Live broadcast about the joke about Jeanne Friske. Live broadcast - Lie detector for the secret husband of Zhanna Friske


Zhanna Friske has not been with us for three years now. Everyone loved her, many men dreamed of her, but today in the "Live" studio, the man, whom the singer never spoke about, hid him from the public. This is Pyotr Nikitin. He agreed to talk with Andrei Malakhov one on one and even take a lie detector test to prove that his secret romance with Zhanna was true.

Pyotr Nikitin came to Moscow from the Saratov region. Even at home, he was engaged in dancing, and in the capital he continued this business, became a member of a dance group. Thanks to this, Peter met Jeanne. She knew the team leader and invited them to take part in the filming of her video for the song "Somewhere Summer". And then producer Friske invited the dancers to become part of the singer's team. Together they performed.

It so happened that on New Year's Eve, having worked out all the concerts, Peter, together with his partner Dmitry, was going to continue to perform together, and Jeanne suggested that they go to a bar to celebrate the holiday together. As a result, Dmitry left, and Peter and the singer spent that night together. And so began their romance, which lasted almost five years.

All this time, almost no one knew about their relationship. Jeanne has always told reporters that her personal life will remain personal. “And I was of the same opinion. I didn’t need fame. In principle, at that time I was a very successful, popular artist in my dance genre. Therefore, at her expense to become famous or get something - I generally have this in my head was not," Nikitin said.

Peter admitted that he was jealous of Jeanne, but not because they wrote about her in the yellow press. Their parting happened without scandal and long conversations. Nikitin left on his own, and Zhanna was only trying to understand whether he was 100 percent sure of his decision. She did not persuade him. But the reason for the separation was not jealousy. “There was a period in my life when these dances, show business got me. And I told her: “Let's finish it all, live a normal, ordinary life. Let this show business remain in the past. "At that moment I was very categorical. Now I understand that it was possible to do everything differently, it was not worth breaking everything so abruptly. She was even ready to gradually leave her career as an artist for the sake of her family. She always talked about it," Peter admitted.

Friske's romance with Shepelev began after her breakup with Nikitin. Moreover, Peter learned about him not from the singer, but from mutual friends. He never spoke to Dimitri.

Nikitin admitted that when he found out about Zhanna's illness, he did not want to believe it. But I was looking for a meeting with her. It was not possible to organize it, because the singer was either in America or in Germany, there were always people around her, but the phone was not always at hand. Friske herself called Nikitin when she could. And their last meeting took place when Zhanna improved, and Peter, along with the whole team, came to visit her and her parents.

Why didn't Nikitin propose to Friske and why didn't they have children? What does he think of Jeanne's son? Is everything Peter says true? What did the lie detector show? Answers - in the program "Andrey Malakhov. Live".

More recently, Lama Safonova in our studio talked about her romance with a Hollywood producer. It seemed that she had fallen into the very transcendental starry world to which she so aspired. Career went uphill, luxurious music videos appeared. And then Lama Safonova, chained to the bed, begs to be saved. Cancer ate half of her body. Lama Safonova and her husband Alexei Ivanov in our studio.

In the case of the murder of the famous actress Alexandra Zavyalova, a new twist. A year ago we were shocked. We could not believe, understand how Zavyalova could have been killed by her only beloved son Peter. Peter adored his mother, he lived with her, looked after her, she always spoke about him with pride in every interview. Then the body of Zavyalova was found at home with traces of knife blows. Peter then pleaded guilty, although the investigation has not yet found him guilty. Moreover, in this case, completely different names of the killers are now heard. The investigation continues today. For the first time, the testimony of witnesses who had been silent before.

"Live" - ​​a program about what the media usually does not talk about! Difficult problems of ordinary people and celebrities live on the Rossiya TV channel. Live the latest episode online today.

The program can be seen on TV channel Russia 1 from Monday to Friday

Genre: Talk show, informational and analytical program
Year of issue: 2017
Released: Russia, Russia 1
Leading: Boris Korchevnikov

Many men dreamed about her, but today in the studio of the talk show “Andrey Malakhov. Live” will appear the one whom Jeanne hid from the public for many years. Some time ago, a certain Pyotr Nikitin showed up, who announced to the whole country about his secret 5-year romance with the now deceased star. The man will be tested on a lie detector. Is it true that he was Jeanne's lover? For all the details, see the release of the program Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast - Lie detector for secret husband Zhanna Friske 07/25/2018

Popular singer Zhanna Friske died on June 15, 2015 from a serious illness. During her lifetime, she never talked about Pyotr Nikitin, who today claims that he and Jeanne were close and loved each other. The man agreed to talk with the host of "Live" Andrei Malakhov and tell him a lot that he had not yet told the press. In addition, Nikitin will pass a polygraph test and then it will be clear whether there really was a love affair between him and Zhanna Friske, or whether everything Peter says is a blatant and cynical lie.

Live broadcast - Lie detector for the secret husband of Zhanna Friske

Mr. Friske - that's what they called him today in the talk show studio of Andrey Malakhov Live - Lie detector for Zhanna Friske's secret husband. Pyotr Nikitin arrived at the program to speak frankly about his former relationship with the deceased star.

Peter Nikitin:

- The nickname "Mr. Friske" certainly sounds funny. How did it stick to me? It’s very simple: Zhanna and I once flew to the island of Bali, and there in the hotel in the morning the employees turned to me with the words: “Mr. Friske, will you have breakfast?”. I was taken aback at first, but then I realized that they wrote me down as "Peter Friske." Jeanne then joked with me, but all this was quickly forgotten.

She instilled in me a love for this island. We have been there almost every year, that is, we have been there 4-5 times in total. Now everything in Bali reminds me of her, of our romance. I am not a very sentimental person, but when my friends and I arrive on this wonderful island, I ask them to go to the restaurant where we were with Jeanne. I will gladly go there again.

Peter Nikitin is 34 years old. The age difference between him and the singer was 9 years.

Peter was born and raised in Balakovo. Already in his youth, he actively showed himself as a creative person: he participated in KVN, was engaged in break dancing. Soon Nikitin realized that the time had come to conquer the capital. Acquaintance with a famous artist was a complete surprise for a young guy from Balakovo.

Pyotr Nikitin continues to talk about his acquaintance with Zhanna Friske and the further development of their relationship:

- I starred in the video of Jeanne "Somewhere Summer". At the time when this video was filmed, in fact, there was no smell in the summer: it was somewhere around 5 degrees. After filming, an offer was received from the producer that I and a few other guys become permanent members of Jeanne's dance group.

Everything suited me and I soon found myself alone with her. We talked and then went to her house. It happened on New Year's Eve. We did not find the key to open the door to her apartment and then I plucked up the courage and offered to come to me. Ordinary neighborhood, two-room bachelor's apartment. Zhanna was here only once. After that, we usually met at her apartment or in a country house.

- The feeling of discomfort did not leave me then, because I wanted to give her something more, but she always said that she only needed me. Our relationship lasted about 5 years.

Zhanna Friske and Pyotr Nikitin: a lie detector for a secret husband

Exactly 5 years, according to the hero of today's broadcast of the program, he met with a famous star who died 3 years ago. Zhanna Friske and Pyotr Nikitin - fact or fiction? In this edition of the talk show Live - Lie Detector for Zhanna Friske's secret husband will show the whole truth.

Peter Nikitin:

- I still have Zhanna's phone number in my notebook ... It's very hard to realize that she is no more. I have so many things that remind me of her. In my phone, she is recorded as “Babe”. I was called "Mishutka" by her. I saw Jeanne's parents only once, when she was already ill. I did not go alone, but with a team.

At the end of the broadcast - the long-awaited results of the lie detector test of Peter Nikitin. Polygraph examiner Maria Ponomareva concluded that much of what the man said during a conversation with the presenter Andrei Malakhov was true. However, it turned out that not everything he said was true ...

According to the data received, Peter really loved Zhanna Friske, but their romance did not last 5 years, but much less. In addition, Nikitin in these relations, despite his feelings, clearly pursued financial gain, which the man himself initially denied. He did not propose to Jeanne and was not going to marry her. In addition, the singer did not want to have children from Peter.

For more details, see the release of the Andrey Malakhov program. Live broadcast - Lie detector for the secret husband of Zhanna Friske, aired on July 25, 2018 (07/25/2018).

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