Why is the Pushkin Museum so named. A State Museum of Fine Arts


Address: Moscow, st. Prechistenka, 12/2
Foundation date: 1957
Opening date: June 6, 1961
Founder: Alexander Zinovievich Krein
Coordinates: 55°44"36.8"N 37°35"51.6"E


Pushkin always stays with us. His name is as eternal as the famous poems. A museum dedicated to the poet's work appeared in the city in 1961. Over the years, it has become one of the most famous museums in Moscow. Museum expositions are located in the center of the Russian capital in the well-preserved manor house of the Khrushchev-Seleznev nobles.

The Khrushchev-Seleznyov estate, which houses the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin

How the museum was created

Hall number 10. Bosquet. "The Queen of Spades"

The “Bosquet” of the manor house is usually called the “Queen of Spades” hall. Known to everyone since school years, the poet composed the story in verse in 1833, when he lived in Boldino. One half of the exposition is dedicated to the Countess and represents the wealthy aristocracy of the Russian Empire in Catherine's time. The other half tells about Herman - a new hero, who was put forward by the poet's bourgeois environment.

The next three halls present Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman" and the poet's journey through the places of the Pugachev uprising to museum visitors. During the trip of 1833, he visited the Trans-Volga region, Kazan, Orenburg and Simbirsk. On the walls are paintings by artists - the descendants of the poet. And next to them are the colorful portraits of Pugachev, which were painted in the last half of the 18th - early 19th centuries.

Hall No. 14 reveals the fate of the historical novel The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin's main work of the mid-1830s. The objects exhibited here reflect the world of peasants and raznochintsy, who became free and unwitting participants in the bloody Pugachev uprising.

Hall number 8. Large living room. "Eugene Onegin"

Farewell to the poet

In hall number 15 you can get acquainted with the final years of the poet's life. Pushkin's manuscripts, books, personal belongings and documents of recent years are exhibited within its walls. Here hang portraits of people from the inner circle, handwritten copies of the last poems and a tragic death mask.

The majestic "Anteroom" completes the tour of the Pushkin era and is dedicated to the memory of the poet who died early. It has a beautiful floor clock made in the 19th century, and next to it is a copy of the monument to the poet by Alexander Mikhailovich Opekushin.

fairy world

Another permanent exhibition is called Pushkin's Tales. It is quite small and occupies only two rooms on the first floor. There are guided tours for preschoolers and elementary school students, and parents with children come with pleasure.

Hall number 11. "The Bronze Horseman"

The first room contains tools, items of peasant household and old paintings. Here you can also see illustrations for Pushkin's fairy tales made by famous Russian artists - Vladimir Mikhailovich Konashevich, Vladimir Alekseevich Milashevsky and Tatyana Alekseevna Mavrina. Another room represents the magical "Buyan Island" - a fairy-tale world intended for children's games.

About the branches of the museum

Pushkin is the true history of our country, therefore in Moscow they try to carefully preserve all the places associated with the poet and his closest relatives. The exhibition halls and the memorial apartment located on Stary Arbat have the status of a branch of the literary museum.

Between the Krasnye Vorota and Baumanskaya metro stations, on Staraya Basmannaya Street, there is an old wooden mansion. It housed a house-museum telling about the poet's uncle, V.L. Pushkin. In addition, the house-museum of the famous Russian writer Ivan Turgenev and the memorial apartment of the symbolist poet Andrei Bely are considered branches.

Hall number 2. The era of Pushkin

Useful information for visitors

The doors of the main museum building are open to guests on all days except Mondays from 10:00 to 18:00. On Thursdays, the expositions open at 12:00 and close at 21:00. Entrance to the museum costs 200 rubles (2018). Children under 7 years old are admitted free of charge. Tourists need to keep in mind that ticket offices stop selling tickets half an hour before closing.

You can walk through the museum halls on your own or with an experienced guide. Museum staff conduct survey and thematic tours dedicated to the literary work of the poet and the Moscow period of his life.

Preschoolers can participate in game excursions and classes on Pushkin's fairy tales. For schoolchildren, the museum conducts literature lessons and thematic tours of individual novels and short stories. Adult visitors participate in walking tours of the historical places of the capital and the architecture of Moscow in the first half of the 19th century.

Clavichord in one of the halls dedicated to Pushkin's childhood in Moscow

How to get there

The museum building is located on Prechistenka Street, 12/2, in the central part of the city. It is easy to walk to it in five minutes from the Kropotkinskaya metro station.


Address: Moscow, st. Volkhonka, 12

“Being in Moscow and not visiting the Pushkin Museum is a crime against art!” Many connoisseurs will tell you. Indeed, every literate and educated person should at least once see this collection of artistic treasures.

Why is the museum Pushkin?

Alexander Sergeevich was, perhaps, the most significant person not only in Russian literature and poetry. This is a majestic figure that played a role in the formation of the art of the whole state. Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin collected exhibits from the time of BC to almost modern exhibition material of the twentieth century. In principle, the museum of Western European art (as it is also called) has no relationship directly to the great writer. Is it just the fact that Alexander Sergeevich himself was part of the art of the Russian Empire in the 19th century. However, this name of the exhibition hall does not cause any complaints or indignation.

The history of the creation of the museum

  • Building a grand gallery was not a quick or easy task. The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts owes its foundation to Professor Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev of Moscow University (at the same time, he was known as a historian, doctor of Roman literature and art theorist). The construction of a gallery of this level was the life work of a scientist. It was Ivan Vladimirovich who became the first head of the institution, but died very quickly after the discovery of his brainchild.

It was according to Tsvetaev's idea that such a chic exposition was assembled. And it all began with conversations and dreams of the enlightened intelligentsia and the poor Russian aristocracy. Everyone understood that finding a place and collecting an exhibition fund is a very difficult task, requiring considerable efforts, including financial ones. That is why it was decided to ask for help from the entrepreneurial stratum of Moscow. After all, it was in their hands at the beginning of the 20th century that sufficient funds were concentrated for the construction of the museum premises. But the idea was of grandiose proportions and required the use of the talent of the most refined and refined master architects of the time.

The great merit of Tsvetaev is that it was thanks to his diplomatic talent that it was possible to collect on one platform the financial flows of industrialists, the talent of architects and the experienced hands of builders. The construction of the gallery lasted for 14 years.

Exhibition fund of the museum

The Pushkin Museum announced the collection of exhibits from the moment the construction of the main buildings began. Later, the collection of already rebuilt exhibition halls was replenished:

  • copies of ancient plaster sculptures created by Russian masters;
  • similarly created architectural fragments;
  • canvases of post-impressionists and impressionists from France, which were transferred to the museum from the collections of Morozov, Shchukin;
  • exhibition funds of the Hermitage, which were transferred during the Soviet era;
  • exhibits from private collections of the Russian aristocracy.

Today, the Pushkin Museum in Moscow near the Kropotkinskaya metro station on Volkhonka Street, house 12 hosts exchange exhibitions from other countries of the world. Needless to say, local residents and visitors to the city are queuing to visit this famous gallery. And the point here is not the name of the institution, not even the number of exhibits. The thing is in the spirit and atmosphere that reign in the museum, in the desire to join the beautiful at least for a few hours.

Photo: State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, Moscow

Similar architectural monument

Address: Moscow, Red Square, 1 Each museum is interesting and very important in its own way, because it presents people with a piece of the past of our great country. The number of exhibits shown in all corners...

60 years since foundation
State Museum of A.S. Pushkin

October 5, 2017 marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (GMP). The Moscow Pushkin House, as the GMP is also called, is a museum of a rare fate. At the time of its establishment, there was not a single exhibit in its funds, and now it is one of the leading museums in the country, recognized as a multifunctional scientific and cultural center of Moscow. In terms of the value and volume of its collections, the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin today stands among the largest literary, artistic and memorial collections in the country. As part of the GMP, along with the main Museum of A.S. Pushkin on Prechistenka, as departments (branches) also includes the Memorial apartment of A.S. Pushkin on the Arbat, V.L. Pushkin, Museum of I.S. Turgenev, Andrey Bely Memorial Apartment. Thus, today the museum with scientific and substantive authenticity tells not only about the "Pushkin era", representing in fact the entire "golden age" of Russian literature and culture. Every year the museum receives more than 350 thousand people.


The 4th of October 14.00
  • Open meeting of the Academic Council of the State Pushkin Museum (to the 60th anniversary of the GMP)
  • Grand opening of the exhibition "Nashchokin's House - a Journey to Moscow" (All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin, St. Petersburg)
  • Press conference and press screening of the exhibition with the participation of Sergei Mikhailovich Nekrasov, Director of the All-Russian Museum A.S. Pushkin and museum specialists
  • Solemn reception in honor of the 60th anniversary of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin

October 5 From 12.00 to 21.00


  • Birthday of the Moscow Pushkin House.
60 years since the founding of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin
  • Open Day. A large entertaining and educational interactive program for museum visitors: author's excursions, master classes, film screenings, concert programs, tastings, etc.
  • A.S. Pushkin "Snowstorm". Reads - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Maxim Averin, accompanied by the Youth Symphony Orchestra. L. Nikolaev.
L.V. Nikolaev Youth Symphony Orchestra of Russia
Artistic director and chief conductor Vasily Valitov

Special Projects Program
to the 60th anniversary of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin

1. Exhibition projects:

From August 23 to December 3, 2017 at the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Prechistenka St., 12/2)

Sumarokov, Derzhavin, Pushkin, Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Aksakov, Leo Tolstoy and Alexei Tolstoy, Ostrovsky, Leskov, Chekhov, Blok, Bunin, Kuprin, Prishvin, Paustovsky, Fedin, Sholokhov, Nagibin, Bianki, Novikov-Priboy, Mamin-Sibiryak, Vasiliev, Astafiev, Kazakov, Vampilov, Sokolov-Mikitov…

What names! The color of great Russian literature. And all these classics became the heroes of one large-scale exhibition project, which is organized by the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin and the State Literary Museum within the framework of the Association of Literary Museums of Russia.

The exhibition "With a gun and a lyre" brought together Russian writers and poets of three centuries. The common theme that connected the Russian classics was "hunting". In their works, as well as in their personal experience, the hunting theme has found the most vivid embodiment. The chronological framework of the exposition covers the period from the 18th to the 20th century - from Alexander Sumarokov and Gavriil Derzhavin to Viktor Astafiev and Alexei Vampilov.

It turns out that hunting and fishing were a favorite pastime for many classics of Russian literature. And these hobbies were hardly accidental. Unity with nature gave rise to a special observation, contemplation, excitement, made a keen eye and a sensitive ear - and these, after all, are such important components of literary creativity. Some of the writers liked to hunt for a company, listen to hunting tales, stock up on impressions, and some, such as Nekrasov, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Sholokhov, were avid, passionate hunters and fishermen. Acquaintance with folk traditions, communication with ordinary people, their own hunting experience gave the writers vivid emotions, plots, characters of their future heroes. Hunting and fishing have been a source of inspiration for many. One way or another, but the hunting theme was reflected in the literary work of each of them.

The project participants were the largest historical reserves, literary and art museums, state libraries and archives of the country. They presented from their collections unique memorial exhibits, autographs and handwritten sources, items of hunting life, paintings and sculptures, a wide portrait gallery.

Among the "personal memorials" at the exhibition you can see: hunting equipment and guns of I.S. Turgenev, A.N. Tolstoy, M.M. Sholokhov; male and female saddles for dog hunting from Nekrasovskaya Karabikha; an unusual chair in which the connoisseur of "merchant Russia" playwright A.N. Ostrovsky; boots, in which the “singer of Russian nature” M.M. Prishvin; favorite fishing rod of avid fisherman K.G. Paustovsky...
The exhibition space consists of 4 halls, each of which will be filled with thematic exhibits, hunting trophies and complemented by sound design corresponding to certain hunting seasons (bird calls, howling wolves, barking dogs, sounds of gunshots, rain noise, snow creaking, etc. .). In one of the halls, visitors will be shown fragments from films based on the works of Russian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries, dedicated to hunting.

Project participants :
State Museum of A.S. Pushkin
State Literary Museum
Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore
State Historical, Artistic and Literary Museum-Reserve "Abramtsevo"
All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin
State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve of A.S. Pushkin
State Historical Museum
State Museum of Leo Tolstoy
Memorial and natural reserve "Museum-estate of Leo Tolstoy" Yasnaya Polyana "
State Darwin Museum
Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
State Public Historical Library
State Literary and Memorial Museum-Reserve of N.A. Nekrasov "Karabikha"
Museum of hunting and fishing
Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve
Oryol United State Literary Museum of I.S. Turgenev
Moscow Literary Museum-Center of K. G. Paustovsky
Russian State Library
State Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve of I.S. Turgenev "Spasskoe-Lutovinovo"
State Museum of K.A. Fedina
State Museum-Reserve of M.A. Sholokhov
State and Natural Museum-Reserve of A.N. Ostrovsky "Shchelykovo"

September 1st to December 3rd 2017 in the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (St. Prechistenka, 12/2)

The exhibition project continues the cycle of exhibitions and catalog albums of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, telling about the masters of the chamber watercolor portrait of the first half of the 19th century. The museum has already introduced visitors to the monographic exhibitions of P.F. Sokolova (2003), A.P. Bryullov (2008), V.I. Gau (2011).

The exhibition and the album-catalog published for it are dedicated to the work of Alexander Ivanovich Klunder, artist, academician, creator of the famous portrait gallery of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov.

The author of the idea, the inspirer of this project and the direct participant was the candidate of historical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, head of the Department of Culture of Moscow Alexander Kibovsky. Known for his research work in the field of military history, A.V. Kibovsky is well acquainted with the pictorial work of Alexander Klunder:
- The heyday of Klunder's popularity falls on the 1830s and 1840s. At this time, his diligence, accuracy in the depiction of faces, good skills in watercolor and the speed of execution of orders, combined with moderate financial requests, give their result. One by one, the Guards regiments entrust Klunder with the creation of a series of officer portraits, which will keep his name in art. Life hussars, cavalry guards, cuirassiers of His Majesty - dozens of original watercolors and many copies captured two generations of brilliant military youth, Pushkin's contemporaries and Lermontov's colleagues.
Fulfilling many orders, Klünder skillfully achieved portrait resemblance. But a large number of works were largely achieved by memorized techniques. These are not friendly sketches by Pavel Fedotov, where every colleague in the Life Guards of the Finnish Regiment is familiar to the artist, the author's sympathy, respect, irony are felt. It is almost impossible to capture the inner world of the characters in Klunder's watercolors. All of them are beautiful, valiant, aristocratic and ... almost the same. The artist himself is absolutely neutral to them. For this, Klünder was later scolded by Lermontov's admirers. Indeed, in two of his portraits, he did not respond to the greatness of the literary genius. His watercolors show an ordinary guards officer, in whom nothing betrays his talent...

The Pushkin Museum has set itself a rather serious and ambitious task - to bring together the creative heritage of A.I. Klünder, kept in museum and private collections, and for the first time presented to the public in such a volume.

20 Russian museums took part in the project, including the largest art collections in Russia - the State Hermitage Museum, the Russian Museum, the Pavlovsk State Museum-Reserve, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin, the Historical Museum, the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House), etc. The exhibition will feature 159 works by A.I. Klunder.

  • Exhibition "New arrivals in the GMP collection"
From September 1 to September 17, 2017 at the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Prechistenka St., 12/2)

With this traditional exhibition, the museum reports on the replenishment of its collections and presents the most valuable exhibits that have entered the GMP collection over the past year.

Among the exhibits presented at this exhibition (more than 40), visitors will see unique memorials, which will soon take their place in the permanent exhibitions:

An early 19th century album bound in red leather with embossing and 209 gold-edged leaves. There are 94 works on the sheets: 80 original drawings in various techniques, seven collages, two silhouettes and five engravings. Among the drawings are 7 signed works by the outstanding French architect J.-F. Thomas de Thomon and one pen drawing by A.-Sh. Caraf, a student of J.-L. David, whose works are extremely rare in Russia. 12 drawings were made by the children of the prince, 5 of them by Princess Zinaida, in her future marriage, Princess Volkonskaya. The album has exceptional historical, cultural, artistic and memorial significance. It is known that a significant archival array of the Beloselsky-Belozersky (including drawings by Z.A. Volkonskaya) is stored in the Houghton Library of Harvard University. In this context, the discovery of this relic of Pushkin's time, miraculously preserved in a private family in Russia, can be considered a unique phenomenon.

- Personal item of I.S. Turgenev. Picturesque painting "Jumping Circassian".
The author is an amateur artist D.A. Tatishchev (1825 - 1878), major general, Parisian acquaintance of I.S. Turgenev. The item has exceptional memorial value. Provenance is impeccable and indicates that the painting was donated by the author I.S. Turgenev and was in the personal use of the writer.

- Watercolor "Interior with hunting trophies" (1853). Made by the artist A.I. Tikhobrazov (1825-1897), a St. Petersburg architect and teacher, the younger brother of N.I. Tikhobrazov, a famous historical painter and portrait painter. Works by A.I. Tikhobrazov are extremely rare in the art museums of the country. To date, experts have information about six such watercolors of the 1840s, which were in private collections. The rarity of the exhibit also lies in the choice of theme: the watercolor depicts a very "lively and informative interior" of the men's study, which tells in detail about its owner - a hunter and a writer. The item is purchased for the exposition of the House-Museum of I.S. Turgenev.

From October 4 to December 3, 2017 at the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (st. Prechistenka, 12/2)

For the first time in more than 100 years, the famous Nashchokinsky Domik will arrive in Moscow. This amazing historical relic is most directly related to the life of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and his closest friend, Pavel Voinovich Nashchokin, known throughout Moscow in his time. Now this outlandish and priceless exhibit is kept in the collection of the All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin (St. Petersburg). The exhibition "Nashchokinsky House" (from the VMP collection), which will be opened in Moscow in early October 2017, is an expensive gift from the St. Petersburg Pushkin Museum on the Moika to its Moscow counterpart - the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin.

An outstanding personality who surprised his contemporaries with a lively mind, extensive knowledge and an "excellent heart", Nashchokin, according to his contemporaries, did not find his path in life, but someone said he was " inexhaustibly kind, talented Russian soul, of which we have died and are dying in many».

And Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, especially in the last years of his life, did not have a friend more devoted and close than Pavel Voinovich Nashchokin. Although one lived in St. Petersburg, the other in Moscow, they wrote to each other often and willingly. And during his annual visits to the Mother See, the poet almost always stopped at "Voynych" - that's how he affectionately called him. The "Pushkin" room was always ready to receive a welcome guest in apartments at different addresses, because Nashchokin never had his own house in Moscow.

One of the passions of Pavel Nashchokin was to amaze Muscovites with all sorts of fantasies. During the life of Pushkin, Pavel Voinovich came up with an original and happy, as it turned out, idea: to copy his apartment in a reduced form with all the furnishings in it. It is not known what kind of apartment Nashchokin recreated - during the years of work on the model, he moved several times. (it is possible that the initial idea later developed into a desire to reproduce a rich noble mansion typical of the era of the 1820-1830s). And to make not just a toy installation of your home, but with absolute accuracy to repeat in miniature the entire furnishings of the house, with all the interior and household items that were in the everyday life of the family. And most importantly, make all these items work!

Nashchokin took up this with his characteristic passion and determination, at first not even suspecting how much this “toy” would cost him. Famous firms and workshops in Russia and Europe began to receive unusual orders from Nashchokin. Miniature mahogany furniture was made by the famous St. Petersburg craftsman Gambs, the piano was ordered by Virtu, the dinner service was made at the Popov porcelain factory, samovars were made in Tula, boots were sewn by the most fashionable St. Petersburg shoemaker Pel. In England, grandfather clocks were made. Painted lithographs from paintings by European artists, inserted into gilded frames, created the illusion of real paintings. For the printing of books, a scanty font was cast ...
Pushkin, of course, followed with interest the embodiment of his friend's fascinating idea. And in 1832, he told his wife, Natalya Nikolaevna: "... According to his spiritual house, he refuses you ...". Alas! Unfortunately, she did not happen to become the owner of an unusual "toy".

A few years after the tragic death of his friend, Nashchokin went bankrupt, as happened to him more than once. He began to look for money on the security of his “little house”, which, according to him, cost him 40 thousand rubles. Having pawned the "treasure", he could not redeem it back. And began many years of wandering "Nashchokin's House": he passed from hand to hand, subjected to "plunder". Things broke, disappeared, were lost. The history of the "House", which began so brilliantly, turned out to be full of vicissitudes in the future ...

“Of course, this thing is precious as a monument of antiquity and painstaking art,- once wrote A.I. Kuprin, - but it is incomparably more dear to us, as almost living evidence of the situation ... in which Pushkin simply and so willingly lived.

  • Exhibition "Moscow Pushkin House: Pages of History"
From October 4 to December 16, 2017 at the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (Prechistenka St., 12/2)

Based on documentary materials - archival documents, photo and video materials, manuscripts, autographs, memorial items, archaeological finds, the exhibition will tell about the history of the creation of the State Museum and its branches - about historical reconstructions and restorations of the main building and memorials of the GMP, about the history of replenishment of its unique collections, about famous and generous gifts to the treasury of the museum, about outstanding personalities who helped the formation of the museum, about the legendary employees of the museum...

2. PR stock:
  • Anniversary lottery for visitors "September - time to get prizes!"

To the anniversary of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, a special PR campaign has been prepared - all visitors to the museum in September 2017 (in the pre-anniversary month) will automatically become participants in the big lottery. To do this, it will be enough for them to visit any of the permanent exhibitions of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin and its departments (branches) - on Prechistenka (A.S. Pushkin Museum), on the Arbat (A.S. Pushkin Memorial Apartment, Andrei Bely Memorial Apartment, Exhibition Halls in Denezhny Lane) or on Staraya Basmannaya (House-Museum V .L. Pushkin).

Starting from September 1, "anniversary tickets" will go on sale in all GMP museums - with a special design, symbols and an individual number. If desired, the number of the purchased ticket will be registered with the full name of the visitor (at the box office when buying a ticket or independently through the website) and will take part in the prize draw.

In the prize fund (60 valuable prizes):
- tourist vouchers on the routes of "Litera-Turov" (GMP museum and tourist project) - famous Pushkin places in Russia;
- tickets to the "New Year and Christmas seed balls in an old Russian estate";
- tickets for performances (GMP museum and theater project);
- unique editions of the GMP - art albums on the history of the museum, museum collections and major exhibition projects;
- certificates for visiting GMP anniversary exhibition projects;
- GMP souvenir products
- gifts from museum partners

The prize draw will take place on October 1, 2017 at the Museum of A.S. Pushkin on Prechistenka on-line, with a broadcast on the museum's website Pushkin

The film will introduce the viewer to the history of the creation of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin and its branches - will tell about the historical reconstructions and restorations of the main building, about the history of replenishment of its unique collection, about the famous and generous gifts to the museum's treasury, about the outstanding personalities who helped the formation of the museum, about the legendary employees of the museum...
  • Video project "Museum in faces"

The video project presents a kaleidoscope of videos (60 years old - 60 faces - 60 exhibits), in which museum staff (from managers to specialists from various services and economic departments) talk about their favorite exhibits in the museum. The announcement of the video project will be presented at the press conference.
From September 1, several videos will be uploaded daily on the museum's website. By October 4, the anniversary date, a full video project will appear on the site.
The video project provides an opportunity to get acquainted in an unusual way with the present day of the museum, with its employees, bright exhibits and their history.
  • Open Day at the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin

October 5, on the day of the 60th anniversary of the museum ( On October 5, 1957, the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin) in the Museum of A.S. Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka and branches of the GMP, free admission to the museum will be announced, and a wide entertainment and educational program for visitors will be prepared. Within its framework, the museum will host presentations of stock collections, various master classes, film screenings, author's excursions, concerts, tastings, etc.
3. Scientific events
  • Scientific stock conference
29 September2017, Friday, 11.00

The scientific fund conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the museum will sum up the results of the study of book and manuscript collections, objects of fine and applied art; comprehended the experience of holding museum scientific and stock conferences, which have been held annually in the museum since 1983; presents the results of the study of the Andrei Bely fund, as well as items that have replenished the Turgenev collection of the museum in connection with the creation of the exposition "House-Museum of I.S. Turgenev", the opening of which is scheduled on the eve of the 200th anniversary of I.S. Turgenev in 2018.
The results of the scientific work will be presented by the curators and employees of the fund departments of the State Pushkin Museum.

  • Academic Council
October 4, 2017, Wednesday, 14.00

At a meeting of the Academic Council of the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin, the results of many years of work will be highlighted and the prospects for the development of the museum will be outlined. The Academic Council includes representatives of the largest literary museums in Russia, in particular, directors of Pushkin museums, scientists, culture and art.

  • Scientific and practical conference
October 6-10, 2017

Within the framework of the conference, it is planned to hold three meetings ("Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and educational institutions of Pushkin's time. From the history of pedagogy. To the 200th anniversary of the first graduation of the Lyceum", "A.S. Pushkin's library and book collections of his contemporaries", Students - A.S. Pushkin") and two round tables - "Pushkin at school" and "Literary museums and school".
The meetings will take place at the Pushkin State Museum on Prechistenka and the Pushkin Memorial Apartment on the Arbat, and the round tables will take place at the Russian Academy of Education.
Literary museums, archives, research institutes, libraries, higher educational institutions are invited to participate in the conference.
The conference is held jointly with the "Education and Culture" department of the Russian Academy of Education.

The management of the construction was entrusted to the architect R.I. Klein, who developed the final design of the building. The Board of Moscow State University arranged for Klein a long business trip to European museums, Egypt and Greece. Klein was assisted in the construction by engineers Ivan Rerberg, the first deputy head of the project, and Vladimir Shukhov, the author of the unique translucent ceilings of the museum. Dozens of young architects, engineers and artists passed through the Klein school during the construction of the museum.

The building was completed in rough draft in 1904. Exhibits (gypsum casts and other copies) were ordered from the 1890s in foreign workshops according to forms taken directly from the originals; in some cases copies were made for the first time. On May 31 (June 13), 1912, the museum was opened to the public as the Museum of Fine Arts named after Emperor Alexander III at the Imperial Moscow University.

In 1923 the Museum was withdrawn from the subordination of the university. In 1932 it was renamed the State Museum of Fine Arts. In 1937 the Museum was named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In 1991, the Museum was included in the State Register of Particularly Valuable Objects of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

The founder and first director of the Museum in 1911-1913 was Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev (1847-1913), professor at Moscow University. Irina Alexandrovna Antonova, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, was the Museum Director from 1961 to July 2013, when she was appointed President of the Museum. At present, the director of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin is Marina Devovna Loshak.

Collections of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin are presented in the museum complex of buildings.

The Center for Aesthetic Education of Children and Youth "Museion" operates at the Museum (Kolymazhny per., 6).

Composition of the Museum's collections

Currently, the total number of monuments stored in the Pushkin Museum is about 670,000 items. These are paintings, graphic works, sculptures, works of applied art, archaeological monuments, numismatic monuments, photographs, memorial items, items of the scientific auxiliary fund.

In 2011, the Museum's collection was replenished with a number of significant works of painting, graphics, numismatics, arts and crafts. The total number of entries is 3471 items. Of these, 787 items were bought, 550 items were accepted as donations, and 2134 items were accepted by decision of the Expert Fund Procurement Commission.

The picturesque collection of the Museum was replenished with 8 works; sculptural - one; collection of arts and crafts - 28 works; graphic collection - 118 works; collection of the Museum of Private Collections - 433 works, including paintings, drawings and photographs; the numismatic collection included 1790 items; Also, the collection of the Museum was replenished with a complex of archeological objects with a total of 1093 items.

Fund of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin in 2011, the Museum received as a donation a rare monument of early Netherlandish painting (XVI century): a two-sided altar door with scenes of The Last Supper and the Mass of St. Gregory"; the work stylistically gravitates towards the production of the workshop of the Brussels painter Colaine de Cauter.

Valentina Andrianovna Tsirnyuk donated to the Museum a complex of works, among which the sculptural group "Artist and Model" by the Italian master Emilio Fiaschi (1858-1941) should be highlighted. This work is typical of the salon art of the second half of the 19th century.

The collection of arts and crafts was also supplemented by a decorative Etruscan-shaped porcelain vase with an archery scene in the Green Dog park near Brussels, created in France in the 1830s. In terms of workmanship, form and painting, it is very rare for Russian museum and private collections. The vase was purchased by the Museum at the expense of the RF Ministry of Culture.

Another work of arts and crafts, which was included in the Museum's collection in 2011, is a bone relief with a female portrait - the work of the Austrian sculptor and bone carver Norbert Michael Schroedl (1816-1890). He is known mainly as the author of portrait images of members of the imperial family and prominent contemporaries, created using the technique of carving on ivory. According to a number of signs, it can be assumed that the image on this item is a portrait of the Empress of Austria and Queen Elizabeth of Hungary (1837-1898). The art of carved bone of the 19th century in the museum collection is represented only by individual samples, and therefore this item occupies an important place in it.

The graphic collection of the Museum includes 25 works of German graphics, including works by Lucas Cranach, Urs Graf, Hans Beham, Hans Burgkmair and other masters of the era of Albrecht Dürer, which are of undoubted value for the collection of the Pushkin Museum.

Of great value is the collection acquired by the Museum, consisting of 721 oriental coins, of which 33 are silver and 688 are bronze. The collection was collected in Turkmenistan and includes coins that circulated in the oasis of Merv from the 3rd century BC. until the end of the 19th century. It is unique because it includes rare coins of antiquity and the early Middle Ages, as well as samples of little-known issues of the Merv coinage. The collection was accepted for temporary storage in December 2000 and, after a long careful work of Russian specialists, finally entered the Museum's collection.

One of the very fascinating and exciting sights of the capital is the Pushkin State Museum on Prechistenka in Moscow. Its abbreviated name is GMP. The museum was formed in a typical for that time noble estate of the Khrushchev-Seleznev family, which the new owner rebuilt a few years after the fire of Moscow in 1812 according to the project of architects A. Grigoriev and D. Gilardi. In 1814, War Veteran Ensign A. Khrushchev bought a dilapidated estate and built a large and spacious Empire-style mansion with snow-white columns, exquisite stucco on the facades, a large number of outbuildings and spacious terraces. A cozy picturesque garden and garden pavilions adjoined it. The new owner turned out to be a very hospitable person and therefore very often held balls and arranged parties. There were rumors that Pushkin himself came here more than once.

State Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka

Over time, the mansion, having changed several owners at the beginning of the 20th century, then became an orphanage for them. Seleznev. This name was given in honor of the last owners of the estate. After the Great October Revolution of 1917, it housed the Toy Museum, and then the Literary Museum, which they wanted to dedicate to the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky. But the date of its opening coincided with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. And the project simply could not be realized. In the post-war years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was located in the mansion, but then the building was again returned to the Literary Museum. In 1949, a jubilee exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great talent and genius of all time - A. S. Pushkin was announced. For this, the premises of the mansion were carefully examined and restored.

On October 5, 1957, a decree was issued on the organization of a permanent museum on this site, dedicated to the life and work of the world-famous poet. Three years later, an independent organization was already formed here. The presentation of the first exhibition dedicated to the poet's birthday took place on June 6, 1961. It was created from the collection of museum funds. Many exhibits associated with the name of Pushkin were simply donated. These include books, manuscripts, engravings, paintings, dishes, furniture, etc. The first director of the museum from 1920 to 2000 was A. Crane.

Museum organization

Museumification became the main activity of the GMP. In 1972, a memorial 53 was created. Here, in January 1931, Pushkin rented an apartment on the second floor and equipped it specifically in order to move in with Natalia Goncharova after the wedding.

As a GMP department, exhibition halls were also opened in house number 55 on the Arbat (on the corner of Denezhny Lane).

The GMP stores 165,000 rare exhibits, including fine art objects by Korovin, Bryullov, Tropinin, Kiprensky, Bakst, Petrov-Vodkin, and others.

Exhibitions at the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka are held constantly, along with literary readings, concert programs, conferences and seminars. The museum has a special focus on working with a children's audience, where interactive programs, theater projects and New Year's parties are conducted.

st. Prechistenka. Pushkin museum

And now you can return to the famous Khrushchev-Seleznev mansion, where today there is a permanent exhibition called "Pushkin and his era." It is housed in fifteen rooms. It was opened in 1997 for the 200th anniversary of the poet and for the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The entire exposition devoted to this event was built according to the biographical principle, which tells about how A. S. Pushkin lived and worked on his works. She will also tell about his contemporaries, about the cult and life of the Pushkin era at the beginning of the 18th century.

The Pushkin Museum in Moscow on Prechistenka is the first museum dedicated to Pushkin's work in the capital, which is visited annually by up to 300,000 people. 15 halls are open for visits.

First hall. Prologue

In the first hall of the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka, the exhibition is dedicated to the 18th century, at the end of which Alexander Sergeevich was born (June 6, 1799). There are portraits of royal persons, statesmen, commanders, thinkers and poets of that time. The shop windows display lifetime editions of such famous representatives of the literature of that time as G. Derzhavin, M. Lomonosov, A. Sumarokov, N. Karamzin, D. Fonvizin.

Second hall

This hall is dedicated to the main historical and cultural events that took place in the first third of the 19th century during the Pushkin era. The showcases in the hall display exposition materials that characterize the literary and socio-political atmosphere of the early 19th century: relics of the Napoleonic War of 1812, a whole selection of documents about the Decembrists, old books with autographs of their authors-contemporaries of Pushkin and, in fact, his authentic autograph - the most valuable museum exhibit, as well as a documentary chronicle of the era.

The music of that time sounds in the halls of the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka. In the very center of the hall there is a sculpture of Pushkin by A. Trebenev. You can also see a portrait of the poet lithographed by G. Gippius, along with portraits of his contemporaries.

Other halls

In the third, fourth and fifth halls there is an exposition telling about the childhood of the future genius of literature, which took place in Moscow. Here are exhibited portraits of parents, his family, friends and acquaintances, as well as household items, books from the early 19th century, furniture and arts and crafts, which allow the visitor to best imagine the situation in the Pushkins' house.

In the sixth hall there is an entrance hall of the Khrushchev-Seleznev house, located under a wooden staircase. It leads to a suite of state rooms.

The seventh room is furnished so that you can feel like you are at a ball. This hall opens the front chambers of the mansion. Here everything tells about the stay of the young poet in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (1811-1817), about the life of the poet in St. 1826).

Eighth and ninth halls

The eighth hall contains the largest living room. Its furnishings are dedicated to the famous novel in verse "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin worked on it from 1823 to 1831. She shows the realities of that era through household items, books, portraits, views of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Russian village. The exposition reflects the history of those times when the novel was created, and how it was perceived by the poet's contemporaries.

The theme of the ninth hall is devoted to the return of Pushkin to Moscow. All these years (from 1826 to 1831) he wandered. Here is shown the circle of his contacts in Moscow and St. Petersburg, a trip to Arzrum and the Tver region, a rather long and dreary stay in Boldino in 1830, Pushkin's wedding, the marriage of his sister Olga Sergeevna and return to Tsarskoye Selo in 1831.

Tenth and Eleventh Hall

In the tenth hall there is an exposition based on the work "The Queen of Spades". Pushkin wrote it in 1833 in Boldino. The exhibition hall is divided into two parts. One of them represents the world of the countess, who personifies the Russian aristocracy of the time of Empress Catherine II, opposed to the world of the hero Herman - the image of a new man, a native of bourgeois reality.

In the eleventh hall there is an exhibition reflecting the theme of The Bronze Horseman, where the main images are Petersburg and Peter I. The publishing fate of the poem was quite complicated, this will also be shown in moments.

Twelfth and thirteenth halls

In other spacious rooms, Pushkin's journey, which he made in 1833 through the places of popular uprisings, led by the Cossack Emelyan Pugachev, will be shown. The poet visited Orenburg, Simbirsk, Kazan and the Volga region. Engravings of the 18th century, presented by contemporary artists of Pushkin, show these places along with the life of the then life of the poor people.

In the exhibition works, engravings of the portrait of Yemelyan Pugachev of the late 19th and early 19th centuries are especially highlighted.

Fourteenth, fifteenth halls. Anteroom

These halls are final, and they are decorated according to the work "The Captain's Daughter" (1834-1836), where the theme of the popular uprising of 1773-1775 continues. The last exposition is devoted to the last years of the poet's life (1831-1837). The whole composition of the two halls is the world of his heroes - the common people who found themselves in the whirlpool of the Pugachev war.

The main hall became the closing one, it keeps portraits of the poet's St. Petersburg entourage, his books, documents, personal belongings, letters from his last days, autographs of his last poems, a death mask and a portrait of A. S. Pushkin.

And at the end there is an entrance hall, where there are an old grandfather clock and a model of the monument to A. Pushkin by sculptor A. Opekushin.


On Prechistenka, 12, in the Pushkin Museum on the ground floor of the estate, there is another exposition occupying two halls. The first is a museum, where there are household items of a simple peasant, old popular prints and illustrations for Pushkin's fairy tales, made by graphic artists illustrators V. Konashevich, T. Mavrina, V. Milashevsky. In the second room, a modern interactive exposition opens, revealing Pushkin's world of fairy tales.

Many people are interested in which metro station Prechistenka 12/2 (Pushkin Museum) is located and how to get to this place.

On foot or by public transport you need to go to the metro station "Kropotkinskaya". If you go by car, then you can get to the museum along the Boulevard Ring, turn onto Gogolevsky Boulevard and there - to Prechistenka. Or along the Garden Ring, turning from Zubovsky Boulevard to Prechistenka.

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