Ranh under the President of the Russian Federation is official. Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation


Where to go, which institution of higher education is better - these are topical issues for applicants. When choosing a university, first of all, you should think about what you would like to do in the future, what place to occupy in life. When striving for managerial, analytical and scientific activities, you should pay attention to the RANEPA (decoding - Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration).

History of the university

In the late 70s, the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR began to function in the Russian capital. The task of this institution was to improve the skills and retrain leadership personnel. In the Soviet years, heads of various organizations, specialists and heads of government bodies studied here. In 1988, the rector decided to open an educational institution on the basis of the Academy - the Higher Commercial School.

In 1992 there were some changes. The establishment received a new name. From now on, the institution began to be called the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2012 there were dramatic changes. The Academy, in accordance with the Decree of the President, was joined by several state universities. As a result, a new higher educational institution with a rich history appeared - the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (abbreviated designation - RANEPA).

University at present

The Presidential Academy is considered the leading one in Russia. It trains in-demand specialists: economists, lawyers, journalists, future leaders, managers, civil servants. Education is very effective, because it includes new educational technologies. The programs include active learning methods (business games, computer simulations, "situational cases") that allow you to gain various practical skills.

The main Presidential Academy (RANEPA) is located in Moscow. However, this does not mean that people who are going to enter here should go to the capital of the country. This state educational institution has a huge number of branches. There are more than 50 of them. All of them are dispersed throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the educational institution

Considering the university, you should pay attention to its structure. The State Presidential Academy includes several faculties - educational, scientific, administrative structural units that train students in various specialties. Some faculties in RANEPA function as institutes.

So, the structure of the academy includes the following units:

  • Institute of Management RANEPA;
  • higher school of corporate management;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • higher school of management and finance;
  • Institute of Social Sciences, etc.

Undergraduate and Specialist

RANEPA (Moscow) has the widest selection of undergraduate programs. Applicants are offered various directions in which they can study full-time, part-time, part-time (information on the forms of study should be clarified at the admission committee of the head university or branch):

  • Applied Informatics;
  • psychology;
  • economy;
  • management;
  • municipal and state administration;
  • international relationships;
  • personnel Management;
  • social sciences, etc.

The State Presidential Academy (RANEPA) also invites to the specialist. It is represented by four directions. These are "Economic security", "Customs", "Psychology of official activity", "Ensuring national security (legal)". Training is carried out on a full-time basis.

Master's degree at RANEPA

Having any person can try his hand at entering the master's program at the Presidential Academy - a state educational institution. This is the second level of higher education. The university provides training in 17 areas ("Economics", "Jurisprudence", "Municipal and State Administration", "State Audit", "Foreign Regional Studies", etc.).

Master's degree at RANEPA (Moscow) allows not only to extend the student body for a couple of years. It gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge in an existing specialty or get another profession. A master's degree opens up new career prospects, because some positions are not assigned to people with a bachelor's degree.

In the state academy for a master's degree, you can choose any form of study that is most convenient for you (full-time, part-time, part-time). It is also worth noting that in some areas you can study for free at the expense of the state budget. Applicants enter the budget places when passing through the competition.

Further education

Persons wishing to devote their future life to scientific activity, the Presidential Academy invites to graduate school. Preparation is carried out in several directions:

  • jurisprudence;
  • economy;
  • religious studies, philosophy and ethics;
  • sociological sciences;
  • information and librarianship and mass media;
  • psychological sciences;
  • political sciences and regional studies;
  • cultural studies;
  • archeology and historical sciences;
  • informatics and computer technology.

Postgraduate studies include:

  1. Study of disciplines (modules). For each of them, as a result, either a test or an exam is given.
  2. Passage of pedagogical practice. This stage of training allows you to gain new skills and professional experience.
  3. Conducting research work. This stage of training is supervised by the supervisor.
  4. Passing the state final certification.

Postgraduate students receive a diploma with the qualification “Researcher. Lecturer-researcher.

Admission to RANEPA

To enter the Russian Academy, you must select the faculties and institutes that are of interest, submit a package of documents (passport, application, certificate or diploma, photographs, papers that confirm individual achievements). The selection committee takes into account the results of the Unified State Exam (for each direction, specific exams are determined that are taken into account by the university). Those who do not have them take entrance examinations at the academy in the form of written tests.

Applicants to the magistracy in order to test their knowledge are assigned an exam in the profile discipline. In some areas, the Russian Academy of National Economy provides for the delivery of additional tests and a foreign language.

on the budget

Many applicants entering the RANEPA, branches of the university, apply for state-funded places. However, their number in the educational institution is limited. To study at the expense of federal budget money, you must pass through the competition. To do this, you should prepare well for the exam or entrance examinations in order to score as many points as possible.

RANEPA statistics show that the best applicants with good knowledge enter state-funded places. In 2016, the passing score was quite high. So, in the "Public Relations and Advertising" direction, he scored 277 points (the sum of three Unified State Examinations or the results of entrance examinations), in the "International Relations" direction - 272 points.

Frequently Asked Questions

People who have chosen RANEPA, branches of this university, are often interested in whether it is possible to somehow get to know the academy better, find out additional information about the faculties and institutes they like. The educational institution periodically holds At these events, you can find out the conditions for admission, ask questions of interest.

Also, applicants often ask if the Russian Academy has hostels in Moscow, where nonresident students can live in the future. The university has a hotel and residential complex. There are also several hostels. Settlement, as a rule, begins at the end of August. One thing is required from students - to conclude a contract of employment. Otherwise, the university refuses to provide a place in the hostel.

State License, No. 1471 dated July 1, 2008
Accreditation, No. 1262-06 July 4, 2012

The Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" is considered the leader in training specialists for public service in government apparatus and municipal administration. Unfortunately, most leaders do not have proper training, so government orders are not executed. Managers need appropriate training. The RAGS is developing a methodology for training management personnel for the state machine. The Academy provides professional development and retraining services for employees holding managerial positions.

Educational programs at the RAGS

RAGS specializes in training personnel for the civil service and municipal government. Accordingly, curricula include information on personnel management, organization of productive work of various structures and other subjects, knowledge of which can increase the productivity of a manager. The institute trains both young people and established professionals who need to retrain to improve their leadership skills or improve their skills. At the same time, the effectiveness of training does not depend on the age and position of students. Useful information will be available to all trainees.

Scientific activity of the institute

For the successful training of personnel for the government, the institute is constantly improving its educational programs. That is why he is in high positions in. Successful activities are ensured by huge analytical and computing complexes that collect relevant information, classify and analyze it. The results of research and sociological surveys are used in the process of teaching students, thanks to which the most relevant information is taught at the university and the best methods of teaching leadership are used.

Strategic role of RAGS

The RAGS trains the leading cadres of the country, from whom the future of Russia will depend, starting with district administrations and ending with ministries. The teachers of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation have a responsible mission to prepare the future elite of Russia. If the professors of the institute fail to teach their students how to properly manage personnel and state property, then this can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, the leadership of the Institute carefully selects a teaching staff that can cope with the mission entrusted to it.

Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation- a state educational institution of higher professional education, a large educational and research center.

Education at the academy is conducted under the bachelor's, master's, MBA and DBA programs; The academy offers postgraduate and doctoral studies. The main structural divisions of the academy: 16 faculties (including economics; finance and banking; economic and social sciences; having the status of faculties Higher School of Corporate Management, Higher School of International Business; Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences; Higher School "Institute of Management and Marketing"; Russian-German Higher School of Management) and 3 research institutes: ; Department of Business Informatics of the Faculty of Economics; and Institute of e-Government Architecture.

Training in postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out in the following specialties: 08.00.05 - "Economics and management of the national economy." Specializations: industry, macroeconomics, services, entrepreneurship. 08.00.10 - "Finance, money circulation and credit".

The structure includes 16 faculties, 3 research institutes. 3 academicians, more than 100 doctors of sciences, about 200 candidates of sciences teach.

The Academy of National Economy was established in 1977 as a government educational institution of the USSR for the training of senior management personnel - general directors and chief economists, heads of ministries, departments and other higher government bodies - which received the unofficial name "forge of ministers". Former name - Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the Academy has been actively involved in the development of a modern system of business education in Russia, the training of highly professional specialists - entrepreneurs, managers, financiers, bankers, lawyers. The Academy became one of the first Russian universities to start implementing MBA programs. Among the graduates of the Academy are heads of federal and regional authorities, including the Government of the Russian Federation, well-known politicians, top managers of Russian and foreign companies.

1977 Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers on the organization of the Academy of National Economy of the USSR

1988 Establishment of the first commercial faculty "Graduate School of International Business"

1990 Establishment of the Delo publishing house within the structure of the Academy to issue business and economic literature corresponding to the modern level of education

1991 Establishment of the faculty of academic study programs. The construction of the building on Vernadsky Avenue, known as "Crystal", was subsequently never completed.

1992 The Academy initiates the development of Russian MBA standards

Creation of the faculty "Russian-German School of Management"

1994 Establishment of the faculty "Institute of Business and Business Administration"

1995 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on awarding the Academy the official status of a leading educational, methodological and scientific center in the system of retraining and advanced training of civil servants of federal and regional authorities, as well as a leading educational institution that trains specialists in the field of higher professional, postgraduate and additional education and the creation of a faculty executives of state authorities and local self-government

Establishment of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Creation of the faculty "Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences"

1996 Establishment of the Faculty of Law. M. M. Speransky

Establishment of the faculty "Higher School of Financial Management"

1997 Establishment of the faculty of executives of public authorities and local self-government

Creation of the faculty "Computer technologies in business"

1998 Establishment of the faculty "Institute of Management and Marketing"

Beginning of the implementation of the State Program for the Training of Managerial Personnel (Presidential Program). One of the teachers of this faculty is A. L. Besedin.

1999 Beginning of the state experiment on the introduction of the MBA in Russia, initiated by the Academy

2001 Establishment of the Faculty of Finance and Banking

Creation of the Faculty of National Economics

Launch of the first DBA program in Russia

2002 Establishment of the faculty "Higher School of Corporate Management"

2003 Establishment of the Faculty "School of Land Markets"

2004 Establishment of the Faculty of Innovation and Technology Business

2007 Academy celebrates 30th anniversary

Holding the International Conference "Social and Economic Development of Russia: New Frontiers"

2008 20th anniversary of the faculty "Higher School of International Business"

2010 On May 27, the official opening of the InCube Business Incubator of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation took place in Moscow. The initiator of the creation of the Business Incubator is the rector of the Academy of National Economy Vladimir Alexandrovich Mau. The head of the Business Incubator of the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation is a well-known businessman and Kingston MBA teacher at the Academy of National Economy Alexei Komissarov. The business incubator at the Academy of the National Economy of the Russian Federation will start implementing the first projects from September 2010.


  • Faculty of academic study programs
  • Faculty of Higher School of Corporate Governance
  • Faculty "International Institute of Public Service and Management"
  • Faculty of Higher School of International Business
  • Faculty of Higher School of Financial Management
  • Faculty of Public Administration
  • Faculty of Innovation and Technology Business
  • Faculty
  • Faculty "Institute of Management and Marketing"
  • Faculty "Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences"
  • Faculty of Economics
    • Department of Business Informatics
  • Faculty "Russian-German Higher School of Management"
  • Faculty of executives of public authorities and local self-government
  • Faculty of Finance and Banking
  • Faculty "School of Economics of Land Markets"
  • Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
  • Center for International Projects
  • Faculty of Law. M. M. Speransky
  • NOU "Institute of Business and Economics"

see also



  • Universities alphabetically
  • Appeared in 1977
  • Economic educational institutions
  • Subordinate bodies of the Government of the USSR
  • Academy of Moscow

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See what the "Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation" is in other dictionaries:

    Academy of National Economy (under the Government of the Russian Federation)- Moscow, ave. Vernadsky, 82. Social work. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. S. 471) See also Universities Ch488.84(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    ACADEMY OF PEOPLE'S ECONOMY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ANKh- State higher educational and scientific institution of federal jurisdiction. Founded in 1977 as the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the retraining and education of managerial personnel for the sectors of the national economy. WITH… … Financial and Credit Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Under the Government of the Russian Federation (ANH). Founded in 1978 in Moscow. Current status since 1992. Training of top management specialists, etc. At the Academy of National Economy, the Higher School of International Business and other educational units. * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

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The newly formed Academy under the President of the Russian Federation - RANEPA - is the largest university in Russia and Europe in the socio-economic and humanitarian profile, rightfully occupying the top lines in all national rankings. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 902 dated July 7, 2011, the Academy has the right to independently establish educational standards and requirements for the educational programs of higher professional education it implements.

The mission of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation is:

  • preparation of globally competitive and adaptive managerial personnel for the state, public and private sectors in order to solve the problem of innovative development of society;
  • implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research and development in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres;
  • scientific and expert-analytical support of public authorities of the Russian Federation.

The main principles of the Academy's activities:

  • continuity of education. Modern education accompanies the manager and specialist throughout his professional activity;
  • individualization of education. Students and listeners are given the opportunity to form their educational trajectory from a set of proposed modules in order to implement individual training and development programs;
  • internationalization of educational programs. Any professional activity involves the use of modern approaches, including advanced international experience. This necessitates taking into account the experience of leading foreign educational organizations when developing educational programs, inviting foreign teachers, increasing the share of foreign students in the general contingent of students, passing foreign internships by students and trainees, as well as developing student and teaching academic exchanges;
  • new educational technologies. The practice of leading Russian and foreign educational organizations convincingly demonstrates the effectiveness of active teaching methods in comparison with the passivity of the classical lecture and seminar teaching model. In this regard, active learning methods (“situational cases”, simulators, computer simulators, business games) and a project-based approach to learning (projects focused on achieving practically significant results by students during and after the end of the educational program) become the basis of the Academy's programs;
  • competence approach. Educational programs are guided not by a standard set of lectures and the number of hours of classes, but by the mastery of students with certain practical competencies. Programs should clearly record what set of new qualifications and competencies the trainees will receive at the end of the training program;
  • identifying centers of excellence that provide competitive educational services, and creating on their basis the methodological and organizational core of a modern system of continuous education of managerial personnel.

The Academy is the only educational institution in Russia under the President of the Russian Federation!

We are very sorry we did. Institute of Management and Marketing RANHIGS not only that the teaching staff for the most part is very weak, unprofessional, the lectures are not interesting. So also, starting with the dean Alexander Sergeevich Senin, his deputy Olga Yuryevna, there is no respect for students, no mutual understanding, only naked ambitions and a cover like this is a cool university under the President. I would like to note that in addition to the name, one must also be able to correspond to this name. While these...

The Balakovo branch of the RANEPA is a complete bottom. Of course, he is to blame for what he did. But this does not diminish the following facts: 1) RANEPA is just a big office with over 50 branches for money laundering; 2) RANEPA is just a publicized vessel, in which there is emptiness! Many professions are praised - in fact they are simply not needed! 3) 80% of teachers, along with graduates, should work as waiters, porters and couriers - they don’t teach anything! It's just stupid work of a stenographer, copying for no purpose ...

IPNB RANEPA. Let's start right off the bat. Does the Academy's presidential status correspond to reality? From the literal interpretation of the name of the Academy, it is clear that there is some kind of connection between the Academy and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Is it so? On the website of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, we can see organizations and institutions that are part of the structure or financed by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. We will not find RANEPA there. However, until recently there was the Higher School of Economics, the late RAGS, and now ...

As a mother of a student, I am outraged that the graduation pre-defense is taking place at night! Everyone was driven to 11.00 - hundreds of guys and in the morning they stand in line. At 22.45 there are 80 more waiting! No tea or water was offered. Just a mockery of the students! How can they still think at such a time and after all this!

Explain how this can be (taken from Dissernet): "It turned out that an associate professor at three Moscow universities (including the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation!). A. Zaghmut (nee Hashem) on May 12, 2010 defended at a meeting of the dissent council D 212. 203 29 Ph.D. thesis (specialty 12.00.02 and 12.00.11) at the State Educational Institution "Peoples' Friendship University of Russia" on the topic "Constitutional and legal guarantees of respect for human dignity at the stage of preliminary investigation as a subject of prosecutorial supervision". Exactly...

Wasted time and money. Nothing sensible and useful from the lectures on communication subjects head. It is impossible to endure the pulpit of sharkov. It's strange, this institution is under the president, is it really out of control.

Knowledge was very useful at the first job in order to adapt and easily integrate into a new life. Thanks everyone! Without high-quality and attentive to students teaching staff, no one will learn this. This, of course, does not apply to mediocre students. The point is not to go to school, and then pour mud and blame everyone.

Spiteful critics are all the same and uninteresting. A light accent and a pretty shell of epithets, carving out dubious facts, apparently, the strong point of those who were expelled from the SZiU, in particular, from the faculty of the State Medical University. Unfounded criticism is the lot of gossips.

IBDA is a typical education scam. The dean is an artist, the faculty of the Academy of National Economy of the 80s is combined with a program that has little in common with the requirements of employers for graduates ("second higher education"). The main filter "at the entrance" is a vile wench in the selection committee, rude with or without. As a result, students in the humanities are godlessly behind in those disciplines where you need not only to want, but also to be able to think and count quickly. Management policy: take more, no matter who, play...

No education. Sharaga is full. Fortunately, I didn’t go there, changed my mind, but my friend has been suffering for the 2nd year.

If you have no desire to learn and gain knowledge. If you just want to show off. If you have nowhere to spend money. If you're crazy about fooling around. If you are not ready for a serious life. That grace welcome! Many people like the Academy "only because they have not yet weaned from school and are not ready for an adult, serious life. And secondly, because, while studying, you can work somewhere / earn extra money. My verdict, I'm a FOOL , once bought into a beautiful name.

I entered the IBDA and realized that everything was not as it seemed at first sight. This is one hell of a nightmare. There are many disadvantages, but for me personally, this is the fact that they do not give any knowledge here. All in all, a waste of time and money. The university, by the way, is the MOST CORRUPT! It would be better if I entered MGIMO or the State University of Management.

I entered the Institute of Public Service and Personnel Management and realized that this was the biggest mistake in my life when I bought into a beautiful advertisement, which for some reason everyone praises. The training is terrible, almost non-existent. We're playing the fool for the 2nd course. Zero knowledge. Mostly non-Russian majors without brains study with us, who are just happy that studying is not annoying. Ordinary people also have no further prospects, without connections from this university in any way. They praise him because they do not want to admit that they are studying ...

I will apply for FEN. Friends study there and they like it very much. Good opportunities and prospects are provided by education at the RANEPA.

I study at the Faculty of Real Estate Economics, I get real pleasure, great professors, good guys. In this place, I'm really happy.

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