 + 10 + 15 + 20) + (3 - 1) * 20 = 90 minutes

With the parallel-serial method, we use the formula:

TC (par-last) = 150 - (3 - 1) * (5 + 10 + 15) = 90 minutes.

Conclusion! The sequential method of organizing the movement of parts is the longest. The processing time is 150 minutes, and with the parallel and parallel-serial method 90 minutes.

An example of calculating the duration of the cycle can be seen in the video or download an example of the calculation in Excel.

Advantages and disadvantages of ways to move products

In the table you can see the main positive and negative properties of the methods of moving parts.

Table No. 1. Advantages and disadvantages of methods for moving parts.

Parts moving method




Ease of use, minimal time losses associated with interruptions in work.

The increased volume of work in progress, a long time period for processing products.


Rhythmic production, no loss of time between treatments, the minimum time period for processing products.

Difficulty coordinating related departments.


Reduced product processing time compared to the sequential method.

Temporary losses due to intra-operational storage of products.

The relationship between the production cycle and the economy of the enterprise

Reduced production cycle:

  • increases the turnover ratio of working capital and frees up cash resources;
  • reduces work in progress,
  • reduces material costs and the burden on asset financing;
  • increases output;
  • increases labor productivity;
  • reduces the cost of the product.

Directions for reducing the production cycle

Directions for optimizing the production time of parts are as follows.


  • reduction of material consumption of products;
  • reduction in weight and dimensions of products;
  • increasing the standardization rate;
  • increase in unification.


  • increasing the performance of control equipment;
  • increasing the supply of equipment and technical means of production;
  • introduction of continuity of production technology;
  • organization of parallel processes;
  • reduction of distances between divisions;
  • modernization of the technical base;
  • introduction of waste processing technology;


  • proper organization of the employee's place;
  • transportation optimality;
  • dispatching;
  • introduction of progressive wages


This indicator is used by economists to analyze the financial and economic condition of an enterprise and is of great importance for the company's management, since as a result of a reduction in the production cycle:

  • production increases;
  • the cost of production is reduced;
  • labor productivity grows.

Attention! Reducing the duration of the production cycle is an important source of increasing the efficiency of production activities.

Production cycle

The production cycle for the manufacture of a particular machine or its individual unit (part) is the calendar period of time during which this object of labor goes through all stages of the production process from the first production operation to the delivery (acceptance) of the finished product inclusive. Reducing the cycle allows each production unit (workshop, section) to complete a given program with a smaller volume of work in progress. This means that the company gets the opportunity to accelerate the turnover of working capital, to fulfill the established plan with less expenditure of these funds, to release part of the working capital.

The production cycle consists from two parts: from the working period, i.e., the period during which the object of labor is directly in the manufacturing process, and from the time of interruptions in this process.

The working period consists of the time of execution of technological and non-technological operations; the latter include all control and transport operations from the moment the first production operation is completed until the moment the finished product is delivered.

Structure of the production cycle(the ratio of its constituent parts) in various branches of engineering and at different enterprises is not the same. It is determined by the nature of the products, the technological process, the level of technology and the organization of production. However, despite the differences in structure, the opportunities for reducing the duration of the production cycle are inherent in both the reduction of working hours and the reduction of break times. The experience of advanced enterprises shows that at each stage of production and at each production site, possibilities can be found for further reducing the duration of the production cycle. It is achieved by carrying out various activities, both technical (design, technological) and organizational.

The implementation of production processes is closely related to the methods of their implementation. There are three main types of organization of the movement of production processes in time:

¨ sequential, characteristic of single or batch processing or assembly of products;

¨ parallel, used in the conditions of in-line processing or assembly;

¨ parallel-serial, used in conditions of direct processing or assembly of products.

With a sequential type of movement, a production order - one part, or one assembled machine, or a batch of parts 1 (a series of machines 2) - in the process of their production goes to each subsequent operation of the process only after the processing (assembly) of all parts (machines) of this batch is completed ( series) in the previous operation. In this case, the entire batch of parts is transported from operation to operation at the same time. In this case, each part of a batch of a machine (series) lies at each operation, first waiting for its turn of processing (assembly), and then waiting for the end of processing (assembly) of all parts of machines of a given batch (series) for this operation.

A batch of parts is the number of parts of the same name that are simultaneously launched into production (processed from one equipment setup). A series of machines is the number of identical machines simultaneously launched into an assembly.

On fig. 1 shows a graph of the sequential movement of objects of labor for operations. The processing time for a sequential type of movement of objects of labor Tpos is directly proportional to the number of parts in the batch and the processing time of one part for all operations, i.e.

Tpos \u003d Et * n,

where Et is the processing time of one part for all operations in minutes; n is the number of parts in the batch.

With a parallel type of movement, the processing (assembly) of each part (machine) in a batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins immediately after the end of the previous operation, regardless of the fact that the processing (assembly) of other parts (machines) in the batch (series) at this operation not finished yet. With such an organization of the movement of objects of labor, several units of the same batch (series) can be simultaneously processed (assembled) at different operations. The total duration of the processing (assembly) process of a batch of parts (series of machines) is significantly reduced compared to the same process performed sequentially. This is a significant advantage of the parallel type of movement, which can significantly reduce the duration of the production process.

The processing time (assembly) of a batch of parts (series of machines) with a parallel type of movement Tpar ​​can be determined by the following formula:

Tpar \u003d Et + (n - 1) * r,

where r is the release stroke corresponding in this case to the longest operation, in minutes.

However, with a parallel type of movement, in the process of processing (assembling) a batch of parts (machines) at some workplaces, downtime of people and equipment may occur (Fig. 2), the duration of which is determined by the difference between the cycle and the duration of individual operations of the process. Such downtime is inevitable if the operations following one another are not synchronized (not aligned in their duration), as is usually done on production lines. Therefore, the practical application of the parallel type of movement of objects of labor is certainly expedient and economically advantageous in the case of a streaming organization of the production process.

The need to equalize (synchronize) the duration of individual operations significantly limits the possibility of widespread use of the parallel type of movement, which contributes to the use of the third - parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor is characterized by the fact that the process of processing parts (assembly of machines) of a given batch (series) at each subsequent operation begins earlier than the processing of the entire batch of parts (assembly of machines) at each previous operation is completely completed. Details are transferred from one operation to another in parts, transport (transfer) parties. The accumulation of some parts in previous operations before starting sodium processing in subsequent operations (production reserve) avoids downtime.

The parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor can significantly reduce the duration of the production process of processing (assembly) in comparison with the sequential type of movement. The use of a parallel-sequential type of movement is economically feasible in cases of manufacturing labor-intensive parts, when the duration of the process operations fluctuate significantly, as well as in cases of manufacturing low-labor parts in large batches (for example, normals of small unified parts, etc.).

With a parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor, there can be three cases of combining the duration of operations:

1) the previous and subsequent operations have the same duration (t 1 = t 2);

2) the duration of the previous operation t2 is greater than the duration of the subsequent t 3 , i.e. t 2 > t 3 ;

3) the duration of the previous operation t3 is less than the duration of the subsequent t 4, i.e. t 3< t 4 .

In the first case, the transfer of parts from operation to operation can be organized piece by piece; for reasons of convenience of transportation, the simultaneous transfer of several parts (transfer batch) can be applied.

In the second case, a subsequent, shorter operation can be started only after the processing of all the parts in the previous operation included in the first transfer batch is completed. On fig. 3 it has mine in the transition from the first operation to the second.

In the third case (in Fig. 3 - the transition from the 3rd to the 4th operation), there is no need to accumulate details on the previous operation. It is enough to transfer one part to the subsequent operation and start processing it without any fear of the possibility of downtime. In this case, as in the first case, the transfer party is installed only for transport reasons.

The moment of starting work at each next operation (workplace) is determined according to the schedule or by calculating the minimum displacements c.

The minimum offset from 2 is determined by the difference between the durations of the previous larger t 2 and the subsequent smaller operations t 3, namely:

s 2 \u003d n * t 2 - (n - n tr) * t 3,

where n tr is the value of the transfer (transport) batch, which for the second case of combination of the duration of operations is determined from the ratio c 1 / t 1 (c 1 is the minimum offset of the first operation), in all other cases - from the conditions of ease of transportation.

The minimum design offset is included in the total process time T in the combination of activity times related to the second case. In the first and third cases, the minimum offset is set equal to the time required to form the transfer batch.

When determining the total duration of the production process with a parallel-sequential type of movement of objects of labor, one should take into account the estimated value of the displacement E s:

T pl \u003d E c + n * t k,

where t k is the duration of the last (final) operation in this production process.

Example. Determine the total duration of the process of processing a batch of parts for various types of movement, if the number of parts in the batch is n = 40, and the processing time for one part (in minutes) for operations is: t 1 = 1.5; t 2 = 1.5; t 3 \u003d 0.5; t4 = 2.5; exhaust stroke r = 2.5 min.

A. In conditions of a sequential type of movement of parts

E t \u003d t 1 + t 2 + t 3 + t 4 \u003d 1.5 + 1.5 + 0.5 + 2.5 \u003d 6.0;

T pos \u003d E t * n \u003d 6.0 * 40 \u003d 240 min \u003d 4 h.

B. In conditions of a parallel type of movement of parts

T steam \u003d E t + r * (n - 1) \u003d 6.0 + 2.5 * (40 - 1) \u003d 103.5 minutes, or 1.725 hours.

IN. In conditions of a parallel-sequential type of movement of parts

T p.p = E s + n * t = 65 + 40 * 2.5 == 165 min == 2.7 h.

First you need to determine the value of E with . Assuming the size of the transfer batch, convenient for transportation, n tr = 10 pieces, you can find the minimum offsets for operations:

s 1 \u003d n tr * t 1 \u003d 10 * 1.5 \u003d 15 min;

s 2 \u003d n * t 2 - (n - n tr) * t 3 \u003d 40 * 1.5 - (40 - 10) * 0.5 \u003d 45 min;

s 3 \u003d n tr * t 3 \u003d 10 * 0.5 \u003d 5 min.

To determine the sum of offsets E c, it is necessary to know the number of transport lots when transferring parts from the second to the third operation, which will be equal to

k \u003d c 2 / (n tr * t 2) \u003d 45 / (1.5 * 10) \u003d 3;

then the sum of the displacements will be E c = 15 + 45 + 5 = 65 min.

Thus, the use of parallel and parallel-sequential types of movement of objects of labor makes it possible to reduce the duration of the production process, or, in other words, to reduce the production cycle for the manufacture of an object of labor.

Organizational measures are aimed at improving the maintenance of workplaces with tools, blanks, improving the operation of the control apparatus, intra-shop transport, storage facilities, etc. Restructuring the production structure of a plant, workshop, for example, organizing subject-closed production sites, which helps to reduce the time of interruptions in the production process by reducing the time of interoperational laying and transportation, it leads to a reduction in the duration of the production cycle; the introduction of in-line forms of organization of the production process gives a particularly significant economic effect.

Reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important tasks of organizing production in an enterprise, on the proper solution of which its efficient, cost-effective operation largely depends.

Production types

The type of production is a complex characteristic of the technical, organizational and economic features of machine-building production, due to its specialization, volume and constancy of the product range, as well as the form of movement of products to workplaces.

The level of job specialization is expressed by a number of indicators that characterize the structural, technological, organizational and planning features of products and production. These indicators include the share of specialized jobs in the unit; the number of names of detail operations assigned to them; the average number of operations performed at the workplace in a given period of time. Among these indicators, the latter most fully characterizes the organizational and economic features corresponding to a specific type of production, the level of specialization-jobs. This level is determined the coefficient of fixing operations Kz.o.

Coefficient Kz.o shows the ratio of the number of various technological operations performed or to be performed by the unit during the month, to the number of jobs. Because Kz.o reflects the frequency of change of various operations and the associated frequency of servicing the worker with various information and material elements of production, then Kz.o is estimated in relation to the attendance number of workers of the unit per shift. Thus,


Where R issue- coefficient of fulfillment of time norms; fp- fund of working time during work for the planned period in one shift; Nj- release program i th name of the product for the planned period; Tj - laboriousness i-th product name; m- the total number of different operations performed during the planning period; h- attendant number of workers of the unit performing these operations. With external implicitness, the indicator Kz.o combines a significant number of factors that determine the degree of stability of production conditions in the workplace. All parameters affecting Kz.o , conditionally can be combined into three groups: the first group - the parameters of the constructive and technological order, which determine the basis of the production process; the second - volumetric parameters characterizing the "statics" of the production process; the third - calendar parameters that determine the "dynamics" of the production process.

The first group includes such parameters as: the coefficient of preparatory and final time, the number of operations, the norms of the time of operations, the number of items.

The second group of parameters includes: the attendance number of the main workers, the worker's time fund, the release program, the coefficient of fulfillment of time standards, the number of jobs.

The third group includes the following parameters: the size and rhythm of a batch of products, the rhythm of the release of a product, the coefficient, interoperational time, the duration of the production cycle of a batch of products.

By a series of simple substitutions, substitutions, and transformations, these parameters can be related to the Kz.o .

Coefficient Kz.o. shows the average frequency of change of technological operations in the area. Consequently, the change in Kz.o. affects the specialized skills of workers, the complexity of processing and the payment of labor at the work site, the cost of changeovers and the frequency of maintenance by the foreman, planner, adjuster, as well as the payment of workers in anticipation of service, i.e. the cost of manufactured products.

Coefficient Kz.o characterizes the average execution time of one operation or a set of similar operations in group technology; therefore, it is related to the size of the batch of products, which is produced continuously in each operation. Changing the batch size, in turn, affects the duration of the production cycle and the amount of work in progress. Having both increasing and decreasing costs in a unidirectional change Kz.o indicates the need to search for the optimal value Kz.o.

The range of products manufactured at the workplace can be constant and variable. The permanent nomenclature includes products, the manufacture of which continues for a relatively long time, i.e. a year or more. With a constant nomenclature, the manufacture and release of products can be continuous and periodic, repeating at certain intervals. With a variable nomenclature, the manufacture and release of products are repeated at indefinite intervals.

According to the degree of specialization, size and constancy of the range of products manufactured on them, all jobs are divided into the following groups: 1) mass production jobs, specialized to perform one continuous repetitive operation; 2) batch production jobs, on which several different operations are performed, repeated at certain intervals: time; 3) single production jobs, on which a large number of different operations are performed, repeated at indefinite intervals or not repeated at all.

Depending on the value Kz.o serial production jobs are divided into large-, medium- and small-scale: at 1<= Kz.o< 10 рабочие места относятся к крупносерийному производству, при 10 <= Kz.o < 20 рабочие места соответствуют среднесерийному производству, при 20 <= Kz.o <= 40 - small-scale production.

Tin production is determined by the predominant group of jobs.

Mass type production is characterized by the continuous production of a limited range of products at highly specialized workplaces.

serial type production is determined by the manufacture of a limited range of products in batches (series), repeated at certain intervals in workplaces with a wide specialization. The serial type of production is also subdivided into large-scale, medium-scale and small-scale production, depending on the prevailing group of jobs.

single type production is characterized by the manufacture of a wide range of products in single quantities, repeating at indefinite intervals or not repeating at all, at workplaces that do not have a specific specialization.

The large-scale type of production approaches in its characteristics to mass production, and the small-scale type - to a single type of production.

The movement of parts (products) in workplaces (operations) can be: in time - continuous and discontinuous; in space - direct-flow and indirect-flow. If the jobs are located in the order of the sequence of operations performed, that is, in the course of the technological process of processing parts (or products), then this corresponds to a direct-flow movement, and vice versa.

Production, in which the movement of products to workplaces is carried out with a high degree of continuity and direct flow, is called in-line production.

In this regard, depending on the form of movement of products at workplaces, mass and serial types of production can be in-line and non-in-line, i.e., there can be mass, mass-in-line, serial and serial-in-line type of production. In a single type of production, it is usually difficult to ensure the continuity and direct flow of all products manufactured at a group of workplaces, and therefore a single type of production cannot be in-line.

According to the prevailing type of production, the type of site, workshop and plant as a whole is determined.

In mass production plants, the mass type of production is predominant, but there may be other types of production. At such plants, the assembly of products is carried out according to the mass type, the processing of parts in mechanical workshops is carried out according to mass and partially serial production, and the manufacture of blanks is carried out according to mass and serial (mainly large-scale) types of production. Mass production plants are, for example, automobile, tractor, ball bearing and other plants.

In factories where the serial type of production prevails, the assembly of products can be carried out according to mass and serial types of production, depending on the complexity of the assembly and on the number of manufactured products. The processing of parts and the manufacture of blanks is carried out according to the serial type of production.

Single production plants are characterized by the predominance of a single type of production. Serial, and sometimes even mass production, is found in the manufacture of standard, normalized and unified parts and assembly units. This is also facilitated by the typification of technological processes and the introduction of group processing methods.

As the degree of specialization of workplaces, the continuity and direct flow of the movement of products through workplaces, i.e., in the transition from single to serial and from serial to mass types of production, increases the possibility of using special equipment and technological equipment, more productive technological processes, advanced methods of labor organization, mechanization and automation of production processes. All this leads to an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in the cost of production.

The main factors contributing to the transition to serial and mass production are the increase in the level of specialization and cooperation in mechanical engineering, the widespread introduction of standardization, normalization and unification of products, as well as the unification of technological processes.

Performing economic analysis, the relevant departments of the enterprise consider the organization of production from different angles. This allows you to create a real picture of the processes taking place at the facility. Based on the data of the analysis, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the expediency of the company's activities. Also, the information obtained during the study makes it possible to predict the development in the future. When conducting such an analysis, the production cycle is considered. The duration of the production cycle is an important economic category. It allows you to draw conclusions about the economic activity of the company and develop measures to improve the indicator in the planned period. Therefore, the presented category of economic analysis deserves detailed consideration.

General concept of the production cycle

One of the most important indicators of the company's activity is the production cycle. The duration of the production cycle is considered the basis for calculating many other categories of analysis of the economic activities of the organization. So it is possible to improve the whole system of technical and economic indicators in the future. The production cycle is a period of time, calculated in calendar days, during which a batch or type of product goes through all the stages of its creation. The production of parts in this case ends with the stage at which their entire set can be sent for sale.

This is a finished product. The duration of the production process is measured from the first to the last technological operation. Depending on the product type, this parameter is presented in minutes, hours or days. The Need for Evaluation The calculation of production cycles is very important in economic analysis. This approach in the assessment of economic activity is considered to be the initial one. Based on it, many other indicators are considered.

With its help, the timing of the launch of a new product into production is determined. This takes into account the duration of its creation. Also, the production cycle allows you to evaluate the capacity of the company's divisions. On its basis, the volume of work in progress is calculated. Quite a lot of planning and technological assessments are made taking into account the duration of the production cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to master the methodology of its definition and interpretation. Components of the cycle The production process is a sequence of certain technological operations, as a result of which the objects of labor are moved.

In this case, there is a change in their shape, properties, sizes. The production cycle consists of several parts. These include working time, the period of natural processes (for example, paint drying), breaks. Each element is taken into account when calculating the cycle time. Working time consists of technological and non-technological operations. Breaks can be inter-shift, as well as occurring during periods of equipment employment. This includes party expectations. There are also pauses caused by the irrational organization of the production process.

Equipment may temporarily stop, among other things, due to unforeseen circumstances. When calculating the duration of the cycle, all interruptions are taken into account, except for those caused by unsatisfactory organization of production and random incidents. What affects the cycle? Many factors affect the lead time.

Having an influence on them, you can control the effectiveness of the organization. First of all, the duration of the cycle is affected by labor intensity. Technically sound standards are being developed. They determine the time for which they receive the finished product. The batch size also affects the cycle time. The time spent on non-technological operations and breaks are also important. One of the important indicators influencing the value of the cycle time is the type of movement of the subject of processing in the process of its creation. Managers, economists, company leaders in the process of analyzing the duration of production of finished products should pay attention to constraining factors.

Their elimination increases the efficiency of the company.

Promotion Details

Depending on the principle of movement of parts, elements in the process of manufacturing the final product, there are several types of cycles. This is taken into account when analyzing and planning the future activities of the company. Types of production cycles, depending on the conditions of movement of parts, are conditionally divided into parallel, sequential and mixed. This is an important characteristic of the organization of the entire technological process. With sequential movement, the entire batch of objects of labor enters the next stage of production only after the completion of the previous processing. Each stage of manufacturing products is autonomous, fully completed. With parallel processing, each part is immediately transferred to the next processing step. In this case, the production time is significantly reduced. With a mixed movement of objects of labor, parts are partially processed at one technological stage and enter the next stage in batches. There are no downtime or interruptions.

The production process is a normalized category. Based on this, it is possible to calculate the value of each cycle. This will allow you to compare the duration of several processes. With the sequential movement of objects of labor to their final form, the cycle can be calculated quite simply.

Then the actual production time is compared with this indicator. If necessary, limiting factors are identified and eliminated. Calculating the duration of a parallel cycle Production of parts that occur in parallel takes less time. If technology allows the use of such a movement of objects of labor, it turns out to be much more profitable.

The faster a batch is produced, the better. At the same time, its quality should not deteriorate. Reducing the production cycle leads to an increase in profit from sales. This indicator is part of the working capital cycle. This coefficient determines how many times a year the company will be able to sell a batch of finished products. If turnover increases, the same will happen with sales proceeds. That is why it is important to reduce the time for which products are produced. If the working capital cycle accelerates, resources are freed up for expansion and modernization. The volume of work in progress is also reduced. The company releases liquid material resources. Therefore, it is extremely important to load the full production capacity.

Features of the indicator in different industries

The duration and components of the production cycle depend on many factors. These include the type of branch of the national economy, the level of mechanization, the organization of the manufacturing process, etc. For industries with a high share of mechanization (engineering, mining, chemical industry, etc.), it is very important to accelerate the cycle.

With a reduction in the number of technological operations, a stable positive effect is observed. However, all measures aimed at increasing the volume of production are developed taking into account the technological requirements for the organization of the process. Reducing operations, accelerating the advancement of objects of labor will not be appropriate without maintaining a high level of quality. Only deliberate, calculated actions to compress the production cycle can be implemented in practice.

The organization of the production cycle is carried out in accordance with the laws and requirements of approved technologies. However, there are 3 possible directions to increase the turnover rate. They are carried out at the same time. At the same time, the time of labor and natural processes is reduced, and all breaks are completely eliminated or reduced to a minimum duration. This is possible during the modernization of production technology and equipment. Product design is also subject to change.

This will reduce the number and duration of technological operations. Thanks to modern scientific developments, some processing processes can be significantly accelerated. This requires capital investment. Without this, it is extremely difficult to create a competitive product today. Properly thought-out design of finished products allows you to implement parallel promotion instead of sequential.

Speed ​​up additional operations

In order to improve the economic performance of the enterprise in the planning period, it is initially required to determine the production cycle in the reporting year.

After its analysis, measures are developed to accelerate turnover. In addition to improving core operations, you should pay attention to additional processes. These include control and transportation. To speed up the supply of product elements according to the processing items, new technological equipment is used. These can be modern conveyors, elevators, loaders, etc. This allows you to apply the principle of direct flow, continuity of transportation. The control stage can also be accelerated with the help of automation, mechanization. Moreover, this is possible when combining this operation with the technical stage of processing.

A well-organized production cycle affects the efficiency of the company. The duration of the production cycle is accelerated with the intensification of manufacturing products. This allows maximum load capacity. At the same time, the share of intra-shop and inter-factory costs is reduced. The cost of finished products is also reduced. Therefore, the management of the organization must find reserves to reduce the cycle time. This is possible by improving equipment and technology, deepening cooperation and specialization, and introducing the latest scientific developments. Only a reasonable organization of the entire production process gives a positive result and leads to an increase in profits. Having become familiar with the calculation methodology and interpretation features, the controlling services can correctly determine the normative and actual production cycle. The duration of the production cycle is reduced in various ways. By competently developing measures to reduce it, the company can make more profit in the current period than in the previous year.

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