Psychological and pedagogical education: who to work with? The profession of a psychologist - is the profession of a psychologist in demand in the modern world.


What is currently the most feared by those school graduates who are not indifferent to their own professional development? The answer is simple: make the wrong choice. Some of them listen to the recommendations of their parents. Others choose a profession based on pragmatic considerations. Others follow their heart. Psychological and pedagogical education has recently received particular popularity among modern applicants.

Features of working as a psychologist

However, in order to work in this direction, it is not enough just to be interested in psychology at the everyday level. The future psychologist needs to understand well: the chosen work is directly related to communication with people, constant self-education and professional improvement. Workers in this area note: they come much faster than they could imagine on the student bench. requires not only a thorough mastery of theoretical disciplines, but also the presence of certain personal qualities. This is the ability to sympathize, empathize with another person; modesty and confidence at the same time.

Working in corporations is a worthy way to apply knowledge

Therefore, for those who have firmly decided to become an expert on the human soul, a difficult path awaits. Only the first step is to get a psychological and pedagogical education. Who to work in this profession? A diploma in psychology allows you to do more than just consulting clients directly. You can also deviate from this road and go, for example, to work in a commercial company as a personnel manager. To begin with, most likely, you will have to be content with little - after all, a psychology student can only find a job as an assistant in this department.

Why do you need psychotherapy for someone who consults clients himself?

The second step is the need for every psychologist - both future and practicing - to undergo psychotherapy himself. What is it for? The program of psychological and pedagogical education provides students with a diploma, as well as internships. But this is clearly not enough to consult directly with clients. Passing psychotherapy, a student or a practicing psychologist himself finds himself in the place of the client. Thus, he comes closer to understanding the position in which the person who seeks help will be.

On the other hand, successful psychological counseling is hardly possible for a specialist who is himself burdened with life's problems and old complexes. The psychotherapy of the psychologist himself is an important addition to the knowledge that a psychological and pedagogical education provides. Whom to work - as a consultant for personal and career growth, in the family sphere, or even with dependent clients - is often determined by the student himself in the process of such psychotherapy.

The profession of a school psychologist

The educational sphere is another direction in which today's psychology students can realize themselves. Depending on preferences, you can work at a school or in a kindergarten. Those who have chosen the direction of "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" have a fairly wide range of application of their knowledge.

It must be remembered that working with children and adolescents also includes the process of interaction with their parents. Most often, visitors to the school psychologist are people from And their parents are for the most part much more burdened with all sorts of psychological problems. Willingness to work with such a contingent is an indispensable condition for working in educational institutions. However, this is one of the most beaten paths for those who receive a psychological and pedagogical education. The psychology of education is an area in which the participation of a psychologist is always necessary, and not only with problem students. Sometimes a teacher may need advice from a specialist.

Private practice

Another way, though not the easiest one, is private practice. In this case, the psychologist himself takes full responsibility. To do this, he needs to solve a lot of issues, and not only psychological and pedagogical education is important here. You need to get a large number of required certificates yourself, to cope with all the formalities. And the most important thing is to solve the problem. Of course, if psychotherapy is effective, then those who need help themselves will seek advice from a good specialist. If not, it is necessary to consider what needs to be improved in the process of psychological counseling, what other aspects of one's own character need to be worked out in order for psychotherapy to be effective for clients.

The future of the profession

The development of psychological and pedagogical education is currently due to the requirements that are put forward by society. Despite scientific and technological progress, man is moving further and further away from his own nature. This is the reason for a large number of problems in various spheres of life faced by residents of seemingly prosperous and economically developed countries.

Common Standards

The Federal State Educational Standard “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” is the standard that is common to representatives of psychology workers in any field, from kindergarten teachers to specialists advising top managers of leading Russian companies. Therefore, with a degree in psychology, a lot of opportunities open up for a specialist. However, when acting on it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons: despite the vastness of the ways to apply the acquired knowledge, this profession still sets many requirements for the future psychologist.

The information that was learned at the university is a good basis for work. But theoretical knowledge in this work will always be insufficient. Therefore, you need to be ready for constant self-education and obtaining additional qualifications.

It is also necessary to constantly improve in the knowledge of everyday psychology. They are inextricably linked with the pressing problems that people face when they turn to a psychologist for help. Often, close people or work colleagues make higher demands on their friend or family member who has received a psychological education. "You're a psychologist, you should know this," they say. However, it is worth remembering: counseling friends and family members for a psychologist is prohibited. This goes beyond the "code" that is generally accepted among specialists in all countries.

In order to become a professional psychologist, you must have a higher education in the specialty "Psychologist" or related specialties ("Teacher-psychologist", "Teacher of psychology", etc.). Secondary specialized education received in a pedagogical college does not give the right for independent psychological practice. Such specialists (as well as bachelors of psychology) can work under the supervision of certified psychologists, performing only some types of work.

This requirement is connected, on the one hand, with the complexity and versatility of the work of psychologists in diagnosis and counseling. For the application of some diagnostic methods and techniques (for example, projective), even higher education is not enough. For example, in the USA and Western European countries, the use of certain tests requires an appropriate license, which can be obtained only after a long internship in special centers. In addition to diagnostics, which requires a thorough knowledge of various methods and techniques, an educational psychologist provides consultations. Counseling based on certain theoretical concepts, for example, Gestalt psychology, existential psychology, neurolinguistic programming, etc., also requires additional training and obtaining an appropriate certificate. Successful counseling requires not only knowledge of the methods and techniques of work, but also a high level of general and professional development of a specialist. To find a common language with children, to speak on topics of interest to them, to be an authority for children, to achieve the planned effect - this is not a complete list of skills necessary for effective work.

On the other hand, this requirement is connected with the responsibility imposed on the specialist, since the conclusions that he makes in the course of work relate to the most important aspects of the human personality and influence its development.

Due to the complexity of this profession, it cannot be obtained by studying in absentia. Only full-time or part-time form is possible.

Further training or specialization in certain areas of psychology is possible in special centers (for example, the Imaton center in St. Petersburg) from professionals who have the appropriate license. For scientific or pedagogical activity in higher education, it is possible to enter graduate school, followed by writing and defending a dissertation.

In the age of rapidly developing technologies, there are things that remain unchanged, and the most important thing is the desire of a person to know himself, his essence through the prism of relationships. The profession of a psychologist helps to understand and understand many mental mechanisms, patterns and look at oneself and other people, both in something similar and unique.

What is a psychologist?

Many people confuse a psychologist with a psychiatrist, yes, these professions have common unifying points, but there are also many differences. The profession of a psychologist is a helping specialty, belonging to the category: "man - man". A psychologist is an expert who understands the subtle mechanisms of the human soul, the relationships and characteristics of the psychotype (different types of classifications) inherent in every person. As part of his specialty, a psychologist is someone who:

  • listens carefully and actively;
  • clarifies, paraphrases;
  • asks guiding questions;
  • helps to identify from the "chaos" of problems the most important priority task that needs to be worked on;
  • uses in its arsenal special techniques and methods that correspond to the current task and the client's request.

What does it take to be a psychologist?

The profession of a psychologist, like any other specialty, has a number of requirements and features for a person who wants to become an expert in any field of psychology. There are the following criteria:

  1. Higher psychological education in a university specializing in the training of psychologists.
  2. Refresher training every five years is a prerequisite, but many psychologists who value their specialty study constantly.
  3. Going through personal therapy and learning how to work with a psychologist from another psychologist. For this, there are intervisions and supervisions. A psychologist is also a person who periodically needs a look from another expert. The second point is that there are difficult cases in practice, when collegiate assistance helps to see what needs to be worked on in order to get out of the crisis.
  4. It is desirable for a novice psychologist to gain experience for 1 to 3 years in public institutions.
  5. Psychologists with extensive experience strive for independent practice, at this stage it is important to obtain a license and open your own business.

Is the profession of a psychologist in demand?

Healers of human souls - that's what psychologists are called. The demand for the profession of a psychologist is always relevant. Modern time, with its oversaturation of information and constantly changing living conditions, which are influenced by: the state and the laws it adopts, the political situation in the country and around the world, the media with constantly disturbing news - all this leaves an imprint on thinking and. In conditions of stress, friends and relatives cannot always help, and professional help can give a “second wind” to a person.

Psychologist - a characteristic of the profession

There is a common misconception that a psychologist is someone who gives advice. And coming to a consultation, a person expects to be told how to live, they will be given a lot of tips and life will change, as if by magic. This is far from true. A professional psychologist, to the disappointment of many people, does not give advice. What then is the profession of a psychologist? In a professional approach to the client's problem. The characteristic of the profession of a psychologist suggests that the personality of a psychologist is the most important tool for successful therapy.

Qualities a professional should have:

  • wholeness;
  • the ability to motivate yourself and others;
  • love for one's profession and for people;
  • professional flair and intuition;
  • the ability to experiment;
  • empathy;
  • well-developed figurative and;
  • the ability to maintain confidentiality;
  • compassion;
  • honesty in emotions, actions;
  • diversified development;
  • reflection;
  • nonjudgmental acceptance;
  • the elaboration of those areas within which counseling is carried out;
  • ability to work with countertransferences;
  • an honest admission of their incompetence in some matters.

Psychologist - varieties of profession

The profession of a psychologist, with all the many branches, has 3 officially recognized approaches to activity. Psychologist - profession directions:

  1. Pedagogical activity (theoretical) - aimed at transferring knowledge about psychological science (the profession of a teacher-psychologist is the most demanded in educational institutions)
  2. Research- carrying out experiments, analysis, generalization of data, statistics of psychological phenomena, dynamics of processes and their validity. Writing works, dissertations in psychology
  3. Practical activities include:
  • individual counseling as a means of helping people who find themselves in difficult psychological situations;
  • group trainings;
  • drawing up a psychological portrait, examination.

Profession psychologist - pros and cons

A person who has chosen this specialty for himself should study the basics of the profession of a psychologist and develop an understanding that, in addition to positive aspects, the profession also has “dark” sides, which often pop up unpredictably in different situations. A conscious choice in favor of psychology involves accepting the negative aspects that you will have to face, and knowing how to overcome it so that the profession brings moral satisfaction.

Pros of being a psychologist

In psychology, mostly people are striving for self-knowledge. It also happens that a person has decided to get rid of chronic injuries and complexes and then help others in this. Pros and cons of being a psychologist:

  • improving one's own quality of life;
  • understanding the psychological mechanisms of behavior, actions, emotions of people;
  • recognition: a person is telling a lie or the truth;
  • knowledge of age, gender characteristics of people;
  • self-satisfaction and joy in successful work with a client;
  • continuous professional growth.

The Dangers of the Psychologist Profession

Working as a psychologist is not always a positive return, and a stable positive result. Work in public institutions with a social focus on disadvantaged families, service in hospices, orphanages is very specific, it requires great dedication and a vision of one's activity as a mission, but even this does not save one from what comes faster than in other professions. Other disadvantages of the specialty:

  • not everyone can be helped;
  • psychologists working in the trust service often face suicide and attempts to help are not always successful;
  • the life and problems of other people begin to capture more than their own;
  • depression, one of the frequent states of a psychologist who has never learned to distance himself and passes everything through himself;
  • manipulative techniques give rise to a sense of power and superiority over people.

Where can a psychologist work?

The relevance of the profession of a psychologist, today, is recognized by public and private institutions. Employers are interested in highly qualified employees, and people who apply to psychological centers need the help of specialists. Who can work as a psychologist with all the versatility of the profession, because there are many applied areas for implementation - the choice depends on the desire to make a career in a certain direction.

Health sector:

  • medical psychologist;
  • clinical psychologist;
  • forensic psychologist;
  • psychoanalyst;
  • helpline consultant.

Education system:

  • teacher-psychologist of preschool institutions;
  • school psychologist;
  • Methodist;
  • defectologist;
  • social teacher.

Profession teacher-psychologist

Children at school are usually very happy when a psychologist comes to the lesson and offers to answer the questions of the questionnaire or play a game. It's much more interesting than a math test. A teacher-psychologist is an employee of an educational institution who monitors the social adaptation of children, their behavior, and psychological development.

A representative of this profession should be in every camp, kindergarten, school and other educational institutions. The teacher-psychologist as a profession appeared in our country about 20 years ago. It was in the early 90s that they began to pay more attention to problem children, preparing children for school. Problems happen not only at adults and it is necessary to understand it. A specialist can find the reason for the lagging behind in the studies of a particular student, eliminate it, and then he will be able to study on an equal basis with his peers.

This profession is of great importance in the life of the child and his parents. Parents, even if they see some deviations in the development of the child or problems in communicating with peers, often do not know how to help him. Ignoring the problem is not an option, it only exacerbates the moral depression of the child. A teacher-psychologist comes to help in solving difficult situations, who, based on his experience and knowledge, can turn what is happening in the right direction. Each little person is already an individual who is faced with non-childish problems - misunderstanding of others, problems in communicating with peers, lagging behind the school curriculum, excessive tightness or aggressiveness, deviations in personal development. If teachers do not know how to improve the atmosphere in the team, then the psychologist is obliged to provide the necessary psychological and pedagogical assistance not only to students, but also to their parents.

The teacher-psychologist should be friendly and patient. Children are not always ready to make contact with a stranger, so you will need to apply the magic of persuasion, a lot of strength and patience in order for the person to open up. The specialist must inspire trust and sincerely empathize, try to help. After all, the job is to listen and hear the problems of other people. A school psychologist must have a humanitarian and analytical mindset in order, for example, to come up with a game, lure participants into it and draw the right conclusions.

Children, as they say, are the flowers of life. With these "colors" psychologists spend almost all their working time. You can also learn a lot from them. Watching a teenager courageously cope with his problems, draw conclusions and begin to live a quiet life is happiness for any educational psychologist. The main problem of a specialist, however paradoxical it may sound, is parents. It is impossible to protect a child from problems outside of school; mom and dad can drink alcohol, beat children, it is impossible to influence them and explain how their child suffers.

A teacher-psychologist must receive a higher psychological education. There are various courses for advanced training and retraining of personnel.

I drop the canopy from the sun,
I am starting here
My profession is a psychologist
Or is it a calling?
I'm talking revelation here
I step here slowly
My profession is trust
My calling is soul
Everything in it is seriousness and irony,
Peaks triumph, play of shadows
My profession is harmony
My calling is loyalty to her
O A Koval

Why did I want to become a psychologist?

I chose the profession of psychologist not by chance. Before I became a psychologist, I worked as a nurse in a hospital and clinic for several years. I talked with people of different ages: with children, with the elderly, with middle-aged people.

In my profession, I deeply adhered to the main commandments and views - do no harm, humanity, mercy. But 50% for recovery is caring for him, a kind word, a gentle look, support, the ability to listen, and sometimes just be there.

But these qualities are also necessary in the work of a psychologist.

Feeling the potential in myself, a set of personal qualities, knowledge of medicine, I decided to study the human soul.

Psychology is an interesting profession. She helps in life. I can learn a lot about myself and other people.

For me, being a psychologist is a desire to learn the secrets of children's behavior in a given situation, the features of family education and its influence on the child's personality.

After all, the child lives in the world of his emotions, experiences. Faces in life with many surprises, both pleasant and not so. If he overcomes these obstacles, then he follows the further path of his development, gradually gaining experience. But the child cannot cope with some problems on his own, fixes on it, thereby preventing the development of a full-fledged personality.

The subject of my work is the formation of certain skills in children, overcoming fears, removing excessive aggressiveness.

I became a child psychologist because I want to see the happy eyes of children, the swift and confident look of the child, to help and teach parents to see the unique world of the child: feelings, experiences ... to live not just next to your child, but also to look at the world through the eyes your child! Feel him, experience with him, be his friend!

The relevance of the profession "Psychologist"

The role and importance of psychologists in preschool educational institutions cannot be overestimated.

The task of the psychologist is to create conditions for a comfortable stay of the child in a preschool institution, create conditions for the full development of the child, prevent violations in the formation of the child's personality, create conditions for the development of leading activities, and study parent-child relationships.

My work allows you to identify the causes of difficulties and make timely adjustments, while taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

In modern society, special attention is paid to inclusive education - this is the most advanced system of education for children with disabilities, based on the joint education of healthy children and children with disabilities.

The psychologist is a link, firstly: within the institution between parents-children-teachers-head, and secondly: between the institution and the psychological service of the district, the district as a whole.

In order to provide comprehensive assistance to the most difficult category of children and families, a structure is needed, that is, the Psychological Service

The modern system of preschool education makes serious demands on the professional competence of teachers. One of them is the ability to work effectively in a constantly changing socio-pedagogical environment.

In this regard, it is necessary to constantly improve our knowledge and skills, exchange experiences, and therefore conferences, seminars, round tables, and open classes are held in our district.

My choice...

You walk along the corridor, enter the group and catch the glances of your kids, so similar, but at the same time so different. They are kind and sympathetic, with amazing eyes catching your every move. And then there are quiet, withdrawn, frightened and indifferent, but someday they will want to communicate, talk about their toys, books, fantasies.

What is a psychologist?

A psychologist is a true friend for a child. He accepts him for who he is, is frank with him, understands children's worries and problems, makes discoveries with him every day and enjoys life, teaches him to communicate, helps to cope with difficulties, teaches him to overcome failures, helps the child to feel part of this of the world, to understand his human role, its significance for others, he always tries to see in the soul of a child that grain, caring for which, one can grow a wonderful plant.

The most important thing in my profession?

The child is small, light, vulnerable, and we need to rise to his childish philosophy, reach out to him and live this life with him. The psychologist is called upon to explore and comprehend the most important and intimate thing that a person is endowed with - his soul, a complex, inimitable and unique inner world.

Even Aristotle argued that the doctrine of the Soul is the knowledge of the most perfect, sublime, amazing.

Competition "Educator-psychologist"

I'm applying for a skill competition.

I heard different opinions about the competition, that it is very difficult! Only professionals participate there, who, having extensive work experience, can instantly navigate difficult situations, have artistry, the ability to stay on stage, and are able to clearly and competently express their thoughts.

My leader Alferova Alexandra Pavlovna, with whom we have been walking hand in hand for ten years, and all colleagues in the kindergarten supported me very much. Gave me the confidence I needed!

Next stage:

We are invited to the Methodological Center for the first meeting, where kind words were said - parting words.

Methodists of ZAO helped to understand the structure of the competition, its stages. Tasks became clear. I felt supported and aware that I am not alone! We received valuable advice. Briling Elena Evgenievna provided invaluable support and inspiration.

Participants - contestants turned out to be very interesting people who also try their hand.

The last doubts behind! Now only forward! There is a goal to be achieved!

The first stage - Lesson

What to choose? I conduct classes with children of different age groups, from 1.5 years old to senior preschool age.

Preparation for school! I am especially good at this. And of course a fairy tale!

So, an amazing journey “On the road to a fairy tale” ........

I think over everything to the smallest detail. But I was ready to improvise.

Children are wonderful! We enjoyed diving into the story. Helped me a lot! Implemented almost everything that was planned. With them, I forgot that I was on an “exam”.

A kind, interested look of the commission, a smile, praise, a conversation about the goals and objectives of the lesson. A mild indication of shortcomings, without condemnation!

I really remember the support of Briling Elena Evgenievna, who showed me with a gesture that the lesson was super! First points!

The feeling of flying! It's like I have wings on my back!

The second and third stages - "Pavedniki"

These are three days of unforgettable impressions! Comfortable conditions, fabulous forest, silence. This is very important in order to tune in to work, feel confident and protected!

Cohesion training - The feeling that we are a team! I didn't feel competitive. We are friends!

One for all and all for one! - we carried this motto through all competitive tests!


It so happened by drawing lots that my number is the first. I have to be the first to go on stage, and in front of me is a respected jury and a whole hall of spectators! Very exciting and responsible.

The idea of ​​how I would “present myself” came quickly. I tried to arrange it musically - it turned out. I was very worried about whether it would be accepted and understood!

Master Class:

A fragment of counseling with elements of fairy tale therapy.

Everything is behind! Points for this test are exposed. I calmly watch the performances of other contestants.

There is an opportunity to realize their mistakes and shortcomings. I'm drawing conclusions....

Individual task:

What awaits us? ...... uncertainty, the ability to quickly navigate, professional knowledge, erudition?.........

I read the task.... And my excitement disappears! I think, I reason, I answer the questions of the jury members, I conduct a dialogue.

Very beautiful and deep work! Thank you!

Group task: Assembly lecture

We put forward ideas, argue, set a goal, draw, glue, paint, laugh, drink coffee, because it's already well after midnight!

The project is ready! Protection! Top scores!

All competitive stages behind. The results are stunning! I'm number one!

Me and my friend Ekaterina Nesvetaeva, who also became a winner, will represent the Western Administrative District of Moscow with dignity!

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