Working programm. Origami circle


City Department of Education of the Administration of Chernogorsk

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional

children's education Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth

for approval Director

methodological council ________ O.P. Shishlonova

"_____" ___________2011 "______" ________ 2011

Protocol No. ______

Working programm


Direction: arts and crafts

Children age: 4-6 years old

Grigorieva Galina Viktorovna,

educator MBDOU CRR

d / s "Smile"

Chernogorsk, 2011

1. Explanatory note 3

1.1. Predicted result 6

2. Educational and thematic plan 7

2.1. Educational and thematic plan of the 1st year of study 7

learning 8

2.3. Calendar-thematic planning of the 1st year of study

children 4-6 years old 9

1 year of education for children 4-6 years old 11

3. Methodological support 18

3.1. Methods and forms of education 18

3.2. Types and forms of control 18

3.3. Criteria and parameters for assessing ZUN 19

3.4. Conditions for the implementation of the program 20

3.5. Human resources 20

3.6. Educational and methodical set (EMC) 20

4. References 21

1. Explanatory note.

Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the content of the educational process of a preschool institution and is its priority. For the aesthetic development of the child's personality, a variety of artistic activities are of great importance - visual, musical, artistic and speech, etc.

An important task of aesthetic education is the formation of aesthetic interests, needs, aesthetic taste, as well as creative abilities in children. The richest field for the aesthetic development of children, as well as the development of their creative abilities, is the art of paper folding is origami.

Program goal: To develop in children the ability to emotionally aesthetic perception of the world around them and express their attitude to what they see or experience through their work.

Program objectives:

1. Introduce in practice the basic geometric concepts (angle, side, square, triangle, diagonal, etc.).

2. Teach children to listen to the teacher's oral instructions.

3.Teach children to perform a sequence of actions.

4. Teach techniques and methods for creating various paper crafts.

5. Improve the skills of fine and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands.

6. Develop the ability to control the movements of the hands and fingers with the help of the brain.

7. Develop an eye.

8. Nurture accuracy.

The art of origami, which has existed for many centuries, is original and unique. "Origami" is translated from Japanese as folded paper ("ori" - folded, "kama" - paper).

The importance of origami for the development of a child cannot be overestimated. Any kind of creativity is useful, as it develops certain skills, qualities, and abilities in a child. But no kind of creativity can be compared with origami in its versatility. In terms of importance for the development of children, origami can be put in the first place.

First of all, origami develops the imagination, since in order to make a figure, you need to imagine how it will look, seeing only a white sheet of paper in front of you.

Origami develops imagination, as it gives a great opportunity for improvisation with paper. You can always try to make a fold in some other way, trying to imagine what will come of it.

Origami develops visual memory. Starting to fold a new product, the child is guided by the description and diagram, but after repeating these actions several times, he remembers their sequence and each next time he makes the figure faster and more accurately.

Origami develops ingenuity and resourcefulness, because an origami product cannot simply be mechanically folded. Each fold of paper is made for a reason: it forms a product.

Origami develops the hand, i.e. fine motor skills. This is especially important for a small child, since the points in the palm of your hand are directly related to the development of mental abilities. The more a child folds a paper product, the better his thinking is formed.

Origami develops mindfulness, as, adding up, you must constantly monitor your actions.

Origami develops patience, because the product can not be received immediately. For example, to get a balloon that can be inflated, it must be folded patiently, thoroughly and carefully. You can't hurry.

Unevenly folded two halves, a crookedly bent corner will immediately spoil the appearance and can even break the whole plan.

Origami builds self-confidence and self-confidence. The origami technique is simple: fold and fold, and the result is immediately obvious - a toy made by one's own hands.

So, the art of origami is an excellent educational game for a child. The long list of qualities he develops includes such as: imagination, fantasy, visual memory, quick wit, fine motor skills of hands, thinking, attentiveness, balance, self-confidence, aesthetic taste, patience, organization, sociability, the need for creativity.

The educational program "Origami" is designed for 1 year of study: the age of children is 4-6 years old. Classes are held 4 times a week; The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes, a break between classes is 10 minutes. The composition of the group is 12 people. The total number of training sessions per year is 56 hours.

Classes are organized according to the principle of an individual-personal approach. Since the circle is attended by children with different levels of development, the task is usually uneven; some have already completed the work, others are just starting, so if possible, it is necessary to deal with each child individually.

This program is modified. Based on:

    Tarabarina T.I. Origami and child development. A popular guide for parents and teachers. / - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998.

    Sokolova S.V. Origami for preschoolers: A manual for preschool teachers. - St. Petersburg. : CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2009.

    Artistic and creative activity. Origami: thematic, plot, game activities with children 5-7 years old / ed.-comp. I.A. Ryabkova, O.A. Dyurlyukova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

All classes in the program are built on didactic principles:



Systematic and consistent

Relationship between theory and practice.

The topics of the classes are designed in such a way that they ensure the consistent development and improvement of the acquired skills in children.

Particular attention during classes is paid to the knowledge and strict observance by all children of the rules of labor safety, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene.

1.1 Predicted result.

Children of 1 year of study should know:

Safety rules in the classroom;

The history of origami;

Features and different types of paper: tracing paper, cardboard, printer paper, wallpaper;

The principle of creating books, boxes;

Know the basic forms-blanks and use them (" triangle”, “kite”, “fish”, “door”, “envelope”, “double triangle”, “double square”).

Should be able to:

Perform various manipulations with paper: fold, smooth, stretch;

Use glue stick, scissors;

Consistently and accurately draw up the craft;

Appreciate your work and the work of another person;

Take care of books, objects of the objective world around us.

To track the knowledge gained in the 1st year of study, the following tasks are carried out: verification tasks. When summing up the results of the implementation of the educational program, I use such forms of work as exhibitions of creative works.

2. Educational and thematic plan.

2.1 Educational and thematic plan of the 1st year of study.

topic of the lesson

number of hours




1. Introductory lesson

2. Materials and tools.

3. "The Tale of the Square".

Folding basic forms-blanks.

4. Making crafts.


Leaves, flowers, mushrooms

Animals, birds

Christmas toys

Various crafts

5. Final lesson.


1. Introductory lesson (1 hour).

Theory: demonstration of crafts. Introduction to the history of origami art.

2. Materials and tools (1h).

Theory: Materials and tools needed when working with paper.

Practice: Acquaintance with the properties of paper, a variety of its types.

3. "The Tale of the Square" (2 hours).

Individual work.

Theory: To acquaint with the work of the circle, crafts that they will do with their own hands.

Practice: Fold basic forms-blanks and name them correctly.

4. Making crafts (51 hours).

Creative work.

Theory: looking at crafts.

Practice: Making crafts on various topics.

5. Final lesson (1 hour).

Control and verification lesson.

Theory: Lesson on the generalization and systematization of the studied.

Practice: Schematic work. Execution and execution of work.

Summing up for the year.

2.3. Calendar-thematic planning for 1 year

teaching children 4-6 years old.


topic of the lesson



Introduction to the history of origami art.

Introduction to the properties of paper.

"The Tale of the Square" (basic blank forms)

"The Tale of the Square" (continued)







Candy bookmark



"Snow Maiden"

"Father Frost"



"Snowflake - 2"


"Spruce branch with toys"



""Princess Frog"














"Mouse - norushka"

"Hut on a chicken leg"







"Beautiful fish"



"Water lily"





"My favorite origami" - final

the first year of education for children 4-6 years old.

1. Theory: Introduction to the history of origami art.

Practice: Target: Introduce the history of origami art; develop imagination; cultivate perseverance.

2. Theory:Introduction to paper properties.

Practice:Target: To acquaint children with the properties of paper, the variety of its types; teach correctly, select paper for making figures in the origami style.

3 . Theory:"The Tale of the Square" (basic blank shapes).

Practice:Target: To acquaint children with the work of the circle, crafts that they will do with their own hands. To teach how to fold basic forms - blanks (“triangle”, “door”, “kite”, “book”) and call them correctly. Cultivate interest in origami.

4. Theory:« Tale of the square» ( continuation).

Practice:Target: To fix the folding of the basic forms - blanks; teach how to fold new basic forms - blanks (“pancake”, “candy”, “envelope”, “bird”) and call them correctly. Cultivate interest in origami.

5. Theory:« Book».

Practice:Target: To consolidate with children the folding and the name of the basic forms. Learn to fold rectangles in half, combine the short sides, put white blanks into a colored part. Learn to decorate a book with an origami figure (flower). Cultivate accuracy in work, attention.

6. Theory:« Leaves».

Practice:Target: Learn to fold a square diagonally, a “triangle”, bend the upper sharp corners in different directions. Cultivate interest in the results of their work.

7 . Theory:« Flower».

Practice:Target: Contribute to the formation of good feelings for loved ones and delight them with crafts made by hand using the origami technique. Develop memory, attention.

8. Theory:« Caterpillar».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend a square diagonally; bend the corners on each part equally. Learn to draw eyes, mouth on the workpiece. Learn how to work with glue.

9. Theory:« fly agaric».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend the rectangle in half, combining the short sides. To teach children to make grass with the help of cuts on a green strip from below, to decorate a hat with white circles.

10. Theory:« House».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the skill in folding in half with a “book”, combining the short sides. Learn to put on the roof, combining the folds, gluing the details (door, windows, pipe). Cultivate a desire to help a friend sitting next to you.

11. Theory:Candy bookmark.

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend a square diagonally; bend the upper and lower corners to the intersection of the lines (basic blank "candy"). Learn how to work with glue.

12. Theory:« Snowflake».

Practice:Target: To fix the ability to fold a square with a “candy”. Continue to learn how to work with glue carefully. Raise interest in paper design.

13. Theory:« Herringbone».

Practice:Target: To teach children to fold a square in half, combining opposite corners, to bend the resulting triangle. Learn to make a Christmas tree from triangles, starting from the bottom with the largest part. Cultivate accuracy in working with glue.

14. Theory:« Snow Maiden».

Practice:Target: To teach children from the basic form of "kite" to fold the figure of the Snow Maiden. Continue learning to glue individual parts. To cultivate good feelings for loved ones, the desire to please them with a postcard for the holiday.

15. Theory:« Father Frost».

Practice:Target: continue to teach children from the basic form of "kite" to fold the figure of Santa Claus. Build independence and self-confidence. To cultivate good feelings for loved ones, the desire to please them with a postcard for the holiday.

16. Theory:« Snowman».

Practice:Target: To teach children to make a snowman's body from two rectangles. From a square of white paper - a head. Continue to learn to decorate the craft with the missing details (glue the nose - carrot, draw eyes, mouth). Raise interest in paper design.

17. Theory:« Snowflake-2».

Practice:Target: To teach children to connect parts in pairs, tucking the corner of one inside the other part. Continue to learn how to work with glue carefully. Improve the skills of small and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Raise interest in origami classes.

18. Theory:« Star».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic form of "kite". Learn to alternate colors, connect parts, applying the short side of the workpiece to the inflection line of the previous one. Cultivate perseverance and responsibility.

19. Theory:« Spruce branch with toys».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold independently the basic form of "kite". To teach children to lay out a spruce twig from blanks, to decorate a twig with folded toys. Cultivate respect for objects and materials.

20. Theory:« Clapperboard».

Practice:Target: Teach children to fold corners into a “mountain” fold. Raise interest in paper design.

21. Theory:« Pyramid».

Practice:Target: Continue to learn how to fold the basic “candy” shape and make crafts based on it. Cultivate perseverance.

22. Theory:« Princess Frog».

Practice:Target: To learn from two basic “triangle” shapes to fold the head and torso. To fix the methods of bending the lowered corners to the folds. Cultivate attention, perseverance.

23. Theory:« Bunny».

Practice: Target: To consolidate the ability to bend the square with a “book” and twice with a “kerchief”, lower the opposite corners to the center of the square, getting a “candy”. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the instructions of the teacher. Cultivate independence and attention.

24. Theory:« Bear».

Practice: Target: Learn to bend the "scarf" in half. Learn to understand that the details of the head and torso are made separately from squares of different sizes. To educate and develop the ability to control the movements of the hands and fingers with the help of the brain.

25. Theory:« heart».

Practice:Target: Continue to learn how to fold the "valley" folds. Cultivate good feelings for loved ones, the desire to please them.

26. Theory:« Kolobok».

Practice:Target: To teach children at a rectangle to bend all corners evenly. Continue to learn how to decorate the craft with details (mouth, nose, eyes). Cultivate the joy of gifts made with your own hands.

27. Theory:« Wolf».

Practice:Target: Continue to learn how to bend the square with a “kerchief”, bend one of the corners up obliquely. To fix the ability to stick a head, draw eyes. Develop an eye. Cultivate perseverance.

28. Theory:« Fox».

Practice:Target: Teach children to listen to the teacher's verbal instructions. To introduce in practice the basic geometric concepts. Cultivate accuracy in working with paper.

29. Theory:« ship».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the square diagonally, bend a narrow strip of the upper right side onto the surface of the triangle. To cultivate the ability to accurately work with paper.

30. Theory:« Hedgehog».

Practice:Target: Continue to teach children to fold the square in half with a “book”. Understand the terms: "upper corner", "lower corner". Develop children's eye. Cultivate respect for paper.

31. Theory:« Butterfly».


32. Theory:« Rybka».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the square diagonally, the resulting triangle in half. Learn to draw a tail and fins on the workpiece, cut them out with scissors. Cultivate accuracy in working with scissors.

33. Theory:« Tulip».

Practice:Target: Learn to perform the basic form of "water bomb", decorate a flower. Cultivate interest in the results of their work.

34. Theory:« frog».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the skill in folding a square diagonally. Teach children to listen to the teacher's verbal instructions. Cultivate attention.

35. Theory:« Kitty».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a square with a “book”. Learn to carefully glue the tail to the body from the wrong side. Cultivate interest in the results of their work.

36. Theory:« Chicken».

Practice:Target: To fix the ability to bend the square twice with a “kerchief”. Teach kids how to do things. Develop an eye. Cultivate accuracy in working with glue.

37. Theory:« Chick».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend a larger square in half with a “kerchief”, to fold a “kite” blank from two small squares. Develop an eye.

38. Theory:« Rooster».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend the square diagonally, fold the resulting triangle in half, bend the upper sharp corners in different directions. Cultivate the ability to aesthetically decorate your craft.

39. Theory:« mouse-norushka».

Practice:Target: Continue to learn from a larger square to fold the basic shape of the “kite”, bend the lower part, bend the corners up. Strengthen the ability to finish the missing details. Cultivate self-confidence.

40. Theory:« Hut on chicken leg».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic blank "kerchief". Continue to learn how to decorate the craft with the “window” and “leg” details. Cultivate perseverance.

41. Theory:« Rocket».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a square diagonally. Learn to bend the sharp corners of the resulting triangle up. Develop an eye. Cultivate accuracy in work.

42. Theory:« Wallet».

Practice:Target: To teach children to bend the upper and lower corners to the middle, bend the craft in half. Continue learning to decorate the craft with a pattern. Cultivate a careful attitude to objects and material (paper).

43. Theory:« Basket».

Practice:Target: To teach children to fold the basic shape of the "double triangle", bend the sharp corners of the upper triangle and insert one into the other. Continue to teach children how to decorate their craft. Cultivate accuracy when working with paper.

44. Theory:« Matryoshka».

Practice:Target: To fix the ability to bend the rectangle in half with a “book”. Teach kids how to do things. Develop creative abilities.

45. Theory:« cup».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a square diagonally. Learn to bend the sharp corners of the resulting triangle to opposite sides, insert into the resulting gap. Raise interest in the paper folding process.

46. Theory:« Puppy».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape of the "triangle". Learn to bend the upper corner of the top of the triangle back inward, open the side corners and straighten in the form of ears.

47. Theory:« Owl».

Practice:Target: Recall how the basic shape of the "kite" is formed. Learn to bend the upper triangle forward and return to its original position, make cuts along the fold line, bend the ends with a fold. To cultivate accuracy in working with paper and scissors.

48. Theory:« Beautiful small fish».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape - a double triangle. Learn to bend the triangle in half so that the tail and fins are symmetrical, cut out the tail and fins with scissors. Cultivate attention, accuracy.

49. Theory:« Crane».

Practice:Target: Learn to fold the basic “double square” shape, put the halves inward along the intended folds. Develop an eye. Cultivate the joy of crafts made with your own hands.

50. Theory:« box».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to bend the rectangle in half the “door”, learn to pull the strips making the figure voluminous. Cultivate interest in origami.

51. Theory:« Water lily».

Practice:Target: Teach children how to fold the basic “pancake” blank, continue to teach them how to use glue carefully. Cultivate the ability to aesthetically decorate your craft.

52. Theory:« Tumbler».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic blank "kerchief". Learn to decorate your craft with an applique (glue: eyes, nose, mouth, buttons; draw hair). Cultivate interest in origami classes

53. Theory:« birdie».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic blank "kerchief". Learn how to make your own craft. Cultivate accuracy in work, attention.

54. Theory:« Swan».

Practice:Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a double triangle. Learn to bend the upper sharp corners to the top, forming a square, cut out curly wings. Develop creative abilities.

55. Theory:« Elephant».

Practice:Target: Teach kids how to do things. Cultivate interest in working with paper.

56. Theory:« My favorite origami». – FINAL .

Practice:Target: To consolidate the techniques and forms of origami learned in the classroom. Improve the skills of small and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Cultivate interest in the results of their work.

3. Methodological support.

3.1. Methods and forms of teaching.

For efficiency, methods such as:

    verbal (story, explanation, encouragement);

    visual (demonstration of samples, demonstration, performance of work);

    practical (making crafts).

Forms and types of classes:

  • practical;


    occupations of fixing ZUN;

    control and verification lesson (final).

3.2. Types and forms of control.

The control of acquired knowledge of skills and abilities (ZUN) is carried out three times a year: introductory, current, final.

Introductory - observation, conversations, interviews with children.

Current - oral questioning, analysis of mistakes made, personal exhibitions.

Final - final lesson, exhibitions, collective creative work.

Interview - form of input and current control. It is carried out in order to thoroughly identify the educational and creative level of children, their interests and characteristics, both when entering an educational association, and at individual stages of mastering the program. The interview can be conducted in the form of an individual conversation, as well as in a collective form: for example, in the form of a survey.

Survey- an integral part of the oral knowledge test, carried out in a question-answer form.

Competition of creative works - form of final (sometimes current) control. It is carried out with the aim of mastering a certain level of educational content, the degree of preparedness for independent work: identifying the most capable and talented children.

Exhibition - a form of final control, carried out in order to determine the level of skill, culture. Techniques for the performance of creative products, as well as for the purpose of identifying and developing creative abilities in children. The exhibition can be personal or collective in different areas of additional education. The exhibition is a tool to encourage children.

According to the results of the exhibition, the best participants can be awarded a diploma.

3.3. Criteria and parameters for assessing ZUN


    tool ownership;

    knowledge of symbols for reading diagrams (ability to work with diagrams);

    craft manufacturing technology;

    craft decoration.


Low level:

    the child does not respond to the point;

    practical work is done carelessly, does not meet technological requirements.

Average level:

    reveals the main questions, but allows for inaccuracies;

    practical work is not entirely successful, not aesthetic, careless.

High level:

    easy to navigate in the studied material;

    able to connect theory with practice;

    The work was done with quality and precision.

3.4. Conditions for the implementation of the program.

For the full implementation of the Origami program, material and technical conditions are necessary: ​​a separate office with good lighting, comfortable tables, chairs according to the number of children. Demonstration board for showing diagrams. Racks for the exhibition of samples and finished products. Due to the insufficient material base, parents (legal representatives) acquire material for work for children throughout the school year.

Classes in the circle of 1 year of study are held 4 times a week for 2 hours, the number of children in the group is 10-12 people. During the year, ZUN control is carried out: introductory, current and final.

3.5. Human Resources.

The program is implemented by a teacher with a pre-school pedagogical education, who is qualified as an educator.

3.6. Educational and methodical set (EMC).

To implement the program, an educational and methodological kit (EMC) has been developed. It includes:

    folder with samples of finished products;

    a folder with diagrams of basic forms-blanks;

    methodological literature: books on "Origami" (the set of teaching materials is with the teacher).

4. List of references.

1. Tarabarina T.I. Origami and child development. A popular guide for parents and educators. / - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998.

2. Sokolova S.V. Origami for preschoolers: A manual for preschool teachers. - St. Petersburg: DETSVO - PRESS, 2009.

3. Sokolova S.V. Origami for the little ones: A guide for educators. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2009.

4. Artistic and creative activity. Origami: thematic, plot, game activities with children 5-7 years old / ed. I.A. Ryabkova, O.A. Dyurlyukov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

5. Bogateeva Z.A. Wonderful paper crafts: Book. for educators children. kindergarten and parents. - M .: Education, 1992.

6. Nagibina M.I. From plain paper we make like magicians. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy, Co.: Academy Holding, 2000.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

"Department of Education of the Executive Committee

Nurlat municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 1 "Spring" of a general developmental type" Nurlat RT


Pedagogical Council MADOU No. 1

"Rodnichok", Nurlat, Republic of Tatarstan

Minutes No. __ dated "__" _________ 2014


Head of MADOU No. 1

"Rodnichok", Nurlat, Republic of Tatarstan

"___" _____________ 2015

WORKING PROGRAM OF THE CIRCLE "In the world of origami"

Educator: Ilyina A.A.

Nurlat 2015


The program of additional education "Origami" is the author's program of artistic and aesthetic orientation, created on the basis of methodological manuals of the following authors: Bogoteeva Z. A., Kutsakova L. V., Zhikhareva O. M., Sokolova S. V., Serzhatova T. V. ., Stupak E.A. and etc.

“The origins of children's creative abilities and talents at your fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought. In other words: the more skill in the child's palm, the smarter the child.Sukhomlinsky V.A.

Today's time makes its own adjustments to the development of preschoolers. The most effective is the knowledge that is achieved as a result of joint communication, games, as a result of awareness of the result of one's activity, fantasy.

The proposed program is designed to implement work to familiarize children with the art of origami in a preschool educational institution.

Program goal:

Familiarization of children with the art of origami, comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering the elementary techniques of origami technique, as an artistic method of designing from paper.

Program objectives:


Introduce children to basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes;

To form the ability to follow oral instructions;

Teach different techniques of working with paper;

Introduce children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc. Enrich the child's vocabulary with special terms;

Create compositions with products made using the origami technique.


Develop attention, memory, logical thinking;

Fine motor skills of hands and eye;

Artistic taste, creativity and fantasies of children;

Ability to work with hands, accustom to precise finger movements;

Spatial imagination.


Interest in the art of origami;

Expand the communication skills of children;

Contribute to the creation of game situations;

To improve labor skills, to form a culture of work, to teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use material, to keep the workplace in order.


Origami is the addition of various shapes from multi-colored square sheets of paper. These colored sheets of paper themselves are also called origami in Japanese. The availability of paper as a material, the ease of its processing attract children. They master various techniques and methods of working with paper, such as folding, folding, cutting, gluing.

Origami activates thought processes. In the process of construction, the child needs to correlate visual symbols (showing folding techniques) with verbal ones (explaining folding techniques) and translating their meaning into practical activities (independent performance of actions).

Origami classes are a kind of psychotherapy, they contribute to an increase in the activity of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, since they require simultaneous control over the movements of both hands, the skills of small and precise movements of the fingers of both hands increase, creative thinking is activated, its speed and flexibility increase, spatial imagination, vision.

Origami improves the labor skills of the child, forms a culture of work.

Origami contributes to the creation of game situations. This is an excellent method of fairy tale therapy. Having folded animal figurines out of paper, children join in the dramatization game according to a familiar fairy tale, become fairy-tale heroes, travel to the world of flowers, etc. And this is not all the advantages that the magical art of origami contains.

In the process of folding origami figures, children will get acquainted with the basic geometric concepts (angle, side, square, triangle, etc.), while the vocabulary is enriched with special terms. Children will be able to easily navigate in space and on a sheet of paper, divide the whole into parts, which is necessary for preschool children. In addition, children learn a lot of new things related to FEMP.

The simplest ways to design crafts are based on the ability to fold a square in half, vertically or diagonally, and successively bending the paper first along and then across, trimming the sides to opposite corners.

According to many authors, these activities are accessible to preschool children. Also, do not forget that origami develops fine motor skills of the hands, and, consequently, speech (the speech center and the center that controls small finger movements are located next to each other in the human brain, mutually influence each other).

The program indicates the main goals and objectives of training. The program introduces the necessary equipment for practicing joint activities. Will help bring children into the world of origami art with the help of historical information and facts.

The program presents methodological recommendations for familiarizing and teaching children with origami, taking into account their age characteristics. The program contributes to the development of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for studying at school.


The program "In the world of origami" is designed for 1 year.

Children's age 5-6 years.

Classes are held once a week, from September to May, in the afternoon. Classes are held on Thursdays and Fridays depending on the work schedule.

Lesson duration 25 - 30 minutes.

Year of study

Number of lessons

per month

Number of children in the group

Number of lessons per year


Program implementation forms

The implementation of the program involves the implementation of specially organized classes, during which children gain knowledge and skills on the topics studied.

General lesson plan

Almost all classes are built according to the same plan. Each lesson usesadditional material: poems, riddles, psychological studies, breathing exercises, information about the alleged subject of folding.

Preparation for the lesson (installation to work).

Repetition of the past (identification of basic knowledge and ideas):

repetition of the name of the base form;

repetition of the actions of the previous lesson;

repetition of the rules for using scissors, glue, safety rules.

Introduction to the new topic:

riddles, poems that reveal the topic of the lesson; encyclopedic information about the subject of the lesson (stories about the life of animals, birds, insects; interesting stories, fairy tales, etc.);

sample display;

examination of the sample, analysis (names; shape of the main part);

repetition of folding rules.


Program implementation principles:

The principle of visibility . It assumes a broad presentation of the visualization corresponding to the studied material: illustrations, samples, diagrams.

Sequence principle. It involves planning the studied cognitive material sequentially (from simple to complex), so that children learn knowledge gradually.

The principle of entertaining - the studied material should be interesting, exciting for children, this principle forms in children the desire to perform the proposed types of activities, to strive to achieve results.

Thematic planning principle material involves the presentation of the studied material on thematic blocks.

The principle of personality-oriented communication . In the learning process, children act as active researchers of the world around them together with the teacher, and not just passively adopt his experience. Partnership, complicity and interaction are the priority forms of communication between a teacher and children.

Technical skills instilled in children in the process of getting to know and making origami:

    Handling scissors.

    Square processing.

    Creating the basics (basic forms) of origami.

    Applique origami design.

    Compilation of creative compositions.

Practical part:

Showing the process of making crafts by the teacher (work according to the scheme, technological map, depending on the level of training and the formation of skills);

independent production of products by children according to a text plan, technological map;

design, decoration of the toy, gluing it to the background or to the composition;

analysis of work by children (accuracy, correctness and consistency of execution, rational organization of working time, compliance with safety regulations, creativity, originality, aesthetics).

Working with parents:

Provides for regular individual counseling, holding parent meetings, joint work of parents and children in order to familiarize parents with the features of origami, how to make crafts, etc. A cycle of consultations has been developed on the following topics:

“What is “origami”?”, “Developing the imagination”, “DIY crafts”, “Mind at your fingertips”.


During the circle "In the world of origami", according to this program, children learn:

    independently make and know the basic basic forms of origami "book", "door", "triangle", "kite", "pancake", "candy"; "square".

    will know the basic geometric concepts and basic forms of origami;

    learn to follow oral instructions, create origami products

    will create compositions with products made in the origami technique;

    develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination;

    get acquainted with the art of origami;

    navigate on a sheet of paper;

    be able to draw lines;

    carefully and carefully smooth out the fold lines;

    be able to decorate your craft, add missing details (eyes, mustaches, etc.);

    achieve the final result;

    independently and fairly evaluate the final result of their work and the work of their peers.

In terms of preparing children for school, working with origami is also valuable in that through this activity, important qualities of children are formed:

    ability to listen to the teacher;

    accept a mental task and find a way to solve it;

    reorientation of children's consciousness from the final result to the ways of implementation;

    development of self-control and self-esteem;

    awareness of one's own cognitive processes.

Children show great interest in origami. It is possible to satisfy children's cognitive interests, improve the skill of designing from paper as part of circle work. Mastering various basic forms of origami by children will allow children to feel bolder, more spontaneous, and will give complete freedom for self-expression.

The practical significance of this circle is great. You can decorate a group, a playground with the work of children. Children can present their crafts to employees, children, parents. From the best works it is possible to organize exhibitions.

Topic name

Total 36 hours


Transformation of the square "House"

Acquaintance with the basic elements of folding in the origami technique: folding a square in half, diagonally, find the center of the square, folding it diagonally and in half, bend the edge of the sheet to the middle, defining it by bending the square in half, diagonally, bend the corners of the square to the center .

Develop creative imagination, landmark on the plane, attention, memory

"What is the door for?"

by design

Little hedgehog

To teach children how to fold a hedgehog from a rectangular sheet of paper; consolidate the skills of folding a sheet in different directions, ironing the folds;

In the autumn forest

(collective panel).

Autumn leaves


Exercise children in the ability to recognize geometric shapes; to consolidate the ability to get rectangles, triangles and smaller squares from a square; introduce the manufacture of the simplest crafts using the origami technique by folding a square diagonally (the basic shape is a “triangle”);

exercise in the free choice of paper color when making a frog; teach the techniques of decorative decoration of crafts with applique; to cultivate perseverance, accuracy


Greeting card "Happy New Year"

Invite the children to make a greeting card for their parents, using the ability to make snowflakes, Christmas trees, twigs, Christmas decorations. Keep learning how to compose

"In a certain kingdom, a paper state"


Wintering birds, pigeons

    Make a card with the children as a gift for dad. Learn how to make paper crafts with your own hands. Develop fine motor skills, attention, creativity and imagination of the child. Improve skills and ability to work with origami.

The ability to fold the airplane according to the scheme, develop fine motor skills of the hands

Congratulatory "Postcard-eight" for mothers.

by design

by design

Invite the children to make crafts using the previously acquired knowledge. Repeat basic shapes.

"Underwater kingdom".

(final lesson)

Develop fine motor skills of the child.
Develop the child's creative abilities through the creation of applications

Final lesson

Making an exhibition of the best works for the period of study.

Development of communication skills and the ability to reconcile their interests with the interests of other children. Fair assessment of the results of their work and the work of peers.

Complex-thematic work plan of the circle "In the world of origami"


Topic name

Number of hours

Types of learning activities

Class equipment

Sample works

Introduction to the art of origami


Introduce children to the art of origami. Develop attention, memory, speech.

To fix the basic geometric concepts, the properties of a square, to determine the location of angles, sides.

Learn to fold a rectangular sheet of paper diagonally, cut off the excess part, getting a square

Show the variety of types of paper, its properties (different colors, thin, thick, smooth, rough, easily torn, wrinkled).

Tell about the variety of types of paper crafts, show ready-made samples.

Ready-made paper crafts (quilling, frog, plane, boat), colored paper of different sizes.

Transformation of the square "House"

Learn to fold the square in half, diagonally, find the center of the square, folding it diagonally and in half, bend the edge of the sheet to the middle, determining it by bending the square in half, diagonally, bend the corners of the square to the center.

Develop creative imagination, a landmark on the plane, attention, memory.

Making a product of children's creativity "House" Acquaintance with the main basic form "book". Turning a square into a house (imagination development).

mobile didactic game,

reading the poem "Cat's House".

Graphic samples of basic forms: "book", "triangle", "kite" (table), colored paper of different sizes.


What is the door for?

Introduce the basic shape of the "door".

Working out the main element of folding - bend the edge of the sheet to the middle, determining it by bending the square in half (hand-eye)

Folding the house (lesson number 2), folding the door, gluing the door to the house.

Consider illustrations from fairy tales, pictures depicting houses (multi-storey, wooden houses). Conversation.

Samples of the basic form "door"

Colored paper of different sizes, diagrams, glue, scissors, napkins

by design

Invite the children to make crafts using the previously acquired knowledge. Fix the basic shapes: "square", "triangle".

Colored paper of different sizes, diagrams, "Autumn" folder.

Little hedgehog

Teach children to fold a hedgehog from a rectangular sheet of paper;

consolidate the skills of folding the sheet in different directions, ironing the folds;

cultivate perseverance and respect for the material (paper

Organizational moment "Letter from a hedgehog", riddles, conversation. Making a hedgehog figure using origami technique .

cards with the image of a hedgehog (A4 format); "Letter from a hedgehog"; paper rectangles (side length in a ratio of 1: 2); colour pencils

In the autumn forest

(collective panel).

Show how you can make trees with crowns of various shapes, using the basic elements of folding (fold the edge of the sheet to the middle, defining it by bending the square diagonally, bend the corners of the square towards the center) and the basic shape of the "door" (trunk).

Production of a collective panel. Learn to place your craft without disturbing the others by finding the appropriate place. Development of attention, memory, landmark on the plane.

Making a product of children's creativity, reading a cognitive story, talking, examining, showing, playing exercises.

Production of a collective panel.

Ready-made tree forms, samples. Colored paper in different sizes and colors; glue, scissors, napkins.

Relaxation music.

Autumn leaves

Teach children from the basic square shape to fold and cut leaves, the correct use of scissors.

Contribute an album with illustrations "Autumn"; consider dried beautiful leaves; p / and "Leaf fall".

Tinted paper yellow, orange; scissors, simple pencil. Relaxation music


to consolidate the ability to get rectangles, triangles and smaller squares from a square;

exercise in the free choice of paper color when making a butterfly; teach the techniques of decorative decoration of crafts with applique; to cultivate perseverance, accuracy

Making a product of children's creativity, reading a poem, a story, playing exercises, examining, showing.

three squares 8x8 cm in size: two blue and one light blue, one brown square 6x6 cm in size; glue, napkin scissors for each child. Samples of different butterflies.


To form the skills of creating figures in the technique of origami.
Develop fine motor skills of the child.
the ability to beautifully, neatly fold the figure. develop imagination

Making a product of children's creativity, working in groups, reading a poem on a given topic. Origami step by step.

Paper of different colors, 20+20 sizes; markers. The basic shape is a square, a simple pencil.



exercise in the free choice of paper color when making a frog; teach the techniques of decorative decoration of crafts with applique; to cultivate perseverance, accuracy.

N. Sladkov's story "Zhaleikin and the Frog", illustrations for the story. Practical implementation of origami.

Two-sided green origami paper, felt-tip pens.


develop fine motor skills.

To form the ability of children to fold a sheet of paper in different directions, in different ways. Develop constructive thinking, creative imagination, artistic taste.

The story about the "hare", illustrations, riddles. Making a product of children's creativity. Origami step by step.

Double-sided white and gray paper, scissors, diagrams, felt-tip pens.



Based on visual samples, show children various ways to make paper snowflakes. Invite the children to make their favorite snowflakes using graphic patterns to decorate the group.

A letter is read from the parrot Kesha; Making a product of children's creativity, conversation. physical education on the topic. Production of applications from finished works.

Operational card, letter from a parrot, "Snowflake" for a demonstration, 6 sheets of square-shaped paper (5x5) for each child, circles one white with a diameter of 2 cm and blue with a diameter of 1 cm, glue stick, oilcloth, wet napkin, tape recorder, soft music CD

greeting card

Invite the children to make a greeting card for their parents, using the ability to make snowflakes, Christmas trees, twigs, Christmas decorations. Continue learning how to compose.

Making a product of children's creativity, reading a story, looking at posters and postcards on a New Year's theme.

Colored paper of different sizes, scissors, diagrams, glue. Posters and postcards on the New Year theme, blue cardboard, green squares and rectangles (velvet), different sizes, glue, foil stars.


In some kingdom, in a paper state

To interest children in making paper crafts using the origami technique, to introduce some of them; continue to introduce the history of origami art

Making a product of children's creativity, conversation

Colored paper of different sizes, schemes, folder "Winter Fun".


Disassemble the sequence of making a snowman figurine according to the scheme. Invite the children to make their own craft. Strengthen the ability to fold basic forms.

Making a product of children's creativity, guessing riddles, showing, examining, talking

Colored paper of different sizes, schemes, glue, scissors, decorations (beads, sparkles, etc.)

Wintering birds, pigeons

To acquaint children with the simplest form of making a dove, from the basic shape of a square, the ability to correctly fold and smooth lines.

Show illustrations on this topic, learn the counting rhyme. The initial stage of making a dove.

Tinted paper of different colors in size, a simple pencil, felt-tip pens.


Greeting card for the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

    Make a card with the children as a gift for dad. Learn how to make paper crafts with your own hands.

    Develop fine motor skills, attention, creativity and imagination of the child.

    Improve skills and ability to work with origami.

Making a product of children's creativity, step-by-step execution for the teacher. Postcard design.

    colored paper 13x21 (for a shirt), 3x6 (for a tie);

  • half colored cardboard;

    PVA glue;



The ability to fold the airplane according to the scheme, to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Making a product of children's creativity, examining, showing, reading a poem, talking

Tinted paper of different colors, felt-tip pens, oyura.

Congratulatory "Postcard-eight" for mothers

To expand the ability of children to create a composition, applying the skills acquired early. Exercise in cutting out round pieces of paper, squares of the same size; to consolidate the ability to fold a sheet of paper in a certain direction, to compose an image on a sheet.

To develop aesthetic perception, imagination and creativity, the ability to use previously learned origami techniques, applications.

Socialization - role-playing game "Mothers and Daughters";

The development of speech - did. the game "Call it affectionately", the conversation "How we help mothers".

Hood. - aesthetic development - reading poems about mother, about the holiday of March 8; viewing illustrations on the topic; listening to the song "Mom - the first word" from k. f. "Mother".

Colored cardboard for the background, colored paper, scissors, a simple pencil, glue, glue brush, flower shaped composters, white paper


Recall the ways of folding the basic form "book", "Triangle". Based on it, teach how to make a simple flower shape, Fix the stretching technique, to add volume to the figure

Making a product of children's creativity, reading a poem.

Colored paper of different sizes, diagrams, scissors, glue,

by design

Invite the children to make crafts using the previously acquired knowledge. Develop fine motor skills and imagination. The ability to properly bend and smooth the lines of the sheet. Fix basic shapes: "Book", "triangle", "square"



To consolidate the ability of children to fold the basic shape of the "double triangle

Based on it, make a “rocket” figurine. Exercise in the decorative decoration of crafts.

Making a product of children's creativity, making riddles, showing, examining, talking, discussing, reminding

Colored paper in different sizes, diagrams, glue, scissors

by design

Invite children to make crafts using previously acquired knowledge. Repeat basic shapes.

Making a product of children's creativity, conversation, finger gymnastics.

Colored paper of different sizes, schemes, scissors, glue, cardboard, felt-tip pens

"Underwater kingdom".

Creation of a three-dimensional appliqué with origami elements.
Develop the skills and abilities to create a three-dimensional application. To form the skills of creating figures in the technique of origami.

Develop fine motor skills of the child.
To develop the creative abilities of the child through the creation of applications.

On the 1st and 2nd lesson, the manufacture of fish, 3 design of the application. During the lesson, a conversation takes place, illustrations of the underwater kingdom are shown, ready-made samples of underwater heroes; finger gymnastics.

A3 paper, scissors squares of different sizes (5x5.6x6.8x8)., glue, wax crayons.

Final lesson

Making an exhibition of the best works for the period of study.

Development of communication skills and the ability to reconcile their interests with the interests of other children. Fair assessment of the results of their work and the work of peers

Ready crafts made of paper, collective applications.

Exhibition of our works. Summing up the circle "In the world of origami".


library stock book print :

    Bogateeva, Z. A. Wonderful paper crafts: Book. for educators children. kindergarten and parents. / BEHIND. Bogateeva.– M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

    Dorogova, E.Yu. Dorogov, Yu.I. Secrets of origami for preschoolers./ E.Yu.Dorogova, Y.I.Dorogov. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008, - 224 p.

    Zhikhareva, O. M. Origami for preschoolers. / Summaries of thematic classes and demonstration material for working with children 5-6 years old in a preschool educational institution // O. M. Zhikhareva. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2006.-48s.

    Serzhatova, T.B. "Origami. For the whole family”, / T.B. Serzhantov. - M., "Moscow-press", 2009.

    Sokolova, S. V. Origami for preschoolers: A methodological guide for preschool teachers / S. V. Sokolova. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2007.-64 p., color incl.

    3 . "The Origami Way":

    - printed manuals: tables, diagrams, basic forms of figures, demonstration albums, cards, pictures, ready-made samples.

    - screen, musical aids: audio recordings, slides, a collection of relaxation music.

    - educational and practical equipment :

    • Paper: color from the set; for the background: drawing and drawing, wallpaper, velvet, cardboard.

      Scissors (for processing a square, applicative additions).

      Glue (for additional origami applicative processing).

      Napkins: paper, fabric.Working oilcloth for applicative processing of origami. Brushes.


Evgenia Smirnova
The program of the origami circle "Paper Fantasies" for the middle group

Additional educational origami mug program« paper fantasies»

Explanatory note

Art origami known from ancient times. It first originated in China - the birthplace of paper. It later spread to Japan. « Origami» translated from Japanese - "ori" - paper, "kami"- fold.

Currently, many are fond of folding from paper. As a teacher, I was interested in this type of activity because in the process of this work, children develop manual skills, visual coordination, readiness of the hand for writing. Spatial imagination develops, interest in knowledge appears the world around. This type of creativity develops logic, fantasy, memory. Origami activates thought processes.

From a young age, children have a pronounced interest in learning. surrounding peace through research: I want to touch everything, crush, tear. The latter is especially relevant to such material as paper. How do adults react to this natural desire of the baby? Mostly prohibitions: cannot be torn paper You can't ruin books. Practice and theory are in conflict. Everyone wants the child to develop, but it is desirable "without casualties and destruction". This desire to break or, at best, crush paper observed in children for quite a long time.

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child's connection with the leading spheres is established. being: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal values. Curiosity develops, interest in creativity is formed.

Program additional education origami mug« paper fantasies» is program artistic and aesthetic orientation.

IN program there are cross-subject links with other educational areas. So, studying the basics of materials science, children use the knowledge gained in directly– organized activities of the educational field "Communication. Speech development». When making products according to ready-made schemes, working on a composition, knowledge from the areas “Artistic creativity. Drawing", “Knowledge. Mathematical Development».

Relevance of use origami in the educational process is primarily associated with the possibility of using it as facilities development of fine motor skills of the hands. Usage origami provides good finger training, promotes the development of hand movements, develops accuracy, coordination of small finger movements. As you know, all this stimulates the development of speech in children. In addition, for young children, finger training is important in terms of developing basic elementary skills, such as dressing and undressing, fastening and unbuttoning buttons, manipulating a spoon, scissors. In older preschoolers, finger training prepares the hand for writing.

Implementation period programs:1 year

Target programs:

Introduce children to a new technique for folding figures from origami type paper.

Comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of preschool children.

Tasks programs:


Introduce children to basic geometric concepts and basic shapes origami;

Teach children how to work with paper: bending, multiple folding, notching, gluing.

Learn to concentrate, stimulate the development of memory.

Learn how to properly organize your workspace.


To cultivate an aesthetic attitude to reality, hard work, accuracy, perseverance, patience, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, mutual assistance in the performance of work.

Cultivate an interest in art origami.


Develop the ability to work with hands, imaginative thinking, attention, fantasy, Creative skills;

Develop memory, attention, spatial imagination;

Develop cognitive and research activities.

Develop independence and accuracy.

Forms of work:

reading thin. literature;

individual work;

group work;

collective creative work;

work with parents.

exhibition design.

Methods and techniques.

verbal method: game moment, conversation, story, artistic word, questions clarifying suggestive problematic cognitive.

Information-receptive: examination, reminder, partial demonstration, sample, explanation, accompanied by a demonstration based on landmark symbols, verbal instructions for performing work.

reproductive: performing activities with children, with pronunciation, the joint action of the teacher with the children.

Research: independent work of children.

Stages and main activities in the development of art origami

Preparatory stage. Tasks.

For educators: introduce children to art origami, to create a unified educational space for kindergarten and family to solve the problem.

For children: learn what is origami.

For parents: get acquainted with program, to interest the child in the manufacture paper toys.

Main stage. Tasks.

For educators: to teach children the art origami introduce them to the graphic language origami, develop creative imagination, cognitive and speech activity, offer homework to parents.

For children: learn how to fold the simplest ones yourself origami according to the scheme, arrange them in a small panel, create your own toys, learn to think creatively, collect your own album of crafts.

For parents: keep children interested in origami. Stimulate non-standard and interesting solutions, help children with homework.

The final stage. Tasks

For educators: organize a presentation of children's work, show the results of children's creativity. Assess parent involvement.

For children: prepare creative works, present them.

For parents: present albums with family crafts for presentation.

Diagnostic tasks based on the results of development origami mug programs« paper fantasies»

The ability to make simple crafts, following the teacher's show.

3 - High level - does the work independently

2 -Average level - performs the work with a little help from the teacher

1 - Low level - performs work only with the help of a teacher

The ability to decorate your craft by adding the missing details

3 - High level - does it yourself,

2 - Average level - does with little help from the teacher

1 - Low level - can only be done with the help of a teacher

Ability to navigate the sheet paper

3 - High level - does it yourself,

2 -Average level - does with the help of a teacher.

1 - Low level - does only with the help of a teacher

Formation of a culture of work and improvement of labor skills. Assessed skills: organize your workplace, rationally use the necessary materials, the accuracy of the work.

1 - High level - knows how to organize his workplace, rationally uses the necessary materials, accurately performs work.

2 -Average level - does not know how to organize his workplace, rationally uses the necessary materials, does not accurately perform work.

3-Low level - does not know how to organize his workplace, does not rationally use the necessary materials, does not accurately perform work.

Classes mug are held once a week.

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes.

Calendar - thematic planning mug« paper fantasies» V middle group.

1."Merry Triangle"

Target: To teach children to fold a triangle from a square, combining opposite corners, ironing the resulting fold line. Develop fantasy. (E. Cherenkova, « Origami for kids» PAGE 23)

2. "Dog"

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge of animals. Learn to fold a triangle from a square, bend the corners in one direction, creating ears. Develop fine motor skills. (T. I Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 43)

3. "Butterfly"

Target: To consolidate the ability to fold a triangle from a square, combining opposite corners, smoothing the fold line. Learn to bend the resulting opposite corners in different directions. Arouse a desire for creative design of crafts. (Tarabarina T.I. « Origami and child development» page 35)

4. "Waiting for guests"

Target: Introduce the technique of folding a square in half in a straight line. Arouse the desire to decorate your craft. (I. V. Novikova "Construction from kindergarten papers» page 18)

1. "Autumn Carpet" teamwork

Target: Create an emotionally creative environment. To teach children to bend small and large angles, creating the image of a leaf, beautifully placed on the sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate a sense of community.

2. "Fungus"

Target: To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability of children to fold a square, getting a rectangle and a triangle. Clearly smooth out fold lines. Learn how to use scissors safely. After the explanation, offer to independently perform crafts - a mushroom. (Tarabarina T.I. « Origami and child development» page 33

3. "Bird"

Target: Learn to fold two circles in half, smoothing the fold line. Connect them and add details. develop creative fantasy. (N. Alekseevskaya "Magic Scissors" page 156)

4. "Christmas tree decoration"

Target: Teach children to fold a circle in half, iron the fold line, find half of the circle that needs to be lubricated with glue and glued with half of the other circle. Develop a sense of rhythm. (I. V. Novikova "Construction from kindergarten papers» page 36)

1. "Call for a goat"


Learn to glue a cone from a semicircle. Decorate with a strip paper with a circle. (N. Alekseevskaya "Magic Scissors" page 72)

2. "Beautiful Snowflake" 2 lessons

Target: Introduce children to the basic shape of a kite. develop creativity and fantasy collecting snowflake from parts. Use glue carefully. (S. V. Sokolova « Origami for preschoolers» page 54)

3. "Christmas Tree"

Target: To consolidate the ability to fold the basic shape of a triangle. Arrange the resulting triangles one after the other, starting with the largest. Decorate the Christmas tree with colored lanterns, prepared by twisting soft paper. Develop fine motor skills, fantasy and creativity. (T. I. Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 33.)

1. "Aquarium fish"

Target: Strengthen the ability of children to fold the basic shape of a triangle, combine sharp corners, carefully smooth out fold lines. Remember the rules for the safe use of scissors. Decorate with an applique. Develop attention, creativity. (T. I. Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 37.)

2. "Snowman and Christmas Tree" 2 lessons

Target: To form the skills of doing crafts from stripes paper. Connect the edges of the white stripes and convert them into two balls - a snowman, make green ones "droplets"- Christmas tree branches. Develop the ability to find strips of equal length. Cultivate patience and perseverance. (I. M. Petrova "Magic Stripes" page 13)

1. "Ship"

Target: Recall getting the basic shape of a triangle. Teach children to bend part of the triangle, carefully smoothing the fold line, turn the bent part outward. Develop attention, artistic taste in the design of crafts. (T. I. Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 49)

2. "Chick"

Target: To form the skills of doing crafts from stripes. Connect the edges of the strips and connect in the form of a chicken, adding details. Cultivate perseverance, creativity fantasy.

3. "Airplane"

Target: Improve the skills of neat addition of a square into a triangle, clearly smooth out fold lines. Learn to bend corners in opposite directions. (T. I. Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 41

4. "Cat"

Target: Learn to fold a cat based on the basic shape of a triangle, ironing the fold lines. Learn to bend corners. Cultivate perseverance.

1. "Flowers for Mom" 2 lessons

Target: To teach children to make a composition of flowers, which are made of two snowflakes connected in pairs and leaves - connected in droplets. Develop artistic taste, a sense of color. Arouse the desire to work independently. (I. M. Petrova "Magic Stripes" page 15)

2. "Mouse"

Target: Teach children to fold a mouse from a triangle diagonally, then again diagonally, bend the ear. Learn to draw nose and eyes. Develop imagination. (S. V. Sokolova " Origami for the little ones)

3. "Flower - seven-flower"

Target: Remember the sequence of performing the basic form of a kite, strives for independent implementation. Fix the name of the parts of a flowering plant. Generate a desire to do the work yourself. To develop purposefulness, imagination, artistic taste. (S. V. Sokolova « Origami for the little ones» page 18.)

1. "Merry Frog"

Target: Teach kids how to fold frog: fold a triangle from a square, bend sharp corners towards each other so that the ends intersect and bend the same needles in opposite directions. Develop attention, perseverance. Make an applique craft. (T. I. Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 39)

2. "Glass"

Target: Teach children to fold a cup using known addition techniques, carefully smooth out fold lines. Develop attention, fine motor skills of hands, memory. (T. I. Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 55)

3. "Butterfly of stripes"

Target: Learn to connect the strips paper in the form of droplets and stick them to the cardboard base, forming a butterfly. Learn to find strips of equal length. Cultivate perseverance. (Kazimer Lubkowska "Let's do it ourselves" page 101)

4. "Kite"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the basic shape of a kite, bend the corners to the fold line. Develop attention, perseverance. Make an applique craft. (T. I. Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 66)

1. "Bunny"

Target: Teach children how to fold a bunny using a basic triangle shape, use scissors carefully. Listen carefully to the explanation of the sequence of the crafts. Develop fine motor skills. (T. I. Tarabarina « Origami and child development» page 47)

2. "Spring Flower"

Target: Based on the basic triangle shape, teach how to make tulip buds, leaves. Learn to compose. Develop artistic taste, imagination, attention. (E. Cherenkova « Origami for kids» page 28)

3. "Bindweed"

Target: Learn to fold the basic shape of a pancake, bending the edges to the middle of the sheet. Roll up a corrugated sheet paper, cut the ends and insert into the notch of the square. Cultivate perseverance. (Kazimer Lubkowska "Let's do it ourselves" page 104)


1. Petrova M. I. "Magic Stripes" St. Petersburg "Childhood - press" 2005 Page 13.15.

2. Tarabarina T. I. « Origami and child development» Development Academy 1997 Methodical recommendations, summaries of classes.

3. Sokolova S.V. « Origami for the little ones» St. Petersburg "Childhood - press" 2010 Methodical recommendations, summaries of classes.

4. Novikova M. I. "Construction from kindergarten papers» Development Academy 2009 pp. 18.36.

5. Alekseevskaya I. "Magic Scissors" publishing house "Sheet" 1998 Page 72,156.

6. Kazimierz Lubkowska "Let's do it ourselves" Moscow "Education" 1983 Page 101.104.

7. Cherenkova E. « Origami for kids» Ripol Classic 2010 Guidelines, pp. 23,28,30.

8. Program"Birth to School" Mosaic - synthesis 2015

"The Origins of Creativity"
and gifts of children at their fingertips.
From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest
streams that feed the source of creative thought.
In other words: the more skill
in a child's palm, the smarter the child.
Sukhomlinsky V.A.

Explanatory note.

Origami is the art of folding various figures out of paper, which originated in Japan in ancient times. Despite deep historical roots, origami is not something frozen. It is actively developing now and not only in Japan, but throughout the world. Hundreds of thousands of people in different countries devote themselves to the study of this art with enthusiasm, repeating old patterns and creating new forms.

Most often, origami is taught to children in kindergartens, elementary schools and various circles. And this is due to the fact that origami has great potential in the development of the child. The availability of paper as a material, the simplicity of its processing attract children. They master various techniques and methods of working with paper, such as folding, folding, cutting, gluing.

Based on these operations, children develop the ability to work with their hands under the control of consciousness, fine motor skills of the hands improve, finger movements become more accurate, and the eye develops.

In addition to the above, origami contributes to:

    concentration of attention, as it forces you to focus on the manufacturing process in order to get the desired result;

    development of constructive thinking of children, their creative imagination, artistic taste;

    stimulation and development of memory, since a child, in order to make a craft, must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and methods of folding;

    familiarizing children with basic geometric concepts (angle, side, square, triangle, etc.), while enriching the vocabulary of the child's special terminology;

    activation of thought processes. In the process of construction, the child needs to correlate visual symbols (showing folding techniques) with verbal ones (explaining folding techniques) and translating their meaning into practical activities (independent performance of actions).

    improving the labor skills of the child, forming a culture of work;

    creating game situations. Having folded animals out of paper, children join in a dramatization game based on a familiar fairy tale, make a journey into the world of flowers, etc.

    the use of such a technique as a report on the work done, preliminary oral planning, work on a technological, step-by-step map contributes to the development of speech, planning skills, and the ability to consistently perform work.

And this is not all the advantages that the magical art of origami contains.

Cspruce: to teach elementary school students use the means of expressiveness of the origami language in their own artistic and creative activities.


    organize the work of children in observing, comparing, comparing and analyzing spatial forms, depict objects of various shapes, use simple forms to create expressive images in artistic design based on the use of origami capabilities;

    organize the work of children in pairs and in small groups for the manufacture of products;

    To develop psychological contact between teacher and students.

    To introduce the basic techniques of origami;

    Expand vocabulary and horizons through thematic conversations;

The program is designed for four years of study. The first year of study - the circle is attended by students of the 1st grade, the second year - 2nd grade, the 3rd year - 3rd grade, the fourth year - 4th grade. Classes are held once a week for 40 minutes.

Methodological substantiation of the program

The program involves the organization of joint work of children with a teacher, as well as their independent creative activity. The place of the teacher in the activities of teaching children, working with paper, changes as children develop mastery of design skills. The main task at all stages of mastering the program is to promote the development of initiative, invention and creativity of children in an atmosphere of aesthetic experiences and enthusiasm, joint creativity of an adult and a child.

The program provides for the teaching of the material in an "ascending spiral", that is, a periodic return to certain techniques at a higher and more complex level.

All tasks correspond in complexity to children of a certain age. This guarantees the success of each child and, as a result, fosters self-confidence.

Considering that the figurative representations of schoolchildren are significantly ahead of their practical skills, it is supposed to use game-exercises, exercises in color science, and tasks that enrich the vocabulary of children. Informative material, small in volume, interesting in content, is given both before the construction of toys and during work. Ready-made crafts are played up, used to create complex compositions on the themes of literary works, for a plot-figurative game.

The performance of creative tasks on the themes of fairy tales serves to develop the imagination and fantasy of the children, allows not only to identify individual creative abilities, but also to solve moral and ethical problems in a figurative form. When completing the task, students are tasked with determining the purpose of their product.

Using the knowledge gained, the guys already in the first year of study create their own designs, without using patterns and templates. Ready-made patterns deprive the creativity of the one who uses them, leaving behind him the right only to mechanical performance.

Collective work is indispensable for uniting a team, developing creative projects, acquiring communication skills, for a natural children's exchange of experience in an atmosphere of friendship and trust, openness.

The program provides for participation in competitions and exhibitions. This is a stimulating element necessary in the learning process.

General lesson plan .

Almost all classes are built according to the same plan. Each lesson uses additional material: poems, riddles, information about animals, birds, insects, etc.
1. Preparing for the lesson(installation to work, pay attention to the tools and materials lying on the desk).
2. Repetition of the past(identification of basic knowledge and ideas):
repetition of the name of the basic form (module, types of modules);
repetition of the actions of the previous lesson;
repetition of the rules for using scissors, glue, technical rules
3. Introduction to the new topic: riddles, poems that reveal the topic of the lesson; encyclopedic information about the subject of the lesson (stories about the life of animals, birds, insects; interesting stories, etc.);
sample display;
examining the sample, analysis (names; shape of the main part; additional parts, their pairing and location in relation to the main one; method of connecting parts; finishing the finished figure);
repetition of safety regulations.
4. Practical part:
showing the teacher the process of making crafts (work according to the scheme, technological map, depending on the level of training and the formation of skills);
verbalization by students of some stages of work (decoding of the scheme: “What am I doing here?”);
text plan (if the craft consists of several parts);
independent production of products by children according to a text plan, technological map;
design, decoration of the toy, gluing it to the background or to the composition;
analysis of the student's work (accuracy, correctness and sequence of performance, rational organization of working time, compliance with safety regulations, creativity, originality, aesthetics).

Allegedresults of the program implementation:

Must know:
What is origami;
The history of origami;
Basic working methods, a way to fold the base triangle.
Name, purpose, rules for using hand tools for processing paper, cardboard, and other materials.
Techniques for folding modules;
Safety regulations;

Should be able to:
Select paper of the desired color;
Use drawing tools, scissors:
Mark up a sheet of paper;
Use the scheme, technological and operational map;
Collect toys - "origamushki";
Analyze the sample, analyze your work;
Compose a composition of ready-made crafts.
To be able to beautifully, expressively aesthetically competently design a toy.

Students must master the skills to:
Paper sheet markings;
Folding base module

Monitoring the success of the program.

Tracking the success of the program implementation will be carried out using an evaluation sheet, where the indicators will be:

    Formation of planned skills;

    Knowledge of operations and concepts of origami subjects;

    Evaluation of children's crafts (compiling albums of finished crafts, folding books with photographs of works, holding exhibitions, participating in children's art competitions at the municipal and regional levels).

1 class


Topic name

Number of hours


Preparing for creativity

Materials and tools

Bunny fashionista.


The king of birds.

Products. In the garden and in the garden.



Craft Exhibition

Master Class

Approximate thematic lesson planning

Grade 2


Topic name

Number of hours


Preparing for creativity

Materials and tools

origami modules. triangular module.

origami modules. Kusudama module "Superball"

origami modules. Shamrock module

Products. Wings, paws and tails.

Ruddy swan.

Mini swan.

White Swan.

Swan with back and white tail.

Owl and penguin.

Craft Exhibition

Master Class

Approximate thematic lesson planning

3rd grade


Topic name

Number of hours


Preparing for creativity

Materials and tools

origami modules. triangular module.

origami modules. Kusudama module "Superball"

origami modules. Shamrock module

Products. In the garden and in the garden.


Orange and apple.

Snowdrops in a vase.

Cactus with yellow flowers.

Cactus with orange flowers.

Basket with flowers.

Craft Exhibition

Master Class

Approximate thematic lesson planning

4th grade


Topic name

Number of hours


Preparing for creativity

Materials and tools

origami modules. triangular module.

origami modules. Kusudama module "Superball"

origami modules. Shamrock module

Products. In the garden and in the garden.

Fly agarics.

Water lily.

Products. Journey to a fairy tale.

Christmas tree and snowflake.

Father Frost.


Malvina and Pierrot.

Magic cake.

Good luck ship.

Old castle.

Craft Exhibition

Master Class

Methodological support of the program:
1. Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu. Paper toys. St. Petersburg, "Litera", 1997
2. Afonkin S.Yu., Afonkina E.Yu. Flowers and vases origami. St. Petersburg, "Crystal", 2002
3. Bogateeva Z.A. Wonderful paper crafts. M, Enlightenment, 1992
4. Bogatova I. Origami. Flowers. "Martin", 2007
5. Water L., Em G. Origami - miracles from paper. "Phoenix", 2004
6. Gonchar V.V. Modular origami. Iris-press, 2008
7. Internet resources: ,

Explanatory note

The program of additional education "The Magical World of Origami" is a general cultural modified program of artistic and aesthetic orientation. Origami lessons allow children to satisfy their cognitive interests, expand awareness in this educational area, enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activities in the process of mastering the program.

The value of origami for child development

Teaches children various techniques for working with paper, such as folding, folding, cutting, gluing.

It develops in children the ability to work with their hands, teaches them to precise finger movements, they improve fine motor skills of the hands, and the eye develops.

Teaches concentration of attention, as it makes you focus on the process of making crafts, teaches you to follow oral instructions.

Stimulates the development of memory, since a child, in order to make a craft, must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and methods of folding.

Introduces children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc., while enriching the child's vocabulary with special terms.

It develops spatial imagination - it teaches you to read the drawings according to which the figures are folded and to represent products in volume according to them, it helps to develop drawing skills, since the diagrams of the products you like need to be sketched in a notebook.

Develops the artistic taste and creativity of children, activates their imagination and fantasy.

Contributes to the creation of game situations, expands the communication skills of children.

Improves labor skills, forms a culture of work, teaches accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use material, and keep the workplace in order.

When teaching origami, much attention is paid to the creation of plot-thematic compositions that use products made using the origami technique.

Organizational principles

The program "The Magical World of Origami" is addressed to students in grade 5.

Taking into account the age of the children and the novelty of the material, for the successful mastering of the program, lessons in the classroom should be combined with the individual assistance of the teacher to each child.

Classes are held once a week.

Purpose of the program

Origami lessons are aimed at the comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of younger students, and increasing the effectiveness of their education in high school.

Program objectives:


Introducing children to basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes.

Formation of the ability to follow oral instructions, read and draw diagrams of products.

Learn how to work with paper.

Application of knowledge gained in the lessons of familiarization with the outside world, technology, fine arts and others, to create compositions with products made in the origami technique.


Development of attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, spatial imagination.

Development of fine motor skills of hands and eye.

Development of artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.


Raising interest in the art of origami.

Expanding the communication skills of children.

Formation of a culture of work and improvement of labor skills.

Distinctive features of this program

In the process of learning, it is possible to adjust the complexity of tasks and make changes to the program, based on the experience of children and the degree of assimilation of educational material by them.

The program includes not only origami training, but also the creation of individual and collective plot-thematic compositions that use products made in the origami technique.

During origami lessons, to relieve the excessive excitability of children, create a relaxed and creative atmosphere, I suggest using recordings of wildlife sounds and music. As a result, children have an alignment of psychomotor processes, a change in their behavior, and an improvement in personal relationships. After all, everyone knows that music affects the emotional state and mood of a person.

Forms and methods of teaching

During the lessons, various forms of lessons are used:


combined and practical classes;



competitions and others.

As well as various methods:

Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:

Verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, lecture, etc.);

Visual (showing video and multimedia materials, illustrations, observation, showing (performing) by a teacher, working on a model, etc.);

Practical (performing work on instruction cards, diagrams, etc.).

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

Explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information;

Reproductive - students reproduce the acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity;

Partial search - the participation of children in a collective search, the solution of the task set together with the teacher;

Research - independent creative work of students.

Methods based on the form of organization of students' activities in the classroom:

Frontal - simultaneous work with all students;

Individual-frontal - alternation of individual and frontal forms of work;

Group - organization of work in groups;

Individual - individual performance of tasks, problem solving and others.

Expected results

As a result of this program students:

- learn different ways of working with paper;

- will know the basic geometric concepts and basic forms of origami;

- learn to follow oral instructions, read and draw product diagrams; create origami products using instruction cards and diagrams;

– will create compositions with products made in the origami technique;

- develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.

- learn the art of origami;

- master the skills of work culture;

– improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

Ways to fix results

Attestation of students at the beginning, middle and end of the year

Drawing up a diagnostic map "Evaluation of the results of the development of the program."

Implementation summary forms

additional educational program

Compilation of an album of the best works.

Exhibitions of student work:

- in class,

- At school

1 .Introduction (1 hour).

Acquaintance with the subject of "Origami", its basic forms, conventional signs.

Workplace organization. The program and hours of origami classes.

2 .Tools and fixtures (1 hour).

Acquaintance with the types of paper, tools necessary for classes, safety precautions when working with scissors, glue.

3 .Basic "triangle" shape. Making a kitty Alyska.
Fold the base shape "triangle" from the square and put it like this,

so that the right angle is at the bottom left. Fold the triangle in half. Bend the left vertical side to the intended line. Open and flatten the pocket (its left and right parts should be the same). Bend down two small triangles (the fold lines are quite arbitrary). Bend the “crown” of the figure back. Bend the right side so that the right corner falls into the left right corner. Bend the right side back as far as the paper will allow. The fold line forms a right angle with the base of the figure. Turn the tail to the right, bending it along the intended line. Raise the triangle of the "nose" up. Bend all the way to the sides of the future "ears". Fold back two small triangles. Slightly straighten the figurine so that it stands steadily on the table.

4. Production of the product "Ship".

Cut out a square from colored paper. Bend the square diagonally and turn it 135 0. Draw a line. Bend the edges outward along the marked line. Cut along the indicated line. Color the boat.

5. Making a product "frog".

Cut a square out of paper and fold in half. Mark the middle line. Fold along the marked folds, bend the corners along the lines. Fold along the lines. Mark a fold, open. Release the corners down, bend the corners. Make a crease zipper. The frog is ready.

6. Making a product "hare". Fold half of the basic "water bomb" shape and turn the figure over. Fold the sides to the center line. Bend along the indicated lines. It turns out two folds "valley". Inflate the product.

Production of a product "fox".

From the square, fold two valley folds. Fold in half. Fold all layers of paper from left to right. Concave while pulling the top layer of paper to the left. Flip the result. Bend inward "mountain". To uncover. The product is ready.

7 .Manufacture of the "dove" product.

Fold the base shape of the "triangle" and lay it at a right angle up. Lower the upper part down so that the right angle is below the base of the figure (determine the bend line by eye). Fold up only one layer of paper so that the right angle is above the top edge of the figure. Next, bend the figure in half (left side to the right) and turn it with future “wings” down. Raise the “wings” in front and behind (pay attention to which points the fold line passes between). Bend inward "beak".

To get the classic "duck" model, you need to fold the basic "kite" shape and bend the top corner to the border of color and white.

Raise up the sharp corner that is in the center (the position of the fold line is definitely indefinite). Bend the figure in half back and turn slightly. Grab the future "neck" with your fingers and pull it. New fold lines will appear at the bottom. In the same way, pull the "beak". The duck is ready.

8 .Introduction to the basic form of "fish" (1 hour).

Mark a diagonal crease. Bend the top sides to the center line. Bend the bottom sides to the center line. Bend the square along the other diagonal. Fold along all the marked lines. On the sides of the figure, make two "ears" and bend them up. The result is the basic shape of the "fish".

9 .Independent work. Students make products and make up a collective composition.

10. Making a snowflake.

Bend the square in half. Align the left side with the right side. Upper fold the right corners to the lower left corners. cut triangles andovals. Open figurine. The product is ready.

11 .Product "bird of happiness".

The basic form is "bird". Fold two folds "valley". Repeat on the other side. Draw two lines. Bend inward and to the side on both sides. Form a beak, lower the wings. The product is ready.

12. Production of the product "cockerel".

13. Production of the product "aircraft".

Mark the center line. Bend the corners. Bend back in half and unfold. Fold one wing in half. On the other hand, do the same. The plane is ready.

14. Production of the product "grasshopper".

Cut out a square from colored paper. Fold along the line, fold again along the line. Fold the side corners in the center. Bend in half in the center and turn 90 0. Slightly bend back the wings. Draw eyes with a marker. The grasshopper is ready.

15. Diagnostics based on the results of the 1st half of the year. Creative work of children.

16-17. Making a product "swan". Preparation of modules.

Cut out a rectangle and fold it in half. Bend along the lines. Fold each part towards the center, hide the corners. The module is ready.

18-19. "Base of the Swan".

Gather 18 modules together, bend the base inside out. Assemble two rows of modules. The base of the swan is ready.

20-21. "assembly of a swan".

Divide the base in half. Separately assemble the right wing, separately the left. Make a neck and tail. Paint the beak with black varnish, glue the eyes with beads on PVA glue. The swan is ready.

22 .Production of the application "Mom's holiday".

Using the learned knowledge, students show their creativity, make a gift for mothers.

23. Production of the product "bear in the north".

24 .Manufacture of the "crow" product.

Mark two diagonals of the square and turn it over. Mark the lines for the basic fish shape, bend the top and bottom sides to a vertical line. Bend the bottom half of the square back. Bend out the right half of the resulting triangle along the intended line. Check the result and bend the left half outward in the same way. Lower one upper triangle down. Bend the two resulting triangles along the indicated lines to the horizontal crease. Similarly, fold the triangles in the other direction. Bending the whole figure in half back, pinch the top triangle so that you get a “roof”, and the bottom one so that you get a “boat”. The product is ready.

25 .Modular origami. Making a crown.

Fold the base triangle shape and fold it in half. Bend the left and right sharp corners to the middle of the base of the figure and turn it over. Fold four such modules, lay them out on the table in a row, roll them into a ring, insert the right sharp corner of the last module inside the first. The sides of the future crown will be bent at right angles.

Crown product.

Fold the base pancake shape and flip it over. Left and rightbend the sides to the central vertical, while pulling outside triangles. Fold over four corners. Bending as plannedlines, fill the corners under the central triangles. revealingturn the figurine over. Fix all right angles along the folds by drawing fingers on the sides of the crown.

26. Manufacturing of the product "ship".

Cut out a square from colored paper. Bend the square diagonally and turn it 135 0. Draw a line. Bend the edges outward along the marked line. Cut along the indicated line. Color the ship.

27. Production of the product "Racing machine".

Mark diagonals, lines, flip. Draw lines. Fold the square in half diagonally. Fold the zipper folds. On the reverse side, do the same. Bend one corner down along the line. Draw lines. Bend the figure in half back. Fold your head forward along the marked lines. The crow is ready.

28. Production of the product "glass with a ball".

Cut out a square from colored paper. Bend lines, outline a line. Match the dots and flip. Match dots. Hide the triangle in your pocket. On the reverse side, do the same. The glass is ready.

29. "Olympic medal".

Cut out 8 squares from paper. Draw lines and flip. Combine the points - you get the basic shape of a "double square". Mark lines only on the top layer of paper. Peel off only the top layer. Fold along the lines only the top layer of paper. The module is ready. Insert one module into another, pre-lubricating the second module with glue. So collect all the modules. Glue or staple a string or braid. The medal is ready.

30 .Manufacture of the product "Santa Claus".

Put the basic kite shape with a sharp corner down and bend the left half back. Bend the top small triangle in half. Bend the lower large colored triangle, the fold line almost cuts off a third of the side and makes a right angle with it. Bend inward the lower triangle along the intended line. Bend out the future tail along the line. Bend the future wings to the left in front and behind. Bend the future neck inward (the fold line starts inside the figure). Bend the triangle inward, stepping back a little from the edge. Bend inward the future beak so that both the beak and the comb are obtained. Bend the lower right corners inward at the front and back. The product is ready.

31. Making a product "chicken".

Cut out a square from thick colored paper. Draw lines 4 times and flip. Fold along all the folds at once - a “double square” is formed at the corners. Flip. Bend all corners to the center. Bend the outer corners along the lines up. Lift the middle corners and glue together to form a handle. To improve the rotation of the spinning top, make 2 “slide” folds on its lower surface.

32. Manufacture of the product "mask".

Cut out a square from colored paper. Draw diagonals. Fold the corners to the center, you get the basic shape of the "pancake". Flip. Fold the corners to the center - another "pancake". Flip. Make folds and turn over. Place a finger of the right hand in each corner pocket and connect them. Get a muzzle. Color the muzzle with a felt-tip pen.

33 . Final lessons. Manufacture of products at will, studied in a year.

34. Exhibition of children's works.


    Elena Stupak Origami. Games and competitions. M, 2009.73s.

Calendar - thematic planning.

Lesson topic

Number of hours


Introduction. Introduction to the history of origami

Tools and fixtures

"Rabbit", "Kitty".

"Ship", "Glass".

"Frog", "Pilotka".

"Bunny", "Fox".

"Dove", "Duck".

"Fish", "Horse".

Independent work


"The Bird of Happiness".


"Airplane", "Box".


Diagnostics based on the results of the 1st half of the year.

Swan. Preparation of modules.

Swan base

Swan collection.

"Bear in the north"




"Racing car".

"Glass with a ball"

"Olympic medal"

"Father Frost"


Work on a free topic: "What we have learned in a year."

Exhibition of children's works.

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