Ramil name meaning personal life. Characteristic features of the name Ramil

From the owners of the name Ramil, as a rule, trendsetters for a narrow circle are obtained. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, representatives of which, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion." The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Ramil name compatibility, manifestation in love

Ramil, It’s not that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first to you, and you will choose a partner, based mainly on how much they can share your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, purposefulness and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, if such happens, you will first of all appreciate in a partner the ability to be imbued with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul yearns for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

The wishes of those around you when making a decision, if they are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to force them to “go in a water team” with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. You need assistance from outside, and above all - as a "restraining beginning." Otherwise, you may want to "turn the earth".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

Short form of the name Ramil. Rami, Ilya.
Synonyms for the name Ramil. Rami, Ramil, Ranil, Rumil.
Origin of the name Ramil The name Ramil is Tatar, Muslim.

The name Ramil in Arabic means "wonderful", "magic". It is also believed that the name Ramil, translated from ancient Arabic, means "a sharp shooter." Due to the difference in pronunciation of the name, a variant of the name Ranil, Rumil, appeared. There is also a paired female name - Ramil (Ramila), which has a similar interpretation with the name Ramina (Muslim name).

Ramil is cheerful and reckless, so he needs constant adjustment. Without it, it can be heavily loaded. However, if there is a patient mentor next to Ramil, perhaps a relative or close friend, then the young man will be able to achieve significant success in life. But without a reliable adviser, you will not envy the fate of Ramil. He is burning with the desire to start something and implement it.

Ramil is self-confident, brave and not afraid to act, but he is easily carried away and is capable of stupid risks, sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments. Ramil is not deceived by appearances and is able to look into the very essence of things. A man named by this name is distinguished by the ability to classify, “sort out” the accumulated knowledge.

Ramil's personal life cannot be called simple. Despite external independence, he is very vulnerable and sensitive in his soul. Ramil seeks to achieve physical and spiritual comfort.

Ramil grows up as a caring man, always ready to help his loved ones, sometimes he is shy. He is distinguished by subtle spirituality and peacefulness. Although most people around him can only see the practicality inherent in him, close people will quickly discern in him a romantic soft nature. Ramil is kind and sensitive.

Ramil's name day

Ramil does not celebrate his birthday.

Notable people named Ramil

  • Ramil Khalikov ((born 1969) Russian writer and literary critic. Pseudonym - Ramil Besermen.)
  • Ramil Garifullin ((born 1962) Russian psychologist and psychotherapist; one of the developers of domestic manipulation psychology and psychotherapy, nanopsychology, author of books on the psychology of manipulation, head of the Psychoanalytic Association of Tatarstan, author of a number of television and publishing projects)
  • Ramil Abdrshin ((1925 - 1943) full name - Ramil Kheyrulla uly Gabdershin; Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War)
  • Ramil Idris oglu Usubov ((born 1948) Azerbaijani statesman and politician, Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan (since 1994), Colonel General of Police)
  • Ramil Eldar oglu Guliyev (Azerbaijani athlete, sprinter, best sprinter in Europe in 2009 at a distance of 200 meters. In the world ranking at this distance he takes 6th place. He is also the owner of the junior European record of 20.04 seconds, set at the World Universiade in Belgrade in 2009 year.)
  • Ramil Saubanov ((born 1949) a prominent economist, made a significant contribution to the development and strengthening of economic ties between Russia and Austria, was awarded the Honorary Badge of Merit "For Services to the Republic of Austria")
  • Ramil Badamshin (singer-songwriter, laureate of Ilmensky (2000), Grushinsky (2000) and other art song festivals, organizer of bard concerts and festivals in Ufa and Bashkiria)
  • Ramil Safarov ((born 1977) Azerbaijani officer (lieutenant), who became famous in connection with the crime he committed - the brutal murder of the Armenian officer Gurgen Markaryan, with whom he was trained under the NATO Partnership for Peace program in Budapest)

The name Ramil means "wonderful", "magic", "sharpshooter".

Name origin

Ramil is a male name with Arabic roots. The origin of the name is connected with the Arabic word, which translates as "magic", "wonderful". There is also a version that the translation of the name Ramil from the ancient Arabic language can mean "sharpshooter".

Name characteristic


Little Rami is usually a lively and energetic child who bravely explores the world around him. The boy is the undisputed leader and ringleader of all children's companies, enjoys great prestige among the children. He does not tolerate deceit, even if it is a lie in the name of salvation. Rami prefers to know the true state of things in everything. Usually the boy is well physically developed, enjoys various sports. Most often, he prefers to engage in martial arts, classical wrestling, football.


The matured Ramil is distinguished by courage, recklessness, often drawn into various adventures. It is very important that a man has a loyal, more reserved friend who can temper his ardor.

Usually romantic. He loves everything beautiful - nature, harmony in space, beautiful girls. At the same time, he is extremely shy, although he tries to hide it. A man hides his spiritual vulnerability with ostentatious independence, openness in communication.

Ramil is very open to his friends, trusts them boundlessly. A man does not tolerate greed, betrayal and lies. These manifestations of human nature cause rejection in him. If Ramil discovers such qualities in someone he knows, he crosses them out of his life forever.

He treats his relatives with attention, he is always ready to help them. At the same time, having kindness and sensitivity, the man is quite prudent and practical.


As indicated in the characteristics of the name Ramil, a man with this name usually has many talents. He can achieve great success in art or sports. For Ramil, the profession of an artist, art historian, director of an art gallery, radio or television worker, designer is suitable. Often becomes a fairly successful entrepreneur.

Personal life

As a rule, they marry late. He tries to choose a beautiful, caring and affectionate girl as his wife. A man bearing this name often makes a good husband. Sometimes he can do reckless acts, surprising his wife and relatives. But, as a rule, with the birth of a child, Ramil calms down and becomes more calm and homely.

Name compatibility

The name Ramil successfully combines with patronymics Takhirovich, Rushanovich, Rinatovich, Ravilevich, Damirovich.

Good compatibility with such female names: Maria, Vera, Anna, Anastasia.

name day

Orthodox name days at Ramil do not exist.

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Ramil: Ramil Saubanov, Ramil Khalikov, Ramil Abdrshin, Ramil Garifullin.

The variety of male names confuses future parents who want to name a child with a euphonious name that is attractive in content.


The popular foreign name Ramil is not so common among us, but its beautiful sound attracts with its brevity and originality.

There are several interpretations, where the meaning of the name Ramil is presented in different variations:

1. According to one version, it comes from the Arabic word "raml", which means "fortune telling on sand grains." At its core, it goes back to the common oriental divination on the sand, where the master can read along the lines and dots on the sandy surface.
2. According to another version, "ramala" means "the soothsayer on the sand, the sand and the seller of the sand."
3. Another interpretation is "miraculous, magical, bewitching, miraculous."
4. In another translation, the name stands for "weaving, hurrying, decorating."
The name Ramil has such diverse interpretations. The meaning of a name and destiny are intertwined in the characteristics of a person's character from birth to a mature personality.

Ramil - child

A boy with this name from childhood is distinguished by responsiveness and kindness, leadership qualities and the need for a true friend, justice and rejection of any deception. Excellent organizational skills allow Ramil to rally friends around him and entertain them with an exciting game. Courage and initiative can play a cruel joke with him. To prevent this from happening, he needs a reliable friend next to him, who will straighten him up in time and cool his ardor.

The desire to take risks is in his blood. Parents should pay attention to this zeal and direct it in the right direction. The ideal option would be with classes in the sports section, where Ramil will be able to demonstrate his best qualities. He likes to participate in competitions, defending the honor of the school.

The meaning of the name Ramil also leaves its mark on studies: the boy is usually capable, but does not like to study, so he will not be an excellent student. A sharp mind and an excellent memory allow him to easily memorize the material in the lesson, but the lack of diligence does not allow him to develop his existing abilities by doing scrupulous homework.

However, already from childhood, the child is able to independently allocate time for things that are important in his understanding and have time to do everything planned. Organization and a thirst for activity are in his blood, parents need to correctly and unobtrusively direct them in a direction that is useful for the child.

The meaning of the name Ramil in relations with people

The grown-up Ramil demonstrates openness in communication, chooses people of the same plan as friends, does not tolerate secretive personalities. A teenager is distinguished by independence in judgments and actions, but vulnerability is hidden behind her demonstration. This dreamy and subtle nature is very impressionable. Ramil does not tolerate lies and does not forgive betrayal, he is alien to the thirst for profit and greed. He does not give a second chance to people who have shown their negative qualities in relation to him or close people. Communication ends without clarifying the relationship.

Family relationships

The meaning of the name Ramil contains a craving for beauty, and this quality is manifested in his relationship with women. He prefers affectionate and beautiful ladies; in choosing a companion, he is selective and unhurried.

He marries late, only having settled down, the decision to create a family is made deliberately and carefully. In family life, he manifests himself as a practical, caring and responsible husband who will do everything possible to provide for the family. He always treats his relatives with understanding and will never refuse all possible help. But recklessness, manifested at times, can be the cause of conflict situations in the family.

The meaning of the name Ramil also affects the manifestation of paternal feelings. The masculine principle helps the manifestation of the best parental qualities: he is a caring father. With the birth of children, changes take place in him that make him avoid reckless manifestations even in small things. He loves to play with children, takes an active part in their upbringing. He is alien to dictatorial manifestations. This is a soft and gentle dad, to whom children are not afraid to turn to with a problem.

Professional area

In choosing a profession for Ramil, the meaning of the name, character are decisive.

He is a true connoisseur of beauty, endowed with many talents that help him choose a profession, not guided only by material gain. He will make an excellent designer and artist, journalist and entrepreneur, and organizational skills and leadership qualities will help him realize himself in a leadership position. The list of professions that will make all the aspirations of Ramil come true also includes an art critic, a TV and radio broadcaster, and the director of an art gallery.

Ramil's character: features

What character traits are defining for Ramil? The meaning of the name, character and fate are interrelated, so it leaves its mark on the personality.

Ramil refers to those people for whom the word is not an empty phrase. He is fair and responsible in relation to himself and others, has a difficult character. From the outside, it may give the impression of a reckless and frivolous person, but in reality Ramil is a responsible and hardworking person, accustomed to bringing the work he has begun to the end. The organization that has been inherent in him since childhood helps the owner of the name in his work. A peaceful disposition and the ability to get along with different people allows you to avoid conflict situations. In the character of Ramil, his craving for adventures and risky actions can alert, but they are never associated with meanness in order to achieve their goals.

He enjoys well-deserved respect and will come to the rescue in difficult times, but at the same time he will not allow himself to be manipulated and sit on his neck.

Forms of the name Ramil

Short form of the name Ramil. Rami. Synonyms for the name Ramil. Rami, Ramil, Ranil.

Name Ramil in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 拉米爾 (Lā mǐ"ěr). Japanese: ラミル (Ramiru). Armenian: Ռամիլ (Rramil). Hindi: रामिल (Rāmila). Ukrainian: Ramil Georgian: რამილ (ramil) English: Ramil (Ramil)

origin of the name Ramil

The name Ramil in Arabic means "wonderful", "magic". It is also believed that the name Ramil, translated from ancient Arabic, means "a sharp shooter." Due to the difference in pronunciation of the name, a variant of the name Ranil appeared. There is also a paired female name - Ramilya (Ramila).

Ramil's character

Ramil is cheerful and reckless, so he needs constant adjustment. Without it, it can be heavily loaded. However, if there is a patient mentor next to Ramil, perhaps a relative or close friend, then the young man will be able to achieve significant success in life. But without a reliable adviser, one cannot envy the fate of Ramil. He is burning with the desire to start something and implement it. Ramil is self-confident, brave and not afraid to act, but he is easily carried away and is capable of stupid risks, sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments. Ramil is not deceived by appearances and is able to look into the very essence of things. A man named by this name is distinguished by the ability to classify, “sort out” the accumulated knowledge.

Astrological features of the name

Corresponding zodiac sign - , .

patron planet- Saturn.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal- obsidian, onyx.

Talisman-color- GREY-black.

Mascot Plant- hellebore.

Animal Mascot- camel.

most successful day- Saturday.

predisposition to traits such as- impulsiveness, vigor, sensitivity, enthusiasm, pride.

Numerology Of The Name Ramil

Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are fond of, are heavily carried away. With a patient mentor and adviser who can be one of the relatives or just a close person, the "troika" can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the "triples" is often unenviable. With all the outward invulnerability in the soul, the “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dryness.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Colour: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Ramil as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
M Think
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
L People
b Yer (Crawling, Soft, Softly)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ramil

Strengths of the name Ramil

Selflessness, ability to support comrades, rationality, developed intelligence, adaptability, consistency, strength of personality, charm.

The development of positive qualities makes the bearer of the name an authoritative and respected person. This is a spiritual mentor or judge who makes fair and wise decisions. Such Ramil will be the ideological inspirer of people for good deeds, demonstrating everything by his own example. He will generously share his experience, knowledge, skills, and ability to make the right decisions with everyone.

Weaknesses of the name Ramil

Greed, aggressiveness, demonstrativeness, emotional instability, isolation from reality, depravity, depravity.

Indulgence in base quality will lead Ramil to despotism and tyranny. He will curry favor with those in power and strong people, humiliate the weaker and less fortunate. To achieve the goal will go over the heads.

Sexuality of the name Ramil

Sensual. In his youth, he is modest and shy, but very quickly begins to realize the power of his male attractiveness. Self-confident and brave, which attracts female attention to him. In women, he appreciates fidelity, appearance, affection, the desire to please. He sorts out partners, as he wants to make sure that his choice is correct. As a rule, it stops at the most beautiful and gentle woman, who also has a generous soul. Ramil is jealous, he can throw a scandal if he suspects even the slightest flirting. Marries late, is faithful in marriage.

The influence of the name Ramil on fate

Independent of other people's opinions. Rarely listens to advice, prefers to fill his own bumps. He is attracted by rare professions in which Ramil seeks to try his hand. A resourceful mind capable of making quick decisions. But more importantly, he moves from words to actions just as quickly. Ramil is contraindicated in routine work, he quickly gets bored.

Ramil does not tolerate failures well, falls into despondency. In such a situation, it is very important for him to feel the support of his family and loved ones, to hear words of encouragement.

Ramil has few friends, but they all have the same sharp mind and creative streak as he does. Ramil's liveliness, his openness and wit, bright personality often make him the soul of society, a popular person in a team and friendly environment.

The spirit of a pioneer and discoverer slumbers in him, so Ramil often chooses a profession related to business trips and trips. If the work does not involve traveling, then he spends his holidays in travel and adventure.

The key to communicating with Ramil

Ramil does not belong to those people who easily forgive betrayal. A betrayer at one fine moment may feel that Ramil is one of those who gently lays, but it will be extremely unpleasant to sleep.

Characteristics of the name Ramil according to B. Khigir

Hot-tempered, but he knows how to control himself. Patient, but don't try his patience. Sincere, faithful and reliable with friends. Reasonable, thoughtful. It is impossible to persuade him to someone else's opinion. He only believes in hard facts. He is too sensitive, sometimes nervous and irritable, you don’t need to touch him at such moments, he will leave on his own, he can ask for forgiveness if he was wrong. Ramil painfully endures the underestimation of his abilities. He can become a successful businessman, understands politics, finances. Rushing forward, he successfully implements his plans, thinking through everything in advance. If Ramil is a leader, he knows how to create a favorable microclimate in the team, enjoys authority among colleagues and subordinates.

Always supports new beginnings, young talented workers. This man is a skilled driver, but does not like to repair the car. He marries late, at first he tries to build a foundation for a future family. Diverse children are born. He devotes a lot of time to the upbringing of children, tries to give them a good education, to realize in them everything that he did not manage to do himself. He has high hopes for them, and, as a rule, not in vain. Children adore him, for them he is an authority.

Characteristics of the name Ramil according to the seasons

"Autumn" Ramil is economical, disciplined. Reliable in business. Knows how to properly plan time, a pedant by nature. Likes to be alone.

"Summer" Ramil is inclined to build far-reaching plans, he cannot live one day, he is worried about the future. Seriously refers to the choice of profession, stubbornly builds a career. Able to get what he wants. Ramil independently solves all problems, is well oriented in difficult situations. Has a developed intuition, often uses it. A good analyst, rarely makes mistakes. It is difficult to endure failures, but does not give up.

"Spring" Ramil is too vulnerable, quick-tempered. Energetic, he is annoyed by slow people. Not everyone can work in the same bundle. He does not tolerate pressure, he himself must dictate conditions, offer a mode of operation. He reads a lot, is interested in everything, easily remembers any information. Has many professional skills in various fields, easily retrains. Always useful in extreme situations when you need to make a quick decision, make the right choice.

Ramil's abilities

Ramil is a thoughtful young man, he is able to think logically. Successfully applying his knowledge, he masters new skills for himself. It is important for Ramil to be useful to people. He is aimed at the beautiful, does not tolerate meanness, betrayal, rudeness. Rude speech can ruin Ramil's mood. He is clean and tidy. He carefully monitors his appearance. Ramil is a devoted friend, he will always come to the aid of even a stranger. He is not conflicted, he tries by all means to avoid unpleasant situations. We are hurtful and touchy. However, Ramil diligently hides his vulnerability and sensitivity; for those around him, he is self-confident, practical and talented. In communication with the opposite sex, Ramil is soft, gentle and attentive. He surrounds his chosen one with a cloud of romance and care. Generous for gifts.

Achieving life stability

Ramil successfully applies all his skills and knowledge in practice. Therefore, most often he is successful in the professional field. Ramil is important recognition of his talent. Nothing is given to him just like that, Ramil deserves his well-being with honest work and talent. In the team, Ramil enjoys authority, he is not arrogant, he is equal to everyone. In family relationships, Ramil has difficulties because of his dislike for his gentleness, he prefers to look demanding and strict even with his household. In moments of emotional distress, Ramil would like support from loved ones, but he rarely receives it, because they are not at all ready for the fact that Ramil may be weak. In everyday life, Ramil is neat and unpretentious. Likes to receive guests.

Pros and cons of the name Ramil

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the decision to name the child by the name Ramil? On the one hand, this beautiful name has some oriental mystery and inner strength. But parents who choose it for their son should be careful, because it is rather discordant with Russian surnames and patronymics. In addition, the disadvantages of this name include the limited ability to choose beautiful abbreviations and reductions for it.


Ramil's health is quite strong, but many owners of this name have a weak stomach or suffer from.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Ramil most often manifests himself as a kind and caring husband. Initially, it can be difficult for him to settle down and get used to being responsible for someone, but then, especially when children appear in the family, Ramil becomes softer and homely.

Professional area

In the professional field, Ramil is most suited to engage in creativity or entrepreneurship. He can be a successful designer of furniture, interiors, clothing or landscape, as well as an artist, a radio or television worker, an art critic, an art gallery owner. In business, he is less lucky, but with some perseverance and planning, Ramil can achieve success.

Notable people named Ramil

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