Enlightenment. Enlightenment is the original state of consciousness


The information that enlightened people live among us has excited, frightened and delighted humanity for several years now. A vivid example of enlightenment is the Dalai Lama.

He, like his enlightened compatriots, differs from ordinary people in that if you look at him with the so-called “thin” (energy) vision, you can see the unusual luminosity surrounding him, not characteristic of ordinary people.

Signs of enlightenment

Enlightened people, according to esoteric researchers, have a very even and clean energy field, giving clean, direct rays (usually multi-colored). It is also known that enlightened people living in big cities have to hide their luminosity so that they are not recognized.

According to a certain group of mystics, enlightenment has nothing to do with the arguments of logic. To be enlightened means to transcend the boundaries of physical and mental possibilities. The physical body, not adapted to changes of this kind, often cannot withstand the load, and the phenomena that a person has to face are so powerful that they provoke mental and physical health disorders. Enlightenment has a particularly strong effect on the quality of sleep: a person becomes so meaningful that sleep cannot take over his body.

What is he, an enlightened person? Signs that cannot be confused with anything

In Tibet, facts of absorption by light have been recorded many times, but such cases are a common thing there. Through years of meditation, Tibetan lamas learn to separate the mind from the body. As a result, the body becomes unnecessary: ​​the mind takes it with it to eternity in the form of absolute energy.

In the 60s of the 20th century, one Tibetan lama - a man with an awakened, enlightened consciousness, turned to his relatives with a request not to disturb him and retired to his hut for a week. After this period, rainbow light “poured” from all the cracks of his house, and the lama himself disappeared without a trace.

Can "negative characters" achieve this state?

Adolf Hitler, who, according to some research groups, possessed the skills of a psychic, had no doubt that there was a place on the planet called the hollow Earth. The idea of ​​the existence of a hollow Earth inhabited by creatures that cannot be called people has indeed been discussed more than once among esotericists. This statement fully coincides with the guesses of the Russian researcher of the occult magic of the German fascists Sergei Zubkov.

The reason for the racial purges that Hitler so loved to carry out in the Third Reich, the scientist considers the attempts of the Nazis to attract the attention of the underground "masters" who were supposed to take part in the reorganization of the world familiar to us.

Did Hitler have a chance to become an enlightened person? According to authoritative esotericists, the presence of paranormal abilities is not yet enlightenment, but rather a continuation of the game invented by the mind and ego. True, sometimes the game goes to a new level, that is, it becomes more refined (but does not cease to be a game).

But this is not the peak yet - it is the mind that builds beautiful obstacles in front of the one striving for the True Reality, making him think that he is almost at the goal. But if there is no real mentor next to the “player”, there will be no one to warn him that he has played too much.

All these games and levels, stages of awakening and enlightenment from the point of view of the Unconditional Reality are the fruit of human imagination, since on the way to spiritual heights there are no players, no sleepers, no lost ones, no Absolute or relative reality. The information about the stages of enlightenment is used by the mind only to calm the ego. And the most massive ways to approach God all come down to gradual and not devoid of duality, hard daily work, the implementation of which requires many years (or lives).

Enlightenment does not guarantee physical health

How long do enlightened people live? The answer to this question has been shocking materialistic scientists for several centuries.

Some historians and psychologists who deny the existence of the True Reality admit that an enlightened person may well be socially adapted and successful in the professional and financial spheres. After all, people who are ideal in all respects cannot be unhappy in family and social life.

Most materialists consider the fact that enlightened people, who seemed to be closest to Divine miracles, to become victims of earthly diseases from which they died prematurely, as the main false argument, which does not “fit” in any way into the esoteric picture of the world.

The earthly body is a fragile thing

Indeed, many enlightened teachers have died of cancer and other incurable diseases. The Buddha, for example, died after several months of torment caused by poisoning. His many followers, watching the suffering of their Teacher, expected first a miraculous recovery, and then a resurrection from the dead. But the miracle never happened.

Krishnamurti suffered from a monstrous migraine for almost 40 years, and Ramakrishna suffered from paranoid hallucinations, but died of throat cancer when the subject was 45 years old. Swami Vivekananda was ill with diabetes and died at 38. His weight at the time of death was 120 kg.

Sri Swami Sivananda suffered from diabetes and obesity, while Sri Aurobindo suffered from tuberculosis and nephritis. Carlos Castaneda died of liver cancer when he was 73.

There are several opinions explaining the facts of the untimely departure of the great Teachers. Two explanations, which will be considered below, are considered to be the most relevant to reality.

Not warned means disarmed

Firstly, the sudden death of all great people is the result of unconditional service to other people. Giving all their strength and knowledge to the suffering, they forgot to take care of their bodies.

Secondly, none of the teachings mentions that enlightenment is a tremendous shock that pierces the brain like a bolt of lightning. Only a few enlightened people find the strength to save their brain from destruction. The “lucky ones”, as a rule, include individuals who systematically trained and used their thinking abilities: philosophers, mathematicians, physicists ...

According to statistics, an ordinary person exploits his brain to about 5% of its potential. A great person uses about 15% of the potential. And the one who uses 33%, that is, a third of the possibilities, will be able to survive enlightenment.

The unspoken statistics are no less inexorable: sudden death overtakes 90% of people who managed to survive enlightenment. And the enlightened people of our time, the survivors (their 10%) will never tell anyone anything about their experiences, because their brain is no longer subordinate to them, which means it cannot be used as a speech mechanism.

These shocking details, which have been going on for many centuries, have never been mentioned by anyone. But nobody asked...

Side effects

The “best qualities” of an enlightened person make his further stay on Earth impossible. A large number of enlightened ones die at the same moment - from the experience gained, the heart stops and the breath stops. Only a few remain alive, and almost all of them in the past were either dashing adventurers or owned life-threatening professions. Having received some doses of exciting experiences during their previous lives, they were able to cope with a stronger shock. But even if their hearts did not stop after what happened, then the bodies, having changed, will undergo suffering.

The human body can function normally when it is within its limits. But since enlightenment is going beyond, everything that is poorly developed breaks down. The body also breaks, which, fortunately, will never be useful to the enlightened.

Real Masters are silent about their achievements

Observant people have noticed that disputes about the essence of enlightenment and the methods of spiritual practices are the lot of beginners or those who have not even set foot on this path. Experienced mystics call this behavior a game of religious practicality based on the desire to show off.

What is the reason for such discussions and conflicts? Experienced esotericists argue that, consciously or not, the debaters thus express their uncertainty: "Have I chosen the right path?" Beginners, chatting about "high", do not suspect that it is their lack of experience and uncertainty about the correctness of their life choice. The eyes of an enlightened person radiate calmness and leave no doubt about the strength of his faith. As for the faith of a beginner, any example of someone else's negative experience can weaken it.

Trying to prove to others (and first of all to themselves) that they are on the right path, many beginners begin to doubt even more, and this doubt gives rise first to aggression, and then to fanaticism. And then what? Protecting one's faith becomes a matter of honor and requires more and more drastic measures, such as burning "heretics" and "witches", intimidation by sects, "jihad" and so on.

What does "enlightened" mean? A person who wants to find a good teacher, at least once, asked himself this question. How to distinguish a real, enlightened master? By his silence. An enlightened guru will never get involved in an argument about “whose faith is more correct,” because he knows that all paths of enlightenment lead to the same God, and therefore to the same result.

Theory and practice of enlightenment

Each of the ways of enlightenment provides for the possibility of obtaining secret signs and consists of certain stages of awakening. As for the secret signs, inexperienced students receive them from the guru, and people who have been practicing the spiritual path for a long time are guided by them to determine if they are lost in the illusory "wilds" of their mind.

The secret signs of different schools differ from each other, so it is pointless to compare them. These are just a kind of "notches", seeing which, the walker will understand that he is on the right track.

People engaged in various practices receive many different, blissful states (of which experience is formed), as well as the opportunity to see and hear what is hidden from ordinary people, go to the subtle worlds and meet saints. Many beginners are tempted to believe that they are already enlightened and get stuck at one of these stages, fascinated by their own sublime experiences and revealed abilities.

Those who know about practical and Vedanta (Vasistha) also know that a person following the path of development can reach the state of a completely Enlightened, semi-enlightened or unenlightened being.

Ordinary beings (including humans) who, in relation to Absolute Reality, are "strongly asleep" are called unenlightened.

Absolutely Enlightened Yogis are those who, based on personal experience, have known themselves as the Absolute Reality or have taken root in it, having achieved self-consciousness. People who feel themselves merged with God and see reality as it really is are called samadhis. The samadhis were Shiva, Krishna and Allah. It is to this state, indescribable by words, that all yogis aspire to.

Sahaja samadhis are people who live ordinary lives while in samadhi. Sahaja Samadha is forced to release part of the attention and direct it to the performance of daily duties and the maintenance of life in the physical body.

Perfectly enlightened people realize the Absolute Reality even during the night's sleep. In dreams filled with Divine radiance, they are able to travel through the subtle worlds inhabited by gods.

Semi-enlightened people are people who have touched the Absolute Reality for only a short moment and returned to their normal state. Some semi-enlightened ones are able to perceive and understand the Truth absolutely correctly, despite the fact that their consciousness is not yet completely cleared.

There are also such individuals who have accepted the Truth and understand its essence, but they failed to survive the necessary experience and experiences. Not knowing that the consciousness will not be purified until the mind is still, they are busy speculating on the sayings of the enlightened masters. According to some mystics, this is also a good start. By saying the correct statements an unthinkable number of times, they thereby bring the purification of consciousness and calming the mind closer.

Enlightened people of our time

Many users of the Global Network are interested in: are there enlightened people in Russia? According to the information that modern esotericists have, in the 50s of the last century, the incarnation of highly developed souls on Earth began all over the world (and, therefore, in Russia). The reason for the "landing" was the need to protect the independent will of enlightened earthlings. The first wave of incarnations (Indigo children) was completed in the 60s of the 20th century, the second was produced from 1980 to 1990 (Crystal children), the arrival of the third wave (the birth of Rainbow children) is currently taking place.

The last two waves are mostly the offspring of grown-up Indigo. Indigo parents create conditions for their offspring in which their innate intuitive, telepathic and develop very quickly. Many children already have the ability to psychokinesis (moving objects in close proximity) and telekinesis (moving objects far away). The next step for them will be the development of technologies of levitation, teleportation and the ability to stay in two places at the same time.

What is the difference between an enlightened person and an unenlightened one? An ordinary, unenlightened person with limited knowledge believes that the universe is infinite.

An enlightened, changed person does not see the Universe and understands the infinity of wisdom and knowledge that he saw with his inner vision. He also knows that the universe has limits and knowledge is limitless.

According to the information recorded in the Vedas, the soul of an enlightened person, having realized himself, leaves the material (no longer needed) body or burns the body in the fire of tejas (life force). According to people following this path, an enlightened person is immediately visible, because he constantly talks and writes that "awakening is beyond the mind."

According to the same source, there are other people who also talk and write a lot about their pursuits of awareness and magic... deliberately false, because they are inside the mind and are not enlightened.

How to recognize an enlightened person? Every school, as you know, has its own methods of enlightenment. But each enlightened master reveals to his students the same Absolute Reality (the highest spiritual realization), which can be achieved in different ways. Therefore, it is not possible for a master of one school to judge in absentia the degree of enlightenment of a master of another school. Only by meeting and talking (or keeping quiet) can enlightened masters answer this question.

In different religious movements and philosophical schools there are different understandings of this difficult issue. They contain people's attempts to understand what a person is and why he exists on this planet.

What is enlightenment?

In everyday life, enlightenment is understood as revelations that a person has received, a different view or a new understanding of familiar things. In philosophical schools and spiritual practices, this phenomenon has a different meaning. In them, enlightenment is directly associated with the meaning of life, so it receives a paramount role in the life of every person. From this point of view, enlightenment is going beyond the ordinary, awareness of oneself as part of the universe, higher wisdom, higher existence.

Enlightenment in Christianity

The concept of enlightenment in Christianity differs significantly from the interpretation of this concept in Eastern practices. Enlightenment in Orthodoxy is an attempt to realize the Divine essence, to get as close as possible to God and to fulfill His will. The enlightened men of faith include such saints: John Chrysostom, Simeon the New Theologian, Sergius of Radonezh, etc. Thanks to a deep understanding of the will of God and humility, these saints were able to achieve enlightenment, which manifested itself in the form of healing the sick, resurrecting the dead, and other miracles.

Enlightenment in Christianity is inseparable from baptism and is associated with the cleansing of a person from everything sinful and filling his essence with Divine love. According to Orthodox spiritual fathers, only the Almighty knows when a person is ready to become enlightened. In this matter, one must completely rely on God and not try to achieve this on one's own. The fact that a person has become enlightened can be recognized by his actions: they will be humble and aimed at the benefit of people.

Enlightenment in Buddhism

In contrast to the understanding of enlightenment in Christianity, enlightenment in Buddhism is associated with man. According to Buddhist tradition, this state is accompanied by a feeling of unimaginable happiness, next to which ordinary earthly happiness is felt as suffering. The state of enlightenment is difficult to describe in human language, so it is spoken about only with the help of parables or metaphors.

Buddha Shakyamuni's enlightenment was the first in the history of Buddhism. Shakyamuni was able to achieve liberation and go beyond the familiar world. The main strength of the Buddha on the path of enlightenment was meditation. It helps to translate spiritual reflections from logical understanding into personal experience. In addition to meditation, Shakyamuni pointed out the importance for enlightenment of such methods as knowledge and behavior.

Enlightenment in Islam

As in other religions, at the center of Islam is enlightenment - fana. Allah himself chooses the person on whom he will bring enlightenment. The criterion of readiness for fun is the desire of a person to reach a new stage of his development and readiness for this. The human heart open to the influence of Allah lets in a new world. An enlightened person, with which he is ready to serve people, and super-love for all living things.

Enlightenment myth or reality?

Enlightenment from a scientific point of view is the discovery of something new or a different look at familiar things. From this position, enlightenment has nothing supernatural in it and is the normal work of our mind. In spiritual practices, enlightenment has a different meaning and content. It is associated with higher powers and helps people find and realize their destiny on this planet.

Enlightenment is a reality for many religious people who have dedicated themselves to the service of God and people. Using the example of enlightened spiritual teachers, one can learn to expand the scope of one's consciousness and open one's heart to the influence of higher powers. For people who are not interested in the spiritual side of life, enlightenment may seem like a myth. Such a view may be due to conservative thinking and lack of knowledge regarding this issue.

Psychology of Enlightenment

The path to enlightenment often begins with dissatisfaction with life and one's place in it. Reading smart books, psychological lectures and seminars on self-development, conversations with wise people can help a person get closer to answering questions of interest, but all this is just the beginning of the path. Personal constant searches for one's life vector one day lead the human brain to a new understanding. The road to enlightenment often takes a long time, and sometimes a lifetime. The reward of this path is a renewed mind and harmony with the world.

Enlightenment or schizophrenia?

Strange as it may seem, but spiritual enlightenment and schizophrenia have three similarities:

  1. Depersonalization- get rid of self.
  2. Derealization- perception of the surrounding world as unreal, blurry.
  3. Mental anesthesia- Decrease in the strength of emotional experiences.

To distinguish between these two phenomena, the following components should be analyzed:

  1. Cause. The cause of schizophrenia is often negative. The reason for enlightenment is the desire to make the world a better place, to become a more spiritual person.
  2. Vote. With schizophrenia, a person hears voices calling for aggressive or inadequate actions. An enlightened person hears a voice from above, calling for goodness or improvement.
  3. Mission. In schizophrenia, a person's interests revolve around his self, even if the patient sees himself as someone else. An enlightened person seeks to help others.

signs of enlightenment

Adherents of Buddhism say that it is impossible to describe in words what happens at the moment of enlightenment. This is due to the fact that the emotions and feelings experienced in the process of enlightenment are incomparable with the emotions we are used to. Signs of enlightenment include:

  • spiritual priorities begin to dominate over material ones;
  • altered consciousness periodically appears, in which new truths or their depth are revealed to a person;
  • unusual abilities for creation, creation, healing appear;
  • the character changes, bad habits appear, go away;
  • an enlightened person sees divine wisdom in everything.

How to achieve enlightenment?

A person who wants to achieve enlightenment must go through the following steps:

  1. Wishing for enlightenment with all my heart. To do this, the enlightenment of consciousness should be made a top priority.
  2. Trust in the matter of enlightenment to higher powers. Only God knows when a person is close to enlightenment.
  3. Try to give your life under the control of divine forces. Approach God through humility and deepening contact through prayer or meditation.
  4. Engage in self-development, work on your character. A pure heart helps to be more receptive to the influence of the Spirit.

Ways of human enlightenment

Spiritual teachers of various religious movements believe that enlightenment techniques are just a tool that does not give any guarantee of success. Enlightenment is individual, it comes unexpectedly and has no exact cause. The following techniques can help you find a direct path to enlightenment:

  • prayer;
  • fast;
  • relaxation;
  • meditation;
  • self-knowledge techniques;
  • purification of consciousness;
  • yoga nidra technique;
  • getting rid of the negative of the past;
  • repetition of the names of God.

How to live after enlightenment?

Enlightened people are not transferred from this sinful planet to another. They have to continue to live among the same environment in the same area. Only a few of the spiritual teachers who have attained enlightenment go to the desert regions, but often this is done only for a while. The mission of enlightened people is to bring new knowledge and a new understanding of life to the world. After enlightenment, new abilities can open up that need to be used to help those around you.

Enlightened people note that after their spiritual experience, it becomes much easier for them to live in this world. Their ego and desires cease to control all actions. All the necessary things are done without laziness and apathy. Life becomes more harmonious and understandable. A person ceases to be anxious and nervous, as he begins to realize the essence of his life and his mission.

Enlightenment books

Many books have been written about enlightenment and how to achieve it. All of them help to find their own way in this matter and to rise to a new stage of their development. The top 5 best books on enlightenment include:

  1. Hawkins D. "From despair to enlightenment. The evolution of consciousness". The book describes practical methods on how to come to the realization of the meaning of one's existence.
  2. Eckhart Tolle "The Power of the Now". In this book, a person who has gone through the path of enlightenment, in a simple and interesting language, talks about the path to enlightenment he walked and what life awareness includes.
  3. Jed McKenna "Spiritual Enlightenment: A Nasty Thing". The book debunks many of the myths that have grown up around enlightenment. The author tries to help people who seek awareness to find the right path and start moving along it.
  4. Nisargadatta Maharaj "I Am That". The author encourages a person to think about his true destiny. It makes you look deep into yourself and realize the need to study your inner world.
  5. Valery Prosvet "Enlightenment in half an hour". The author invites readers to pay attention to themselves and engage in their self-development. To do this, the book describes a variety of techniques, methods of self-knowledge and work on oneself.

Enlightenment (awakening) is a state of consciousness, which is very difficult to give an exact description, since it is beyond words and concepts. Words can only distort its essence. One must be aware that words that describe something are just labels. They cannot convey the feeling, smell or taste, but they can only make our imagination work and come up with a distorted version of what is being described. Therefore, words cannot convey the exact meaning, but they can indicate the direction in which to look.

Enlightenment - the original state of consciousness

Enlightenment is only a state of consciousness in its original form, that is, when consciousness is not under the control of the Ego. This is a state of pure unlimited consciousness - it was like that in early childhood, but since we did not have awareness in childhood, we could not remain in this state. As a result, day after day we absorbed other people's knowledge, postulates, rules, worldviews and other limitations of the mind, eventually taking them for our own, and thus locked ourselves in the cage of the Ego-mind. Any words, thoughts, concepts, knowledge, ideas, beliefs, postulates, worldviews are all limitations of consciousness and a product of the Ego-mind.

The true nature of any being

Each of you is already enlightened, so it will not be possible to achieve enlightenment. You can't achieve what you already have. Oddly enough, but for enlightenment you just need to stop identifying yourself with your personality. You are not a person - you are an immortal soul. Personality is a product of the Ego-mind - a set of illusions about good and evil, bad and good, about what you need to be, and what you should never be, as well as your own ideas about yourself and others, and much more. If you have an idea of ​​how things should be, you will never see how things really are.

Only complete awareness

Enlightenment is not a state of joy, all-consuming love, forgiveness, bliss, etc. Also, being enlightened does not mean that you will know the meaning of life, connect with the Higher Self, learn the secrets of the universe and the like. An enlightened person is exactly the same with arms and legs, feelings and emotions. The whole difference is that he is AWARENESS. He has ceased to be a robot blindly following his automatically manifest emotions, has ceased to be subject to expectations and, as a result, lives in the here and now.

Awareness relieves the control of the Ego-mind, which, having become identified with the mind and body, replaces our direct perception of reality with its vision, that is, all information, both coming to us and generated by us, passes through the filters of the Ego-mind. When the Ego-mind loses control, emotions and sensations remain and consciousness perceives them, but ceases to identify itself with them, ceases to experience them and worry about them. You are in the state of 'I am', and in 'I am' there are no worries or anxieties. “I am so-and-so” is the experience. 'I am' is existence. 'I am' is awareness.

In this state, there are no complexes and fears, concerns and fears, unforgiveness and resentment, claims and envy, distrust and hatred, pity and anger, sacrifice and guilt, but you should not assume that the absence of these states automatically means love for everything. Why should you suddenly fall in love with the hypothetical Vasya, whom you hated or feared from childhood? You simply “hypothetical Vasya” will become uninteresting and, as a result, will quickly disappear from your field of vision. You will be in awe of any life, but it is not love.

Perception beyond duality

Enlightenment is a holistic perception of the world, that is, perception beyond dualities, since there is no Ego-mind that divides everything into good and bad, beautiful and ugly, etc. You perceive things as they are. It doesn't occur to you to give attributes to planet Earth, does it? You perceive the planet as a planet, but the World is already evil and kind, fair and unfair, why is that?

Complete freedom, which is so sought after in various esoteric practices, is a synonym for enlightenment. This is the awakening from illusions and self-awareness. It is pure presence, witnessing, watching the games of life and not being involved in them.

Obviously, not everyone needs enlightenment at the moment, and not everyone is ready for it. Any soul must go its own way before realizing that there was and is no way, and accepting the need for enlightenment through self-awareness.

I used the Baibak system for this and I think that something more effective, quick and simple will hardly be invented, but in any case, the technique is just a tool. Without a clear intention to gain freedom, or better yet, without the inner necessity of this very freedom, no technique will lead to it.

“Don't let methods worry you. If you are sincere and honest, if your desire for freedom is genuine, even the wrong methods can lead to it. You must be sincere, serious and honest. Don't worry about methods. The Inner True Self is conscious of itself. If you don't know the exact methods, it will guide you. When you approach, it already knows who is coming towards it, and it will come forward to receive you properly. Be honest and don't worry about methods.”

This post will be useful for spiritual people who are interested in enlightenment, the opportunity to reveal themselves, feel unity with the world and become happy.

1. What is enlightenment?
2. What is important to do in order to achieve enlightenment?
3. Practice getting rid of internal barriers
4. Technique for getting rid of fears
5. An important point for those who want to achieve enlightenment!

What is enlightenment?

What answer can you give yourself?

Maybe for you, enlightenment is the path to yourself, awareness of yourself, your true "I", connection with the Higher Forces, etc.

But do you admit the idea that you are able to achieve enlightenment right now?

Give an honest answer to yourself. Most people understand enlightenment as a kind of process of self-knowledge, and believe that they cannot achieve this high spiritual state at the moment - fears, blocks, disbelief interfere ...

But let's imagine for a moment...

Imagine that you have attained enlightenment right now. What will happen to you then? Perhaps you will feel love and unity with the World, a sense of satisfaction, happiness, omnipotence. What's next? How do you use it in your life? Often people do not understand what will happen next, how they will live after they achieve enlightenment.

If you look at the meaning of the word “enlightenment¹”, then it is defined as the ability to clearly understand, think and be aware.

Enlightenment is not a final and static state, as many people think.

Every time we see and realize something more clearly, we understand something better.

Think about this...

If a person clearly sees the goal in front of him, if he goes towards it consciously, and at the same time is in harmony with himself and the world - is this not enlightenment?

As soon as a person understands his mission and his life purpose, he begins to see the goal clearly in front of him and strive for it. It becomes clear to him - for what he lives, and why. This is true enlightenment.

What is important to do in order to achieve enlightenment?

On the path of enlightenment and self-knowledge, it is very important to unblock your feelings, remove complexes and “stones”, learn to feel happy, since it is the internal state of a person that is the indicator that determines the degree of his spirituality. How to remove the barriers that do not allow you to feel happy?

The practice of getting rid of internal obstacles

1. The practitioner closes his eyes and feels his body - what it is. With consciousness, he rises from his feet to the top of his head, paying attention to his feelings and thoughts.

2. Then the practitioner imagines himself as a small and bright person inside himself. This little bright man enters the heart and exits from behind, behind the back. What is there behind your back? Whatever it is, these are unconscious thoughts about the future.

3. The practitioner pays attention to the colors of the picture that is behind him, to the thoughts that arise in his head, to his inner feelings.

4. Then the practitioner imagines that there is a certain stone in this space. This obstacle on the way prevents you from reaching enlightenment and feeling happy.

5. In his imagination, the practitioner approaches this stone, puts his hand on it and asks what it means. At this moment, the practitioner can see, hear or feel anything. The task of the practitioner is to talk to this stone, ask him how to help him leave.

6. As soon as the decision comes, the practitioner immediately performs the necessary actions and watches how the stone dissolves in this space.

7. Then the practitioner, remaining the same small and bright person, comes back through the heart, feels himself in his body, imagines himself under a shower or a waterfall. It relaxes for a few minutes under the streams of imaginary water, after which it takes a deep breath, exhale and opens its eyes.

Fear release technique

Along with some internal obstacles, fears live in almost every person, and these fears also do not allow one to achieve enlightenment, to feel like a calm, harmonious and happy person. To remove fears, there is a certain technique.

1. The practitioner closes his eyes and focuses on his mind.

2. Then gradually stops the internal dialogue (this can help)

3. Feeling peace and relaxation, the practitioner focuses on the thought that he came to this world in order to know himself, his capabilities. And the only thing stopping it is fear.

4. Next, the practitioner focuses on this feeling of fear. At some point in the body, it will be felt most clearly. Then, with an imaginary hand, he takes out this ball of fear and throws it into a stormy river. Then he again focuses on the feeling of fear, and again, if it has arisen, he sends a lump into an imaginary stormy river. So until you feel some inner freedom, calmness, confidence in the future.

5. Then the practitioner mentally fills all the places where there was fear with a white shining light (until a pleasant sensation appears inside), after which he opens his eyes.

This practice can be performed regularly as needed, as new, previously unnoticed fears may emerge in the subconscious. Such inner work leads to enlightenment and inner harmony.

One more thing!

An important moment for those who want to achieve enlightenment!

Many practitioners believe that the spiritual life is something to strive for, and the material life is not worthy of attention. But it's not. We all live in both the spiritual and the material world, and must develop in all directions.

Only then will it be possible to speak of true enlightenment!

That is why in your personal diagnostics you will learn not only about your life purpose, but also about those areas of activity that suit you the most. Get free >>>

Leo Miromova

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Enlightenment (awakening) is a religious concept meaning "holistic and complete awareness of the nature of reality" (

Enlightenment is a wonderful state, but it is very difficult to give an exact description of it, because it is beyond words and concepts. Words only distort it. So without clinging to the words themselves, look in the direction they point.

Remember that the words that describe the phenomenon are just labels. The label and the phenomenon are not the same thing. Therefore, words cannot convey the exact meaning of the phenomenon, but they can indicate the direction in which to look. It's like a road sign saying you've entered a city - but the sign and the city are not the same thing. Keep this in mind to avoid unnecessary problems.

Enlightenment is the original state of consciousness. This state of pure unlimited consciousness - it was like that until you thought up all sorts of things about yourself. "Unlimited" - means "having no boundaries, sizes, restrictions." Words, thoughts, concepts, ideas, beliefs, worldviews - these are all limitations.

Enlightenment is the true nature of a spiritual being, i.e. you. It is changeless, eternal and infinite. Everything changes, except for your original nature, which a person has simply forgotten. THIS IS WHY ANYONE CAN ACHIEVE ENLIGHTENMENT. Actually, " " is not quite the right expression. How can one achieve what is already there? It would be more correct to say that you need to get rid of illusions that prevent you from seeing the Truth - your original spiritual nature, pure consciousness.

Most of the techniques leading to enlightenment remove stereotypes of thinking and behavior, mental limitations and false ideas about life (illusions), fears and worries, beliefs that prevent you from living "here and now", being present (just being) and perceiving.

It cannot be said that enlightenment is a state of joy or bliss, because that would be a limiting statement: it would mean that all other emotions and sensations disappear.

Enlightenment does not get rid of any emotions and sensations of the body. Man does not become a robot or a plant. Enlightenment eliminates the false ego- false identification with the body, mind and a whole bunch of everything that we consider our own and to which we are overly attached. When the false ego disappears, various emotions and sensations continue to appear periodically, the consciousness perceives them, but there is no identification with the body. It is also true that the quantity and intensity unpleasant emotions are drastically reduced. At least this is true for this path, as evidenced by the hundreds of positive reviews posted. Thoughts, emotions and sensations arise and disappear without leaving a trace. They do not "freeze", do not have such a duration of existence as before. Each new moment brings new perceptions, getting rid of what was a moment ago. At some point, there may be a feeling of sadness, but after a couple of seconds you realize that a smile is shining on your face, and sadness has disappeared without a trace. This is for example.

There is also no identification with the mind: you can no longer say "I thought", "I decided", "I concluded" - that will not be true. You will most likely say this: “a thought came”, “a decision arose”, “this is the conclusion”. At least it will feel like it is now. You don't see yourself as the mind, you are rather the presence of consciousness watching the mind. Although, of course, many enlightened people continue to use words familiar to people like “I”, “me”, “I think”, etc.

Enlightenment is also characterized by a greater understanding of the duality of the mind and of life in general.

About the mind. Does the mind remain after enlightenment? The functional mind, yes, it remains, because mind and body are sort of one mechanism. A functional mind is simply a mechanism for the survival of the body. It just works by performing specific functions. It is the mind of the body, like that of an animal.

The other mind, which is the ego, disappears. The ego is the “thinking mind”, an eternally chattering entity, making judgments, evaluations, comparisons, constantly worrying about something and arguing with itself. The ego is experienced as "I" and sees itself as a sort of center of consciousness, in control of its thoughts, words, and actions. Ask yourself the question “who am I?” and the ego will give you answers. All answers to this question (pre-enlightenment) are identifications.

When the ego disappears, what remains is a pure perceiving consciousness and a body with its functional mind. Identifications with the mind and body are now seen as an illusion. You continue to be with body and mind, but you realize that you are neither. As you respond to the name, you realize that the name is just a label attached to this body-mind that you perceive. Of course, some connection with the body-mind-name remains, so you continue to respond to the name.

Enlightenment is a state beyond duality, you are not in their trap. This is an important part of the description of enlightenment. We talk about dualities in more detail at.

Unfortunately, words it is difficult to describe enlightenment, since there is significant distortion, that's why there are so many . Nothing can be done about it. Don't think that there is a single accurate description of enlightenment somewhere - no. There are just pointers that will point you in the right direction, but to fully understand what it is, you need awareness from your own experience.

Enlightenment achieved through techniques of levels 1-5 does not lead to full (absolute) disidentification. And this is good news.

Firstly, because such a goal is not worth it, because the absolute would lead to an absolute loss of awareness - this would be a return to the original state of unmanifested consciousness, not aware of itself. This is a transformation into complete nothingness (and even such a definition is incorrect).

Secondly, none the technique will not give absolute enlightenment (in the sense of "complete disidentification"). As long as the body is alive, there is in any case some connection with it, a slight identification, albeit an illusory one. Illusory because the soul, by its nature, is not connected with the body, see. This can be compared to a computer game: you, as a player, are in front of the monitor and watch what is happening on the screen. Your attention is gradually drawn into the game and identified with the character. You are obviously out of the game (sitting at the monitor), but since your attention is entirely there (thanks to the desire to enjoy the game) and tied to this virtual reality, a sense of identification is created, thanks to which the game is experienced as reality. But take a "step back" - and you will see that nothing keeps you in the game, except for the usual interest. And never kept. And you are not a character. And you've never really been inside the game. Only your attention was there, nothing more. This awareness is called disidentification, liberation, enlightenment, exit from the matrix. In the book "Enlightenment in half an hour" I made a distinction between .

Enlightenment can happen, but NOT at the moment when you are something do to achieve it. Because any doing is a movement inside dualities, from one pole to another (for dualities, see the first level). As you move within duality, you are moving inside illusions, even if at the same time you empty the mind (from the same dualities and illusions), which in itself is useful and expedient! Enlightenment is beyond dualities. Therefore, at some stage of work on oneself, all dualities and movement within them will be abandoned - this will happen. self - and there will be enlightenment. Absolute enlightenment, that is, total disidentification (with the loss of self-awareness), is absolutely OUTSIDE ALL dualities and theoretically can occur after the death of the body; but it cannot be achieved by any effort of one's own.

So let's leave the absolutes alone and get back to the practical side of the issue.

Enlightenment, achieved with the help of the proposed techniques, is a state thatin outlinecan be described like this:

Conscious presence in the moment here and now (more in the article "At the fifth level there is a much more complete and accurate description of enlightenment.

Wikipedia gives the following definition of enlightenment: a state of complete awareness of a non-human essence (), in which the ego dissolves and the feeling of being a performer disappears, that is, the illusion of will expression disappears. This leads to a state of unity with everything around. Wikipedia also claims that enlightenment is achieved through understanding the fallacy of the will, due to which the spontaneity of mental activity arises (more precisely, it is now accepted), as a result of this, consciousness is disidentified from its body and mind. In this way consciousness is freed from illusions and identifications and becomes pure witnessing. If it is not clear now, leave it for later, at the fifth level it will be much clearer.

And, of course, it is better to balance theory with practice, for which this site was created. Articles are constantly being added, stay tuned. Start with Technique , working with dualities, and get the first experience of enlightenment (going beyond dual perception), even if it is short-term and in a separate area of ​​life.

For those who are seriously looking for the Truth and are engaged in self-knowledge, I can offer to read, the book is small, but "concentrated".

I wish you success!

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