Ryan Gosling opens up about the 'difficulties' of living with young children. Ryan Gosling: biography, personal life, photos, videos Ryan Gosling is dating now


Ryan Gosling is often referred to as one of America's most desirable men. It cannot be said that he is a model of standard beauty, or, say, the owner of a brutal appearance. Nevertheless, many girls would prefer to get this particular blonde with his unique look and smile as their lovers.

Although the actor's track record has many roles where he flawlessly plays his characters, it was only in The Notebook that he fully revealed himself as a charming hero of girlish dreams. Not long after the release of this film, the public and critics were already ready to give him the status of a Hollywood sex symbol. But he cannot be called a new Casanova, since he approaches the choice of his partners thoroughly and with taste.

Sandra Bullock (2002-2003)

Gosling's first known romance happened with Sandra Bullock, who at the time was 38 years old. Ryan himself at that moment was 21 years old, which, in general, did not prevent a spark of passion from flaring up between him and Sandra. The relationship began after the film "Murder Count", where they played a police officer and a suspect. In one scene, Gosling's character, a juvenile delinquent, had to seduce a law enforcement officer played by Bullock. The actress recalled Gosling's words when he improvised: "He said: please don't be mad at me when the scene is over. It was exciting and enjoyable. I like it". Later, the actor admitted that he was captivated by Sandra from the first moment they met: "Don't say that I'm in love with her - I'm fascinated by her." Bullock was able to appreciate the charm of young Ryan, but after a year they ended the relationship. Gosling got a role in The Notebook, a film that was destined to play a significant role both in the actor's career and in his personal life.

Rachel McAdams (2004-2007)

The real melodrama, which received recognition from the audience and was awarded all sorts of prizes (even such as "best kiss" and "best screen chemistry"), did not end for Gosling and Rachel McAdams on the screen, but continued in the lives of the actors. Although, in fact, during the filming, everything was not so simple. Ryan and Rachel often quarreled, constantly finding moments in which they strongly disagreed with each other. So what we see in the film is the result of their excellent performance, and not a natural manifestation of feelings. It even got to the point that Gosling demanded that the director replace Rachel with another actress. But he didn't give in.

But the hatred of the star couple gave way to no less passionate love, and it was time for a romantic relationship for them - at the end of filming, they began to meet. Alas, love did not last long and three years later the actors broke up, maintaining friendly relations. During numerous interviews, Gosling called Rachel his muse, the woman of his life, the standard of beauty and best friend. He considers his meeting with her to be one of the best events of his life.

Kat Dennings, Blake Lively, Olivia Wilde (2009, 2010, 2010)

In 2009 and 2010, the actor, whom the tabloid People began to call "Hollywood's hottest bachelor", spent in search. He was credited with several affairs with actresses who worked with him. At first, the rumors took over Kat Dennings, who was seen with Gosling at Disneyland on a date. Then it was Blake Lively's turn. Here, however, the only evidence was the conversations of eyewitnesses. And very soon, Ryan was eyeing Olivia Wilde, which gave rise to a new wave of rumors.

He also played a love duet with Emma Stone twice (“This Stupid Love” and “Gangster Squads”), but this relationship did not go beyond the movies.

Eva Mendes (2011 -)

With his last chosen one, with whom Ryan meets to this day, Eva Mendes, everything turned out in the best traditions of cinema - the relationship that developed on the screen ("The Place Beyond the Pines") imperceptibly flowed into real life behind the scenes. The fact that Eve turned out to be older than Ryan surprised no one. Unlike past unions, this couple tried to limit information about the relationship, so for a long time no one seriously believed that this time everything was for a long time. Moreover, about three years ago, Eva stopped accompanying him on the red carpet.

At Cannes, at the film festival, where Gosling presented his directorial project, she was not there either. The public was sure that the couple broke up. In fact, everything turned out to be much better: Mendes had to disappear from view due to pregnancy. Two years ago, she and Ryan had their first child, a daughter whom they named Esmeralda Amada (Spanish for “beloved emerald”), and in the past, another daughter, Amada Lee Gosling.

Ryan Gosling was born into a family far from the world of cinema and had no connection with the creative professions. The boy's mother, Donna, was a secretary, and his father, Thomas, worked at a paper mill. But there was almost no paternal support in Ryan's life: his parents divorced when he was a few years old. The mother single-handedly raised Gosling and his older sister Mandy and, I must say, was not soft with children. Donna was a very religious woman, a follower of Mormonism, but Ryan was the complete opposite in her disposition - the boy was restless, constantly bullying at school. Relations with classmates did not stick: Ryan often became the subject of ridicule and until the age of 14-15 he could not make friends in any way. Gosling even spent one year at home schooling, his mother gave him lessons. But this, according to Ryan, did him good: during this year he learned to be independent.

The dream of becoming an actor came to Ryan after he saw the movie "Dick Tracy" with Warren Beatty and Al Pacino. From an early age, he often took part in public events: he sang at weddings with his sister, performed at talent contests, and at the age of 12 he got into the cast of the famous Mickey Mouse Club. In this television program, Ryan starred for two years along with Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and other future stars. After that, he returned to his native Canada and starred in local television series such as Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Goosebumps and others.

Actor career

At the age of 17, Ryan Gosling left school to devote himself entirely to acting. Gosling traveled to New Zealand to film the adventure series The Youth of Hercules. But this was the last television project that the young actor then agreed to. He wanted to try himself on the big screen and play a more serious character.

It all started with an appearance in the film Fanatic, in which Ryan got the role of a young neo-Nazi Jew. Gosling's performance was praised by critics, and the picture received one of the main awards at the American Sundance Film Festival. Nevertheless, neither this role, nor the next few - in the films "Countdown of the Kills" and "The United States of Leland" - did not bring him real success.

The public recognized him thanks to the film The Notebook, in which Ryan starred in 2004. Together with Rachel McAdams, they acted out a romantic story based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. The picture was loved all over the world. And although she did not win serious awards, she collected more than $ 100 million at the box office alone. Ryan and Rachel received the MTV Movie Awards for Best Kiss.

The Notebook paved the way for Gosling to Hollywood. He starred in Stay with Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor, and then in Half Nelson, which brought the actor an Oscar nomination in the Best Actor category. Fracture and Lars and the Real Girl were Gosling's last three-year hiatus.

Gosling experienced this pause hard: as the actor himself admitted, without work, he fell into depression. But Ryan's return to films brought even more success to Ryan: for example, thanks to the film Valentine, he received a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor in a Drama. This was followed by the tapes "This - stupid - love" with Mila Kunis (also, by the way, brought Ryan a Golden Globe nomination) and "The Ides of March", filmed by George Clooney. In 2013, he made his directorial debut with How to Catch a Monster, starring Christina Hendricks.

In addition to cinema, Ryan is engaged in music. In 2008, together with his friend Zach Shields, he created the Dead Man's Bones group and released an album. In addition, Gosling is associated with the restaurant business. The actor is a co-owner of Tagine, an institution that specializes in Moroccan cuisine.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

In 2002, Ryan Gosling began dating, who played with him in the Kill Count. They stayed together for only a year, and in 2004 the star began an affair with Rachel McAdams, who played the role of his lover in The Notebook.

The actor also had relationships with Famke Janssen, Jamie Murray and Blake Lively.

Ryan Gosling drove more than one Hollywood beauty crazy. He had affairs with Sandra Bullock and Rachel McAdams, Olivia Wilde and Famke Janssen. However, since 2011, there has been only one woman in Gosling's life - Eva Mendes. More precisely, two are still their common daughter Esmeralda. And when choosing films, a movie star does not rely on external data: she prefers different roles in order to show her talent more vividly. He can handle both dramatic images (“The Place Beyond the Pines”), and lyrical (“Diary of Memory”), and comedy-sexual (“This Stupid Love”).

All photos 13

Biography of Ryan Gosling

Ryan was born into an ordinary Canadian family: mother Donna worked as a school secretary, father Thomas worked at a paper mill, the couple already had an older daughter, Mandy. Ryan himself was by no means a good boy: he constantly fought with classmates, sometimes he was beaten mercilessly. Parents, unable to withstand all this disgrace, took their son to home schooling: from the fifth to the ninth grade, Gosling studied on his own.

At the age of 13, Ryan Gosling got on the popular American TV show The Mickey Mouse Club. There he performed with other talented teenagers who later became real stars: Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears. The guy was noticed and began to be invited to the television series. First for filming in episodes, but already in 1997 the first main role appeared - in the television series "Youth of Hercules".

As a film actor, Ryan Gosling was remembered after the film "Fanatic" (2000), where he played the main character - a Jewish skinhead who beats his relatives and at the same time is reverent about the holy book of the Torah. The next significant project was the murder countdown detective (2002): Gosling reincarnated as a brazen, unscrupulous guy who, together with a friend, killed an unfamiliar girl. Sandra Bullock played the role of a police officer investigating the murder.

In 2004, viewers saw a lyrical nature in Ryan Gosling: the melodrama The Notebook based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks was released. The film was planned to be directed by Steven Spielberg, but could not due to a busy schedule. As a result, Nick Cassavetes took over the job. The role of the protagonist Noah, who loved one woman throughout his life, Gosling stole from his colleague in the Mickey Mouse Club Justin Timberlake. The success of the film brought the actor popularity among girls around the world and the fame of one of the main heartthrobs of Hollywood.

This was followed by two roles of unbalanced men: in the thriller Stay (2005), Gosling played a suicidal student, and in the drama Half Nelson (2006), a drug addicted teacher. In Fracture (2007), Ryan Gosling once again proved his acting skills to himself and others. The thriller is built on the confrontation between Gosling's hero - a young prosecutor and Anthony Hopkins' hero - a murderer who successfully covered up the traces of the crime. Critics and viewers noted that Gosling did not lose at all next to Hopkins. And the “heavyweight” actor himself admitted in an interview that he had not met such talented guys as Ryan for a long time.

Gosling continues to give out one or two major roles a year: a motorcycle racer in "Drive", an aspiring robber in "The Place Beyond the Pines", a charming womanizer in the comedy "This Stupid Love" ... The only exception was 2014, when Ryan Gosling tried himself in a new as a director, screenwriter and producer of the fantasy film How to Catch a Monster. However, he did not abandon his acting career, to the delight of his fans. Continues to replenish the list of interesting roles.

Ryan Gosling's personal life

The actor is well aware of his sex appeal. He even beat her in the comedy "This Stupid Love": according to the plot, his hero seduces girls with a simple trick - he offers everyone to repeat the number from "Dirty Dancing".

The first high-profile romance happened on the set of "Kill Count": in 2002, Ryan began dating Sandra Bullock. The couple was not embarrassed by the age difference - 16 years, but the relationship gradually faded away by itself. The "Diary of Memory" brought not only fame, but also a new love - the lead actress Rachel McAdams. Crew members complained about the frequent scandals between Gosling and McAdams, but on the screen, the love between the actors is visible to the naked eye. It did not end even after filming: Ryan and Rachel were together for four years - until 2007. Then too different characters nevertheless made themselves felt, the former lovers fled. At the same time, Gosling continues to play in the Dead Man's Bones group with Zach Shields, whom he met thanks to Rachel: both met with the McAdams sisters.

Actresses again became Gosling's chosen ones: he met with Famke Janssen in 2007-2008, with Jamie Murray in 2009-2010. But shooting in the film "The Place Beyond the Pines" in 2011 made Ryan Gosling an exemplary family man. Of course, not the shooting itself, but the romance that began during them with Eva Mendes. The heroine of Eve gave birth to a son from the hero Ryan. The plot almost coincided with real life: in September 2012, the common daughter of Gosling and Mendez was born, who was named Esmeralda Amada. In honor of the baby, the actor made a tattoo on the fingers of his left hand - the first four letters of her name. And on April 29, 2016, the couple had a second daughter, Amada Lee. Now Gosling admits in an interview that he has found happiness and harmony. All he wants is to be home as soon as possible, where his wife and daughters are waiting for him.

Burning Eve is fed up with her husband spending too much time with his La La Land co-star Emma Stone.


Gosling and Mendes are a very private Hollywood couple. They are not inclined to give any information about themselves. And Eva even managed to hide her two pregnancies.

And now there is information that not everything is fine in their family. Allegedly, Mendes is jealous of his common-law spouse for Emma Stone, with whom he kisses and dances on the screen. And off the screen - spends a lot of time on various presentations related to the film "La La Land".

Simply put, Eva is trivially jealous of her beloved. Apparently not without reason! On the other hand, she is an actress herself and understands that real and screen love are different things.


"Ryan continues to insist that there is only a working relationship between him and Emma and plans to prove it soon," an insider told Radar Online.

If you believe the informant, then the actor plans to prove his feelings for his wife by the most effective method: he wants another baby. However, Eva fundamentally does not like this idea.

"She's fed up with Ryan turning the kids into a mechanism to solve any family problem," Eve's source said.


The actress does not want to become a woman with three children, who stays at home all the time, while her star husband travels the world in the company of seductive beauty colleagues. By the way, they are still not painted ...

Recall that at the ceremony "Golden Globe" Ryan Gosling received an award as the best actor. In his speech, he thanked Eva and his babies.

“While I was singing, dancing, playing the piano and generally participating in one of the best projects in my life, my beloved looked after our daughter, carrying our second daughter, and helped her brother fight cancer ...


If she hadn't taken all this upon herself while I was busy filming, someone else would have definitely stood in my place today. Honey, thank you. And thanks to our daughters, Amada and Esmeralda," Ryan said.

The artist also said that he dedicates this victory to the late brother of Eva. They say that while he was delivering his speech, many star ladies in the hall shed tears.

It is curious that the relationship between Gosling and Mendes has been going on for five years. Not everything was simple for them, once Eva declared that she was a childfree. But it seems that love and the birth of children have greatly changed both her and the windy Gosling.

The films in which Ryan Gosling starred have long been marked with a quality mark, so if you meet his name in the list of actors in the picture, you can safely enjoy watching it. This fact makes you want to know more about your favorite artist, about his biography and filmography. After all, there is always a chance to fish out an unknown detail or watch an unknown film with his participation.

The thirty-six-year-old actor was born on November 12 in London, but in his Canadian version, in a suburb of Ontario. From early childhood, the restless energy of the guy pushed him to various achievements, which at the moment has led to a large number of worthwhile film works, nominations for a significant number of prizes and awards, which in total exceeded 100 pieces.

In addition to success in the acting field, Ryan managed to create his own musical group and release a number of tracks.

Such a versatile artist requires a closer look at his life. Indeed, during his life Gosling has achieved considerable heights in both acting and musical work, as well as in building his business. And although his path was not so simple, now he is a significant and revered character in his field.

Some biographical information

Born in a small suburban town of Ontario, the boy began his difficult journey. Ryan's dad (Ray) was a salesman and his mom (Donna) was a secretary. Both of them were employees of a paper mill. Their work schedule was tight and they spent most of their time at work. The first child in their family was the girl Donna, who is the artist's older sister.

In the 80th year, a charming baby was born, who was given the name Ryan Thomas Gosling. However, his childhood cannot be called cloudless, as his mom and dad often fought and violently sorted out the relationship, which ultimately led to their divorce. And from the age of 13, the boy began to live with the closest women - his mother and sister. Now the actor says with a smile that it instilled in him a “girly mindset.”

Such a situation in the family cannot go unnoticed. The child tried in every possible way to attract attention. Because of this, the guy got into trouble, fought, and could not find real friends / buddies either in the yard or at school. And the most unpleasant thing is that it was Ryan who most often suffered from his antics, who was constantly covered in abrasions and bruises.

There were some very unpleasant situations. For example, after the boy saw the film "First Blood", he brought knives taken in the kitchen to study and began throwing them at classmates. And all this against the background of the fact that his academic performance was very low, which was exacerbated by dyslexia.

Because of the above, Ryan's mother had to take the boy to a psychologist, and then homeschool him. The specialist diagnosed the actor with attention deficit disorder. However, home schooling, a deeply religious family only made the situation worse.

However, the boy's attentive mother realized that it was not only the desire to attract attention, but the huge potential of a creative nature that the future star had nowhere to realize. Therefore, the mother gave her son at the age of 13 to the Mickey Mouse Club, known for its graduates. It is noteworthy that the guy met the now famous stars there - Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake, who became a true friend to him. And although Ryan could not interest the producers as a promising singer after graduation, he learned acting and gained confidence in his abilities. In addition, the boy finally had a goal and real friends.

Starting steps in the profession and its development

As mentioned above, the star began his acting steps as a child, when he became part of the Mickey Mouse Club. During his training at the club, the guy received small roles in episodes of the then popular TV shows Are You Afraid of the Dark and Goosebumps.

Then the artist got a more serious role in the television series "On the Wave of Success". The show aired from 1997 to 1998. And just in 1998, Ryan was offered to take the place of the central character in the series "Youth of Hercules."

In 2001, the actor embodies an ambiguous image on the screens. The character of the actor is tormented by internal contradictions, and touches on the painful topic of the persecution of the Jews. The whole catch lies in the fact that Ryan's hero himself is a Jew and a neo-Nazi who has lost faith in his religion.

It was thanks to the embodiment of this character that the artist's further filmography was often filled with complex dramatic roles. For example, the further characters that Ryan took on were the heroes of such films as:

  • "Countdown of murders";
  • "Law of Slaughter";
  • "The United States of Leland.

In these films, the actor was able to convey both emotional experiences, and struggle, and controversial choices.

Further work was of a completely opposite plan and was a melodramatic story - "Memory Diaries". The tape that appeared on the screens not only won millions of hearts, many, with bated breath, watched the development of relations between the characters of Gosling and Rachel McAdams. It was thanks to this film that both actors became recognizable and popular. The most interesting thing is that the actors, who so skillfully demonstrated deep feelings, could not stand each other in reality. They constantly argued and cursed, and also demanded to replace each other. And all the more incredible is the fact that after the filming, they became a real couple in life.

The next work brought the artist the first nomination for a gold statuette. Working in the film with a modest budget "Half Nelson" was fascinating, but that year the Oscars still went to other hands.

In the next tape, the actor showed himself as a brave and hard worker, performing most of the difficult stunts on his own. This tape was the picture "Drive". It is interesting that at the same time the guy continued to act in a radically different film - "This Stupid Love."

This was followed by the work "March cats" and "Place under the pines." In the latter, by the way, the man met his future wife, Eva Mendes.

In 2014, the star took on an unusual role for himself and directed a fantasy film. The painting was titled "How to Catch a Monster". The film could not cause special fireworks, however, thanks to it, the artist was nominated in two categories at the Cannes Film Festival.

The following year, the actor became part of the film crew of The Big Short, which, by the way, was among the best films nominated for an Oscar.

The year 2017 was marked by the actor receiving a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination for the wonderful film La La Land, in which he worked with Emma Stone. By the way, this is their third film together. It is noteworthy that the actors sang on their own, and Ryan also played musical instruments. Unfortunately, the "Oscar" again went into other hands.


After graduating from the Mickey Mouse Club, the actor did not stop getting involved in music. However, until 2008, he had no chance to develop this talent in himself. During this same period, his then-girlfriend Rachel McAdams introduced the star to her sister's boyfriend (Zach Shields). Converging on stylistic preferences (horror) and style in music, the guys decided to create their own musical group, which was called "Dead Man's bones". In the same year, the guys managed to create their first track and submit it to the public.

A year later, the guys managed to record a full-fledged album, consisting of 12 tracks, and also shoot 2 full-fledged clips. At the moment, due to the high demand for the actor, the group is on pause.

About personal

Handsome and charismatic, the guy was not deprived of attention from the female. However, having received the first popularity, the actor decided to associate himself with relationships only with young ladies from his circle. Therefore, in the list of artist's hobbies, you can find:

  • Sandra Bullock, an affair with which began during the filming of the film "Murder Count". The relationship was fleeting and frivolous;
  • Rachel McAdams, the relationship with which the guy twisted after the end of the filming of The Notebook. At that time (2004), celebrities believed that this was their real soulmate. However, after 3 years, the guys decided to leave. And although then they again converged for a short period of time, now the young people remain good friends;
  • Famke Janssen;
  • Jamie Murray;
  • Eva Mendes, with whom they have been since 2011. At the moment, despite all the rumors and disagreements, the couple are together and are raising two children.

By the way, contrary to all the rumors with Emma Stone, the young man had no relationship. Although love was attributed to them by many media and paparazzi.

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