Simple figures from dough for modeling. DIY salt dough crafts for beginners


Salt dough crafts are an exciting creative process. The material for modeling is inexpensive, and you can show your imagination twice: when you sculpt something and when you paint the finished product after. My daughter loves both very much, and I myself, to be honest, am often very fond of the process. We like to sculpt small compositions, for example, from several animals, paint them and give them to grandparents and other relatives and friends. Making your own salt dough at home is easy.

It doesn't take much to make puff pastry animals!

To make the test itself, you need : salt, flour, water and a little vegetable oil.
To work with it you will need everything that we use when working with plasticine: a modeling board or a substrate, a rolling pin, stacks.

In addition, you will need foil, paints, brushes, water, colorless varnish, toothpicks and any decorative things to decorate and complement the image (ribbons, buttons, beads, feathers, eyes, etc.).

Making dough for modeling at home

My daughter eagerly participates not only in modeling and coloring, but also in dough kneading.
For cooking, take 2 cups flour and 1 cup salt. Salt should be finely ground, optimally - Extra, not iodized.

Mixing the Ingredients

We mix salt and flour and, adding water in small portions, knead a rather tight dough, similar in consistency to dumplings. A little less than a glass of water is required. You can add 1 tbsp for better elasticity. l. vegetable oil.

flour for dough

After kneading, put the dough in a bag and leave it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

kneading the dough

The finished dough does not stick to your hands, easily wrinkled, keeps its shape. It can be colored in the mass, that is, add paint directly to the dough and knead. It can successfully replace soft plasticine. We paint ready-made crafts.

Interesting ideas for modeling with a child

In addition to directly sculpting various figures, salt dough can be used to make paintings. For example, my daughter and I made a small picture on the theme "Pushkin's Tales".

Step 1

They came up with a drawing and painted a small board with blue gouache.

Step 1. Decorated the board and drew a picture

Step 2

The details of the drawing were molded from salt dough and glued to the plank with PVA glue.

Step 2. Sculpt dough parts and glue to a blue plank

Step 2: Adding Details

Step 3

The finished image was dried at room temperature for 3 days.

Step 3. Dry the painting for 3 days

Step 4

Painted and finished with clear lacquer.

Step 4. Coloring with paints

Step 4. Varnish

For young children, you can offer an interesting option for working with the test.

  • Roll out the dough into a layer , cut out shapes for cookies or plasticine figures, dry.
  • Recolor . Such crafts are within the power of my son at 2.5 years old.

You can make a garden of stones and other “values”: artistically place finds from a walk on a salt dough cake - pebbles, leaves, twigs.

How my daughter and I made crafts from dough

One of our recent crafts is Antarctica. Often we get ideas from modeling books from, but there are some differences in working with the test. For example, you can not sculpt separately parts of different colors, because the dough is painted in what color you need.

Also, when sculpting volumetric figures, foil is used as a frame, it does not allow the figure to “sink” while it is drying, and the drying process itself is accelerated.

Sculpt penguin

You will need 5 blanks-balls:

  • 1 large - for the body;
  • 2 small - for wings;
  • 2 even less - for paws.

Roll up balls

Roll out dough balls

Place a piece of foil in the center of the large ball and shape it into a pear shape. We roll out the blanks of wings and legs into cone-shaped sausages and flatten them. We bend the workpiece of the torso to get a head with a beak.

We form the torso

We connect the wings and legs with the body, glue the eyes from small balls.
We put the penguin on an ice floe: rolled out a layer of dough and cut out a circle-hole with a glass.

We collect the penguin and put it on the layer

Dry at room temperature for about a week.

You can not put the figures on the battery, speed up the process with a hairdryer, this can lead to cracking.

Can be dried in the oven at a temperature of 50-150 degrees for several hours.

Sculpting a seal

We also prepare 5 blanks: the torso and paws. As a frame, we use a strip of foil folded several times.

We form balls of different sizes

We give the body the shape of an oblong cake and place the foil in the middle. We roll the foil into the dough sausage.

Roll out a large ball into a cake and put foil on it

Rolling the foil into the dough

We roll the blanks of flippers into cone-shaped sausages and flatten them. We apply a stack of stripes.

Making seal paws

We bend the body, as shown in the photo, and connect it with flippers.
From small balls we make a nose and eyes.

Collecting a seal

Can be dried.

As an additional decor, we blinded the fish.

Making a fish

We paint the dried products with gouache and watercolor and cover with transparent varnish (you can use acrylic art, or you can use ordinary wood varnish).

Salt dough is an affordable and ecological material, and modeling from it will not leave you or your child indifferent. The pleasure delivered by the achieved result and the process itself cannot be compared with anything, and that is why we invite you to get acquainted with the ideas for creativity in this section and please your baby with a new exciting activity.

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Salty dough

Have you ever heard of salt dough modeling? No? Then you have come to the right place. After all, it is here that we can tell you a lot of interesting things and explain exactly how this is done. When you look at the final result, it seems that doing all this is very easy, but in fact this process is not so simple. It, like any other type of needlework, has its own secrets and little tricks.

First, it's dough. You can learn how to do it correctly from our materials. Secondly, the dough is not the only item that we need when sculpting, we also need to stock up on a rolling pin, a pointed stick or pencil, scissors and a knife. Thirdly, in order for the product not to deform and look beautiful, it must be properly dried, painted with paints, and then varnished on top.

A wonderful entertainment and useful type of creative activity with a child is making crafts from salt dough. It also has another name - bioceramics. The main advantage of such creativity with children is unlimited opportunities for creativity and development of the child and, most importantly, complete safety for health.

Modeled figures are heated in a microwave or oven, but can also be dried in the air.

Salt Dough: Recipe

Do-it-yourself dough for modeling has a huge plus - it is very easy and quick to prepare from the usual ingredients that are in every kitchen. Children's recipe for salt dough consists of only three ingredients: a glass of flour, a glass of salt, half a glass of water. Take a large bowl, mix flour and salt in it, and then gradually add water, kneading a stiff dough.

After a few minutes of thorough kneading, an amazing material for creativity is ready!

What to do with salt dough? Master class number 1

Yes, whatever! Figures can be flat or voluminous, large or small, coarse or more filigree. But for the first experiments with the test, we suggest using our master class. It will require:

  • Salt dough for modeling;
  • Large molds for creativity or cutting cookies;
  • Rolling pin (you can take a plastic or wooden);
  • plastic knife;
  • Thick paints (gouache or acrylic) and a brush.

Roll out the salt dough on a table about 1 cm thick. Cut out the figures using cookie cutters or a knife.

Give them volume and small details by extruding the desired elements on the surface.

The figurines are ready. Transfer them to foil and a baking sheet and dry at a low temperature in the oven for several hours until completely dry. The drying time of salt dough products depends on their thickness. Do not set the temperature too high, otherwise the crafts may burst. If you can’t wait to continue working, wait for at least the outer layer to dry and start coloring. And you can completely dry the product later, on a radiator or in the sun.

For the color design of crafts, we suggest painting them with paints, but you can also use felt-tip pens. It is not recommended to use watercolor, because. it is very liquid, and the figures can get wet. If you only have watercolors at your disposal, first dilute them with a few drops of water to a thick state, and you can paint.

Dough figurines can be additionally decorated with glitter or other small decorations. If the figurine is cracked or broken, no big deal! It can be glued with any sticky glue or glue gun.

Salt dough painting. Master class number 2

To create a flower from salt dough in a wicker basket, in addition to the main components, you will need a wooden frame without glass, colored cardboard or paper for the background of the picture and a glue gun. Roll out the dough a little thinner: about 6-8 mm thick. Use a knife to cut out a trapezoidal basket (use whatever shape you and your child like). Flowers can be molded by hand or using molds. The basket handle is easy to make from two strips of dough twisted in a spiral. Squeeze out small strokes on the surface of the dough with a plastic knife and a cap from a fountain pen - this will make the craft more “alive”.

We put the whole craft together to see what a flower would look like in a salt dough basket. But you need to dry the elements separately.

After drying, all the elements need to be glued and painted (we used acrylic) and wait for the paint to dry completely. These steps can be interchanged, that is, glue first, then color, or vice versa, as you prefer. Now take the frame, remove the glass from it, if there is any, and insert a cardboard rectangle cut to the size of the inside of the frame onto the substrate.

It is desirable to dry the work in the air, and then, for the best preservation, varnish it. You can use nail polish or water-based varnish. The picture "a flower in a basket with a butterfly" from salt dough is ready!

We have given only a few examples of crafts from this simple and affordable material. But there are much more opportunities for children's modeling test: with its help, you can endlessly learn, develop and create! Good luck!

Each of us in childhood was engaged in modeling. We made Easter cakes and built sculpted from plasticine. There is another material that is well known to older people. for beginners - a rather interesting activity, which will be discussed in this article.

What is the use of modeling

Both in kindergarten and in elementary school, kids are taught to sculpt various characters, animals and objects from plasticine. What is it for? Sculpting is a very useful activity. Thanks to her, children train their fingers, developing motor skills.

In addition, modeling allows you to develop a child's imagination, and also improves mechanical memory. But it is not necessary to use plasticine, which today is not cheap, and often contains aggressive additives. You can replace this material with salt dough, which is easy to prepare at home. Moreover, the dough figures are durable, they can even be painted.

Salt dough modeling for beginners is a fun process, but it requires a lot of patience. But crafts will delight loved ones. From the dough you can make various souvenirs and even fridge magnets. Where should you start? The first step is to make the dough itself.

Preparing salt dough for modeling

It is very good when parents teach children such an interesting activity as salt modeling is very simple, so every mother can do it herself and please her baby. For cooking you will need:

  • flour;
  • salt;
  • water.

In fact, there are many different recipes, but we offer the simplest and most economical.

Take a bowl and pour 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of salt into it. Add glue (10 tablespoons of flour should account for 2 tablespoons of glue). Stir and gradually add water. It is better to adjust the density level of the dough yourself. It should not be very liquid in consistency. If there is a lot of water, just add flour.

The result should be a dough that is homogeneous in composition, which wrinkles well, but does not stick to the hands.

Making a fruit basket

Salt dough modeling for beginners involves the creation of simple figures. Even a toddler can handle it. Let's start with a simple fruit basket. It is recommended to lay an oilcloth on the table.

First, roll a large even ball of dough in your palms. Now we will make a sausage out of it, rolling it on the table. It should turn out to be the same diameter along the entire length. We add a circle from it and connect it. It turns out a kind of round frame. We press it with a plank so that it flattens. This will be the basket itself and the pen.

With a ruler or a knife, we make indentations in the form of strips on the dough. So our basket will take on a relief and look like a wicker basket.

We make fruit from rolled dough balls. We will have pears, apples and grapes in the basket. Apples are easy to make, they are almost round, you just need to make indentations at the top and bottom. The pear needs to be pulled up a little and also make holes. Don't forget cuttings. Roll into small balls for grapes.

Now it remains to glue the fruit on the bottom of the dough circle so that it looks like they are in a basket. Here's your first piece!

Modeling from salt dough paintings: a master class

From salt dough, you can sculpt not only different figures, but also make pictures. Cardboard is usually used for the substrate, but a sheet of plywood can also be used. We distribute a uniform layer of dough over the substrate.

We form the details of the picture. In our case, these are roses and leaves. Flower petals are made from thin sheets of dough. We draw veins on the leaves with a sharp object. Each figure is glued to the picture. If the dough has dried up in some places and does not want to stick together, you can simply moisten this place with water.

Such a picture after coloring will look very beautiful. Salt dough modeling for beginners (for children 3-4 years old) is an excellent way to develop not only imagination in kids, but also the perception of colors.

Drying dough products

There are many ways to dry crafts. In the warm season, it is better to put them in a lighted place. In the open air, the dough will dry for at least 12 hours. Although, of course, this time depends on the size of the figure. When modeling from salt dough takes place in kindergarten, the products are left to dry until the next day.

At home, you can dry the craft in the oven. However, you must be very careful not to crack the figurine. The temperature should be low, otherwise the dough may burn. After drying, the crafts need to be cooled, and then you can start painting.

We paint crafts

Salt dough modeling for beginners also includes coloring the figures. We will do this with paint. You can take watercolor or gouache, but it is best to use them. They have bright colors and dry quickly. We also need brushes of different sizes.

Paint should be applied carefully, trying not to get out of the color boundaries. This activity is sure to please the child. However, parents should understand that the baby can get dirty, and take it easy.

So we learned what salt dough modeling is, and how to make it with your own hands. Now you can keep your little one busy. By the way, some adults also sculpt figurines and souvenirs, and then use them as original gifts for their friends and relatives.

The dough is an amazing material for modeling, because children of different ages can work with it. Properly prepared salt dough will help realize any creative ideas and teach children how to make unique crafts. If you want to do salt dough figurines, then we offer you a master class with photos step by step for children from 4 to 10 years old. Spend your leisure time interesting and invent what else you can do yourself from the test.

How to cook salt dough

Today, many recipes have appeared for making salt dough, which is suitable for sculpting figures. We offer one of the most common recipes that is easy to prepare at home. For this you will need:

  • 3 cups flour
  • Glass of water
  • Two tablespoons of salt

Step by step photo of making salt dough for kids

All these ingredients must be mixed and knead the dough well, like dumplings. If you plan to make thin dough figures for children, then add a little PVA glue or starch to the mixture. These components will increase the strength of products.

Making figurines step by step

First, roll out the dough into a layer of suitable thickness. If you decide to do some modeling with the kids, it's best to use cookie cutters to cut out the pieces from the dough. Even a 4-year-old child can handle this task. After the hearts, Christmas trees, birds and stars are cut out, you can start decorating them. To do this, you can use seeds, grains and cereals. When the salt text figures are ready, they will need to be dried. Dry crafts from dough in the oven or in a natural way.

Photo of figures from salt dough for children

Children 10 years old will be able to perform step by step more complex figures from salt dough. Invite them to take a toy and make a voluminous craft on it. For example, try making a mouse out of salt dough. To do this, all the details are molded separately, and then connected to each other.

Salt dough mouse, step by step photo tutorial

It is enough just to make an owl figurine from salt dough with your own hands. To do this, with the help of a spoon, the test is divided into two parts - the head and torso. Give these parts the desired shape and connect them together.

Photo of an owl from dough

Separately, you can make a collar for an owl from salt dough, for this, small cuts are made on the strip. Fasten the collar to the body of the owl, and then use a knife to highlight the wings.

Step by step we decorate the dough figure

You can decorate crafts from salt dough with paints or gouache. To add shine, the craft is varnished. Some children use beads and beads to decorate salt dough figurines.

Master class with step by step photo: lamb

- This is a fascinating direction in needlework, which is especially liked by children. To make figures from salty text, you do not need to buy expensive materials, all the ingredients can be found in your kitchen. Try to do salt dough crafts step by step and share new master classes with experienced needlewomen.

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