Five life lessons from the little prince. Why are you judging yourself


In the lesson you will get acquainted with interesting facts of life and the surprisingly tragic fate of the French writer of the 1st floor. XX century Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The writer dreamed of saving all mankind. “I have always hated the role of an observer,” he admitted. In the lesson, you will get acquainted with Exupery's philosophical tale "The Little Prince", which makes the reader think about many universal problems.

Subject: Foreign literature of the XlX century

Lesson: Antoine de Saint - Exupery. A little prince. Lesson 1

The name of Antoine de Saint-Exupery (Fig. 1) becomes known in literature in the 30s of the twentieth century, and in the 50s the first translations into Russian appear.

Rice. 1. Exupery is a military pilot. Photo ()

Exupery was not only a writer, but also a military pilot. It was the experience of a military pilot that formed the basis of his novels "Southern Postal", "Military Pilot", "Land of People". But once Exupery wrote one small but very unusual book, the fairy tale "The Little Prince", and illustrated it himself.

The tale told by Exupery is humane and wise. Its author is not only a poet, but also a philosopher.

On the last day of July 1944, Exupery disappeared into the sky over the French Riviera. Gone to the stars just as his hero, the Little Prince, left.

In one of his letters to his mother, Exupery wrote:

“I hate people who write for fun, looking for effects. You have to have something to say."

He, a romantic, a man who loved life, had something to say. And he wrote his fairy tale "The Little Prince", a fairy tale about the most important thing - about life on planet Earth.

The fairy tale "The Little Prince" appeared during the Second World War. It was written in 1942, and in 1943 it was already published (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Book cover. 1943 ()

At this time, the writer participates in air battles for the liberation of France. The writer's attention is directed to the secrets of childhood, to the ability to see the mysterious in the most ordinary, the ability to be sincere and open to this world.

Genre features

Exupery called his work philosophical tale. Philosophy is the science of eternal problems, of life, death, love. A fairy tale is a work about fictional characters with the participation of fantastic forces.

If we open the book, the first thing we read is the dedication.

"Leon Werth

I ask the children to forgive me for dedicating this book to an adult. I'll justify it: this adult is my best friend. And one more thing: he understands everything in the world, even children's books. And, finally, he lives in France, and there is now hungry and cold. And he really needs comfort. If all this does not justify me, I will dedicate this book to the boy that my adult friend once was. After all, all adults were children at first, only few of them remember this. So I fix the dedication:

Leon Werth,

when he was little"

Exupery's childhood is not a chronological concept, but rather a psychological one. A person can be a 70-year-old old man at the age of 5. A 70-year-old can keep the purity of the sense of the world, the brightness of the worldview and seem like a child to us. Exupery's fairy tale is the test of people for childishness. So the author checks which of us has become an adult, and who is still a child at heart.

Mystery. Look at the illustration. What did you see in the picture? (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Illustration for the book. Hood. Exupery ()

Adults see a hat in front of them. And the kids say it's something else.

We will learn about this in the next hint figure (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Illustration for the book. Hood. Exupery ()

We see that the boa swallowed the elephant. This is what a child is able to see in a drawing that looks like a hat.

The author tests adults for understanding and determines the result, how standard their thinking is, and how much they are still able to see the purity and sincerity of the world, and to think outside the box, unusually, as children are able to think.

“Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and interpret everything to them,” the author notes.

Problems of a fairy tale

The fairy tale "The Little Prince" is the key to understanding the most complex topics and the most difficult problems in human life. And these problems become available to children. The author allows us to see the advantages of the children's world over the world of adults. Exupery addressed his book precisely to those who are able to see a boa constrictor in a hat, who are able to escape from numbers, who laugh at numbers. For those who can dream. And the book raises 3 very important issues:

  1. the problem of the meaning of life
  2. love problem,
  3. the problem of death.

Chapter Analysis

The main character flew from the planet Asteroid B-612.

“Adults are very fond of numbers. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What kind of voice does he have? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognized the person. When you say to adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they cannot imagine this house in any way. They need to be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”

In the same way, if you tell them: “Here is the evidence that the Little Prince really existed: he was very, very nice, he laughed, and he wanted to have a lamb. And whoever wants a lamb, he certainly exists, ”if you tell them so, they will only shrug their shoulders and look at you like an unintelligent baby. But if you tell them: "He came from a planet called asteroid B-612," it will convince them, and they will not bother you with questions. Such people are these adults. You shouldn't be angry with them. Children should be very lenient towards adults.”

We learn from the words of the pilot what he can tell about his friend. And he tells us not to forget his friend, because it's very sad when friends are forgotten: "And I'm afraid to become like adults who are not interested in anything but numbers."

So, let's see how it was arranged life on the little prince's planet. The first thing we learn from his stories is tragedy with baobabs(Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Illustration for the book. Hood. Exupery ()

“On the planet of the Little Prince, like on any other planet, useful and harmful herbs grow. This means that there are good seeds of good, useful herbs and harmful seeds of bad, weed grass. But the seeds are invisible. They sleep deep underground until one of them decides to wake up. Then it sprouts; he straightens up and reaches for the sun, at first so sweet and harmless. If this is a future radish or rose bush, let it grow in health. But if it is some kind of bad herb, you must uproot it as soon as you recognize it. And now, on the planet of the Little Prince, there are terrible, evil seeds ... these are the seeds of baobabs. The soil of the planet is all infected with them. And if the baobab is not recognized in time, then you will not get rid of it. He will take over the entire planet. He will pierce it through with his roots. And if the planet is very small and there are many baobabs, they will tear it to shreds.”

Why is it necessary to weed out baobabs? If the baobabs are not weeded out in time, they will bring a lot of trouble, and this trouble will not be avoided.

What is the meaning of the story about the baobabs? This is not just a depiction of evil that could tear the planet to shreds. Recall that Exupery writes his fairy tale during the Second World War. And the evil that is trying to envelop the planet is fascism. Doesn't it look like those baobab seeds that are trying to tear apart the Little Prince's little planet? But our hero does not allow this. Just as it cannot allow humanity to conquer itself.

What else do we learn about the planet, about Asteroid B-612? The little prince (Fig. 6) says words that are winged for us today.

Rice. 6. Illustration for the book. Hood. Exupery ()

“There is such a firm rule,” the Little Prince told me later. - Get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. It is imperative to weed out the baobabs every day, as soon as they can already be distinguished from rose bushes: their young sprouts are almost the same. It's a very boring job, but not hard at all."

And also the Little Prince talks about how he runs his household (Fig. 7):

“He had two active volcanoes. They are very convenient in the morning to warm up breakfast. In addition, he had another extinct volcano. But, he said, you never know what can happen! So he cleaned up the extinct volcano too. When you carefully clean volcanoes, they burn evenly and quietly, without any eruptions.

On the planet, the Little Prince had one entertainment. He admired the sunset.

“And on your planet, it was enough for you to move the chair a few steps. And you looked at the sunset sky again and again, you only had to want to ...

“I once saw the sunset forty-three times in one day!”

And a little later you added:

“You know… when it gets really sad, it’s good to watch the sun go down…”

Rice. 7. Illustration for the book. Hood. Exupery ()

And on the planet of the Little Prince grew a rose.

“And if I know the only flower in the world, it grows only on my planet, and there is no other like it anywhere else ...”

“- If you love a flower - the only one that is no longer on any of the many millions of stars, this is enough: you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “Somewhere there lives my flower ...”

Rosa was a terrible coquette. For example, she could say to the Little Prince:

“Ah, I hardly woke up… I beg your pardon… I’m still completely disheveled…”

And the Little Prince was not surprised that she did not suffer from an excess of modesty, because for him she was an amazingly beautiful creature. His beauty was proud, touchy and capricious. And the Little Prince was completely exhausted with her.

“... I am terribly afraid of drafts. Don't you have a screen?"

“Although the Little Prince fell in love with a beautiful flower and was glad to serve him, doubts soon arose in his soul. He took empty words to heart and began to feel very unhappy.

"I should not have listened to her," he once told me trustingly. You should never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice in it.

“She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pathetic tricks and tricks, I should have guessed the tenderness. The flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young, I didn't know how to love yet."

In the scene of farewell to the rose, the word sounded twice "be in love".

To love is to understand and forgive. To love is to feel a sense of responsibility. But the Little Prince decides to fly away from his planet. Let's see what his goal was: "... you need to find something to do, and learn something."

King's Planet

"The closest to the planet of the Little Prince were asteroids 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 and 330"

Rice. 8. Illustration for the book. Hood. Exupery ()

“A king lived on the first asteroid (Fig. 8). Dressed in purple and ermine, he sat on a throne, very simple and yet majestic.

"Ah, here's the slave!" exclaimed the king, seeing the little prince.

“How did he recognize me? thought the little prince. "He's seeing me for the first time!"

He did not know that kings look at the world in a very simplistic way: for them all people are subjects.

“Come, I want to examine you,” said the king, terribly proud that he could be king for someone.

But the Little Prince was perplexed - the planet was so tiny that he did not understand, but where to reign here? And gradually staying on the planet of the king, the prince understands that the power of the king on the planet is meaningless.

“It’s a pity that you can’t look at the sunset here when you want! And to be honest, he got bored.

“I have to go,” he said to the king. “I have nothing more to do here.”

Always remember the purpose for which the Little Prince goes on a journey. He wants to learn something. And on this first asteroid 325, he understands that there is, in general, nothing to learn.

Planet of the Aspirant

Rice. 9. Asteroid 326. Hood. Exupery ()

“On the second planet lived an ambitious man (Fig. 9).

- Oh, here comes the admirer! he exclaimed, seeing the Little Prince from a distance.

After all, vain people think that everyone admires them.

"Good afternoon," said the little prince. What a funny hat you have on.

“This is to bow,” explained the ambitious man. - To bow when they greet me. Unfortunately, no one looks here.

— Is that how? said the little prince; he did not understand anything.

“Clap your hands,” the ambitious man told him.

The little prince clapped his hands. The ambitious man took off his hat and bowed modestly.

It's more fun here than at the old king's, thought the little prince. And again he began to clap his hands. And the ambitious man again began to bow, taking off his hat.

So for five minutes in a row the same thing was repeated, and the Little Prince got bored.

What should be done to make the hat fall off? - he asked.

But the ambitious man did not hear. Vain people are deaf to everything but praise.

Are you really my enthusiastic admirer? he asked the Little Prince.

“Why, there is no one else on your planet!

“Well, give me pleasure, admire me anyway!”

Of course, on this planet, too, the Little Prince has learned nothing. And he ran away from the ambitious.

Drunkard's Planet

Rice. 10. Asteroid 327. Hood. Exupery ()

“A drunkard lived on the next planet (Fig. 10). The little prince stayed with him for a very short time, but after that he became very unhappy.

When he came to this planet, the drunkard sat silently and looked at the hordes of bottles lined up in front of him - empty and full.

— What are you doing? asked the little prince.

“I drink,” the drunkard answered gloomily.

— To forget.

- What to forget? asked the little prince; he felt sorry for the drunkard.

"I want to forget that I'm ashamed," the drunk admitted, and hung his head.

- Why are you ashamed? asked the Little Prince, very eager to help the poor fellow.

- Feel free to drink! the drunkard explained, and no more could be obtained from him.

“Yes, really, adults are very, very strange people,” he thought, continuing on his way.

Business man planet

Rice. 11. Asteroid 328. Hood. Exupery ( )

“The fourth planet belonged to a business person (Fig. 11). He was so busy that when the Little Prince appeared, he did not even raise his head.

"Good afternoon," the little prince said to him. — Your cigarette went out.

Three and two is five. Five and seven are twelve. Twelve and three are fifteen. Good afternoon. Fifteen and seven are twenty-two. Twenty-two and six is ​​twenty-eight. Once a match strike. Twenty-six and five is thirty-one. Phew! In total, therefore, five hundred one million six hundred twenty two thousand seven hundred and thirty one "

“So what are you doing with all these stars?

— What do I do?

- I'm not doing anything. I own them.

- Do you own the stars?

“I have a flower,” he said, “and I water it every morning. I have three volcanoes, I clean them out every week. I clean all three, and the extinct one too. Few things can happen. Both my volcanoes and my flower benefit from the fact that I own them. And the stars are of no use to you ...

The business man opened his mouth, but could not find anything to answer, and the Little Prince went on.

“No, grown-ups really are amazing people,” he said to himself ingenuously as he continued on his way.

Planet of the Lamplighter

Rice. 12. Asteroid 329. Hood. Exupery ()

“She was the smallest. It only fit a lantern and a lamplighter (Fig. 12). The little prince could not understand why on a tiny planet lost in the sky, where there are no houses or inhabitants, a lantern and a lamplighter are needed. But he thought:

“Maybe this person is ridiculous. But he is not as absurd as a king, an ambitious man, a businessman and a drunkard. Still, his work makes sense. When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he extinguishes the lantern, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. Great job. It's really useful because it's beautiful."

“Good afternoon,” “Good evening,” the lamplighter kept repeating, before he had time to turn on the lantern. It has to be turned on, because the evening is coming, the night is coming. And the Little Prince does not understand for whom the lamplighter illuminates the planet. But there is something more useful in this action than on previous planets.

“The planet makes a complete rotation in one minute, and I don’t have a second to breathe. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.

- That's funny! So your day only lasts one minute!”

“Here is a man,” the little prince said to himself, continuing on his way, “here is a man whom everyone would despise - and the king, and the ambitious, and the drunkard, and the businessman. And meanwhile, of all of them, he alone, in my opinion, is not funny. Maybe because he thinks not only about himself.

The little prince sighed.

Geographer's Planet(Fig. 13)

Rice. 13. Asteroid 330. Hood. Exupery ()

“The sixth planet was ten times the size of the previous one. It was inhabited by an old man who wrote thick books.

— Look! The traveler has arrived! he exclaimed, noticing the Little Prince.

The little prince sat down on the table to catch his breath. He has traveled so much!

- Where are you from? the old man asked him.

What is this big book? asked the little prince. - What are you doing here?

“I am a geographer,” the old man replied.

What is a geographer?

- This is a scientist who knows where the seas, rivers, cities, mountains and deserts are.

- How interesting! said the little prince. “This is the real deal!”

But he immediately realizes that the geographer has spent his whole life sitting without leaving the room, leafing through thick books.

“I am a geographer, not a traveller. I miss travellers. It is not geographers who count cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. The geographer is too important a person, he has no time to roam. He doesn't leave his office. But he hosts travelers and writes down their stories. And if one of them tells something interesting, the geographer makes inquiries and checks whether this traveler is a decent person.

And the Little Prince is again faced with the idea that the work of a geographer is meaningless.


Surprisingly, having visited 6 planets, it is impossible to learn anything. The child sees the world purely, openly and does not understand what can be useful in the lives of these people. And most importantly, there is nothing to learn from them.

“This is the first time he regretted leaving the flower. But then his courage returned.

Where would you advise me to go? he asked the geographer.

“Visit the planet Earth,” answered the geographer. She has a good reputation...

And the Little Prince set off, but his thoughts were about the abandoned flower.

You and I saw that the inhabitants of all the planets, as it seemed to them, were engaged in a very important business. But the Little Prince does not find any sense in their affairs.


  1. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials on literature. 7th grade. — 2008.
  2. Tishchenko O.A. Homework in literature for grade 7 (to the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina). — 2012.
  3. Source).


  1. Give a brief description of each inhabitant of asteroids, where the little prince visited. What side of the adult world does each symbolize?
  2. Why do you think the author provided the book with his own illustrations?
  3. Write out quotes from the text in which the author contrasts the world of adults and the world of children.
  4. What did Exupery make you think about?

36 739

What is the secret of millions of readers' love for The Little Prince? Perhaps the fact that his character has something that many of us lack so badly? The wise thoughts of the Little Prince and his creator, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, have been quoted and often help us. We have selected five life lessons that have been proven to be useful by psychological science.

1. The key to creativity is in childish spontaneity

Once, as a child, the narrator from the book of Saint-Exupery drew a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. However, all adults, as one, saw an ordinary hat in this picture. In the end, the narrator abandons his passion for drawing - before meeting the Little Prince. He immediately understands that the picture shows nothing more than an elephant inside a boa constrictor.

The Little Prince has much more imagination. He asks the narrator to draw him a lamb, but rejects several options one by one. But the box drawn by the narrator delights the Prince. After all, he himself can imagine the lamb that is inside.

life lesson: Adults are losing the recklessness that encouraged them to imagine and create when they were still children. “Adults are very fond of numbers. (...) When you say to adults: “I saw a beautiful house made of pink brick, it has geraniums in the windows, and pigeons on the roof,” they cannot imagine this house in any way. They need to be told: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “What a beauty!”

Adults really prefer numbers and material concepts and often do not even try to penetrate the essence of things, they are afraid to let everything take its course, they refuse to come up with something new, they become less inventive and more passive.

Scientific rationale: The development of imagination and creativity is good for health! For example, a study by musicologist Robert Allen found that piano students experience less stress when they improvise on stage.

2. The key to happiness is not to take life too seriously.

During his journey to different planets, the Little Prince meets the Dealer. His main (and only) character trait is that he is very serious. He constantly counts all the stars in the galaxy. And he loves it. After all, he thinks that he owns all the stars counted by him. However, his life is sheer loneliness and routine, since he is not busy with anything other than counting. He is not even able to appreciate the beauty of the stars.

Life Lesson: Life should not be taken too seriously to appreciate the true essence of things.

Scientific rationale: Many studies confirm that hearty laughter is the best way to improve mental health. In 2014, researchers at the University of California Loma Linda (USA) found that people who laugh more often than others have better memory and experience less stress.

3. The key to health - do not forget to leave time for yourself

The Lamplighter is a rather funny character that the Little Prince meets on the fifth planet he visits. Every minute he must light, and then immediately extinguish the lantern. Every minute is like a whole day for him. He has no time to rest or even sleep.

Life Lesson: We must appreciate every second, use the maximum time allotted to us.

Scientific rationale: Doctors do not get tired of repeating: lack of sleep really has disastrous consequences for health. Living in the same rhythm as the Lamplighter is especially dangerous. The risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer increases, memory problems are likely, appetite increases, it becomes more difficult to keep emotions under control ...

It's not just sleep that matters. You need to make time for yourself. It should be hours completely free from work. Without a doubt, in our time, the Lamplighter would have experienced emotional burnout. Studies that talk about the dangers of workaholism are also numerous. Sitting up at work, you risk falling into depression and earning a stroke.

4. The key to development is to find the courage to go towards the new

On the sixth planet, the Little Prince meets "an old man who writes thick books." At first, the Prince thinks that he met an explorer, but then it turns out that the only inhabitant of this planet is the Geographer, who has never left his office.

Life Lesson: Almost all of us have a tendency to stay in our comfort zone. It's easier than taking risks. However, we need to use the time that we have and try to try to do as many different things as possible, meet as many people as possible, visit as many places as possible.

Scientific rationale: There are a lot of reasons to leave the comfort zone, and scientists are eager to demonstrate them. When we experience a little stress, when we face a difficult task, we work more efficiently, according to psychologists from the University of Michigan (USA).

5. The key to satisfaction is to choose with your heart.

The little prince loves a rose from his planet. At first glance, it looks like all the roses on Earth. However, his rose is unique because he chose it. She is the only one in the world, the Fox tells him, as he wasted his time on her because he thought she was the only one. “Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.”

Life Lesson: The little prince personifies the spontaneity of feelings. Unlike people from planet Earth, who think rationally and see an ordinary flower in his favorite rose, he thinks instinctively, as his heart tells him. But Lis is sure: this is the only way to see the most important thing.

Scientific rationale: Good news for those who have developed intuition. According to a Boston College (USA) study, intuition is just as important for decision making as analysis. In some cases, it is even more effective. An employee of a company who knows his business well will make a better decision if he relies on what his instinct tells him.

Theme of the lesson: "Lessons of the truth of the Little Prince"

Socialization of students: the formation of the internal need of the individual for continuous spiritual and moral improvement, which makes it possible to realize and realize their personal capabilities.

Goals and objectives:


    to develop the reader's interest in students;

    develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions, briefly formulate your thoughts;

    develop emotional-figurative and analytical thinking;


    to teach to comprehend the ideological content of a fairy tale, to comprehend the moral side of the work;

    learn to analyze a work of art;


    evoke personally significant experiences, encourage active work to resolve problem situations and search for answers to your life questions in a literary text;

Meta-subject goal of the lesson: the formation of universal learning activities of students that have a meta-subject character.

Educational and organizational:

define a learning task

formulate hypotheses,

Educational and informational:

work with literary text.

Educational and communicative:

to form the ability to enter into a dialogue, to express their point of view,

develop the ability to listen to the opinions of others and work in a group.

Lesson type : a problematic lesson using a group form of work.

Epigraph of the lesson:

And you will see: everything will be different ...

During the classes

І . Organizational moment. The song "Starland" sounds

The little prince remained some kind of mysterious, enigmatic boy. I also deal with the same mysterious, mysterious creatures. It seems to me that each of you is the Little Prince, you all came to my planet Earth from your tiny planets. They came to see with the heart. And I am obliged to help you with this.

II. Introduction by the teacher. Call stage.

I invite you to reflect on the most important, philosophical questions:

What does a person live for?

What is true happiness?

What does true friendship and true love mean?

And our interlocutor will be a kind, wise man, known to us - the French writer A. de Saint-Exupery and, of course, the main character of his fairy tale story, the mysterious Little Prince.

What topics does the writer cover in his work?

Let's turn to "Basket of Ideas".

- relationships between children and adults;
- the theme of friendship and devotion;
- duty and justice;
- the meaning of life.

Indeed, in the fairy tale there are many wise thoughts about friendship, responsibility, about life and its values, about people's relationships.

But are the commandments and truths of the Little Prince relevant in our 21st century? Do we need them? Let's try to figure this out.

The epigraph of the lesson will be the words of Exupery. If you learn the lessons of the Little Prince, then "... And you will see: everything will be different ..."

What do you think is the purpose of the lesson? (understand and try to learn the lessons of truth - the commandments of the Little Prince)

III . Work on the text. The stage of comprehension.

1. Characteristics of the hero

Who is the Little Prince? (The little prince lived on the planet - asteroid B-612, was lonely)

Choose epithets to characterize the Little Prince. What is he?

wise (not childish)

sympathetic sincere

What is the little prince doing? (Every day, the Little Prince cleaned the volcanoes on which he warmed up breakfast, pulled out sprouts of baobabs.)

Why does the author say that baobabs are dangerous? What do they symbolize? (Baobabs are a symbol of evil, everything bad and evil that prevents a person from living. Baobabs are vices that destroy a person’s soul, and a person is a whole universe.)

What rule has the MP firmly mastered? (" I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

Is this truth relevant to you? Why?

2. Characteristics of a rose.

What a miracle? How is this item related to MP? (read ch. 8) A rose grows on the planet of the Little Prince

How is Rose doing? Read out.

Pick up epithets (beautiful and capricious flower)


capricious beautiful

- Why do you think the rose is so capricious? (only to get attention)

Why does the little prince leave the rose and go on a journey? (quarreledThe little prince still does not know how to love. He takes offense at the flower, not realizing that all his whims are only to draw attention to himself. Rose loves, but the little prince doesn't know what love is)

What wisdom did MP have when he left his planet and left the flower? Quote from text chapter VIII(It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her fragrance, lit up my life. I shouldn't have run. Behind these pitiful tricks and tricks I had to guess tenderness. My flower filled my whole planet with fragrance, and I didn’t know how to rejoice in it ... But I was too young, I didn’t know how to love yet”)

So, second lesson: "We must judge not by words, but by deeds"

- Explain the meaning of this truth.

3. Journey of the Little Prince

 The little prince travels around the planets - asteroids, where he meets with different adults. Now, working in a group, your task is to find out what was valuable for the inhabitant of this or that planet, determine the main character trait of its inhabitant and formulate a conclusion - the truth that the MP understood when visiting this planet. Working on the card, you can use the key words from the right column when answering, find and read out quotes from the book.

4. Group presentations, discussion

I group - the planet of the king


1. Name the planet by description: purple, ermine, sit, subject, mantle. Who is its inhabitant?

1. According to purple, ermine, sit, subject, mantle

2. He saw in everyone…… subject and cannot live a minute without issuing orders or decrees.

3. The main feature of his character?

What is he?

3. The main feature of his character is .... lust for power.

He is majestic, selfish. Unlimited power and unquestioning obedience is the ultimate dream of the king.

4. What is the lesson for the MP?

"Then judge yourself," said the king. - This is the most difficult. It is much harder to judge oneself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise.”

power-hungry selfish


So, the third lesson: "... judge yourself"

What does it mean guys? Thank you for your work. Word 2nd group

Group II - the planet of the ambitious


Phrases you can use when answering

1. Name the planet by description: funny hat, cheering, clap, conceited people. Who is its inhabitant?

1. According to funny hat, cheering, clap, conceited people we guessed it was a planet……..

2. What was the most important thing for the inhabitant of this planet?

2. The ambitious man wanted to be admired by everyone. He wants to be recognized as the most beautiful, smart, rich and smart on the planet. But there is only one person on this planet - himself.

4. The main feature of his character is that he is narcissistic, indifferent, conceited

4. What lesson has the MP learned?

The little prince is surprised at the self-admiration of the ambitious. A vain person looks very stupid, it seems to the prince just stupid and funny

Ambition is good within reason

Fourth lesson:Vain people are deaf to everything but praise.. Ambition is good within reason.

III group - the planet of the drunkard


Phrases you can use when answering

1. Name the planet by description: empty, full, I want to forget, ashamed, poor fellow. Who is its inhabitant?

1. According to empty, full, want to forget, ashamed, poor fellow we guessed it was a planet……..

2. What was the most important thing for the inhabitant of this planet?

3. He couldn't quit………drinking because he was ashamed of himself. In vodka he finds oblivion

because ... he is ashamed to drink ... ....

3. What is the main feature of his character?

4. The main feature of his character is .... weakness, spinelessness

4.What to do in such a situation? How to change life? Name the lesson the MP learned.

An inhabitant of the third planet plunged the little traveler into despondency. He feels sorry for the bitter drunk who cannot find the strength to break out of the vicious circle, so the next lesson is what you need. find the strength to change yourself

Pathetic weak

Fifth lesson:find the strength to change yourself.

Is this truth relevant to you young readers? Prove it.

IV group planet "business man"


Phrases you can use when answering

1. Name the planet by description: five hundred million, serious, I count and recount, lock it with a key. Who is its inhabitant?

1. According to five hundred million, serious, counting and counting, locking we guessed it was a planet……..

2. What was the most important thing for the inhabitant of this planet?

3. He's busy counting... stars

He is trying to take over………the universe…………….,

to…… hide it in your personal safe

3. What is the main feature of his character?

4. The main feature of his character is .... senselessness, inhumanity

4. What lesson can we learn from MP?

The little prince says: If he "in his whole life has never smelled a flower, never looked at a star, never loved anyone, he is not a man, he is a mushroom."

If a person considers his main advantage that he is serious and businesslike, and is only busy with business, his life has been lived in vain.

Inhuman meaningless existence

Sixth lesson:if a person is busy only with business, his life is lived in vain."He in all my life I have never smelled a flower, I have never looked at a star, I have never loved anyone, he is not a man, he is a mushroom.

Group V - lamplighter's planet


Phrases you can use when answering

1. Name the planet by description: least of all, as if a star is born, agreement, rotates faster and faster. Who is its inhabitant?

1. According to least of all, as if a star is being born, persuasion, spinning faster and faster we guessed it was a planet……..

2. What was the most important thing for the inhabitant of this planet?

2. He then lit…………………………..,

That ……………………..,

because …………… such an agreement ………

3. What is the main feature of his character?

3. The main feature of his character is ....

Responsibility, loyalty to the word

4. What feelings does the lamplighter evoke in the MP?

He is delighted because “it’s really useful, because it’s beautiful”, his work makes sense, the Little Prince dreams of making friends with the lamplighter, he thinks not only about himself, he is true to his word, working tirelessly for people

5. Happy man is a lamplighter, according to the Little Prince?

Yes. Because

Seventh lesson:All my life to be a beacon for people - this is the happiness of a person

Group VI - the planet of the geographer


Phrases you can use when answering

1. Name the planet by description: . Who is its inhabitant?

1. According to fat, traveler, eternal things, office, references, textbook we guessed it was a planet……..

2. What was the most important thing for the inhabitant of the planet?

3. Considers himself too ……………………..

an important person, he has no time to roam. He doesn't leave his office. But he hosts travelers and writes down their stories.

3. What is the main character trait?

4. The main feature of his character is .... too important, not real

4. Does the Little Prince like the scientist?

At first, he seems real to the kid, but very soon the prince is disappointed in him, because he “never leaves the office” and knows everything only by hearsay. He is not even interested in his own planet, as he considers himself too important a person and he has no time to roam. But it is the geographer who makes the Little Prince remember his short-lived Rose, think and feel sorry for her. He says flowers are ephemeral. This means: something that should soon disappear. And this makes the prince worry about his rose. “My beauty and joy are short-lived,” the Little Prince said to himself, “and she has nothing to protect herself from the world, she only has four thorns. And I left her, and she was left all alone on my planet!”

    MP lesson?

not real

"too important"

Lesson Eight: You Can't Explore the World Without Leaving Your Office

Conclusion: The little prince goes on a journey and finds himself on asteroid planets that have common features. Which? (no name; very small; one person lives, and this person is an adult. The life of the inhabitants of asteroids is meaningless) Exupery shows what is valuable for the inhabitants of asteroids:

Planet dwellers

Main character trait (vice)


Lust for power




Drunkenness, weakness

business man

Greed, wealth


And only one lamplighter is true to his word.


accumulation of knowledge, limitation, knows everything only by hearsay

    what is power if there are no subordinates?

    why fame if there are no fans?

    what is wealth for if there is nowhere to put it?

    why science if it is not based on facts?

    For what? For what? For what?

Small planets do not provide an answer, they only raise questions, because they are inhabited by very busy adults.

Conclusion: - Why does the writer say: “Children! Watch out for the baobabs!” (Traveling with the Little Prince, we saw a whole gallery of human vices: lust for power, ambition, vanity, selfishness, drunkenness, greed, narrow-mindedness. These are the forces that destroy the human soul.)

Guys, what is the opposite of vices? (Virtue is a person's striving for good, this is also a separate positive quality of a person.) BUT virtues are not given by nature. They are acquired as a result of training, they need to be studied.

What virtues did the little prince acquire when he visited planet Earth?

seventh planet - Earth


Phrases you can use when answering

1. What did the Little Prince experience and understand on Earth?

1. The little prince did not meet people and was very surprised, then he experienced despair. He thought: “I imagined that I had the only flower in the world that no one else had anywhere else, and it was the most ordinary rose. one of them went out, and, perhaps, forever ... What kind of prince am I after that? .. "

He lay down on the grass and wept."

2. Who appears before the prince in a difficult moment of disappointment?

2. In a difficult moment of disappointment, the Fox appears before the prince.

3. What life truths did the Fox reveal to him?

4. Lesson of the Little Prince.

4. The appearance of the Fox teaches a true understanding of love and friendship. His statements are great wisdom: in order to have friends, you need to give them your soul, give the most precious thing - your time. "Your Rose is so dear to you, because you gave her all your days." Not only did Rose need the Little Prince, but the Little Prince needed Rose too. The rose is the only flower in the world, because he "tamed" it.

“You can only learn things that you tame,” said the Fox. “People don’t have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But after all, there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. If you want a friend, tame me!"

The little prince realized that one must be faithful in love and friendship, one cannot be indifferent to what is happening in the world

It is necessary to understand another not only with the mind, but also with the soul and heart. You need to learn to empathize.

Here is my secret, it is very simple: .

– The little prince thinks for the first time about how he lived before. What does he understand now?

Ninth lesson:only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes"Tyou are always responsible for everyone you have tamed"

Being responsible for everything means being responsible for what? (for the people who live nearby; for the weak and defenseless who are waiting for our help; for the animals that live next to us and trustingly await our affection ....)

Who are you responsible for?

What is this commandment for you?

Let's think about the stars. What are they for the Little Prince? Why do stars shine? (So ​​that sooner or later everyone can find their star)

Reading an excerpt from the XXVІ chapter“Every person has their own stars. To one - those who wander - they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a problem to be solved. To my business they are gold. But for all these people, the stars are dumb. And you will have very special stars ...
- You look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star where I live, where I laugh - and you will hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh! And he laughed himself

- What do the stars symbolize? (longing for something, dreaming about something)

Tenth lesson:"... Each person has his own stars"


    So we learned the lessons of the Little Prince.

How did you, my young readers, understand these commandments?

What does a person live for?

What is true happiness?

I suggest you express your thoughts in the form of an essay (no more than 3-5 sentences). Time 3 minutes.

    Recently you drew illustrations for the fairy tale "The Little Prince"

I suggest you, working in pairs, restore the deformed sentence and paste it at the bottom of the picture

    you need to work every day to eradicate vices in your soul

    you can't live without love and friendship,

    a person should be valued and respected,

    never forget the people close to you,

    you have to be patient

    be able to overcome sadness and despondency,

    teaches to judge not by words, but by deeds,

    to benefit people, to do good,

    be true to the word

    forgive the weaknesses of those around you, be indulgent towards them.

What do you think you made up? (these are the rules, the truths by which every person must live so that baobabs do not grow on his planet)

2) Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: “I don’t want my book to be read just for fun.” This book is a testament. A Book of Truth Lessons!

What is truth for you? Your cinquain is "truth"

7 . Outcome. Final word from the teacher.

- If you learn the lessons of the Little Prince, then "... And you will see: everything will be different ..."

So it's time to part with A. de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince". You will smile and grieve over her, and most importantly, you will certainly think about it. This story is wise and human. Saint-Exupery speaks in it about the most important things: about duty and fidelity, about friendship and love, about passionate love for life and people, about intolerance for evil. And about how a person should be on this, sometimes unkind, but beloved and our only planet - Earth. The little prince is gone, but he always returns to those who wholeheartedly accepted his lessons of truth.

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"Self-analysis of the lesson of extracurricular reading"

Self-analysis of an extracurricular reading lesson

Teacher: Girman Natalya Viktorovna,

primary school teacher of the highest qualification category

The lesson on the work of A. de Saint - Exupery "The Little Prince" is a generalization lesson, a problematic lesson using a group form of work. During 6 lessons, the children got acquainted with the fairy tale, analyzed what they read. Rereading a work of art and its analysis consists in expressing one's own opinion about what has been read, the ability to emotionally respond to what is read.

The main goal of the work was to enable children, due to their age, to comprehend the ideological content of the fairy tale, to comprehend the moral side of the work. It was important for me to evoke personally significant experiences and encourage the child to be active in resolving problem situations and searching for answers to their life questions in a literary text.

The formation of universal learning activities of students that have a meta-subject character was primarily to form:

educational and organizational UUD: define a learning task

educational and informational: work with literary text

at chebno-communicative: to form the ability to enter into a dialogue, express their point of view, develop the ability to listen to the opinions of others and work in a group.

The structure of the lesson was built in accordance with the phases of the lesson of technology for the development of critical thinking - Challenge (goal: the formation of motivation for LE, setting the goal of LE)

Comprehension (goal: formation of understanding, correlation of the known with the new; mastering the way of working with information; supporting the goals set at the challenge stage)

Reflection (goal: emotional response to what was read)

I believe that the content of the lesson corresponds to the goals, objectives and didactic principles of the UMC "Perspective" The main criterion for the effectiveness of literary reading lessons in elementary school is the personal development of the child, which manifests itself in the formation of his emotional, spiritual and intellectual sphere

Conversation, comparison, solving problematic issues - these are methods that, I think, were adequate to the tasks set. Along with reproductive methods, productive methods are reasonably used. In the lesson, I used the techniques of TRCM (“basket of ideas”, cinquain). The combination of methods and techniques stimulates the cognitive activity of students.

Main the form of organization of educational activity is frontal. The inclusion of students in other forms of learning is organized (group, pair, inclusion of children in creative activities - composition, syncwine)

I did not plan evaluation activities in the lesson, since personal experiences, the emotional sphere are not subject to evaluation and mark. However, the achievement of the goal is evidenced by the emotional response that I received from the guys in the form of mini-compositions and syncwine.

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"The Little Prince Exupery"


for a literary lesson

Antoine de Saint Exupery

theme of duty and justice

the meaning of life

theme of friendship and devotion

Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Key words

  • Name the planet according to the description: ..., ..., ..., ....

2. What was the most important thing for the inhabitant of this planet?

3. Main character trait

4. What lesson is the little prince learning?

Lesson three

“This is the hardest thing. It's harder to judge yourself than others."

Lesson six

if a person is busy with a useless business, his life is lived in vain

Lesson seven

All my life to be a beacon for people - this is the happiness of a person

Lesson eight

You can't explore the world without leaving your office




lust for power


Lesson nine

Only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

T you are responsible for everyone you tamed

Lesson ten

Every person has their own stars

If you learn the lessons of the Little Prince, then "... And you will see: everything will be different ..."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Drawing by Kim Min Ji

Who invented you, star country?

I have been dreaming for a long time, I dream of her.

Drawing by Kim Min Ji

I will leave the house, I will leave the house.

A wave is beating right behind the pier.

Drawing by Kim Min Ji

windy evening

the cries of birds will be silenced.

star note

light from under the eyelashes.

Drawing by Kim Min Ji

Quietly towards me, quietly towards me

The gullible Little Prince will come out

Drawing by Kim Min Ji

The most important thing is not to scare the fairy tale,

Open windows to the endless world.

Drawing by Kim Min Ji

My sailboat is rushing, my sailboat is rushing,

My sailboat rushes on a fabulous path.

Drawing by Niki Goltz

Where are you, where are you, happiness of the island,

Where is the coast of peace and goodness?

Where with hopes, where with hopes

The most tender words are friends.


Drawings by Niki Goltz:


Lyrics of A. Dolsky's song "Visit to the Little Prince":

Kim Min Ji's drawings:


Illustrations and portraits for the biography of A. de Saint-Exupery:


Animated starry sky backgrounds:


Musical arrangement:

  • And Dolsky's "Visit to the Little Prince" ("Night Guest"):
  • Opera fairy tale by V. Sidorov "The Little Prince" - from a personal collection.
  • Song by N. Dobronravov and M. Tariverdiev "The Little Prince" performed by A. Freindlikh:
  • Song "Tenderness" music. A. Pakhmutova, sl. N. Dobronravova and S. Grebennikov performed by T. Bulanova:

Illustration: Deirdreamer

The little prince teaches us that we need to maintain our craving for creativity, laugh more often and sleep better.

The most famous work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery was published on April 6, 1943. The book tells the story of a pilot who crashes and meets a boy known to the reader as the Little Prince. From him, the pilot-narrator learns about the boy's home planet (an asteroid) and his journey to other space worlds. For eight days the heroes roam the desert together.

This book has fascinated both adults and children for 70 years now, its illustrated pages have been translated into 250 languages ​​and dialects. On the occasion of the anniversary of the work, HuffPost France is considering Five life lessons from The Little Prince.

Illustration: Suzanne Vera / Reuters

The narrator begins the story with the story of his first childhood drawing, which depicted a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. He believes that every adult, having opened a book, will see an ordinary hat. The pilot lost interest in drawing long ago, until he met the Little Prince, who immediately understood what exactly was depicted in the drawing: an elephant inside a boa constrictor.

“When I met an adult who seemed to me smarter and more intelligent than others, I showed him my drawing No. 1 - I kept it and always carried it with me. I wanted to know if this man really understood something. But they all answered me: "It's a hat." And I no longer spoke to them about the boas, or the jungle, or the stars. I applied to their concepts. I talked to them about bridge and golf, politics and ties. And adults were very pleased that they met such a sane person” [hereinafter, quotes from The Little Prince are given in the translation of Nora Gal - approx. transl.]

Life Lesson: As you grow older, try to keep at least a drop of madness and creative energy. Adults prefer numbers and practicality in everything, but they forget to look deep, under the surface, to give themselves creative freedom. Losing curiosity, they become passive.

What Science Says: Creativity and imagination are good for health. A study by the journal Psychology of Music shows that piano students experience less stress than others when they improvise on stage. Also, the results prove that music increases the degree of perception of emotions expressed in singing. Creative people are very much like the Little Prince: they are dreamers in search of new experiences, asking the right questions.

Image: Don Emmert/Getty Images

As the Little Prince explained, in his interplanetary journey he met with a very serious businessman. This man continuously counts the stars in the galaxy. And let him imagine himself happy, because he allegedly owns them, his life is lonely and monotonous, because there is nothing else in it. He cannot even appreciate the beauty of these stars.

“I manage them,” the businessman replied. I count them and count them. It is very difficult. But I'm a serious person."

Life Lesson: Don't sacrifice the little pleasures in life.

What Science Says: Many studies claim that nothing lifts your mood and improves the quality of life like laughter. In 2014, scientists from Loma Linda University in California found that people who laugh more often have better short-term memory and higher stress tolerance. According to other studies, such as one conducted at the University of Maryland, a sense of humor reduces the risk of heart disease.

Image: Tariq Thinazai/Getty Images

Another curious character the Little Prince meets on the fifth planet. Every day here lasts no more than a minute. The lamplighter must extinguish the lantern every minute, and then hastily relight it again. He has no time for sleep and rest.

“Yes, like this. The planet makes a complete revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second to breathe. Every minute I put out the lantern and light it again. - Lamplighter.

Life Lesson: You need to appreciate every moment. Enjoy life.

What Science Says: Doctors never tire of repeating: lack of sleep is detrimental to health. A lifestyle like that of this lamplighter increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, paralysis, certain forms of cancer, memory impairment, mood swings, and increased appetite. The negative effects of lack of sleep are countless. In addition to healthy sleep, a person also needs time that he can devote to himself, and not to work. Undoubtedly, one day the lamplighter will face severe nervous exhaustion.

Art by Yushikazu Tsuno/Getty Images

On the sixth planet, the Little Prince met "an old man who wrote thick books." At first, the hero thought that this was a traveler, but it turned out that this was a geographer who never left his office.

“It is not geographers who count cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. The geographer is too important a person, he has no time to roam. - Geographer.

Life Lesson: We strive to stay in our "comfort zone" because it's easier than taking risks. But the time allotted to us should be used for a variety of experiences, meeting new people and traveling the world.

What Science Says: There are a million reasons to get out of the familiar environment, and many of them are backed by scientific evidence. Psychologists believe that the stress that we experience in moments of challenge contributes to our increased performance. Adapting to new environments helps us maintain mental sharpness well into old age, according to a 2013 study.

The little prince loves the rose he left on his home planet. Outwardly, it is no different from the flowers that he saw on Earth. But his rose is unique because he chose it. She was "the only one in the world," said the Fox, because the prince spared no time in taking care of her.

“Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.” - Fox.

Life Lesson: The little prince personifies spontaneity. Unlike others, he thinks instinctively, obeying the heart. As Fox says, this is the only sure way to understand the really important things.

What Science Says: According to a study published in 2012 in the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, intuitive decision-making leads to the same or better results than decision-making through analytics. method. Intuition allows us to maintain balance: it serves as a bridge between instincts and reason, according to Scholl Francis, author of The Intuitive Compass.

Clearly, there is a lot of invaluable life advice to be found in The Little Prince. But to find out more, you'll have to ask him yourself. Arriving on his planet, you will definitely find him: he will watch the sunset along with his favorite flower.

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