A simple psychological technique that will come in handy for anyone who wants to get rid of trash in the house. How to get rid of trash in the apartment: what things are superfluous


Rubbish comes into our lives imperceptibly. We do not have time to come to our senses, as he fills all the corners, cabinets, drawers, tables - and as a result, he comfortably “settles down” in the apartment. It's time to get rid of him. We tell you how.

Buddhist philosophers are convinced that before you start doing something, you need to answer three questions - what, why and how. Otherwise, there will be no result. After a person answers these questions in this sequence, you can get down to business.

What can be classified as rubbish

Old, holey, worn things that no one wears for years, and you hide them on the balcony or the top shelves of the closet. Or it's the good stuff that you just don't need: a prom dress, nice but uncomfortable shoes, an oversized sweater, or skinny jeans.

Newspapers, magazines, old letters, postcards, old bills, checks, posters, tickets, old cartons. What other waste paper do you have? Most often, it is simply shifted from place to place or hidden in boxes. Books, by the way, also belong here.

Dishes. Old plates, broken crockery, service and crystal, which no one has used for several years even at family feasts. This also includes old and scary frying pans, pots and other kitchen utensils. And also jars, a huge number of jars of various pickles, which for some reason people are accustomed to collecting. It's a pity to throw it away, but there is nowhere to put it.

First aid kit. Taking care of your health is good, but when was the last time you looked in your first aid kit and threw away medicines that were past their expiration date? Usually there are more than half of these drugs.

A million useful, but unnecessary things that someone gave, gave, forgot, left. These are different gifts that you don’t know where to put, or you just don’t like them. This also includes old children's toys, all sorts of magnets, pens, vases.

Cosmetics. This is a whole abyss of what it is a pity to throw out. Expired cosmetics, empty jars, tubes, vials. Perfume you don't like the smell of. Cream that didn't fit. They gave you lipstick, but you just don't use it.

Equipment and broken things. An old grandmother's TV that turns on every other time. Phones, irons, kitchen appliances, laptops, computers, watches, players, lamps. Used batteries, wires, lighters that will never come in handy.

Why take apart the rubbish

And really, why? He lies to himself and lies, it seems that he does not interfere. Yes, you need to constantly wipe the dust, wash, shift, but these are such favorite things. They are completely unnecessary, but it is a pity to throw them away. Stop. Why should they? Here's what to do with them? Try to ask yourself a simple question: do they please me or annoy me? Most likely the second. Even if they remind you of various events and people, this cannot accumulate forever in your apartment.

How to get rid of trash

Professionals in this business have long come up with a good way. Here are some main steps:

  • First you need to choose a time. For example, sorting out trash for an hour every Sunday. Discipline and regularity are important here;
  • start small. Choose one closet, for example with clothes. Take the item one by one and ask yourself - do I love this item? If yes, leave it. If in doubt, you definitely do not need this thing. As a rule, things that he really loves, a person wears all the time. Things in doubt have not been worn for a year or more;
  • if you immediately answered “no” to the question of whether you love this thing, put it in a separate pile and do not make another decision. Try to make sure that all things from this pile leave the apartment as soon as possible.

After that, things need to be sorted. Throw away anything that is in a disgusting state or expired. Good things that you just don't like or don't need can be sold, recycled, donated, donated or traded.

Almost new things can be safely sold. In Russia, there are several resources for this:

  • "Avito" or "Yula". You can sell anything there - from cosmetics to technology;
  • Online Auction . The principle is simple - put a thing up for auction, it is bought;
  • various groups in social networks. There are many of these for every city.

Don't want to sell? There are various services that accept things for transfer to people in need, for processing or sale, and the proceeds are donated to charity:

  • They will come and take everything for free. They accept everything: from clothes to tetrapack. The site has detailed instructions on how to prepare things for delivery;
  • . Here you can either bring unnecessary things yourself, or order a free removal. Accept clothes, equipment, books, dishes, toys, furniture;
  • H&M clothing stores. Each store has a special box for change near the checkout. You can submit two packages at a time. Only clothes are accepted, no underwear. All items are recycled. Bonus - for the return of clothes you will receive a 15 percent discount on the purchase of one item in the store;
  • Monki clothing stores. We accept clothes in any condition and any brand. You can drop it off at the checkout. All items are also recycled. After the return, you will receive a coupon for a 15 percent discount;
  • service . You exhibit things or services and donate them free of charge. You can give everything there - from jewelry to manicure.

If your house is getting crowded from the rubbish filling it, then it's time to get rid of it as soon as possible! We ourselves do not notice that superfluous things create a mess not only in the apartment, but also in life, they are a projection of our internal state. So maybe in order to improve your personal life, improve your health, change jobs, change your lifestyle, you should start by getting rid of unnecessary things in our house?

What is rubbish and where does it come from

Rubbish is not only frankly old and worn out things, but also all that unnecessary that has not been used for years and does not bring aesthetic pleasure, but continues to be stored in the far corners of cabinets, in closets and mezzanines. Such things not only take up precious space, but also attract new trash.

After many years of total shortages, it is very difficult for us to change our mentality, to learn how to rationally approach household items. We do not know how to easily part with unnecessary things, accumulating them in the bowels of our house.

Banal laziness also becomes the cause of clutter - at first you can’t force yourself to keep the house in order every day, and then, when the trash grows into an unthinkable pile, you don’t have the strength to fight it at all.

In addition, human values ​​change over time, and already what made us happy just a year ago has no value today or even interferes with it.

How to force yourself to get rid of unnecessary things

Of course, it is not so easy to take and throw away all the unnecessary accumulated over the years. Firstly, we have already become related to all these useless things, we do not notice their unattractiveness. To take off your rose-colored glasses, try looking at your home through the eyes of a stranger. Or take pictures of the rooms from several angles and imagine that these photos are placed in a magazine - all the flaws will immediately catch your eye.

Thus, in a few months your apartment will turn from a warehouse into a comfortable and cozy place.

Secondly, getting rid of trash is not such a quick and easy thing, it cannot be done in one go. Therefore, if you are determined to end the mess once and for all, plan this action. For example, decide that you spend one day off a month on sorting out one corner and ruthlessly getting rid of everything that is superfluous. Thus, in a few months your apartment will turn from a warehouse into a comfortable and cozy place. If you want to get the mess out of the way quickly, do some trash removal every weekend for a month, or even for a couple of weeks in the evenings. The main thing here is not to stray from the intended course and to bring the matter to the end.

A different approach helps someone - walk around the apartment, quickly collect and throw away 15, 30, 50 unnecessary things. In this way, of course, you cannot get rid of all the rubbish, but you can part with some part of it. In addition, this method is good to use as a warm-up to reconcile yourself with getting rid of excess.

What are the best things to get rid of?

Even when you are determined to say goodbye to rubbish, you will be tormented by the question: what to throw out after all, and what to leave? The simplest criterion is to imagine that you are moving into a new apartment and determine what things you might need in your new life and which are best left in your old one.

Get rid of any clothes that are worn out, out of style, out of size or tired of you have not worn for the past couple of years and are not going to wear. Some strong and comfortable things can be sent to the country or left in case of cleaning or repair, but the rest is better to throw away or give away.

The simplest criterion is to imagine that you are moving into a new apartment and determine what things you might need in your new life and which are best left in your old one.

Broken or damaged items that can no longer be repaired and used for their intended purpose should also be thrown away. An exception may be items that can be given a second life right now (for example, plant a flower in a cracked but pretty mug). Look, maybe it's time to update the frying pan, tablecloth or bedding?

When traveling, it is very difficult to resist buying some kind of souvenir, and acquaintances strive to bring a memorable gift. Before you have time to look back, these cute little things have already occupied all the free surfaces and attract a lot of dust. Remove all knick-knacks from shelves and cabinets - this will save the apartment from unnecessary "noise", and you will save a few precious minutes during cleaning.

Get one place in the house (bedside table, closet, basket) where you will put trash - everything that should be thrown away, but it's a pity. Once every three months, get rid of the contents of this place.

Valuable junk

Do not overdo it in an effort to get rid of everything superfluous! If you are going to throw out this or that thing, ask your household members if it is worth doing it. It may turn out that in your opinion a useless item will be valuable for a husband or child.

There are also things that there is no power to part with - for example, a prom dress, a gift from a beloved but long-dead grandmother, a grandfather's notebook, clothes sewn by one's own hands, a daughter's first drawing, a page from a son's diary, old letters from mom , a newspaper with a note about dad ...

In order not to torment yourself, organize a place where all this could be really carefully stored, so that later you can show it to your children and grandchildren. Let it become your "grandmother's chest" - after all, for some really memorable and valuable things, it is very important that they remain safe for as long as possible and be passed down from generation to generation.

Getting rid of the trash or putting it in order, you will feel a surge of strength and a desire to change something in your life. A house free from unnecessary things attracts positive vital energy, and its inhabitants are ready to let something new and beautiful into their lives.

Practical tips for cleaning and decluttering an apartment: how not to clutter up an apartment and sort out unnecessary trash

Before talking about the clutter of an apartment, it is worth understanding what is rubbish? This word refers to items that at the time of purchase (donation) were needed, and after a certain time they ceased to be.

The need for their use has disappeared, and they lie silently reproachfully, taking up space, which is often not much. How to get rid of trash quickly and painlessly?

Why is the apartment cluttered

Why is the apartment in general and the children's room in particular littered? If you are the mother of a boy, then you are familiar with this picture: a basket of cars, several kilograms of Lego, a box with a designer, an uncountable number of soldiers and robots. The girls' mothers cannot remember which doll settled in the nursery, how many houses, clothes and soft toys are on the shelves and under the bed. But there are also educational aids, books, notebooks, paints, pencils, albums, plasticine and moon sand, colored paper and three types of glue, etc. The child brings into our life a lot of things that we did not know about before. Sometimes a house or apartment turns into one big playroom. can be found everywhere, and sometimes in the most unexpected places.

Why do we, adults, adequate and educated people, let toys take over us? Why do we have to resort to decluttering the space so as not to let unnecessary things "evict" ourselves from the apartment?

"All the best for children!". It is with this or a similar phrase that the seizure of the apartment with toys begins. We'd rather deny ourselves a new bed, but buy our child a clockwork robot car that takes up half the hallway. For what? We are sure that everyone noticed that very expensive toys often occupy a child for a very short time. Before depriving yourself of something, think carefully, does the child really need a robot? Perhaps, it is more important for him to have calm, cheerful and sleepy parents on a new bed, who can make any robot with him from a simple cardboard box?

“I didn’t have such a toy as a child, and I will do everything so that my child has one!”. This is how expensive handmade dolls or remote control helicopters appear in the house. We are trying to finish playing together with the children, to make our childhood dreams come true. We are not saying that this is bad, we just want to say that you need to ask yourself in time: “Do I or my child want this?”

"I can't say no!". There are parents who do not know how to refuse their baby and buy everything on demand. This is not very good, firstly, for a child who does not learn certain rules and requirements of society, secondly, for the parents' wallet, and thirdly, to establish the correct distribution of parent-child roles. So sometimes denying your child is a very useful skill.

If you recognize yourself, then it's time to change something!

What is dangerous rubbish in the apartment

Why is the rubbish in the apartment so dangerous and why is cleaning and decluttering the apartment simply necessary?

Doesn't bring joy. We are constantly annoyed when we see heaps of unsorted papers, boxes not thrown away in time, files not organized on the computer. We are tormented by conscience, we are seized by a feeling of guilt, and these are not at all positive emotions, but destructive and interfering with living freely and enjoying ourselves.

Disorganized. Even the most beautiful collection of postcards or stamps, which is gathering dust on the closet or, even worse, scattered throughout the apartment, is not a value, but just rubbish!

Pulls us into the past. Old things that do not evoke positive emotions and pleasant memories are not worthy of being in our house. Why again and again experience the feelings of fear, hatred, shame, pain, hostility that some objects, photographs, things cause in you? The rubbish does not allow us to move forward.

Makes you feel shame and envy. These feelings are rather unpleasant and unconstructive, and trash feeds them every day! We don’t want anyone to see our rubble, we constantly think that a friend’s apartment is smaller, but for some reason there is more space and it’s easier to breathe in it. Yes, we are just ashamed to invite guests!

Affects family relationships. And, of course, does not make them more positive. Quarrels over an unfound hammer, a littered, cluttered cabinet occur very often, but this is so easy to avoid!

Increases cleaning time. Where do you think it's faster and easier to clean up - in a house where everything is cluttered with furniture, boxes, knick-knacks and the like, or where all this is reduced to an optimal minimum?

Dangerous to health. Storing things requires certain conditions, and when storing rubbish, you hardly think about it, so dust, mold, insects can appear in the house, which, of course, negatively affects the health of all family members.

May worsen your financial situation. And we don't mean the lack of cash flow into your home due to clutter in the right corner of the living room, we are talking about more mundane things: repairs, storage, transportation of trash cost money! You can constantly buy some, at first glance, trifles (paper clips, sponges, light bulbs, etc.), because it is simply impossible to find those that you bought earlier in littered and littered cabinets.

steals your time. Time is our main resource, we try to do everything to spend it correctly, but we don’t notice how we waste it, rearranging the old broken one from place to place, going through hundreds of newspaper clippings in search of the right recipe, looking for “the same blouse” in dozens of those that you have not worn for a long time.

The method of cleaning and decluttering the apartment: how to quickly get rid of trash in the house

Getting rid of excess rubbish by decluttering means cleaning the apartment of unnecessary things, objects, clothes, toys, materials, books, etc.

Everyone knows how hard it is to get rid of rubbish and unnecessary things, to tune in and start throwing away, throwing away and ruthlessly destroying, because in the familiar environment we are calm and comfortable. But by starting a process called “getting rid of the old junk,” you make room for new, more useful things and opportunities.

Rubbish steals our time and energy, brings chaos, confusion, quarrels, unpleasant feelings and emotions into our lives. It does not bring benefit, joy and inspiration. Before you get rid of the trash in the house, try to find 27 things in your apartments that you can throw away now! Now your house has become a little cleaner. The 27-Step Boogie is one of the most effective decluttering methods that Marla Seeley (creator of the Flylady Housekeeping System) came up with.

So, we clean the cluttered apartment and organize free space! How does your general cleaning or decluttering most often go: with a resolute but sad look, you pull everything out of cabinets, drawers and bedside tables, start sorting out, reviewing, doubting: “throw it away or it will still come in handy ...”. Little fun! Even the realization that after cleaning it will become better, fresher, freer, does not greatly affect motivation. We propose to radically reconsider our attitude to "decluttering"! If we cannot change the situation, let's change our attitude towards it, turn on the fantasy, fun music and get down to business!

How to get rid of trash: where to start decluttering your home (with video)

So, how to get rid of trash and most importantly - where to start, from which side to step up? We suggest using the proven four-box method. Take four (bags, bags, baskets) and sign them: Throw away, Sell or give away, Keep, Keep.

Watch the video "Decluttering" and then start sorting things and putting them into boxes:

Throw away box. What can be sent there?

  • Broken and unrepairable toys. If the toy is good, but something broke off, peeled off, came off, you can take the time to repair it, be sure to involve your child in this activity. But if you find broken parts from something incomprehensible in the toy basket, feel free to send them to the dump.
  • Materials for creativity that are not suitable for use: dried felt-tip pens and paints, broken pens and deteriorated glue, drawn coloring books and old children's magazines (you can pre-cut pictures from them and then use them in applications and games).
  • Old, torn and washed clothes. It is about the clothes that cannot be restored, altered or given to someone. By the way, buttons, locks and preserved applications can be cut off from such clothes and used in games and in the manufacture of educational toys with your own hands.

Box "Store". Some things can and should be kept. For example, memorabilia and creative work of children, toys and books that the child has not yet grown up to.

The latter can be placed in a box and sent to a closet or pantry until better times. It’s good if these “best times” are marked on your calendar or a reminder is set on your phone, and a sheet with an inventory of all the wealth stored there is attached to the box itself.

Leave box. Most likely, it will be the largest and most voluminous. Saying "box", of course, we are speaking figuratively. Things, toys and materials that you want to leave in the nursery do not have to be put into boxes, you can immediately look for suitable places for them. By the way, this place does not have to be in!

When you compare what happened before and what happened after the decluttering of the apartment, you will be pleasantly surprised!

Getting rid of old, unnecessary trash: decluttering an apartment - before and after (with photo)

The Give or Sell box can be filled, for example, with things that the child has grown out of. If you are not planning a second baby in the near future, then it is better to say goodbye to small vests and bonnets. For many, it is very difficult, so the most beloved, sweet and dear little things to keep and keep.

Duplicate toys can also go to other hosts. It happens that a child has some kind of game, and they give you a similar one, or you yourself, forgetting and not noticing, buy another dinosaur, car or board game.

Children's things, toys, furniture in good condition can be sold. This is completely normal practice. There are specialized websites and newspapers. The main thing is that immediately after the box is filled, wash or wash things, photograph them in good light and from a favorable angle (not forgetting, of course, to note all the flaws and abrasions), write a detailed description and put them up for sale.

Look at the photo “Before and after decluttering the apartment” - the effect is impressive:

We clean the cluttered apartment: what to do with trash

Having finished decluttering, many are wondering where and to whom they can give unnecessary things and toys.

Several options for where to put the trash after decluttering the apartment:

An apartment decluttering plan is needed in order for the process to proceed consistently, thoroughly and efficiently. Determine exactly what you need to sort out in the nursery: closets with clothes, shelves, a basket of toys, a box of art supplies, folders with children's work, books and magazines, materials for classes, etc.

Another tip for cleaning and decluttering the apartment is to put down the dates by which the planned work must be completed. No need to try to do everything in one day: it will bring nothing but irritation and fatigue. Take from several hours to several days for each object of decluttering.

Write specific decluttering tasks into your plan for the coming weeks. For example: "On Friday, May 30, sort out the top shelves in the closet with clothes."

An action plan called "Getting rid of unnecessary trash" might look like this:

And how to quickly get rid of trash in the house so that this process is easy and enjoyable? To do this, use tricks and techniques that will help bring fun to this activity.

moving. Imagine that you have to move to another apartment, house, or even a fairy-tale land. What will you definitely take from the nursery, and what can you do without? Discuss with your child all the details of the move, draw or make a car for transporting things and start collecting everything you need.

declutter party. If you don't know how to get rid of the clutter in your apartment, you can have regular decluttering parties. Invite guests into a room where you will socialize and celebrate, put boxes of things you don't need, and tell guests to take whatever they want. It will be great if the guests also bring their uselessness, then you can arrange an exchange!

Getting ready for the holiday. In our life there is always a place for a holiday, and at the same time, preparation for it. New Year, Easter, the birth of a new family member - all this can be an excellent occasion to get rid of trash. And you can not wait for the holidays, but create them yourself! Write in your diary or family calendar "junk days" or "house cleanup weeks". Call it whatever you like, the main thing is that at least two or three times a year such events take place in your house! Remember the Italian tradition of throwing old things out the window on New Year's Eve? Make it a tradition every three months to throw away unwanted, old, broken toys and buy one new one.

Do not forget also that cheerful music, good mood and the desire to make your home better are great helpers in the difficult task of “cluttering up”.

What clutters up the house and how not to clutter up the apartment

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences later. This rule can be fully applied to "decluttering".

Reasonable consumption. Nothing clutters up the house like things that are brought into it "just like that." If we don't bring rubbish into the house, we won't have to dispose of it. What will help us not to litter our apartments and children's rooms? How not to litter the apartment, so that later you don’t have to spend energy on cluttering it up?

The problem of rational purchases is acute for many women. How not to be tempted by an attractive store offer, discount or sale?

This will help simple but effective tricks:

  • managing the family budget;
  • shopping planning;
  • avoiding simple shopping (although sometimes you can afford it, but then leave your wallet and credit cards at home);
  • compiling a shopping list and strictly following it;
  • when purchasing this or that thing, ask yourself a few questions: “Do I have a similar thing that performs the same functions? If so, am I ready to part with it, replace it with a new one? How often will I use this item? Where will I store it? Will this thing bring me joy? Will it make me happier?";
  • a note in the wallet: “Do you really want to buy this?”, “Have you forgotten that we are saving for a vacation?”, “Better shut me up!”;
  • if possible, throw away packaging, bags, boxes directly in the store.

Smart Storage. Many things deteriorate, break, become unusable and become rubbish simply because they do not have a normal, convenient and suitable place to store them. Proper organization of the space of the apartment will allow you to avoid this. If a new thing appears in the house, you need to immediately find it a “habitat” and notify all households. Do not be afraid to experiment, the modern market offers a huge number of interesting, unusual, but at the same time convenient and functional devices for organizing storage. Baskets, boxes, containers, wicker boxes, racks, choose according to your taste!

Reasonable use. The old joke says that Russians don't read instructions before use, but when something has already broken. Agree, there is some truth in this. In order for things to serve you for a long time, follow the rules for using them, treat things with care and bring up this quality in your children. Use multifunctional things and appliances, this can save both money and space in the apartment.

Reasonable attitude towards things. Modern society is a consumer society. It is important for us to have a huge amount of appliances, clothes, toys, etc. But, even having bought everything you dreamed about, you are unlikely to feel completely happy. Happiness is not in things, but in relationships with family, friends, husband, children, yourself. If you understand and accept this, things will no longer play such a role and will not have such power over you. So, they will not accumulate and become trash!

All of the above principles on how not to litter the house can be attributed to the children's room. Try to be reasonable in the choice of toys, buy only high-quality and suitable for the age and interests of the child. Talk to your family and explain the criteria and properties that are important to you in choosing toys and things for your child.

Create an optimal, convenient and functional storage system that will be easy for you and your child to stick to.

Don't let things take over you! Be smarter, smarter, smarter! Do not let unnecessary trash into the house, and you will not have to waste your time and energy on fighting it!

Not everyone is used to getting rid of the old, unnecessary things. It happens that a person’s apartment is littered with rubbish to the limit, but it doesn’t even occur to him to throw something away - maybe it will come in handy, just in case. The accumulation of various items in the house is a serious psychological problem, named Plyushkin's syndrome in honor of the unfortunate hero of a famous work.

Collecting everything in a row in his house, a person thus tries to protect himself, barricade from reality. However, this action only exacerbates his life confusion, while clogging up the house with unnecessary things and never ending dust.

Why is it necessary to get rid of old things and stop bringing anything into the house? Here a few reasons which are hard to argue with. Perhaps this will change your opinion about the usual way of life, maybe with the help of these arguments you will convince one of your relatives to stop collecting.

Why you need to get rid of rubbish

  • In order for something new to appear in your life, you must first get rid of the old. The Universe does not see the need to send you new things, opportunities, new people if your house is littered with junk. What happens in your home ultimately reflects the picture of what's going on in your head!
  • Feng Shui teaches that old things and various rubbish are a powerful barrier to new, life-giving energy. Therefore, by collecting garbage in the house and not getting rid of rags, you automatically delay your life and development on the same level.
  • There is a phenomenon called "emotional anchor". This means that when you put on old clothes or use perfume that you haven’t splashed for a long time, you are automatically transported back to the past.

    There are many old emotions and memories associated with old things that arise as soon as a thing from the past looms on the horizon. But emotions are not scary, what is worse is that an old way of thinking arises, views that were relevant to you in the past. Thoughts shape life, so there is nothing to be surprised that your lifestyle does not change in any way if you are furnished with junk around the perimeter.

  • When you are afraid to part with an old thing, thinking - I will leave it, suddenly there will be no money to buy a new one - you automatically program yourself for poverty. It is better to think that it can be thrown away, because there will be money and a new one to buy.
  • Throw away old things and thoughts in the trash without any regret! If it's too bad to throw it away, give it away. Watch the space around you, it should be harmonious, constantly updated.

    To live life surrounded by rubbish is a sad prospect, as well as to live, all the time being in the past, remembering what has already been and will never return. Let you not have so many things, but all of them will be of high quality, updated, functionally justified. This is a guarantee that the world around you will help you, and not pull you back. Why do you need an anchor if you have a sail?

    1. Get rid of everything that pulls you back into the past.

    2. Things that are not worn and not used in everyday life die. Therefore, they carry information about death.

    3. If your house is a mess when you leave it, then you tend to take with you to the outside world the idea that your feelings or your life are in the same mess. All this is in your subconscious, and although it seems to you that you behave completely independently of the situation at home, in your appearance, body language or demeanor, there will definitely be some aspect that betrays the real state of things. Other people will receive these “messages; (also mostly unconsciously) and react accordingly to your behavior, so harmony in the home leads to a more harmonious and hasty relationship with the outside world.

    4. Nothing new and valuable will come into our life until there is no free space in it.
    You cannot create something new without completely getting rid of everything old.

    5. The criterion in the selection of the unnecessary is one. If a thing is not useful within a year or two, it will never be needed again.

    6. There is a great healing power in freeing the house from unnecessary things. By clearing at the external level, we make internal changes possible, releasing a huge amount of energy for this.

    7. Having blockages keeps you in the past. When all the space in your house is cluttered, you simply don't have room for something new to appear in your life. Clearing rubble will allow you to move forward. You must free yourself from the past in order to create a better tomorrow.

    8. Old, unnecessary things, junk - these are real energy eaters. If you do not dare to part with them, they, gradually accumulating, begin to simply eat your own energy, your vitality. Such plushies, cherishing every rusty nail, every old button, every piece of rope, look lifeless, apathetic, unable to enjoy life. This is not surprising: after all, they value their treasures so much that they give them all their strength, all their energy.

    9. Before hanging a new shirt in the closet, discard the oldest shirt.

    10. Get rid of everything old and worn, with spots, holes

    11. Black set of one fabric - trousers, long and short skirts, jacket.

    12. Collecting unnecessary things just in case, we assume that this case will come, and we will have to walk, for example, in shabby pants. We set ourselves up for failure and trouble. Thus, we are programming ourselves and loved ones for such a life when you will not be able to buy new things, and you will be forced to wear old, unfashionable ones, having previously patched them up.

    13. Leaving unnecessary things in the house, you thereby program yourself for poverty. The desire to hold on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty.

    14. If within 1-1.5 years the thing that you were looking for and with difficulty got, remained unnecessary, say goodbye to it.

    15. The less things you leave, the sooner the wardrobe will be replenished with new ones.

    16. By clinging to things that no longer serve you, you cling to principles and ideas that no longer serve you.

    17. In order for a new thing to come into the house, it is necessary to free up space for it. As soon as you realize this, put things in order in the house and get rid of unnecessary things for the purchase there is both money and time.

    18. Don't leave clothes hanging on the backs of chairs.

    20. The cost of a bouquet of flowers and a pair of tights is about the same, so why do we keep tights in a drawer for years? We will not keep a dried bouquet in a vase for so long!

    21. Throw away those things that are frayed, worn out and nondescript in appearance.

    22. Throw away shoes and bags of outdated models Nothing ruins an outfit like outdated shoes and bags.

    23. Weed your wardrobe mercilessly just throw everything that does not bring joy. To make room for new changes, new relationships, new loves that will replace the old things.

    24. Old things do not make it possible to acquire new things, they accumulate negative energy, which can affect your well-being and luck in general.

    25. Broken electrical appliances work like vampires, taking away the positive energy of the room and amplifying the negative.

    26. A burned out light bulb will make you spend more energy earning money, it can worsen your well-being and give rise to self-doubt.

    27. Old, worn out things and especially broken and defective things create negative energy in your home, contribute to stagnation in life and even negatively affect your health.

    28. Old things keep stunted energy.

    29. First of all, the trash can should be happy with chipped and cracked dishes and mirrors with some kind of defects.

    30. Old, forgotten things represent pending cases, unresolved tasks.

    31. An altered thing ends its days too soon in a dark wardrobe.

    32. Do not leave dried flowers, dust on them.

    33. Any thing carries the psychic energy that a person put into it.

    34. The space of the apartment is filled with information about the things that are in it. If a thing was shoved into a corner or pushed onto a mezzanine as unnecessary, then what information was put into it? And if there are a lot of such things in the apartment, then the whole house is filled with negative, dead zones formed around unnecessary objects. The space filled with such things condenses and begins to push a person out of his own apartment. A person can get sick, and very seriously. Because it loses its vitality - its energy potential, wasting it on unnecessary things.

    35. Looking at a portrait hanging on the wall, we inevitably transfer a part of consciousness there. Do we always have too much energy to scatter it?

    36. Through holes in clothes, which are on pockets, socks, tights (which is under jeans in order to save money), energy potential leaks. You can't hide yourself from yourself.

    37. Spots are the materialization of unresolved problems.

    38. Old unnecessary things draw energy onto themselves.

    39. A worn jacket, which is associated with the image of a loser. Take it to the landfill.

    40. The smell of a blouse of pre-perestroika freshness, the aroma of unfulfilled hopes and disappointments. You probably noticed that the owners of apartments chaotically stuffed with old furniture and other junk are usually unhappy and unlucky in life. It is difficult to judge what is the cause and what is the effect in this case. Either because of poverty, there are no means to change the old for the new, or the energy of the second hand in a special way affects the fate of the owners.

    41. But after all, every old thing is, in fact, unfulfilled dreams and plans.

    42. We make room not for new things, but for new desires, undertakings and achievements. Agree, the old detectives thrown into the trash are a small price to pay for a brighter future.

    43. Don't leave dust on mirrors.

    44. Old things should be thrown away ruthlessly.

    45.Things tend to take over and accumulate the energy of the person using them. Mostly negative. When there is too much energy, the thing begins to give it away. This is especially true of upholstered furniture, which is used for sleeping. The maximum service life of a bed or sofa is 10 years.

    46. ​​As soon as you want some changes in this life, get rid of unnecessary worries, troubles in the family and stagnation at work, as well as when your health worsens, immediately begin to free your home from negative emotions. The same can be done when everything in the house is just wonderful and there is not the slightest reason for any unrest. Just to strengthen your positive aura and maintain the appropriate harmony in the family and at work.

    47. All things, when wearing which you experience physical discomfort, must be ruthlessly expelled.

    48. Criteria how you feel in this clothing, a mirror, previously heard reviews.

    49. By clearing space, we signal our readiness to change and accept abundance and happiness into our lives.

    50. If you want positive changes in your life, then make room for them!

    51. A thing that has not been touched by a person's hand, which is not remembered, gradually becomes a carrier of necrotic, dead information. Even living things that you bought with hope and pleasure, getting into such a company can die.

    52. Any thing has its own term and purpose. According to Feng Shui, your favorite thing gives you positive charges while absorbing negative ones. Having served its term, it, like a battery, must be disposed of. However, if you do not part with it, its negative charge can spoil the entire spiritual atmosphere in your apartment.

    53. In addition, the constant contemplation of old and decrepit things (if it is not collectible and restored to a shine antiques) forms in our minds the psychology of poverty. We get used to offending ourselves and being content with patched and shabby.

    54. A thing should bring renewal and a desire to move forward!

    55. The aura of things takes away a part of space from a person. Greed most of all punishes the owner himself: with the accumulated things, their negative energy is also transferred to him.

    56. Things that we stop using accumulate negative energy.

    57. If you accidentally found something that you didn’t remember the existence of an hour ago, you can safely throw it in the trash, even if you really need it, you won’t find it.

    58. Don't make changes in all rooms at once.

    59. The effectiveness of clearing debris lies in the fact that while you put your outer world in order, corresponding changes occur on the inner level. Everything around you, and especially the objects around you at home, are a reflection of your inner state. When you remove "obstacles" in the space around you that interfere with the harmonious flow of energy, you thereby bring more harmony into your life, allowing new events to flow into it.

    60. When your home is filled with things you love or use often, they energize you. And blockages, on the other hand, have a strong negative effect on you. If there are things in your house that cause you unpleasant associations, they pollute your space and psyche, and it does not matter if their operation has expired. A similar situation occurs when your home is filled with furniture, figurines or other items that constantly remind you of relatives or friends with whom you have had or have a strained relationship. These associations will have the same draining effect on you.

    61. Depressed people tend to store junk at the bottom. Remove everything superfluous from the floor, and this will raise your energy and give good spirits.

    62. Buy only what is perfect, not just pretty.

    63. Keeping old books that you no longer use does not allow you to create space in your life for new ideas and original ways of thinking. When there are too many books in the house, your thinking "stops". It is especially important not to accumulate such book piles in the area of ​​relationships (this symbolizes the replacement of human relationships). Books should be released when their time comes. Start sorting through the book pile with those books that you bought by accident and which you never used, as well as with such old books that have already begun to collapse in time. Ultimately, you should be left with a set of books that will reflect who you are today the way you want to be tomorrow.

    64. Learn the basic feng shui rule: "Before something new comes in, something old must go."

    65. Let's look at our wallpaper, furniture and everything else. Pay attention to how many unnecessary things are in your house. Things constantly absorb information, it lasts long enough, and this is reflected in the psyche.

    66. How important it is to have a REALLY favorite thing in your wardrobe. Favorite things give confidence! : favorite things - they sit on you somehow differently, and you behave somehow wrong in them, you feel super and this feeling is transmitted to everyone around you !!! I always complete my wardrobe in such a way that I feel good in any thing. After all, the mood easily rises when you put on your favorite skirt, it’s indescribable! Let this really be the beginning of such a wardrobe for you! =)


    68. Do not load your home with unnecessary items, regularly clean and ruthlessly get rid of everything old and unusable: do not accumulate in closets things that have long been out of fashion and out of use. Here you will see by giving away your old clothes, you will free the way for life-giving energy and thereby remove the "congestion" in your life Feng Shui teaches that everything is interconnected. By the way, according to some observations, rich houses often have much less things than poor ones. But is it really that amazing? No, and if you want to become richer, but don’t know where to start, make room for wealth in your life by removing all the excess that binds you hand and foot.

    69. If you want to arrange your personal life, remove portraits of ideal beauties from the walls, with which some of the fair sex love to decorate their homes so much ... According to Feng Shui, many single ladies in your environment do not at all suggest a partnership, with which marriage and is. So it would be more correct to hang an image of a happy couple on the wall, and then, every time you glance at it, you will subconsciously attract partnership into your life. Suitable, no matter how trite it may sound, just a couple of hearts, kissing doves and other love symbols. Don't believe? And you try, suddenly something really happens, and life will change for the better?

    70. Dust, rubbish, piles of unnecessary and forgotten things are sources of accumulation of negative energy that carry the informational charge of the lived, close us from the world and prevent new things and ideas from replacing them.

    71. Particular attention should be paid to torn and broken things. Either they need to be repaired immediately, or immediately thrown away. And in no case should they be allowed to lie for a long time until the hands reach them. According to Feng Shui, this is unacceptable, because their negative energy of cumulative destruction involuntarily breaks the internal harmony of the house.

    72. Love for trash is a thick hint that you are strongly attached to the past and it slows down the path to a brighter future. Having dealt with old shoes, you can change your hairstyle, job, apartment, etc. Or take a different look at what is. In any case, there will be more space in the corridor.

    73. Blockages are the biggest evil imaginable!!! Sometimes only their elimination gives amazing results!!! But we must not just disassemble and rake, but do it purposefully. That is, when raking everything, have a clear mindset why you are doing this. In order for something new to come into our lives, we must get rid of the old. When removing all this, one must say: "I'm taking it all apart in order to come into my life ..." Well, further down the list, what would you like ...

    74. I think it worked for me. Indeed, new acquaintances began to appear after buying dolphins. Or is it just a coincidence.

    75. Start with something. Let the positive energy flow into your home. And then Qi will work with you for one thing.

    76. Cleansing the house can be supported by washing floors, windows, cleaning cabinets from blockages and dust. Since like attracts like, dirty houses that are kept in disarray attract vibrations that disturb us. Even if your house is not kept perfectly clean, it is in order, and you know where everything is. While cleaning the house, imagine how you sweep out the sorrows and worries that have gathered in the house.

    77. And "cleaned" things can be safely worn. Over time, they will become "their", loved ones. And even "lucky" - a kind of talismans. We willingly put on such clothes for exams, for important events. You can imagine one of the mechanisms of luck: once we were lucky, and our emotional charge remained on these things. When we put these clothes back on, they will recharge us with exactly THAT energy. Naturally, our mood will improve, tone will increase, we will be energetic, self-confident. And we will again be accompanied by success - "luck". The charge of the "talisman" will increase even more.

    78. If your house is not littered with rubbish, extraneous things, then you will get the opportunity to: a) keep your mind clean and tidy, b) allow new opportunities and things to enter your house.

    79. And although you may be the only one who sees a cluttered basement or garage, the strength of the energy impact of the room does not decrease: you are the one who is being hit by all the blows. It is you who will be affected first of all by the qi of that room.

    80. The more unnecessary things you collect, the movement of qi in an apartment or office becomes slower. So don't be surprised if your life plans don't work out and you feel like something is always getting in the way.

    81. Any red thing that you use at work - a red-bound book, red pens or other stationery will have a positive effect. Red, pink and white objects symbolize love and eroticism.

    82.You want a home that is bigger. First you must adapt yourself to such a dwelling, creating, as far as possible, a small paradise from your house. Maintain impeccable cleanliness there. Let him look as cute and pleasant as your means allow. Carefully prepare even the simplest food and set the table with the taste that you can only. Ennobling your habitat, you will rise above it, and from there, in due time, you will enter the best home and habitats that have been waiting for you all this time, and which you have adapted for yourself.

    83. The house can and is a point of concentration of magic, strength and spirit.

    84. The house is a mirror image of ourselves.

    85. Our home is a symbolic representation of ourselves and in fact, in a deeper sense, a continuation of ourselves. At home, these are our models. Change this pattern and the energy will change. Tidying the crates changes this model.

    86. To get rid of the negative past, get rid of objects in your home that carry the energy of the past into the present. The Zulus burn clothes they get into trouble in to get rid of the emotional imprint left on their clothes. In some cultures, the clothes of the woman in whom she gave birth are burned so that she and the child symbolically enter a new cycle of existence. If there are objects in the house that remind you of something bad or were given to you by a person you do not like, get rid of them.

    87. Things in your home should evoke good memories. Otherwise, negative associations will reduce the energy of your home. When you buy something for your home, remember that how you feel when you buy will affect how you feel when the item is in your home. If you are buying something and the seller is rude and you feel annoyed, chances are you will never truly enjoy the item. If the mood when buying is good and joyful, then the associations with this item will be pleasant.

    88. If possible, radically change the situation: rearrange the furniture, change the color scheme of the rooms, etc. Change everything beyond recognition.

    89. Make the energy of your home become a real magnet that attracts love and happiness. If the energy of love has settled in your house; love will be attracted to you and outside. The energy field attracts only that which is similar in character and quality to itself. Especially focus your attention on the intention with which you will transform the energy of your home: what you would like to see in your home.

    90. Things that litter the house take away the vital energy of the residents of the house. Think: old rubbish takes away your health, your vitality, and therefore the years of your life! So you are more expensive; own life or old rubbish?

    91. There is always a temptation to put aside for later things that are obsolete or require repair, which have gone out of use in the process of everyday life. But it's like putting off happiness and harmony in your home until later. Some people continue to use cracked, chipped, or scratched crockery year after year, even though they have fine cutlery locked away in cupboards. Thus, they seem to inspire themselves: I do not deserve harmony in my daily life;

    92. Absolutely ruthlessly get rid of trash.

    93. Never wear clothes that have negative memories associated with you, no matter how much they cost.

    94. Iron things that wrinkle. And don't be lazy! It is better to stroke them at a time than, cursing, ironing them all the time, being late for the next date, etc.).

    95. Lay things out that don't wrinkle. Sweaters for sweaters, T-shirts for T-shirts.

    96. Immediately after ironing, hang things on hangers (hangers, trempel). Do not overload the hangers, otherwise everything will soon be crumpled again.

    97. Order of hanging: You can; skirts, then trousers, then blouses, then; jackets. Can; by style: business and classic, then; sports, then; for ceremonial occasions. Consider color division.

    98. Came home undressed; immediately see what is dirty and what; No. Do not be too lazy to identify all clean things in their usual places, but dirty ones; put in the laundry.

    99. In the evening, decide on clothes for tomorrow.

    100. Get rid of everything that does not fit in style, color and size.

    101. GOD DELIVER YOU to wear the things of a dead person; his suits, dresses, coats, boots. Thus, you will connect yourself with an energy channel with the afterlife, and your energy will leave through this channel.

    102. Practical people always have such a warehouse of recyclables, justifying its presence by the fact that everything can come in handy someday. But, sorry, someday you will need a high-quality single coffin, do you really buy it in advance?

    103. Most of us have developed a hamster instinct: hide everything you can in a mink. But the mink is not rubber. Gradually, things clog up all the pores of the house, so that you can’t turn around, they lie somewhere on the mezzanine for years, gather dust and deteriorate in cramped quarters and various closets and closets, orphanly huddle under sofas and shelves. More than once, probably, you had a feeling of longing when you got into the room of a lonely ancient old woman. Do you know why? This is not only the old age of the landlady, but also the smell, the specific smell of hamster housing. Because in the closet of this old woman, mixed with new, clean clothes, were dresses that she once wore in her youth, and hats eaten by moths that went out of fashion half a century ago, in her sideboard stood a broken mug, neatly glued in places of chips, plates with broken edges and even pieces of half-eaten rolls. All of them carried information about decrepitude, about the readiness to crumble into dust at the first touch. That's why never regret throwing anything away.

    104. Often we even get sick because we keep all sorts of junk at home.

    105. Leaving unnecessary things in the house, you thereby program yourself for poverty. The desire to hold on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty. Old things do not make it possible to acquire new ones, accumulate negative energy, which can affect well-being and luck in general. Holding on to old things thinking "What if there is no money to buy a new one, and I will never have this again?" we program ourselves that we will not be able to earn and buy the things we need.

    106. Do not keep cut flowers in a vase for a long time. Firstly, they themselves, fading, bring death, and secondly, stagnant water is negative energy. The memory of death is concealed in stuffed animals, herbariums, insect collections, dry flowers and even natural fur coats.

    107. Never accumulate or keep old things for a long time. Your life has become better, and they are "pulling" you into the past. Do not use the thing for more than a year - get rid of it. Only those items that you like should "live" in the house, then there will be much less unfavorable zones.

    108. Old worn slippers attract negative energy. Also, do not store torn unusable clothes in the house. Dishes with cracks, chips violate the energy of food, making it dangerous to health. No matter how much you like the dishes, but if it is cracked, it is better to throw it away.

    109. “In a dress that is not worn, resentment against the owner accumulates,” Vanga said, advising not to accumulate unnecessary clothes at home. Things that a person has not worn for a long time tend to "collect" innegative energy that destroys the material well-being of the owners.

    110. In space, the main thing is space. It is space, free space - this is the favorable energy of our home. By cluttering the space of the house with unnecessary things and rubbish, we block our energy flow of health, success, prosperity and comfort.

    111. To make it easier to determine whether you need a thing or not, ask yourself "if I move, will I pack it or get rid of it?".

    112. Where is the most rubbish in your apartment or house - in wardrobes, on the balcony, in the bathroom? From there, start the general cleaning. When dismantling wardrobes, throw away things you don't need - those that you haven't used for more than a year.

    113. Putting things in order should be given special attention if a serious crisis or stagnation in relations has occurred in life. Dedicate at least six days to this and clean up yourself.

    114. Rubbish attracts only rubbish.

    115. Old perfumes, trousers and jugs are bad. This is programming yourself for life without change. Every thing from the past brings back some memories, makes you look back. And it's dangerous you can't go back to the past, you can skip the future. We must ruthlessly and irrevocably smash, tear, give away, dispose of. Anything should be done with old things, but just do not store, do not clog mezzanines, suitcases, boxes with rubbish, which will certainly be sent for subsequent storage in a garage or basement.

    116. Holding on to old things with thoughts “What if there is no money to buy a new one, and I will never have this again?”, We resonate with the mentality of the poor and get poverty. If we calmly throw away unnecessary things with the thoughts “I will buy more or the Universe will give me better”, we resonate with the mentality of the rich and get wealth.

    117. When we put on an old thing or splash with perfume that we haven’t used for a long time, or hear music from the past, we are literally brought back to the past. This is elementary NLP - all of this, the so-called "Anchors" are emotional. Some memories are associated with old things (spirits, clothes, and everything) and they are automatically reproduced upon contact with the anchor. But the fact is that not only emotions appear - old thoughts appear in us, but this is very dangerous, because thoughts, as we know, shape life. So we shape life with old thoughts and get not what we want.

    Classification of unnecessary things by Gretchen Rubin. All trash Gretchen divided into the following categories:

    Useless rubbish is things that are stored because they are basically necessary, although not personally needed by you. These can be numerous glass jars that may come in handy someday when you are going to “twist” something in them.

    Trinkets - all kinds of useless souvenirs, key rings, postcards, figurines, magnets, etc.

    Used junk is basically old clothes and underwear that we don't throw away just because it hasn't been completely worn out yet. How many t-shirts do you have in your closets that have long since become shapeless and you don't wear them?

    Pretentious rubbish - things that you have, but you use them only in your dreams. For example, a huge exercise bike that takes up a third of the room, and you think that someday I will start exercising on it in the morning. Or a service in a closet from which they never ate or drank.

    Unsuccessful purchases - sometimes, instead of admitting that we bought an unnecessary thing, we put it on the far shelf in the hope that it will “someday come in handy”. As a rule, unsuccessfully purchased items of clothing, shoes, bags and accessories fall into this category. But there may also be unsuccessfully bought cosmetics that you don’t want to use, but it’s a pity to throw it away!

    10 "valuable" things that should immediately be thrown into the trash.

    1. Expired cosmetics.
    Why keep your old mascara and lipstick? How about collecting empty perfume bottles? Any cosmetics is designed to make us more beautiful, and not cause a bacterial infection.

    2. Uncomfortable shoes.
    Admit it, there are such shoes, putting on which, every time you curse them because of unbearable pains and calluses?! Yes, they are very beautiful and stylish, but there are a million other shoes in the world that are comfortable. Can't throw away those shoes? Put them in the most visible place and sign: "My favorite instrument of torture."

    3. Clothes "When I lose weight."
    Somewhere in the far corner of the closet lies a neat stack of things that you dream of wearing when you lose those extra (only for you extra, no one else notices) kilograms. Yes, it works as a motivation, but negative and depressing.

    4. Postcards from people you don't remember.
    A stack of greeting cards is stored in a small beautiful box. Old. Banal and ugly. From people you'll never talk to again. Why do we need this warehouse of cardboard boxes with "sincere" wishes? Leave postcards only from loved ones, the rest - in the trash!

    5. Porcelain dishes.
    Museum exhibits should be kept in the museum! Take grandma old dinner sets cluttering sideboards and cabinets - put in their place better flowerpots with fresh flowers - no more naphthalene.

    6. Paper spam.
    Why drag various printed materials from the mailbox into the apartment? All you need is utility bills. All other printed garbage is superfluous and unnecessary trash.

    7. "Unwearable" underwear.
    Who came up with the classification of linen "for critical days", "for every day" and "on a special occasion"? Revise and leave only panties and bras in which you feel especially sexy. And throw away all the tights with arrows with the mysterious mission "Under the pants" (you will never wear them!).

    8. Old phones, players and other equipment.
    These valuable gadgets may be useful for young test physicists for experiments, but you absolutely do not need them.

    9. Books that you will never read.
    In a conspicuous place should be only your favorite books and those that are needed for work / study. The multi-volume works of Marx or Gorky's Life of Klim Samgin are sent to the library or for processing, and not to collect dust and create an entourage of an intellectual.

    10. Memories of former relationships.
    Can't throw away your ex's T-shirt that still smells like his perfume? Or a stack of handwritten poems written by a traitor just for you? Getting rid of material reminders, it is easier to throw a person out of your head. As they say, out of sight, out of mind!

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