“Let them talk” went on the air with Borisov: what awaits Malakhov now. The era of Andrei Malakhov ended at the first, the presenter leaves the TV channel "Big Wash" and other predecessors


Channel One opened a new season of the popular talk show Let Them Talk with a new presenter - residents of the eastern regions of Russia will be the first to watch the program with the participation of Dmitry Borisov on Monday, August 21.

The capital region will see the broadcast at 19:50 Moscow time. Viewers are already wondering how the creator of Let Them Talk Andrey Malakhov, for whom Borisov is a close friend, will react to such a career turn as the news anchor and the Vremya program.

The announcement of the program, entitled "The main intrigue of the summer," appeared on the website of the "First" the night before. The issue is dedicated to the farewell of the old host of the program and the introduction of his successor.

"This has been talked about non-stop for the past two weeks, putting forward the most incredible versions. Hundreds of notes and posts on social networks have been written, site traffic records have been broken, heights have been reached in the tops of popular news. Versions have been put forward and refuted. Secret signs have been deciphered. Today you will see everything with your own eyes - the intrigue will be revealed," the announcement says.

According to Lisovets, the guests of the new edition of the program were not explained the departure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the program, he did not participate in the filming.

"Yes, I was on the set. The program" Let them talk ", the new presenter Dmitry Borisov. The guests are the same, everything is the same, only there is no Andrey. They didn’t say anything, I thought all the way that he would come out, that it would be a surprise but no. No one showed up, the program started and ended. They talked about Andrey," Lisovets said.

Another source on the channel said that Andrey Malakhov has not yet decided whether he will continue to host the program, and is on vacation. He will return to Moscow in a few days. The program filmed with Borisov may not be shown, the result depends on negotiations with Malakhov, says Dozhd's interlocutor.

Malakhov's talk show team in full force resigned from the TV channel. According to one of the members of the talk show team, all former employees will return to the channel if Malakhov decides to stay. The program will be shown if Malakhov nevertheless decides to leave the TV channel. In this case, Borisov will continue to host the show, the source said.

On the departure of Malakhov from Channel One, RBC sources reported on July 31. According to one of the interlocutors of the publication, after the dismissal, the presenter can go to work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The reason for Malakhov's departure, according to RBC's source, was a conflict with the new producer Let They Speak, who already worked in the program nine years ago and has now returned.

On August 7, Elle sources close to the presenter reported that Malakhov's departure from Channel One was due to maternity leave. The interlocutors of the magazine said that the presenter announced his desire to go on parental leave, to which the new producer “Let them talk” reacted negatively, saying that the talk show is “not a nursery, and Malakhov needs to make a choice who he is - a TV presenter or babysitter." Such a statement seemed to Malakhov "cynical and unacceptable."

Malakhov has been working on Channel One since 1992. From 2001 to 2005, he led the Big Wash program, then he began to lead Let Them Talk. Officially, Malakhov did not report or comment on the materials in the media about his dismissal from Channel One about his departure.

I was horrified by the news about the departure of my beloved presenter for more than fifteen years now. It is bitter and absurd to learn about the fact that the management did not meet halfway and ignored the presenter to give a little maternity leave to care for a newborn baby. I understand Malakhov as a person and becoming a father at more than forty years old is not just an event of the century, but a great miracle, first of all, for himself.

He was sincerely happy when one of the celebrities had a baby in their arms, and then Channel One simply threw him away and considered his delicate request frivolous. It seems to me that the people will rebel and shower Ostankino with letters about the return of the presenter. Andrei Malakhov is not an ordinary presenter, he put his youth, strength and energy into restoring the quality of the programs. All his programs are loved and lived by the fate of the heroes.

Dmitry Borisov is a good person, but if he has pride, he will not claim the great position of the leader in "Let them talk." It is not at its cost that many hours of broadcasts have been suffered by tears and reproaches of people. It seems to me that the channel's management should meet halfway, apologize and give a long-awaited leave to care for their first child, if they have a heart and humanism.

Video review

Who will lead the program "Let them talk" after the departure of Andrei Malakhov Alla Dovlatova stood up for Malakhov (08/16/2017)

On Monday, Channel One will air the release of the talk show “Let them talk” after a break that lasted several weeks. In the announcement of the program, accompanied by photographs of Andrey Malakhov and Dmitry Borisov, it was promised that the "main intrigue of the summer" would be revealed.

“The last two weeks have been talking about this non-stop, putting forward the most incredible versions. Hundreds of notes and posts on social networks have been written, site traffic records have been broken, heights have been reached in the tops of popular news. Versions have been put forward and refuted, ”the press service of Channel One reported.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

Previously, the names of candidates for the position of host of one of the country's highest-rated TV shows regularly appeared on the Web. It was alleged that the heroes of the program could join the “Let them talk” team - shocking actor Alexei Panin or even showman Nikita Dzhigurda. The lists of possible persons of the project also included the names of Channel One announcer Dmitry Borisov and Alexander Smol, a native of Krasnoyarsk. The most likely applicants for a job on a TV show preferred to remain silent about their intended appointment, wanting to keep it a secret until the show aired.

Residents of the Far East have already watched the program with a new presenter, who, as most sources wrote, was 31-year-old Dmitry Borisov, who has been working on Channel One since 2006. In addition, he is known as a blogger: the TV journalist has more than 51.8 thousand subscribers on Twitter. A few days before the release of the program with his participation, photos and videos taken on the set of the new release were leaked to the Network. The footage showed that it was Borisov who was holding a folder with the talk show logo in his hands.

“Today in the studio with us you will be able to remember the era of the program “Let them talk” with Andrey Malakhov. Every evening, Channel One viewers watched the stories told by Andrey and his team without stopping. Today you will witness the denouement of the most discussed television intrigue of the season. Where is Andrei Malakhov now? And since it was my name that sounded more often than others in this context, then, perhaps, I will start this broadcast. And then we'll see, ”Dmitry says at the beginning of the TV show.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

Among the guests of the program were Dmitry Dibrov, Ekaterina Andreeva, Marina Sharapova, Dmitry Shepelev, Maria Pogrebnyak, as well as Philip Kirkorov, who got in touch with the studio via teleconference, and a number of heroes of previous episodes of the program.

Recall that Andrey Malakhov is now on vacation. The TV presenter and his wife Natalya Shkuleva are preparing for a new addition to the family. On this happy occasion, the editor-in-chief of the StarHit project decided to take a break from work in order to focus on the family.

“Like a bolt from the blue, rumors thundered this summer that Andrei Malakhov was about to leave the program with which his whole life is connected. Hundreds of high-profile headlines and articles, a lot of assumptions. What is the reason? Why does Andrei himself remain silent and what will happen to “Let them talk” now, the most popular talk show in the country? And most importantly: can anyone replace Andrei Malakhov, ”the new release of the program“ Let them talk ”began with these words.

He noted that the studio of the program will remember the era of the program with Andrei - he has been its permanent host since 2005. After that, Borisov appeared in the frame and announced that now the audience would witness the denouement of "the most important intrigue of the season." Actually, it was with this slogan that Channel One announced a new release of the talk show a few days ago: “Let them talk. The main intrigue of the summer. The announcement also confirmed that the new release will be hosted by Borisov - his photo appeared in the video along with Malakhov's.

“Whom the press hasn't recorded in these days as contenders for his place. But since my name was most often heard in this context, then, perhaps, I will start this broadcast, and then we'll see, ”added Borisov.

Indeed, the press mentioned several candidates for the position of the host of "Let them talk." In addition to Channel One news anchor Dmitry Borisov, the proposed contenders included Alexander Smol, a TV presenter and presenter of the Krasnoyarsk TVK channel.

All of the above denied these rumors.

“I have no comments on this subject. I think that you need to contact the press service of Channel One, ”Shepelev’s statement cited.

“I don’t know where my colleagues got this information from, they probably have some sources of their own. Nothing has changed for me in two weeks, and there is no information about priority candidates. Moreover, I have not commented on anything to any of my colleagues, including the television company where I work, TVK, - the site quoted kp.ru. - This person (Malakhov) is a super professional. And the most interesting thing is that few people can replace Malakhov - this is one hundred percent. You need a special set of qualities and characteristics that viewers are used to. He is irreplaceable."

Dmitry Borisov, in turn, noted that those for whom “he is not enough” in the news of Channel One can also watch the Vremya program at 21.00, since he is now also hosting it.

Andrei Malakhov himself did not appear in the new issue of "Let them talk."

“Give it to the unemployed,” Galkovich says in the video, referring to the host of Channel One. - I went, Len, we went ... That's it, we're leaving.

Galkovich also noted that she had already found a new job. "Hooray! I found a job,” said the producer.

Information that the host of the talk show “Let them talk” Andrey Malakhov will soon leave Channel One appeared two weeks ago. According to one version, Malakhov was "lured away". There was also a version according to which the presenter plans to go on maternity leave. In both cases, it was noted that the main reason was Malakhov's conflict with the new producer. The TV presenter himself does not comment on these rumors in any way, as well as representatives of the First and Russia 1.

At the very beginning of the soap opera with Malakhov, the press service of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company told RT that this was impossible, since all the management was on vacation. However, whose editor-in-chief is Malakhov, on August 7 he published a note confirming the second scenario - with maternity leave. According to the article, on the First he was given a choice: to be a TV presenter or a babysitter. Apparently, he chose a family.

The television critic on Saturday said on the air that she “absolutely does not have any specific information” about the fate of Malakhov. “We decided: let’s launch this in the information field. The kind of rumor that will truly shock the world. He was shocked, however, the reaction to this news even seems to me not quite adequate. Because, in my opinion, neither the sanctions that have been strengthened, nor the pike caught by the main person in the country, have made such a furor and such general excitement in public opinion, ”she said.

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all the staff of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to his colleagues with whom he had worked for a long 25 years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. So sorry for such a long message. I dare to hope you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will host the new program Andrei Malakhov. Live”, to engage in a Saturday show and other projects, ”the website quotes the text of the letter.

The host of “Let them talk” thanked his colleagues for their kind attitude and support, remembered by name those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel’s team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” Malakhov wrote.

“I didn’t comment on your recent video against the backdrop of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you might guess, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

And in an interview with the website of his wife Natalia, he frankly told why he left Channel One. Andrey Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that "it's time to get out of the tight framework."

“I have always been subordinate. A human soldier following orders. But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings”.

An additional "blow", the presenter admitted, was the relocation of the "Let them talk" program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when he received a call from Rossiya 1 and was offered to become a producer of his own program in order to "decide for yourself what to do and what topics to cover."

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new program: "Andrey Malakhov. Live".


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