Lush pancakes on kefir - the best recipes for delicious pancakes. Recipes and preparation of lush pancakes on kefir


Our detailed recipe will help novice cooks prepare lush classic pancakes on kefir. This simple dish includes the most ordinary and affordable products, and the dessert is prepared in an elementary way! However, theory is useless without practice, so we stock up on everything necessary and organize a sweet treat for the whole family.

And having already mastered fairly simple tricks, you can experiment and try this dish in a new version, for example, cook.


  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 180-200 g;
  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil (for frying).

Lush kefir pancakes recipe with photos at home

  1. Beat the egg with sugar and salt. Vigorously work with a whisk, combining protein and yolk.
  2. Kefir is heated in the microwave or over low heat until warm (do not boil). Gradually pour the fermented milk product into the sugar-egg mixture, continuing to mix the components with a whisk.
  3. In parts we introduce the sifted flour, previously mixed with baking soda.
  4. We bring the mass to a smooth and homogeneous state without flour lumps. Since today we are preparing lush pancakes, the dough should turn out to be relatively thick so that during frying it does not spread over the pan, but takes the desired shape. The consistency of the dough for pancakes on kefir should resemble thick sour cream.

    How to bake lush pancakes on kefir

  5. We warm up a thick-bottomed frying pan by pouring a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. We collect the viscous dough with a tablespoon and spread it in the form of small cakes on a hot surface. Fry over moderate heat until a characteristic blush on the underside.
  6. Prying with a culinary spatula, turn the pancakes over and again wait for the “tan” to appear. So we prepare each batch, adding oil if necessary.
  7. Serve lush pancakes on kefir warm. As an addition, you can choose sour cream, jam, honey, condensed milk or berries grated with sugar. If desired, you can first put the finished pancakes on napkins or paper towels to get rid of oil residue.

Bon appetit!

Often on weekends I want to cook something tasty and quick for my family. Fritters are great for a hearty and quick breakfast. The most important thing is that there are very few people who do not eat them and the total cost of this product is very budgetary. And at home, all the ingredients are always there. They are prepared on a different basis.

And today I will tell you how to make dough on kefir, so that you get pancakes like grandma's - lush and tender. Interestingly, this dish is prepared all over the world, called, of course, in different ways.

There are a lot of pancake recipes, but they do not always turn out lush. Let me first talk about the nuances that will help you get airy and tender donuts every time.

So, before choosing the right recipe, check out the nuances that must be observed so as not to spoil such a tasty and simple dish. And get exactly lush, porous and tender pancakes, and not plump pancakes.

  • We make the dough thicker. Ideally, an equal part of the liquid component (kefir) and flour is taken.
  • We fry gourmets as soon as we get the desired dough consistency.
  • We add some sugar. If there is a lot of sugar, then the splendor will fall off very quickly.
  • Heat the oil well in a frying pan. If you put the dough immediately into unheated oil, then it will not easily separate, but will bake from the surface of the pan.
  • Eggs and kefir should be at room temperature, take care to get them out of the refrigerator in advance.
  • Spread the donuts on parchment paper, a napkin or paper towel so that the paper has absorbed excess fat.
  • Kefir is better suited not fresh, it has more acid and it reacts more easily with baking powder and soda.
  • Flour must be sifted to saturate it with oxygen. Usually two or three times is enough.

Each hostess has prepared such a breakfast more than once, and many have deduced their ratio and proportions of products. But there are recipes according to which pancakes succeed in most cases. Basically they are called traditional or classical.


  • 300 ml kefir
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 250 gr flour
  • some salt
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Pour kefir into the bowl and add soda (not slaked) there, mix. The acid in kefir, meeting with soda, will give a reaction. Let this mixture sit for five minutes.

Before pouring out the prepared amount of flour, sift it a couple of times. It has a loose structure and is easily saturated with oxygen in this way, which will add extra splendor to pancakes. Just one sifting may not be enough.

There is no need to beat the dough, just mix to crush any lumps.

By density, it should turn out viscous, and not drain from a spoon.

We start baking immediately, do not leave the dough to reach.

Heat up a frying pan, pour in a couple of tablespoons of oil and immediately lower the heat to medium.

Put a tablespoon of batter into the hot oil. We make sure that it does not connect with each other, then you will get even individual rounds.

Can be served with sour cream or jam.

This is how they look inside.

If you add a lot of sugar, the donuts will quickly fall off.

How to cook pancakes like fluff (secret trick)

Remember, in the school cafeteria, they served pancakes that simply melted in your mouth. True, hot they are always tastier than cooled.

There are several features, following which you can get just airy donuts.

It was revealed as a result of culinary experiments that cold kefir will not allow the dough to rise and you will not get splendor. Therefore, in this recipe, we not only bring it to room temperature, but also heat it up.


  • Kefir - 250 ml
  • Water - 40 ml
  • 1 egg
  • Flour - 240 gr
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil

We combine kefir with water and heat it on the stove. This is a prerequisite.

Separately, mix the egg and sugar, pour kefir there and knead until a light foam appears.

The final step is to sift the flour in several stages. We make sure that no lumps form.

We achieve ductility in the consistency of the dough.

And just before the hottest, add soda to the mass and mix.

Both sides need to be fried. It's about two, three minutes on each side. It is important to reduce the fire in time, otherwise the cakes may not be baked.

During the frying period, do not mix the dough, but simply scoop it with a spoon. Otherwise, gourmets will not be so lush.

This is how they look in a section: elastic and porous.

soda dough recipe

The baking soda allows the dough to rise. Usually, the acid contained in kefir is enough to react with it. Therefore, we do not use vinegar here.

By the way, they say that soda and baking powder should be used together, and not give preference to one of them. But we don’t do that at home, we take one thing.


  • 3 cups flour
  • 2 cups kefir 2.5% fat
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tsp salt

Pour soda into flour and mix. Pour prepared kefir to this mixture.

Separately, grind the eggs with salt and sugar. And we combine this mixture with kefir flour mass.

We start the frying process, as always, in heated vegetable oil.

Soda makes the fattest pancakes, so you need to monitor the amount of oil.

Also in this recipe we use eggs, which give density to the dough, and it does not absorb fat so much.

Lush pancakes on kefir without eggs

But you can do without eggs. Moreover, there are recipes where they are not even provided. We take the classic basis, but change the proportions of the products.


  • 200 ml kefir
  • 160 g flour
  • 1 tsp powdered sugar or brown sugar
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • Salt on the tip of a knife
  • Fry in vegetable oil

Kefir is taken out of the refrigerator for a couple of hours and let it warm up. Pour salt with powder and sifted flour into it.

Soda goes to the very last line, when the whole mass is already mixed.

After kneading the dough of the desired thick consistency, we don’t touch it anymore, we leave it alone.

Pour a little oil into a hot pan, do not need them to float in it.

And from the bowl we take the dough with a spoon, without stirring it! It is important.

It is better to make a little dough so that hot pancakes have time to eat, cold ones are not so tasty anymore.

Thick and fluffy pancakes with yeast

Yeast is a great substitute for baking soda or baking powder. And donuts do not fall until the evening, if you have prepared a large batch and did not have time to eat everything at once. The cooking process is somewhat longer than without yeast dough, but you get a very delicate texture.

In the recipe, we use live pressed yeast, but you can use dry, only pre-filled with warm sweetened water.


  • 20 gr pressed yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 400 ml kefir
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • A pinch of salt

400 ml of kefir must be heated. We look so that the whey does not begin to separate, otherwise we will get cottage cheese.

Add yeast, sugar and salt to it.

Then add flour and beat in the egg. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for an hour in a warm place.

As soon as you see that the dough seems to settle down, start frying.

How do you know when the dough is ready? Scoop some of it into the spoon and let it fall back into the bowl. It shouldn't spread.

Dough for low-fat pancakes so that they do not absorb oil

I have had a chance to treat myself to a culinary miracle, from which the fat from the pancakes flowed down my hands, so I perfectly understand that there are lovers of drier crumpets.

Let's start with the fact that the dough itself is not greasy. Vegetable oil is limited and only lubricates the surface of the pan.


  • A glass of kefir
  • 1 egg
  • A pinch of salt
  • teaspoon of soda
  • 0.5 cup flour
  • 0.5 tsp vegetable oil

Add egg, salt and soda to kefir. Mix thoroughly. Then gradually add flour and continue mixing. Add half a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mass.

If the dough is very liquid, then add flour with a tablespoon.

Flour can be of different quality (grading depends on the amount of gluten), so one recipe for one hostess can get a different result.

Set the fire mode to medium or slightly less than medium.

Just grease the pan with oil.

As soon as the first side is browned, close the pan with a lid.

If you have a good Teflon coating, you can do without oil at all. Of course, they will not look as appetizing, but you will get a healthier and less high-calorie breakfast.

They are greasy because we put soda in the dough, it creates a looser structure, where the oil is absorbed, like in a sponge.

Also, pancakes mixed with batter will turn out to be more fatty than thick ones.

Well, and advice for those who cannot do without frying, but want to get a not very fatty product: spread from the pan on a paper towel.

By the way, so that they easily move away from the pan, it is better to add oil to the dough itself, and not pour it into a frying container.

How to bake pancakes on kefir with apples

Most often they are served for breakfast with jam, fruit or jam. Bananas, cinnamon or apples can go into the dough. And the very combination of apples and cinnamon is always fragrant and appetizing, even in a fresh fruit salad, even in pastries.


  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 3 apples
  • 250 ml of kefir - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Vanillin
  • Cinnamon
  • 0.5 tsp soda or baking powder

We take out kefir and apples from the refrigerator in advance.

Pour sugar, spices and flour to kefir.

Then add baking soda or baking powder.

Preparing apples. Remove the core and cut the fruit into circles.

Then heat up a frying pan with oil and start frying the dough.

We do this: Take an apple slice, dip it in the dough and put it in oil.

So that the dough does not run off the apples, you need to achieve its correct consistency. We don't make it liquid. On the contrary, add more flour for density.

It turns out an unusually rich taste.

Apple fruits can be added differently. For example, peel them and cut them into pieces. Mix with the dough mass and bake in the traditional way you are used to.

Pancakes with egg and green onions are very tasty, a kind of “lazy pies”. The cooking process is the same as with apples. The dough is kneaded, eggs are boiled in advance. And the filling is prepared separately: we cut the eggs, mix with salt and onion and put them in a common bowl. Bake in a hot pan.

Always turn on a low fire so that the inside of the donut is also baked. If you cook on low mode, then the dough cannot be fried until crispy and the cakes themselves will resemble rubber. Because with this mode of frying, more water is evaporated.

That's the whole science of how to bake delicious pancakes for breakfast. Write your questions in the comments.

Lush pancakes - general principles and methods of preparation

Fritters have long been considered tasty and satisfying food. They are served both for breakfast and as a dessert for lunch or dinner. Some bake pancakes exclusively with yeast, believing that this is the only way to cook truly magnificent pancakes. However, they need a certain amount of time to cook, because these pancakes are lush because their dough rises thanks to yeast. That's why many people prefer other fluffy, quicker pancake recipes.

For example, wonderful fluffy pancakes can be obtained from kefir or yogurt dough. They cook very quickly, and they turn out no worse than yeast. Another option for lush pancakes is pancakes made from dough prepared with soda or baking powder. In this case, the secret of splendor lies in the fact that when using these components, carbon dioxide is released, and the dough also rises. In a word, the principle of making lush pancakes is always the same - to prepare a lush dough that can "breathe" and rise. Only then, as in the case of yeast dough, will the pancakes turn out to be truly lush and remain so not only in the pan, but also on the table.

Lush pancakes - food preparation

To obtain fluffy pancakes, the quality of the flour is of great importance. At the same time, it must be sifted at least 3 times so that the flour is saturated with oxygen and our pancakes rise better.

The fat content of kefir or yogurt, which we will use in recipes, does not matter much, there are no special requirements for these products. However, some housewives claim that the more sour the kefir or yogurt, the richer and tastier the pancakes are.

Lush pancakes - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Fluffy yogurt pancakes with raisins

They say that the most magnificent pancakes are obtained on yogurt. By adding raisins to the dough, you get a very tasty and nutritious sweet dish. If desired, raisins can be replaced with dried apricots, apples or any other fruit to your liking.


200 gr. curdled milk or kefir;
200 gr. flour;
1 egg;
50 gr. Sahara;
100 gr. raisins;
rast. frying oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour yogurt or kefir into a saucepan or bowl (it is better to take a deep and comfortable one to prevent the dough from splashing on the sides). We drive in the same egg and add vanillin, stir everything well.

2. Wash the raisins well and soak for about half an hour. Then, after draining the water, dry it with a paper towel.

3. Add flour to the bowl and knead the dough. Then, continuing to knead, we send raisins there. We need to get the density of such a dough that we can spread with a spoon in a pan.

4. Having warmed up the pan with sunflower oil well, we bake our pancakes on it so that they become ruddy.
Serve with sour cream.

Recipe 2: Lush pancakes with cottage cheese and cheese

Having made pancakes with cheese filling, we get a very tasty and original dish. Although, if there is no cheese for the filling, these pancakes themselves on curd dough always come out invariably tasty and lush.


200 gr. cottage cheese;
150 gr. kefir;
2 eggs;
100 gr. flour;
150 gr. cheese;
2 cloves of garlic;
50 gr. sour cream;
0.5 tsp soda;
salt and dill to taste.

Cooking method:

1. For the filling, grate the cheese on a fine grater, chop the garlic and finely chop the dill. Adding sour cream, mix everything. The filling should be very thick.

2. For the dough, mix flour with eggs, cottage cheese, kefir and soda with a mixer. So that when frying pancakes absorb less oil, it is better to take the components for the dough not from the refrigerator, but at room temperature. As a result, we should also get a thick dough.

3. Having warmed up the pan well, pour vegetable oil there and put the dough on it with a spoon, put the filling on top of each portion of it, and again the dough on top. Then fry like regular pancakes.

Recipe 3: Lush pancakes on kefir without eggs

Some people think that the more eggs put into pancakes, the more magnificent they will turn out. In fact, once you try these fluffy pancakes without any eggs, you'll realize that the secret to fluffiness isn't in the eggs at all. And in what? Try to guess by preparing these fluffy, soft and very tasty pancakes.


200 gr. kefir;
200 gr. flour;
50 gr. Sahara;
30 gr. rast. butter in the dough;
1 tsp soda;
rast. frying oil.

Cooking method:

1. Mixing kefir with salt and sugar in a deep bowl, add flour and soda there. The amount of flour in the recipe is approximate, it is determined by the density of kefir and the quality of the flour. Quickly knead the dough from the taken ingredients, avoiding the appearance of lumps. It is better to do this with a whisk or a fork.

2. Having received the dough with a density like sour cream, put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire to warm up well. It is better to take a pan with a thick bottom. When it is ready for baking pancakes, add vegetable oil to the dough, mix quickly and start putting small pancakes into the pan. We fry them on low heat, covering the pan with a lid.

Lush pancakes - useful tips from experienced chefs

Lush pancakes without yeast can only be obtained from a fairly thick dough. It should have the consistency of very thick sour cream.

If you are used to frying with little or no fat, such as a non-stick frying pan, you might be better off with thin pancakes. Real fluffy pancakes can only be cooked in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, otherwise they will not be baked and will also burn. Alternatively, you can try using the oven for these purposes.

Some cooks also advise the following. If you cook fluffy pancakes on soda, then it should be put into the dough at the beginning of cooking, adding citric acid diluted with water at the end (a third of a teaspoon of acid per 1 tablespoon of water). When dissolved citric acid is introduced into the dough, it is no longer possible to add flour to it so that the pancakes do not settle, then they will turn out no worse than yeast ones.

Golden, fluffy and delicious pancakes enjoy constant love in every family. Moreover, they are prepared easily and quickly, and scatter even without having time to cool down.

Delicious fluffy pancakes


● 250 ml. kefir (you can take yogurt)
● 1 egg
● 2 tbsp. Sahara
● 2 tbsp. melted butter
● 150 g flour
● 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
● ¼ tsp. salt
● ¼ tsp. soda
● 1 tsp. baking powder


1. In a bowl, whisk together the egg, sugar and vanilla sugar.

2. Heat yogurt or yogurt a little and pour into the egg mixture. Add melted butter, stir.

3. Mix flour with soda, salt and baking powder, sift it and add to the liquid mass.
Mix dry and liquid ingredients with a spoon in quick motions. The most important thing is not to knead the dough (that's the whole point!), but only to combine the ingredients.

The dough will be lumpy, as it should be, do not worry, the lumps will disperse during baking. Leave the dough for 5-7 minutes. The dough should be thick (like thick sour cream), it does not flow from a spoon into the pan, but falls in one lump.

4. Heat a frying pan well, add vegetable oil and make the smallest fire on your stove. Put a tablespoon of dough in the pan, leaving a distance between the pancakes.

5. Carefully turn the pancakes over and fry on the other side. Fry over low heat!

6. Transfer the finished pancakes to a plate, let cool slightly and serve.

7. Serve pancakes with honey, jam, berry sauce or sour cream. They are delicious and just like that, they do not fall off at all, and on the second day they remain just as soft and lush.

Fritters like in school


● Flour - 481g (2st. 250ml each)
● Water - 481 g (2 tablespoons of 250 ml minus 2 tablespoons)
● Fresh yeast (raw) - 14g (do not replace with dry!!!)
● Sugar - 17g (approximately 1 tablespoon with a slide)
● Salt - 6g (about 0.5 tsp)
● Egg - 23g (I had a large egg - I had to beat it separately and pour 1/3)


1. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in warm water - let it stand for a while, then add the egg, salt and gradually add the sifted flour - mix with a spatula, or better with a fork (it won’t work with your hands - the dough is liquid), then cover the dough with a lid or cling film and put it in a warm place for 2 hours - the dough should rise and bubble.

2. Then on a heated frying pan with rast. Spread oil on 1st.l. dough - fry on both sides until golden brown over medium heat.

3. Serve hot pancakes with butter or apple jam.

Biscuit pancakes


● Eggs - 4 pcs.
● Sugar - 1 tbsp.
● Flour - 1 tbsp.
● Blackcurrant (I have frozen) - 1 tbsp.
● Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
● Vanillin to taste


1. Prepared and washed and dried from water, roll the berries lightly in flour or starch.

2. Separate the yolks from the proteins.

3. Whisk the whites into a strong foam.

4. Rub the yolks with sugar until white.

5. Pour the yolk mixture into the whites in a thin stream, beating with a mixer.

6. Mix the flour with vanilla, sift through a sieve and add to the mixture in portions, gently mixing all the time in one direction so as not to crush the protein foam.

7. Pour in the berries and mix gently again.

8. Fry like regular pancakes in a pan with vegetable oil, preferably under a lid and over low heat.

Fritters on kefir


● 500 g of kefir
● 1 egg
● 350 g flour
● 2 tbsp. Sahara
● 1/2 tsp. salt
● 1/2 tsp. soda
● 150 g vegetable oil for frying


2. I heated a frying pan with a thick bottom and poured sunflower oil 0.5 cm high.

3. The fire under the pan is very important. On my electric stove, it warmed up to 9. Then I switched to 6. I took the dough with a tablespoon, removed it with the second spoon.

4. The oil does not sizzle or burn at all, the pancakes are fried slowly. When the top is puffed up, you can turn it over. I like two forks, or a spatula and a fork.

5. Somehow I was not even ready for such an amazing view.

6. Turned over to look at the second side, but this is not necessary, they are already perfectly slowly fried.

7. Sometimes, when the oil cooled slightly, I turned on the fire at 7, and then, when the oil began to bubble slightly, I returned the fire again to 6.

8. I have a large frying pan, and I could place 7 pieces on it.

9. They do not blur and easily turn over. They are impossibly beautiful, with a skirt around the edge, 2 cm high and airy as a feather.

And what delicious!

Pancakes on kefir (second option)


● Kefir - 0.5 l,
● Wheat flour - 350 g,
● Egg - 1 pc.,
● Sugar - 3 tablespoons,
● Salt - 0.5 tsp,
● Soda - 1 teaspoon,
● Vegetable oil for frying.
● Pancakes on kefir


1. To prepare pancakes, all ingredients must be at room temperature.

2. Mix flour, sugar, salt and soda in one bowl. Break the egg into another bowl, pour in the kefir and mix well with a whisk.

3. Pour dry ingredients into liquid ingredients and mix with a whisk until a thick homogeneous dough is obtained.

4. Heat the pan and brush with oil. Bake pancakes immediately after preparing the dough. If you have a Teflon or ceramic frying pan, add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough before cooking, in this case it is no longer necessary to grease the pan with oil, the pancakes will not stick.

5. Serve pancakes with sour cream, honey, jam.

Bon appetit!

At the heart of almost every recipe for pancakes on kefir are flour, kefir, soda and eggs, and unlike pancakes, pancakes will come out not thin, but thick and fluffy. The consistency of the dough should be similar to good homemade sour cream if you do not use yeast.

Experienced chefs suggest you heed their advice:

  • a very important point - the quality of the flour. And if you are wondering how to cook pancakes on kefir, then first prepare the flour. It needs to be sifted at least three times, then the flour is saturated with oxygen, and the pancakes will rise well. Most often, these pancakes are made from wheat flour, but some housewives make a mixture of different flours and add rye, corn or buckwheat to wheat;
  • the correct consistency of the dough is very important. The splendor of the pancakes depends on this and so that they do not spread in the pan, make the dough look like thick sour cream, as mentioned above;
  • optimal food temperature. If you are going to bake pancakes on kefir, then use kefir at room temperature, you do not need to put it cold in the dough. In a warm product, soda and lactic acid interact very well, and this also affects the splendor of your culinary product and you will get fluffy and fragrant pancakes;
  • after preparing the dough, give it time to brew a little. The optimal time is from 15 to 30 minutes, do not place a bowl of dough in the refrigerator, leave it to infuse at room temperature. Remember to remove the spoon or ladle from the bowl. If you want to get delicious lush pancakes on kefir, then there is one important point: after the dough is infused, you do not need to mix it again;
  • pancake flavor. To enhance the flavor, you can put vanillin or finely chopped dill in the dough if you are making salty delicious pancakes on kefir. You can show your imagination and put dried apricots, raisins, apples or quince in pancakes. But you don’t need to put a lot of additional ingredients, otherwise it will not have a very good effect on the splendor of pancakes;
  • fat content of kefir. The fat content of the product does not affect the final result. But some housewives, when they started frying lush pancakes on kefir, noted that with more acidic kefir, pancakes come out much more magnificent and tastier.

What kitchen utensils to prepare

If you are going to make dough for pancakes on kefir, then prepare it for kneading:

  • a bowl of medium size;
  • large spoon or whisk.

For frying, take a cast-iron or heavy-bottomed frying pan and a large spatula, which you will turn over, and also remove your culinary creation from the pan.

How to fry pancakes

If you want to get fluffy pancakes on kefir, then the process of frying them is of great importance. First, heat the frying pan well, and pour vegetable oil on it. Then take a large spoon, carefully pick up the dough with it and put it on a hot frying pan.

To make pancakes on kefir tasty - they need to be fried over medium heat, cover the pan with a lid.

As soon as you see that the pancakes from the bottom have begun to brown, and holes appear on top, turn them over with a spatula to the other side.

pancake recipes

This dish is respected and loved in many families, so there are many recipes for kefir pancakes, despite the fact that the products are taken almost the same. It is worth noting that pancakes are the idea of ​​​​preparing a quick dinner or breakfast, you can also take these pancakes to work and have a snack on them at lunchtime. You can make apple pancakes on kefir, put raisins, dried apricots or something else in the dough. You can cook not only sweet, but also salty pancakes, without adding sugar to them, and add carrots, potatoes or onions to the dough.

Experiment, because every housewife can make an ordinary dish unique.

Classic recipe

If you pay attention to this recipe, lush pancakes on kefir are guaranteed to you.

First, prepare the following product components:

  • 3 glasses of premium flour;
  • 500 g of kefir of any fat content. It is advisable to take sour kefir;
  • 1-2 tbsp sugar (optional)
  • one egg;
  • sachet of vanilla sugar (optional)
  • 1 tbsp baking powder or 2 tsp. baking soda;
  • a little bit of salt.

We start cooking pancakes on sour kefir:

  1. food preparation. In a large bowl, beat the egg, put a pinch of salt and sugar in it and start beating the mixture with a whisk. Then heat the kefir in a saucepan almost to a boil, and stir it all the time. You will see that kefir will be taken in flakes, because it has curled up, but this is how it should be. Add vanilla to the pre-sifted flour and mix;
  2. start making dough. Pour warmed kefir into the beaten egg mixture in a thin stream, and stir all the time, otherwise the egg will simply curl. In the mixture you will see kefir flakes - no need to be scared. Add flour to the kefir-egg mixture and start stirring vigorously until the mass is homogeneous. At the very end, put soda or baking powder into the dough on kefir for pancakes and mix again until air bubbles run through the dough - that's right. The dough should come out quite thick and does not pour out of the spoon, but slowly flows down. You don’t need to put all the flour in the dough right away, first put two glasses, and then gradually add the rest;
  3. let's start frying pancakes. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan heated on fire. The dough should be laid out with a tablespoon. Reduce the heat and let the pancakes brown on one side, you will see a lot of air bubbles on top of them. Turn over to the other side, turn the fire on the stove, and cover the pan with a lid for a couple of minutes.

First, put the finished culinary products on a napkin so that excess fat is absorbed, but for now, prepare a bowl for pancakes on sour kefir, into which we transfer them. Cover the bowl with a bag or lid and serve fragrant pancakes with sour cream or any jam.

Pancakes with yeast

Now he will make pancakes on kefir and yeast, they need to be put instead of baking powder or soda.

Prepare these foods:

  • three glasses of sifted flour;
  • one liter of kefir;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 30 g of yeast;
  • two chicken eggs.

To prepare fritters with yeast and kefir, first warm up a little kefir and dissolve the yeast in it. Then put salt and sugar, eggs there, and at the very end, gradually add the sifted flour. Mix everything until completely homogeneous and leave the dough to rise. This will take approximately half an hour.

Now you can spread the dough with a large spoon on a heated frying pan or pancake maker and fry each pancake for two minutes.

You will get very tasty yeast pancakes on kefir and fermented kefir and yeast will add splendor to them.

Salted pancakes with yeast

To prepare yeast pancakes on kefir according to this recipe, take the following products:

  • 30 g of yeast;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 300 ml of kefir;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • one medium bulb;
  • one egg, a little soda and salt to taste.

We begin to cook pancakes on kefir. First, finely chop the onion and stew it a little in a pan with olive oil, but you don’t need to fry it much. At the next stage of cooking, knead the dough from kefir, yeast, soda, eggs, salt and flour. Place it for twenty minutes in a warm place, and when the dough rises well, add the prepared onion to it. Stir and let it brew for another ten minutes, after which you can bake pancakes on kefir in the usual way in a pan with vegetable oil. Season the finished pancakes with sour cream and you can enjoy their fragrant taste.

Pancakes with apples

Very tender and tasty pancakes on kefir with apples will be the favorite breakfast of all your household members. To prepare them, you need to take the following products:

  • three eggs;
  • 500 ml of kefir;
  • two apples. It is best to take sour varieties for apple pancakes on kefir, because sugar will go into the dough and pancakes with sourness will come out very tasty .;
  • 0.25 tsp salt and 5 g baking powder;
  • 2 tsp cinnamon (optional)
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 100 g sugar.

Do you want something interesting?

When preparing pancakes on kefir with apples, the first thing to do is to do the dough. Pound eggs with sugar and salt, then pour kefir and mix everything until smooth. Start slowly adding the sifted flour with baking powder to the mass. Mix the dough so that there are no lumps.

Now let's deal with apples: cut off the peel from them and remove the seeds, then cut into flat thin pieces. Place the chopped apples in the dough and mix well, add ground cinnamon there, it complements the apple flavor very well and you will get delicious pancakes with an amazing aroma on kefir.

Pour oil into the pan and fry the pancakes in a heated pan. Make the fire medium. Transfer the finished pancakes to a bowl and eat with sour cream.

Pancakes without eggs

You can make pancakes on kefir without eggs, and in vain some housewives think that the more eggs there are in the dough, the more magnificent the finished product will be. And the secret of pomp is not at all in the eggs, you yourself will understand this.

Required food ingredients:

  • 200 g flour and the same amount of kefir;
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 30 g vegetable oil for the dough and it is also needed for frying.

Cooking process:

  1. Let's start making dough. Find a deep bowl for pancakes on kefir without eggs and mix kefir with salt and sugar in it. Put soda and flour there. The amount of flour we indicated is approximate, we need to build on the quality of flour and the density of kefir. Knead the dough quickly with a fork or whisk. It should not have lumps.
  2. Let's start frying. Heat a heavy bottomed pan on the stove with oil. When it is ready for frying, put butter into the dough, mix quickly and put the pancakes on the pan. Cover it with a lid and cook on a small fire. Don't forget to flip the pancakes on the other side. Now you know how to make kefir pancakes without using eggs.

Pancakes with zucchini

Let's say right away that if the zucchini is very juicy, then put more flour in the dough, otherwise the pancakes will spread in the pan and their shape will become ugly, but the taste will remain good. To make pancakes from zucchini on kefir, prepare the following ingredients:

  • young medium zucchini, it should not have seeds, so old zucchini is not very suitable;
  • 1 tbsp sugar (if you want sweeter, take more sugar);
  • a glass of kefir and two eggs;
  • 6 tbsp flour;
  • ½ tsp soda and the same amount of salt;
  • for cooking - sunflower oil.

The process of making pancakes from zucchini on kefir is as follows:

  1. take a small saucepan or a deep medium bowl. Break the eggs there and put soda to them, then mix with a wooden spatula;
  2. wash the zucchini. Cut off the skin from it and rub it on a coarse grater. In a very young zucchini, you can not cut the skin. Add the grated zucchini to the bowl with the eggs and mix everything well;
  3. put all the other ingredients to the zucchini and eggs. After that, mix the mass thoroughly, and can start cooking delicious lush pancakes on kefir;
  4. pour oil into the pan and put it on the stove. When it warms up well, take a spoon and start spreading the dough in circles or ovals. After the pancakes are browned on one side, turn them over to the other and cook until golden brown.

Pancakes with cottage cheese

If you do not have enough cottage cheese for syrniki, then we advise you to make pancakes with cottage cheese on kefir, and the products will not be wasted, and there will be something to treat the family for dinner.


  • 450 g of kefir;
  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 art. flour;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • for frying - vegetable oil.

Put the baking powder in the kefir, it should boil specifically, and if the kefir has a very sluggish reaction, put a little soda there as well. Separate the whites from the egg yolks, then beat the whites with a pinch of salt, a thick foam should come out. Beat the yolks white with sugar and pour them into the curd. Kefir with baking powder is also sent there.

Mix the mass well and put a little flour into it. The dough should come out thick, it will be further diluted with proteins, which are carefully introduced into the dough at the very end.

Now let's start frying pancakes on kefir with cottage cheese, using vegetable oil for this. Take the dough out of the bowl with a large spoon and place it on a heated frying pan. Pancakes should be fried on both sides.

According to this recipe, lush pancakes on kefir will not be very sweet, but they will come out tender and fragrant, and it is recommended to serve sweet berry sauce with them.

Pancakes with pumpkin

You still do not know how to cook pancakes with pumpkin on kefir? Don't worry, the recipe for their preparation is listed below.

Ingredients for pancakes:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • 250 g pumpkin;
  • 150 g flour;
  • one egg;
  • salt and oil for frying to taste.

To prepare pancakes with pumpkin on kefir, first prepare the pumpkin itself: peel it with seeds, and then rub it on a coarse grater. Next, add an egg, kefir, salt to it, and at the very end - flour, after which we mix everything.

Preheat the pan with oil in advance and begin to spread our pancakes on it. If the dough is too thick, add more kefir to it. Fry on both sides until golden brown, when you fry on the second side - cover the pan with a lid. It is very tasty to eat such pancakes both hot and cold. Now you know how to make kefir pancakes according to this recipe.

Pancakes orange

You definitely don’t know yet how to make pancakes with orange on kefir. It will come out delicious and unusual.

Required products:

  • 1 egg and 1 orange;
  • 350 ml of kefir;
  • 70 ml of honey;
  • 4 tbsp sugar and 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • ¼ tsp salt.

Combine the sifted flour with kefir and stir. Separately, beat the egg and put it into the dough. Put the baking powder and sugar with salt there and mix. Grate the peel of the washed orange on a fine grater and also send it to the dough.

Prepare the sauce for fluffy pancakes on kefir: squeeze the juice from an orange and combine it with preheated honey and eat pancakes with this sauce.

Now you know how to cook pancakes on kefir and we hope that they will come out lush and delicious. There are a lot of recipes offered and each of them is individual in its own way.

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