Prose about life in contact. The wisest statuses are smart statements with meaning! Cool sayings about life


Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

I want to understand this feeling
I ask her the meaning
Why is it given to us people?
Those who do not understand its value.
When we do not value it,
When we do not appreciate, we do not store,
Exchanging little things
We run past happiness
As a result, we lose the main thing,
And then we scream out of self-pity.
To recognize love without learning,
We pass it off as passion, lust.
Having stumbled upon a corrupt attitude,
We ask the question to the sky: - FOR WHAT?
What do we suffer for, wanting happiness?
Why do we suffer in search of love?
For what we are looking for what we do not need!
For what we are looking for the wrong love!

What is a sense of life...

What is the meaning of life - a rhetorical question,
Which every thinking person carried with him.
And the point is to find the meaning.
Save yourself, save the world.

So I want our love
How the fire burned us again
Warmed, beckoned, called
And gave hope for happiness!

Love you!
I want and remember
Your warmth and beauty.
And like fine wine
I will remember your taste
As long as I live, as long as I love.

The eternal dispute to the point of hoarseness.
All life is a performance, there is a premiere.
The heroes of the play are me and you,
And the dressers fuss,
And the decorator burns bridges.
Half serious, half joking
Captured by the game and without an understudy
It's just you and me on stage
Without makeup, light, director
We play, teasing the audience.
In this play, we are jesters.
You are the king and I am the empress.
I'm a jerk in life. Answer who are you?
A page is torn from the play
From life - whole sheets.

I look out the window as the snow is spinning,
There is no hurry today.
I sit quietly by the window
Again, again, I'm waiting for you.

And the phone only beeps
How tired I am of them
Pick up the phone and say: “Ah!
Sorry dear, I'm busy."

Maybe you're busy, I don't argue
I will hide my longing again.
Draw the curtains - darkness,
Now she is nicer to me.

Curl up on the couch
And tears will spurt - like in a novel,
Shaking shoulders, lips, hands,
How difficult it is for me in the hours of separation.

Minutes and hours passed
And now you call me again.
I will wipe away tears, I will smile,
After all, you said: “I’ll be right back!”

And outside the window the snow is spinning,
Well, I managed to fall in love
Now there is no peace
And stupid tears can not hold back.

Hurry up to love, you won’t be able to save time for the future,
Hurry up to take care of each other, because losses cannot be returned,
Do not be lazy to say about love, because it can happen,
That someday one will have to continue this path.

Do not rush to blame, do not rush to offend with a reproach,
Those words are hard, wouldn't have to ask for them back
And any mistake, then turn into a lesson,
Find the best time to say something kind.

Do not forget that life is short, and minutes are priceless,
That in the golden hourglass the sand runs away,
Don't forget that even idols leave the stage
And the relatives, and loved ones, and the necessary have their own term.

There is now". Look into your eyes and penetrate your soul
If sadness worries the heart - give vent to tears,
Learn to forgive, understand and listen carefully,
Hurry up to love, so as not to be late someday

Hello dear! I'm sick of you
I'm thinking: Where are you? Where are you?
Like a ringing from the bells,
It beats in the temples with a hopeless falsetto.
Everything that surrounds me is fruitless,
Life turns into a vile torture.
Apparently, the Almighty God pleases -
Never meet you, Eurydice,
And not to see the sunset in the crimson
Your eyes are like lakes
Lips like juicy pomegranate kernels...
I am feverishly captured by love!
I would like the quiet music of the flute
Sleep soundly like Romeo in love.
Oh, do not wait for your beloved Juliet,
A tired body goes out like a match ...
Let only strange letters remain
Letters to a dream, to nowhere, to an ideal.
I loved you very much now and forever,
Too bad you didn't know about it.

The soul is elegant or in a dress?
The soul is charred ... in the corner ...
I ask her, but it’s unlikely ...
She keeps saying I can't.
She is sometimes like a ragamuffin
She is shyly proud...
My soul does not tolerate power
My soul does not tolerate evil.
You be patient ... I'm through the veils,
You are not blood - you are not alone ...
Soul and I - we are sisters, fortunately,
Soul and I - we are 2 rings.
I'll survive, I'll survive...
You give me the heat of fire
My Soul - be young!
My Soul - I love you!

Poems about love and life

Love is different in life.
Comes without knocking on the door
Will burst into your heart passionately,
Not a "Hi!" without saying.
She owns your soul
Severely beaten in the blood.
An evil fairy is playing with you.
This is what love is.
Breaks the heart on stones
You can't even find shards.
And sweeps feelings with a whirlwind,
And you shed and shed tears.
But, and her sister is different -
She won't let you down
She, wishing you well,
Helps drive away evil.
Melt the evil ice in the heart,
He will hug you to his chest,
Warm, kiss hard.
Don't lose it, keep it!

Life is beautiful and bright
Life is free and easy
Life is sunshine
Life is the sky, wondrous light,
Life is smiles and flowers
Life is full of beauty
Life is a caress of kind words,
Life is - children and love!

Life on earth does not stand still -
Someone becomes a happy bride
Someone walks alone through life
And he never finds his happiness.
Life for someone is a pleasant thing,
And for someone - heartache,
For someone, luck itself flies,
And someone loses all their happiness.

Life is one, and strangely enough,
Surprisingly good.
Though sometimes it's hazy
We must live without regret!
Sun by day and stars by night
There is winter, spring and summer...
Someone created a bright autumn
Even if it's covered in dampness!
Yes, sometimes life is hard
And who is now easy ...
We still have one life
Paradise, he is somewhere far away.
But don't worry
Even if life is hard.
You need to love and cherish life,
Because life is ONE!!!

On the lips of fate does not melt
bitter smile,
and no one will guess
where is the eagle, where is the tails.
And how old are we
will arrange a trick,
native land or foreign land
cover us with earth?
Will the banner lead us into battle,
Is the day in sight waiting? ..
And sway under us
rickety scaffolds.

Step of condemnation leads to immersion
This step is a clot without love.
The more negative opinions accumulated,
The deeper they drowned the soul in the midst of darkness.

"Love melody"

On the quiet keys of the piano, the melody born by you! I woke up, shimmering in me like two sunbeams dancing in a waltz dance ... Like a fleeting knowledge, a fleeting image of purity settled in my music. You, the Angel of innocence, captivated by the one that once said: I love you with all my heart and I will be faithful to you forever! You are the music of my soul, you are the one about whom I think with a gentle smile when I slowly write music on quiet keys ... Charm of my soul!

When evil awaits you
Hopes are shattered, oppressed by ailments,
How difficult it is if there is no girlfriend nearby ...
But in this, my dear, I was lucky.
When you believe in your craft
And you give your whole soul to him,
Any failure now and then
Hits hard. And yet I was lucky.
No matter how I come home
And your voice and hands touch
Brings peace to the soul
I become myself again.

I became smarter for a lifetime -

Fate revelation soul cleared,

Like light refracted through many prisms -

So the truth seeped into my heart.

Prophetic dreams became clear to me,

And hidden signs of nature and death -

I've become more tolerant of guilt

His and someone else's - on the whole heart.

People on earth have sinned

And the souls slowly emptied

Counting the days on the calendar

Crosses were carried on a mortal body.

When love came home

People didn't know what to do with her.

Firewood broke crazy -

And with a crash, the chips were scattered.

My mind is corrupted

And skewed by an arc -

The mind is too confused,

There reality and dream grappled into battle.

War always brings losses -

Victory breathes through the mouth

There are no ideals in fragile faith -

Eventually everything will die.

Perhaps become a misanthrope -

Grumble on the whole, blame people,

Spitting the poison of the soul in a stream,

Just love yourself?

Fate's credit of trust was not justified

And launched the destruction program:

The path of languid expectations broke off -

The flight of the soul ended prematurely.

Break - do not build - in harsh words

Uncreativeness breathed a stinking bottom:

The inner world could not stand the moaning -

The open soul curled up in a frozen lump.

That emptiness inside does not tolerate.

In filling - there is an essence

Being, avoiding death.

It is designed to live

See with the mind, aging with the body,

Keep the soul concentrate

For a purpose unknown to us.

Soaring after death,

He leaves the shell

Giving a bunch of thoughts

Pain pain is such a short word that carries so much deep meaning, mental, physical. minds to write poems and songs..

Pain - mental pain cannot be muffled with aspirin .. it does not go away just like that, it dulls over time .. oddly enough, it is often a companion of happiness .. Pain .. a state of mind that does not let us sleep at night does not allow us to believe in our own strength, in love .. and sometimes on the contrary, it drives us to a new, new something ...

It's just .. everything is over .. what should have left your life a long time ago. just everything, it's time for you to take off your glasses and understand that in this life, in addition to your problems, there are global problems: poverty, moral ugliness, incurable diseases, wars, accidents .. death, unemployment, living bodies with dead souls, deceit, betrayal. But you are so closed in your problem that you don’t see and don’t feel sadness and grief in the eyes of others, today it seems to you that everyone is better than you....

Time is running out, life is running out

The new burden dulls the pain.

Blood moves in the veins, nourishes the nerves,

Day gives night - and the ring closes ...

To give freedom to another person, you need to have it within yourself. And, if you are really free, then the freedom of other people is natural and necessary for you, like air. Haven't you noticed that the prisoner and the guard sit in the same prison, just on opposite sides of the same bars?

To give freedom to another person, you need to love him. Because freedom is love. And love is God. Is it possible to limit God and oversee Him in prison, as is the usual th prisoner? God, limited in space and time, turns into a dead idol, and love turns into jealousy.

Do you want someone to stay with you forever? Let him go forever from the very second when you had such a desire. Release sincerely and with love. And he will stay with you in this and even in all subsequent lives, because he will have nowhere to go from your infinity.

Igor Nemoff "Pedestrian"

Broke your Camelot knight? It hasn't even been broken yet. Turned inside out, defamed ...
He let too many people in... He let them in too much.
Wanted freedom for everyone? There is no such freedom. Will for one is a lasso for another ...
Therefore, do not build anything ... Everything is in you, knight ... inside.
When it starts to burn for real, don't lose yourself.
It was only stone and planks! Your castle is in you.
Save it, put it together in parts, build a new one, at least in the same place! Yes, do not allow looting. The dream was too beautiful ... bright.
Greatness is not in cities - in people!
The real battle is yet to come, and this is just cinder. Don't sag! Shield up! Harder in the knees! Build, don't let it break! Let's stand! A real warrior does not value the goal itself, but the road to it. No matter how twisted, thorny and dangerous it was.
The end of the path is the end of the meaning of his life.
Therefore, even after severe defeats. The pain of loss and disappointment, he rises from his knees again and again, raises his sword, goes forward. This is his nature. This is the essence of his spirit!
His fight continues.

Lived in the same forest hedgehog . You know what hedgehogs usually are - businesslike and respectable, they often like to rustle needles in the grass at night. And this Hedgehog loved to dream at night. Sometimes he didn’t do it alone, the hedgehog had a friend Star . It's good when you have someone to share your dreams with. Unfortunately, they could not see each other often: sometimes clouds prevented them, and sometimes the Earth turned the wrong way and prevented them from meeting. “Just think,” Asterisk sometimes exclaimed, “the law of universal gravitation separates us!”

After a long separation, the Hedgehog used to say:
- Asterisk, I miss you very much. I've been waiting for you for so long - almost an eternity!
- You know how strong circumstances are sometimes - said the Star.
“Yes, I know,” sighed the Hedgehog.

And they didn't say anything else. They silently dreamed together. And when morning approached, the star said:
- I have to go.
- I will wait for you, - said the Hedgehog, - I know that it will be very long again, but I will still wait for you, come back soon!
- I'll be back, you know, - said the Star.
- Yes, I know, - the Hedgehog smiled.

After all, it is so important to know that the one you are waiting for will definitely return, despite even the laws of the world...

First, she poured her bubbly laughter into a round film tin and mailed it to her grandfather in the village.

Then she scooped up fragrant multi-colored dreams in an armful and gave it to one good person right on the street.

Then she went to the station, rented a cell in the storage room and left her desire in it until better times in a crispy bag tied with a ribbon.

She put the moods that the closet was full of in a chest, carefully sprinkled with mothballs, and left herself only one, the grayest, road.

The turn of habits came: each of them was placed in a glass bottle with a ground stopper, the bottles were displayed in a trunk lined with velvet on the inside, and the trunk was forgotten in the hairdresser's.

She ate her smile at breakfast, sprinkled with cinnamon, between a spoonful of cottage cheese and a muffin.

Unborn kisses crumbled from the window to the pigeons.

She sat down at her computer, archived her perky laugh and mailed it to someone. Then she turned off the computer and left her quiet smile in the dead screen.

She took an ice cube out of the fridge, breathed all her tenderness into it, and tossed it into the microwave.

She released her light apple breath into the balloon and watched it melt in the evening sky for a long, long time.

Then she sat down on the path, silently, sleepily, indifferently. She closed her eyes, flashed white and disappeared ...

If you have a woman at home, look, maybe she is not all ...

(c) Anna Rivelote

Here comes the New Year!

A fabulous and amazing holiday with the smell of tangerine and Olivier salad, splashes of champagne and explosions of firecrackers. And many have already thought about where to go, who to meet, who to call, what else to buy, so that this holiday leaves an unforgettable mark for the whole year, charged with positive emotions and warmed with the warmth of memories.

Many, for sure, will get together and go to the cinema, for example, to the film "Yolki-2". Do you remember the first part? Where the girl from the orphanage said that her dad was the President. And also about the theory of 6 handshakes, according to which there are only 6 people between 2 strangers. That is, we are all, in fact, potentially familiar!

... Yes, but do we know how to communicate? Do we know how to take care of that momentary spark of warmth that so strangely suddenly lights up in the company of seemingly completely different, barely familiar people, somewhere at a friend’s birthday, on a snow-covered square under the strike of the clock, or just on vacation at one of the warm seaside resorts ?

We have forgotten how to communicate, maintain relationships.

- Well go
- Thank you.
- Go ... Well, what are you doing?
- I'm leaving.
- Are you looking for an excuse to stay! ..
- Yes, I'm looking ... but I can't find it.
- And I can not find an excuse to detain you. What to do?
- Is it true? Well, then I'll take off my coat and stay late.

“... Once, when I was on the high seas for the first time, I saw how it was snowing. Can you imagine - it's snowing in the open sea!.. And it was getting dark... and the falling snow itself seemed... it seemed to glow...! It was as if he was glowing himself - he was so bright! And I remember, I felt such anxiety, excitement. And for some time I could not understand why I was actually so worried and worried ... and then suddenly I realized that ... ... I feel sorry for this snow.! Well, because he does not have time to turn either into wet spots on the pavement, or into slush ... or into puddles ... or into slush, or into mud ... or into a snowdrift. It just falls, this snow, and disappears ... IMMEDIATELY! Turning into a wave .... immediately !!! Moreover, all these countless snowflakes and the intricacies of the trajectories of their falls ... all this falls and disappears ... FOR ANYONE!. And only a few snowflakes from all this snowfall ... very few, could lie down and melt on our heads, on our shoulders ... and on the deck of our ship. And then it seemed to me ... it seemed ... that we were only needed there for that - so that at least some snowflakes could lie at least a little on our shoulders, on our caps and on the deck of our ship ... lie down and melt .... "

Evgeny Grishkovets "Dreadnoughts"

She carried disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands. The devil knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow.

Love jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumping out of the ground in an alley, and hit us both at once! so strikes lightning, so strikes a Finnish knife!

With yellow flowers in her hands, she went out that day so that I could finally find her, if this had not happened, she would have poisoned herself, because her life is empty.

Well, the one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.

She entered the gate once, and before that I experienced at least ten heartbeats ...

Festive midnight is sometimes nice to delay.

…never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!

It is easy and pleasant to speak the truth.

I know that in the evening those whom you love will come to you, whom you are interested in and who will not alarm you. They will play for you, they will sing for you, you will see the light in the room when the candles are burning. You will fall asleep wearing your greasy and eternal cap, you will fall asleep with a smile on your lips. Sleep will strengthen you, you will reason wisely. And you won't be able to drive me away. I will take care of your sleep.

Why chase in the footsteps of what is already over.

A person without a surprise inside, in his box, is uninteresting.

A brick will never fall on anyone's head for no reason.

People are like people. They love money, but it has always been... Mankind loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether it is leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous ... well, well ... ordinary people ... in general, they resemble the former ones ... the housing problem only spoiled them ...

Probably only the one who hung it can cut the hair.

It's nice to hear that you treat the cat so politely. For some reason, cats usually say "you", although not a single cat has ever drunk brotherhood with anyone.

Fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.


To give freedom to another person, you need to have it within yourself. And, if you are really free, then the freedom of other people is natural and necessary for you, like air. Haven't you noticed that the prisoner and the guard sit in the same prison, just on opposite sides of the same bars?

To give freedom to another person, you need to love him. Because freedom is love. And love is God. Is it possible to limit God and oversee Him in prison, as is the usual th prisoner? God, limited in space and time, turns into a dead idol, and love turns into jealousy.

Do you want someone to stay with you forever? Let him go forever from the very second when you had such a desire. Release sincerely and with love. And he will stay with you in this and even in all subsequent lives, because he will have nowhere to go from your infinity.

Igor Nemoff "Pedestrian"

Broke your Camelot knight? It hasn't even been broken yet. Turned inside out, defamed ...
He let too many people in... He let them in too much.
Wanted freedom for everyone? There is no such freedom. Will for one is a lasso for another ...
Therefore, do not build anything ... Everything is in you, knight ... inside.
When it starts to burn for real, don't lose yourself.
It was only stone and planks! Your castle is in you.
Save it, put it together in parts, build a new one, at least in the same place! Yes, do not allow looting. The dream was too beautiful ... bright.
Greatness is not in cities - in people!
The real battle is yet to come, and this is just cinder. Don't sag! Shield up! Harder in the knees! Build, don't let it break! Let's stand! A real warrior does not value the goal itself, but the road to it. No matter how twisted, thorny and dangerous it was.
The end of the path is the end of the meaning of his life.
Therefore, even after severe defeats. The pain of loss and disappointment, he rises from his knees again and again, raises his sword, goes forward. This is his nature. This is the essence of his spirit!
His fight continues.

Lived in the same forest hedgehog . You know what hedgehogs usually are - businesslike and respectable, they often like to rustle needles in the grass at night. And this Hedgehog loved to dream at night. Sometimes he didn’t do it alone, the hedgehog had a friend Star . It's good when you have someone to share your dreams with. Unfortunately, they could not see each other often: sometimes clouds prevented them, and sometimes the Earth turned the wrong way and prevented them from meeting. “Just think,” Starlet sometimes exclaimed, “the law of universal gravitation is tearing us apart!”

After a long separation, the Hedgehog used to say:
“Star, I miss you so much. I've been waiting for you for so long - almost an eternity!
“You know how strong circumstances are sometimes,” Star said.
“Yes, I know,” sighed the Hedgehog.

And they didn't say anything else. They silently dreamed together. And when morning approached, the star said:
- I have to go.
“I’ll be waiting for you,” said the Hedgehog, “I know that it will be a very long time again, but I’ll still be waiting for you, come back soon!”
“I’ll be back, you know,” Star said.
“Yes, I know,” the Hedgehog smiled.

After all, it is so important to know that the one you are waiting for will definitely return, despite even the laws of the world...

First, she poured her bubbly laughter into a round film tin and mailed it to her grandfather in the village.

Then she scooped up fragrant multi-colored dreams in an armful and gave it to one good person right on the street.

Then she went to the station, rented a cell in the storage room and left her desire in it until better times in a crispy bag tied with a ribbon.

She put the moods that the closet was full of in a chest, carefully sprinkled with mothballs, and left herself only one, the grayest, road.

The turn of habits came: each of them was placed in a glass bottle with a ground stopper, the bottles were displayed in a trunk lined with velvet on the inside, and the trunk was forgotten in the hairdresser's.

She ate her smile at breakfast, sprinkled with cinnamon, between a spoonful of cottage cheese and a muffin.

Unborn kisses crumbled from the window to the pigeons.

She sat down at her computer, archived her perky laugh and mailed it to someone. Then she turned off the computer and left her quiet smile in the dead screen.

She took an ice cube out of the fridge, breathed all her tenderness into it, and tossed it into the microwave.

She released her light apple breath into the balloon and watched it melt in the evening sky for a long, long time.

Then she sat down on the path, silently, sleepily, indifferently. She closed her eyes, flashed white and disappeared ...

If you have a woman at home, look, maybe she is not all ...

(c) Anna Rivelote

Here comes the New Year!

A fabulous and amazing holiday with the smell of tangerine and Olivier salad, splashes of champagne and explosions of firecrackers. And many have already thought about where to go, who to meet, who to call, what else to buy, so that this holiday leaves an unforgettable mark for the whole year, charged with positive emotions and warmed with the warmth of memories.

Many, for sure, will get together and go to the cinema, for example, to the film "Yolki-2". Do you remember the first part? Where the girl from the orphanage said that her dad was the President. And also about the theory of 6 handshakes, according to which there are only 6 people between 2 strangers. That is, we are all, in fact, potentially familiar!

... Yes, but do we know how to communicate? Do we know how to take care of that momentary spark of warmth that so strangely suddenly lights up in the company of seemingly completely different, barely familiar people, somewhere at a friend’s birthday, on a snow-covered square under the strike of the clock, or just on vacation at one of the warm seaside resorts ?

We have forgotten how to communicate, maintain relationships.

- Well, go
- Thank you.
- Go ... Well, what are you doing?
- I'm leaving.
“Are you looking for an excuse to stay!”
Yes, I'm looking... but I can't find it.
“And I can’t find an excuse to keep you. What to do?
- Is it true? Well, then I'll take off my coat and stay late.

“... Once, when I was on the high seas for the first time, I saw how it was snowing. Can you imagine - it is snowing in the open sea! .. And it was getting dark ... and the falling snow itself seemed ... it seemed to be luminous ...! It was as if he was glowing himself - he was so bright! And I remember, I felt such anxiety, excitement. And for some time I could not understand why I was actually so worried and worried ... and then suddenly I realized that ... ... I feel sorry for this snow.! Well, because he does not have time to turn either into wet spots on the pavement, or into slush ... or into puddles ... or into slush, or into mud ... or into a snowdrift. It just falls, this snow, and disappears ... IMMEDIATELY! Turning into a wave .... immediately !!! Moreover, all these countless snowflakes and the intricacies of the trajectories of their falls ... all this falls and disappears ... FOR ANYONE!. And only a few snowflakes from all this snowfall ... very few, could lie down and melt on our heads, on our shoulders ... and on the deck of our ship. And then it seemed to me ... it seemed ... that we were only there for this - so that at least some snowflakes could lie at least a little on our shoulders, on our caps and on the deck of our ship ... lie down and melt .... "

Evgeny Grishkovets "Dreadnoughts"

She carried disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands. The devil knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow.

Love jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumping out of the ground in an alley, and hit us both at once! so strikes lightning, so strikes a Finnish knife!

With yellow flowers in her hands, she went out that day so that I could finally find her, if this had not happened, she would have poisoned herself, because her life is empty.

Well, the one who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.

She entered the gate once, and before that I experienced at least ten heartbeats ...

Festive midnight is sometimes nice to delay.

…never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!

It is easy and pleasant to speak the truth.

I know that in the evening those whom you love will come to you, whom you are interested in and who will not alarm you. They will play for you, they will sing for you, you will see the light in the room when the candles are burning. You will fall asleep wearing your greasy and eternal cap, you will fall asleep with a smile on your lips. Sleep will strengthen you, you will reason wisely. And you won't be able to drive me away. I will take care of your sleep.

Why chase in the footsteps of what is already over.

A person without a surprise inside, in his box, is uninteresting.

A brick will never fall on anyone's head for no reason.

People are like people. They love money, but it has always been... Mankind loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether it is leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous ... well, well ... ordinary people ... in general, they resemble the former ones ... the housing problem only spoiled them ...

Probably only the one who hung it can cut the hair.

It's nice to hear that you treat the cat so politely. For some reason, cats usually say "you", although not a single cat has ever drunk brotherhood with anyone.

Fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.

What is life and what is the meaning of life? Have you ever thought about this question? I think yes. All people on the planet think about it. This worries everyone. Although ... no, not all! This does not bother small children. They live a carefree life, and nothing disturbs them. So now let's get to the question. What is life? I'll try to explain to you. Life is an ordinary road. No, not the one, of course, along which we go to the store, or somewhere else, but in some ways these roads are similar. For example, in the fact that we expect some kind of end from this road. Many incredible surprises await us on this road. This road is preparing trials for us. Very heavy. So, this is the path of life, the same road. You look into the distance and try to understand what is at the end. You'll never know if you don't go. Sometimes it's scary. What if it doesn't end the way you expected? Will there be something terrible at the end? Yes, maybe so. Life brings many different surprises. Here you are on the path of life. Since the Road has just begun, you are still a small baby. You are not interested in this road because you are a carefree person. She doesn't scare you. The main thing is to always be full, satisfied, and with your loving parents. You love everyone! And mom, and dad, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle ... Everyone. It seems to you that life is full of colors and joys. It seems to you that this world is a world of dreams, desires, love and kindness. It seems to you that life is a real gift of fate, where good triumphs over evil, where there is no death and disease, where there is no betrayal, a world where you feel joy and warmth. You joyfully rush around the rooms, spin around, play with toys. This is happiness. But you notice something odd. This oddity is adults. They are not like that. They are constantly busy with something. They constantly say that they have no time to play with you, they constantly have some strange things happening. These oddities are called problems. You are too small to be aware of this word. You think everything is fine in this world. There are no fears here. Why are they so worried? - you think - there is nothing to be afraid of! Nothing to fear? No, I think you are deeply mistaken! Very deep. Have you ever heard that free cheese is only in a mousetrap? Of course not. The whole world is based on lies. You don't understand this. You don't know what betrayal and deceit are. You make friends with your friends, enjoy it, while others are simply using them.

So the fun part is over. Teenage life is coming. This is the hardest part of life. You feel like you're a superhero who can do anything. At this time, you want more adrenaline in your blood, it seems to you that you can change this world. The teenage stage is somewhat similar to the very first. You live in a world of illusions. Although some things are changing. You begin to notice that your loved ones and relatives have changed. They started treating you coldly, and they seem to be leaving you. Why did they change so drastically in the other direction? I want to say something shocking. They haven't changed! It was you who was different. At the first stage of life's journey, you didn't notice it. You say that all traitors. And the only one you can trust is your friends. You are wrong again! Do not do that! They're just using you! They rub their trust in you! Although, what to say, you do not understand. This is the time when the sea is knee-deep. Oh you stupid! You have to pay for your trust. You get into bad company, and you don't notice it. You are trying to prove to everyone that you can do anything. You start doing stupid things. You risk your life and health! Your parents torture you, make you tell what happened. But you are silent, like a partisan, because in your opinion they are nothing, and you, as always, brush aside, and say that you still don’t understand. A bunch of roads open in front of you in different directions. You choose the easiest way. No! Do not do that! You're wrong! You don't care.

The adult stage is coming. Now you understand everything, but, unfortunately, it's too late. Why did you go down that road? Were you too young? Ah, now it's all clear. Still, that's no excuse! Although what to say. Now, friends are nothing to you. It's clear. You return to your family, where you are welcomed with open arms. But their joy was short-lived... You meet a guy or a girl, and you start thinking about your personal life... Soon you have children. They scream, they run, they demand something from you. You start yelling at them. What for? Remember yourself. And exactly. It's you! Weren't you like that? Now take a look at yourself...

Next stage. You are an elderly person. You know everything, you are wise, you lived and learned from your mistakes, now teach others.

The last thing waiting for you is old age. Nothing worries you anymore. You've lived your life, you have nothing more to strive for. That's all. The life path is over. So what's at the end? At the end of death? Yes it is. But. what was the road, consisting of joys, tears and much, much more.

Registration number 0008492 issued for the work:

What is life and what is the meaning of life? Have you ever thought about this question? I think yes. All people on the planet think about it. This worries everyone. Although ... no, not all! This does not bother small children. They live a carefree life, and nothing disturbs them. So now let's get to the question. What is life? I will try to explain to you. Life is an ordinary road. No, not the one, of course, along which we go to the store, or somewhere else, but in some ways these roads are similar. For example, in the fact that we expect some kind of end from this road. Many incredible surprises await us on this road. This road is preparing trials for us. Very heavy. So, this is the path of life, the same road. You look into the distance and try to understand what is at the end. You'll never know if you don't go. Sometimes it's scary. What if it doesn't end the way you expected? Will there be something terrible at the end? Yes, maybe so. Life brings many different surprises. Here you are on the path of life. Since the Road has just begun, you are still a small baby. You are not interested in this road because you are a carefree person. She doesn't scare you. The main thing is to always be full, satisfied, and with your loving parents. You love everyone! And mom, and dad, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle ... Everyone. It seems to you that life is full of colors and joys. It seems to you that this world is a world of dreams, desires, love and kindness. It seems to you that life is a real gift of fate, where good triumphs over evil, where there is no death and disease, where there is no betrayal, a world where you feel joy and warmth. You joyfully rush around the rooms, spin around, play with toys. This is happiness. But you notice something odd. This oddity is adults. They are not like that. They are constantly busy with something. They constantly say that they have no time to play with you, they constantly have some strange things happening. These oddities are called problems. You are too small to be aware of this word. You think everything is fine in this world. There are no fears here. Why are they so worried? - you think - there is nothing to be afraid of! Nothing to fear? No, I think you are deeply mistaken! Very deep. Have you ever heard that free cheese is only in a mousetrap? Of course not. The whole world is based on lies. You don't understand this. You don't know what betrayal and deceit are. You make friends with your friends, enjoy it, while others are simply using them.

So the fun part is over. Teenage life is coming. This is the hardest part of life. You feel like you're a superhero who can do anything. At this time, you want more adrenaline in your blood, it seems to you that you can change this world. The teenage stage is somewhat similar to the very first. You live in a world of illusions. Although some things are changing. You begin to notice that your loved ones and relatives have changed. They started to treat you coldly, and they kind of leave you. Why did they change so drastically in the other direction? I want to say something shocking. They haven't changed! It was you who was different. At the first stage of life, you didn't notice it. You say that all traitors. And the only ones you can trust are your friends. You are wrong again! Do not do that! They're just using you! They rub their trust in you! Although, what to say, you do not understand. This is the time when the sea is knee-deep. Oh you stupid! You have to pay for your trust. You get into bad company, and you don't notice it. You are trying to prove to everyone that you can do anything. You start doing stupid things. You risk your life and health! Your parents torture you, make you tell what happened. But you are silent, like a partisan, because in your opinion they are nothing, and you, as always, brush aside, and say that you still don’t understand. A lot of roads open in front of you in different directions. You choose the easiest way. No! Do not do that! You're wrong! You don't care.

The adult stage is coming. Now you understand everything, but unfortunately, it's too late. Why did you go down that road? Were you too young? Ah, now it's all clear. Still, that's no excuse! Although what to say. Now, friends are nothing to you. It's clear. You return to your family, where you are welcomed with open arms. But their joy was short-lived... You meet a guy or a girl, and you start thinking about your personal life... Soon you have children. They scream, they run, they demand something from you. You start yelling at them. What for? Remember yourself. And for sure. It's you! Weren't you like that? Now take a look at yourself...

Next stage. You are an old man. You know everything, you are wise, you lived and learned from your mistakes, now teach others.

The last thing waiting for you is old age. Nothing worries you anymore. You've lived your life, you have nothing more to strive for. That's all. The life path is over. So what's at the end? At the end of death? Yes it is. But. what was the road, consisting of joys, tears and much, much more.

Dedicated to my neighbors
obsessed with greed
Do you understand what you are saying and what you are saying that you are asking? Do you hear yourself? Listen to what you say and what you ask, listen to your speech, to your words. Take a closer look at how you live and what you do. What have you become and what have you turned your life into. Look at yourself and your life from the outside. Look at your life through the eyes of a stranger. Assess the current situation. Then express and present your requirements to the people around you, those who are next to you. What are your grievances and on whom? The fact that you idealize everything in the world and live only in the present, not taking into account the past years, not taking into account past mistakes and achievements, and do not think about the future. Until now, you live youthful maximalism. In this case, resentment should be on themselves. The people around you don't matter. They are people just like you and deserve a good and better life no worse than yours, and maybe even better than yours.

You are obsessed, you are obsessed with greed almost to the point of insanity. Quietly you begin to go crazy from the fact that you cannot achieve what you want. You are blinded by this greed and do not know, do not understand what is happening in the world and are not aware of yourself and your actions, your words, but you demand something from the people around you. Forcing you to achieve what you want and what you want from life. Your obsession, like small blind kittens, leads you along the path of life, and you obediently and unquestioningly follow this path.

Each person has his own life, his own understanding of life and worldview. Each person creates and builds his own life. He chooses his life path and follows that path. Every healthy and sane person creates his life in such a way that he is comfortable, comfortable and good. In this life.

There is no such thing in life that in life everything is fine and everything goes smoothly. In our sinful life, there are no hassles, emergencies, troubles and pressing problems. Each person tries to solve his problems on his own, but if it is difficult for him to cope with his problems and he is not able to solve these problems alone, then he turns for help to people close to him - relatives, friends or comrades, but does not run for help to strangers, distant to him or those people with whom he sometimes communicates and all communication with them consists in the exchange of short standard phrases. Such as greetings, farewells and the question: “How are you?” and some general topics for conversation and nothing personal. You solve your problems at the expense of other people who are strangers to you, or you try to solve them at the expense of someone without making your own efforts. In the same way, fulfill your dreams and goals set for yourself.

If once and with someone you managed to fulfill your dreams at the expense of someone or someone for you went through this path, which is not always easy and even, achieving your goal and dream, and you got the desired result, then you were lucky and you can be congratulated on this.

But you left out one. The fact that not all people are the same and someone will refuse and will not fulfill and fulfill your desires, will not achieve your goals for you and unquestioningly obey you. You force people to fulfill your desires and try to achieve the desired result by illegal means. Treat people with disrespect and disdain and want to be loved and respected by the people around you. You are simply using people to your advantage. Communicate and make friends with people solely for selfish purposes. Because of this, such an attitude towards you, because of this, nothing in your life “sticks” and little happens. Now someone is still communicating with you, then soon you may lose this circle of friends. People will turn away from you.

All the filth and evil of your life is in yourself, not always in your environment. The whole trouble is that for yourself you do not want and practically refuse to do something. For yourself, you are too lazy to move. But you can use and force strangers and strangers to make your dreams come true, and if you can’t or didn’t manage to get a person to work for your dream, you are offended by them and blame these people for refusing you and your dreams did not come true. Failed to achieve the desired result. But in vain. Your insults are in vain. . .

Think about it, look around, see what is happening in the world that is further away and around your nose and around you. You should not blame outsiders for your troubles and misfortunes and blame for the fact that your goals have not been realized, and your dreams have not come true. Blame only yourself, your laziness, your inaction and the desire to force people to bend under you and the desire to force them to do everything possible for you to achieve your goals and solve your problems. Believe me, people have no less important problems and everyone has their own dreams and plans for their future life, which each person wants to solve and fulfill. He achieves this and makes every possible effort. And the fact that you think that only your problems and desires are vital, and the rest live and enjoy their lives and they have no worries or troubles, then you are very deeply mistaken in this.

Get rid of the filth of life, remove the veil of greed from your eyes, be kinder to people and to the world around you, smile at everything that surrounds you and life will become easier. Gain strength and break out of the vicious circle of troubles and misfortunes. Then Life will improve and all problems and troubles will go away. The world and all your surroundings will gladly accept you into their circle, into their arms. Then the soul will be light and calm, it will become easier and better to live than with a heavy burden on the heart and a heavy soul.

I realized one thing - guys are not much different from girls in terms of love. In the same way, they are waiting for princesses, as well as girls-princes. Guys - narcissistic, change orientation, put on a shell of pride and pride, and some remain infantile teenagers. Girls - sell their bodies, change orientation, change appearance, play male roles, become independent or turn into plastic, rhinestone-clad dolls. Nobody needs anyone. All proud, all free in appearance, cowardly and miserable inside. Isn't this the real end of the world?

Life (2007)

My meaning of life is a book
My heads are desires
My thoughts are lines
My feelings are words
My silence is a point
Sometimes a book is lost
The book is missing chapters.
The chapter is missing lines.

But there will always be words.. Incoherent, sometimes it is difficult to parse them, and it is impossible to make sense out of them... And when the sense cannot be gathered, it remains to put points. After all, sometimes they can tell us much more than words.

Love (2007)

The love between a man and a woman should be like the love between man and nature:

To endure and wait when one of the two rages;
Silence, admiring each other for a long time, when joyful;
Find comfort and dissolve in each other when sad.
Love is to be silent together, knowing that words are not needed.
This is to say goodbye without tears.
It is to keep promises without promising.
It's not about hiding tears from each other.
This is not to hide from each other their crazy ideas.
It's letting go when you know you could lose forever.
It is to be far apart, but to feel close.

The main thing is that it works! (March, 2010)

Here, many, yes, almost everyone believes that the result should be visible. Yes, I do not argue. However, if you do not see it, this does not mean that there is no work either. Nobody says: "The heart does not work because I cannot see!", right?

P.S. So, the saying "Slowly but surely" is perhaps true, especially if we talk about the desired, quick result ..

Protection (2010, February)

As always, closer to 3 o'clock in the morning, I took off my jacket from the hanger, lay down on my side and huddled into a ball (you can't really lie down on the chair, after all!). And again, smart thoughts began to come to me (which generally often come from 3-5 in the morning, and even if I lie on my left side):

"... No matter how selfish it may sound, but, perhaps, there is not a single living soul that could give me a greater sense of protection than ... my jacket .. It is strange that even 3 years ago, I, feeling that but desperation and defenselessness, put on a jacket and sat in the room, listening to music. It fits well to the body, gives a feeling of security, and as a result, calms, and, as expected, warms. And therefore, so far there is not a single person who can get closer than my jacket.... "

Such a thought appeared in my head ... She warmed and warmed me, gave clever aphorisms and sayings, and now she decided to give the same good thought about herself ...

P.S. Yes, sometimes things are more precious to us than people. And, for various reasons.

Fears (2007)

In general, it seems to me that people who are prone to risk can get rid of fears faster. Extreme in life is a test of yourself. So I was afraid to climb onto the roof, and I decided to overcome myself - I climbed! It made me crazy to try to sit on the edge of the roof, and even in front of everyone, in the end, I sat down.

Still, of course, time and character of a person also play a role. Just when you are afraid of something, imagine what happened to you, what you are afraid of. Will you be ashamed, will your parents punish you, will everyone laugh? Let's assume it did. Now imagine what will happen to you some time after you are shamed, punished, laughed at? As a matter of fact, nothing bad will happen. Everyone goes through this. You just get experience. This means that you will become a little stronger, and you will know that it is not so scary as it seemed at first ... After all, the main thing is that you are alive! And fears and doubts are a mirage. You have nothing to lose if you go against your fear. After all, there is light, not darkness. Then the fear will slowly go away, because it has no place here, and the circumstances will not develop as an evil. In my head, anti-fear sounds like this: "There's nothing worse than death." And I see no reason to be afraid of death. Death is like being afraid of fantastic creepy monsters - they are only in our imagination, not in reality. Death is something that will happen to everyone, and it is pointless to fear it. As long as you're alive, just live. It is much more pleasant to understand that you were able to overcome fear than to lose a lot of important things because of it. Somewhere you need to treat something dispassionately, but somewhere you just understand that everything can be experienced.

Conclusion: If you are afraid to die - know - you will die when the time comes. Maybe that fear will go away. Are you afraid of losing loved ones and family? Know that everything is not forever, and we all came here alone. No matter how cynical it may sound. Therefore, just hurry to love, live and appreciate your life and family, hurry to do and say everything that you want to tell them and everything that you are ready to do for them, so that later you can calmly survive their loss.

P.S. It is pointless to be afraid of fears.


Imagine that your dream is a balloon.

We often cannot forget about our dream, we think about it, because we are waiting for it to come true. Then if she's a balloon, then the fact that she can't come true is obvious.

So you go to school, to work, and you hold a ball in your hand. But it also prevents you from moving, doing anything. When you get on the bus, you will think that nothing happens to the balloon... Yes, you can be with it for a while, protect it... but sooner or later it will burst... Because it cannot survive on earth . So isn't it easier to release the balloon into the sky? It will fly freely to heaven, and somewhere there it will burst, but not from the hand of man. Probably the same with dreams. Let her go to the sky, sort of place an order and send it by air mail. You will quickly forget about it, and it will quickly come true.

If the balls are blown away, remaining with you, then it is unlikely that you needed this dream, or you failed to realize it, or time passed and it became unnecessary. If you ride with a balloon on a bus, you do not strive for a dream, you do not save it in order to fulfill it.

Is there a destiny?

Like everyone else, I sometimes think about this question. So far I have made such a conclusion - any step you take is a puzzle of a picture of fate. She does not have only one way. There are many options for its development. Fate is a thread woven from all your actions that you make in life. Every link in the chain is your decision, every step you take. Your life at the end will be called destiny.

I decided to say that we no longer go through love lyrics.

A cozy swamp of balance...

Heart and music live side by side...

Patriotism for yourself...

I want to love so much that sometimes I'm even afraid: have I fallen in love?

A man is not worth ruining himself because of him. A person is worth loving yourself because of him.

There is nothing wrong with dreams coming true, but there is nothing good if they are not yours.

I like the rain, but today it's cold.

A man who is able to raise his hand against a woman is an insecure disabled person, only without a certificate.

Weak is not the one who is not able to hit, but the one who is not able to express his feelings.

They say that you need to develop your talent. What if you're a big lie?

Your dream is a balloon. Therefore, in order for it to come true - let him go.

Only devils seem innocent.

I'm so glad to be hated because I don't have to doubt my sincerity.

Every little thing fills our life with either a bad impression of it or makes us happy.

The main thing is not the goal, but what remains after achieving it.

Sometimes you have to do something that you don’t want to do, but only in order to never do it again.

I don’t understand how it was possible to end where it was impossible to continue?

Freedom is a kind of loneliness.

When you've done your best, give yourself time to respond to your efforts.

If you met a person who voices your thoughts, feelings and desires, then the angel wants exactly this from you.

If the pot is cracked, it is better to break it than to live in expectation of the worst.

Be happy, but at every stage of your life, dive deeper into this philosophy of happiness.

I love everything that makes me think differently, looking at everyday life from an unexpected angle.

Why keep a man if he doesn't want to stay?

If you thought less, your life would be simpler, but much more meaningless.

The more you delay, the more difficult it is to take a step.

When you walk on an unfamiliar road, the path seems long.

It seems to me that I can talk to you all my life and never regret it.

It's nice to be silent with you.

I go deeper into life, knowing how difficult it is to live in order to understand how to survive.

Looking at the result, I always try to find its original cause.

I know that a bad ending is possible, so I just love it.

Calmness is the best friend of wisdom.

Learn to appreciate what is, and you will get what you really need.

Our life is a collection of board games. Where every game is a goal, the finish of which is its achievement. To keep life moving, leaf through the collection more often!

Why do you think the thoughts or ideas of people from different parts of the world often coincide? Because the Universe is one, and tells us about the same thing, leads us to one thing, just not everyone hears its words.

If you smile at all troubles for evil, the Universe itself will kneel before you.

People themselves created such a world, but for some reason they cannot figure out how to live in it.

The universe can throw out even things that scientists have not yet discovered.

Sometimes, the best choice is to swim a little with the current until a fork appears.

Alone, you become who you really are.

Who is not needed in my game,

let him go play.

Don't be afraid of the dark in the corridor - somewhere there is a switch.

If there is nothing to talk about, is it possible to be silent about something?

I encourage people to love themselves, not me.

I am a being who knows how to live.

He is in himself, I am all of myself.

The main thing is that I do not lie to myself, but you can.

Shove your snot back up your nose!

When you give up on a chosen goal that is dear to you, just choose a siding if it is not achieved. Then the Forces will see that for the sake of the goal you are able to live without it. It means you deserve to get what you want.

It seems to me that "your" person will not let you forget yourself, but on the contrary, will help you remember.

I believe that we need to learn to look at each other not as the opposite sex, but as person to person.

It's one thing to find your dream. The other is to have it.

Perhaps it is better to be crazy, but kind, than sane and evil.

I would send many to hell, but there is still not enough time.

Love yourself the way you are.

Love until you get bored.

I am so unpredictable that .. I don’t even know what to write next.

You can trust life and allow yourself to be changed. That's just who will need it - God, society, or is it you?

Life is hard for chameleons. They will be confused with anything, but they themselves are not noticed.

Give me a wrench. And then something of an active life position came loose.

If you want to see a miracle, pretend to be a child.

In every science, in every teaching or view of the world, there is always a grain of truth.

Understanding between a man and a woman will be when they begin to look at each other as a person to a person, and not as the opposite sex.

It is better to speak than to remain silent. We are not psychics, and understanding is learned gradually.

In the ugliness of human appearance, there is a main plus - rubbish, which turned out to be next to such a person, will come to light immediately.

Do not run after those who are not in a hurry to you. Don't feed someone who isn't hungry anyway. Do not pity the one who has a mother. Don't clean up after someone who can clean up after themselves. Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't value their time with you. Pay attention to those with whom you remain yourself.

You need to get used to loneliness in order to learn to be independent, self-sufficient, and to make something out of yourself.

Banal question:

Who is smarter man or woman?

Woman! This OK need to so be able to twist men!

Find love in yourself, and then you will love those who love you. We fall in love unsuccessfully until we love ourselves for who we are.

Everything is fine. I'm dead.

Success will come to those who always know what to do next, even when all their plans are destroyed.

Maybe I'm wrong, but the ideal union of a man and a woman is possible when they are not only lovers, spouses, but also friends.

Go out guys while you're young, and don't build serious relationships while the crap is playing in your head, so as not to make business. And if you build, then be ready to change together.

Now I realized that suicide is the pity of the mind for oneself because of the weakness of the spirit. When you make mistakes that hurt others, be kind enough to answer for them by living the life of a miserable person.

A fashionable Owl tattoo will not add wisdom.

When it's lousy at heart, go to work, for 6 days.

We are all "friends" according to the list in contact.

Don't hang your nose on a hook!

Cold, steel - hang on a nail.

And kind - a smile from a hanger.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do tonight.

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