Horoscope calculation, part 8 Astrological houses (including the Ascendant). Ascendant - rising zodiac sign


Zodiac sign has a huge impact on temperament, appearance human, on the pattern of origin of the most important events. Unconsciously, a person chooses a particular profession or makes acquaintances with certain people under the influence of the zodiac. The sign affects luck, position in the family or in society.
The influence of planets and stars on everyday life cannot be underestimated. All people born on earth have two zodiac signs. One depends on the calendar dates of birth, the other is determined accurate time of birth. Zodiac sign, determined by the time of birth is called ascending. Thanks to rising sign a person has individual behavioral characteristics. It is he who determines the forms and characteristics of the individual’s contact with the outside world.
Knowing your ascending zodiac will help determine the type of personality that has a serious influence on a person’s life position, makes it possible to adjust traits character and form your own style.

The influence of the ascending zodiac sign on a person’s fate and character

Rising zodiac also called ascendant. This zodiac is directly related to the human physical body. Ascendant determines how a person is perceived by the people around him, he sets the outer side of the manifestation of personality, creates that very distinctive “zest”, image.
The first feeling that arises when looking at a person is created by the influence ascending zodiac. Exactly this one zodiac determines one’s own human “I”, level of independence and self-awareness.
Rising zodiac, as it were, puts a mask on a person by which the world around him evaluates him. This is like the entrance door to the inner world of a person.
Ascendant is taken as the basis for constructing a horoscope, since its other main parameters are based on it. Therefore, if a person sets out to build his real astrological horoscope, he needs accurate information about time of birth, and accurate to the minute.
Construction horoscope Quite a fun activity. You should not be upset if a person who wants to build his destiny according to horoscope, does not know the exact period of his birth. Man is the main astronomical figure, therefore he himself, without help horoscopes, can create his own destiny.

How to find out your ascendant sign?

Tend to be altruistic, friendly, a little aloof, impartial, humane, sociable, intellectual, freedom-loving, rebellious, independent and unusual. You are here to learn altruism, brotherhood and work for the common good, neglecting yourself and your needs for the sake of your friends and acquaintances. You have a completely unique, different way of looking at things. You can be very original and inventive and perhaps eccentric and bohemian at times. You are prone to vague, sudden impulses, sometimes being overly intuitive. With good mental abilities, you have organizational skills and are practical at the same time. You are smart, but sometimes cold-blooded and calculating when you feel worried. You also have a certain detachment. You cannot stand possessiveness and jealousy, constantly demanding personal freedom. Depending on the predominant wobble of Saturn and Uranus in your natal chart, caution, coldness and selfishness may be present with a strong Saturn, or there will be more altruism, freedom-loving and free-thinking with a strong Uranus. If the influence of Uranus is stronger, then there will be a pronounced predominance of spiritual values ​​over worldly materialism.

The main lesson to learn is: treat people with warmth (think less with your head and more with your heart).

Saturn and Uranus tend to rule Aquarius, so Saturn and Uranus will play an important role in your natal chart.

Aries Rising

People born in the sign of Aries Ascendant tend to be energetic, proactive, hasty, confrontational, selfish, impulsive, hot-tempered, aggressive, assertive, stubborn, independent as well as alert, mechanically inclined, physically active and self-centered in a bad way. A general dislike of restraint and restrictions of any kind, as well as a reluctance to follow anyone's instructions, may be typical for you. It is necessary to learn diplomacy and tact, as well as plan your affairs and projects in advance. By channeling your energy into more constructive goals, you will get better results. Like the ram that this sign symbolizes, you tend to bury your head in your problems in the hope that with enough effort, you will eventually be able to resolve everything and destroy all those obstacles that stand in front of you, even if there are People. You enjoy life's challenges and challenges, as you are very competitive by nature and sometimes too belligerent. You quickly get bored with routine, which is why you must learn perseverance, as you tend to jump from one thing to another, always looking for something new. Finish what you start before moving on.

The main lesson to learn is: learn patience.

Mars rules Aries and that is why its influence is so important in your natal chart.

Cancer Rising

For people born in the sign of Cancer Ascending, as a rule, they are characterized by: low vitality, empathy, compassion, passivity, caring, receptivity, patronage, changeability, extrasensory abilities, sentimentality, perseverance, as well as timidity, sensitivity and capriciousness. Just like Cancer, which is the symbol of the sign, you may have a habit of looking both ahead and behind you at the same time, not wanting to openly look into the future and always worrying about the past - this is what causes you great anxiety. You move through life sideways, never just looking straight ahead. You are sensitive and always retreat into your shell if you sense a threat approaching. Your feelings are easily hurt and even when there is no reason for it, you can take everything personally.

You love to travel, but you need to always be sure that home is waiting for your return. Safety means everything to you. Physical security for you is represented by the comfort of your home and the activities you engage in, while emotional security comes from owning possessions and possessions that have emotional value to you. In fact, that's why you try to keep everything - you are attached to all these things emotionally or physically. Once you receive something, you cannot let it go easily. You respond to life through sensations, not through thinking. Your mood moves up and down like the ebb and flow of the tides.

The main lesson to be learned is to learn discretion and develop the ability to discern - to set clear boundaries.

The Moon rules Cancer, so it is the aspect of the Moon that will be important in your natal chart.

Capricorn Rising

People born in the sign of Capricorn Rising tend to be sensitive, timid, adventurous, ambitious, control-loving, reserved, practical, down-to-earth yet conscientious, responsible, critical as well as cool-headed. It is likely that you experienced communication problems at an early age. You may be suffering from feelings of inadequacy. You have learned to overcome these feelings through strength and necessity, which gives you the determination to achieve your goals and objectives in life. Great ambitions and refusal to admit defeat until you reach the heights that you have set for yourself are your main quality. Money, position and power are important to you. Your restraint is at times regarded by people as coldness and indifference, while you, simply being responsible, are doing your duty. You may have problems with your knees, which are caused by your internal inability to be flexible.

The main lesson to learn is to learn how to communicate.

Saturn rules Capricorn and therefore Saturn plays an important role in your natal chart.

Gemini Rising

People born in the sign of Gemini Ascendant are usually friendly, sociable, easy-going, indecisive, insecure, like to do several things at once, witty, intelligent, very smart, excitable, temperamental and sometimes tense, although talkative, superficial and always ready for something. something new. It is likely that you have a dual character, just like Gemini, who represents your sign. A strong need to communicate in order to transmit and receive new knowledge is inherent in you. You love to read and travel, gaining the opportunity to embrace new horizons and knowledge. You need variety, and this can cause you to end up trying everything without being particularly good at anything. You tend to evaluate everything superficially, without delving into the deeper meaning of events. And although you may appear overly self-confident on the outside, you may lack inner peace and self-confidence. When speaking, you may gesticulate a lot.

The main lesson to be learned: learn to manage and control energy, as well as set priorities.

Mercury rules Gemini, which is why Mercury is so important when considering your natal chart.

Leo Rising

People born in the sign of Leo Ascending are usually generous, proud, emotional, romantic, vain, narcissistic, courageous, sentimental, confident, showy, extroverted and want to shine and be successful in everything. They like to "control", which is a consequence of their "royal" nature. You like to take risks, and sometimes even recklessly, but you definitely have a zest for life. The worst thing someone can do to you is hurt your pride or treat you with disrespect. You are reserved in matters of love and you want a partner you can be proud of, but you also want to be proud of you. You are a faithful protector of those you love. You may be quick-tempered, but you don't tend to stay angry for long. You like to play the role of a king and constantly feel increased energy around you.

You enjoy being the center of attention and will seek it by any means possible. You can be stubborn in your own way, although you are not as scary as people say you are. If your pride is affected or your dignity is hurt, then beware, because you can forgive, but you will never forget. You love sports and outdoor activities, and your resilience and spirit are strong. Since your need for love and affection is so great, you need to feel needed. If you are disappointed, you lose interest and desire to live.

The main lesson to learn is: learn humility.

The Sun rules Leo, so when looking at the natal chart you need to focus on the Sun.

Libra Rising

People born in the sign of Libra Ascendant tend to be charming, sophisticated, attractive, amiable, touching, indecisive, sociable, creative, musically inclined, and also harmonious. Feeling a desire to please in order to avoid causing trouble, you seek the approval and support of others. You enjoy being in company and hate being alone. You tend to try too hard to please others, violating your own principles, in order to be liked and to be popular. However, you can also be very self-centered, although you have a hard time saying no. You cannot stand disharmony and disorder and want everything to be balanced, balanced and harmonious. You like to consider all sides of an issue before making a decision. You love to compare things and find analogies. You enjoy debate and debate, but can also be very diplomatic and friendly. Appearance is very important to you. You tend to attract everything you need without putting much effort into it.

The main lesson to learn is to develop determination, especially in relationships.

Venus rules Libra, so its placement will be important in your natal chart.

Pisces Rising

People born in the sign of Pisces Ascendant tend to be sensitive, compassionate, empathetic, weak-willed, long-suffering, dreamers, as well as impressionable, impractical, indecisive, have psychic abilities, while at the same time being sentimental, romantic, idealistic, affectionate, easy-going. rising, but at the same time lazy, not caring about the daily affairs of life, absent-minded and in constant search of the Holy Grail. Sometimes you are too detached to realize what is happening. You can dream through life instead of living it. It is likely that you will be interested in music, dancing or drugs. Sometimes you are overcome by a deep feeling of loneliness that it seems that nothing in this world can cure it, although it is sometimes an absolute necessity for you.

You are very sensitive to the conditions of your environment, and this can affect your psyche and emotional background, since you, like a sponge, absorb everything that happens around you - whether it is good for you or bad. You are very attractive, but you must learn to be more practical and down-to-earth, and to focus your energy on the here and now. You must help others in this life, but you must learn not to succumb to the provocations of others and not to get involved in all kinds of sob stories.

The main lesson to learn is to be persistent.

Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces, so Jupiter and Neptune play an important role in considering your natal chart.

Sagittarius Rising

People born in the sign of Sagittarius Rising tend to be idealistic, ambitious, enthusiastic, religious or agnostic, travelers, physically active, risk-takers, sociable, as well as being extroverted, philosophical and a little judgmental and superficial. At the same time, you are always on the go and constantly looking for the best place for yourself. The symbol of Sagittarius is a centaur, half human, half animal, and this is perhaps who you really are. You have great aspirations, but you also have uncontrollable natural desires. You can set high goals for yourself and at the same time follow your base desires. You love animals, nature, sports, gambling, adventure and travel. You may lack concentration. You probably have a lot of acquaintances, but not many real friends. You tend to be more into casual relationships than serious relationships.

You are dominated by excessive impatience and a love of constant movement. You are always in search of a better life for yourself, while never stopping or slowing down to understand where you are and what is around you. You tend to be talkative, direct and to the point. You lack tact and diplomacy due to your outspokenness. Ideas are very important to you. In general, you enjoy working on large-scale projects, while small and insignificant details only cause you dislike. You promise a lot, but deliver significantly less than what you promised. You can rise to the heights or descend to the very depths. So what will you choose?

The main lesson to learn is: learn to control yourself and stop putting things off for later.

Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so it is important to consider when considering your natal chart.

Scorpio Rising

People born in the sign of Scorpio Rising are usually secretive, deep, reserved, mysterious, reserved, difficult to understand, but at the same time courageous, strong-willed, persistent, stubborn, as well as creative, self-sufficient, independent and silent. This is a powerful rising sign. It represents a battlefield where a person's higher and lower selves will have to fight. They must be aligned and eventually the lower self will have to submit and obey the higher self. God is within. And all levels without exception will be involved in this struggle: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Although you may be a calm person on the outside, you can be very emotional on the inside. As they say: “There are devils in still waters.”

You tend to be silent, always wanting to know other people's motives, but never divulging your own. And you really enjoy playing detective because you have to know everything: how, when and why. You have the determination and strength sufficient to overcome any opponent, even yourself. But the first thing you need to overcome is feelings of resentment, jealousy and possessiveness. You may be interested in occult abilities, death issues, sex or healing. You can be a devil or an angel, an eagle or a stinging scorpion.

The main lesson to learn is to learn to forgive.

Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio, so both Mars and Pluto will play an important role in your natal chart.

Taurus Rising

People born in the sign of Taurus Ascendant tend to be strong, resilient, determined, stable, practical, stubborn, non-aggressive, patient, affectionate, loyal and hardworking. But at the same time, they do not like change, are passive and modest, and are also firm in their convictions, although they have slow intelligence. Taurus can be led and persuaded, but never pushed or manipulated. Property and possessions, whether people or financial assets, are very important to you. You want to build and develop, but you shouldn't rush into it. You want to put your hands in, and then get practical results from your hard work. You can support what others have already started by continuing to develop it. Success comes to you because of your perseverance and will. Your love for sweet and fatty foods can cause excess weight. Try to be less rigid in all your affairs. And try to control any jealousy and possessiveness. You hate and fear illness and pain.

The main lesson to learn: learn to distance yourself from material possessions.

Venus rules Taurus, so the position of Venus will be important in your natal chart.

Virgo Rising

People born in the sign of Virgo Ascending tend to be practical, analytical, picky, fastidious, careful, demanding, detail-oriented, methodical, modest, shy, critical, judicious and somewhat self-centered. You have a brilliant, active and receptive mind. It is very important for you to acquire knowledge and direct it in the necessary direction to achieve a better result. You strive for perfection, although not many people could get along with you or be close to you, because your standards for yourself and others are quite high. And it is important to understand that others may not always meet these high standards. Finding fault with people and things is your strong point. Sometimes, it can even ruin your relationship if you constantly criticize your partner and what he does. Pessimism and self-criticism are two negative traits that you should try to overcome in yourself. You may worry too often, especially about small and insignificant things, which can affect your health and lead to health problems.

You need to learn to process each experience and accept it without bitterness, regret, anger or resentment. You need to get rid of any negativity that is caused by feelings of inferiority. You tend to look younger no matter your age. You are very restless and nervous and are rarely able to control these feelings. You may be very indecisive and unsure of yourself at times.

Key lesson to learn: Learn to interact with people

Sometimes, in order to understand the actions and behavioral factors of the people around us, we find out their dates of birth and turn to the help of astrology. After all, as far as we know, it is the zodiac sign that determines a person’s character. However, not everyone knows that appearance, fate and individual characteristics of character are formed by three indicators: the location of the Sun in the sky on the day of birth, which affects the inner world of the individual, the position of the Moon, which determines character, and the value of the ascendant. This raises the question: what does the last term mean, what does it affect, and how can you calculate the ascendant yourself?

The concept of the ascendant

The Ascendant (translated from Latin as “rising”, from English - “power”, “influence”, “predominance”, “dominance”) is the sign of the Zodiac, rising above the horizon at the moment of a person’s birth. In other words, the time when the starry sky with its entire planetary arrangement, capturing this moment, forms a personal horoscope for the newborn and his individual life path. This is the point of intersection of the eastern half of the horizon with the ecliptic plane.

The Earth and every point on its surface, rotating, passes through the entire area every day, fixing the meaning of the ascendant in a certain sign of the Zodiac. A person is assigned a sign, such as Capricorn, because this sign (and not the Sun, as many assume) is in the sign of Capricorn. The ascendant of birth is directly influenced by the place, time and date of birth.

What does it affect?

In many astrological systems, the ascendant is considered the central link and starting point in constructing a horoscope. Its unique imprint, received by a person at the moment of birth, becomes an integral part of the personality, a determining factor in behavior, character, appearance and attitude towards others. It determines your reaction to people, situations and how others see you. The Ascendant, which can be calculated independently, shapes individuality, personality traits, self-expression and worldview.

This point, in contrast to the sign of the Moon, which forms the deep cells of the subconscious, shows what lies on the surface, the face, the mask that a person demonstrates to others. The ascendant sign represents the outer layer, the shell of your self, and determines what people see first and foremost in you. The Ascendant (abbreviated as ASC) is called the gate behind which the inner world is located.

According to astrologers, the sign of the ascendant is a fundamental component of birth), the position of which determines the rest of the characteristics of the horoscope. Without calculating this criterion, a person’s horoscope will not be the most complete and relate specifically to the moment of birth.

How to determine the ascendant

  • Hour, day, month and year of birth.
  • Geographical longitude and latitude of the place of birth.

The ascendant is manually calculated using a special formula:

arctg (cos s / -[(tg f sin ε) + (sin s cos ε)]) = ASC, where

  • f is the geographic latitude of the place of birth;
  • ε - angle of inclination of the ecliptic to the equator (23-26 o);
  • s - local sidereal time (calculated by the formula s = S o + l + UT + d, where S o - sidereal time at Greenwich Mean Midnight of the desired date (can be viewed in the calendar);
  • I - longitude;
  • UT - universal time;
  • d - correction in time (UT (in hours) * 9.86) for the discrepancy between sidereal time and the average solar time.

The value of s must be multiplied by 15 to convert it to degrees.

The calculation can take a long time and does not guarantee the accuracy of the result, so it is better to turn to the help of computer programs.

Features of the programs

Before the advent of information technology, people turned to professional astronomers and astrologers to determine the ascendant. At the moment, everyone can analyze their horoscope and calculate their ascendant. You just have to become interested in these questions, and you won’t need to contact astrology specialists. For this purpose, there are special computer programs that allow you to receive the desired information about your ascending zodiac sign within a few minutes. The program will be able to calculate using formulas not only the value of the ascendant, but also its influence on character. After all, it is the ascending sign of the Zodiac that determines your goals, objectives and creative potential, even influencing your destiny.

It doesn’t matter if you do not have information regarding the latitude and longitude of your place of birth. The professional program will determine them itself, you just need to enter the country and city in the appropriate column (if your homeland is a village, indicate the nearby city), converting the local time into a global format (Greenwich Mean), and then into sidereal (time relative to the fixed stars) . The sidereal day is not identical to earthly time; it is four minutes shorter than the Greenwich day.

One program, no matter how sophisticated it may be, will not be able to give you complete and comprehensive information regarding the degree of the ascending sign of the Zodiac and the location of other planets at the moment of birth. You can calculate the ascendant by date of birth and get a complete natal chart based on several programs, additional information, or with the help of a specialist.

Sun value

It is possible to determine the ascendant without resorting to the help of specialized programs, but simply by finding out the time of sunrise and sunset on your birthday. Let's look at the calculations:

  • If you were born at dawn, then your ascendant coincides with the solar sign of the Zodiac. For example, if you are an Aries, then your rising sign is Aries.
  • 2-4 hours after dawn, the meaning moves one sign forward, therefore, Aries, who made the light happy with his appearance at 8 o’clock in the morning, is based on the ascending sign of the Zodiac - Taurus.
  • 4-6 hours from sunrise shifts the native sign two more horoscopes forward. That is, the ascendant of Aries is Gemini.
  • If you were born around noon, the ascending point moves another three signs (Aries - Cancer).
  • 4-6 hours before sunset, your ASC will move another four signs, which means that Aries is already Leo.
  • Birth 2-4 hours before sunset is marked by the value of the ascendant in the sixth sign (Aries - Virgo).

Thus, it becomes clear that every 2-4 hours ASC moves approximately one sign forward. However, not all points move the same way; some may move faster or slower. Therefore, calculating the ascendant based on the time of sunrise is quite difficult; for greater reliability, it is better to seek the help of programs and professional astrologers.

The influence of the ascendant on appearance

It is well known that ASC can influence a person’s appearance. However, it cannot be said with complete confidence that a person will be outwardly exactly the same as his ascendant suggests. After all, genes play a significant role in the formation of physique and other elements of appearance. The genetic characteristics of the body, coupled with the influence of a certain zodiac sign, give the final result, determining the features of appearance.

Before finding out the ascendant, read the standard description of each zodiac sign.


Athletic build, medium height, energetic gait, open smile, direct, slightly piercing gaze. The activity and energy of the Fire sign are expressed in offensive life positions, incredible courage, bright initiative and raging energy. Hardy, strong, determined Aries always goes ahead and is prone to rash actions.


The connection gave the owner of the sign a dense, strong body, chiseled features, large eyes, and a square face. Slow, reliable, considering every step, appreciating luxury and comfort, Taurus is under the protection of Venus, who has endowed him with sensual charm.


Geminis have short stature, an agile, thin physique, pointed facial features, a lively, open look, and a swift gait. Geminis are incredibly smart and intelligent, sociable and friendly, and have agile facial expressions. They are witty, multifaceted and capable of showing talent in several areas at the same time.


Cancers are compliant, touchy, and have an incredibly secretive nature. Representatives of the Ascendant in this sign are usually of medium height, have soft features, a round face, a gentle voice, thin wrists, fingers and legs. Cancers are absent-minded, dreamy, sensitive people, they value family and home, they have a hard time making contact with strangers, but they know how to manipulate the behavior of others.

a lion

The Ascendant and appearance of Leo are characterized by majestic posture, a beautiful head shape, a dazzling smile, and thick hair. Leos are incredibly proud, energetic and quick-tempered, and have pronounced organizational and leadership abilities. The protection of the Sun gives Leos courage, boldness, and self-confidence.


The sixth sign of the Zodiac - Virgo - is distinguished by tall or medium height, a fragile physique, aristocratic facial features, and a tenacious, attentive gaze. The dominance of Mercury endowed Virgo with an analytical mind, a high degree of observation, and demandingness towards herself and others. Virgos are balanced, a little petty and picky.


The Ascendant in Libra suggests a well-built figure, rounded shapes, a dazzling, incredibly charming smile, and delicate, sharpened facial features. The patronage of Venus endows representatives of this sign with beauty, charm, and composure. Libras are born diplomats and aesthetes. They strive to achieve harmony in everything, but are sometimes quite indecisive and absent-minded.


Scorpios have a strong physique, prominent facial features, and a piercing, hypnotizing gaze. They are distinguished by iron willpower, tough character, determination and absolute fearlessness. They are secretive, distrustful and capable of extremes.


Representatives of the ascendant sign in Sagittarius have an athletic build, small, pleasant facial features, a friendly, slightly mocking look, and a tendency to be overweight. Sagittarians are positive, friendly, energetic, sincere, and love to travel. They are sometimes tactless and straightforward, but they are always honest and open.


Capricorn is tall, thin, has a deep, thoughtful look, a radiant smile, and strong, resilient legs. The influence of Saturn makes Capricorn ambitious, ambitious, prone to stress and depression. He is disciplined, reliable and focused on career and power.


The Ascendant in Aquarius gives the owners of this sign a dense physique, developed muscles, chiseled facial features, and a contemplative look. Aquarius is sociable, a little eccentric, has extraordinary thinking, and an unpredictable character.


Medium or short height, large dreamy eyes, beautiful, thick hair, large hands and feet distinguish Pisces from the many representatives of the horoscope. Pisces are endowed with the ability to foresight, developed imagination, and a certain “otherworldliness”. They are indecisive, lazy, secretive, giving the impression of slow and sluggish people. Although in reality this is not always the case.

Astrologers believe that calculating the ascendant can be very important for a person. After all, knowing your rising sign will allow you to get acquainted with the most complete characteristics of your personality, creative potential and factors that can influence your destiny and make them more real.

Every person has two zodiac signs. The first sign is determined by the hour of birth. It is called the rising sign, or ascendant, and characterizes the individual personality of a person.

The second sign is determined by the birthday. It is called solar and according to the position of the Sun it records the degree of birth, which characterizes the unique essence of a person.
The first part of the book explains how to determine your ascending sign by the hour of birth in order to know the inner forces that contribute to the revelation of the capabilities and character of the individual.
The second part of the book reveals the hidden meaning of the birthday, fixed by the degree of birth, and defines those leading manners that, through their patronage, actively influence the formation of earthly opportunities provided to the embodied entity.
Separately, the definition and characteristics of the leading planets during their stay in a particular zodiac sign and their direct influence on the course, rhythm and color of the life cycle are given.

Rising sign (ascendant) – a person’s personality

The ascending sign, which is determined by the hour of birth, characterizes a person’s personality.
A person’s personality is a set of properties and qualities of character, its external manifestation, as well as physical and spiritual potentials that are given to the entity for the realization in earthly conditions of the opportunities provided by the degree of birth.
The sphere of activity of the individual is earthly life.
The sun sign, which is determined by the birthday, characterizes the essence of a person.
The essence of a person is the spiritual basis of individuality, his ego, his monad, which carries within itself the experience of all past incarnations.
The field of activity is endless life on a subtle level.
The personality is constantly under the control and influence of the essence, taking upon itself all the joys and hardships of physical existence in the dense material world.
In his activities, the individual is completely independent and free to make any decisions. However, her every decision is recorded by the Higher Powers, which monitor the fulfillment of fate (karma).
As mentioned above, the totality of personality properties and qualities determines the ascending sign.
The rising sign can coincide with the solar sign and thus enhance all its qualities and, giving it its vital energy, determine the character, often strong. A person becomes the bearer of his double sign, that is, he initially becomes twice Capricorn, or twice Aries, or, say, twice Sagittarius.
However, often the rising sign is not a mirror image and does not coincide with the solar one. Such people become carriers of the vital energy of two signs of the Zodiac. This is what often leads to confusion in the minds of those who are familiar only with the beginnings of astrology. They see the behavior of a person in front of them, they know his birthday, that is, they know the sign of the Zodiac, and they cannot understand either his actions or character traits, because they do not correspond to this specific solar sign, its characteristics. In such cases, they usually give up on astrology as a very approximate science, far from concrete, and in general... How can you trust the signs of the Zodiac if we know for sure that this person was born in early January and according to the horoscope he is a pure Capricorn, but in reality he behaves like a real Gemini?
Such examples are often found in everyday reality, and people who are superficially familiar with astrology blame the ancient science without reason. They just don't know that
Every person has two zodiac signs, and in the above example, Capricorn, who is born at the typical hour of birth, has an ascending sign in Gemini, and it is they, the qualities of Gemini, that dominate behavior. We repeat - in behavior, that is, in the external manifestation of the essence. But inside, at his core, this person remains a Capricorn, and when it comes to serious issues, he will show his flinty Capricorn hardness.
Often the ascending sign has a decisive influence on a person’s appearance: on his face, on the physical structure of the body. A man will look at a chubby woman, consider that in front of him is a charming and sensual crayfish, he begins to court, make acquaintances, but in reality it turns out that instead of the emotional sensuality of the crayfish, he met the cold prudence of a Virgo.
The ascending sign is the external manifestation of the essence, the “clothing” by which it is met, in which it manifests itself, and in which it walks through life.
To avoid unpleasant mistakes in determining a person’s character, you need to learn to recognize his rising sign.

Determination of the rising sign (ascendant)

The ascending sign is determined quite simply. Take a simple tear-off calendar and open it to the page for a specific birthday. As a rule, all tear-off calendars indicate the time of sunrise. The time of sunrise on a specific birthday is the starting point, the starting position for determining the rising sign.

Next comes the arithmetic calculation. But before you start calculating the ascending sign, you need to know two rules.
First rule. The rising sign changes every two hours of direct time. There are 24 hours in a day, and there are 12 signs themselves, therefore, there are two hours for each sign.
Second rule. The determination of the rising sign begins from the moment the Sun rises, and the first rising sign will be the repetition of the given person’s sun sign. A person, for example, was born in the sign of Capricorn, and the first two hours after sunrise on the day of his birth will belong to the rising sign of Capricorn. And if a person was born in the sign of Taurus, then the similar first two hours will be the ascending sign of Taurus, then the hours of Gemini, Cancer, and so on will follow.
Let us explain with a specific example. The person was born on March 31st. Open the calendar and look at the numbers. They indicate that the Sun rose on this day at 6 hours 2 minutes. This is the starting time for determining the ascending sign.
And then comes a simple arithmetic calculation. If, for example, this person was born between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning, then his rising sign will be Aries, with all the ensuing consequences that strengthen his sun sign.
If you were born between 8 and 10 am, then your rising sign will be Taurus, which will impose its own characteristics and bring its own energy.
If born between 10 and 12, then his ascendant sign will be the sign of Gemini, which will leave its strong imprint on behavior and appearance.
The next rising sign will be Cancer, then after a couple of hours, it will become Leo, then Virgo and so on. The last ascending sign in this series will be the sign of Pisces, if a person was born on March 31 in the period between 4 and 6 o’clock, that is, just before dawn. It is quite natural that his behavior in life will be far from the habits of Aries.
Important feature. You need to know that if the ascending and solar signs belong to the same element or related ones, then they complement and strengthen each other. For example, Aries has an ascending sign in Sagittarius (the element of Fire) or in Aquarius, that is, in the related element of Air. But it is precisely this strengthening that can sometimes let a person down, since everything in life will be easy for him, which means that from constant “luck” he can become complacent and lose that vital vigilance and fighting energy that is so necessary for him in this earthly incarnation.
And vice versa, if the solar and ascending signs belong to unrelated elements, for example, Aries has a rising sign in Cancer, that is, the element of Fire (Aries) meets the element of Water (Cancer), then in such cases there is no mutual suppression and muting of characteristic qualities , and simultaneous feeding of opposite energies. They, as a rule, also complement each other with the high demands of these opposites. Here life does not go “like clockwork”: both the most global and the simplest life issues are resolved intensely, but in a more complete manner and often with better results than in the first case. Conclusion: this Aries in his earthly incarnation needs to have the “clothes” of Cancer in order to best fulfill the task, fulfilling his destiny.
Let us especially note that there are neither good nor bad combinations and each is given to a person for a specific purpose. Accidents are excluded, each soul, going into earthly life, into its next incarnation, knows well the goals, objectives, and conditions in which it will have to live, fulfilling its destiny.

Features of the rising sign (ascendant)

Now, knowing how the ascending sign is determined, let's move on to considering its characteristics and personality traits that it determines while being in each individual sign of the Zodiac.
The rising sign indicates the constellation that rose above the horizon at the moment when a person was born, and it is this constellation, or rather the sign of the Zodiac, that becomes the fulcrum in his earthly life, like home and earth, strengthening the concept of himself, of his will and its manifestation in the surrounding world, that is, characterizing the personality.
Below we give a description of typical, one might say normal, or ideal, or classical manifestations of ascending signs, although in reality it can be observed that these descriptions are somewhat inconsistent with individual specific cases. These differences, or rather, some changes in appearance and personality characteristics, occur for two reasons.
First reason. If at the time of birth there was a planet above the horizon in the constellation, which will influence these signs. A happy, related planet with its influence will strengthen the good and weaken the negative qualities of character, and vice versa if the planet turns out to be hostile.
The second reason. Influence the formation of personality and national characteristics, inherited characteristics, early education, environment, professional traits and geographical, racial influences - all have some influence on changes in both character and appearance.
We repeat that both of these reasons exist in reality, but they only partially influence, without changing the main characteristic. For example, the influence of a planet can be determined by a person’s appearance. Jupiter determines the tendency to be overweight. Mars develops the muscular system. Venus indicates graceful forms and pleasant appearance, a unique attractive smile. Saturn usually makes hair, eyes and skin color darker than the sign characteristic indicates. Mercury gives high and medium height, restless activity. Neptune indicates some physical sign - a pale, transparent complexion, something noticeable in the depths of the eyes, the line of the lips. Uranus leads to long limbs, slender forms or unusual, strange facial expressions and, often, an enlarged nose. Rising Mars, Uranus and Saturn usually leave their “mark” on the face or head in the form of a scar or mark.
The planet that appears above the horizon at the moment of birth affects the physical and mental makeup of a person.


For a long time, astrologers were forced to calculate on their own. Today there is no need for this, since special sites and programs allow you to obtain the necessary information online. One such site is astroland. Follow the link below the article to go to it.

Please enter your name, time and location in the appropriate fields. Please note that in different years, due to the translation forward and backward by an hour, the real time may differ from the official one. What you need is the real thing. Set additional options as desired. Click the "Create" button.

Scroll down the page until you see a circle and two tables to the right of it. The first line of the second table will indicate the ascendant (abbreviated as Asc): the sign indicated by a special accepted symbol, and degrees.

Another way to determine the ascendant is the special “Zet” program (listed below). Launch it after downloading, provide location information and . The program will automatically determine all the necessary data.

You can determine the impact on the third site listed below the article. From the list on the page, select your Zodiac sign and go to the next page. Among the proposed options, find the paragraph with your ascendant. The data provided on this site is not complete and exhaustive, since it does not take into account the degrees of the ascendant and the positions of other luminaries at the time of birth. You can calculate the full amount only with the help of a specialist and additional programs and information.


  • Horoscope calculation
  • how to calculate the ascendant

Ascendant is the vertex of the first house in the natal horoscope chart. What does this mean and why is it so important for drawing up an individual horoscope? The fact is that the Ascendant (Asc.), being the apex of the first house, shows how a person looks to others. In short, it affects the external manifestations of our character. The Ascendant will tell us how others perceive us, how they see us.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access;
  • - tables of the houses of Placidus or Koch;
  • - ephemeris:
  • - astrological tables for calculating the time of birth and the coordinates of the place of birth.


Since the Ascendant is a “rising sign,” people born closer to the rising of the Sun will be more consistent with their external manifestations (clothing, behavior, manner of communication). The greater the gap between the time of sunrise and the time of a person, the less external manifestations will correspond to his inner world. So how to calculate the Ascendant?

The easiest way to calculate the Ascendant is with the help of a special astrological program. Nowadays you can find good free astrological programs online that allow you to create an accurate map of a person without unnecessary pain. In addition, you can use the -service to calculate the ascendant.

If you decide to calculate the ascendant yourself, then be patient and have some free time. First you need to find the LM (local sidereal time), which corresponds to the time of birth of a person. To do this, you need the coordinates of a person’s place of birth, which can be found from any atlas or a special astrologer’s reference book “City Coordinates and Time Corrections.” The same reference book will help you find the standard time of birth of a person according to Greenwich Mean Time or GTM. The real time of the place of birth (RTM) can be found by looking for the Greenwich Mean Time correction. To do this, the longitude of the place of birth must be multiplied by 4 minutes. The result exceeding 60 minutes must be brought to an acceptable form, that is, converted into hours, minutes, seconds. Then the found correction must either be subtracted from the longitude (western longitude) or added to (eastern longitude).

Since the Ascendant is taken from the Placidus Tables of Houses, we need to find out the local sidereal time (LST). These tables indicate the values ​​of the vertices of the horoscope houses, which correspond to sidereal time according to Greenwich Mean Time (Sid Time). The RVM that was found above corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time. The correction is made using the table “corrections from solar time to sidereal time”. The value of the time interval we need will be located at the intersection of the row (minutes according to GTM) and column (hours according to GTM). This correction will be given in the form of minutes and seconds, so it will be tedious to bring it to an acceptable form (for example, 00h 24m 12s). And finally, you can find the local sidereal time: MSV = Sid Time (taken from the second column of the “Ephemeris”) + correction “from solar to sidereal time”.

Now, having the “Tables of Placidus Houses” in hand, calculating the Ascendant is very simple. Next, you need to find among the many tables the one in the upper left corner of which the desired local sidereal time (LST) is indicated. Then we find the column with the latitude of the place of birth (between the second and third tablets is the LAT column). Now you need to find the intersection of the LAT line containing the coordinates of the geographic latitude of birth, and the columns of the tablet containing local sidereal time (LST) in the upper left corner. The middle column of the table contains the Asc. value, which will represent the required Ascendant value. Asc is represented as sign coordinates. In order to determine which contains the Ascendant, you need to move up the Asc column. The first zodiac sign we encounter between the degrees and minutes of the Ascendant will be the zodiac sign containing the first house of our horoscope.


All astrological calculations are carried out in hours, minutes and seconds. Thus, 20.40.55 + 3.15.30 = 23.55.85 or 05.24.25 (bringing the result to an acceptable form).


  • THEM. Eliseev, G.R. Popova, “Astrology, first steps”, “Leningrad”, 1990.

Tip 3: What is the ascendant and how does it affect character

Astrology is not an official science, but many people resort to studying character by the stars. According to many years of astrological data, a person’s character is influenced by three components: the zodiac sign (the location of the Sun in one of the 12 lobes of the zodiac circle), the lunar sign (the location of the Moon) and the ascendant. Knowing the terminology and some features of the concept of the ascendant, you can calculate what strengths and weaknesses a person has.

What is the Ascendant?

If you draw a circle of movement of the Earth around the Sun (the plane of the ecliptic) and a line from the center to the east, then the ascendant will be the intersection point in the east of the horizon. The exact place of birth of a person helps determine where east is.

The zodiac sign (the location of the sun in a sign) reflects a person’s external behavior in relation to the world as a whole, career, and people. The Moon in a sign denotes internal characteristics, what resources a person has and how he sees himself. The Ascendant is ulterior motives. Considering the concepts from the point of view of psychology, the zodiac will be interaction with the world, the moon sign will be consciousness, and the ascendant will be the subconscious.

How to calculate the ascendant?

You can calculate the ascendant using special tables and schematic sketches. The approximate one is independently calculated according to the exact time of sunrise and sunset on a person’s birthday (can be viewed on the calendar).

Draw the zodiac circle. The starting point (sunrise) will be your zodiac sign. Every 2-4 hours after sunrise, the ascendant moves approximately one sign clockwise.

It happens that the rising point coincides with the sun sign. A person born at dawn will have a sign equal to the zodiac sign in his ascendant. This is called a double sign (eg, double, etc.). At the same time, all characteristics, both positive and negative, are enhanced.

The influence of the ascendant on character

The Ascendant is divided into masculine and feminine. Masculine signs are considered to be the signs of fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) and air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), while feminine signs are the signs of water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) and earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn).

If a woman has a female sign in her ascendant, this has a beneficial effect on motherhood and character in general. Smooth movements, softness, the ability to forgive, etc. appear.

The male sign enhances tough character traits and strong-willed qualities. A man with a masculine sign on the ascendant is a born fighter and conqueror. When the signs change: a man is born with a feminine sign, and a woman with a masculine one, this allows us to talk about the flexibility of character - a person easily adapts to any situation (provided that the ascendant is not clearly expressed).

A pronounced feminine ascendant in a man (Cancer, Pisces, Virgo) suppresses masculine energy, making a man timid and shy, driven in capable hands. And the male (Leo, Aries, Scorpio) ascendant in a woman makes the woman adamant and somewhat rude.

A complete character must be compiled taking into account all the features: typical-atypical zodiac sign (depending on the decade of birth), etc. It is worth considering that science denies the influence of a horoscope on character and attributes all sorts of coincidences to the strength of a person’s faith in prediction.

Tip 4: Scorpio on the Ascendant: interaction with the sun sign

People who believe in astrology usually pay a lot of attention to their zodiac sign. The sign under which a person was born is really very important. But the position of the ascendant at the moment of birth has no less influence on a person’s character. A particularly interesting situation arises if the ascendant is in the sign of Scorpio.

The ascendant is the rising point, the degree of intersection of the ecliptic with the eastern part of the horoscope. In a horoscope, the ascendant is marked with the letters Asc; it indicates the zodiac sign ascending at the moment of a person’s birth.

Ascendant Meaning

The rising sign has a very significant influence on a person’s personality, sometimes greatly changing his character. For example, a person was born under the sign of Scorpio - we can assume that he will be a strong-willed person. But at the time of birth, the ascendant was in Pisces, which determined the external manifestations of a person’s character - shyness, impracticality, constraint.

It is important to understand that the ascendant shapes precisely the external qualities of a person - the way he manifests himself in communication, in public. At the same time, the qualities of the solar sign are not canceled. A person born under the sign of Scorpio with Pisces in the ascendant will have a strong will, but it will manifest itself in his integrity, the ability to go towards the goal, no matter what. But outwardly he will be a rather weak, indecisive person.

Interaction with sun signs

Let's consider what external qualities a person with the sign of Scorpio in the ascendant will have. Scorpio has already been mentioned above, so let’s look at other signs of the Zodiac.

Sagittarius is a straightforward, freedom-loving person. Scorpio in the ascendant will give him freedom, self-confidence, and courage. This is a principled person for whom there are no authorities. Curious, questioning everything, always saying what he thinks.

Capricorn is practical, responsible, serious. Scorpio in the Ascendant further activates these qualities. Such a person can become a very good manager, demanding both of himself and of his subordinates.

Aquarius is an independent intellectual. Tolerant, friendly. Scorpio in the Ascendant will further enhance his independence. Can add impatience and determination. The inability to restrain himself will sometimes bring such a person serious trouble.

Pisces is a soft, compassionate person. Friendly, emotional. Scorpio in the ascendant will add will, determination, and courage to him. Such a person can become a great humanist, working for the benefit of people.

Aries is active, proactive, impulsive. Scorpio in the ascendant will add courage and determination to him. Such a person can achieve a lot.

Taurus is patient, hardy, practical. Scorpio on the Ascendant will give him the will to achieve his goals. A good option for a businessman.

Gemini is a contact, non-conflict person. Thanks to Scorpio in the ascendant, he will have the opportunity to promote his ideas and attract other people with him.

Cancer is reserved, caring, economical. Scorpio in the ascendant will give him self-confidence, activity, and enterprise. An excellent businessman and business executive.

Leo is proud, strong-willed, decisive. Thanks to Scorpio in the Ascendant, these qualities will be further enhanced. Such a person can become an outstanding leader, politician, or businessman.

Virgo is a neat, practical person. Scorpio in the Ascendant will allow him to achieve everything he dreams of. All plans are practical and realistic. No fantasies or sky-high dreams.

Libra - peace-loving, friendly, sociable. The Ascendant in Scorpio will give him will and determination. Excellent qualities for a politician and entrepreneur.

When analyzing a horoscope, the ascendant sign should be given the closest attention. It is the combination of the qualities of the solar and rising signs that indicates the basic qualities of a person’s character.

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