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Nickname(Greek: false name) - an invented name that a person uses in social activities instead of the name given at birth (recorded in official documents).

Most often, pseudonyms are used in literature, art, religion and the occult.

If a person becomes famous, then the pseudonym often replaces his real name. And even the person himself begins to perceive himself under a pseudonym.

They take a pseudonym if they want:

Choose a name with a certain energy (program) for success in a particular profession

Have a bright, memorable name

Change the long name to a shorter one

Hide national roots

Hide your real name to protect yourself from scrutiny

Literary pseudonyms

Alexander Grin: Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky

Alexander Serafimovich – Alexander Serafimovich Popov

Anatole France: Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault

André Maurois - Emile Salomon Wilhelm Erzog

Andrey Bely: Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev

Anna Akhmatova - Anna Andreevna Gorenko

Arkady Gaidar: Arkady Petrovich Golikov

Boris Polevoy - Boris Nikolaevich Kampov

Veniamin Kaverin - Veniamin Aleksandrovich Zilber

Voltaire: Marie Francois Arouet

Guillaume Apollinaire: Wilhelm Apollinaris Kostrovitsky

Gleb Arseniev - Yuri Sorokin

Grigory Gorin – Grigory Izrailevich Ofshtein

Daniil Kharms - Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev

Demyan Bedny: Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov

Jack London – John Griffith Cheney

George Sand - Amandine Aurore Lucille Dupin

Igor Severyanin: Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev

Kir Bulychev - Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko

Korney Chukovsky: Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov

Lesya Ukrainka - Larisa Petrovna Kosach-Kvitka

Lewis Carroll – Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

Maxim Gorky: Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov

Maxim Tank: Evgeny Ivanovich Skurko

Mark Twain - Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Mikhail Svetlov - Mikhail Arkadyevich Sheinkman

Mikhail Koltsov - Mikhail Efimovich Friedland

Molière: Jean Baptiste Poquelin

O. Henry – William Sidney Porter

Pablo Neruda - Naftali Ricardo Reyes Basualto

Paul Eluard - Eugene Emile Paul Gredel

Panas Mirny: Afanasy Yakovlevich Rudchenko

Prus Boleslav - Alexander Glovatsky

Sasha Cherny: Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg

Stendhal - Henri-Marie Bayle

Taffy: Nadezhda Alexandrovna Lokhvitskaya (Buchinskaya)

Sholom Aleichem: Sholom Nokhumovich Rabinovich

Eduard Bagritsky: Eduard Georgievich Dzyubin

Erasmus of Rotterdam - Gerhard Gerhards

Yakub Kolas: Konstantin Mikhailovich Mitskevich

Janis Rainis – Janis Pliekshans

Artistic pseudonyms

Woody Allen – Allen Stuart Koenigsberg

Harry Houdini - American illusionist - Eric Weiss

Greta Garbo – Greta Gustafson

Jean Gabin - Jean Alexy Moncorger

Yves Montand - Ivo Livy

Smoktunovsky Innokenty Mikhailovich – Smoktunovich Innokenty Mikhailovich

Pencil: Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev

Madonna - Madonna Louise Ciccone (Madonna Louise Ciccone)

Marina Vlady: Maria-Louise Polyakova-Baidarova

Marlene Dietrich - Mary Magdalene Dietrich

Marilyn Monroe - Norma Jean Baker

Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna – Feldman Faina Georgievna

Simone Signoret – Simone Kaminker

Sophia Loren - Sofia Scicolone

Utesov Leonid Osipovich – Lazar Iosifovich Weissbein

Fred Astaire - Frederick Austerlitz

Fernandel - Fernand Contandin

Cher: Sherilyn Sargsyan

Aliases in art

Sandro Botticelli - Italian painter - Alessandro Filipepi

Titian - Italian painter - Tiziano Vecellio

Giorgione - Italian painter - Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco

Le Corbusier - architect - Charles Edouard Jeanneret

Parmigianio - Italian painter - Francesco Mazzola

Pinturicchio - Italian painter - Bernardino di Betto di Biagio

El Greco - Spanish painter - Domenico Theotokopuli

Singing aliases

Grigory Leps - Russian singer - Grigory Viktorovich Lepsveridze

Mario Lanza - American singer (tenor) - Alfredo Arnoldo Cocozza

Maria Callas - American singer (soprano) of Greek origin - Sofia Ceselia Kalos (Kalogeropoulos)

Mark Bernes - Otto Neumann

Mylene Farmer - French singer - Mylene Gauthier

Sting – Gordon Sumner

Tina Turner – Anna May Bullock

Charles Aznavour - Varenag Aznavourian (Aznaurian)

Aliases in science

Paracelsus - German physician, naturalist and philosopher - Philip Aureol Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim

Nicolas Bourbaki is a group of French mathematicians founded in 1935.

Aliases in fashion

Coco Chanel - French designer, trendsetter of women's fashion of the 20th century - Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel

Collective aliases

The Vasilyev brothers - film directors, screenwriters, namesakes Georgy and Sergey Vasilyev, creators of the film "Chapaev"

Kozma Prutkov - Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, Alexei Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, Vladimir Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov, Alexander Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov

Kukryniksy - Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilyevich, Krylov Porfiry Nikitich, Sokolov Nikolai Alexandrovich

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov - writers, co-authors Ilya Arnoldovich Fayzilberg and Evgeny Petrovich Kataev

Political pseudonyms

Lenin - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. Lenin had over 146 pseudonyms.

Martov: Julius Osipovich Zederbaum

Stalin: Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

Trotsky - Lev (Leiba) Davidovich Bronstein

Kamenev: Lev Borisovich Rosenfeld

Willy Brandt – Herbert Karl Fram

Rudolf Abel - William Genrikhovich Fisher

Arseny: Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze

Warriors - A.V. Lunacharsky

Grach: Nikolai Bauman

Kirov: Kostrikov Sergei Mironovich

Zinoviev - O.A. Applebaum

Molotov - V.M. Scriabin

Sablina - N.K. Krupskaya

Sports aliases

Pele - Brazilian footballer, striker - Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Edson Arantes do Nascimento)

Black Kyrgyz - kickbacker - Alain Ofoyo

Tiger of Madras - chess player - Vishy Anand

Iron Mike - boxer - Mike Tyson

Alias ​​selection


Hello Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna! Help me, please, in the selection pseudonym for creative activity. I am DJing (I play music). I can't think of a creative name for myself. I really like Latin music, Latin countries, the sun, the beach, carnivals. I would like an alias from this topic. Thank you in advance. Let me know what else you need from me for your help.

With all respect, Andrew


For those who want to choose a pseudonym, we can offer a pseudonym in three options:

Name (variant names)

Surname (surname options)

Name and surname.

Please write what set of programs (energies) your pseudonym should include:

For creative activities

For success, fame, fame

For money, business, income increase

To attract the opposite sex

For love and family

Other programs (write which ones)

A combination of several of the above programs (energies).

For example, a pseudonym for creative activity can help in creativity, give inspiration, ideas, but at the same time not bring money. Or money will come and go.

Picking up a pseudonym, focusing on only one program, is much easier. Because creativity and business at the same time is a rare combination. Creativity and fame are programs close to each other.

And also write examples of aliases that you like so that we can navigate to your taste.

Alias ​​selection

We can choose a nickname for you. This requires the following data:

Your photo (but not portfolio), without retouching. Several photos are possible.

Date and place of birth (desirable).

In what creative direction do you plan to develop.

What surnames (first names, combination of first and last names) do you like. Please write a list (10-20 options) if you have one. We will consider your options first, maybe some of them are suitable for you. If you don't have any options, we will find the options ourselves.

From which egregor to choose a pseudonym - Russian, European, etc.

Where do you plan to make a career - in Russia, Europe or others.

We will offer you at least 5 harmonious options with good programs for creativity, fame, success, career, money. If you want some other programs in the alias (other than those listed) - write.

Usually preparation of consultation takes not less than 5-7 days.

In Russian, in addition to your options, we offer our options.

Aliases in another language(except Russian) we select and diagnose only from your options.

After the consultation, you can order diagnostics of new variants, but diagnostics of new variants will be paid additionally. Therefore, before the consultation, we always ask you to send a list of your options (the more, the better), so that at least 1-2 options turn out to be successful. Therefore, if you have a desire to consider new options for a pseudonym after consultation, then you will need to pay for the diagnosis of each pseudonym.

On our site we offer a huge selection of names ...

Service prices are indicative and subject to change. Therefore, before making a translation, please first write a letter with an order for any service (consultation, diagnostics).

To understand what a new name (full name) is, let's give an example:

A person needs to participate in a car race. He wants to win. He orders a car with excellent technical characteristics, pays for the development of such a car, and receives it.

But buying a great car doesn't mean it will win the race.

First, he needs the professional qualities of a racer.

Secondly, he needs time to get used to the new car, to feel how it works.

Thirdly, professional racers who can also have good cars can participate in the race.

It is clear that a good professional racer on a bad car will not win.

But if the driver is bad, and his car is great, he will not see the 1st place either.

In other words, if a person wants to succeed in business, he must have some qualities of a businessman. If he does not have such qualities, then a new (even very successful) name will not make him a good businessman.

The name can activate and strengthen the program that the person already has. But you need to understand that it takes time to strengthen and activate the program.

Some people need a week to feel an improvement in business, while others need much more time. Maybe a year or two. It all depends on the individual experience of the person. And the name (full name) only helps or slows down.

If a person has the necessary energy (character qualities), then he himself can choose for himself a suitable name (full name) with the necessary programs.

If a person does not have the necessary qualities, then he cannot fully objectively evaluate the new name (full name) offered to him.

An inexperienced motorist cannot objectively choose the right car. He may like a beautifully designed car, but with a weak filling.

Therefore, it is advisable to seek help from professionals.

Looking at this page:

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

At the time of writing and publication of each of our articles, nothing of the kind is freely available on the Internet. Any of our information product is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and their publication on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any site materials, a link to the authors and the site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - required.

Aliases. Alias ​​selection


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure out money for magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our official websites are:

Love spell and its consequences -

Also our blogs:

Don't forget that your nickname is your calling card. Your nickname will be the first detail that the people you interact with online will notice. Make sure you like the nickname yourself, because you will see it quite often.

Create different aliases for different services. Different aliases may be appropriate on different sites. If you are registering on a professional site, you may need to choose a different nickname than the one you use on the gaming forums.

  • You will have to separate your Internet use into two different categories: professional and personal use. Later, you can use one alias for professional content and another for personal content. This way, it will be easier for you to remember your aliases.
  • Stay anonymous. Avoid any personal information that could reveal anything about you through a pseudonym. This applies to your first name, last name or your date of birth.

    • Use a nickname that is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess that it is you. Use your middle name, which you rarely say, for example, and write it backwards.
  • Don't give up if your nickname doesn't fit. Most major Internet resources already contain a lot of standard aliases in their database. If you want to register in a fairly old Internet community, then there is a high probability that the pseudonym will already be used by someone. Instead of using suggestions for a possible web resource alias - be creative!

    Follow your passions. If, for example, you really like Brazil, search the web for the names of plants, warriors, or simply heroes of fairy tales associated with this country. If you love collecting old cars, make your nickname from the engine name of your favorite car manufacturer.

    Come up with a compound alias. Use your interests to create your nickname. Connect several different words together to make one alias. Thus, your username will become unique, and the chances that it will not be registered on another resource will increase markedly.

    Get over the language barrier. Look up words from other languages. The username "Writer" may already be taken, but "Ecrivain", its French equivalent, will still be available. You can use a nickname using an invented language such as Elvish or Klingon.

    Brevity is the soul of wit. You don't want to use an alias that is too long - make it shorter! Shorten long words (for example, instead of Mississippi you can use Missi or just Miss) and don't make your alias too long.

  • Use symbols instead of spaces and letters. Most Internet resources won't let you use spaces in your alias, but spaces can be simulated using the "_" character. You can also use numbers to replace letters, such as "7" instead of "T", or "3" instead of "E". Usually people in the environment of computer games use this method.

    • Dots can also be used instead of spaces.
    • Don't use your year of birth at the end of your alias, especially if you're still young, as this will make it easy to tell how old you are.
  • Aliases

    A pseudonym always arises as a result of personal initiative and this differs from a surname received from ancestors. Even artificial surnames, which many serfs received at the whim of a master or official, are still surnames, not pseudonyms. The surnames of the serfs were given by someone, and they did not choose them themselves. If only someone came and asked to record it the way he himself wanted, for example, Pushkin or Lermontov, then he actually chose a pseudonym for himself.

    Pseudonyms are all the names of a person that he chooses for himself independently. The word "pseudonym" in Greek means "a fictitious name", since "pseudos" is translated as "false" and "onyma" "name". In fact, a pseudonym is a mask that covers a person's face. But if we have every right to change our personal name and add various additional names to it, then this does not apply to the surname that passes to us from ancestors. And the pseudonym actually takes on the functions of a surname in communication with other people. It also defines a certain scenario, indicates the role that a person will have to play in society as a result of his own choice.

    Rice. 56. Horoscope of White Andrey

    The specificity of a pseudonym is that the program and the rhythm that it lays in life are artificial, far-fetched. This is a manifestation of a person's personal initiative, which is punishable. Since the adoption of this role is associated with personal initiative, the fully-fledged pseudonym begins to play only after two years, through the cycle of Mars, the planet of personal initiative. Two years after a person has chosen a pseudonym for himself and began to use it in life, he fully gets used to a new role, which he himself defined.

    A pseudonym is a certain task that a person takes on himself in addition to his main program, given by his real name. And after some time, for the implementation of a new task, they begin to ask even more harshly than for the old surname. Since the pseudonym arises as a result of self-selection, this choice has to be paid more seriously than for those problems that have passed with the surname from the ancestors.

    At best, an alias allows you to hide behind a mask and throw off part of the program received from your ancestors. But for this, the process of adopting a pseudonym must be sacred, associated with a certain rite, allowing you to dump the initial burden that has passed with the surname, and in return to take on some additional obligations. Therefore, the Zoroastrians believed that only an initiated person who knows how to use it competently is allowed to take a pseudonym. It is not safe for everyone else to take pseudonyms, as they can pay for their willfulness. A pseudonym can be compared to shagreen leather, which gives something, but takes much more away, since you have to pay for all the gifts later. In the worst case, a frivolous attitude to pseudonyms shortens a person's life.

    This can be seen if we analyze the lives of people who used pseudonyms. Many of them lived less than the period that was allotted to them by nature and which could be determined through their horoscope. For example, Andrei Bely, who was actually Boris Bugaev, lived only 53 years, Sasha Cherny (Mikhail Glikberg) - 51 years, Igor Severyanin (Igor Lotarev) - 54 years. In very rare cases, the owners of pseudonyms live longer than the period prescribed by fate. The duration of our life is determined by our ancestors, and therefore, when we leave the fulfillment of generic programs, we ourselves shorten our lives, lose protection.

    Moreover, those owners of pseudonyms usually live less, who successfully realized themselves and became famous only with the adoption of a pseudonym. And before that, they had not succeeded in life. As a rule, a person takes a pseudonym for himself in order to become famous, to achieve success. And this means the choice of completely different conditions in comparison with the variants of fate obtained initially. In fact, this is a disguise, a lie for which you have to pay.

    For example, Sergey Kirov took a pseudonym for himself, since his real name was Kostrikov. In the dictionary of Vladimir Dahl, one can find that in the southern dialects “bonfire” was called a ruff fish, “kostrikov” - an obstinate and intractable person, and in Tula dialects “bonfire” means “to lie, brag”. It is possible that the subconscious influence of the hereditary surname program, associated with the desire to stand out, brag, prompted Sergei Kostrikov to take the pseudonym Kirov. This pseudonym makes it possible to gain power, stand out, reign, as it comes from the Persian name Cyrus (Kurush), which means "lord, lord, supreme teacher." The Greek word "kyros" is also translated as "power, strength, right", and this was one of the epithets of Zeus.

    Sergei Kirov himself chose a royal program with the help of a pseudonym. This made it possible for the boy, who grew up in an orphanage, to turn into an all-powerful ruler, become the first secretary of the Leningrad Provincial Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and actually manage the royal city. But for the inconsistency of the pseudonym taken on by the program, which singled out Kirov too much among other people, he was also removed at the age of 38.

    A pseudonym is in most cases an artificial program that a person creates for himself, problems that he himself attracts to himself, and problems that are not sacred. And these problems begin to require their solution even in a more rigid form than the hereditary program of the surname.

    But a pseudonym can also be sacred. If a person chooses a Path in his life, namely the Path with a capital letter, then he needs a pseudonym. In the East, this ancient tradition has been preserved to this day, while in the West it was actually lost and reborn into our modern non-sacred pseudonyms.

    Zoroastrians picked up pseudonyms at some stages of their life path in order to fulfill a certain task. But they did it only with the blessing of a spiritual mentor. Zoroastrians believed that a person has the right to choose new names and pseudonyms for himself in order to go through various stages of the spiritual path in life. The same tradition passed into Christianity, so graduates of theological seminaries were given new surnames.

    In the Avestan tradition, pseudonyms were used, but they were treated as an additional program adopted for some period of time. The very procedure for adopting a pseudonym was sacred, and it was not the person himself who was responsible for this process, but the religious egregor. Usually a pseudonym was taken during the period when Saturn returned to its place in a person’s birth chart, that is, at the age of about 30 years. This period is always associated with trials, it is a test of maturity and self-sufficiency. Therefore, they chose a pseudonym to test themselves and become independent. Such a pseudonym was taken for about three years, while Saturn was passing a whole sign of the Zodiac, and this was done without fail under the supervision of a mentor.

    In various secret societies, echoes of the ancient tradition have been preserved, and their members necessarily chose pseudonyms for themselves. The Bolsheviks also used pseudonyms: Lenin (Ulyanov), Stalin (Dzhugashvili), Trotsky (Bronstein), Molotov (Skryabin), Zinoviev (Apfelbaum), Kamenev (Rosenfeld), Kirov (Kostrikov), etc. Such pseudonyms cannot be considered sacred, since they were taken not for spiritual development, but for a political career. Nevertheless, through the carriers of these pseudonyms, some superhuman powers manifested themselves, since they were supported by the communist egregor.

    The surname makes us play some role in the world, therefore, by carrying out its program, we are responsible not only for ourselves. We, as actors, are involved in a certain scenario, determined by our surname, and therefore we have no right to change anything in this scenario, but we can only play our part well. We have the right to choose our personal name, and such experiments with the surname are not encouraged, since they affect cosmic laws. We can come up with some kind of pseudonym for ourselves, but it may not take root with us. A person will still be called in the old way, and after some time he will understand that for him this pseudonym is an extra, alien element.

    But it is a completely different matter if a pseudonym comes to us by revelation, when we suddenly realize that this is really our program. So it was with Maxim Gorky. For some reason, it also occurred to Vladimir Ulyanov to use the pseudonym Lenin, although before that he had a lot of different pseudonyms. Most likely, his pseudonym came to Stalin as a revelation, and he fulfilled the program of his pseudonym, indicating steel, hardened iron.

    Unlike the name, which can be calculated from the horoscope, the pseudonym is not calculated. But it can spontaneously come to mind, and the person realizes that this is his new program at this stage of his life path. For example, pop singer Leonid Agutin did not know that in his horoscope the Ascendant falls at 11 ° Leo, indicating an agouti hare, but for some reason it dawned on him to call himself Agutin (his real name is Chizhov). The image of the agouti hare is associated with fun, absolute naturalness and adventurism. The pseudonym program confirmed the horoscope indicators and helped to fully realize oneself and become a popular singer.

    It is believed that until it dawns on a person, until he has some kind of insight, as he now calls himself, he has no right to invent a pseudonym for himself. All artificial pseudonyms invented by the person himself are not viable. For example, Mikhail Bulgakov tried to sign his works with various pseudonyms, but none of them took root. Similarly, Anton Chekhov, although he tried to sign Chekhonte, everyone knew him as Chekhov. Alexander Pushkin also tried to use pseudonyms, but he remained Pushkin. All pseudonyms that have taken root and are remembered came to their owners by revelation. Currently, this is the only way to distinguish a true pseudonym from an artificial one.

    In the 19th century, the famous Slavic philologist and poet Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov lived and worked. His real name was Ostenek, and for literary publications he chose the pseudonym Vostokov. The program of such a pseudonym is associated with the XI house, and with some kind of global mission, since it does not indicate a separate area, but a large region - the East. Alexander Khristoforovich really undertook a large-scale work, began to study the grammars of various Slavic languages ​​and laid the foundations of comparative Slavic linguistics. He completed the pseudonym program he volunteered to take on and lived a long enough life, dying at the age of 84.

    At the moment of revelation, when a pseudonym suddenly opens up to you, you can make a horoscope that will show what this pseudonym means to you personally. And at the time of the proclamation of a pseudonym in front of other people, you can also make a horoscope. This horoscope will show how the owner of the pseudonym will interact with society.

    The pseudonym includes a new rhythm in fate, which can be determined by the horoscope at the time of the announcement of the pseudonym: the first performance under this name in the theater or on the stage, the publication of a book or article signed by this pseudonym.

    Sometimes a pseudonym gradually turns into a real surname. If a person has played the script of his pseudonym, and after that he has children, they already accept his pseudonym as a surname. In fact, he becomes the ancestor of a new surname.

    For example, Arkady Gaidar had a pseudonym, since his real name was Golikov. A golik was a broom made of branches without leaves, bare rods tied in a bundle. And Gaidar is translated from Greek as a donkey. Moreover, the donkey in ancient times was considered a symbol of perseverance and victory. The following tradition was associated with him: the donkey was allowed to go ahead of the troops before the battle, therefore, this is a donkey that steps ahead. You can associate the word "gaidar" with Turkic roots. That was the name of the piper, the person who played the bagpipes. In the Tatar cavalry, bagpipe musicians rode ahead, so they gradually began to call the rider galloping ahead. In fact, both roots of the origin of this pseudonym lead to one mystery.

    Arkady Gaidar fulfilled the program of his pseudonym, so his son Timur could well have taken the surname Gaidar. And he passed the same surname to his adopted son Yegor, who, in turn, also played the role of a donkey or a piper walking ahead of the troops. And as soon as he completed this program, he was immediately removed from the government. The pseudonym of Arkady Gaidar turned into a real surname for his descendants.

    The same thing happened with the founder of the dynasty of illusionists Kyo. According to family tradition, he once saw the inscription "cinema", in which the letter "H" fell out, and this was a moment of insight for him - he began to call himself such a pseudonym. The pseudonym passed to his sons Emilius and Igor, who also became illusionists and continued the work of their father. The father's pseudonym became a surname for them, which they passed on to their children and grandchildren.

    The unusual surname of the singer Irina Allegrova came to her from her father, who bore the surname Sarkisov, but took the pseudonym Allegro and passed it on to the children as a new surname. Actor Mikhail Svetin also chose a pseudonym for himself, since in fact he was Goldman (translated as "golden man"). He named himself Svetin in honor of Sveta's eldest daughter, replaced the surname with a pseudonym in the passport, and now his younger children have a new surname.

    As a rule, people who have a strong I house of the horoscope, strong Mars, are very fond of taking pseudonyms, especially if at the same time there are important indicators in the XII house or in the sign of Pisces. Then the person at the same time wants to take the initiative and hide under a pseudonym. For example, a very strong I house was in the horoscope of Maxim Gorky. There were 8 planets in this house, including Mars - the planet of personal initiative. In addition, the signs of Pisces and Aries were strongly expressed, and the ruler of the I and XII houses, Saturn, was exactly at the zenith of the horoscope. A bitter taste is associated with Saturn, so the pseudonym Gorky clearly showed this planet, indicating in his horoscope the highest achievements in life.

    The symbolist writer Andrey Bely (Boris Bugaev) had the strongest Mars in the sign of Scorpio in exact conjunction with the Sun and at the same time a strong XII house, in which the Setting Node and the Black Moon were located (see Fig. 57). The poet Igor Severyanin (Lotarev) in the horoscope (see Fig. 58) had a powerful conjunction of the Sun with Mars and Neptune, the planet of secrets and mysteries, which is the psychological ruler of the XII house, and the Moon was in the sign of Pisces.

    Rice. 57. Horoscope Severyanin Igor

    Rice. 58. Horoscope of Molotov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

    The presence of a strong XII house in the horoscope allows a person to hide behind a pseudonym so that others forget about his real name. Everyone knew the real names of Lenin and Stalin, but few remembered that the real name of the man who headed the Soviet government from 1930 to 1941 was not Molotov, but Scriabin. In his horoscope (see Fig. 59) there was a very strong Mars, a significant 1st house, in which there was a conjunction of Neptune and Pluto, and a very strong 12th house, in which the conjunction of the Sun with Venus and the White Moon in the sign of Pisces fell.

    Rice. 59. Horoscope Agutin Leonid Nikolaevich

    The pseudonyms of many creative people highlighted the key planets of their horoscopes and helped them turn on a more winning version of fate. So, very often they use pseudonyms on the stage. The famous singer Larisa Dolina (Myachinskaya) chose a pseudonym for herself, which helps her creative realization and success. In the Alphabetical Zodiac (see Fig. 60), five of the six letters of the pseudonym show the most significant planets of her horoscope: the Sun in conjunction with Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Chiron and Proserpine, therefore the pseudonym reveals the most successful version of the horoscope and is well remembered.

    Rice. 60. Horoscope of Larisa Dolina in the Alphabetical Zodiac

    Singer Lada Dance from birth was Lada Volkova, but she also chose a pseudonym for performing on the stage. Figure 61 shows her horoscope in the Alphabetical Zodiac, counted counterclockwise from the point of the Ascendant. The first letter of the pseudonym "D" highlighted the most important point of her horoscope, a powerful stellium of planets in the sign of Virgo and the X house, consisting of the Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Uranus. The pseudonym helped turn on a program of unexpected talent discovery, goal achievement, and popularity. Since the pseudonym is supported by the planets of the horoscope, it is well remembered and "sounds".

    Rice. 61. Horoscope Lada Dance in the Alphabetical Zodiac

    Sirin and Alkonost. Bird of Joy and Bird of Sorrow. Painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. 1896 Wikimedia Commons

    I. Alias ​​"with meaning"

    Perhaps the most important pseudonym for Russia of the XX century - Maksim Gorky. It belonged to Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov (1868-1936), a writer and playwright who came from the very bottom of society. The Soviet government loved Gorky not so much for his talent, but for his origin and life experience: the gifted self-taught from Nizhny Novgorod spent his youth wandering around Russia and participated in several underground Marxist circles. In 1892, the 24-year-old Peshkov published his first story "Makar Chudra" in the Tiflis newspaper "Kavkaz" and signed it "M. Bitter". Subsequently, the letter "M." became the name "Maxim", probably in honor of the writer's father.

    The meaning of the fictitious surname "Gorky" is clear to any reader of the first collection of stories and essays by the young author (1898): he wrote about thieves and drunkards, sailors and workers, about what he later called "wild music of labor" and "lead abominations of wild Russian life ". The success of Gorky's stories was stunning: according to the Russian Writers biographical dictionary, more than 1860 materials were published about the writer in just eight years - from 1896 to 1904. And ahead of him was a long life and colossal fame. In particular, his native Nizhny Novgorod was renamed Gorky in 1932, that is, during the life of the author. And the huge city bore the name of the writer, or rather, his pseudonym until 1990.

    It should be noted that Alexei Maksimovich in his youth did not use the pseudonym for long. Yehudiel Chlamys. Under this name, he wrote several satirical feuilletons on local topics in Samarskaya Gazeta in 1895.

    The first novels of Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) were published under the pseudonym V. Sirin. In 1920, the future writer came with his parents to Berlin. Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov (1869-1922) was a major political figure, one of the founders of the Constitutional Democratic Party, and continued to engage in politics in post-revolutionary emigration, in particular, he published the Rul newspaper in Berlin. It is not surprising that Nabokov Jr. began to publish under an assumed name, otherwise the reading public would have been completely bewildered by the abundance of V. Nabokov in periodicals. Under the pseudonym Sirin, Mashenka, Luzhin's Defense, King, Queen, Jack, the magazine version of The Gift, and several other works were published. The meaning of the word "Sirin" did not cause doubts among readers: a sad, beautiful-voiced bird of paradise.

    Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev (1880-1934) refused his own name and surname, entering the annals of Russian poetry, prose (and versification) as Andrei Bely. The symbolist pseudonym for the young Bugaev was invented by Mikhail Sergeevich Solovyov, brother of the famous philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. It is believed that the name Andrei was supposed to remind of the first of the called apostles of Christ, and Bely - of the white color, in which all the colors of the spectrum are dissolved.

    In the 1910s, a native of the Kherson province, Efim Pridvorov (1883-1945), began to publish poems under the name Demyan Poor. The success of his writings was so great that in honor of this “Bolshevik of a poetic kind of weapon” (this is how Leon Trotsky spoke of him), the old town of Spassk in the Penza province was renamed Bednodemyanovsk in 1925, and under this name, which for a long time survived the glory of the proletarian poet, the city lasted until 2005.

    The writer Nikolai Kochkurov (1899-1938) chose a speaking pseudonym for himself with a sarcastic tinge: under the name Artem Vesely in the late 1920s and early 1930s, he published several books about the revolution and the Civil War that were popular in those decades (the novel Russia Washed with Blood, the story Rivers of Fire, the play We).

    A student of Maxim Gorky, Alexei Silych Novikov (1877-1944), who served in the Russo-Japanese War as a sailor, added one thematic word to his own surname and became known as a seascape writer Novikov-Priboy. He wrote the novel "Tsushima" (1932), one of the most popular military-historical novels in the USSR, and a number of short stories and novels. It is noteworthy that Novikov-Priboy made his debut as the author of two essays on the Battle of Tsushima, published under the pseudonym A. Worn out.

    II. Exotic pseudonyms and hoaxes

    Elizaveta Ivanovna Dmitrieva. 1912 Wikimedia Commons

    One of the most famous literary hoaxes of the early 20th century was Cherubina de Gabriac. Under this name, in 1909, Elizaveta Ivanovna (Lilya) Dmitrieva (married Vasilyeva, 1887-1928) published her poems in the symbolist magazine Apollon. She was patronized by Maximilian Voloshin (whose, by the way, real name is Kireenko-Voloshin). Together they managed to create a charming and mysterious literary mask, and Apollo, headed by Sergei Makovsky, published two cycles of poems by the young and noble Spanish recluse Cherubina. Soon the hoax was revealed, one of the unexpected consequences of this revelation was the duel between Nikolai Gumilyov, who had previously courted Vasilyeva, and Maximilian Voloshin on the Black River (of all places in St. Petersburg!). Fortunately for Russian poetry, this duel ended without bloodshed. It is interesting that Vyacheslav Ivanov, who visited Dmitrieva herself in the Tower, according to Voloshin's memoirs, said: “I really appreciate Cherubina's poems. They are talented. But if it's a hoax, then it's genius."

    In the mid-1910s, Moscow publications regularly published poems, feuilletons, and parodies of the caustic Don Aminado. This exotic name was chosen by Aminad Petrovich Shpolyansky (1888-1957), lawyer and writer, memoirist. His parodies of famous poets of the beginning of the century, including Balmont and Akhmatova, enjoyed great success. After the revolution, Shpolyansky emigrated. His aphorisms, popular with readers of emigre Russian-language periodicals, were included in the collection Neskuchny Sad as a single cycle entitled The New Kozma Prutkov.

    The pseudonym of Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky (1880-1932) should go under the exotic category: the author of the timeless romantic novels "Scarlet Sails" and "Running on the Waves", the creator of the sonorous fictional cities of Zurbagan and Liss signed his books with a short foreign surname Green.

    The name of Nadezhda Alexandrovna Buchinskaya, nee Lokhvitskaya (1872-1952) says little to the modern reader, but her pseudonym is taffy is much better known. Teffi is one of the most caustic authors in Russian literature, the author of the inimitable "Demonic Woman" and a long-term contributor to "Satyricon", the main humorous magazine of pre-revolutionary Russia. In the story "Pseudonym" Taffy explained the origin of this name from "one fool", because "fools are always happy." In addition, by choosing a strange, meaningless, but sonorous and memorable word, the writer bypassed the traditional situation when women writers hide behind male pseudonyms.

    Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev (1905-1942) used dozens of pseudonyms, but the most famous of them is Kharms. A questionnaire filled out in 1925 by the poet has been preserved. He called Yuvachev-Kharms his last name, and when asked if he had a pseudonym, he answered: “No, I write Kharms.” Researchers have linked this short, catchy word to English harm("harm"), French charme("charm"), Sanskrit dharma(“religious duty, cosmic law and order”) and even with Sherlock Holmes.

    You just have to get into the exotic aliases section Grivady Gorpozhaks. Alas, only one work belongs to this author's Peru - a parody of a spy novel called "Jean Green - Untouchable" (1972). Three authors were hiding behind the impossible Grivadiy at once: the poet and screenwriter Grigory Pozhenyan (1922-2005), the military intelligence officer and writer Ovid Gorchakov (1924-2000) and none other than Vasily Aksenov himself (1932-2009). Perhaps, after Kozma Prutkov, this is the brightest collective literary pseudonym.

    III. Turned surnames, or anagrams

    I. Repin and K. Chukovsky. Caricature of Mayakovsky from the album "Chukokkala". 1915

    Almost certainly the most massive author of the 20th century who wrote in Russian is Korney Chukovsky: in Russia it is difficult to grow up without Aibolit and Telephone, Mukha-Tsokotukha and Moidodyr. The author of these immortal children's tales at birth was called Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov (1882-1969). Even in his youth, he created a fictitious name and surname from his surname, and a few years later added the patronymic Ivanovich to them. The children of this remarkable poet, translator, critic and memoirist received patronymics Korneevichi and surnames Chukovsky: such a “deep” use of a pseudonym is not often found.

    Composing pseudonyms by rearranging the letters of your own name is an old literary game. For example, the famous fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769-1844) used the wild but pretty signature Navi Volyrk several times. In the 20th century, Mark Alexandrovich Landau (1886-1957), better known as Mark Aldanov, author of the tetralogy "The Thinker" about the French Revolution, the trilogy about the Russian Revolution ("Key", "Escape", "Cave") and several other large and small works.

    Alias ​​value Gaidar, taken by Arkady Petrovich Golikov (1904-1941), a classic of Soviet children's literature, still raises questions. According to Timur Arkadyevich, the writer's son, the answer is as follows: “G” is the first letter of the name Golikov; "ay" - the first and last letters of the name; "d" - in French "from"; "ar" - the first letters of the name of the native city. G-AY-D-AR: Arkady Golikov from Arzamas.

    IV. Pseudonyms for journalism

    Illustration from the book Key to the upper Devonian of southern New York: designed for teachers and students in secondary schools. 1899 A chisel is a tool for working metal or stone. Internet Archive Digital Library

    Being published under a pseudonym as a literary critic is a long-standing journalism tradition, even by modest (chronologically, not qualitatively) Russian standards. And the sun of Russian poetry did not disdain to sign with a fictitious name (Feofilakt Kosichkin). So by the beginning of the 20th century, the pseudonyms of publicists had just become an optional phenomenon. For example, Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov (1886-1921), publishing in his own journal Sirius, used the pseudonym Anatoly Grant. And Yuri Karlovich Olesha (1899-1960), collaborating in the famous satirical department of the Gudok newspaper, signed as Chisel.

    The journalistic pseudonym had to be catchy, otherwise readers might not pay attention to it. Thus, the poetess and writer Zinaida Gippius (1869-1945) signed critical articles in the journals Libra and Russian Thought as Anton Krainy. Among the faces of Valery Bryusov (1873-1924) were Aurelius, And Harmodius, And Pentaur. And the author of popular stories for youth at the beginning of the 20th century, book historian and memoirist Sigismund Feliksovich Librovich (1855-1918) was published in the Bulletin of Literature, signing Lucian the Strong.

    V. Pseudonyms "as appropriate"

    Ivan III breaks the khan's charter. Painting by Alexei Kivshenko. 1879 Wikimedia Commons

    Seventeen-year-old Anna Andreevna Gorenko (1889-1966) did not dare to publish the first poems under her own name and took her great-grandmother's surname as a pseudonym - Akhmatova. Under the Tatar name, she remained in literature. In her autobiographical essay “The Booth”, written in 1964, she dwelled on the importance of this name for history: “My ancestor Khan Akhmat was killed at night in his tent by a bribed Russian assassin, and this, as Karamzin narrates, ended the Mongol yoke in Rus'.”

    Both authors of The Twelve Chairs and The Golden Calf wrote under pseudonyms. Evgenia Petrova(1902-1942) was actually called Yevgeny Petrovich Kataev, he was the younger brother of Valentin Kataev (1897-1986) and preferred to become famous under a fictitious (semi-fictional in his case) name. Ilya Ilf(1897-1937) at birth received the name Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg, but shortened it almost to the initials - Il-f.

    A separate chapter in the story about pseudonyms should be written by writers who changed their German, Polish, Jewish surnames to Russian ones. So, the author of "The Naked Year" and "The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon" Boris Pilnyak(1894-1938) at birth bore the surname Vogau, but changed it for the publication of his first youthful writings and later published only under a fictitious surname, meaning a resident of a village where a forest is sawn.

    Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev(1867-1945), the author of the timeless "Doctor's Notes", came from an old gentry family Smidovich; a major figure in the Bolshevik movement and a party leader in Soviet times, Pyotr Smidovich is the second cousin of the writer.

    Traveler Vasily Yanchevetsky (1874-1954), having taken up historical fiction and succeeded in this field, shortened his surname to Jan. Under this name, readers of "Fires on the Mounds", "Genghis Khan" and "Batu" know him.

    Author of "Two Captains" Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin(1902-1989) was born into the Zilber family, but, having entered the literary field, he borrowed the surname from a friend of A. S. Pushkin, a daring hussar and rake Pyotr Kaverin. It is remarkable that Zilber defended his dissertation at Leningrad University on Osip Senkovsky, the most popular writer in the middle of the 19th century, who became famous under the pseudonym Baron Brambeus. And Osip Ivanovich was the master of the pseudonym: he signed, among other things, "Ivan Ivanov, the son of Khokhotenko-Khlopotunov-Pustyakovsky, a retired lieutenant, a landowner of various provinces and a gentleman of purity" and "Dr. Karl von Bitterwasser."

    The topic of today's article is "How to come up with a pseudonym for yourself." We hasten to warn you that there are a huge number of original ways, but we will try to tell you all about them!

    Everyone who is associated with a certain subculture or creativity would like to take on a pseudonym. For what? There are many reasons for this. Firstly, if a person is a high figure in his field, then, of course, he wants to glorify his name.

    But what if he was unlucky with the name or it sounds extremely unoriginal, let's say Ivan Ivanov.

    There is only one solution - choose a pseudonym for yourself. It is also used if a person wants to hide their real identity (often in various social networks). Dmitry Larin, a well-known blogger on YouTube, also has a pseudonym. His real name, but his last name is Utkin. Agree, "Larin" sounds much more aesthetic than "Utkin".

    How to come up with a pseudonym

    What is an alias? This is a change in your name to a fictitious one in order to introduce yourself to the public in a different guise. You will be surprised, but the names of priests are also to some extent pseudonyms.

    First, first you need to sort out the main mistakes when choosing a second "Alter ego". Note that they are often found in life.

    • Never choose your nickname, which your best friends call you, as a pseudonym. "Godfather", "Sanek", "Dimych" are no good! Moreover, people are unlikely to appreciate you with such a pseudonym.
    • Secondly, choose for yourself a name that is possible to pronounce without errors and difficulties. It is desirable that it be short. Let's say ambitious blogger Diana Elias is often offended by the fact that her viewers mispronounce her fictitious last name. What was not written in the comments under her video! "Alice", "Elies", "Elise" - this is how her new subscribers usually call her.
    • Also choose an adequate pseudonym for yourself, within the bounds of decency! Your subscribers or readers will not take you seriously, and may not even want to see your work. Remember the old saying: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail!"
    • It is not recommended to use multiple words for a nickname, the limit is a maximum of 2 or 3 words. Although sometimes there are long nicknames, one of them is "Hip-hop of a lonely old woman." Pretty weird to read, isn't it?
    • You cannot choose a nickname that does not suit you. If you are a guy, then the female pseudonym "Alevtina" or "Beautiful Chick" is unlikely to suit you. Although if it reflects you as a person, then you can experiment. An example is the performer Sonya Marmeladova, who is a man.

    Now let's figure out how to come up with a creative name . Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write it down!

    Which individuals used fictitious names

    It's no secret that many artists used pseudonyms. They are called by fictitious names even now. Let's get acquainted with the names of these people.


    So our article has come to an end. In it, you learned how to come up with a pseudonym for yourself. In addition, examples of real pseudonyms of various people from certain cultures were highlighted in the text.

    Top tip: Choose a name that is as unique and easy to read as possible. We hope you enjoyed the article. Remember one expression: “It is not the name that makes a person beautiful, but his actions and talent!” Whatever pseudonym you have, thanks to him you will not become better. Thanks for reading and for your attention!

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