Raisa: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character. Powerful and energetic raisa


The meaning of the name Raisa is of interest to mothers and fathers who are thinking about how to name their daughter. Also, this information will be useful to its owners. What features rewards a woman with a name? Can it influence her fate? The answers to these questions can be found in the article.

What is the origin of the name Raisa?

First of all, it is worth understanding where it came from. What is the origin of the name Raisa? Debate among linguists about this is still ongoing.

At baptism, the name will remain unchanged - Raisa. It became part of the Christian nomenclature thanks to the martyr Raisa of Alexandria. Interestingly, in earlier manuscripts this woman is referred to as Iraida.


Planet - Mercury.

Talisman stone - Sapphire.

Totem animal - Lark.

Wood - Pine..

Plant - Tulip.

The color of the name is Blue.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

In childhood

Easy character allows the owner of the name to make many friends. Raisa not only quickly finds a company for herself, but also takes on leadership functions. She has many friends, and even more just acquaintances. However, this girl is demanding of those who want to communicate with her. Even at preschool age, it becomes obvious that Raisa takes friendship very seriously.

The owner of the name rarely has problems with academic performance. Raisa is much more likely to please her parents with good grades. The girl is motivated to learn by the desire to be the best in everything. For the same reason, she takes part in olympiads and competitions with pleasure. Of course, she has favorite subjects to which she pays special attention. At school age, Rai may have a hobby that will have an impact on her whole life. Sports, dancing, theater - what she just does not like in childhood.


The meaning of the name Raisa is careless, frivolous. With age, its owner becomes more serious. She is still active and energetic, knows how to set goals and achieve them without turning off the path. The owner of the name can be proud, but she is also able to listen to the opinions of others.

Adult Raisa still likes to take on the role of leader. This woman easily manages to lead like-minded people. Practicality, rationality, the ability to restrain one's emotions are its other characteristic features.

Friendship, communication

Does the meaning of the name Raisa (frivolous, careless) affect her relationship with people around her? At first glance, it may seem that it is easy to make friends with its owner. This woman has a really wide circle of friends. However, she allows only the most worthy to approach her.

Raisa is a faithful and devoted friend, she expects the same from others. Honesty plays an important role for her. If a person deceives her once, the owner of the name will not give him a second chance. This woman prefers bitter truth to sweet lies.

Developed communication skills allow Rai to easily find an approach to any person. She has a wide range of interests. Therefore, many seek to communicate with her. It should also be mentioned that Raisa always shows sincere attention to the interlocutor, strives to listen to him and understand his point of view. This is one of the reasons why people are drawn to her.


From what time of the year a woman was born, her character directly depends. The name Raisa can get the one that was born in winter. This lady is characterized by restraint, she is critical not only of the people around her, but also of herself.

Raisa, born in autumn, is distinguished by prudence. She is pragmatic and prudent, which can not only make life easier, but also complicate her life. Such a woman will be able to succeed in everything she undertakes. Summer Raisa is characterized by simplicity, but at the same time, she is quite strict in her assessments. A girl born in the spring is distinguished by prudence. She is also secretive, it is difficult for her to express her feelings openly.


What is the secret of the name Raisa? It gives its owner the ability to manipulate people. It should be noted that she resorts to this gift extremely rarely, since she does not like it. Only when she finds herself in difficult circumstances, Raisa begins to manipulate others. Having achieved her goal, a woman will certainly experience remorse.

What other secrets does Raisa hide from those around her? This girl has an amazing ability to experience passionate love for two men at the same time. She can be torn between lovers, which does not always end well.

Choice of profession

What profession suits a woman named Raisa? The fate of its owner may be connected with foreign languages. And for good reason. An excellent memory will allow her to master not one, but several languages, to become a successful translator. Also, Raisa can test her strength in teaching, as she has a need to constantly instruct someone. The ability to establish contact with listeners and hold attention for a long time will also help her in this.

In school years, the owner of the name can be attracted to the exact sciences. It will be easy enough for her to master the profession of a programmer or engineer. Raisa, in principle, is suitable for professions that are still considered male. She is also able to become a doctor or pharmacist, work in the field of trade, advertising, tourism, politics. It is important not to forget that the owner of the name is categorically contraindicated in monotonous, monotonous work.

Raisa is an employee that employers can only dream of. She has an amazing capacity for work, does not waste time on trifles and confidently achieves her goals. This woman can be entrusted with the most difficult task, no doubt that she will cope with it brilliantly. Ambition and purposefulness are qualities that allow Raisa to easily move up the career ladder. She does not get close to her colleagues. However, she does not try to oppose herself to the team.

Love, sex

Openness, friendliness, the ability to keep up a conversation on any topic are qualities that make men like a girl named Raisa. She does not try to look better than she is, and also recognizes the right of her partner to have certain shortcomings. As a rule, Raisa does not suffer from the lack of fans.

The owner of the name treats courtship favorably. She prefers communication with men to staying in women's companies. Raisa will not maintain a relationship if she realizes that they have exhausted themselves. With a partner whose feelings have cooled down, she breaks up easily. Dramatic scenes do not attract this girl; she prefers to leave quietly.

Sex plays an important role in Raisa's life. In bed, she is tireless and inventive. Of course, the partner of such a girl must have the appropriate qualities, otherwise she will quickly become bored with him.

marriage, family

A woman named Raisa is able to spend years looking for the man of her dreams. Or at least someone who will be similar to the ideal that exists in her head. If she finds such a person, she will become a wonderful wife for him. The owner of the name does not skimp on tenderness and care. She prefers to take on the role of leader. However, the leadership is soft. Raisa's husband often does not realize that he is not the head of the family at all. She prefers to build relationships based on mutual respect.

It cannot be said that Raisa is delighted with household chores, but she copes with them perfectly. She enjoys spending time with her children, is engaged in their upbringing and comprehensive development. It is unlikely that this woman will spoil her heirs. However, they will not be deprived of her affection and care.


When choosing a life partner, this woman should certainly take into account the compatibility of the name. Raisa is able to find happiness in marriage with the men listed below:

  • Sergey;
  • Alexander;
  • Benjamin;
  • Ivan;
  • Eugene;
  • Gennady;
  • Innocent;
  • Polycarp.


Raisa's health can hardly be called strong. In childhood, the owner of the name often suffers from colds, and all kinds of infections pose a threat to the child. Parents should teach their daughter to be attentive to her well-being, not to ignore alarming symptoms. Raisa is a bad patient, as she prefers to endure the disease on her feet and does not follow medical prescriptions.

The health of the owner of the name will get stronger if she leads the right way of life. Useful products, physical activity, the absence of bad habits - all this is very important for her.


The name Raisa is of Greek origin according to the main version. According to this version, it could have come from the name of Iraid. According to the second version, it may be of Arabic origin. In this case, the root has the word "rais", which is interpreted as "leader" or "chief".

The female name Raisa is not very popular today, although in the near 90s it was simply in incredible demand. They were named almost every fifth newborn girl. Now it is rare, but it sounds proud and beautiful, and its energy is very strong ...

Popularity: Today the name of Raisa is not listed among the rating names and is not even included in the hundred of the most popular variations. It accounts for no more than 1 girl out of 5-6 thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Paradise, Rayechka, Rayusya

Modern English counterparts: Raisa

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Raisa can endow the wearer with such features as activity, noise and mobility, and precisely because of her origin. Usually this is a girl who loves animals since childhood, kind and honest, sociable. Raisa is stubborn, which helps her to succeed in any endeavor. But unfortunately, sometimes this feature can play a cruel joke with her.

Raisa, like all bearers of this name in general, longs for adventure, but not noisy fun. She has many hobbies and hobbies, pays maximum attention to them, but is not diligent - she throws a lot of things halfway through, although she may return to them later. She loves to fantasize, has a developed imagination and manifests herself in cooking, design and similar areas - she has a subtle and sophisticated taste.

Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all bearers of this name lies in their developed imagination and readiness for experiments. Courage and determination, self-confidence and self-sufficiency contribute to the personal development of Rais and the achievement of success in everything.

Raisa treats badly people who are trying to push her around, manipulate, or use for any selfish purposes. And the bearers of this name do not withstand competition in terms of communication and leadership.

The name Raisa is not listed in the Orthodox nomenclature according to the Saints, but at the same time it has always been popular precisely on the territory of countries with a Slavic population.

The nature of the name Raisa

The nature of the name Rais, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that it seems to others that this is a two-faced person. On the one hand, it may seem that the girl named after Paradise has an angelic character - she is responsive, kind, generous, friendly, positive, always in a good mood and tries to communicate with everyone on an equal footing. It seems that she does not have any flaws and shortcomings, but this is not so. On the other hand, Raya is a very principled, uncompromising, stubborn, assertive, uncompromising and stubborn person, a woman with obvious leadership inclinations, while refusing the title of leader by all available means. It is difficult to understand what she wants and what goals she pursues with this or that act. The nature of Rai is such that it promises her excellent imagination and bright creative potential, but she does not try to apply them in public, only in solitude. She wants to appear to everyone around her as a charming and sweet coquette, but in reality this is not so. Her inner world is full of confrontations and disputes, her character is complex, and her behavior is completely bewildering.

However, this is all just a theory. And in general, it is rather difficult, or even impossible, to guess what the character will be, focusing only on the characteristics of the name. Character depends on upbringing and a bunch of additional factors, including astrological ones.

Early childhood

In early childhood, a girl whose parents decided to give the beautiful rare Russian name Raisa can have a rather interesting character, the nature of a noisy, restless and naughty girl, but with a unique mindset. A girl named Raisa has many good qualities, she is sociable, eloquent, kind and generous, sociable and easily makes contact, she cannot sit idle for a minute, she always needs to move towards something, do something. With all this, being so mobile and active, Raisa is very reserved at times. When it is needed - for example, it concerns parental refusals in something, when children usually begin to take offense. Raisa will not be offended and throw a tantrum, but on the contrary, she will show maximum calmness.

The meaning of this name can also endow the bearer of the name Raisa with such an important quality as adherence to principles. It is thanks to him that Raisa never breaks her own promises and never goes against her own will. But this quality can be especially strong in an adult woman Rai. Another equally important trait is perseverance. Thanks to the innate perseverance that the meaning of this name can reward Raisa, she will be able to achieve a lot, both in childhood and in adulthood. Raisa will never quit what she has started, she will never refuse responsibility, and in no case will she resist difficult cases - you can rely on her, she will complete any business she has begun and overcome any obstacles, whatever they may be.


In a teenage girl, who is patronized by the meaning and energy of the name Rais, nature may already be more complex. The biggest problem of the girl Raisa is that she never gives in to anyone, moreover, in nothing, even where it would be worth giving in. Uncompromising, assertive, self-sufficient and self-confident, always one step ahead of everyone, tries to stand out from the crowd and be cooler and brighter than everyone else, desires respect and power, loves to dominate other people, but at the same time never demonstrates her dominance, a little selfish and cunning - that's what she is, Raisa, who is patronized by the meaning and energy of this Russian female name. But you should not think that only all these features can characterize the nature of a teenager, which is dominated by the meaning of the name Raisa, because this is not so, and among other things, this girl can also become the owner of a bunch of important and necessary virtues ...

One of these virtues is diligence and the absence of any even the weakest laziness. The value of this name can give the nature of the girl Raisa such industriousness that almost no teenager possesses - she is always ready to work hard, at any moment she is ready to start a new business, she cannot sit still doing nothing, she moves all the time. And the meaning of this name can also award such important features as openness and responsiveness, thanks to which the popularity of the girl Raisa in society will grow at an incredible speed. Raisa will never betray or deceive a friend, and everyone around her will appreciate it.

grown woman

The meaning of this nominal form can reward an adult Raisa with an even more unique nature. On the one hand, it may seem that this is too self-confident and self-sufficient person, spitting on the opinions of the people around him and trying to use the weaknesses of friends for his own good. But in fact, this is only the image that Raisa herself wants to correspond to, no matter how stupid it may seem. In fact, mature Raisa usually endows meaning with such traits as friendliness, sociability, openness and responsiveness, honesty and good nature, kindness and attentiveness, caring and friendliness, eloquence and sociability, disinterestedness and conflictlessness. The meaning of this name creates a kind and benevolent nature, such a person will never intentionally do a bad deed towards anyone, will never go to a deliberate betrayal or lie, will not allow himself an unfair attitude towards anyone.

At the same time, meaning can also endow with strong principles, and moreover, most likely, adult Raisa will become too uncompromising. In no case will she give in to anyone in a dispute, even if she feels that she is not right. It is useless to argue with her, she will still prove her case even where it seems ridiculous. Plus, the value can endow the adult Raisa with such a trait as arrogance, because of which her relations with people from her environment can sometimes worsen. However, all this is just a superficial description of the nature of a woman, over which the meaning of the nominal form of Rais patronizes.

The interaction of the character of Rais with the seasons

Spring is sweet, attractive, charming, but not without important characteristics. Hardworking and persistently goes to the goal, does not know how to relax and have fun, but needs support and attention. Reasonable girl, not selfish, but selfless. Stands out from the crowd - her clothes and behavior are bright, and her talkativeness leaves no one indifferent.

Leto is a summer lady named Raisa, she is a loner, but ambitious and intellectually developed, who loves movement. She is prone to making rash decisions on her own, often making mistakes, and all because of her refusal to trust people and listen to advice. Sometimes quick-tempered and aggressive, but generally kind and generous, unlikely to offend.

Autumn is persistent, stubborn, and impetuous by the origin of the soul, trying to follow the right path and not commit bad deeds. Demanding in relation to itself, wants to be the best. Open, friendly, does not tolerate boredom and is constantly in search of fun. There are few friends, but all proven, faithful, who came from childhood. Its goals are order and strict adherence to the plan. Good hostess.

Winter - and a newborn born under the power of the meaning of the winter season usually grows up sensible, serious, reserved, delicate and polite, but quick-tempered. You can anger her with any criticism and rudeness, even playful. It has a difficult character - it wants peace and entertainment at the same time. It is difficult to predict her mood - only a patient and compliant hubby can cope with this.

The fate of the name Raisa

The fate of the name Rais in relationships with members of the opposite sex, in love and marriage is such that it implies a very stormy personal life in adolescence, and, on the contrary, very modest in maturity. As a teenager, Raisa can be very popular with guys, such is her fate, but it is unlikely that any of them will become the one with whom Raya truly falls in love. And in general, it is quite difficult to please a teenager Rae, even the leader guy will not be able to please her.

But in adulthood, fate can push Paradise with a huge number of relationships that will fall apart precisely through her personal fault. Rai, without exception, love to dominate their soul mates too much, they love henpecked in relationships, but leaders in society, and after all, such guys are rare. As a result, fate can push Paradise with a bunch of different relationships, and everyone will be unsuccessful.

Also, fate suggests several marriages, but in none of Paradise will it be truly happy. Something will always not suit her in a partner, she is too demanding. Yes, in addition to everything, fate does not imply Rayam and becoming ideal mothers - usually the children of Rais are left practically without attention.

Love and marriage

Raisa is a very passionate and temperamental woman, she is self-sufficient and self-confident, but at the same time she has a simple and kind character. At a younger age, she rather favorably perceives her many admirers, changing them from time to time. However, having met her true love, she dramatically changes her values. Paradise will choose a principled, passionate, educated, but at the same time complaisant and calm man.

In marriage, Raisa is a wonderful hostess and a faithful, caring wife. She has such a skillful and practical approach to the issue of housekeeping that her house is always in perfect order. She knows how to save money, but her house, as they say, is a full bowl. Raya treats her husband reverently and tenderly, often brings something new, unusual, romantic into their relationship. Even after many years of family life, he is ready to carry her in his arms and spend with not a maximum of time.

Wisely and tenderly she behaves in relations with her husband. It is assumed that Raya will be the unspoken leader in the family, but due to her feminine wisdom, she behaves in such a way that her husband does not doubt that he is the head of the family. Raisa also carefully monitors her own appearance, not missing the opportunity to visit a beauty salon or update her wardrobe. It is important for her that her husband can support the family, but self-realization is also important for her, so most likely she will skillfully combine family and work.

Raisa as Mother

Not every woman is able to become a truly good mother, because motherhood is hard work. Care, raise, take care, educate and love - all this requires a lot of effort and responsibility. Unfortunately, not every woman has such qualities. However, Raisa is just distinguished by a high level of responsibility, patience, the ability to care, affection and tenderness. This suggests that most likely she will become a good mother.

Raya spends a lot of time with her children, clearly planning the process of their upbringing. She tries to provide them with the most versatile development even before they go to kindergarten or school. No one doubts that she is a loving, affectionate and caring mother. Despite her reverent feelings for children, Raisa is not inclined to spoil her children often. On the contrary, she prefers to use strictness in the educational process, not allowing children to sit on her head.

Raisa will not give up building a career, but family values ​​and maternal instinct will be more important to her. She will always devote more time to her family than to work. By the way, the education of children, as well as the development of their talents, also play a very important role for her, so they are provided with rich educational and creative activities. Presumably, she will have a closer connection with her daughter because of common interests and everyday topics, but she will love her son no less.

Compatibility with male names

The issue of compatibility with male names named after Rais worried researchers even during the existence of the Soviet Union, but in turn it was unraveled, and now it is known that ...

In terms of feelings and passion, the best will be such as August, Alexander, Yermolai, Igor, Pankrat, Julius, Fedor, Rostislav and Robert.

A strong and lasting marriage can be formed with such variations as Nikita and Ostap, Vsevolod, Izyaslav, Taras and Kazimir.

And there is no connection at all with Arkady and Arseny, Isaac and Rodion.

This woman, unable to concentrate, needs a partner who can add a little seriousness to her life.

/ Raisa

The name Raisa is a Russian name, original and quite rare. It is believed that the name comes from the word "reistos" - light (ancient Greek). The meaning of the name Raisa is "light, careless, soaring." According to another version, the name comes from the Arabic word "raisat". Its meaning is "commanding".

The name carries light and light energy, is associated with air and scattered streams of sunlight.

Raisa: the meaning of the name and its influence on character

The meaning of the name directly affects the character of its owner. On the one hand, Raisa is a joyful person who never loses heart and has a wonderful sense of humor. On the other hand, she is not devoid of authority and leadership qualities. She is very demanding both to herself and to the people around her. This is a very purposeful and strong-willed woman. She is hardworking and diligent, thanks to which she achieves success in everything she undertakes. Raisa is self-sufficient, self-confident. Often gifted with creative talents.

In communication, Raya is friendly, affable. Complexes are alien to her. She is a realist, not used to soaring in the clouds, she evaluates everything logically. He does not have intuition and does not believe in it.

Name origin

In the Orthodox calendar, the name appeared thanks to the Great Martyr Raisa of Alexandria (4th century). Initially, in Rus', this name was a monastic one, and was not found in the world. It became widespread after the October Revolution. Along with the etymological meaning, people often associate this name with the word "paradise", with airy and bright images, angels.


Fatalism is a term that means nothing to Raisa. She strives to be the mistress of her own destiny. He succeeds in all spheres of life: he successfully completes any business he starts. She is a wonderful hostess, loving wife and mother, successful in her career. He tries not to depend on other people and the will of chance. Very prudent. The bright energy of the name has a beneficial effect on her fate.

name day

Raisa celebrates Angel Day on September 18 and October 16. She has only one patroness - Raisa of Alexandria.


Rai is not in very good health. To strengthen the immune system, she needs an annual vacation on the seashore, hardening and proper balanced nutrition. Vulnerabilities - the digestive and reproductive systems.


Raisa knows how to manage her partner very wisely and subtly. In the family, she takes on the role of a hidden or overt leader. Under her sensitive and caring guidance, all problems of the family are solved. Usually, she is happy in love, and her marriage is strong and harmonious.

Names with which Rai has good compatibility: Yuri, Fedor, Sergey, Evgeny, Mikhail, Gleb, Vladimir.

Relationships with a man named Stepan, Igor, Yakov can be difficult.

Protect, zodiac, colors.

  • The sign that harmonizes with the name: Virgo,
  • Charm stones: amber (a symbol meaning love and warmth) and agate (a stone meaning well-being, will bring health and longevity to Raisa),
  • Totem: lark,
  • Charm plants: tulips and pine.

The meaning of the name Raisa, translated from the ancient Greek language, is "compliant, light, submissive."

The girl, who received the name Raisa, grows up as a sociable woman, endowed with charm and the ability to avoid conflicts. Hesitations and doubts are alien to her, she does not hover in the clouds, being able to objectively assess the situation, she stands firmly on the ground. He treats those around him kindly.

Raisa never submits to emotions, she does not trust her intuition, preferring to give a sober assessment of events. All her further actions are logically calculated. She is always ready to listen to others and provide assistance, or give advice, but she expects an adequate attitude towards herself.

In joy and in sorrow, Raisa does not change her critical attitude towards life. -

She becomes the real head of the family. Boldly takes responsibility for her decisions. All family members implicitly obey her, and she, in turn, finds the best solutions to get out of the most difficult situations.

Raisa is appreciated at work, the task entrusted to her will be completed accurately and on time. She is respected not only by colleagues, but also by management, despite the fact that she always defends her own point of view, fawning is alien to her, she does not know how to flatter. However, a woman named Raisa always maintains warm relations with people who can do her a favor. The Latin proverb "The hand washes the hand" largely determines her life credo.

Lying causes her physiological disgust. Once a person who has deceived her trust is finally and irrevocably deleted from the list of friends or acquaintances. Similarly, Raisa behaves in her own family. She immediately knows how to distinguish between deceit, so it’s better not to try to cheat with her. By the way, Raisa not only cannot stand lies from other people, but she herself never resorts to it.

She just has a gift for housekeeping. Everything in the house sparkles and shines. She can turn every lunch or dinner into a small celebration, the dishes prepared by her are so tasty and unusual. She becomes the center of a small Universe - a family. Children receive an excellent upbringing, Raisa easily finds a common language with her husband's relatives. He cares for the sick and infirm with care and concern.

Sex for her is an opportunity to compensate for the routine of everyday life. A woman named Raisa willingly experiments, looking for new sensations.

Most often, he chooses medicine, pedagogy, journalism as a field of activity, where he achieves significant success.

See also the meaning of the name:

We hope that our interpretation of the mystery of the female name Raisa will help you better understand your character or the character of your friends. Of course, one decoding and analysis of the origin of the name Raisa cannot fully characterize the woman or girl to whom it belongs, therefore on our website you will also find various horoscopes, compatibility pages, find out what it means to belong to one or another sign of various calendars. We invite you to plunge into the sea of ​​secret knowledge and find out what not only the name Raisa means, but also your zodiac sign, an animal according to the Eastern Calendar and much more.

Names: origin and forms

Raisa- (from Greek) easy.

colloquial: Raisya.
Derivatives: Raiska, Raya, Rayusya, Rayusha, Rasha, Isa.

Directory of Russian names

Light(from Greek).

Equal in communication with loved ones. Assiduous, practical, scrupulous in work. Everyday, without complexes. Razors don't walk on a razor's edge, but they can. Neutralize emerging conflicts. The family has good housewives. In love - dispelling sadness.

The secret of the name oculus.ru

Raisa- light, careless (ancient Greek).
The name is not common, but it is used more in the countryside than in the city.
name zodiac: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Name color: dove.
Talisman Stone: sapphire.
auspicious plant: pine, tulip.
name patron: lark.
Happy day: Wednesday.
happy season: summer.
Diminutive forms: Raiska, Raya, Rayusya, Rayusha, Rasha, Aya.
Main features: calmness, practicality, cheerfulness.


Raisa of Alexandria, Antinopolskaya, virgin, martyr, September 18 (5), October 6 (September 23). After suffering for Christ, she was beheaded.


Thunder on Raisin day portends a warm autumn.


As a child, Raisa is lively and cheerful, at the same time calm and silent. These seemingly incompatible qualities will determine her entire future life. She is very inventive, invents some games or can rally the kids in the yard with some common cause. She is always an authority for them, although she is not particularly heard in the company, at first glance it seems shy and quiet. However, it can assert itself, if necessary, apply pressure and force.

At school, Raya is hardworking, responsible and serious, an assistant to the teacher, but unobtrusive. She studies well, but she has no particular favorite subjects.

There are many masculine traits in the character of the adult Raisa. She is demanding of herself and others, has a practical mind, will immediately determine whether something is beneficial to her or not, and acts in accordance with her own interest. Raisa is hardworking and persistent, although these qualities are not particularly striking, since everything she does happens without pomp and unnecessary noise. Her firmness is combined with cheerfulness or good nature. Sometimes it seems that Raisa is happy with everything in the world, but gradually she achieves her goal, makes progress in her career.

Raisa is independent in making decisions, seemingly open, but also dangerous for those who stand in her way. In anger, she is sarcastic, vicious, vengeful.

Raisa's field of activity is quite wide. She can be a doctor, pharmacist, agronomist, engage in exact sciences, languages, work in trade, in production. In any case, Raisa takes a leadership position, pays attention to professional growth.

Raisa is very businesslike. She takes care of her husband, children, instructs, teaches, nurtures, regardless of their age and desire. If Raisa's family life does not work out, she will transfer her passion to the children of her sister or brother, to the boss, if he is a man. In extreme cases, she will have a tendency to intrigue in the team. Therefore, it is better if Raisa is married. She is a good hostess, she forms the whole way of family life. Raisa's most stable and harmonious marriage can be with Vladimir, Gleb, Evgeny, Mikhail, Sergey, Fedor or Yuri.


Raisa Struchkova (born in 1925) is a wonderful Russian ballerina. Danced in 1950-1960. at the Bolshoi Theatre. Known for her parts of Giselle, Juliet, based on the play "Cinderella" with the performance of the main role of Raisa Struchkova, a film-ballet was shot. Most often, she danced the roles of the second heroines.

Struchkova was an understudy for Ulanova's performances all her life, she often appeared on stage abroad after Ulanovo's successes - and received reviews: "A great ballerina in her own right." Until now, enthusiastic fans from abroad write letters to her, not forgetting Struchkov's triumphant tour.

What was the dance of the ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Raisa Struchkova, we can imagine from the press reviews of the 50-60s. Mirandolina in "The Innkeeper" based on the play "The Hostess of the Inn" - a role prepared in 6 days. The newspapers wrote about the "luxurious soubrette", created from temperamental coquetry, wounded pride and economic acumen. After the debut, one of Struchkova's friends gave her a book of Goldoni's plays with the inscription: "Thank you for the performance of Mirandolina. Carlo Goldoni." Galina Ulanova called her Cinderella "a true holiday not only for the audience, but also for us, comrades in the profession." The English critic wrote about the indescribable charm, the American one - about the "witty of the body", the writer James Aldridge - about the emotional complexity of her roles. English Shakespeare scholars called her "absolute Juliet", Irish newspapers - "the most beautiful ballerina in the world." And not every prima can read about herself:

"Warmth is a quality that cannot be simulated in any way. You must have it."

The whole creative life of Raisa Struchkova is in the ballet of the Bolshoi Theater, which she loves to oblivion. The memoirs of Raisa Struchkova could make an interesting book. Here is one of them:

“Now in the theater, ballet exists psychologically separately from opera. It used to be different. We were friends with wonderful singers - Pavel Lisitsian, Ivan Petrov. We went to their performances, and they to ours. Elena Obraztsova consulted with Gerdt while working on " Carmen" and when preparing the part of Marina Mniszek in "Godunov". How to hold a fan, how to walk, how to stretch out a hand for a kiss. Now this whole culture has almost disappeared. When kissing a hand, the gentleman drags the lady's limb to the nose, and must bow in bow to the hand Ballet in my time was such an art that even the hero of the then topical ballet "Red Poppy", a Chinese loader, had an inner nobility that should have manifested itself through a gesture.

From the age of nine, Raisa Struchkova worked with one teacher: the ballerina of the imperial theaters, Elizaveta Gerdt. Now she herself nurtures young ballerinas. Raisa Struchkova is always true to her affections: from the first steps of Nina Ananiashvili at the Bolshoi Theater and to this day, Struchkova is her mentor. The same in his personal life: a long-term happy marriage with the dancer of the Bolshoi Theater Alexander Lapauri (they liked each other as a child, when they studied in the same school class) is truly the "novel of the century."

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

As a child, quiet and calm, the little girl has extraordinary willpower. It is at this age that the meaning of the name Raisa manifests itself in such a way that despite the pretty little face and smile, the baby radiates some kind of masculinity and a solid core.

Children's fun, carried out by children, often without a girl becomes uninteresting. The baby never claims to be a leader in the team, but her innate charm allows her to gather around her a lot of interesting people.

He studies smoothly, prefers literature and history, less often - mathematics. The girl does not like to be motionless for a long time, so you should not sign her up for needlework circles. Optimal for the development of the child will be sports, local history and historical circles.

At a young age, the meaning of the name Raisa for a child acquires such character traits as organization, emotionality and practicality. In order not to miss the emotional imbalance in the personality of a young person, parents should pay more attention and importance to communicating with a girl.

During the coming of age, the young lady begins to form her own style of behavior and self-expression, which is of particular importance for the girl. At this time, the young lady begins to feel her attractiveness and charisma, which attracts the opposite sex to her. She has many fans, however, in order not to look frivolous, she tries not to let them close to her.

In a gentle-looking creature, there is great strength and, despite its quiet voice, it is capable of responding to rudeness in the same way. He will not give offense to himself and his friends, he attaches great importance to his reputation and appearance.


The meaning of the name Raisa for a girl in love is rather ambiguous. This means that on the one hand, the young lady wants great, pure and mutual love. On the other hand, he does not want to limit himself to one relationship.

It often happens that a young lady has two boyfriends, whom she loves equally and cannot choose only one among them. Marries the one who first offers her a hand and a heart.

The sexuality of the female name Raisa endows its owner with huge, practically unlimited possibilities. Often dominates in bed, loves the variety and activity of a man. Often a woman with her sexual activity tries to make up for emotional shortcomings, using sex as a good shake-up from the gray everyday monotony.


In everyday life, a woman tries to surround her household with attention and care, often occupying a dominant position in the family. He knows how to create comfort and order, cook delicious dishes. However, the young lady is not a fan of spending free time in the kitchen.

Children are brought up by the method of equality and dialogue, sometimes resorting to the whip method.

She understands her husband from a glance. Values ​​family. This means having a desire to maintain good relations with all your relatives and your husband's relatives, including your mother-in-law.

Business and career

The meaning and interpretation of the name Raisa is very well revealed in the career field of a woman. Possessing good oratory skills and a natural gift to win over an interlocutor, a girl can achieve great success in business.

A woman is mainly valued as a wonderful interlocutor, which means that she will be able to fully realize herself in the fields of literary creativity, politics, journalism, and linguistics.

origin of the name Raisa

The origin of the name Raisa has a very rich and interesting history. However, the topic of where the naming came from is constantly being debated. One of the versions is its origin from Ancient Greece, and is interpreted as "careless, light, submissive, compliant."

The second version of the origin of the name indicates that its origins are in the Muslim name book. In this case, the name is the female form of the male name Rais, the etymological translation of which is "leader, head, chief." Therefore, naming acquires a radically opposite meaning and, accordingly, the secret of the name - “ruler, leader”.

The third option for the origin of the name is the assumption that Raisa is an affectionate form of the name Iraida (whose name in etymological translation sounds like “aspiring to peace”, “coming from the family of Hera”, “daughter of a hero”).

Characteristics of the name Raisa

Due to the fact that the characterization of the name Raisa includes concise information about the nature of the child, clearly expressing its pros and cons, for convenience, potential parents prefer to use this information for the final definition with the naming of the child.

Among the positive qualities in the character of the future girl, the main ones are a bright personality, thanks to which the young lady attracts the attention of people. Charm, wit, ease of communication, the ability to present oneself. Obligation, diligence and adherence to principles. The ability to pay attention only to important details without spraying on secondary issues.

A big disadvantage in the character of the young lady is emotional instability and a tendency to succumb to panic and nervousness.

Mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone - sapphire, carnelian, agate.
  • Name day - September 18, October 6. According to the Catholic calendar - June 28, September 22.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Sagittarius, Virgo.
  • The ruling planet is Mercury.
  • The metal is tin.
  • Color - gray, olive.
  • The plant is a tulip.
  • Auspicious tree - pine.

Famous people

  • Raisa Smetanina (1952) - Soviet, Russian skier. During her career she became the Olympic Champion 4 times and the World Champion 5 times in skiing. She completed the Olympic torch relay at the Sochi 2014 International Winter Olympics.
  • Raisa Bogatyryova (1953) - political and statesman, doctor of medical sciences, professor. She was the seventeenth Minister of Health on the territory of Ukraine.
  • Raisa Oliveira (1984) is a Brazilian supermodel known for her collaborations with popular global brands Dior, H&M, Dolce & Gabbana, Chanel, Victoria Secret, Emanuel Ungaro, Pepe Jeans, Yves Saint Laurent, Lancôme, JLO, TNG, Vogue. She is a vegetarian, attaches great importance to cooking, an ardent protector of animals. She has never been nude in her career.

Different languages

The translation of the name Raisa is a little consonant with its Russian counterpart. In English it is translated as - Raisa, in French - Raïssa, in Ukrainian - Raisa, in German - Raissa, in Belarusian - Raisa, in Finnish - Raisa (Rice), Raija (Raya), in Greek - Ραΐσα (Rai-sa ), Ραΐς (Rais), Ραΐδα (Raida).

In Chinese, the name Raisa is written 拉伊莎 (Lá Yī Suō), in Japanese it sounds like Tenshimi (heavenly, light, submissive) - 天使美.

Name Forms

  • Full name is Raisa.
  • Options - Paradise, Raya, Iraida.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated forms) - Rayushka, Raiska, Rayka, Rayechka, Paradise, Isia, Isa, Rasha, Rayusha, Rayusya, Asya, Aya.
  • Declension of the name - Raisa-Raise-Raisa.
  • The Orthodox (church) name is Raisa.

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