Rammstein biography. Till Lindemann: biography and personal life of the Rammstein soloist

Till Lindemann is a German singer, musician, actor and poet, the permanent vocalist of the Rammstein band since 1994 and the leader of the Lindemann industrial music band since 2015.

Childhood and family

Till Lindemann was born on January 4, 1963 in Leipzig (GDR) in the family of children's poet Werner Lindemann and writer Brigitte Hildegard "Gitta" Lindemann. Till has a younger sister named Saskia.

When Till was 11 years old, his parents sent him to the sports school Empor Rostock Sport Club, which prepared a reserve for the GDR national team. The last three years before graduation, from 1977 to 1980, Lindemann lived in a sports boarding school. Meanwhile, relations between Till's parents deteriorated. After 1975, Werner and Brigitte began to live separately, and soon divorced altogether. For some time, Till lived with his father, but their relationship deteriorated rapidly, because. Werner suffered from alcoholism.

As a teenager, Till achieved some success in sports: in 1978 he participated in the European Youth Swimming Championships, which was held in Florence, finishing 11th in the 1500-meter freestyle and 7th in the 400-meter freestyle. .

After that, Lindemann was included in the German national team to participate in the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, but he failed to perform in the Russian capital. After an injury to the abdominal muscles received during training, Till retired from the sport. Lindemann later said that he did not like to study at a sports school because of the enormous workload.


In the mid-80s, Lindemann became interested in music. In 1986, he became the drummer of the punk rock band First Arsch and sometimes performed with the Feeling B band. The musicians staged their concerts outside the city, at abandoned construction sites and empty factories. According to Till, at such events, musicians and listeners had to be constantly wary of the arrival of the police.

After some time, Till left music lessons, but not for long. In 1993, guitarist Richard Kruspe, a friend of Till, invited Lindemann to try himself as a vocalist in his new band. After much persuasion, Till moved from the city of Schwerin, where he lived in recent years, to Berlin for a trial recording.

Although Lindemann had a hard time getting used to the new role, the young band immediately applied for participation in the Berlin Metrobeat competition. To participate in the festival, the guys prepared their demo-recordings, which were created in the apartment. Unexpectedly for young musicians, their group won the competition, and far-reaching prospects opened up before the guys.

Soon the new band was joined by musicians from Feeling B - rhythm guitarist Paul Landers and keyboardist Christian "Flake" Lorenz. For some time the band was nameless, but in the end the name "Rammstein" was chosen, which means "ram stone" in German (later the musicians claimed that they named the band in memory of the tragic collision over the Ramstein airbase in 1988).

One of the first performances of Rammstein (1994)

In 1994, the group signed a contract with Motor Music and released their first album a year later. After the release of the disc "Rammstein" went on tour in Europe, still together with other musicians. The soloist's unusual voice, unusual lyrics and crazy performances (the musicians loved to arrange pyrotechnic shows) did not always resonate in the hearts of the audience: for example, in Poland, Rammstein was pelted with bottles.

For two years I took lessons from an opera singer, the star of Gershwin's Porgy and Bess. Hated going to her. She was very strict: she ordered me to sing, holding a chair over my head, or to do push-ups during the performance of parts.

After David Lynch used two Rammstein songs in his film Lost Highway, the band's fame spread beyond Europe. Soon the musicians went on tour to another continent. During a US tour with Korn in 1998, Till and Flacke were arrested for indecent behavior on stage. The musicians were released the next day after bail was paid.

Released in 2001, the album Mutter instantly wrote the band into the history of music. A video was recorded for the lead single of the album of the same name, in which the narration was conducted on behalf of a man conceived in a test tube who killed his mother.


Every year her popularity only grew, and the musicians did not get tired of shocking the audience with spectacular performances and gloomy video clips. Lindemann was ready for any tricks to stun the fans. For example, during the filming of the video for the song "Ich tu dir weh", Lindemann wished that light came from his mouth and asked to make a cut in his left cheek for a wire and a light bulb.

In 2005, five Rammstein albums went platinum and the band received the World SalesAwards for over 10 million copies sold worldwide.

Rammstein - Du Hast (1997)

Over the years of activity, the Rammstein guys have earned a rather scandalous reputation in the eyes of individual religious and social activists. They tried to ban Rammstein songs and videos in many countries, and Russia did not escape this fate. In 2016, parliamentarian Roman Khudyakov appealed to Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky with a request to ban the performances of the German group in the country because of the propaganda of sadism, cannibalism and homosexuality.

One of the band's most famous music videos, for the song Mein Teil ("Part of Me"), was based on a true story. In 2001, the German Armin Meiwes searched the World Wide Web for a person who would agree to be eaten. Programmer Juergen Brandes responded to the ad. They became lovers; Meiwes subsequently killed Brandeis, kept his meat in a freezer, and gradually ate it.


Upon learning of this act of cannibalism, Till was inspired to create the song. In some countries, the clip was severely censored, such as the removal of a scene in which an angel orally satisfies Lindemann. The theme of cannibalism was played up at live performances: Til went on stage in a leather apron and with a butcher's knife in his hands, and a huge cauldron with Flake sitting in it was carried out onto the stage.

At one time, many parents who decided to join the interests of their children were shocked by the Pussy clip (slang for “pussy”, “female genital organ”). The 4-minute video had a lot of explicit angles, including scenes with naked musicians (although in some scenes they were replaced by doubles).

This song has a no less outrageous live performance - during its performance, Till, as a rule, sat down on an assembly resembling a male penis and poured white foam on the audience.

In 2013, Lindemann announced the band's sabbatical. In May 2015, he also announced the start of work on a new Rammstein album. According to the singer, it was supposed to last until 2017. In March 2017, it became known that 35 tracks were ready, but the question of the release date of the disc remained open.


In 2000, Swedish musician Peter Tägtren of the death metal band Hypocrisy and the industrial band Pain helped the guys from Ramstein curb bikers who were asking for a fight. A friendship struck up between the musicians, but they were not able to find time to record a record in their busy schedules for a long time.

On his 52nd birthday in 2015, Till announced the creation of a side project "Lindemann" with Peter Tägtgren. The debut album Skills in Pills was released in June 2015 and took first place in the national music chart. Soon, the friends presented the clip “Praise Abort” (“Bless the abortion”), which is not inferior in outrageousness to the previous clips invented by Lindemann.


Lindemann played several supporting roles in a number of European films. Together with Christoph Schneider, Till starred in the 1999 Swedish drama Paul X, in which his colleagues acted as drummers.

Scene with Rammstein from the movie "Paul X"

In 2002, Till and the rest of Rammstein starred as themselves in the action movie xXx, starring Vin Diesel.

Lindemann can also be seen in the German family film "Penguin Amundsen" (2003) and the film "Vincent" (2004) as an animal advocate.

Poetry and art

Since the early 1990s, Till has been writing poetry. In 2002, with the assistance of producer and director Gert Hof, the book "Messer" ("Knife") was published, which included 54 poems by Lindemann.

In 2013, Till's second book of poems, In stillen Nächten (In Quiet Night), was published.

In 2014, Till presented two sculptures and original drafts of his poems, included in the collection In Quiet Night, at the Dresden Holger John Gallery.

Til Lindemann's personal life

Lindemann married quite early - at 22, but soon divorced. His first daughter Nele was born in 1985. For 7 years he raised his daughter alone. She often watched her dad during rehearsals, but while he was on tour, she visited her mother and her new family.

The musician's second daughter, Marie Louise, was born in 1993 in a civil marriage with teacher Anna Közelin. In those years, the musician drank a lot and lost control of his emotions. He often cheated on Anna, and did not even hide acts of adultery. Sometimes it came to assault. After her husband broke her nose, Anna inflated the scandal, which was widely reported in the press. Since then, Lindemann has been trying not to disclose details about his personal life.

Rammstein is a German rock band formed in January 1994 in Berlin. Their musical style belongs to the German heavy metal scene Neue Deutsche Härte. Rammstein is one of the most famous metal bands in Germany, widely known in the rest of the world. Most of the songs are sung in German. Rammstein also became famous for their stage shows and outrageous lyrics.

Rammstein's style of music, which the musicians themselves jokingly dubbed "dance metal", is predominantly industrial metal in the spirit of Neue Deutsche Härte. However, he mixes elements of both electronic industrial and alternative metal, and other genres. Many compositions are sustained in the same rhythm (for which Rammstein called their style "dance metal"), there are also more complex compositions.

Composition of the group(photos of participants are clickable below):

Till Lindemann - vocals

Richard Kruspe - lead guitar, backing vocals

Christian Lorenz - keyboards

Paul Landers - rhythm guitar, backing vocals

Oliver Riedel - bass guitar

Christoph Schneider - drums

Till Lindemann Richard Kruspe Christian Lorenz

Paul Landers Oliver Riedel Christoph Schneider

Rammstein was founded in 1994 in Berlin by guitarist Richard Kruspe. He began his musical career in West Germany with the band Orgasm Death Gimmick, having fled the GDR in 1989. After the unification of Germany, he returned to his homeland in the city of Schwerin. Kruspe, a fan of Kiss, was looking for opportunities to combine his favorite hard rock with the electronic sound of industrial. During this time he met Oliver Riedel (bass guitar) and Christoph Schneider (drums), later with Till Lindemann, who played in various punk rock bands. In this composition, they organized the Rammstein group. Lindemann, who previously played drums (First Arsch), took the place of the vocalist, he also owns the lyrics of the songs performed by the group. All musicians of the group are from the former German Democratic Republic.

On August 28, 1988, at the Ramstein airbase, during an air show with the participation of the Italian aerobatics team Frecce tricolori, a collision of three aircraft occurred, as a result of which 80 people died and more than three hundred were injured (the song of the same name "Rammstein" tells about this tragedy at the airbase). According to one version, the Rammstein musicians were not aware of this tragedy when they came up with the band's name.

It was invented by Christoph Schneider, Paul Landers and Christian Lorenz. After becoming popular, the group distanced themselves for a long time from the relationship between their name and the name of the place of the tragedy. The double "m" in the name made it possible to explain the word as a designation for a stone ram, but this option was announced much later.

Texts can be divided into landscape and non-album. Since each album has its own theme and concept, the lyrics of the songs included in it should correspond to them. For example, the second album of the group Sehnsucht is dedicated to strange and perverted desires. Each song of this album describes one of them: "Tier" ("Beast") - incest, "Bestrafe mich" ("Punish me") - sadomasochism, "Bück dich" ("Bend over") - violence, adultery. The album “Liebe ist für alle da” (“Love for all”), dedicated to love, is also indicative in this respect. As a bonus, 5 tracks came out for him, which did not make it to the album because their lyrics are not related to its theme.

Till rarely uses obscene language. The main provocative effect is due to the theme, the semantic load of the text, which balance on the verge of morality and / or aesthetics, although sometimes they step over them without any problems. The theme of the texts is the dark sides of life. The literary hero of texts is, as a rule, a person who is somewhat flawed from a traditional point of view - a maniac, a pervert, or simply a character obsessed with something with a non-standard view of things. Many texts are characterized by anatomy and varying degrees of sadomasochism.

Already at the beginning of the existence of the group, the media of some countries, and primarily German, often accused the musicians of right-wing radical tendencies. The reason for this was the Rammstein show, designed in the style of the Third Reich, the lyrics, the meaning of which can be interpreted in two ways, the prevailing theme of violence and brutality. Criticism intensified after the video clip for the single "Stripped" was filmed in 1998, using fragments of Leni Riefenstahl's documentaries Olympia (a film about the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin). Despite the fact that some fragments from the clip were removed, accusations against the group about the spread of "fascist" views and the idealization of the "National Socialist" aesthetics continued. On television, it was forbidden to show this clip before 22 pm. Lindemann later admitted that this was a provocation, they crossed the border, and this will not happen again.

On February 19, 1994, Rammstein with the songs "Das alte Leid", "Seemann", "Weißes Fleisch", "Rammstein", "Du Riechst So Gut" and "Schwarzes Glas" four of them won the competition of young groups in Berlin, having received the right to record on a professional studios. A year later, second guitarist Paul Landers joined the group, and then keyboardist Christian Lorenz, who played in the punk band Feeling B. In this line-up and with producer Jakob Hellner, the debut album Herzeleid was recorded. All lyrics in this album, as in most subsequent albums, are written by Lindemann. After several unsuccessful attempts to write lyrics in English, as required by the label, Till insisted on writing songs in German. Released on the Motor Music label, Rammstein's first disc gained wide popularity.

Rammstein was noticed by Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor, who recommended two of their songs for the soundtrack to David Lynch's Lost Highway thriller. This brought the group additional fame. In 1995, in support of the album, Rammstein toured Europe as the opening act for Clawfinger. At Rammstein concerts, they showed bright pyrotechnic shows. In 1996, Rammstein made their first appearance on MTV. The same channel for a long time refused to broadcast the video clips of the group. In the same year, a new single "Engel" was released, for which a video was shot, which was a success. It was followed by the band's second album, Sehnsucht, which went almost immediately to platinum status. By the end of 1997, the off-album single "Das Modell" was released with a cover version of the Kraftwerk track of the same name. The group enjoys great success both in Germany and abroad. Several Rammstein singles reached the top ten in Germany. Rammstein in 1998 performed at the Rock Am Ring summer festival in front of 100,000 people together with the Rolling Stones, The Prodigy, Guano Apes, and also on August 22 and 23 of the same year in Berlin at the Wuhlheide Festival stadium (more than 17,000 Rammstein fans attended the show ). Both performances were filmed for the release of the Live aus Berlin concert.

For several years, fans have been waiting for the band's next studio effort. Such a long break gave rise to many different rumors, mainly about the breakup of the group. However, in 2000, Rammstein entered the studio to record a new album. In 2001, the third studio album was released under the name Mutter, which took 4th place in the ranking of the best industrial metal albums according to Metal Hammer magazine. Soon a tour was held in support of him, after which the number of Rammstein fans increased significantly. Later the singles "Ich will", "Mutter", "Feuer frei!" and video clips for them. In 2003, on the tenth anniversary of their existence, Rammstein released the DVD Lichtspielhaus with a complete collection of clips and several live recordings in good quality.

In early 2004, reliable information appeared about the imminent release of a new album. A few months later, the singles "Mein Teil" and "Amerika" were released. And finally, in early autumn, the fourth album was released, called Reise, Reise, which is very different from the style of the band's previous albums, which, however, did not prevent it from becoming platinum. The album was immediately followed by a tour, during which the single from the album, "Ohne dich", was released. During the Reise, Reise Tour, the show lost many special effects (a plastic phallus, a burning cape), but acquired new ones instead.

A tour with Apocalyptica followed in early 2005, followed by the release of the single "Keine Lust" and its music video. In September, a video was released, and then the single "Benzin", the song of the same name from which will be included on the next, fifth album of the group. The following month, the album itself is released, called Rosenrot, which contained 7 old tracks that were not included in the last album, and 4 new compositions. The single "Rosenrot" followed in December. In 2006, the live DVD Völkerball was released, planned for 2004, but released later. The disc received mostly positive reviews.

In 2008, after a three-year break, it became known that the group was recording a new album. On September 18, 2009, the first single from the new album, “Pussy”, was released, and in mid-December, the video “Ich tu dir weh” was released. The album Liebe ist für alle da itself was released on 16 October. On April 23, 2010, the premiere of the clip "Haifisch" took place. The album was released on two discs - the first disc contained the album itself, the second disc contained five additional songs recorded while working on the album. The video clip for the song Pussy became very scandalous: throughout almost the entire clip there are porn inserts showing sexual acts with the participation of all the musicians of the group. As the members of the group later said, they were understudies. The video was banned from being shown on television.

In 2010, Russian concerts took place, and later, for the first time, a concert was held in Minsk. This show has become the most scandalous concert event in the history of Belarus. First a veterans' council and then a morals council, made up of church leaders and members of the writers' union, called on the government to cancel the concert, accusing the team of "overt propaganda of homosexuality, sadomasochism and other perversions, cruelty, violence and obscene language" and stating that Rammstein threaten "Belarusian statehood". Nevertheless, the concert took place with a full house, gathering a record number of visitors: more than 11,000 people. On March 9, 2010 the group visited Kyiv for the first time. The first concert in Ukraine brought together about 10,000 people near the stage.

On November 22, 2012, Rammstein announced the release of the video album Videos 1995-2012, which was released on December 14, 2012. It includes all the band's videos, a video about their creation, as well as 2 new videos for the song "Mein Herz Brennt", released as a single to the video album. Especially for this, a new version of the song, performed on the piano, was recorded. The release of the record and the video "Mein Herz Brennt - Piano Version" took place on December 7, 2012. The CD maxi-single and the album version of the video were released on December 14, 2012.

Studio albums:

1995 - Herzeleid

1997 - Sehnsucht

2001 - Mutter

2004 - Reise, Reise

2005 - Rosenrot

2009 - Liebe ist fur alle da

The group was founded by guitarist Richard Kruspe, an emigrant from the GDR, after his return to his homeland in the city of Schwerin. All members of the group are from the former German Democratic Republic, in particular East Berlin and Schwerin. Kruspe is the main composer of the group. In 1994, together with Til Lindemann (vocals), Oliver Riedel (bass guitar) and Christoph Schneider (drums), they won a competition in Berlin, gaining the right to record in a professional studio. A year later, second guitarist Paul Landers joined the band, and then keyboardist Christian Lorenz.

The name of the group was made up of the words Ramm (ram) and Stein (stone), and at the same time refers to the name of the city of Ramstein-Miesenbach, where an accident with many victims occurred at a NATO military base during an air show in 1988. The song “Rammstein” of the same name tells the city (but not the group) about this accident.

In 1995, the group released the album "Herzeleid" at the studio "Motor Music". Already the first disc "Rammstein" won wide popularity, becoming "gold".

Rammstein was noticed by Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor, who recommended two of their songs for the soundtrack to David Lynch's Lost Highway thriller. This brought the group additional fame. In 1995, in support of the album, Rammstein toured Europe as the opening act for Clawfinger. At Rammstein concerts, they showed bright pyrotechnic shows. In 1997, Rammstein made their first appearance on MTV.
In the same year, a new single "Engel" was released, for which a video was shot and which was very successful. It is followed by the band's second album, "Sehnsucht", which goes almost immediately to platinum status. By the end of 1997, the off-album single "Das Modell" was released with a cover version of the Kraftwerk song of the same name.

For several years, fans have been waiting for the band's next studio effort. Such a long break gave rise to many different rumors, mainly about the breakup of the group. However, in 2000, Rammstein entered the studio to record a new album.
In 2001, the third studio album called "Mutter" was finally released, becoming one of the best and most unusual works of the group. Soon a tour was organized in support of him, after which the number of Rammstein fans increased greatly.
Later the singles "Ich Will", "Mutter", "Feuer Frei!" and video clips for them.
In 2003, on the tenth anniversary of their existence, Rammstein released the DVD "Lichtspielhaus" with a complete collection of clips and several live recordings in good quality.

In early 2004, reliable information appeared about the imminent release of a new album. A few months later, the single "Mein Teil" was released.
And, finally, in early autumn, the fourth album was released, called "Reise, Reise", which was very different from the style of the group's previous albums, which, however, did not prevent it from becoming platinum.
The album was followed immediately by a tour, followed by the release of the new single from the album "Ohne Dich".
At the beginning of 2005, a tour followed with the Apocalyptica group, after which the single "Keine Lust" and a video for it were released. In September, a video was released and then the single "Benzin", the song of the same name from which will be included on the next, fifth album of the group. The following month, the album itself is released, called "Rosenrot", which contained 7 old tracks that were not included in the last album, and four completely new compositions.
The single "Rosenrot" followed in December.
In 2006, a live DVD of the Volkerball band was released, planned for 2004, but released later. The disc received mostly positive reviews.

The band enjoys great success both in Germany and abroad, and after the release of the album "Reise, Reise" they became the most popular group of all time singing in German. Several "Rammstein" singles hit the top 10 in Germany

French astronomer Jean-Claude Merlin, who is a fan of the group, discovered a minor planet in the asteroid belt in 2001. Asteroid #110393 was named "Rammstein" from him, after the band.

In February 2006, Rammstein gave an interview to Arguments and Facts. It is rather curious that all or almost all members of the group speak Russian - they studied at school during the GDR.

After a break of four years, in 2009 it became known that the group was recording a new album. On September 18, the first single from the new album Pussy was released, which included two new songs: Pussy and Rammlied, as well as a video for the song Pussy. The new album itself, titled "Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da" (Russian: "There is love for everyone in the world!"), was released on October 16th.
The Pussy video caused a lot of discontent, and the album did not pass the cover indexation in Germany. Now the album is sold only to persons 18 years old.
Also, on December 18, the single and the clip Ich tu die weh should be released, but according to rumors, it also did not pass the indexation, despite the fact that the clip has already been filmed.

* The video for "Du Riechst so Gut" was released twice as the band wanted to change the song.
* Snow White in the video "Sonne" is played by Russian fashion model Yulia Stepanova. In some parts of the clip, where Snow White is standing over the band members, he is a very tall basketball player, and the girl's face and hands were superimposed using a computer.
* The "Du Hast" video features a GAZ-21 model car and was filmed at a former Soviet military airfield.
* The clip "Keine Lust" was filmed in two versions. In one variation, the girls fire a flamethrower. One of the girls is dressed in a fire-resistant cloak, in which Till usually sang the song "Rammstein".
* The clip "Mein Teil" also has 2 options: with and without an angelic blowjob.
*Director David Lynch contributed the song "Rammstein" to his film Lost Highway. After that, various compositions of the group are constantly used in films.
*The video clip for the song Pussy became, perhaps, the most scandalous in the history of Rammstein. In its final part, there are porn inserts showing real sexual acts with the participation (involuntary pun) of all members of the group. The video was banned from showing and removed from most of the network resources intended for the free uploading of videos.

Initial composition:
Til Lindemann (4.01.1963) vocals;
Paul Landers (9.12.1964) guitar;
Christian "Flake" Lorenz (11.06.1966) keyboards;
Richard Kruspe Bernstein (24.06.1967) guitar;
Christoph "Doom" Schneider (05/11/1966) drums;
Oliver Riedel (04/11/1971) bass.

Original discography:

1995.09.14 - Herzeleid
1997.08.17 - Live @ Koln, Bizzare (Official-Live)
1997.08.22 - Sehnsucht
1999.11.29 - Live Aus Berlin 05.10.1999 (Official-Live)
2001.04.02 - Mutter
2004.09.27 - Reise, Reise
2005.10.31 - Rosenrot
2006.11.17 - Voelkerball (Live @ Nimes) (Official-Live)
2009.10.16 - Liebe East Fuer Alle Da

1995.08.24 - Du Riechst So Gut
1996.01.02 - Seemann
1997.04.01 - Engel
1997.05.23 - Engel (Fan Edition)
1997.07.18 - Du Hast
1997.11.23 - Das Modell
1998.04.17 - Du Riechst So Gut "98
1998.07.27 - Stripped
2001.01.15 - Asche Zu Asche
2001.02.12 - Sonne
2001.05.14 - Links 2 3 4
2001.09.10 - Ich Will
2002.03.25 - Mutter
2002.10.14 - Feuer Frei!
2004.07.26 - Mein Teil
2004.09.13 - America
2004.11.22 - Ohne Dich
2005.02.28 - Keine Lust
2005.10.07 - Petrol
2005.12.16 - Rosenrot
2006.03.03 - Mann Gegen Mann
2009.09.18 - Pussy

He is also Cholet (a nickname from the time of wrestling), he is also Sven (a middle name, like all Germans instead of a patronymic), he is also Fuchs (Fox is a nickname he personally invented). He was born on June 24, 1967 in an area called Witenburg, but Schwerin also considers his hometown. He lived in a fairly large family, which consisted of two more sisters and one brother. According to tradition, one day the parents divorced, and the mother - what? That's right, remarried. Richard's stepfather was an extremely filthy type and even went to traumatize the child's psyche by tearing up the poster of the Kiss group, which Richard literally raved about, like all of America as a whole. Most likely, out of resentment and out of a desire to take revenge, Richard began to play sports, gaining weight and authority. Weight gained in wrestling competitions, where Richard became the champion. Until now, this gentleman skimps on the former competitions. Therefore, now you can hear something like: "I can't lift it, I (listing almost all the vertebrae) are knocked out." At the same time, Richard peacefully worked as a cashier at a glass container collection point, and to this day he has a degree as a qualified chef. By the way, it is he who cooks donuts, because of which Till got his nickname. They say you can always find something to eat in Richard's car. The authority was typed in the musical plan. In 1988, Kruspe moved to Berlin with nothing to his name. He lived in a small house on Linerstrasse, making music throughout his free time. The history of the turmoil would be incomplete if we did not continue to consider the marriage and family ups and downs. The story is dark and confusing, like Santa Barbara. In the early 90s, Richard had a certain group that created and recorded several test tracks in English. Perhaps, due to his exorbitant attraction to music, his girlfriend, who played the role of his wife, left him. Richard is survived by a daughter - Kira Li Lindemann (she can be seen on LaB during the song Tier), who is now 12 years old. The confusion in the surnames is explained by the fact that the mother is Till's ex-wife, who did not want to change the surname of her former spouse, and also did not want to become Richard's legal wife. After mourning for some (long) time, Richard plucked up his courage and married an American, Karen Bernstein, adding her surname to his own. Outraged fan minds interpret this in different ways, agreeing that it was a marriage of convenience, and also to protect the group from accusations of Nazism. The wedding was held according to Jewish custom. Rumors are backed up by the facts that Karen lives in New York, and Richard lives in Berlin, practically in the same house with the group's producer. In general, not everything is as beautiful as described in "Bravo" from '99.
After cooing in Berlin, in 1993 Richard decided that he needed to create his own group and first of all rushed to Schwerin, where everything had once begun. At the cost of joint persuasion, Till was dragged to Berlin, where all the other future classmates hung out. But so far, three have gone to America: Till, Olli and Richard. Realizing that the American industry was not for them, the musicians returned. By the way, before these winding Richard was seen in the group "Orgasm Death Gimmick". In general, Richard can be credited with the sole glory of the initiator of the creation Rammstein like groups. But a lot of water flowed under the bridge before the lead guitarist found a common language with everyone else, in particular, with the restless Paul.
From special signs and hobbies, you can scrape something interesting. First, the pierced right ear. Secondly, temporary tattoos that take place in the fighting past. In the same time period, he was the owner of a hairstyle that Till aptly described: "He was cut short in front, and at the back he had a long ponytail with white stripes - in general, he resembled a striped squirrel." During 10 years of being in Rammstein Richard managed as many as two whole times: from uncut strands to everyone's favorite mad hedgehog. Color ranged from naturally dark to silvery blue to black with red tips. The eyes are standard blue, likes to scare others with Marilyn Manson lenses. Height is 180 cm, the weight gained (along with authority) is already approaching 90 kg. Richard learned English by the Schneider method. In addition, the secretive lead guitarist, it turns out, has a certain weakness for the Russian language, but he carefully hides it, apparently fearing that he, too, will be forced to talk about "kvass and pirozhki". The song "Engel" can also be attributed to personal merit. And to the disadvantages - a terrible fear of large audiences. And this man plays in a band that travels all over the world! And most importantly, he plays well.
As a way to calm my nerves, I bought three cars at one time. "Volkswagen Bora" 2002 onwards dark blue, "Porsche" 2000 onwards bottle color. And, finally, "Rextor" 2003 black.

http://www.rammstein.de rammstein.de]">
years1994 to present
A countryGermany
Genreindustrial metal
Neue Deutsche Hrte
labelUniversal Music Group
CompoundTill Lindemann (vocals)
Richard Kruspe-Bernstein (guitar)
Paul Landers (guitar)
Christian "Flake" Lorenz (keyboards)
Christoph "Doom" Schneider (drums)
Oliver Riedel (bass guitar)
Former members
Other projects of participants(((Other projects of the participants)))

Rammstein (German: Rammstein) is a German rock band formed in 1994. Their musical style, which they themselves have nicknamed Tanz-Metal, or "dance metal", combines elements of metal, industrial and electronic music.
The opinion that the name of the group - Rammstein - comes from the West German city of Ramstein (German: Ramstein), where 70 people died in 1988 as a result of a plane crash that occurred at an American Air Force air show, for a long time was not confirmed by the members of the group, however, initially the group performed under the unambiguous name Rammstein-Flugschau (Airshow-Rammstein). The song "Rammstein" is the "calling card" of the group, from which it takes its name - the memory of the tragedy that occurred at the Rammstein Air Force Base. The additional letter "m" in the name of the group means that it literally translates as "a ram made of stone."

Despite the fact that almost all the lyrics are written in German, the band is also very successful outside of Germany, and after the release of the album "Reise, Reise" they became the most popular group of all time singing in German. Several Rammstein singles reached the top ten in Germany.

French astronomer Jean-Claude Merlin, a fan of the group, discovered a minor planet in the asteroid belt in 2001. Asteroid #110393 was named "Rammstein" from him, after the band.

All band members are from the former German Democratic Republic, in particular East Berlin and Schwerin: Till Lindemann - vocals
Richard Z. Kruspe-Bernstein - guitar
Paul Landers - guitar
Christian "Flake" Lorenz - keyboards
Christoph "Doom" Schneider - drums
Oliver Riedel - bass guitar

Studio albums
Herzeleid, Motor Music, September 14, 1995
Sehnsucht, Motor Music, August 22, 1997
Mutter, Motor Music, March 4, 2001
Reise, Reise, Motor Music, September 27, 2004
Rosenrot, Motor Music, October 28, 2005

Live albums
Live Aus Berlin, August 30, 1999
Mutter - Limited Tour Edition October 30, 2001

Saalfeld (Silver Party, Berlin), December 31, 1994
Schtiel (Harley Party, Moscow), August 30, 2003

Du Riechst So Gut, August 17, 1995
Seemann, January 2, 1996
Engel, April 1, 1997
Engel, Fan-Edition, May 23, 1997
Du Hast, July 21, 1997
Das Modell, November 21, 1997
Du riechst so gut "98, May 25, 1998
Stripped August 11, 1998
Asche zu Asche, January 15, 2001
Sonne, February 12, 2001
Links 2 3 4, 14 May 2001
Ich Will, September 10, 2001
Mutter, March 25, 2002
Ich Will UK, 13 May 2002
Feuer Frei!, October 14, 2002
Feuer frei! UK, November 13, 2002
Mein Teil, July 26, 2004
America, September 13, 2004
Ohne Dich November 22, 2004
Keine Lust February 28, 2005
October 7, 2005
Rosenrot, December 16, 2005
Manngegen Mann, March 3, 2006

Video clips

In chronological order: Seemann ( Sailor)
Du Riechst so gut (you smell so good)
Rammstein ( Rammstein)
Engel ( Angel)
Du hast (You hate )
Das Modell ( Model )- was not officially released because the band didn't like it
stripped ( Nude )
Du Riechst so gut" 98 (you smell so good)
Sonne ( Sun )
Links 2 3 4 ( Left 2 3 4 )
(Ich Will) I want )
mutter( Mother )
Feuer frei! (Put the fire out!)
Mein Teil ( A part of me )
America ( America)
Ohne Dich Without you )
Keine Lust ( I don `t want )
gasoline ( Gasoline)
Rosenrot ( beautiful)
Manngegen Mann (man against man)

Notes: The video for "Du Riechst so Gut" was released twice as the band wanted to change the song.
Joulia Stepanova plays Snow White in the Sonne video. In some parts of the clip, where Snow White is standing over the band members, it is actually a very tall basketball player, and the girl's face and hands were superimposed using a computer.
The Du Hast video features a GAZ-21 Volga car, and the clip itself was filmed at a former Soviet military airfield.


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