Psychological types of choleric. How to determine the temperament of a person by his behavior


Temperament is a set of personality traits associated with the dynamics of human behavior.

The first person to divide all people into 4 temperaments was Hippocrates 2500 years ago. It was based on the content of the juices of the human body, as well as the type of body structure. Thus, he singled out 4 types of temperament: phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric and melancholic.

Much later, I.P. Pavlov created a theory about human temperaments, which has become the main one in modern psychology. Pavlov was based on the structural features of the nervous system:

  • force(ability for long and hard work, quick recovery of the body, attentiveness)
  • equilibrium(a person remains calm in any situation, feels confident, able to control his impulses)
  • mobility(a mobile person who quickly navigates in difficult situations, quickly makes decisions, has the ability to adapt to everything new)

Thus, a greater or lesser combination of these qualities gives us certain types of human temperaments.

1. Sanguine. They combine all three qualities: strength, mobility, balance. These are sociable, active, energetic people. Actively gesticulate, pronounced facial expressions. Excellent workers, as they adapt quickly, strive to achieve their goals, are very efficient, responsive, they are optimists in life, thanks to their communication skills they easily find a common language in the team, maintain a friendly atmosphere. Sanguine people are creative, ideological people. They are very emotional, however, they know how to restrain themselves and easily experience troubles. Difficult situations are treated with humor. However, they also have their negative qualities: the inability to bring things to the end (however, if they are really passionate, they will do their best to achieve the goal), they are fickle in their principles and tastes, often make rash decisions.

2. Choleric. Mobile, impetuous, but unbalanced. Very energetic and active people, most of the time in a fighting mood, if they take up something, they will spend all their time and energy, but will bring it to the end. Courageous, confident people. They absorb information very quickly, make the right decisions quickly. However, choleric people are very quick-tempered, if any irritating factor acts on them for a long time, they can explode. They are very impatient, they can always express everything that they think about you in your eyes, they don’t know how to control their emotions, they can’t sit still, they don’t like monotonous work. They do not like to be held back, they are asked to calm down. Frequent mood swings, can be aggressive.

3. Melancholic. Acts slowly, unbalanced in emotions, feelings. Insecure, timid people. They look lethargic and tired. It is difficult for them to make decisions on their own. Very slow to adapt to circumstances. Melancholic people are very vulnerable, they take everything to heart. Any trouble unsettles them and seems to be an unsolvable situation. A lot of worry, nervous. They can be good workers if you create the necessary working conditions for them and don’t strain them too much. Not proactive, not active. They need constant support and rest, both physical and emotional.

4. Phlegmatic person. People of this type of temperament are balanced, inert. Calm, unruffled people. Emotionally balanced. Strive to achieve their goal, moving gradually step by step. Very hardy and hardworking, attentive and diligent. They are not very mobile, they get used to a new environment for a long time, they do not like to change their lifestyle. In their mood they are constant, not emotional. They do not like to "talk", they always talk about business. Phlegmatic people think about their decisions for a long time, are passive, prone to constancy. Sometimes they can be too indifferent to others. It depends on upbringing whether they will be big lazy people or purposeful people.

The combination of naturally interconnected traits of temperament is called the type of temperament. In psychology, the typology of Hippocrates - Galen is traditionally used, highlighting the sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.
Giving a psychological description of the types of temperament, it should be remembered that this division is conditional. Typical for each type are its extreme poles and the ratio between the various features. In the same time "clean" temperaments in life almost never happen. Most people combine features of different temperaments, especially brightly after the child masters oral speech, that is, after 2-2.5 years. Also, one should not talk about “good” or “bad” temperaments: each type has both strengths and weaknesses.


sanguine people- These are people who have a strong, balanced and mobile nervous system. They are active, sociable, easily adapt to new conditions. They are sociable, quickly deal with people, easily establish good relations with them. In the circle of friends cheerful, cheerful, optimistic. By orientation - extroverts.

Kant called sanguine people cheerful disposition, carefree and full of hope, who always hope for success. In his opinion, they are bad debtors, they promise so, but do not keep their word.

Sanguine people are emotional, with expressive facial expressions and pantomime, which is easy to control. they speak loudly, clearly, quickly, with the right intonation. During the conversation, they actively gesticulate, laugh out loud. Feelings arise very easily, just as easily change and are, as a rule, shallow. Today they are joyful, carefree and passionately in love, tomorrow they are sad, worried and can forget about their passionate love. However, in general, good luck and trouble are experienced easily, and therefore sanguine people are in a good mood and have a well-developed sense of humor.

Sanguine people willingly take on a new business, but their activity is productive only when the work captures them. If it’s not interesting, the work is monotonous, they abandon the case without finishing it. During work, they easily switch attention, but they devote little time to preliminary and control actions (for example, preparation for work, corrections, additions, etc.). They rarely plan their work, and if there is a plan, they do not strictly follow it, they are often distracted by trifles. Sanguine people easily grasp everything new, but their interests are weak, changeable and constantly require new experiences.

So, for a sanguine person, the strength is that they are cheerful, quickly learn new material, “grabbing” it “on the fly”. They are suitable for working with strong and unexpected stimuli. During responsible competitions, competitions show higher results than during study and training. The weak side is that they overestimate themselves and their capabilities, they are often distracted from the main business, they are not focused enough, their interests and feelings are unstable, they can be frivolous and superficial. Sanguine people cannot do work that requires perseverance, attention span and patience for a long time. Through the speed of action, mistakes can be made. Therefore, they should cultivate perseverance and concentration, maintain a steady interest in the matter.
When communicating with sanguine people, we can recommend the following. Requirements for them should be maximum, but fair. You should show confidence in them and give vent to their internal energy, directing them to useful deeds. It is inappropriate to entrust monotonous work, because sanguine people get tired of it, but the work that has been started must be taught to complete it. To do this, you can use additional motivation. It is advisable to cultivate patience and purposefulness, to teach to value friendship.


Cholerics are strong, mobile and unbalanced people with a predominance of excitation over inhibition. they are characterized by a high level of activity, energy and perseverance. By orientation - extroverts. They love to be the center of attention. In communication, conflicting and uncompromising. They are impatient, unrestrained, quick-tempered. In relations with others, they can be harsh and overly straightforward, they lack restraint. However, there is no hatred in their anger, and they love others the more, the faster they give in to them.

Kant writes that choleric people willingly become bosses who do not like to work themselves, but only manage.

These are emotionally unstable people. Emotions and feelings quickly arise, but just as quickly they can disappear. Expression is pronounced. Speech is hurried, interrupted, tense. Lively facial expressions, expressive gestures, sharp and energetic movements. They experience their joys, pains, sorrows deeply. They are often influenced by strong passions and. In this state, they can act thoughtlessly, which they will later regret.
Cholerics are characterized by cyclic behavior: they can work hard, overcoming difficulties, and suddenly leave everything. This is facilitated by a rapid change of interests. If the interests are serious, they can be energetic, enterprising, principled, capable of high concentration of attention. If there is no interest, they demonstrate affective experiences, irritability and incontinence. Just like sanguine people, they devote little time to preliminary and control actions and rarely plan their work.

So, the strength of choleric people is that they easily concentrate their attention, especially in a stressful situation, they are active, fast, energetic. They can work with strong irritants, in particular, in unpredictable situations.
In conditions of competition and competition, they improve their results. They have organizational skills. They have the ability to easily form skills and habits. The weak side is their tendency to violate discipline and conflict, as well as incontinence, harshness, affectivity, weakness of self-control in emotional situations. Through the speed of action, mistakes can be made.
In working with choleric people, it is recommended to capture them with an interesting business and give instructions; teach to be restrained; accustom to more calm and uniform work; guide them in the right direction. In dealing with choleric people, one should rationally use their energy, do not slow down activities in the form of direct prohibitions, communicate calmly and confidently. If this is a child, in no case should you punish her by prohibiting her activity (for example, wait, sit). In connection with the tendency of choleric people to aggression, to cultivate sympathy.


Phlegmatic people are strong, balanced and inert. Low level of activity behavior, slow, assiduous, calm, restrained, persistent, soft. Remain calm even in difficult life situations. They adequately respond to the influence of the external environment, but they cannot quickly respond to changes in the environment, they tend to have the same attitude towards others, sociability, but low sociability. By orientation - introverts.

Kant noted that in everyday life the phlegmatic is often called a philosopher.

Feelings arise slowly, but differ in strength, depth, constancy, duration and restraint in external manifestations. They are patient and rarely complain. Unaffected. Taciturn, speech is slow, calm, with pauses. The voice is quiet, inexpressive. Gesticulation and facial expressions are very poor. They know how to control their emotions. Therefore, they are difficult to anger and they rarely "lose their temper."
Phlegmatic people are not inclined to change the environment, to frequent transition from one job to another. In activity they show seriousness, thoughtfulness, perseverance. They work hard and always get things done. Tasks are performed evenly and accurately, new information is acquired slowly, but thoroughly and for a long time.
They are characterized by stable interests. The work is planned and strictly adhere to the plan. Before making a decision, it will be a long time to think about it. They have a steady attention, but its switching is somewhat slow.

So, the strength of phlegmatic people is their discipline, stability, regularity and systematic work, endurance, punctuality. The weak side is the slowness of action, inertia, lethargy, external indifference, poor switching of attention. They are often late with the delivery of work, and their stereotypes are difficult to change. Phlegmatic people are also not suitable for working with strong and unexpected stimuli.
Phlegmatic people are advised to give more time to complete certain tasks, and to switch from one habitual action to another should be gradual. You can give additional instructions about the work they perform, avoid assignments associated with a high pace of activity. In no case do not complain about slowness and slowness. Welcome every manifestation of initiative and independence. It is advisable to stimulate the manifestation of sincere feelings.


Melancholics are characterized by a weak, unstable and inert nervous system. Low level of activity, restrained, experiencing fear of a new situation. Getting into new conditions, they are lost. Therefore, it is difficult to tolerate a change of scenery. There are closed, shy, indecisive, timid, avoid communication with unfamiliar people. They do not like new acquaintances and noisy companies. By orientation, they are introverts.

Kant called melancholic people with a very gloomy character, who first of all pay attention to life's difficulties.

Melancholic people are very impressionable people, they are often offended; their feelings are distinguished by the slowness of the flow. They deeply experience any event in life, especially images and failures, however, unlike choleric people, they carry their grief in themselves, without outwardly showing their experiences. Melancholic movements are restrained, speech is slowed down, quiet, sometimes turning into a whisper. Constant in their affections. If they love someone, then the gap is a great tragedy for them. They will suffer, but they will not decide on this or that act. Prolonged and strong stress, as well as everything new and unusual, causes a slow reaction, and then its cessation. However, in a familiar and calm environment, they feel good and work productively. They plan their work. At the same time, decisions are made carefully. A lot of time is devoted to preliminary and control actions (for example, preparation for work, correction, additions, etc.). During work, their attention is easily distracted and focused only for a short time. They have stable, strongly expressed interests that change slowly.

So, the strength of melancholic people is their sympathy and understanding of the problems of other people. They are "deep" and stable in feelings, able to capture such details that are inaccessible to other people. They perform monotonous work well. The weak side of melancholic people is their excessive impressionability, immersion in their own experiences, shyness, isolation, aloofness, slowness, and fatigue. They have a hard time with strong and unexpected stimuli. During the competition they show the worst results. Melancholic, as well as phlegmatic, should be given more time to complete certain tasks. they need a calm, favorable environment, tact, responsiveness and goodwill in relationships, a gradual transition from one activity to another.
In working with melancholics, it is recommended to observe the principle of gradualness. Show empathy and understanding of the human condition. Moral support when the environment changes. Approve the slightest manifestation of activity. Cultivate a sense of self worth. Learn to plan your activities, intelligently distributing time between work and leisure.

Does a person's temperament affect his success in life?

In psychology, the question of whether a person's temperament affects his success in life has always been relevant: firstly, on his personal life; secondly, for labor activity.
When communicating with people, it should be remembered that temperament is a stable individual psychological feature of a person and therefore it is almost impossible to change it. Under the influence of the environment, in general, only certain features are strengthened or weakened.
temperament without changing its type. Therefore, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your temperament, you can learn not to show its individual manifestations, for example, excessive facial expressions and gestures, shyness, touchiness, etc. A person with any temperament can learn this. To a large extent, it depends on the moral and volitional qualities of character.
Only in some cases, mainly in early childhood, under the influence of severe physical and mental trauma, severe infectious diseases and other factors, changes in the type of temperament are observed as a result of changes in higher nervous activity.
To people with different types of temperament, respectively, you need a different attitude. So, punishment, reprimand, a bad assessment can positively affect choleric people who have a strong nervous system. In this case, negative reinforcement can stimulate them to improve.
However, this can affect melancholic people in the opposite way: they become depressed, their performance decreases, and it may occur. The above type of response to negative reinforcement is the most likely, but not mandatory. Whether a person does just that or in another way will ultimately depend on his character.

From a practical point of view, the question of whether temperament imposes restrictions on activities is relevant. In general, it can be argued that there is no such limitation, and a person with any temperament can achieve significant success in life, or may not realize his potential. However, if professions impose strict requirements on the speed, pace and rhythm of work, such restrictions arise. For example, a dispatcher of an airport or a nuclear power plant, a test pilot will require a strong and mobile type of nervous system, characteristic of sanguine and choleric people. On the contrary, actors, musicians need emotional sensitivity, more typical for melancholic people. However, for most professions, temperamental traits play a decisive role, and their shortcomings can be compensated for by the individual style of human activity. It should be remembered that in conditions of joint activity, character traits have a more significant effect on the final result than when a person works alone.
So, differences in temperament are primarily differences in the originality of the dynamic manifestations of the psyche, and not in the level of its capabilities. Features of temperament determine the ways and means of work, and not the level of achievement. Therefore, temperament does not determine the social value and moral-volitional qualities of a person. They will depend on the character.

Hello friends. How often are you called a hysteric, a whiner, a nerd, or a freak? Are you angry about it? So you need to mean. Being offended by others is stupid, especially since they are not to blame for the fact that you have such a temperament. Which? And today we will find out.

A bit of theory

This concept entered psychology a very long time ago, back in the time of Hippocrates, and it was already in the 5th century BC. Therefore, so many clever books have been written on this topic that it is just right to dig into them with your head. Even the French writer Alexandre Dumas used the description of psychotypes in his book about the Three Musketeers and D'Artagnan.

Since each of the main characters is a representative of one of the types of temperament, it is already clear that there are only four of them.

Psychologists use complex words to explain why temperament differs from character and how exactly, but I will simplify a little. It is almost impossible to control temperament, since it is tied to nervous reactions and brain reactions. But the character, although largely formed under the influence of temperament, is also the result of upbringing and habits, which means that it can be corrected.

So what is temperament? His spheres of control include, first of all, emotions and reactions to what is happening:

  • speed;
  • intensity;
  • sharpness;
  • the rate of change.

So we can conclude that temperament is responsible for the impressionability of the individual. An apple falls on one - he scratches the hit spot and goes on. Another will pay. The third one gets angry. The fourth will dawn on the discovery. At the end of the article, you will already be able to say for sure which of the four unfortunates who received an apple on the head, which type they belong to.

In addition, with the help of numerous observations, it was revealed that temperament is often inherited, since it is largely determined by the structure of the nervous system common to parents and the child. And it also depends on the geographical component, as the inhabitants of the northern countries are generally much calmer than the inhabitants of the southern latitudes.

Strong and weak, active and passive

Now that we have talked about the characteristic as a whole, let's take a closer look at what kind of temperament it is, how it manifests itself in different people.

Main characteristics: active or passive, balanced or unbalanced personality.

As among the active there is one who shows strength of character, so among the passive. And vice versa: an unbalanced one can be active in character or passive, like a balanced one.

What refers to balanced behavior: a certain autonomy, independence, self-control. An unbalanced person is more influenced by other people or circumstances. Only the passive will fall under the influence without resistance, and the active - noisily, with hysterics, breaking dishes and announcing that he himself decided so.

Modern psychologists characterize each temperament according to the style of behavior:

sanguine - strong;

choleric - unrestrained;

phlegmatic - calm;

melancholic - weak.

Both in one and in the other characteristic there is a certain meaning, each of them describes the features of a particular psychotype.

Four psychotypes

Finally, we got to the most important thing: what refers to the immediate characteristics of each of the four temperaments.

Well, where are our incomparable musketeers Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan? Very soon you will be able to determine for yourself what temperament each of them is endowed with. Although the use of representatives of different psychotypes as characters in books and films is a favorite technique of almost all authors. This is completely natural: they also strive to portray real life, and in life one can hardly find a team of people with only one temperament.

So let's get started!


Cheerful, sociable, energetic and active person. When it comes to born optimists, they are usually sanguine. The nervous system, although balanced, easily adapts to new situations without losing control of itself. Although they keep their fears under control, they need other people to maintain inner balance.

Psychologists believe that almost half of humanity belongs to the sanguine type - 44%, and this is good - it means that optimists prevail.

It is difficult to find a vivid image of a sanguine in literature: this is too problem-free type, while the author needs drama and depth of experience. So sanguine people most often perform as back-up dancers - they are secondary characters. These include Olga Larina from Pushkin's Eugene Onegin and Phileas Vogt's servant Passepartout from Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days.


It also belongs to the active type, but the choleric person is far from being as pleasant in communication as the sanguine person, as he is prone to emotional outbursts if something goes wrong. He is mobile and sharp, he overcomes difficulties with pressure - more precisely, with a cavalry charge. Choleric often strives to be a leader, but achieves this by force and requires unconditional obedience. He always goes ahead and to the end, he is not characterized by flexibility and diplomacy in communication. The weak point of the choleric is the feeling of anxiety that haunts them, often based on fictional fear.

This psychotype is characteristic of 14% of all inhabitants of the Earth.

I would say that the best description of this psychotype, with all its inherent manifestations, was successful by the American writer Margaret Mitchell. The main character of her novel "Gone with the Wind" Scarlett O'Hara is a vivid example of a choleric.

Phlegmatic person

The cold-blooded and stubborn temperament of such a person is of a balanced type. But if the sanguine expresses himself brightly, then the phlegmatic in almost all cases behaves calmly. By nature, he is thorough, likes to bring things to the end and fulfill his obligations. The phlegmatic is rather slow and needs a period of adaptation to new conditions. Changes, and even more so the unknown, are not attractive to a representative of this psychotype, although fears are not his weak side.

The phlegmatic, by virtue of his calmness, does not strive to be a leader. Therefore, it is easier for him to do what someone else determines. However, if he already has a goal, then it will be quite difficult to turn him off the path: without conflicts and protests, the phlegmatic will do what he considers right. However, it can succumb to exhortations and persuasion.

Phlegmatic people are rare "animals", their number is only 9% of the population of our planet.

The owner of the already mentioned Passepartout from the work of Jules Verne, Phileas Vogt, is just an example of a phlegmatic who, without unnecessary noise and dust, goes to the intended goal.


Favorite character of many writers, poets and directors. Why? Yes, because it is so convenient to develop dramas and tragedies on the suffering of a melancholic. Not only do they suffer, they are also prone to introspection and verbose outpourings about the causes and characteristics of their suffering.

Most often, a melancholic is an introvert with a rich inner world. Although his outward manifestation of emotions is rather weak, he long and stubbornly experiences any failure, no matter what it is. Representatives of this psychotype are most prone to depression. However, their anxieties and fears are also not bypassed.

If we talk about the reasons for their fears, then one thing will be common: they are scared by life itself and the need to do something. Physical pain and public misunderstanding, conflicts and confrontation, wars, natural disasters - all this introduces melancholic people into blues and depression. The biggest pessimists and idealists, whose illusions are broken by the slightest inconsistency with the ideal, are precisely the melancholic.

To come to at least some agreement with the world, the melancholic needs to understand how everything works, so he is quite inquisitive. And he is also persistent and stubborn ... in his pessimistic outlook on life.

The melancholoid group is the second largest, but shy whiners make up only a third of humanity - 29% of the world's population.

I think that after such a description, you yourself can easily give a few examples of melancholic people from literary works. In my opinion, the coolest melancholic is Eeyore from the Winnie the Pooh story. And even more so in the cartoon.

How confusing!

Although one of the temperaments prevails in each person, however, we do not always react to external stimuli only according to the template. A tired and out of temper sanguine person is quite capable of exploding like a choleric person, and a phlegmatic person can become depressed like a melancholic person. Therefore, in most cases, psychologists talk about transitional types of temperament.

Want to know what type you are? Then get through test– and perhaps you will learn something new about yourself.

By the way, here is the good news for those who are closest to the pronounced representatives of the main psychotype: psychologists say that it is these people who most often achieve outstanding results.

But representatives of mixed types also have nothing to grieve, since a wider field for activity opens up before them: they want to have fun, they want to scream, they want to grieve.

In general, there is no need to strive to become someone else, even if for some reason you do not like your temperament. If you know your strengths and weaknesses, value yourself and your efforts, then you can achieve, if not fame and universal recognition, then at least the realization of your desires. And this is, by and large, the most important thing.

If you have any questions, watch this smiley movie about temperaments and everything will fall into place. See you!

From birth, all people differ from each other in the type of temperament, which remains unchanged throughout life, under the influence of circumstances, only character traits change. So what is the temperament of a phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine or choleric, what characteristic in the description will allow you to accurately distinguish one from the other?

Temperament and appearance

Based on the fact that temperament is a biologically determined feature, many researchers have tried to link it with the appearance of a person. It was not possible to obtain rigorous proofs of this theory, but in practice it often confirms its validity. You will find a description of the appearance of a typical sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic person in the table below.

But to accurately determine who is in front of you: phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine or choleric, appearance alone is not enough, you need to look at the behavior characteristic of a person.

Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic - characteristic

It is very difficult to find a pure temperament, most often a person shows traits of two or even three types. But, as a rule, the characteristics of one species prevail over others. So, what are the distinguishing features of each temperament.

  1. Choleric. It is common for people of this type to stay in constant search for something new, they cannot sit in one place, peace and stability are too boring for them. Practical sociability, determination and exactingness help choleric people achieve a lot, but uncompromisingness and perseverance do not allow them to stay with all their friends. Therefore, they have many enemies and envious people. When communicating with a choleric person, you need to remember about his extreme temper. If he raised his voice or stamped his foot, this is just an outburst of emotions, and not sincere anger at you.
  2. sanguine. Real diplomats, able to adapt flexibly to any situation. Such people do not like to quarrel, preferring to achieve their goal in a roundabout way. Therefore, they have almost no enemies, everyone treats them positively. But sanguine people are characterized by some superficiality, they will achieve complex goals, preferring to choose something that does not require titanic efforts. Communication with a sanguine person is not a problem, just remember his subconscious desire to please everyone, so he will avoid situations that could compromise him.
  3. Phlegmatic person. People of this temperament are just as persistent as choleric people, but much more restrained and patient. Phlegmatic people avoid conflicts with all their might, but they will not allow anyone to sit on their necks. These people will not argue, they will simply continue to follow the chosen course, not paying any attention to others. It is extremely difficult to piss off such a person, and it is not necessary to do this, their rage is destructive. When communicating with a phlegmatic, you should not expect quick reactions, it is not available to him. And never try to bend it under you, it will only cause irritation.
  4. melancholic. Very vulnerable people, anything can offend them. Usually they have poor health, but not always poor health is caused by real diseases. They often feel deeply unhappy, and it is extremely difficult to shake this belief. But melancholics, like no one else, know how to empathize, you won’t find a better comforter. When communicating with such a person, it is necessary to take into account his vulnerability, therefore he needs boasting and encouragement more than others. But it’s completely impossible to scold him for constant complaints, so you will further damage his condition.

The ability to determine the type of temperament is necessary not only for psychologists, it can also be useful in everyday life. Knowing the innate weaknesses and strengths of a person, you can choose the most favorable tactics for a conversation.

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What is the nature of a choleric person?

Choleric temperament is a strong but unbalanced type of higher nervous system.

The most striking feature of a choleric person is an explosive character and problems with controlling their emotions. This is an impulsive, active, energetic person. But excitation processes prevail over inhibition.

It takes a lot of work for a choleric person to “pull himself together”, or not to express aggressiveness if he experiences it in relation to something or someone.

Hot-tempered and impatient, he tends to move quickly. This happens the faster, the sooner the irritating factor disappears.

Despite their irritability, these people are very hardy and easily overcome any obstacles. They are easily recognizable by their determined gait and sharp, jerky movements. Sometimes these people resemble a taut string that can burst at any moment.

Cholerics in the world

Cholerics find friends easily, but not so much for the sake of communication, but for extras. They need a team in which they take on the role of leader and commander of the parade. Choleric is very zealous about his leadership, does not tolerate a number of rivals and those who do not agree with his opinion.

He loves to control his environment and impose his point of view and his value system on him. It is difficult to be friends with him, but those who have been honored with his sincere affection can count on faithful and strong friendship.

Advice 1: How to distinguish between sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic

Such people are self-confident, proud and sometimes in love with themselves. Cholerics do not complex and do not belittle their merits. On the contrary, they are often confident in their exclusivity and have an overestimated self-esteem.

Relationships with the opposite sex

In relations with the opposite sex, the choleric person shows all those unpleasant features that are in communication with others. He is intolerant, categorical, unrestrained, confident in his rightness. As in the circle of friends, in the family he will gravitate towards dominance and authoritarianism.

In the heat of anger, he is able to break off relationships many times, after which he usually tries to stick them together. It is not easy to have such a life partner, but if you try to give in to him (or pretend to give in), then a good family man will turn out of a choleric person. Representatives of this temperament are very sensitive to blood ties. They are a strong support for the spouse and good educators for their children.

Working rhythm in choleric people

As workers, choleric people are valuable for their ability to quickly recuperate and work hard. Their ability to work, however, is not constant and depends on many factors.

But, if the case really captivates him, he is able to move mountains.

In a fit of enthusiasm, this person can work all night long without experiencing any discomfort. By the way, choleric people generally experience less need for sleep than representatives of other types of temperament.

When the ardor is wasted, and interest in work has faded, a person quickly cools off in his activity and continues to work formally, without a “light”.

Raising a choleric child

A choleric child begins to grow into a problem for parents from the moment they are born. These children, even in infancy, sleep poorly and little. In order to lull such a child, you have to carry him for hours in your arms.

These kids are like little pandas. They literally grow up, clasping the neck of their parents, like a tree trunk.

A child of choleric temperament is naughty, scandalous with or without. He has a lot of requirements that must be met.

If his whims are not in a hurry to indulge, the baby will still achieve his roar and tantrums. But the choleric can not only hysteria. He is capable of displaying the deepest emotions for his family members and is very sensitive to affectionate treatment.

Parents should be more attentive to the upbringing of such a child. A lack of attention in the future can turn into uncontrolled aggression and cruelty. The inability to keep attention on something for a long time will lead to the fact that the choleric person will not complete any business.

If the child’s aggression is directed in the right direction in time, then an excellent athlete can turn out of him. And work on perseverance and attention will help you achieve your goals in adulthood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Choleric, whose temperament is briefly described in two words: strong and impulsive, has its pros and cons.

The undoubted advantages of the choleric include: energy seething in him and the ability to give himself over to his favorite business. The ability to lead people, captivate them with your ideas is another fat plus of this temperament. Choleric is a born leader and initiator of new ideas.

People of this type of temperament are distinguished by increased resistance to stress and the ability to quickly make serious decisions.

It is difficult to communicate with choleric people and maintain friendly relations. They rarely complete their undertakings and do not know how to calculate their own strength, which quickly deplete their energy.

If you have chosen a representative of the choleric type of temperament as a friend or companion, be tolerant and do not pay attention to sudden changes in his mood. Take it for granted that you will have to constantly make concessions, put up with his harshness and put up with the world around him.

Temperament- a stable association of individual personality traits, this is the pace and rhythm of mental processes, the degree of stability of feelings, the degree of volitional effort.

Phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine, choleric - types of temperament

The type of temperament is closely related to the innate characteristics of higher nervous activity. This is manifested in the stability of the emotional state, impressionability, energy of actions and deeds.

But temperament does not characterize beliefs, attitudes and is not an indicator of the value of the individual. Temperament manifests itself in early childhood, it is stable and poorly amenable to education.

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Hippocrates' classification of temperament types

The most common temperament is a mixed type, get acquainted with the characteristic features. I am sure that you will be able to find those traits that are similar to you. Remember that there is practically no pure temperament, a certain type dominates.


Choleric- the personality is unbalanced, unrestrained, quick-tempered, even unbridled. Choleric temperament is characterized by great intensity and vivid expression of emotional experiences and the speed of their flow. The choleric is characterized by irascibility and quickness, which immediately follows violent outbursts of feelings. A choleric person is a hot, passionate person, characterized by a sharp change in feelings, which are always deep in him, capture him entirely. He deeply and strongly experiences both joys and sorrows, which finds its (sometimes violent) expression in his facial expressions and actions. With difficulty performs monotonous work, reactions are fast, strong. He gets down to business with enthusiasm, but quickly cools down - a “disregard” mood appears.

In communication, impatient and harsh. Facial expressions and movements are energetic, the pace of work is fast. Often teenagers with such temperament disrupt lessons, get into fights, generally cause a lot of trouble to parents and teachers. These are fervent, fighting, active guys. They become ringleaders among their peers, involving them in various romantic ventures.

Stendhal said: "Choleric people are the temperament of outstanding people." Typical choleric people were Peter the Great, Marat, Napoleon.


melancholic- unbalanced, deeply experiencing any event with a sluggish and weak external response.

The reaction is slow. Features of the melancholic temperament are manifested externally: facial expressions and movements are slow, monotonous, restrained, poor, the voice is quiet, inexpressive.

Sensitive, vulnerable, afraid of difficulties, characterized by increased anxiety. Avoids unexpected situations. Prefers to perform actions that do not require mental stress.

The feelings and moods of the melancholic are monotonous and at the same time very stable. Often they are asthenic in nature. In this regard, the very term "melancholic" often denotes a person who is distinguished by a sad and even gloomy mood. People with a melancholic temperament are often very sensitive to external circumstances, are easily vulnerable, and are hard pressed by the difficulties of life. Often they are distinguished by isolation in themselves and unsociableness.

Melancholics are characterized by decadence, lack of vigor and determination in their actions, frequent hesitation, in deep manifestations - passivity, lethargy, disinterest in the work entrusted to a person.

Melancholic children cannot resist injustice, often fall under the influence of others, they are teased, offended. It is often difficult for these guys in a team. Melancholic teens are often timid and shy, and may burst into tears easily.


sanguine- the personality is balanced, his reactions are distinguished by speed and moderate strength, however, he is distinguished by a relatively weak intensity of mental processes and a rapid change of some mental processes by others. He quickly masters new professional knowledge, can work for a long time without getting tired, provided that the work is varied. The sanguine person is characterized by the ease and speed of the emergence of new emotional states, which, however, quickly replacing each other, do not leave a deep trace in his mind.

Usually a sanguine person is distinguished by rich facial expressions, his emotional experiences are accompanied by a variety of expressive movements. This is a cheerful person, characterized by great mobility. The speed of mental processes is associated with external mobility in a sanguine person: he is impressionable, quickly responds to external stimuli and is less focused and deepened in his personal experiences.

Sanguine easily copes with tasks that require quick wits, unless these tasks are particularly difficult and serious.

He easily takes on different cases, but at the same time he easily forgets about them, becoming interested in new ones. In his decisions, he is often hasty, thinks little about them, often scatters. Sanguine easily enters into communication with other people. However, his attitude towards other people is often superficial: he easily parted with his attachments, quickly forgets sorrows and joys, resentment and reconciliation. Facial expressions and movements are expressive, speech is fast.

Many brilliant people belonged to different types of higher nervous activity. For example, Giordano Bruno and Pushkin, apparently, are sanguine (combined with features of a choleric temperament).


Outwardly, a person of a phlegmatic temperament is distinguished, first of all, by low mobility, his movements are very slow and even lethargic, not energetic, one cannot expect quick actions from him. Phlegmatic is also characterized by weak emotional excitability. His feelings and moods are distinguished by an even character and change slowly.

This is a calm, measured person in his actions. He rarely comes out of an even, calm emotional state, he can rarely be seen very agitated, affective manifestations of personality are alien to him.

The structure of emotional states characteristic of the phlegmatic also finds a corresponding external expression. Facial expressions and gestures of the phlegmatic are monotonous, inexpressive, speech is slow, devoid of liveliness, not accompanied by expressive movements.

Before doing anything, the phlegmatic thinks about the upcoming actions for a long time and in detail; however, he carries out the decisions made calmly and relentlessly, is strongly attached to his usual work and hardly switches to new types of work.

It would be a mistake to think that each person can be assigned to one of the four types of temperament discussed above. The described temperaments are rare in life. In the character of each person, traits inherent in different temperaments are usually combined in a peculiar way; such people are said to have a mixed temperament. Only when the features of one or another temperament significantly predominate in a person’s character can he be attributed to representatives of one of the four types of temperament indicated.

It is necessary to take into account the type of temperament of your partner. Seek advice.

The representative of this type is a lively, inquisitive, mobile (but without sharp, impetuous movements) person. As a rule, cheerful and cheerful. Emotionally unstable, easily succumbed to feelings, but they are usually not strong and not deep. He quickly forgets insults, relatively easily experiences failures.

Choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine

He is very inclined to the team, easily establishes contacts, sociable, friendly, affable, quickly converges with people, easily establishes good relations.

With proper upbringing, a sanguine person is distinguished by a highly developed sense of collectivism, responsiveness, an active attitude to educational work, work and social life. Under adverse conditions, when there is no systematic, purposeful education, a sanguine person may show a frivolous, carefree and careless attitude to business, scattered, inability and unwillingness to bring things to the end, a frivolous attitude to learning, work, other people, overestimation of oneself and one's capabilities.

The representative of this type is slow, calm, unhurried. In activity shows solidity, thoughtfulness, perseverance. Inclined to order, familiar surroundings, does not like changes in anything. As a rule, he brings the work begun to the end. All mental processes in a phlegmatic person proceed slowly. This slowness can interfere with his learning activities, especially where you need to quickly memorize, quickly understand, figure out, quickly do. In such cases, the phlegmatic may show helplessness, but he usually remembers for a long time, thoroughly and firmly.

In relations with people, the phlegmatic is always even, calm, moderately sociable, his mood is stable. The calmness of a person of a phlegmatic temperament is also manifested in his attitude to the events and phenomena of life: a phlegmatic person is not easy to get angry and hurt emotionally, he avoids quarrels, troubles and failures do not unbalance him. With proper upbringing, a phlegmatic person easily develops such traits as perseverance, efficiency, perseverance. But in adverse circumstances, a phlegmatic person can develop such specific negative traits as lethargy, inertia, passivity, laziness. Sometimes a person of this temperament can develop an indifferent, indifferent attitude towards work, the surrounding life, people and even himself.

Representatives of this type are distinguished by speed (sometimes feverish speed) of movements and actions, impulsiveness, and excitability.

Their mental processes proceed quickly and intensively. The imbalance inherent in the choleric is clearly reflected in his activities: he takes up the matter with enthusiasm and even passion, takes the initiative, works with enthusiasm. But his supply of nervous energy can be quickly depleted in the process of work, especially when the work is monotonous and requires perseverance and patience, and then cooling may set in, uplift and inspiration disappear, and the mood drops sharply. The predominance of excitation over inhibition, characteristic of this temperament, is clearly manifested in communication with people with whom the choleric person allows harshness, irascibility, irritability, emotional restraint (which often does not give him the opportunity to objectively evaluate people's actions) and on this basis sometimes creates conflict situations in the team .

The positive aspects of the choleric temperament are energy, activity, passion, initiative. Negative manifestations - general intemperance, rudeness and harshness, irascibility, a tendency to affect - often develop in adverse conditions of life and activity.

In representatives of this temperament, mental processes proceed slowly, people hardly react to strong stimuli; Prolonged and strong stress causes them to slow down their activity, and then stop it. They get tired quickly. But in a familiar and calm environment, people with such a temperament feel calm and work productively. Emotional states in people of a melancholic temperament arise slowly, but differ in depth, great strength and duration; melancholics are easily vulnerable, they can hardly endure insults, grief, but outwardly these experiences are expressed in them weakly.

Representatives of the melancholic temperament are prone to isolation, avoid communication with unfamiliar, new people, are often embarrassed, show great awkwardness in a new environment. In unfavorable conditions of life and activity, such traits as painful vulnerability, depression, gloom, suspiciousness, and pessimism can develop on the basis of a melancholic temperament. Such a person is alienated from the team, avoids social activities, plunges into his own experiences. But in favorable conditions, with proper education, the most valuable qualities of a melancholic personality are revealed. His impressionability, subtle emotional sensitivity, acute susceptibility to the world around him allow him to achieve great success in art - music, drawing, poetry. Melancholic people are often distinguished by softness, tact, delicacy, sensitivity and responsiveness: whoever is vulnerable himself usually subtly feels the pain that he causes to other people.

Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic - characteristic

Each person is individual, has his own character, habits, worldview, temperament, etc. However, psychologists still divided people into four types of temperament - choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic, and each of these categories has its own characteristics. Let us consider in more detail the main character traits of the people of each of these groups.

Features of temperament and character of sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic

So, let's figure out what is the difference in the psychology of choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic, what is their personality type, and what unites people in each of these categories:

  1. Phlegmatic person. Such a person is distinguished by enviable calmness and equanimity. It is very difficult to piss off people of this type, but if you already succeeded, then it will not be easy to stop the anger of the phlegmatic. People belonging to this category are very reasonable, they like order in everything, they are very consistent, attentive, they love stability. It is very difficult for them to “switch” from one thing to another, it is difficult for them to adapt to something new. The character of phlegmatic people is soft, they are almost conflict-free people, so they can get along with representatives of any category.
  2. sanguine. A distinctive feature of these people is activity and vigor. Sanguine people easily "light up" with any idea and just as easily "burn out", they have a light and playful disposition. Sanguine people are the soul of any company, they practically do not give in to stress, they love communication, but often they cannot keep this promise. Sanguine people are emotional people, however, if necessary, they can hold back emotions and not show their feelings. These are kind, sensitive and friendly people, they cope with failures quite easily. The nature of these people is quite flexible, they are balanced and have the ability to adapt to the proposed circumstances, these people are hardworking and love discipline. Sanguine people are optimistic and honest people, and friendliness invariably remains the main character trait.
  3. melancholic. Quiet, shy people may seem completely uninteresting from the outside, but only a melancholic has such a rich and varied inner world. These people are very sensual natures, dependent on mood swings and completely insecure. Melancholic people can be great and loyal friends who keep their word and are ready to come to the rescue anytime, anywhere. A balanced character and restraint help such people think sensibly in an emergency, but excessive self-doubt can fail at a crucial moment. Melancholic people are timid and self-contained individuals, they prefer to obey rather than control.
  4. Choleric. Very temperamental personalities, characterized by irascibility, aggressiveness and emotionality. When communicating with people, choleric people always try to take a dominant position, by the way, the qualities of a leader are innate in them. Having high self-esteem, they try never to show weakness in anything, they are always ready to defend their opinion, ready to compete.

    What is your temperament? (online test)

    However, despite such a violent temper, choleric people quite easily find a common language with others. It is worth noting that arguing with such people is not recommended, they will never retreat, moreover, they will not lag behind until they force you to give up. Despite the bad character, perhaps no one can love like a choleric. If a choleric person really fell in love, he will be the most faithful, gentle and caring partner.

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Temperaments and their compatibility

The world consists of revelations for those who were able to discover it.

A. Tyurin

Temperament, along with other additional features of the type, has a significant impact on the character and behavior of a person, as well as on his relationship with others. It is another reason for behavioral differences in people of the same personality type. The classification of temperaments will organically complement the picture of your psychological characteristics and allow you to expand your understanding of yourself. Knowing your temperament, you can more accurately determine your subtype. In addition, knowledge of temperaments will help you avoid many mistakes in determining the personality types of your acquaintances.

The first attempt to create a personality typology was the division of people into four temperaments, which dates back to the time of antiquity and is associated with the names of the famous doctors of that era, Hippocrates and Galen. According to this typology, people are divided into four types: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. Each temperament indicates the way a person thinks and behaves emotionally. The famous Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov associated the type of temperament with certain pairs of signs that characterize the human nervous system. This:

  • stability - instability;
  • dynamism - inertia;
  • strength is weakness.

The comparison showed that sanguine and phlegmatic people are people with a stable nervous system, and choleric and melancholic people are unstable. A person's belonging to a particular temperament is reflected in the style of his behavior and relationships with others.

The English psychologist G. Eysenck, using the scale of extraversion-introversion proposed by Jung, built the following classification of characters with different stability of the nervous system:

  • choleric: extrovert, emotionally unstable;
  • phlegmatic: introvert, emotionally stable;
  • sanguine: extrovert, emotionally stable;
  • melancholic: introvert, emotionally unstable.

H. Eysenck created a table with a set of basic qualities inherent in each temperament:











Loving convenience


In order to find your place in the above diagram, you need to define yourself on a scale " extraversion - introversion"and find out the type of temperament that matches your personality. You can determine the first quality from the table, and the type of your temperament from the test.


From the four character descriptions below, choose the one that best suits you. Its serial number will correspond to the name of your leading temperament (see the key to the test). Since pure temperaments are rare, from the remaining descriptions, choose one more that suits you more than the others. Its number will match your additional temperament.

1. I am an energetic and assertive person, I do not always control my emotions. If I lose my temper, I do not immediately calm down. I do my job energetically and with full dedication, I am not distracted by extraneous things. Straightforward in business and in relationships. I prefer to overcome even the most difficult obstacles, rather than bypass them.

2. I am a calm and balanced person, it is very difficult to piss me off. By nature I am patient, I know how to wait. Slowly adjusting to the new environment. I delve deeply into the matter, work slowly, moving step by step in the chosen direction, I do not like to be distracted from the main occupation.

3. I am a flexible and dynamic person, I always need a variety of external impressions. Although I get excited easily, I calm down just as quickly. I prefer to expand my circle of contacts and easily switch from one activity to another. Under no circumstances do I lose heart, I can find a way out of any situation.

4. I am a sensitive and changeable person, I am very dependent on my inner state. I easily get upset over trifles and do not calm down for a long time. Due to the subtle susceptibility, peace of mind is difficult for me, so I need the emotional support of loved ones. It's hard for outsiders to guess about my mood swings.

Let us characterize fragmentarily each of the types of temperament you have defined.

1. SANGUINE- Emotional and good performance. He quickly orients himself in an unfamiliar environment, is proactive, optimistic, enters the team in a short time, creates a positive microclimate around himself, and relatively easily survives failures. At the same time, he avoids acute problems, often simplifies the tasks.

2. PHLEGMATIC - calm even in the most difficult situations, imperturbable, stable and consistent in aspirations and relationships. Adheres to the developed routine, strives for the system, unhurried and thorough. At the same time, he is inert, slowly switching from one job to another.

CHOLERIC - characterized by speed of action and decisions, frequent mood swings, increased excitability. In relationships, he is often overly harsh, straightforward in his assessments. Often quarrelsome, unable to restrain himself. Has influence on others, quickly moves from one case to another. Likes to be the center of attention.

4. MELANCHOLIC- we quickly tire, not sure of ourselves, anxious and suspicious. He is well versed in the shades of feelings, cautious and prudent. Secretive and shy, very worried about the slightest reason. Difficulty adjusting to new people.

According to the Eysenck scheme and Pavlov's classification, we came to the conclusion that there is the following classification of temperamental groups:

  • choleric: extrovert, strong, dynamic, emotionally unstable;
  • phlegmatic: introvert, strong, inert, emotionally stable;
  • sanguine: extrovert, strong, dynamic, emotionally stable;
  • melancholic: introvert, weak, inert, emotionally unstable.

So, from the point of view of temperaments, choleric and sanguine people have a more active temperament, while melancholic and phlegmatic people are somewhat passive.

Test G. Eysenck to determine the type of temperament.

The most lively and mobile people are choleric and sanguine. Moreover, the choleric is the most unbalanced of them, and this is clearly seen by the fact that he is unbalanced both externally and internally. Sanguine is internally balanced, although outwardly it can be very emotional. The melancholic, on the other hand, is internally unbalanced, although outwardly this does not always manifest itself, unless he has an additional admixture of a choleric or sanguine temperament.

Temperaments not only add variety to the descriptions of personality types, but also determine their biorhythms of work capacity. There are two main poles of efficiency. These are people - "larks" and people - "owls". Larks are pronounced choleric or sanguine. They are more effective at the beginning of the process, as they are easily and actively involved in the work, but by the time it is completed, they often run out of steam or lose interest. "Owls", on the contrary, are passive and indecisive in new beginnings, swing for a long time before getting involved in the work, but they are more effective in completing what they have started and in bringing it to perfection.

The combination of passive and active temperaments in a person creates an indefinite biorhythm of working capacity. People with such a biorhythm, these are people - "pigeons", but with a more detailed analysis, they still reveal some tendency to one or another pole of efficiency, depending on which temperament prevails in them.

To check the correctness of the determination of temperament, a brief test for biorhythms of working capacity will help you.


Choose on two scales: A and Z - on one of the two opposing statements and calculate which scale will have more of them.

Scale "A":

"Z" scale:

1. You are most productive in the morning .

2. Usually, you get involved in a new business right away, without any delay.

3. It is easier for you to start new things. than finish the previous ones.

4. You can easily put one thing aside and move on to another.

5. Think slowness is worse than haste.

6. .You like to go to bed earlier so that you wake up in the morning in a cheerful mood and immediately get down to business.

7. Interest in your work is higher at the beginning, and usually decreases slightly towards the end.

1. Your performance is better in the afternoon.

2. You need some time to get involved in a new business.

3. You are more willing to finish old things than start new ones.

4 . It is difficult for you to put off the work you have started, even if you are tired.

5. You think haste is worse than slowness.

6. You like to stay up late, and in the morning you are reluctant to get involved in work.

7. Interest in your work increases as you approach its end.

Test key:

A-"larks"; Z-"owls".

So, if you are a "lark" - you have a more active type of temperament (choleric or sanguine or their varieties), and if you are an "owl" - more passive (phlegmatic or melancholic or their varieties).

If you scored an equal number of positive statements on both scales of the test, then you have a dove type. This is the result of a combination of passive and active temperaments, perhaps due to the development of atypical accents of your type, which also have temperamental features.

A person's belonging to one of the four typological temperamental groups can be determined situationally - according to the reaction that manifests itself in him as a response to an obstacle that has arisen in his path:

  • choleric sweeps away the obstacle;
  • the sanguine bypasses;
  • the phlegmatic often does not even notice;
  • the melancholic stops before an obstacle.

Usually, there are practically no pure temperaments. Each person has a combination of two temperaments, one of which is the leader, it is more pronounced. This is the temperament of the subtype. The second, additional, most likely is the one that manifests itself at a deeper psychophysical level of the type - the level of type accents.

But the constant manifestation in a person in all cases of life of only the predominant and additional temperament is the exception rather than the rule. Each personality contains all four temperaments, but in different proportions. Each of them comes to the fore, depending on the situation and the magnitude of the psychological distance with other people, and this, in turn, depends on the nature of the relationship (formal or informal), as well as the psychological climate (comfortable or uncomfortable).

The main, dominant temperament manifests itself at a close psychological distance (in a familiar environment, with loved ones) in a comfortable psychological atmosphere.

The second in descending order is the additional temperament, which manifests itself more clearly at the farthest psychological distance - in formal communication with others, more often strangers.

The third type of temperament manifests itself in a formal setting, at a far psychological distance (official relations with management, subordinates or partners from other organizations, just strangers). This type of temperament can be called role-playing, because. a person in such a situation is bound by conventions, and, adapting to society, plays a certain social role.

The fourth type of temperament, which is least often manifested in a person, is characteristic of stressful situations or those that are commonly called force majeure (company collapse and unexpected dismissal, serious illness or death of a loved one, some kind of natural disaster: fire, flood, etc. ). Such situations can also include states of severe alcohol or drug intoxication.

Since our book is devoted to an in-depth study of the variability of personality types in all their diversity, we can consider these four types of temperament in their varieties. For this purpose, we use Le Sen's typology of the eight temperaments. In our opinion, one can trace their relationship with the temperaments described above as follows:

Cholerics There are two types (according to Le Seine): passionate type and just choleric .

Passionate type - very emotional, active, not inclined to scatter, prefers to concentrate efforts in one direction, needs vigorous activity, without which the accumulated and unrealized energy can lead to the same nervous exhaustion as violent activity.

Choleric - a decisive person who does not think about the consequences and often loses his sense of proportion.

Freedom-loving, optimistic, often cordial in communication.

Phlegmatic (according to Le Seine), it's just phlegmatic person And lethargic.

Phlegmatic person - mentally balanced, everything counts in advance and is not inclined to waste time on unnecessary, from his point of view, affairs and experiences. You can only convince him with arguments. He is moderately active and can take the initiative in what he considers necessary.

apathic - more inert, prefers to perform only the most necessary work, requiring a calm pace, a systematic approach and order.

Sanguine (according to Le Seine), it's just sanguine And amorphic .

sanguine - is open to solving any problems, looks at overcoming them as a kind of game, also does not take conflicts to heart, knows how to smooth out misunderstandings in time.

Amorphic - not punctual and scattered in business, can easily postpone any work until tomorrow, rather careless and not always obligatory in his promises.

Melancholy (according to Le Seine) is sentimental And nervous types.

Sentimental - sensitive, dreamy, cautious, prudent, shy and timid, unable to mobilize and often lost in a difficult situation.

Nervous type worries about the slightest provocation, very sensitive and touchy, but does not know how to be prudent.

In addition, he is indecisive, shows passivity when it is necessary to overcome a difficult situation and this can lead him to nervous exhaustion.

It can be seen that each first type of temperament in these pairs is more rational in its behavior than the second, but it is too early to draw conclusions about the relationship of these temperaments with the rationality-irrationality scale. Properties similar to rationality have two linear psycho-forms of character - Square and Triangle, and properties similar to irrationality - two non-linear ones - Zigzag and Circle, which can be considered in their intro- and extraverted manifestations, that is, in the first approximation, these are four psycho-forms, and in the second - eight.

Since psychoforms are included in the formation of character accents, we will dwell on them in more detail later. From the foregoing, we can conclude that temperaments influence not only the formation of subtypes, but also their variants, which is quite natural and once again convinces of the logical harmony and consistency of these approaches.

Sometimes we come across diagnostically complex cases of a combination of temperaments and type accents. They lie in the fact that both subtypes and type accents are connected at their mental and physical level with temperaments. In this case, for example, the inert temperament inherent in the subtype can compete with the active temperament inherent in the accent of the subtype. In this case, it can be difficult to distinguish which of these different temperaments prevails in a person, especially if one of the two most "energetic" elements is strengthened in his leading accent - the ethics of emotions or volitional sensory (internal initiative and type mobilization), which, as a rule, associated with an active temperament.

In this case, the influence of a calmer temperament corresponding to the inert subtype may not be sufficiently pronounced due to the influence of an active additional (“accent”) temperament. So, for example, in SEE (Politics), in such a situation, a mixture of "subtype" phlegmatic and "accent" choleric temperaments can manifest itself. Such a variant of this type will be somewhat inertial in undertakings, but outwardly it is a completely lively and mobile person.

Another case is when an inert subtype of EIE (Mentor) has a "subtype" melancholic temperament, and at the level of type accents, for example, a nervous or passionate temperament. Outwardly, it will be quite a lively and emotional person, but internally - indecisive, vulnerable and touchy. As a result, he can be mistaken for a representative of an active temperament. Nevertheless, you will not find in him that determination, activity and "ease of climbing", which a representative of an active temperament should have. That is, the "subtype" (in this case, passive) temperament of this type of personality will still be leading, even if outwardly it will seem alive and emotional due to the active "accent" temperament.

Thus, combinations of temperaments - basic and additional, manifested at different levels of information exchange in a personality type, at first glance, introduce a contradiction in their interpretation and sometimes cause difficulties in diagnosing temperament. But with experience, this problem is solved quite easily, it is enough to remember the subtype characteristics, characteristics of temperaments, psychoforms and accents of the type, which you will meet later. Knowing all the "shells" of a type and comparing them during analysis simplifies and refines the diagnosis of types and their variants.

Temperament Compatibility

Dealing with the problem of the correlation of temperaments and socionic types, we noticed that temperaments bring diversity to the behavioral reactions of sociotypes and leave their mark on their relationships.

Different combinations of temperaments create different types of their interaction. Here we will consider only the main trends in the interaction of the main temperaments.

So, a choleric person, for example, is best calmed and complemented in his work by his opposite - a phlegmatic person, and a melancholic person is well supported and toned by a sanguine person. These two pairs of temperaments complement each other in many ways and even partially smooth out the misunderstandings that may arise when their personality types are incompatible.

Other combinations (choleric - sanguine and phlegmatic - melancholic) require adjustment, since the first pair is too emotional and proactive, as a result of which leadership problems may arise, and the second is rather inert and passive.

The pairs "choleric - melancholic" and "sanguine - phlegmatic" interact more problematically, even if they are duals. True, quarrels among duals can be light, temporary. It is much worse if poorly compatible personality types also have incompatible temperaments. However, it is most difficult for people who have incompatible personality types, subtypes, accents and psychoforms and temperaments. Fortunately, this is extremely rare.

In cases of poorly compatible temperaments, the following can be advised: in a pair of choleric - melancholic, choleric people need to restrain themselves more, and melancholic people should not take everything so close to their hearts, although for both it will not be easy. It is difficult for a choleric person not to hurt a melancholic, whose touchiness is reflected in both; in a pair of phlegmatic - sanguine phlegmatic people should try to more openly and directly express their feelings and not be so stubborn and conservative in their behavior, and sanguine people should try to be more consistent in business and more reliable in their promises. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to cope with the growing irritability of their partner.

If people have a similar type of nervous system, then the most favorable is the interaction of two phlegmatic or melancholic, somewhat worse - two sanguine and very bad - two choleric. This can be explained as follows: phlegmatic people are the most balanced people, it is difficult to piss them off. Melancholic people are impressionable, very vulnerable and touchy, but they are quite compliant and prone to compromises in order to achieve peace of mind. Sanguine people are independent and emotional, but quick-witted. Noticing that the brewing conflict can take a serious turn, they easily compromise to restore balance in the relationship.

The most difficult thing to keep a balance in relationships is straightforward, excitable and unrestrained choleric people, who often cannot stop in time in their statements and actions and therefore can offend others without wanting to.

Types of human temperament are given to us from birth, and temperament, unlike character, practically does not change.
(see description of temperaments)
It would be nice to know types of human temperament to better understand yourself and interact with others. Eysenck personality questionnaire
To get acquainted with the types of human temperament, and understand their essence, this post is dedicated.

Types of human temperament - the essence of the matter

Temperament is the individual characteristics of a person that determine the dynamics (mobility) of his mental activity and behavior.

A drop of history: for the first time, types of human temperament began to be distinguished by Hippocrates, he noticed that different people perform the same work in different ways (at different speeds, tempos). And he deduced four types of human temperament, naming them in accordance with the four body fluids: “sangwe - blood” (now - sanguine - alive); "hole - bile" (now - choleric - energetic, passionate); "melainhole" - black bile (now - melancholic - closed, prone to deep feelings) and "phlegm" - mucus (now - phlegmatic - calm, slow).

I.P. Pavlov gives a more scientific justification for the types of human temperament, referring them to higher nervous activity. I will not go into details of the physiological basis of human temperament, because experts know, but ordinary people probably do not need it. I will only say that Pavlov divided the nervous system into a strong type and a weak one. And hence, the strong type is balanced, and the strong type is unbalanced (choleric), and the balanced is divided into mobile (sanguine) and inert (phlegmatic). The weak type, respectively, is melancholic. From the outside, it may seem that some types of human temperament are superior to others, however, this is not at all the case.

Bad and good temperaments do not exist, just each type of human temperament is good or bad for a particular type of activity. For example: a choleric person with his mobility and endless energy will be able to work where a phlegmatic person with his slowness will be difficult, and vice versa.
Therefore, when choosing a profession, it is so necessary to know your type of temperament.

Human temperament

Nowadays, types of human temperament are determined by various tests: for example, Cattell's personality theory, but today we will consider the theory of Hans Jurgen Eysenck, which is currently the most popular and in demand in identifying the type of human temperament.
Hans Jurgen Eysenck considered the structure of personality consisting of two factors:

extrovert- turning a person outward;
Introvert- turning a person inward.

An extroverted person is a person who is outward-facing, sociable, having a wide circle of acquaintances and a need for contacts.

Extroverts include two types of human temperament: sanguine And choleric, depending on its inherent neuroticism, an extroverted person acts on the spur of the moment, impulsive, quick-tempered, carefree, optimistic, good-natured, cheerful.

Feelings and emotions do not have strict control, prone to risky actions. You can't always rely on an extrovert. He chooses movement and action, can be aggressive.

An introverted person is a person who is calm, shy, introverted, prone to introspection.

Introverts also include two types of human temperament − phlegmatic person And melancholic, depending on the neuroticism.

An introvert is reserved and distant from everyone except close friends. Plans and considers his actions in advance, distrusts sudden urges, takes decisions seriously, likes everything in order.

2) neuroticism- speaks of the emotional stability or instability (stability, instability) of a person (emotion management).

Neuroticism is expressed in extreme nervousness, instability, poor adaptation (adaptation to the situation), a tendency to quickly change moods (lability), feelings of guilt and anxiety, anxiety, depressive reactions, absent-mindedness, instability in stressful situations.

In people with high neuroticism in adverse stressful situations can develop neurosis.

Simply put, if, after passing the Eysenck test, you show up on a scale extra inversion higher 12 points and scale neuroticism below 13 points, then your temperament type is sanguine.

If you have a level on the scale extra introversion higher 12 points and on a scale neuroticism also above 12 points, then your type of temperament, of course - choleric.

And if your level on the scale extra introversion below 13 points and on a scale neuroticism also below 13 points, then your type of human temperament is phlegmatic person.

Well, the fourth type of human temperament, when you have a level on the scale extra introversion below 13 points and on a scale neuroticism higher 12 points, then your type of temperament, respectively - melancholic.

Hans Eysenck considered another (third) factor in the structure of a person's personality - psychotism, by which one can identify a person's tendency to antisocial behavior, pretentiousness, inadequacy of emotional reactions, high conflict, selfishness and indifference.

I wish you all psychological well-being!

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